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7-Habits of A Productive Muslim

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The key takeaways are developing productive habits and having powerful daily routines in order to achieve success and boost confidence.

The 7 most effective habits discussed are waking up early, having time for reading, exercising, having a positive attitude, spending quality time with family, and developing other routines.

The author defines a habit as a behavior that is repeated regularly and unconsciously, becoming automatic over time through practice.

The 7 most effective basic

habits that can help you stay

active and productive Muslim.

The 7 most effective habits 1

This book is seriously written for those who are really looking for change, because it
really works. So if you are feeling lazy and not achieving your goals and your confidence
is becoming less day by day and nothing really works for you, and also if you feel that
you are doing many things but nothing accountable or productive, this book is definitely
for you. Consider this as a valuable gift from Allah(SWA) for you in sha Allah to change.

Allah(SWA) says in the Qura'n...

"Allah will not change the condition of the people until they change what is in
themselves " Ar-Ra'd (13:11)
So it's your responsibility to make change in you and make dua abundantly to the
Almighty to make it easy.
This book talks about habits or daily routines that you have to do on daily basis in
sha Allah. If you do not have habits or daily routines, you can't change your condition.
But if you definitely practice these habits, by the will of Allah Almighty, you will be
wondering by feeling the change in you. Your confidence gets boosted up immensely in
sha Allah.
If you think about the most successful people in the history, old or young, Muslim or
Non-Muslim, Men or Women, if you ask them what is their success secrets or if you study
what do the most successful people have in common?, you would realize that they all had
two main qualities.
1. Productive habits.
2. Powerful daily routines.
Read about the biography of any of these people, you would realize that they would
wake up early, they would have time for reading, they would have time for exercising,
they have a positive thinking attitude, they spend quality time with family members etc.
All these habits have put together helped them lead successful lives. It doesn't matter
whether you agree with them or not, they have discovered these secrets.
Now it's your turn to discover these secrets and apply in your life.

The 7 most effective habits 2

What is a habit???
Cambridge dictionary defines habit as "something that you do often and regularly,
sometimes without knowing that you are doing it."
Wikipedia defines habit as a "routine of behavior that is repeated regularly and
tends to occur unconsciously".
It's not that you gonna wake up next morning and do something new.In fact it is
something you do automatically. For eg:- when you drive a car, you automatically insert
the key, start the engine, push clutch, pull gear etc., everything comes automatically, you
don't even think about it. But when you are learning how to drive a car, you do everything
with difficulties; likewise when you are practicing habits you will find it difficult at first,
but when it becomes a part of your life, by the time you will do it automatically.
"We are what we repeatedly do; Excellence then is not an act, but a habit"- Aristotle.
So keeping habits as part of your life is very very important in achieving your goals.
Allah (SWA) says in the Qura'n "O you who have believed, persevere and endure
and remain stationed and fear Allah that you may be successful"- Al-Imran (3:200). This is
the last verse of Al-Imran and its a reminder for all of us, because it talks about continuity,
about keep going, not giving up. Being consistent with the habits is not easy and requires
effort. But with dua and patience you can keep up with your habits. Prophet Muhammad
(SWA) taught us that Allah(SWA) loves the deeds which are continuous, even if it is little.
It again reminds us doing it on regular basis. Building a habit is easy, but staying
consistent is what it makes fruitful.

Now we will discuss about the 7 most effective habits of the most successful people.

1. Waking up early

Waking up early has innumerable benefits, before

I launch in to a list of those benefits, as I mentioned
earlier, you might want to consider the fact that all
successful people irrespective of Muslim or Non-
Muslim, they all wake up early and start their day. So
Now what exactly are the benefits of waking up early.
Early mornings is when you have most
a. Will Power
b. Control over your life/time.

The 7 most effective habits 3

The first and the best advantage is that you will not miss you Fajr again. Go through
the below mentioned hadeeth, if you really understood the meaning or enormous benefits
of praying Fajr, believe me you can't really wait to wake up.
The Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) said "Whoever prays the two cool prayers ("Asr
and Fajr") will go to paradise" (Sahih Bukhari)
The Prophet (PBUH) said "No prayer is harder for hypocrites than the Fajr and Isha
prayers and if they knew the reward for these prayers at their respective times, they
would certainly present themselves (in the mosque) even if they had to crawl" (Sahih
The Prophet (PBUH) said "He who prayed the morning prayer (in congregation) he
is in fact under the protection of Allah" (Sahih Muslim).
Another important advantage of waking up early is the extra time gained in the
day. These extra time you can utilize for exercise, study Qura'n or reading other books,
planning your day, cooking with your spouse, improve relationships etc.
Waking up early means that your day gets a great start. First
you will be proud of yourself for waking up so early and
achieving one of your goals. And usually, if your day has a
great start, the rest of the day follows in a similar happy
pattern, or at least you are in a good mood and better able to
deal well with set backs or frustrations.
Another advantage is you get time to work on a important
goal that you might not usually have time for. Many great
writers used to write in the morning before they go off for
their day jobs. Nell Fredeunberger, a famous American novelist mentions that while she
was working full time at the Newyorker magazine, she would write out a short story in
the mornings before she arrives at work. Her short stories have been published and won
many prestigious awards.
By waking up early you make time for yourself, and for things which are important
to you. Even if you choose to work at your usual job, you can get more work done by the
end of the day. Your personal productivity goes up, if you wake earlier.
Mornings are a great time for work, since they tend to be quiet and uninterrupted.
During the day you might not be able to devote all of yourself to a pet project and you
might need to keep an ear open for your phone even while you meditate.
Waking up early is a great way to find a chunk of peaceful, productive time. Once
again if you choose to do some regular work in this time, you will be much more

The 7 most effective habits 4

productive than you would normally be during the day. You won't be exhausted from
work or burdened with worries, so it's easier to get work done faster too.
Many people mistakenly believe that, they are night owls and that working early
has no real benefit for them. This is rather a widely held
Any one can wake up early, once they have gotten
used to it. It's true that the first few days of suddenly
waking up early are likely to be difficult, but once the
routine is set, it's not that difficult, and being a night owl
is not really that productive. It just mistakenly seems
that way- a fact that becomes evident once you're used
to the habit of starting your day early.
If you're already an early riser congratulations.
Waking up early is a difficult habit to establish and as
difficult to re-establish once you lapse.

2. Exercise
Exercise is a big part in the life of almost all
successful people. US president Barack Obama
once said to his staffs, give me just 45 minutes in
the morning in gym, I will be able to complete all
the works till night. Managing your body is key to
managing your productivity. The benefits of
exercise are innumerable really. One of the main
ones is to feel more energized 24/7. It gets your
blood flowing your metabolism up and your body
in an energized state that lasts practically all day.
When we are healthy, we feel better on the whole. If
you're not currently exercising (especially aerobic
but anaerobic too) make efforts to put it into your routine. The goal should be 150 minutes
a week. But whatever you can master to do it in sha Allah.
I started practicing karate at the age of 11 and took my 1st DAN black belt at the age
of 14. Currently I am 3rd DAN black belt by the grace of Allah and I practice at least 4
days a week. I strongly recommend you to involve in any of the martial arts, whether it be
Karate or Taekwondo or boxing or kung-fu or whatever. The confidence you get by
practicing martial arts is unbelievable. You feel really brave at your heart, you will have
discipline in your life and risk taking attitude in your life in sha Allah.

The 7 most effective habits 5

If you cannot involve in martial arts, involve in sports or games like football or
volleyball or basketball etc. There are enormous benefits that you can gain in engaging in
a. It's fun:- it gives you something to do and a group to belong to, a group of
friends that have the same goals and interests.
b. Develops self-esteem:- Research has found that those who play sports are more
likely to have a positive body image and higher self-esteem, as they are likely to be
c. Prevents developing destructive habits:- Those involved in sports are less likely
to take drugs or smoke because they realize the impact that these destructive activities
can have upon their performance.
d. Promotes mental health:- Physical activity is a good way to relieve stress, reduce
depression and sleep well at night.
e. Helps develop discipline:- Sports make you learn to set goals and then work to
achieve those goals. You learn that by working hard you can accomplish the things
that you want to.
f. Teaches valuable life lessons:- Playing sports teaches you that sometimes you
win and sometimes you lose. You learn to accept both situations. It also helps you to
learn to deal with disappointment and move on.
g. Increase probability of academic success:- Statistics shows that kids involved in
sports while in high school are more likely to experience academic success.
h. Helps develop teamwork and leadership skills:- You learn while playing sports
that you have to work together as a team to win the game!
i. Develops motor skills, strategic thinking and even maths skills:- Students
develop strategic thinking as they figure out the best way to get around a player or
score a goal. They improve their math skills while calculating scores and stats.
j. Promotes health and quality of life:- Regular exercise through sports increases
the quality of life by preventing heart disease through maintaining low cholesterol and
healthy weight.
k. Promotes immunity and bone health:- Playing Sport expedites the healing of
wounds, and helps prevent bones' frangibility.
l. Improves stamina and mental activity:- Sports utilize more oxygen which
stimulates the brain and helps a person do more without feeling exhausted.

3. Habit of eating healthy

The 7 most effective habits 6

Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) said: "The food of two
people is enough for three and the food of three people is
enough for four". (Sahih Bukhari, Sahih Muslim).
I remember a saying "You're what you eat", so make it
a habit of eating healthy. Junk foods doesn't give your body
the nutrients it needs to be active. A body lacking in energy
can easily cause you to feel lazy and apathetic. It's a good
idea to get a doctor's check up if you're worried about your
nutrient intake or energy levels.
Whether you're trying to lose weight or get in shape
or just live a healthier life, eating healthy provides a variety of benefits. No matter what
motivates you, here are the top reasons why you should sneak a few more nutrient-
packed foods in to your diet.
a.You will be more productive:- Just like your car, your
brain need qualify fuel to run efficiently. One study
found that eating unhealthy foods puts you at 66%
increased risk of productivity loss. Eating a healthy
balanced diet make sure your brain has the fuel it
needs means more energy and increased productivity
at work.

b. You'll be happier:- What we eat has an impact on our brains. Did you know
bananas contain 10 milligrams of dopamine, a chief mood booster in the brain. Dark
chocolate with polyphenol is also known to boost serotonin a neurotransmitter that
many antidepressants also target.
c. You'll be less stressed:- Certain foods have the ability to moderate our body's
level of cortisol, the stress hormone. Some studies have found that foods packed with
vitamin-C, omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium help reduce cortisol levels. When the
body is in a chronic state of stress, it breaks down protein to prepare for battle. Eating a
protein rich diet, including fish and diary can help replenish protein stores and keep
cortisol levels at bay.
d. You'll control your weight:- Simple healthy choices such as replacing soda with
water, choosing carrots instead of chips, and ordering a side salad in place of fries not
only will help you lose weight, it also can help you save money.
e. You'll be healthier: Unhealthy eating-especially over the long term can be a risk
factor for chronic diseases such as cancer, diabetes,obesity and heart diseases. If you
miss out on too much of the protein, vitamins and minerals that your body needs, your

The 7 most effective habits 7

muscle mass will decrease as your fat stores increase.Some estimates say at least 30%
of cancers are linked to poor diet.
f. You'll live longer:- Eating healthy can hep you avoid diseases that may lower
your life expectancy
Etiquette of eating in Islam :-
a. Always say bismillah before you eat and Alhamdulillahh after.
b. Eat and drink with the right hand
c. Eat what you require.

4. Positive Thinking
Is your glass half-empty or half-full? How you answer this age-old question about
positive thinking may reflect your outlook on life, your attitude towards yourself, and
whether you're optimistic or pessimistic- and it may even affect your health.
Indeed some studies shows that personality traits like optimism and pessimism can
effect many areas of your health and well-being. The positive thinking that typically
comes with optimism is a key part of effective stress management. And effective stress
management is associated with many health benefits. If you tend to be pessimistic, don't
despair- you can learn positive thinking skills
Understanding positive thinking and self-talk

The 7 most effective habits 8

Positive thinking doesn't mean that you keep your head in the sand and ignore life's
less pleasant situations. Positive thinking just means that you approach unpleasantness in
a more positive and productive way. You think the best is going to happen, not the worst
and keep the trust in the Almighty Allah.
Positive thinking often starts with self-talk. Self-talk is the endless stream of
unspoken thoughts that run through your head. These automatic thoughts can be positive
or negative. Some of your self-talk comes from logic and reason. Other self-talk may arise
from misconceptions that you create because of lack of information.
If the thoughts that run through
your head are mostly negative, your
outlook on life is more likely
pessimistic. If your thoughts are
mostly positive, you're likely an
optimist- some one who practices
positive thinking.
Identifying negative thinking
Not sure if your self-talk is positive or negative? Here are some common forms of
negative self-talk:
a. Filtering:- You magnify the negative aspects of a situation and filter out all the
positive ones. For example, you had a great day at work. You completed your tasks
ahead of time and were complemented for doing a speedy and thorough job. That
evening, you focus only on your plan to do even more tasks and forget about the
compliments you received.
b. Personalizing:- When something bad occurs, you automatically blame yourself.
For example, you hear that an evening out with friends is cancelled, and you assume
that the change in plans is because no one wanted to be around you.
c. Catastrophizing:- You automatically anticipate the worst. The drive through
coffee shop gets your order wrong and you automatically think that the rest of your
day will be a disaster.
d. Polarizing:- You see things only as either good or bad. There is no middle
ground. You feel that you have to be perfect or you're a total failure.
Focusing on positive thinking
You can learn to turn negative thinking in to positive thinking. The process is
simple, but it does take time and practice- you're creating a new habit, after all. Here are
some ways to think and behave in a more positive and optimistic way.

The 7 most effective habits 9

a. Identify areas to change:- If you want to become more optimistic and engage in
more positive thinking, first identity areas of your life that you typically think
negatively about, whether it's work, your daily commute or a relationship. You can
start small by focusing on one area to approach in a more positive way.
b. Check yourself:- Periodically during the day, stop and evaluate what you're
thinking. If you find that your thoughts are mainly negative, try to find a way to put a
positive spin on them.
c. Be open to humor:- Give yourself permission to smile or laugh, especially during
difficult times. Seek humor in everyday happenings. When you can laugh at life, you
feel less stressed.
d. Follow a healthy life style:- As I mentioned earlier exercise at least three times a
week to positively affect mood and reduce stress. Follow a healthy diet to fuel your
mind and body. And learn techniques to manage stress.
e. Surround yourself with positive people:- Make sure those in your life are
positive, supportive people you can depend on to give helpful advice and feedback.
Negative people may increase your stress level and make you doubt your ability to
manage stress in healthy ways.
f. Practice positive self-talk:- Start by following one simple rule: Don't say anything
to yourself that you wouldn't say to
anyone else. Be gentle and
encouraging with yourself. If a
negative thought enters your mind,
evaluate it rationally and respond
with affirmations of what is good
about you.
Here are some examples of negative
self-talk and how you can apply a
positive thinking twist to them.
Putting positive thinking in to

Negative self-talk Positive Thinking

I've never done it before . It's an opportunity to learn something new.

It's too complicated . I'll tackle it from a different angle.

There is no way it will work. I can try to make it work.

The 7 most effective habits 10

Negative self-talk Positive Thinking

I'm too lazy to get this done. I wasn't able to find it into my schedule. But I can
reexamine some priorities.

5. Managing your Sleep

If you can manage your sleep, you can manage your life. 1/3 of your life is spent
sleeping and it is very important for your health and well being throughout your life.
Getting enough quality sleep at the right times can help protect your mental health,
physical health, quality of life and safety. Our body need 6-8 hours sleep each night.
Getting enough quality sleep at the right time helps you function well and stay
active through out the day. People who are sleep deficient are less productive at work and
school. They take longer to finish tasks, have a slower and slower reaction time and make
more mistakes. So it is very important that you manage your sleep. In short if you can
manage your sleep, you can manage your life". Lack of sleep also may lead to micro sleep.
Micro sleep refers to brief moments of sleep that occur when you're normally awake.
Loss of sleep, will really effect your productivity. Some people aren't aware of the
risks of sleep deficiency. In fact they may not even realize that they're sleep deficient. Even
with limited or poor quality sleep, they may still think that they can function well. But in
fact in the longer they get tired and loss their productivity.
Etiquettes of sleeping in Islam
Islam teach us many manners before going to sleep. Do this before you sleep, and in
sha Allah you will get sound sleep and also this will help you wake up early as well.
a. Do miswaaq before going to bed
b. Do Wudhu and is a Sunnah.
c. Shake your blanket three times before you sleep.
d. Don't sleep on your stomach.
e. Sleep on your right side.
f. Gather your hands together as if you're reciting dua and recite in your hands: Al
Fatiha+ Ikhlas+Al Falaq+ AlNaas. Then wipe your hands on all your body. Do this
three times.
g. Recite "Bismikallahumma Amoothu va ahya ", O Allah, by your name I live and
h. Recite 33 times Subhanallah, 33 times Alhamdulillahh and 34 times Allahu Akbar
i. Recite Aayatul Kursi.
Physical preparations before sleep

The 7 most effective habits 11

a. Exercise before sleep
b. Do not eat after 8 pm
c. No caffeine in the evenings
d. Make light body stretch before going to bed.
e. Make the room as cool as possible.
f. Do light reading before bed/Avoid TV (laptop, screens etc.)

6. Knowledge acquisition
The first revelation for Prophet Muhammed (SWA) was " "Read! In the Name of your
Lord, who has created all that exists"-Al- Alaq (96:1). This shows the importance of
gaining knowledge. We can find big difference in the person who has knowledge and who
I still remember the question, my English Mam asked me in the personality
development class when I was studying my engineering 7 years ago. She asked Fahsham,
Tell me what is the most important one thing that is required for a person to be
successful?. I didn't have second choice, I just said "Knowledge". Even today if someone
asks me, my answer remains the same. Knowledge is
very important in leading a successful life.
A knowledgeable person is accorded great respect in
many prophetic narrations.
Because of the importance of knowledge, Allah
commanded his Messenger(PBUH) to seek more of it.
Allah says in the Qura'n "and say: My lord! Increase
me in knowledge"- Ta-ha (20:114)
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) made seeking
knowledge an obligation upon every Muslim, and he
(PBUH) explained that the superiority of the one who
has knowledge over the one who merely worships is like the superiority of the moon over
every other heavenly body. So whoever acquires it has gained a great share. Furthermore,
the Prophet (PBUH) said that seeking knowledge is a way leading to Paradise. He (PBUH)
said "Whoever follows a path in the pursuit of knowledge, Allah will make a path to
paradise easy for him."(Sahih Al-Bukhari). On the other side, a person without knowledge
is like someone walking along a track in complete darkness. Most likely his steps will
wander aside and Satan can easily deceive him. This shows that our greatest danger lies in
our ignorance of Islamic teachings in the first place and in our unawareness of what the
Qura'n teaches and what guidance has been given by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

The 7 most effective habits 12

Islam calls us to learn all kinds of beneficial knowledge. Branches of knowledge vary
in status, the highest of which is knowledge of Qura'n or Islamic Sharee'ah (Islamic law),
then other fields of knowledge, such as medicine etc. So make knowledge acquisition a
habit in your life, and the difference you feel in your personality will be huge in sha Allah.
Also we should know that there is no goodness in knowledge which is not
confirmed by actions or words which are not confirmed by deeds, Allah the Almighty says
"O you who believe! Why do you say that which you do not do? Most hateful it is with
Allah that you say which you do not do"-As-Saff (61:2-3).
The main purpose of acquiring knowledge is to bring us closer to our Creator. It is
not simply for the gratification of the mind or the senses. It is not knowledge for the sake
of knowledge. Knowledge accordingly must be linked with values and goals.
One of the purpose of acquiring knowledge is to gain the good of this world, not to
destroy it through wastage, arrogance and in the reckless pursuit of higher standards of
material comfort.
Six etiquettes of learning
a. Asking questions in a good manner
b. Remaining quiet and listening attentively.
c. Understanding well.
d. Memorizing.
e. Teaching.
f. And it is its fruit:- Acting up on the knowledge and keeping to its limits.

7. Dua :"The Powerful Weapon"

Human beings cannot remain happy forever. There are certain times when nature
decides to test our patience and leaves us bewildered and perplexed. This is the time we
Muslims take advantage of their faith and seek the help of Almighty Allah.
In Qura'n Allah says:"He is the one that has created life and death in order to test
who amongst you is best in conduct"- Al-Mulk(67:2).
Favorable conditions demand us to be humble and thankful to Allah, and
unfavorable situations necessitate us to remain patient and ask Allah for help.
As Muslims our belief rests in the fact that whatever is happening in our life is with
the will of Allah. Good and bad times are from Allah and Muslims should exhibit the best
of their faith in both the cases. It is mentioned in the Qura'n "Verily we will test you with
some fear, hunger, and loss of wealth, lives and fruits, but give glad tidings to As-sabirin
(the patient ones, etc.).

The 7 most effective habits 13

Dua is the strongest weapon that every Muslim has against adversity. When you feel
hopeless and feel that the world has shut all doors of happiness for you, you know that
there is always a source awaiting your call and willing to help you. Currently, most of the
Muslim countries are under attack, however, the only thing that keeps them going is the
firm faith in Allah and belief that their Duas will be accepted one day.
It is mentioned in a Hadith that when the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) came across a
community through a tribulation, he
advised, why don't they supplicate (make
dua) to Allah for assistance?". It is
mentioned in another Hadith that Dua has
the ability to alter destiny.
The power of Dua can be
understood by understanding Badr, When
just 313 ill equipped Muslims had to face
the army of 1000 well armed enemies. The
prophet Muhammad (PBUH) spent the
entire night on the eve of Badr battle
supplicating/ making prayers seeking
Allah's guidance and assistance. On the day of battle, Allah granted the greatest yet
incomprehensible victory to the Muslims.
This is the power of Dua, if made wholeheartedly, with sincerity and believe in
Allah. It is been rightly referred by scholars as the weapon of a believer.
It is mentioned in Musnad Ahmed and Tirmidhi that 'Dua is the essence of worship'.
Dua is the best form of Abdiya that means that a person is totally dependent on Allah. It
includes the belief that every thing good or bad, favorable or unfavorable, happy or sad,
sickness or health lies in the hands of Allah alone and He makes things happen. He
decides whom to bless and whom to test and only he can help.
Allah mentions in the Qura'n: " O mankind! It is you who stand as beggars in your
relation to Allah, and it is Allah who is free of all wants, Worthy of all praise- Fatir (35:15)
A person should make a Dua with firm faith that his/her Dua will be answered,
because sooner or later it will be answered.
Allah mentions in the Qura'n :"Call upon Me; I will respond to you"- Aafir (40:60)
As Muslims we should never give up, because we have the ultimate weapon to
counter our fears, depression, oppression and adversity in the shape of Dua.

The 7 most effective habits 14

Alhamdulillahh, now by the will of Allah we have reached the conclusion. To read
this book is an opportunity given by Allah Almighty for you to bring changes in your life
and to aim and work to achieve some thing bigger in your life by developing these
effective 7 habits in your life.
Now it's your responsibility to take action, do not go backward. I strongly advise
you to prepare a daily task list and mention all these habits according to your time and
convenience and account it on every day before you sleep. Tick the one you did and cross
the one you didn't and try to improve every day, be patient and develop further and make
lots of Dua, it takes at least 21 days for a habit to be part of your life, then after you will do
it automatically and by the day's passes the power of positivity starts flowing in your life,
and your confidence starts boosting up and you will be active and productive 24x7 in sha
May Almighty Allah make it easy for you and shower his blessings...Aameen.

The 7 most effective habits 15

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