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By Owen R. Fonorow,: History of The Great Suppression PHD, MS, Mba © 2005

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he leading killer in the United States—the condition that those in medicine call
"heart disease" or "occlusive cardiovascular disease"—is really a low-grade form
of scurvy. This fact is becoming increasingly more difficult for modern medi-
cine to deny.
Heart disease, Heart disease is a misnomer. The disease is characterised by scab-like build-ups that
which is chronic slowly grow on the walls of blood vessels. The underlying disease process reduces the
supply of blood to the heart and other organs, resulting in angina ("heart cramp"), heart
scurvy in disguise, attack and stroke. The correct terminology for this disease process is "chronic scurvy", a
sub-clinical form of the classic vitamin C deficiency disease.
can be remedied The true nature of the disease was identified in the early 1950s by a Canadian team led
by G. C. Willis, MD. This finding was confirmed in the late 1980s by the world's then
with high doses of leading scientist, Linus Pauling, PhD (1901–1994). Pauling alerted the world in lectures,
in writing and on video after he and his associates conducted experiments that confirmed
vitamin C together the Willis findings. To date, this alert has never made its way into a mainstream media
outlet. Moreover, cardiologists are taught, and routinely tell their patients, that there is no
with the amino acid connection between vitamin C and heart disease, and also that there is no value in vitamin
lysine, a therapy C in amounts much higher than the minuscule RDA (recommended daily allowance).
From a scientific standpoint, if a medical doctor or anyone tries to challenge the true
pioneered by Nobel nature of cardiovascular disease, they must be able to cite experiments that refute the
Pauling/Willis chronic scurvy hypothesis. Such experiments have never been published.
Prize winning It's been 12 years since Pauling issued his final alert. Pharmacology professors Steve
Hickey and Hilary Roberts, in their recent book Ascorbate: The Science of Vitamin C
scientist Dr Linus (2004), document that, incredibly, there have been no independent experiments published
that were designed to test the Pauling hypothesis (except one at much lower doses that
Pauling but is a was conducted by Pauling's close associate Dr Matthias Rath).
We are aware of only one clinical study in humans that has been carefully designed to
threat to the test the Pauling high-dose hypothesis. The study was performed in the UK with 200 men
medical/ over a period of three years (1997–2000), and the data confirmed Pauling's theory and
therapy. Yet, so far, Dr Kale Kenton's study has not appeared in a medical journal.
pharmaceutical Will the giant pharmaceutical industry facing these facts survive or will it collapse in
2005? The end of the suppression of vitamin C will reveal the Codex Alimentarius
establishment. restrictions for what they really are: a means to prop up an industry that has little reason
to exist in its present form. The public is beginning to realise that the world's most prof-
itable industry is really a house of cards. Its most profitable products are at best useless
and at worst dangerous. Prescription drugs beget more drugs. The secret that dooms Big
Pharma is that the best of health is achieved by taking high doses of vitamin C and avoid-
ing toxic prescription medications as if your life depended on it.
by Owen R. Fonorow, History of the Great Suppression
PhD, MS, MBA © 2005 The 700,000 people who die needlessly every year in the USA are those who heed the
advice of their cardiologist. The American Heart Association estimates that 63 million
PO Box 3097
Americans suffer cardiovascular disease. More than one million undergo some form of
Lisle, IL 60532, USA
heart operation, and over 15 million are taking statin cholesterol-lowering drugs on the
Email: owen@vitamincfoundation.org advice of their doctor. These popular statin drugs are known to deplete CoQ10
Website: (coenzyme Q10) and probably cause heart failure.
http://www.VitaminCFoundation.org The pioneering research into the relationship between vitamin C deficiency and heart
disease began in the late 1940s, not long after the structure of vitamin C was determined.

DECEMBER 2005 – JANUARY 2006 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 39

Canadian doctors proved that a vitamin C deficiency causes the There is no doubt that the news of this cure has been sup-
condition, commonly called "atherosclerosis". These doctors pressed, otherwise most of the public would have learned that
found that the condition will arise in 100 per cent of vitamin C- twice Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling had suggested it.
deprived animal test subjects that don't make their own vitamin C. Millions are dying needlessly for lack of disseminated knowledge
Furthermore, these Canadian pioneers demonstrated that vitamin of the Pauling discovery, which amounts to the suppression of it.
C alone reverses atherosclerosis in laboratory animals. (G. C. Is Linus Pauling's high-dose ascorbic acid and amino acid ther-
Willis, "The Reversibility of Atherosclerosis", Canadian Medical apy the cure for heart disease? The crime is that no one knows!
Association Journal, vol. 77, July 15, 1957, pp. 106-109) Pauling and his former associate, Dr Matthias Rath, did their
The team performed similar studies in humans. The results, part by running the experiments and attempting to publicise these
while not conclusive, showed reversals of atherosclerotic plaques discoveries. Now it is up to other researchers in the medical sci-
in one third of the human subjects. Notably, these studies were of entific community. If there is the mere chance that Drs Willis,
low doses, no more than 1,500 mg per day. (G. C. Willis, A. W. Pauling and Rath are correct, it is truly criminal to fail to run
Light, W. S. Cow, "Serial Arteriography in Atherosclerosis", experiments under fair conditions.
Canad. M. A. J., vol. 71, December 1954, pp. 562-568)
The knowledge that heart disease is a form of scurvy has been Gross Negligence at the National Institutes of Health
suppressed from the time that the first series of Willis articles was Apparently, medical science is controlled by the drug industry.
published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal in the Even the US National Institutes of Health gives all appearances of
early 1950s. Inexplicably, since the 1950s, no articles favourable being under the control of the drug industry, and it seems that not
to vitamin C and its connection with atherosclerosis have even members of Congress can overcome this obstacle.
appeared in a reputable medical journal that is widely read by In the years 1998 and 2002, the Vitamin C Foundation submit-
medical doctors. ted grant requests for government funding to study Dr Pauling's
Cardiologists-to-be are taught that theories. These requests were formally
there is no relationship between vitamin submitted to the new Office of
C intake and heart disease, and that it is Alternative Medicine at the NIH (see
quackery to suggest otherwise. These http://vitamincfoundation.org/
assertions seem justified because Cardiologists-to-be are taught NCCAMgrant).
reports of such studies are lacking. But, that there is no relationship The reasons for these requests were
as vitamin C expert and pharmacology twofold: The Foundation sought
professor Dr Steve Hickey pointed out between vitamin C intake and funding so that Linus Pauling's
in email correspondence in December heart disease, and that it is recommended therapy would be fairly
2004, every cardiologist could have investigated in humans. All
performed these studies on his/her own: quackery to suggest otherwise. previously known tests have been
"Time has moved on and the medical performed with less than adequate
profession has failed over the past 50 amounts of vitamin C. These grant
years to produce the required experi- applications also put the United States
ments. The budget of, say, the NIH Government on notice that Linus
[National Institutes of Health] alone is over $27 billion but over Pauling had in fact made the claim of an outright cure for heart
the past 50 years no one has replicated the early vitamin C and disease. The NIH was free to design, sponsor and run its own
heart disease research, which could be done by almost any cardi- study with its own choice of scientists. Had such studies been
ologist from petty cash," wrote Dr Hickey. conducted, millions of lives and billions of dollars might now
"Since Pauling and others have promoted ascorbate as a cure have been saved. Unfortunately for Americans, the NIH's Office
for heart disease, it seems silly that a potential cure for the worst of Alternative Medicine rejected both grant requests and failed to
killer in the developed nations [atherosclerosis] has not been run its own studies.
refuted. To a scientist from any other discipline, this lack of inter- "Both requests were turned down by the United States
est would be bizarre. Government, not because the reviewers had any objection to the
"It's a fact that the experiments have been done in animals and science or the protocols but because the scientists and medical
the results show that ascorbate protects against atherosclerosis and doctors that the Foundation recruited to run the study were 'inex-
may reverse it. There is some additional evidence from human perienced'. Apparently, investigators that run studies for the NIH
studies that is consistent with this interpretation. So why have the have to be members of 'The Club'. This travesty is a matter of
human studies not been performed? Or, we may ask, if they have public record," according to Mike Till, Sr, co-founder of the
been performed, was the data withheld? The enemies of Pauling, Vitamin C Foundation.
as well as the drug companies, would love to see the Pauling
hypothesis discredited," Dr Hickey concluded. "Why have the The Debacle over Cholesterol-Lowering Statin Drugs
experiments not been reported?" Cardiology has been on the wrong path for a long time. The
result has been that heart disease is still the leading cause of
The Linus Pauling Lecture Video mortality in the United States, and cholesterol-lowering statin
In a 1992 lecture recorded on video, Dr Linus Pauling drugs have become the top-selling class of prescription drug.
explained the reason atherosclerosis forms on the walls of arteries Statin drugs generated more than US$12.5 billion in annual sales
when vitamin C is deficient. He explained how a specific form of in 2002, and Forbes Magazine claims the latest worldwide annual
cholesterol causes plaques, compensating for low levels of sales figure is $26 billion, but these drugs have significant side
vitamin C, and why his discovery of a rapid cure for chronic effects (see http://www.health-fx.net/eBook.pdf). Vitamin C,
scurvy includes the amino acid lysine (see http://www. with annual sales close to $180 million, has the very same
paulingtherapy.com/). cholesterol-lowering property as the popular statin drugs.

40 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com DECEMBER 2005 – JANUARY 2006

In 1985, two years prior to the introduction of the popular possibilities with airline pilots who take statins, he has begun a
cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, the scientists who were crusade to educate the medical profession and public about the
investigating the enzymes that help the body produce cholesterol potential danger of cholesterol-lowering drugs. He has written a
made an important discovery: vitamin C is a powerful anti- book, Statin Drugs: Side Effects and the Misguided War on
cholesterol agent. The vitamin C molecule inhibits the same Cholesterol (see the Spacedoc.net website).
enzyme, HMG CoA reductase, that the cholesterol-lowering statin The Vitamin C Foundation has posted its collection of concerns
drugs inhibit (see http://www.jbc.org/cgi/content/abstract/ at http://www.vitamincfoundation.org/statinalert.
Individuals using home cholesterol-monitoring devices, such as Chronic Scurvy Verified by CardioRetinometry and
the LifeStream® monitor (available in 55,000 retail outlets), Reversed with Vitamin C
report that 6,000 mg to 10,000 mg of vitamin C may be required It has long been known that human arteries weaken without
for maximum cholesterol-lowering effect. vitamin C and other necessary nutritional support. "Atheromas"
or "soft atherosclerotic plaques" are the names given to abnormal
Statin Drugs Block Coenzyme Q10 Production and May formations that appear in arteries. Dr Pauling and associates
Cause Heart Failure, Leading to Heart Transplants theorised with Willis that such plaque formations serve to
The structure of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10 or ubiquinone) was strengthen arteries because they appear most often where the
determined by the Merck scientist Karl blood pressure is highest. Sometimes a
Folkers after its discovery in 1957 (see weak artery ruptures and the resulting clot
http://www.nutrition.org/cgi/content/full/ causes a heart attack or stroke. This
131/9/2227). There have been at least 35 condition is most properly characterised as
clinical studies showing CoQ10's massive In 1985, two years chronic scurvy.
benefits for heart patients, especially patients
suffering heart failure (see http://www.
prior to the introduction theAtheromas in the microscopic arteries in
retina have been clearly visible to eye
coq10supplement.com/). And in Japan, until of the popular doctors, who until recently did not believe
last year CoQ10 was a heart medication only that such build-ups were reversible.
available by prescription.
cholesterol-lowering Dr Sidney Bush, DOpt, of the United
The drug giant Merck learned during its statin drugs, the Kingdom, accidentally discovered that
research into lowering cholesterol that statin atheromas can be reversed in those patients
drugs block the body's production of its own scientists who were instructed to take from 3,000 mg to 10,000
CoQ10. This blockage of CoQ10 synthesis investigating the mg of vitamin C daily (the amount depend-
is a serious action of statins that causes ing on the effect on the retinal arteries).
fatigue, muscle pain and skeletal enzymes that help the Dr Bush made his discovery while
myopathy (a grave deterioration of body produce studying eye infections in contact lens
muscle). Drug advertisements in wearers. Vitamin C was being tested
Canada must carry the CoQ10 statin- cholesterol made an as a preventive measure for these infec -
depletion warning, but the US F D A important discovery: tions and, serendipitously, Dr Bush
does not require these important warn- noticed that atheromas disappeared in
ings, keeping US medical doctors in the vitamin C is a powerful the patients taking vitamin C. He
dark and putting their patients at risk anti-cholesterol agent. reported that some patients require as
(see http://www.naturesperfectstatin. much as 10,000 mg daily to reverse
com/warn.htm). soft atheromas.
Merck has more than one 1990 Dr Bush has invented a new diagnos-
patent for adding CoQ10 to statins as a tic technique that he calls
means of circumventing the issue of CardioRetinometry® (see web page
blocking CoQ10 biosynthesis (US http://www.vitamincfoundation.org/
Patent No. 4,933,165). Their having these patents since 1990 is bush/more.html). He believes this method of diagnosis will revo-
proof that members of the Merck Corporation have been aware lutionise cardiology:
that statins cause muscle deterioration. (The Merck patents were "A new diagnostic technique can access coronary heart disease
never implemented, probably because the world supply of CoQ10 risk (CHD) suggested by universal retinal arterial atheroma, pre-
is far too limited to supply all statin drug users.) viously unsuspected as reversible. Physicians have overlooked,
It is sad and truly frightening that today's hottest-selling class of and optometrists/ophthalmologists were not expecting that vita-
prescription drugs—cholesterol-lowering statin drugs—is known min C would have this effect. This effect was accidentally found
to deplete CoQ10 synthesis, yet these drugs are routinely pre- and linked to the vitamin C that contact lens wearers had agreed
scribed to heart patients! to take. We have increasingly noticed it from 1999 using
Retinometry in the Hull Contact Lens and Eye Clinic. Such a dis-
Transient Global Amnesia: Another Statin Side-Effect? covery requires urgent evaluation."
Former NASA astronaut and USAF flight surgeon Duane Dr Bush has also promoted the idea that chronic scurvy not
Graveline, MD, believes that the statin drug Lipitor caused his only exists, but can be accurately measured. Eye doctors can now
own case of transient global amnesia (TGA)—a statin easily diagnose this condition by examining the microscopic arter-
drug–associated memory dysfunction experienced while flying ies behind the eye before any symptoms of heart disease manifest.
(see http://www.spacedoc.net/Statins_flyer.html). Thanks to Dr Bush, we now know that vitamin C will reverse
Dr Graveline believes that these drugs are the cause of a recent the condition in short order at the optimal dosage determined by
epidemic of TGA to hit emergency rooms and, fearing the dire CardioRetinometry.

DECEMBER 2005 – JANUARY 2006 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 41

"People today are under the extremely seriously mistaken Our Path to Vitamin C and Other Discoveries
impression that nobody dies of scurvy any more! These studies In 1994, no one knew whether Linus Pauling's high vitamin
may prove that we are all dying faster from scurvy than hitherto C/lysine protocol really worked. Our company, Intelisoft
suspected," said Dr Bush. Multimedia, Inc., had obtained the rights to the Pauling video on
"The pericorneal vasculature, studied frequently by contact lens heart disease and tried to promote it (see http://www.
practitioners, shows that scurvy affects all humans some of the paulingtherapy.com/). At that time, the author had no financial
time and most of us most of the time. The largely unrecognised interest in any nutritional product.
chronic subclinical form can best be diagnosed (and cured) by Years later, we realised that Pauling's close associate, Matthias
optometrists using sequential electronic retinal artery images and Rath, apparently had not fully appreciated what Pauling had been
highly variable amounts of vitamin C, occasionally with other advocating. For this reason, we took on the task of promulgating
nutrients," he noted. Pauling's discoveries. Tower Laboratories Corporation was
CardioRetinometry clearly demonstrates the relationship willing to promote a new product with sufficiently high doses of
between vitamin C intake and "atheromas"—plaques forming on vitamin C and lysine which matched Pauling's dosage
the arteries that serve the retina in the eye. Dr Bush has published recommendations (see http://www.towerlaboratories.com/).
before and after pictures taken with his new method and advo- From the beginning, the Pauling therapy began to absolutely
cates the need for rigorous studies: cure the incurable—miracle after miracle. Many of these
"The atheroma of the retinal arteries is a virtually perfect testimonials have been written and are posted at the video website
surrogate outcome predictor of coronary PaulingTherapy.com. Yet, none of the old
heart disease and will continue to be so as media printed a word about this phenomenon.
long as the eyes are connected to the rest of Consumer health advocate Kevin Trudeau
the system. The modern electronic eye has written a new book entitled N a t u r a l
camera/microscopes with high-definition Cures 'They' Don't Want You To Know About
magnification facility show the impacting of (see http://www.naturalcures.com). Most of
the cholesterol beautifully and also its the information in this book dovetails with
redissolving into the bloodstream when the The safe and effective our experience during the past decade in
system is restored to balance. And this is advocating the Pauling therapy for heart
seen in arterioles too small to be seen with answer to the most disease. Trudeau points out that it is against
the naked eye! common form of heart Federal law to tell people that a particular
"Whilst day-to-day variations in the peri- product cures a disease, without consent
corneal vessels are a relatively easily read- disease—plaques from the government. Kevin is angry, and I
able 'barometer' of 'ephemeral' scurvy, espe- forming over weak feel the same way.
cially when viewed via the slit lamp Almost everyone in authority con-
biomicroscope of the contact lens prac- arteries—is 6,000 mg cerned with heart disease (except
titioner, little attention has been paid to to 18,000 mg vitamin C patients) knows or has been advised
it except by a few dedicated medical that Pauling's theory is undeniable and
practitioners. daily to strengthen that his recommended therapy works
"The pericorneal arterioles and capil-
laries can be and are graded in my sys-
the arteries. quickly.
The safe and effective answer to the
tem of practice into ten degrees of most common form of heart disease—
scurvy, allowing the accurate predic- plaques forming over weak arteries—is
tion to patients of how much or little 6,000 mg to 18,000 mg vitamin C daily
vitamin C they have been eating. The to strengthen the arteries. And Dr
highest mark anybody has had is 94%. Pauling's invention of administering
When I started this grading, c. 1997, I high-dose lysine—2,000 mg to 6,000
confounded my nursing staff by being mg—resolves existing plaques. This
able to correctly identify patients who combination appears to work in most
ate no or few greens. But the same ease of observation does not individuals within 10 days, with the correct dosage.
attach to identification of the chronic subclinical variety. It can- The general attitude of traditional medicine is wrong and self-
not identify dietary faults in the most recent past. In a similar serving on these matters. Instead of depriving patients of a
way, to slow build-up of vitamin E in the body fat and cell walls potentially life-saving therapy until the "necessary" (and, as yet,
of the brain, it takes over a month to be sure what is happening to still unplanned) studies are run, doctors should be recommending
the cholesterol in the retinal arteries." Dr Pauling's therapy to all heart patients until there is evidence
Dr Bush now has evidence that even calcified "hard" plaques that this non-toxic therapy doesn't work. We have heard reports
can be reversed over the course of two years on a high vitamin C of cardiologists becoming livid after having been briefed on
intake. This development throws a hammer into the government/ Pauling's theories by respected sources. These doctors expressed
Codex "recommended" daily allowance of 60 mg and the 2,000 verbal frustration at their medical journals for not informing them
mg maximum tolerable allowance. of these developments.
"The moral of the story is to have regular examinations of the
retinal arteries by a patient, suitably equipped, optometrist trained The Solution to Other Forms of Heart Disease
in CardioRetinometry. This is in my opinion, after five years of • Heart Failure
observation of my patients' health, the most valuable safeguard of Many people experience a remission from heart failure after
one's cardiovascular [system] and probably many other systems, they adopt Pauling's vitamin C and lysine therapy. However,
as they do not act in isolation." there is much evidence that the cause of heart failure in most

42 • NEXUS www.nexusmagazine.com DECEMBER 2005 – JANUARY 2006

people is a coenzyme Q10 deficiency. This vitamin-like heart disease by itself. The chelation treatments that are effective
coenzyme is required in our fuel cells, the mitochondria, in order incorporate a supplement program which includes vitamin C.
to manufacture the body's fuel, adenine triphosphate (ATP).
Several other vitamins are required for the human body to pro- • Heart Attack
duce its own CoQ10, and humans are known to synthesise less Strong vitamin C/lysine–fortified arteries are less likely to
CoQ10 as we age. Scores of prescription drugs, and in fact all the rupture. If there is no rupture, there will be no clot. If there is no
cholesterol-lowering statin drugs, block the body's production of clot, there will be no heart attack caused by a blockage of blood to
CoQ10! Therefore, it can be accurately stated that these drugs, the heart.
given to most heart patients, cause a form of heart disease: heart World Health Organization researchers have discovered that
failure. The rate of heart failure has tripled, and CoQ10 experts low-serum vitamin E is a 70 per cent better predictor of heart
cite studies which attribute this increase to higher dosages of attack than either hypertension (high blood pressure) or high
statins (see http://www.dogpile.com/info.dogpl.toolbar/search/ cholesterol (see http://www.acgraceco.com/studies/unstudy.html).
web/an%2Bepidemic%2Bof%2Bheart%2Bfailure). Also, K. K. Teo and others have discovered that a magnesium
The only recognised cure for heart failure is heart transplant. injection immediately after a heart attack saved 55 per cent of
Forget Vioxx, Celebrex, Aleve, etc.: the statin drugs are an even those who would have died (a placebo-controlled trial; see
bigger scandal. http://www.internetwks.com/pauling/jon.html and British Medical
Journal 303:1499-1503, 1991).
• High Blood Pressure/Hypertension
Normally, blood pressure elevates during times of stress (fight • Congenital Heart Defects and Heart Damage
or flight) for short periods. The higher blood pressure ensures We have documented extraordinary cases of patients whose
that glucose and other nutrients enter damaged hearts, as measured by EKG,
the cells in order to aid response to the have returned to normal.
stress. It is also normal for high blood Harvard medical researchers found
pressure to normalise after the stressful that vitamin C was the only one of 880
event passes. Generally, doctors Trusting patients are being substances tested that caused heart
measure blood pressure because a taken advantage of. Heart muscle cells to regenerate from stem
small narrowing of the artery has an cells (see http://www.sciencedaily.
exponential effect on hypertension. surgery fails in 40–50 per cent com/releases/2003/04/030401073122.
This blood pressure reading is
considered an indicator of (weak)
of patients because the plaque htm).
It is our experience that a good nat-
arterial plaque. quickly regrows (restenosis). ural vitamin E with mixed tocopherols
According to discussions in the and tocotrienols (such as 2,000 IU
British Medical Journal, ophthalmolo- Unique-E from A. C. Grace), in con-
gists have noticed that the plaques junction with high vitamin C as ascor-
form in microscopic retinal arteries bic acid, is required for EKG reversals
before the onset of elevated blood pressure (see (see vitamin E links at http://www.vitamincfoundation.org/
http://bmj.bmjjournals.com/cgi/eletters/329/7457/79#68348). vite.htm). Such a reversal occurred in three months (see
Pauling's therapy is an effective treatment for hypertension, as http://www.internetwks.com/carolsmith).
are other nutrients such as magnesium, vitamin B6, the amino
acid arginine and several other orthomolecular approaches. • Cardiology: A Real Nightmare Scenario
Health journalist Bill Sardi believes that 200 mg of vitamin B6 is Heart patients have the right to be highly sceptical or even fear-
more effective than many prescription drugs for hypertension (see ful of their cardiologist. With the exception of the nitroglycerine
http://www.askbillsardi.com/sdm.asp?pg=hyper_1). patch (see http://www.internetwks.com/owen/suppress.
htm#NITRO), there are no standard heart medications or treat-
• Calcified Arteries ments that do help heart patients. (Nitroglycerine allows the body
Many heart patients have hard or calcified arteries. This condi- to create more nitric oxide, which dilates arteries for temporary
tion makes heart attack more likely because blood vessels are relief of angina pain. Strangely, the FDA recently turned down an
unable to dilate properly in the event of a clot or blockage. The application for a new-style nitroglycerine patch; see
most probable cause of excess calcium building up in the arteries http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/medicalnews.php?newsid=18
of heart patients is the use of blood-thinners. These prescription 335.)
medications either simulate or block vitamin K, and they are rou- In our opinion, all prescription treatments, of which we are
tinely prescribed. aware, make patients worse by blocking CoQ10 or by causing
There are over 200 Medline studies as evidence of our suspi- rapid calcification of soft tissues, by making blood clots more
cion that this is a fact (see http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/ likely or by raising blood pressure. Trusting patients are being
query.fcgi?db=PubMed&cmd=Display&dopt=pubmed_ taken advantage of. Heart surgery fails in 40–50 per cent of
pubmed&from_uid=9743228). patients because the plaque quickly regrows (restenosis).
High-dose vitamin K reduces calcium in soft tissues and is con- According to Discovery Health Channel, almost 40 per cent of
sidered a standard treatment for osteoporosis in Japan. The vita- patients on a heart-lung machine suffer cognitive dysfunction.
min acts as a hormone and helps move calcium from soft tissues This is one reason former US President Bill Clinton underwent a
into bone (see http://www.lef.org/magazine/mag2000/feb00- "beating heart"-style heart bypass operation which does not utilise
report.html). a heart-lung machine.
Chelation doctors deserve great respect. Their EDTA detoxifi-
cation therapy benefits many patients, but EDTA will not cure Continued on page 77

DECEMBER 2005 – JANUARY 2006 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 43

Chronic Scurvy and Heart Disease
Continued from page 43 vitamin C that are far above the Codex- Tower Laboratories of Las Vegas, Nevada,
inspired "tolerable upper-maximum limits". and has designed several of their high-dose
Conclusion Vioxx and other evidence of malfeasance vitamin C products.
Those who fear the upcoming Codex at the FDA have caught the public's Owen Fonorow graduated from the US
restrictions on supplements are now willing attention. Master television marketers such Air Force Academy in 1976 and earned his
to turn to vitamin C and its relevance to as Kevin Trudeau and Bill Sardi work to MBA before leaving the Air Force in 1981.
heart disease in order to further their change the image of prescription He joined AT&T Bell Laboratories in 1984
attacks on artificial governmental guide- medications in the minds of the public. as a member of the technical staff until his
lines and restrictions. Codex proponents, However, if the Codex restrictions on retirement in 2001.
claiming to base their decision on science, supplements are approved, it will soon Fascina ted since 1983 by Dr Lin us
become very difficult to obtain vitamin C Pauling's research into vitamin C, Fonorow
find that the late Dr Linus Pauling contin-
ues to be a difficult opponent in the battle in optimal amounts. ∞ went on to earn his PhD in Nutritional
Science in 2002 and the degree Doctor of
for public opinion.
About the Author: Naturopathy from Chatworth College in
Drs Hickey and Roberts have published 2003. His dissertations dealt with the rela-
their newest critique of the science behind Dr Owen R . Fonorow is president of
Intelisoft Multimedia, Inc. and is based in tionship of vitamin C deficiency to heart
the governmental recommendations of disease and the inherent problems with the
daily vitamin C intake. These professors Illinois, USA. His company owns the dis-
tribution rights to Nobel Prize winner Dr current health care system.
expose unbelievable errors at the NIH. As Dr Fonorow can be contacted by email
other scientists become aware of their latest Linus Pauling's video on heart disease. He
is a co-founder of the Vitamin C at owen@vitamincfoundation.org. His
book, The Ridiculous Dietary Allowance original article, "Chronic Scurvy: The
Foundation and is the owner of Owen R.
(see http://www.lulu.com/content/92249), Suppression of the Real Nature, Cause and
Fonorow Naturopath & Associates, a con-
and their analysis is verified, a large impact sulting firm that combines more than 50 Outright Cure for Heart Disease", can be
in the scientific community is predicted. years of learning and experience about vit- found at http://www.internetwks.com/
Dr Bush's work and his new amins, minerals, amino acids, antioxidants owen/suppress.htm. For more information
CardioRetinometry method of diagnosis is and enzymes. on related research, refer to the following
exceptionally interesting in its process. It Dr Fonorow's nutritional speciality and websites tha t Dr Fonorow ma intains:
will soon leave little doubt as to the cause primary interest is vitamin C, and clients http://www.PaulingTherapy.com;
of atherosclerosis and the simplicity with include health professionals as well as the http://www.VitaminCFoundation.org;
which it can be reversed with high dosages general public. Recently he has worked http://www.TheCureForHeartDisease.com;
of vitamin C. Reversals require dosages of closely with nutritional manufacturer http://www.NaturesPerfectStatin.com.

DECEMBER 2005 – JANUARY 2006 www.nexusmagazine.com NEXUS • 77

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