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CHN Assignment

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Term Definition

Virulence is a pathogen's or microbe's ability to infect or damage a host

Immunity the ability of an organism to resist a particular infection or toxin by the action of specific
antibodies or sensitized white blood cells.

Causative Agent refers to the biological pathogen that causes a disease, such as a virus, parasite, fungus, or
bacterium. Technically, the term can also refer to a toxin or toxic chemical that causes illness

Susceptible Host
means that even if some harmful germs enter the body, the person can 'fight them off' and
stay well. The ability of the body to defend itself against infection is called 'immunity'.

Carrier an individual who harbors the specific organisms of a disease without manifest symptoms and
is capable of transmitting the infection; the condition of such an individual is referred to as the
carrier state.

Fomites Refers to any inanimate object, that when contaminated with or exposed to infectious agents,
such as pathogenic bacteria, viruses or fungi, can transfer disease to a new host. For humans,
skin cells, hair, clothing, and bedding are common hospital sources of contamination of

Reservoir Any person, animal, plant, soil or substance in which an infectious agent normally lives and

Vector A vector is an organism that does not cause disease itself but which spreads infection by
conveying pathogens from one host to another.

Formite-Borne Refers to the transmission of infectious diseases by objects.

Hand-Borne Refers to the transfer of germs from contaminated hands to the mouth.

Communicable disease Diseases that are spread from person to person or from animal to person. The spread or
transfer can happen through the air, through contact with contaminated surfaces, or through
direct contact with blood, feces, or other bodily fluids.

Non communicable disease Medical conditions that are not infectious and cannot be passed from one person, or animal to

Infectious disease Infectious diseases are disorders caused by organisms — such as bacteria, viruses, fungi or

Mode of Transmission is the route or method of transfer by which the infectious microorganism moves or is carried
from one place to another to reach the new host. The modes (means) of transmission are:
Contact (direct and/or indirect), Droplet, Airborne, Vector and Common Vehicle. Portal of Entry

Sporadic appearing or happening at irregular intervals in time; occasional; appearing in scattered or

isolated instances, as a disease.

Surveillance attentive observation, as to oversee and direct someone or something: (e.g. increased
surveillance of patients with chronic liver disease)

Outbreak Control to immediately initiate relevant infection prevention control measures to prevent further
transmission and ensure minimum disruption to services.

Host used to connote the living body upon which or in which a disease agent or parasite lives--the
final recipient of an infectious agent

Epidemic a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time "a flu
Endemic (of a disease or condition) regularly found among particular people or in a certain area.

Epidemiology the branch of medicine which deals with the incidence, distribution, and possible control of
diseases and other factors relating to health

Pandemic (of a disease) prevalent over a whole country or the world

Isolation is public health practice used to stop or limit the spread of disease. Isolation is used to
separate ill persons who have a communicable disease from those who are healthy.

Quarantine A period of isolation decreed to control the spread of infectious disease.

Airborne are pathogenic microbes small enough to be discharged from an infected person via coughing,
sneezing, laughing and close personal contact or aerosolization of the microbe.

Vehicle-borne indirect transmission of an infectious agent that occurs when a vehicle (food or water) touches
a person's body or is ingested.

Vector-borne is any agent which carries and transmits an infectious pathogen into another living organism;
most agents regarded as vectors are organisms, such as intermediate parasites or microbes.

Health Indicators Definition

Crude Birth Rate is the number of live births occurring among the population of a given geographical area
during a given year, per 1,000 mid-year total population of the given geographical area during
the same year.

Crude Death Rate is the number of deaths occurring among the population of a given geographical area during a
given year, per 1,000 mid-year total population of the given geographical area during the
same year.

Infant Mortality Rate the number of deaths per 1,000 live births of children under one year of age. The rate for a
given region is the number of children dying under one year of age, divided by the number of
live births during the year, multiplied by 1,000.

Maternal Mortality Rate Maternal death or maternal mortality is defined by WHO as "the death of a woman while
pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective of the duration and site of
the pregnancy, from any cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or its management
but not from accidental or incidental causes.

Top 10 Leading Cause of Morbidity

1. Acute Respiratory Infection

2. Acute Lower Respiratory Tract Infection and Pneumonia

3. Bronchitis/Bronchiolitis

4. Hypertension

5. Acute Watery Diarrhea

6. Influenza

7. Urinary Tract Infection

8. TB Respiratory

9. Injuries

10. Disease of the Heart

Life Expectancy The average life expectancy at birth worldwide was 70 years for males and 75 years for
females in 2019.

Non-Communicable Diseases
Disease & Etiology/ Susceptibility Diagnostic Test Treatment Nursing Methods of
Definition Cause (Medical) Management Prevention &

CARDIO VASCULAR Blood test Medications. If Stop smoking

DISEEASE Atherosclerosis is Susceptible to lifestyle changes -Rapid triage to
the most common smokers, high Chest Xray alone aren't appropriate Have a balanced
A type of disease cause of blood pressure, enough, your environment for diet
that affects the cardiovascular high cholesterol, Electrocardiogram doctor may safe clinical care:
heart or blood disease. It can be unhealthy diet, coronary cre unit,
vessels. (ECG) prescribe Exercise regularly
caused by lack of exercise, medications to cardiology
correctable and obesity. Holter monitoring. control your heart ward,general Maintain a healthy
problems, such as disease. The type medical ward weight
an unhealthy diet, Echocardiogram of medication will
-Objective Cut down on
lack of exercise, depend on the
being overweight Stress test type of heart monitoring for Alcohol
and smoking. disease. change in signs
Cardiac and symptoms
catheterization suggestive of
procedures or response to
surgery. If treatment.
Tomography (CT) -Discharge
aren't enough, it's
scan planning and
possible your
doctor will referral to
Cardiac magnetic
recommend multidisciplinary
resonance imaging
specific disease
procedures or management
surgery. The type programme
of procedure will
-Anxiety of the
depend on the
patient should be
type of heart
addressed by
disease and the
extent of the
answering question
damage to your
and providing clear
information to the
patient and family.

-Ensure effective
and consistent
between the
patient and/or
family and
Mental Health Caused by a Mental illness itself Lab tests: may Your treatment Early recognition of 1. Translate
Diorders variety of genetic occurs from the include, for depends on the the disorders to scientific evidence
and environmental interaction of example, a check type of mental help prevent for cost-effective
Refers to a wide factors: multiple genes and of your thyroid illness you have, its potentially interventions into
range of mental other factors - such function or a severity and what dangerous public health
health conditions - Inherited traits: as stress, abuse or screening for works best for you. treatments from initiatives, clinical
disorders that common in people a traumatic event - alcohol and drugs. being given. practice and
affect your mood, whose blood which can Psychotherapy: service delivery
thinking and relatives also have influence or trigger Psychological involves talking Convey an attitude systems.
behavior. Examples a mental illness. an illness in a evaluation: may be about your of acceptance and
of mental illness person who has an asked to fill out a condition and understanding. 2. Increase social,
include depression, Environmental inherited questionnaire related issues with professional and
anxiety disorders, exposure before susceptibility to it. about your a mental health Conduct a political awareness
schizophrenia, birth: exposure to thoughts, feelings professional thorough of advancements
eating disorders environmental and behavior evaluation of and the importance
and addictive stressors, patterns. Some of the most patient’s of mental health
behavior. inflammatory commonly used complaints. prevention and
conditions, toxins, classes of promotion.
alcohol or drugs prescription Meet all physical
while in the womb psychiatric needs of the client 3. Move clinical
medications: during acute practice toward at-
Brain chemistry: feelings of illness. risk-oriented
neurotransmitters Antidepressants detection and
are naturally Avoid direct intervention.
occurring brain Anti-anxiety confrontation.
chemicals that medications 4. Provide
carry signals to Provide an interventions
other parts of your Mood-stabilizing environment that designed for each
brain and body. medications has structure and developmental
When the neural predictability as a stage aimed at
Antipsychotic strategy to minimising
networks involving the
medications decrease anxiety.
these chemicals impact of risk
are impaired, the factors.
function of nerve
receptors and 5. Promote
nerve systems interventions with
change, leading to a multidisciplinary
depression and and multilevel
other emotional (psychological,
disorders. social, familial and
legal) approach.

6. Promote healthy
lifestyles including
nutrition and

7. Encourage
(targeting children,
parents and

Assess the
Diabetes is a Types of diabetes: Host- and Diabetes can be Normalize insulin patient’s history Appropriate
chronic disease organism-specific diagnosed with activity-· This is management of
that occurs when Type 1 diabetes factors that may simple blood tests. the main goal of lifestyle can
the pancreas is no causes explain why people Your doctor can diabetes treatment Assess physical effectively prevent
longer able to with DM are more select one of four — normalization of condition the development of
make insulin, or Type 1 diabetes is susceptible to tests to assess if blood glucose diabetes
when the body caused by the particular you have diabetes. levels to reduce Assess the body mellitus.Standard
cannot make good immune system infections will be the development of mass index and lifestyle
use of the insulin it destroying the cells reviewed here. The Fasting plasma vascular and visual acuity of the recommendations,
produces. in the pancreas clinical features, glucose level neuropathic patient. metformin, and
that make insulin. diagnosis, and complications. Perform placebo are given
This causes treatment of A1C: Your A1C examination of to people who are
diabetes by leaving specific infections Intensive foot, skin, nervous at high risk for type
the body without that appear either Random plasma treatment. system and mouth. 2 diabetes.
enough insulin to to be more glucose level Intensive
function normally. prevalent in treatment is three The 16-lesson
Oral glucose to four insulin Laboratory
diabetics or to curriculum of the
intensive program
Type 2 diabetes have unique tolerance test injections per day examinations. of lifestyle
causes features when they (OGTT) or continuous modifications
occur in diabetics subcutaneous focused on weight
Type 2 diabetes are discussed insulin infusion reduction of
causes are usually separately. greater than 7% of
multifactorial – Exercise caution initial body weight
more than one with intensive and physical
diabetes cause is treatment. activity of
involved. Often, the Intensive therapy moderate intensity
most overwhelming must be done with
factor is a family caution and must It also included
history of type 2 be accompanied by behavior
diabetes. thorough education modification
of the patient and strategies that can
Gestational family help patients
diabetes causes achieve their
weight reduction
The causes of
goals and
diabetes in Diabetes
participate in
pregnancy also management has
known as five components
gestational and involves
diabetes remain constant
unknown. assessment and
modification of the
treatment plan by

Kidney Disease •Type 1 or type 2 Susceptible to GFR (glomerular Kidney Dialysis Giving information •watch your weight
diabetes people with High filtration rate) about their •eat healthily
A disease that can •High blood blood pressure, Kidney transplant condition, and •exercise regularly
affect your body’s pressure heart and blood Urinalysis educating them to •don’t smoke
ability to clean vessel disease, make informed •limit your alcohol
your blood, filter smoking,obesity. Imaging test decisions about intake
extra water out of long-term
your blood, and Biopsy treatment is
help control your thought to be
blood pressure. beneficial.

Cancer changes genetic Biopsy Cancer can be Nursing care Don't use
(mutations) to the predisposition to treated by surgery, should be tobacco
An abnormal DNA within cells. cancer Endoscopy chemotherapy, planned to
growth of cells radiation therapy, promote patient Protect skin
which tend to Blood test hormonal therapy, comfort from the sun
proliferate in an targeted therapy
Pap Smear Provide patients Eat a healthy
uncontrolled way (including
and, in some cases, immunotherapy and their balanced diet
Genetic Testing
to metastasize such as monoclonal families with
information Maintain a
(spread). Computed antibody therapy)
related to pain healthy weight
Tomography and synthetic
control and be
physically active
information Get immunized
about and
Regular cancer
assistance with
behavioral and
Prevent and
alleviate side
effects of

Promote patient
compliance with
therapy and
required follow up.
Communicable Diseases
Disease Etiology/ Causative Mode of Period of Susceptibili Diagnostic Treatment Nursing Methods of
and Cause agent transmissio Communica ty Test (medical) Manageme prevention
Definition n bility nt and Control

CHICKEN Caused by Human Direct Usually 1 - 2 Children Rash Chickenpox Maintain
taking. The
POX the herpes herpes virus contact days before under 12 examination typically good
zoster virus 3 (HHV-3) or rash appears years of age. needs no personal
an infectious Droplet or air and until all Blood test should elicit
and mainly varicella Although medical hygiene
disease born if a recent
affects zoster virus vesicles almost all treatment.
causing a Viral culture outbreak of
children, (VZV). have dried persons Your doctor
mild fever It could also up. chickenpox
who are It is develop may
and a rash of transmit in the Maintain
afterward extremely lifelong prescribe an
itchy indirectly community good
usually contagious, immunity antihistamin
inflamed through has occurred environment
immune. especially in after e to relieve
blisters. articles and if any al hygiene
the early chickenpox itching. But
freshly soiled stage of rash exposure to
infection, the for the most
by varicella at
eruption. virus may part, the
discharges school,
remain disease is Immunizatio
from vesicles daycare, or
latent in the allowed to n
and mucous among
body and run its
membranes family
recur many course.
of infected members
years later
people. has
as herpes
(shingles). Immunizatio
ns. It should
also be
whether the
child has
vaccine or if
the child is
steroid use)
to help guide
often have
severe and
and their
rate is higher
than that in

MUMPS Mumps is paramyxovir Transmitted is most often in Serology. There is no Teach Mumps
due to an us. by communicab school-age The mumps treatment patients and vaccine/MMR
Contagious infection by respiratory le from 6–7 kids and virus can be for mumps; families vaccine
disease the mumps secretions days before college isolated from the disease about the
caused by a virus. (e.g. saliva) to 9 days students. saliva, blood, must be importance
virus that from a after the Outbreaks urine and allowed to of
passes from person onset of are rare, but CSF in acute run its vaccination
one person already can happen. course. and infection
to another affected with parotitis. An outbreak phase. Treatment control
through the is when focuses on measures,
saliva, nasal condition. many people treating such as
secretions, from one symptoms to respiratory
and close area come Viral culture make the hygiene/cou
personal down with person as gh etiquette,
contact. the same comfortable and signs
disease. as possible. and
symptoms of
s, including
when to
notify their

Diptheria- Diptheria
DPT caused by - Diptheria- Diptheria Diptheria- Diptheria- Diptheria Diptheria- Diptheria-
the bacterial Corynebacte spreads Susceptible
Diptheria, microorganis rium (transmits) 1 week after person does Routine -Antibiotic In any -
tetanus, and mknown as diptheriae from person exposure to not posses examination suspected Immunizatio
pertussis are Corynebacte to person, 3 weeks sufficient diptheria n of infants
potentially usually after the resistance Bacteriologic immediately at ages 6
rium. Tetanus
serious through onset of against a al start weeks, 10
bacterial respiratory cough particular examination treatment weeks, and
Tetanus- tetani
diseases that caused by droplets, like pathogen to with 14 weeks
can be safely toxin made Tetanus Tetanus Tetanus- antotoxin
Pertussis from prevent
prevented in by spores of coughing or contracting Antibiotic and -Three
-Bordetella -Culture of
adults and bacteria, No person to antibiotic booster
parapertussi sneezing. that
person the wound doses can be
children with Clotridium s infection or
transmission site Tetanus given at
vaccines tetani, found disease
. ages 12-13
in soil, dust when -Tetanus
Tetanus- Monitor CBC, months, 1-
and animal exposed to antibody test
spread by Pertussis the serum 7years,and
the direct electrolytes,
Pertussis- transfer of C. disease pathogen. -Spatula test Pertussis- arterial 9-15 years
caused by a tetani spores occurs 3-12 blood gases,
type of from soil and days after Tetanus- Antibiotic glucose, Tetanus-
bateria excreta of exposure to Susceptibilit clotting
animals and the infected y is general Pertussis- factors, and -Vaccination
Bordetella humans to individual. albumin
-Cough plate -Public
pertussis. wounds and
method Avoid education
Pertussis- unnecessary
unvaccinate -Direct -Cleann
d or Flourescent delivery
Pertussis- incompletely Antibody Priority is to practices
spread the vaccinated Test ensure alone is
disease to infants aged tetanus effectve
<12months -Culture
another prophylaxis
person by have the -3 cleans:
-Polymerase by antitoxin
coughing or higher risk clean hands,
sneezing or for severe Wash the clean
when and life- wound with delievery
spending a threatening -Serology warm soapy surface,
lot of time complication water to clean cord
near one s and death. decrease care
another incidence of
where you tetanus.
share -Improve
breathing Pertussis
space. n coverage
mild disease,
s and early
referral for
torduce vaccines for
transmission adolescents
and adults.
your patient

by keeping
home from
child care,
social or

contacts of
patients in
with your
public health

-Wash hands
Acute Adeno Transmitted It is Any person, Rapid Strep -Analgesic -Frequent frequently,
respiratory viruses are a via contact, communicab even though A (RSA) turning and especially
infection class of droplets or le from four receiving antigen -Antipyretic respositionin after having
microorganis aerosols. days after healthcare. detection g been in a
is an ms that can the test -Cough public place.
infection cause acute appearance throat swab suppressant -Obtain sneeze into
that may respiratory of rash. culture test history from one's arm of
interfere infection. Expectorant the client as the shirt or
with normal respiratory to the onet in a tissue.
breathing. viral panel -Antibiotic(if and Although this
test (RVPT) infection progression may not
present) of ease one's
Ct scan symptoms. symptoms, it
will prevent
Xray -Assess the
respirations spreading of
for dyspnea infectious
and pin that diseases.
increases -Avoid
with touching
inspiration. one's face,
-Assess for eyes and
headache,co mouth, to
nfusion, prevent
restlessness, introducing
an increased germs into
heart rate. one's
sputum for
for quantity

Most people -Antibiotics

Diarrheal Caused by a Salmonella Acute Any person get diarrhea Blood test. Observe and Interventions
Diseases variety of and Vibrio diarrhoeal especially, from time to record the to prevent
bacterial, parahaemoly diseases are most replace frequency,a
time. diarrhoea,
defined as viral and ticus, and usually especially Susceptibilit mount, time, including
the passage parasitic viruses such transmitted y is general. and safe
of three or organisms. as norovirus, by children. Stool test drinking characteristi drinking-
more loose rotavirus, contaminate water, juice cs of stool water, use of
or liquid sapovirus d hands or or broth, IV and for improved
stools per and ingestion of fluids. anypresence sanitation
day (or more astrovirus. contaminate Flexible of and hand
frequent d food or sigmoidosco precipitating washing with
passage drinks, and py or factors.- soap can
than is occasionally colonoscopy Restrict reduce
normal for by aerosol foods as disease risk.
the spread with indicated Diarrhoea
individual). contaminate like foods should be
d droplets of containing treated with
splashed caffeine,too oral
vomitus. much oil, rehydration
Outbreaks fiber,milk, solution
may occur in and fruits.- (ORS), a
settings like Provide a solution of
institutions quite and clean water,
and child non sugar and
care centres. stimulating salt.
and teach
client of
to decrease
stress.- Start
otics as

to increase
fluid intake
i.e. ORS.-
Educate on
how to
prepare food
properly and
of good food
and hand

Educate on
what to do in
may happen
again or with
members to

Soil caused transmitted Usually, it Infection

Transmitte specifically Nematode through soil will take a with soil Antibody Broad- Regular Periodical
d by those contaminate long time transmitted
Helmenthia worms which species d with faecal helminthes tests spectrum Drug deworming
sis are (Ascaris matter is associated benzimidazol Treatment
transmitted Lumbricoide with Blood Test es are the Health
A type of through soil s, Trichuris increased first line Health education
trichiura) Fecalysis treatment of education to
helminth contaminate insulin
intestinal increase Improved
infection d with faecal sensitivity.
Uncinaria Urinalysis population sanitation
(helminthiasi matter roundworm
s) caused by species and health
different (Necator tapeworm awareness.
species of americanus infections.
and Sanitation
It is caused Ancylostoma Macrocyclic
specifically duodenale) lactones are
by those effective
worms which against adult
are and
transmitted migrating
through soil larval stages
contaminate of
d with faecal nematodes
matter and
are therefore
called soil-

Leptospiros caused by an Leptospira If you’re Usually, 7 to All 10 Treated with

is infection interrogans around soil 12 days, Leptospira Blood test antibiotics, Isolate the Wearing
with the or water with a range isolates were such as patient and protective
A rare spirochete where an of 2 to 29 susceptible Microscopic doxycycline concurrent clothing
bacterial bacterium infected days. to 17 agglutination or penicillin. disinfection
infection we Leptospira. animal has antimicrobial Test (MAT) of soiled Washing and
get from peed, the s. articles. cleaning
Polymerase wounds
animals. It’s germ can
chain Health
spread invade your
reaction teaching Consuming
through their body
(PCR) about clean
urine. through
breaks in Leptospirosis drinking
your skin, managemen water
like t and
scratches, preventions.
wounds, or
dry areas.

Severe SARS is Severe acute SARS-CoV is : Person to From 3 to 10 Laboratory The WHO Prehospital Avoid
Acute caused by a respiratory thought to person by days. tests can recommends care should swimming or
Respiratory member of syndrome be close contact Infectious help identify isolating include wading in
Syndrome the (SARS) is a transmitted with period: After SARS-CoV. patients and treating freshwater
coronavirus viral most readily respiratory onset of using barrier acute when you
Infection family of respiratory by secretions or symptoms Reverse techniques complication are in
with the viruses (the infection respiratory body fluids and transcription to prevent s, such as countries in
SARS virus same family caused by droplets of an maximum -polymerase the spread of acute which
causes acute that can SARS- (droplet infected period of chain the virus, intestinal schistosomia
respiratory cause the coronavirus spread) person. communicab reaction (RT- including bleeding. sis occurs.
distress common An (SARS-CoV). produced Incubation ility is less PCR) testing filter masks Stabilize
(severe infectious when an period: From than 21 can detect and goggles. patients who Drink safe
breathing disease that infected 3 to 10 days. days. From 3 the virus in No drug, have acute water
difficulty) causes person Infectious to 10 days. blood, stool, including complication
and severe coughs or Infectious and nasal antibiotics, s. Bath water
period: After
sometimes watery sneezes period: After secretions. appears to should be
onset of
death. diarrhea, onset of be effective Send urine heated to a
Severe acute which can symptoms Serologic against or stool rolling boil
respiratory lead to and testing can SARS. samples to for at least 1
syndrome dehydration maximum detect SARS- the minute.
period of
(SARS) is a and even period of CoV parasitology Water held
viral death if communicab antibodies in laboratory in a storage
ility is less
respiratory untreatedcol ility is less the blood. If with a tank for at
than 21
illness d). It is than 21 a person has special least 1-2
caused by a believed the days. antibodies, request to days should
coronavirus 2003 they are also look for eggs be safe for
called SARS- epidemic likely to indicative of bathing.
associated started when have the schistosomia
coronavirus the virus infection. sis.
(SARS-CoV) spread from
small Doctors may
mammals in also use a
China. When viral culture.
with SARS
coughs or
spray into
the air. You
can catch
the SARS
virus if you
breathe in or
touch these

Cholera It is caused Vibrio Short: 6-48 Fecalysis

by eating cholerae When a hours but Persons with Rehydration Assess for Drink and
An infectious food or person may be as lowered therapy dehydration use safe
disease that drinking consumes long as 3 immunity, water
causes water the days. such as Antibiotic Rehydrate
severe contaminate contaminate persons with treatment the patient, Proper
watery d with a d food or AIDS or and monitor handwashing
water, the malnourishe Zinc frequently.
diarrhea, bacterium
bacteria d children, treatment
which can called Vibrio
release a are more Maintain
lead to cholerae
toxin in the likely to hydration:
intestines experience a replace
and even
that severe case ongoing fluid
death if
untreated produces if they
severe become
diarrhea. infected.
Filariasis Lymphatic The disease Ivermectine Monitor Using sleep-
Filariasis is a filariasis is spreads from Many Circulating
– drug of client’s vital wear
Filariasis is a parasitic caused by person to mosquito filarial
choice for W.signs, mosquito
parasitic disease the worms person by bites over antigen
bancrofti particularly lens
disease caused by an Wuchereria mosquito several (CFA)
Doxycycline the Mosquito
caused by an infection bancrofti, bites. When months to
with Brugia a mosquito years are – used to temperature. sprays
roundworms malayi, and bites a needed to Polymerase reduce Assess skin Eliminating
chain tissue color and
roundworms of the Brugia person who get mosquito
reaction swelling integrity.
of the Filarioidea timori. These has lymphatic breeding
type.These worms lymphatic filariasis. (PCR) Suramin – Note for areas
are spread occupy the filariasis, People living effective wounds,
type Blood
by blood- lymphatic microscopic for a long against adult bleeding or
feeding system, worms time in roundworms any skin
insects such including the circulating in tropical or changes.
Antifilarial Diethylcarba
as black flies lymph the person's sub-tropical Assess for
body tests mazine
and nodes; in blood enter areas where any
(DEC) –
mosquitoes chronic and infect the disease discomfort
Ultrasound treatment
cases, these the mosquito is common and for W. and pain.
worms lead are at the Lymphoscinti bancrofti Provide
to the greatest risk graphic
syndrome of for infection Albendazole wound care.
elephantiasis and Elevate
. Flubendazole affected
Skin test – eliminate body area to
roundworms reduce
easily swelling.
if ordered
and discuss
them to the
support to
range of
motion and
exercises of
the affected
to stimulate
client’s self-

The bacteria Usually 1-2

Typhoid are Salmonella By drinking weeks, and Associated Blood or antibiotics Tepid Avoiding the
Fever deposited in enterica or eating the the duration with a stool test Sponge Bath consumption
water or serotype bacteria in of the illness polymorphis of foods and
An acute food by a Typhi contaminate is about 3-4 m in the Vital Signs drinks that
illness human bacteria d food or weeks. cystic monitoring are at risk of
associated carrier and water. fibrosis contaminatio
with fever. are then transmembr n;
spread to ane
other people conductance Vaccination.
in the area. regulator.

Malaria Plasmodium Malaria is Humans are Some

Malaria is malariae is a transmitted infectious to individuals Molecular Artemisinin- The initial Apply insect
parasitic by the bite mosquitoes are more
caused by protozoan of an as long as test based rapid clinical repellent to
Malaria is a attractive to
Plasmodium that causes infective infectious combination assessment exposed
life- mosquitoes Antibody
parasites. malaria in female gametocytes therapies should focus skin. The
threatening due to such test
The humans. It is Anopheles remain in (ACTs). ACTs on the recommende
mosquito- factors as
parasites are one of mosquito. the person's are, in many airway and d repellent
borne blood components Drug
spread to several Transfusion blood. cases, the circulation contains 20-
disease. The in their resistance
people species of of blood Gametocytes first line and include 35% percent
Anopheles breath and test
through the Plasmodium from usually treatment assessments N,N-Diethyl-
mosquito sweat that
bites of parasites infected appear for malaria. of conscious meta-
transmits it are not well Blood test
infected that infect persons and within 3 days level, toluamide
to humans. understood. Chloroquine
female humans, use of of respiratory (DEET).
The “Some phosphate.
Anopheles contaminate parasitaemia status, and Wear long-
parasites in people just Chloroquine
mosquitoes, d needles with P. vivax state of sleeved
mosquitos get bitten a is the
called and syringes and P. ovale hydration. clothing and
that spread lot more preferred
"malaria are other and after 10 Hypoglycemi long pants if
malaria than others,” treatment
vectors." potential - 14 days a should be you are
belong to said lead for any
modes of with P. ruled out or, outdoors at
the author David parasite that
transmission if the patient night.
Plasmodium Smith, PhD. is sensitive
. is comatose
genus. to the drug. · Use a
mosquito net
over the bed
if your
bedroom is
not air-
or screened.
treat the
mosquito net
with the
Spray an
insecticide or
repellent on
clothing, as
may bite
through thin
pyrethrin or
a similar
insecticide in
before going
to bed.

Caused by hepatitis A This can Associated Blood Test There is no

Hepatitis A infection virus. happen Adults: 2
with a high specific Bed Rest Vaccination
-A liver with the through weeks after risk of liver medicine to
inflammation hepatitis A person to the illness
failure and treat or cure Give Proper Hand
caused by virus. person begins. death in hepatitis A. If medications Washing
the hepatitis contact, or patients with you have the to Relieve
A virus. through Children and underlying virus, your symptoms.
Hepatitis A is eating or people who chronic liver body will
very drinking have weak disease. eventually
contagious. contaminate immune get rid of the
d food or systems: up infection on
water. to 6 months its own.

Dengue DHF) is Dengue Infected Living hydration

Most cases dengue fever is person with in or Healthcare Evaluation of Avoid
Hemorrhagi with
of the virus, of transmitted Dengue traveling to providers the patient’s crowded
c fever intravenous
dengue virus which there to humans becomes Southeast should heart rate, places. Stay
(IV) fluids
A syndrome are caused are 4 through the infective to Asia, South review the temperature, away from
due to the when a serotypes. bites of mosquitoes and Central patient’s and blood heavily
mosquito When a infective 6 to 12 hours America, past medical counter or pressure. populated
dengue virus
that tends to bites person is female before the sub-Saharan history, residential
someone, infected with Aedes onset of the Africa, and recent travel drugs to Evaluation of areas.
dengue virus mosquitoes. disease and parts of the manage pain
children but you can for the first When a remains so Caribbean history, CDC capillary Mosquito
under 10, get the virus time, clinical patient upto 3 to 5 can increase travel electrolyte refill, skin repellents.
causing if you are signs and suffering days. your risk of notices therapy color and Use
abdominal exposed to symptoms from dengue contracting regarding blood pulse mosquito
pain, infected are usually fever is the dengue disease transfusions pressure. repellents
hemorrhage blood. mild. ... bitten by a virushigher outbreaks, that are mild
careful Assessment
(bleeding) Dengue virus Aedes vector risk include: and for the skin,
monitoring of evidence even
and rarely aegypti is mosquito infants and vaccination
of blood of bleeding indoors.
circulatory causes the main small record
pressure in the skin
collapse death. mosquito children (especially
(shock). vector that · pregnant for yellow oxygen and other Proper
transmits women (the fever and therapy sites. clothing.
the dengue virus may be Japanese When
encephalitis skilled Assessment outdoors,
virus from passed from
vaccinations) nursing of increased wear long-
person to mother to
observation capillary sleeved
person fetus)
permeability. shirts and
·older adults long pants
Measuremen tucked into
those with t and socks.
compromise assessment
d immune of the urine Mosquito-
systems output. free
. Make sure
window and
door screens
are secure
and free of
holes or use

Empty or
cans, and
water as
these can
places of

an acute Cases are acetaminoph

Measles he cause of infection Mode of infectious Measles can To confirm a en (Tylenol) Physical Isolation-
measles is caused by transmission from slightly be serious case of or ibuprofen exam. Patients will
Measles, or the measles the rubeola . This highly before the and even measles, (Advil) to Assess the need to be
rubeola, is a virus, a virus. It is contagious beginning of fatal for your doctor reduce fever. child for on isolation
viral single- highly virus is the small will likely run symptoms precautions
rest to help
infection stranded, contagious spread by prodromal children. some blood that may to decrease
boost your
that starts in negative- and usually coughing period, tests and indicate the transmission
the sense seen in and sneezing usually 5 Unvaccinate take a throat presence of within the
respiratory enveloped children. The via close days prior to d young and/or nose measles. community
system. It RNA virus of measles personal rash onset. children are swab. These
still remains the genus virus (MV) contact or They at highest tests detect plenty of Knowledge Skin care.
a significant Morbillivirus belongs to direct continue to risk of the virus- fluids. of the Measles
cause of within the the genus contact with be infectious measles and specific a humidifier disease. causes
death family Morbillivirus secretions. until 4 days its indirect to ease a Assess the extreme
worldwide, Paramyxoviri of the family after the complication immunoglob cough and patient’s or pruritus
despite the dae Paramyxoviri onset of the s, including ulin M (IgM), sore throat. significant
availability death. an antibody other’s Eye care
dae rash ● vitami
of a safe, Unvaccinate that's n A knowledge
effective d pregnant regarding Hydration.
usually supple
vaccine. women are the disease. Encourage
present ments
also at risk. oral
about three
Hygienic hydration;
days after
practices. medical
your rash
Assess the literature
appears. family’s encourages
hygienic the use of
practices to oral
prevent the rehydration
spread of the solution.

Tuberculosi TB is caused Mycobacteri Tuberculosis A person is Babies and AFB (Acid- Staying on Complete Take all of
s by M um (TB) is able to young Fast Bacillus) Track with history. Past your
or TB, as it’s tuberculosis,  tuberculosis transmitted spread TB children, Smear and TB Medicine  and present medicines as
commonly a slow- is the from an from an whose Culture  Treatment: medical they’re
called -- is a growing organism infected assigned immune Latent TB history is prescribed,
contagious obligate that is the person to a date of 3 system have Chest X-Ray Infection assessed as until your
infection aerobe and a causative susceptible months prior not matured (LTBI) and well as both doctor takes
that usually facultative agent for person in to symptom Testing for TB Disease of the you off
attacks intracellular tuberculosis airborne onset or a People with TB Infection Tuberculosis parents’ them.
your lungs. It parasite. The (TB). There particles, positive lab chronic (TB): histories.
can spread organism are other called report conditions Tuberculin Treatment Keep all your
to other grows in "atypical" droplet such as Skin Testing Physical doctor
parts of your parallel mycobacteri nuclei. diabetes or examination.  appointment
body, like groups a such as M. Tuberculosis kidney Tuberculosis A TB patient s.
your brain a called cords kansasii that bacteria, disease Screening loses weight
nd spine. A (as seen in may (Mycobacteri dramatically Always cover
type of the image produced a um People with and may your mouth 
bacteria below). It similar tuberculosis) HIV/AIDS show the with a tissue
called Mycob retains many clincal and however are loss in when
acterium stains after pathologic transmitted Organ physical you cough or 
tuberculosis  decoloration appearance through the transplant appearance. sneeze. Seal
causes it. with acid- of disease. air, not by recipients the tissue in
alcohol, surface a plastic
which is the contact. This bag, then
basis of the means throw it
acid-fast touching away.
stains used cannot
for spread the
pathologic infection Wash your
identification unless it is hands after c
. breathed in. oughing or s

Leprosy The agent Leprosy is Researchers The bacteria Leprosy can Specimens Prevention of Always wash There is no
a contagious that causes caused by a suggest are slow- develop at and Tests contact with your hands commerciall
disease that Hansen’s slow-growing that M. growing; the any age but Skin and droplets every after y
affects the disease is an type of leprae sprea incubation appears to nerve biopsy from nasal using the available vac
skin, mucous acid fast rod- bacteria ds person to period for develop Acid fast and other bathroom or cine availabl
membranes, shaped called Mycob person by leprosy is most often in staining secretions touching e to prevent
and nerves, bacillus Myc acterium nasal about five people aged Treatment from anything on leprosy.
causing obacterium leprae (M. le secretions or years (two to 5 to 15 years (Medical) patients with your body. However,
discoloration leprae. The prae). droplets 10 years), over 30. It is untreated M. there are
and lumps organism from the and it can estimated leprae infecti Avoid in reports that
on the skin multiplies upper take as long that more on is contact with using BCG
and, in very slowly respiratory as about 20 than 95% of currently the people who vaccine
severe (dividing tract and years before people who most are infected. alone, the
cases, approximatel nasal symptoms ate infected effective way BCG vaccine
disfiguremen y once every mucosa. and signs of with to avoid the along with
t and 13 days) and However, leprosy (skin Myobacteriu disease. heat-killed M
deformities. is an the disease lesions, m leprae do .
Leprosy is obligate is not nerve not develop leprae organi
now mainly intracellular highly conta damage, for leprosy sms, and
confined to pathogen gious like example) because other
tropical that lacks the flu. They develop in their preparations
Africa and several speculate some immune may be
Asia genes that infected patients. system protective,
needed for droplets fights off the help to clear
independent reach other infection. the infection
survival, peoples' or possibly
thus it has nasal shorten
never been passages treatment.
grown in and begin
bacteriologic the infection
media. there.
Influenza, Influenza It is caused The disease The Some Rapid Usually, Assess Observe
also results from by various is mainly incubation demographic Molecular you'll need respiratory personal
called flu or  infection types of spread period is factors such Assays nothing status for hygiene
grippe, with 1 of 3 influenza through short, as Rapid more than rate, depth, Keep hands
an acute vira basic types viral strains. droplets in usually pregnancy, Influenza bed rest and ease, use of clean and
l infection of of influenza Three types crowded and around 1 to obesity, and Diagnostic plenty of accessory wash hands
the upper or virus: A, B, of influenza enclosed 3 days advanced Tests fluids to muscles, and properly.
lower respira or C. viruses are spaces. The age appear treat the flu. work of Wash hands
tory Influenza A recognized: infection to confer a But if you breathing promptly if
tract that is is generally A, B and C. may also be more have severe Auscultate they are
Viral Culture
marked more Type A is spread from specific infection or the lung contaminate
by fever, pathogenic more person to susceptibility Serologic are at higher fields for the d by
chills, and a than common. In person by is Testing risk for presence of respiratory
generalized influenza B. Hong Kong, direct determined complication wheezes, tract
feeling of Epidemics of the two contact with by host s, your crackles secretions,
weakness influenza C subtypes of the genetics doctor may (rales), rhon e.g. after
and pain in have been influenza A, secretions of prescribe an chi, or sneezing.
the muscles, reported, H1N1 and infected antiviral decreased Cover
together especially in H3N2, are persons. medication, breath mouth and
with varying young most such as sounds. nose when
degrees of children.  commonly oseltamivir Administer sneezing or
soreness in seen, (Tamiflu), oxygen as coughing.
the head Emergence zanamivir ordered. No spitting
and of new (Relenza), Monitor
abdomen. subtypes peramivir oxygen
occurs from (Rapivab) or saturation by
time to time baloxavir pulse
at irregular (Xofluza). oximetry,
intervals, These drugs and notify
which is may shorten the
responsible your illness physician of
for by a day or readings
widespread so and help <90% or as
outbreaks prevent prescribed
and makes serious by the
periodic complication physician.
reformulatio s. Assess
n of the patient for
influenza pallor or
vaccine cyanosis,
necessary. especially
to nail beds
and around
the mouth.
patient for
cough and
of sputum,
and patient’s
ability to
and the
ability to
patient in
high Fowler’s 
or semi-
position, if
Turn the
every 2
hours and as

Pneumonia Pneumonia  The most As you just M. Individuals Blood tests. Oral antibioti Assess the Wash your
is an may be common found out, pneumoniae with a Chest X-ray cs can treat rate, rhythm, hands regula
infection caused by bacterial pneumonia infections serious Pulse most cases and depth of rly,
that inflames viral type that can be usually impairment oximetry of bacterial respiration, especially
the air sacs infections, b causes spread by have long of their Sputum test pneumonia. chest after you go
in one or acterial pneumonia way of incubation immune Always take movement, to the
both lungs. infections, or is Streptococ someone periods (the  system your entire and use of bathroom
The air sacs fungi; less cus pneumo sneezing or time betwee become susc course of accessory and before
may fill with frequently niae. coughing. n breathing eptible to pn antibiotics, muscles. you eat.
fluid or pus by other When a in the eumonia cau even if you Assess
(purulent causes person bacteria and sed by so- begin to feel cough Eat right,
material), sneezes or developing called better. Not effectiveness with plenty
causing coughs, little symptoms). “opportunisti doing so can and of fruits and
cough with droplets The incubati c” microbes, prevent the productivity vegetables.
phlegm or spread on period is such as infection Elevate head
pus, fever, throughout usually certain fungi, from of bed, Exercise.
chills, and the air. between 1 to viruses, and clearing, and change
difficulty These 4 weeks bacteria it may be position Get enough
breathing. A droplets related to harder to frequently. sleep.
variety of contain the tuberculosis treat in the Teach and
organisms, infectious (mycobacteri future. assist Quit
including organism. a), that Antibiotic patient with smoking.
bacteria, They are would not medications proper deep-
viruses and then inhaled ordinarily don’t work breathing Stay away
fungi, can and may, in cause on viruses. exercises. from sick
cause some disease in In some Demonstrate people, if
pneumonia. instances, normal cases, your proper possible.
cause individuals doctor may splinting of
pneumonia.  prescribe an chest and
antiviral. effective
However, coughing
many cases while in
of viral upright
pneumonia position.
clear on Encourage
their own him to do so
with at-home often.
care Use
oxygen or
humidifier at

MENINGOC Bacteria Neisseria People Meningococc The people skin lesion Because Monitor vital Vaccines
OCEMIA called Neisse meningitidis spread al disease is most at risk biopsy mortality signs and help protect
ria meningococc communicab of getting may be neurological against all
Meningococc meningitidis  al bacteria to le until the the disease urine culture reduced with status. three
emia is a cause other people organisms are: young early Observe for serogroups
rare meningococc by sharing are no children blood antibiotic any signs of (B, C, and Y)
infection al disease. respiratory longer under the clotting tests therapy, increased of Neisseria
caused by About 1 in and throat present in age of five. patients with intracranial meningitidis 
10 people secretions discharges teenagers blood count a
the Neisseria pressure. bacteria
meningitidis  have these (saliva or from the and young meningococc Assess for most
bacteria. bacteria in spit). nose and adults al rash nuchal commonly
This is the the back of Generally, it mouth. With between 15 should rigidity, seen in the
same type of their nose takes close effective and 24 years receive twitching, United
bacteria that and throat (for antibiotic old. people parenteral increased States. Like
can cause without example, therapy, living with antibiotics restlessness, with any
meningitis. being ill. This coughing or meningococc patients who by means of and vaccine,
is called kissing) or i usually have mening an irritability. meningococc
being ‘a lengthy disappear ococcal dise intravenous Observe for al vaccines
carrier’. contact to from the ase. (IV) or increasing are not
Sometimes spread these nasopharynx intramuscula restlessness, 100%
the bacteria bacteria. within 24 r (IM) route moaning, effective.
invade the Fortunately, hours. as soon as and guarding This means
body and they are not the behaviors. there is still
cause as diagnosis is Maintain a chance you
certain contagious suspected. head or neck can develop
illnesses, as germs in midline meningococc
which are that cause position, al disease
known as the common provide after
meningococc cold or the small pillow vaccination.
al disease. flu. for support.
bending of
the knee and
heels against
stimuli such
as quiet
, soft voice,
and gentle

CORONA No known A Human-to- From 2 to 5 The There is no No specific In the event Avoid close
VIRUS etiology coronavirus human days susceptibiliy specific therapy of outbreaks contact with
The new was firsttransmission of the antiviral currently of infectious people who
coronavirus, isolated inhas been disease. treatment diseases, the are sick.
now known 1937 from confirmed Was recommende role of the Avoid
as Covid-19, an infectious but more targeted d for COVID- nurse touching the
was first bronchitis information more on the 19. People changes to eyes, nose,
encountered virus in birds is needed to adults rather with COVID- adapt to the and mouth.
in Wuhan, that has the evaluate the than 19 should needs of the Stay home
China, in ability tofull extent of children. The receive patient, their whensick.
December seriously this mode of reports of supportive families, and Cover your
2019. devastate transmission children care to help the hospital. cough or
poultry . The source acquiring the relieve sneeze with
Like other stocks. of infection disease and symptoms. a tissue,
coronaviruse is unknown the severity For severe then throw
s, it Coronaviruse and could was cases, the tissue in
originated in s are types still be considered treatment the trash.
animals and of viruses active. far more should Clean and
then that typically lower than include care disinfect
migrated to affect the By inhalation the case on to support frequently
humans. respiratory of aerosols; the adults. vital organ touched
Many of tract of respiratory functions. objects and
mammals, transmission surfaces
those including from person- People who using a
initially humans. to-person; think they regular
infected They are indirectly may have household
either associated through been cleaning
worked or with the fomites exposed to spray or
frequently common COVID-19 wipe.
shopped in cold, should Follow CDC’s
the Huanan pneumonia, contact their recommenda
seafood and severe healthcare tions for
wholesale acute provider using a
market in respiratory immediately. facemask.
the centre of syndrome CDC does
the city, (SARS) and not
which also can also recommend
sold live and affect the that people
newly gut. who are well
slaughtered wear a
animals. facemask to
China’s protect
national themselves
health from
commission respiratory
has diseases,
confirmed including
human-to- COVID-19.
human Facemasks
transmission should be
of the virus. used by
people who
symptoms of
COVID-19 to
help prevent
the spread of
the disease
to others.
The use of
facemasks is
also crucial
for health
workers and
people who
are taking
care of
someone in
settings (at
home or in a
health care
Wash your
hands often
with soap
and water
for at least
20 seconds,
after going
to the
eating; and
after blowing
your nose,
coughing, or
If soap and
water are
not readily
use an
based hand
with at least
60% alcohol.
Always wash
hands with
soap and
water if
hands are
visibly dirty.

Rabies is an Caused by a Rabies Virus Transmitted Rabies is Children Direct shots: Provide In Pets:
acute virus neurotropic through the usually under age fluorescent A fast acting patient
disease of virus of the Bullet- bite of a communicab 15 are most antibody - shot (rabies isolation 1. Visit your
the nervous family shaped, rabid animal le 3-10 days likely to the standard immune veterinarian
system of Rhabdovirida single before onset contract diagnostic globulin) to Wash hands with your pet
mammals e, genus stranded Commonly of clinical rabies technique to prevent the before and on a regular
that is Lyssavirus, RNA-virus transmitted signs and detect rabies virus from after patient basis and
caused by a subgroup belonging to via saliva throughout virus antigen infecting contact to keep rabies
rhabdovirus rabies virus the genus that the course of in brain you. Part of prevent self- vaccinations
(species Lyssavirus, contaminate illness tissue this injection contaminatio up-to-date
Rabies virus family of s bites, is given near n and spread for all cats,
of the genus Rhabdovirida scratches, the area of disease ferrets and
Lyssavirus) e and wounds where the dogs
and is and recently, Give
animal bit
characterize via mucosal emotional 2. Maintain
you if
d typically exposure and spiritual control of
possible, as
by increased support to your pets by
soon as
salivation, Also, family by keeping
abnormal transmitted helping them them under
after the
behavior, via cope with direct
and eventual transplanted patient’s supervision
A series of
paralysis and neurologic symptoms
tissues and probable3. Spray or
death when vaccinations
(corneas) death neuter your
untreated to help your
and solid pets to help
body learn to
organs Darken the reduce the
identify and room, number of
fight the provide a unwanted
rabies virus. quiet pets that
Rabies environment may not be
are given as Patient properly
injections in should not cared for or
your arm. be bathed vaccinated
You receive and must not
four have any In People:
injections running
water in the 1. Know the
over 14
room risk

Continuously 2. Wash
monitor animal bites
cardiac and or scratches
respiratory immediately
function with soap
and water

3. If you are
scratched or
unsure talk
to a health
whether you
need post
Rabies in
people is
your pets to
protect them
and your

Scabies A Caused by Female mite Scabies is Scabies is Fewer mites Microscopic Microscopic Obtain a 1. Know who
contagious the parasite Sarcoptes spread by communicab succeed in examination examination thorough is entering
skin disease Sarcoptes scabiei var. prolonged le until mites establishing - determine - determine history. Ask your facility.
occurring scabiei. The Hominis, an skin-to-skin and eggs are themselves the presence the presence if any of the Perform skin
especially in intense ectoparasite contact with destroyed by in people of mites or of mites or patient’s assessment
sheep and itching a person treatment, previously their eggs by their eggs by close checks on all
cattle and associated who has usually two infested than scraping scraping contacts incoming
also in with scabies scabies. courses 1 in those with from the from the have the patients
humans, is thought to Sometimes week apart. no previous mite burrow mite burrow same signs within 24
marked by be caused by also can be Itching may exposure. on the skin. on the skin. and hours of
itching and the immune spread by persist for 2 Diminished symptoms. admission.
small raised system contact with or more resistance to
red spots. reacting to items such weeks after infestation is Implement 2. Know
the mites as clothing, successful also contact what is in
and their bedding or eradication suggested precautions your facility.
saliva, eggs towels that of the mite. by the and maintain Immediately
and feces. have been observation them for 24 report any
used by a that hours aftersuspicious
person with immunologic the start of rash to the
scabies, but ally effective nursing
such spread compromise therapy. supervisor,
is very d people are physician or
uncommon most Put on clean infection
unless the susceptible gloves and a control
infested to severe gown. professional.
person has infestations. Remove and
crusted bag the 3. Institute
scabies. patient’s standard
clothing and precautions
help her put for patients
on a patient with
gown. suspicious
rash until
Assess scabies can
affected be ruled out.
areas for Patients
signs of should be
secondary restricted to
infection. their rooms
until scabies
Teach the can be ruled
patient out.
about the
prescribed 4. Adhere to
treatments routine
and cleaning
medications schedules
and how to for patient
prevent re- equipment.
Close Educate
personal employees,
contacts visiting
should be personal
treated at care workers
the same and
time. Teach volunteers
them to about the
wash all signs and
linens, symptoms of
towels and scabies on a
clothing regular
used by the basis.
during the 2
days before
treatment in
hot water
and dry
them in a
hot dryer.

Tell the
patient to
apply the
cream or
lotion to
clean skin
from her
neck to toes,
including all
skin folds
and to wash
it off after 8-
14 hours or
as directed.

Teach her to
notify the
health care
provider if
become red,
swelling or
painful. Tell
her to keep
and toenails
mites can
hide under
the nails.

Anthrax Caused by a Bacillus Anthrax Bacillus Anyone who Skin testing: Treat Be sure Sterilize hair,
spore- anthracis - a bacteria anthracis is in contact a sample of naturally decontamina wool or
A serious forming large Gram- enter the spores can with anthrax fluid from a occurring tion has hides, bone
infectious bacterium, positive body remain spores could suspicious localized or taken place. meal or
disease Bacillus aerobic, rod- through a viable and be at risk of lesion on uncomplicat other feed of
caused by anthracis. shaped, wound in the infective in getting sick. your skin or ed Appropriate animal origin
gram- bacillus skin. You can soil for years a small cutaneous isolation prior to
positive, rod- bacterium also become and maybe People who tissue anthrax with precautions. processing.
shaped infected by decades. handle sample 7-10 days of
bacteria eating animal (biopsy) may a single oral Supportive Avoid
known as contaminate products, be tested in antibiotic. care as working with
Bacillus d meat or veterinarians a lab for First line needed for raw animal
anthracis. inhaling the , livestock signs of agents symptoms. hides, fur or
Anthrax can spores. producers, cutaneous include skin
be found travelers, If associated especially
anthrax. ciprofloxacin
naturally in laboratory with those of
(or an
soil and professionals Blood tests: intentional goats,
commonly and mail may have a release, sheeps or
affects handlers, blood drawn psychosocial cows.
ne) or
domestic military that’s support/ther
and wild personnel checked in a apy is Do not eat
animals and lab for needed. meat that
is an
around the response anthrax alternative, has not been
world. workers who bacteria. as are properly
may be penicillins if slaughtered
exposed Chest X-ray the isolate is and cooked.
during a or penicillin
bioterror computerize Immunizatio
event d n of high risk
involving tomography Treat individuals
anthrax (CT) scan: to systemic usually
spores. help anthrax with laboratory
diagnose combination workers who
inhalation broad- are liable to
anthrax spectrum handle
intravenous B.anthracis.
Stool testing: antibiotics
to diagnose pending the Anyone
GI anthrax, results of working with
may check a confirmatory anthrax in a
sample of testing; suspected or
your stool for delays in confirmed
anthrax initiating victim
bacteria. therapy may should wear
prove fatal. respiratory
Spinal tap equipment.
needle is
inserted into
your spinal
canal and
withdraws a
amount of
fluid, done to
confirm a
diagnosis of

Gonorrhea The Neisseria A person Gonorrhea is Young adults Urine test: The Centers Prophylactic Avoiding
bacterium N. gonorrheae transmits communicab have the can help for Disease antibiotic sexual
A bacterial gonorrhoeae the infection le from the highest rates identify Control and treatment activity if
infection is to another time the of bacteria in Prevention for there is a
that is responsible individual infection is gonorrhea. your urethra. recommends gonorrhea possibility of
transmitted for through acquired Persons who that
by sexual gonorrhea sexual until have more Swab of uncomplicat Encourage infection.
contact. It is infection. contact that adequate than one sex affected ed follow up
one of the These involves the treatment is partner, area: a swab gonorrhea cultures in 4- Using
oldest known bacteria penis, received. especially of your be treated 7 days after condoms
STDs. Men strive in a vagina, anus Effective women throat, with the treatment during
with warm, moist or mouth. treatment under 25, urethra, antibiotic and again at vaginal or
gonorrhea environment Males do not ends should be vagina or ceftriaxone - 6 months anal
may have a . need to communicab tested for rectum can given as an intercourse.
yellowish ejaculate to ility within gonorrheal collect injection -Teach
discharge pass on or hours. infection bacteria that with oralimportance Using
from the get regularly, can be azithromycin of condoms or
penis gonorrhea. even in the identified in (Zithromax). abstinence dental dams
accompanie absence of a lab. from sexual for oral
d by itching A pregnant symptoms. If you’re intercourse intercourse.
and burning. woman allergic to until cultures
(infected) cephalospori are negative Having
More than
can also n antibiotics, sexual
half of
pass the such as Urge client activity only
women with
infection on ceftriaxone, to inform with a
to the baby you might be sexual mutually
do not have
during given oral partner so monogamou
delivery. gemifloxacin that he or s, unaffected
symptoms. If
(Factive) or she may be partner.
can lead to injectable treated for
severe pelvic gentamicin infection
infections and oral
and even azithromycin Important to
. take the full
course of

Syphilis The cause is Spirochaete The most Considered Individuals Rapid The Establish a Abstain or be
a bacterium Treponema common to be with plasma preferred sexual a
An infection called pallidum route of communicab untreated reagin (RPR): treatment at history, monogamou
that Treponema transmission le for a syphilis are a syphilis all stages is including the s. The only
develops is through period of up thought to blood test penicillin, an number of certain way
due to T. pallidum. contact with to two years, be able to that looks for antibiotic sexual to avoid
pallidum an infected possibly acquire a antibodies to medication partners and syphilis is
bacteria. person’s longer. The new, the syphilis that can kill whether the not to have
These sores sore during extent of symptomatic bacteria. the organism patient was sex.
may develop sexual communicab syphilis that causes protected by
on the skin activity. The ility depends infection, syphilis. If a condom. Use a latex
or mucous bacteria on the however, you’re condom.
membranes enter your existence of studies and allergic to Initiate Condoms
of the body infectious experience penicillin, isolation can reduce
vagina, through lesions have your doctor your risk of
anus, minor cuts or (sores), demonstrate may suggest Administer contracting
rectum, lips abrasions in which may d that another penicillin syphilis, but
or mouth. your skin or or may not humans can antibiotic or only if the
Provide condom
mucous be visible. be re- recommend
The first sign emotional covers the
membranes. infected with penicillin
is a painless support for syphilis
syphilis after desensitizati
sore on the family sores.
successful on.
either the treatment.
genitals, Avoid
rectum, recreational
mouth or drugs.
another part
of the skin.
Some people
do not notice
the sore, as
it does not
cause pain.

These sores
resolve on
their own.
However, is
a person
does not
the bacteria
remain in
the body.
They can
dormant in
the body for
including the

Schistosom Human People lasts as long Avoid

iasis is an Infection schistosomia become as live eggs If you Your Safe and Prehospital
acute and occurs when sis is caused infected are excreted live in or health care effective care should
or wading
chronic your skin by the when larval in the urine travel to provider may drugs are include
parasitic comes in digenetic forms of the and feces. areas where ask you to available for treating
disease contact with trematodes parasite – Adult worms schistosomia provide stool the acute
r when
caused by contaminate Schistosoma released by of the S sis occurs or urine treatment of complication
you are in
blood flukes d freshwater haematobiu freshwater mansoni and your samples to schistosomia s, such as
(trematode in which m, snails – species have skin comes see if you sis. acute
in which
worms) of certain types Schistosoma penetrate been in contact have the Praziquantel intestinal
the genus of snails that intercalatum the skin documented with parasite. A is the bleeding.
Schistosoma. carry , during to live as freshwater blood recommende Stabilize
Schistosomia schistosome Schistosoma contact with long as 26 from canals, sample can d treatment patients who
sis, also s are living. japonicum, infested years in the rivers, also be drug. See have acute
g in the
known as Schistosoma water. human streams, tested for your doctor complication
Freshwater ocean
bilharzia, is a mansoni and Transmission host. ... The ponds, or evidence of for s. If
becomes and in
disease Schistosoma occurs when incubation lakes, you infection. For appropriate appropriate,
contaminate chlorinate
caused by mekongi. people period is are at risk of accurate diagnosis include
d by d
parasitic suffering variable but getting results, you and schistosomia
Schistosoma swimming
worms. from is schistosomia must wait 6- treatment. sis as one of
eggs when pools is
schistosomia approximatel safe.
infected sis y 8 weeks sis. 8 weeks the
people contaminate for S after your differential Drink safe
urinate or freshwater haematobiu last diagnoses. water.
defecate in sources with m and 4 exposure to Although
the water. their excreta weeks for S contaminate Send urine schistoso
The eggs containing mansoni and d water or stool miasis is
hatch, and if parasite S japonicum. before samples to not
certain types eggs, which samples are the transmitt
of freshwater hatch in taken. parasitology ed by
snails are water. laboratory swallowin
present in with a g
the water, special contamin
the parasites request to ated
develop and look for eggs water, if
multiply indicative of your
inside the schistosomia mouth or
snails. The sis. lips come
parasite in contact
leaves the with
snail and water
enters the containin
water where g the
it can parasites,
survive for you could
about 48 become
hours. infected.
or springs
may be
ated with
a variety
s, you
either boil
water for
1 minute
or filter
it. Boiling
water for
at least 1
will kill
or viruses
EE that
water is
safe and
free of all
should be
heated to
a rolling
boil for at
least 1
held in a
tank for
at least 1-
2 days
should be
safe for
after an
, very
may help
ng the
NOT rely
drying to

Chylamydia Sex Chylamydia Pass About 1 to 3 sexually Pap test A single dose Teach your Use
is found in Trachomatis primarily weeks after active ELISA of patients condoms.
infected during anal sex with an persons Gram stain azithromycin about safer Limit your
semen and or vaginal infected Serology or taking sex number of
vaginal sex. person doxycycline practices, sex partners.
fluids. It’s a twice daily including the Get regular
sexually for 7 to 14 consistent screenings
transmitted days are the and correct Avoid
infection most use of latex douching.
(STI) that common male
can be treatments condoms.
passed on Inform them
through sex that the
without a surest way
condom or to avoid
sharing sex transmission
toys with of chlamydia
someone is to abstain
who has from sexual
chlamydia contact, or
to be in a
with a
who's been
tested and is
known to be
patients to
consult their
health care
provider if
they have
any of the
signs and

Hepatitis B caused by hepatitis B sex with an potentially Infants born Serology Antiviral Encourage Wash your
is a viral the hepatitis virus (HBV) infected infective 2–3 to infected Blood test medications bed rest, hands after
infection B virus partner. weeks mothers. including refraining going to the
that attacks (HBV). Sharing before the entecavir from alcohol, bathroom
the liver and needles, onset of People who (Baraclude), and taking and before
can cause syringes, or symptoms, inject drugs tenofovir medication handling
both acute drug during the or share (Viread) to relieve food or
and chronic preparation clinical needles, symptoms. eating.
disease. equipment. disease and syringes, or
usually for other drug Educate Use latex
2–3 months equipment. patients with condoms,
after acute the which may
infection or Sex partners importance lower the
as long as of people of Hep B risk of
HBsAg. with vacine transmission
continues to hepatitis B. .
be present in
blood. Don’t share

Don’t share
items an

Trichomoni caused by a Trichomonas vaginal, oral, The Multiple rapid one Antibiotic Use
asis- is a tiny parasite vaginalis or anal sex incubation sexual antigen tests megadose of treatment condoms.
common (a one-celled with an period is 4- partners. and nucleic either Condoms are
sexually protozoan) infected 28 days, acid metronidazol Avoid the best way
transmitted individual. average of 7 A history of amplification e (Flagyl) or vaginal, oral, to prevent
infection days. other Urinalysis tinidazole and anal sex STIs when
caused by a However sexually (Tindamax). until you have sex
parasite. many people transmitted antibiotic
are symptom infections. treatment Get tested.
free carriers has Be sure you
for years. A previous eliminated and your
episode of the parasite partner are
trichomonias tested for
is. Treat all STIs.
Having sex partners to Be
without a avoid re- monogamou
condom. infection s.

Avoid Limit your

unprotected number of
sex sex partners.

Prioritize Do not
sexual douche.
Do not abuse
Talk about alcohol or
protection drugs.
with all

and other
and properly

advice upon
first signs of

HIV/AIDS is contact with Human transmitted within 3 Someone ELISA antiretroviral Keep an eye Safe sex
a virus that infected immunodefic through weeks to 3 who have therapy on their Use clean
targets and blood, iency virus sexual months unprotected (ART).ART is weight. If needles
alters the semen, or (HIV) contact, following sex, having usually a possible Get tested
immune vaginal fluids blood, infection the other STI, combination Check the for early
system, needles, or immune using IV of three or medicines detection
increasing from mother response is drugs, more they are and
the risk and to infant. accompanie infatbs of an medications taking. treatment.
impact of d by a ifected from several Be firm
other simultaneou mother. different about the
infections s decline in drug classes. importance
and HIV This of eating and
diseases. viraemia. approach encourage
has the best them to eat
chance of frequently,
lowering the but do not
amount of force them
HIV in the to eat.
blood. Decrease
risk of the
client to get
exposed to
safety and

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