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Gastritis PDF

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 Gastritis is an inflammation of the gastric mucosa, is

classified as either acute or chronic.


 The incidence of gastritis is highest in the fifth and

sixth decades of life; men are more frequently affected
than women. The incidence is greater in clients who
are heavy drinkers and smokers.
 It usually stems from ingestion of a corrosive, erosive, or
infectious substance.
 Aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
(NSAIDs), digitalis, chemotherapeutic drugs, steroids,
acute alcoholism and food poisoning (typically caused by
Staphylococcus organisms) are commoncauses.
 Food substances including excessive amounts of tea,
paprika, clove and pepper can precipitate acute gastritis.
 Foods with a rough texture or those eaten at an extremely
high temperature can also damage the stomach mucosa.
 Acute gastritis is usually of short duration unless the
gastric mucosa has suffered extensivedamage.
 The mucosal lining of the stomach normally protects it
from the action of gastric acid. This mucosal barrier is
composed of prostaglandins.

Due to anycause

This barrier is penetrated

Hydrochloric acid comes into contactwith the mucosa

Injury to small vessels

Edema, hemorrhage, and possible ulcer formation
➢ Epigastric discomfort
➢ Abdominal tenderness

➢ Cramping

➢ Belching

➢ Reflux

➢ Severe nausea and vomiting

➢ Hematemesis

➢ Sometimes GI bleeding is the onlymanifestation

➢ When contaminated food is the cause of gastritis,

diarrhea usually develops within 5 hours of ingestion
➢ Diagnosis is based on a detailed history of
food intake, medications taken, and any
disorder related togastritis.

➢ The physicianmay also perform a

gastroscopic examination withendoscopy.

➢ Histological examination by biopsy of a

➢ Anti – emetic drugs like Inj. Perinorm or Tab.
Domperidone are frequently effective in
➢ Antacids like cimetidine, Ranitidine, or
Famotidine are effective to reduce the pain.
➢ If ingestion of NSAIDs is a problem, a
prostaglandin E1 (PGE1) analog may be
prescribed to protect the stomach mucosaand
inhibit gastric acid secretion.
➢ Initially foods andfluids are withheld until nausea
and vomiting subside.
➢ Once the client tolerates food, the diet includes
decaffeinated tea, gelatin, toast, and simple bland
➢ The client should avoid spicy foods, caffeine and
large, heavy meals.
➢ In the continued absence of nausea, vomitingand
bloating, the client can slowly return to a normal
 Chronic gastritis occurs in 3 differentforms
1) Superficial gastritis, which causes areddened,
edematous mucosa with small erosions and
2) Atrophic gastritis, which occurs in all layers of the
stomach, develops frequently in association with gastric
ulcer and gastric cancer, and is invariably present in
pernicious anemia; it is characterized by a decreased
number of parietal and chief cells.
3) Hypertrophic gastritis, which produces a dull and
nodular mucosa with irregular, thickened, ornodular
rugae; hemorrhages occur frequently.
❑ Peptic Ulcer Disease (PUD), infection with
Halicobacter pylori bacteria or gastricsurgery
may lead to chronicgastritis.
❑ After gastric resection with a gastro-
jejunostomy, bile and bile acids may reflux
into the remaining stomach, causinggastritis.
❑ H.Pylori infection can lead to chronicatrophic
❑ Age is also a risk factor; chronic gastritis is
more common in olderadults.
The stomach lining first becomes thickened and
erythematous and then becomes thin andatrophic.

Continued deterioration and atrophy

Loss of function of the parietalcells

Acid secretion decreases

Inability to absorb vitaminB12

Development of pernicious anemia
Manifestations are vague and may be absent because
the problem does not cause an increase in hydrochloric
Assessment may reveal
➢ Anorexia

➢ Feeling of fullness

➢ Dyspepsia

➢ Belching

➢ Vague epigastric pain

➢ Nausea

➢ Vomiting

➢ Intolerance of spicy and fattyfoods

❑ Bleeding

❑ Pernicious anemia

❑ Gastric cancer
❑ Discomfort may lessen with a bland diet, small frequent
meals, antacids, H2 receptor antagonists, proton pump
inhibitors, and avoidance of food that cause
❑ If H.pylori bacteria are present, anti-biotics and other
medications are administered to eliminate the bacteria.
❑ If 1 week of this regimen does not succeed in eliminating
the bacteria, the regimen may be repeated for an
additional week.
❑ If pernicious anemia develops, intramuscularinjections
of vitamin B12 may be administered monthly for the
remainder of the client’slife.
Nursing Diagnosis:
1) Acute pain related to irritated stomachmucosa.
2) Imbalanced nutrition, less than bodyrequirement,
related to inadequate intake of nutrition.
3) Risk for imbalanced fluid volume related to
insufficient fluid intake and excessive fluidloss
subsequent tovomiting.
4) Anxiety related totreatment.

5) Deficient knowledge about dietarymanagement

and disease process.

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