By Owen R. Fonorow,: History of The Great Suppression PHD, MS, Mba © 2005
By Owen R. Fonorow,: History of The Great Suppression PHD, MS, Mba © 2005
By Owen R. Fonorow,: History of The Great Suppression PHD, MS, Mba © 2005
he leading killer in the United States—the condition that those in medicine call
"heart disease" or "occlusive cardiovascular disease"—is really a low-grade form
of scurvy. This fact is becoming increasingly more difficult for modern medi-
cine to deny.
Heart disease, Heart disease is a misnomer. The disease is characterised by scab-like build-ups that
which is chronic slowly grow on the walls of blood vessels. The underlying disease process reduces the
supply of blood to the heart and other organs, resulting in angina ("heart cramp"), heart
scurvy in disguise, attack and stroke. The correct terminology for this disease process is "chronic scurvy", a
sub-clinical form of the classic vitamin C deficiency disease.
can be remedied The true nature of the disease was identified in the early 1950s by a Canadian team led
by G. C. Willis, MD. This finding was confirmed in the late 1980s by the world's then
with high doses of leading scientist, Linus Pauling, PhD (1901–1994). Pauling alerted the world in lectures,
in writing and on video after he and his associates conducted experiments that confirmed
vitamin C together the Willis findings. To date, this alert has never made its way into a mainstream media
outlet. Moreover, cardiologists are taught, and routinely tell their patients, that there is no
with the amino acid connection between vitamin C and heart disease, and also that there is no value in vitamin
lysine, a therapy C in amounts much higher than the minuscule RDA (recommended daily allowance).
From a scientific standpoint, if a medical doctor or anyone tries to challenge the true
pioneered by Nobel nature of cardiovascular disease, they must be able to cite experiments that refute the
Pauling/Willis chronic scurvy hypothesis. Such experiments have never been published.
Prize winning It's been 12 years since Pauling issued his final alert. Pharmacology professors Steve
Hickey and Hilary Roberts, in their recent book Ascorbate: The Science of Vitamin C
scientist Dr Linus (2004), document that, incredibly, there have been no independent experiments published
that were designed to test the Pauling hypothesis (except one at much lower doses that
Pauling but is a was conducted by Pauling's close associate Dr Matthias Rath).
We are aware of only one clinical study in humans that has been carefully designed to
threat to the test the Pauling high-dose hypothesis. The study was performed in the UK with 200 men
medical/ over a period of three years (1997–2000), and the data confirmed Pauling's theory and
therapy. Yet, so far, Dr Kale Kenton's study has not appeared in a medical journal.
pharmaceutical Will the giant pharmaceutical industry facing these facts survive or will it collapse in
2005? The end of the suppression of vitamin C will reveal the Codex Alimentarius
establishment. restrictions for what they really are: a means to prop up an industry that has little reason
to exist in its present form. The public is beginning to realise that the world's most prof-
itable industry is really a house of cards. Its most profitable products are at best useless
and at worst dangerous. Prescription drugs beget more drugs. The secret that dooms Big
Pharma is that the best of health is achieved by taking high doses of vitamin C and avoid-
ing toxic prescription medications as if your life depended on it.
by Owen R. Fonorow, History of the Great Suppression
PhD, MS, MBA © 2005 The 700,000 people who die needlessly every year in the USA are those who heed the
advice of their cardiologist. The American Heart Association estimates that 63 million
PO Box 3097
Americans suffer cardiovascular disease. More than one million undergo some form of
Lisle, IL 60532, USA
heart operation, and over 15 million are taking statin cholesterol-lowering drugs on the
Email: advice of their doctor. These popular statin drugs are known to deplete CoQ10
Website: (coenzyme Q10) and probably cause heart failure. The pioneering research into the relationship between vitamin C deficiency and heart
disease began in the late 1940s, not long after the structure of vitamin C was determined.