...... ~. -~, ~-
FQfflo'ttte.~ .9'0 0 1I::s. :mkes Me ~:p,;}~rmru! t' COifie' ,to preserve M;e' wording ,,,~d ilrnags;.-: /rom the r:uig,inat b~~k, H·ow,eiilet~ t~~:S ibo,o'JC bas been sC,Q,~~eQf and ~rma;[~' th~ ofiif1;l1a~, Q'na a,s. 5u!:"fiI W~ ,,"an,II'JI~t" g~Glmii1'~~E ;~IJ<i:1t· it· ,fS, ft;e.t1lmm eTIfQ\F;i> o,f" ',"OlJIt'!J'imi· !the /ulJ' C-O\f,l'["C'iI'1I;r, 0:1 ;the .fJrifll4l'jI(J~~
by Charfes F:ililm 0 re Uni,ty V",,'age.; ,M,O : Unl,ilty' Books,
1R)~p-1,JI 1001 iSJ'iI ~ d 1.1008 by ForglOU ~ n Boolk~ Wi),'1w.J(}t!'g(J(r.feli1'b~oks:.,(its.y
o y
D'ID' ,yo '0' . U· . &I"'N'" "'O'W", . '9
_-' I __ , ,I '. ,,' . _ ...... ',_" "_.'_4i.';J;';Ii,
YOU' can read any' IQ'tJd' a.I:1 of aur tho usands 0," ,boo.ks online'b,r
_ ........................................ , l ,J'
F-R, "B' :'E:-
- _'"._ :.1 _,'" _
'W- . -Ii!;ljliljllj' M .rn""t- • .bn- -'b- A.ftl"_,ii~ Ard _:_".: "l"''''''L~,1[~,!J1' ~~'. I~I~·.~:_ ._.' .. w.:".~~~!1!".
'~T he t;,h~\i%f Thoug,ht Move rn ent at 1rr\1 ew' rho llIghlt i~ a [lloo~e 1'1' '~II[I led gr(;UjllP off orp ill i:z,a'ticns~, a uthers, ph~ 10:$0 ~ hera, a iii dl ~ I'1Id hJj,d!.ll al:$ 'w'bol share ,iiIi :i!et 10rf ~'1!l'u~'t~lphy~ica I b ~I i@f'S c/o neiEl'Iffl!li !11~: hea ~i llig" [I ih~ ~;!O,F(~@~ Cr~BtTve Visu~ li,;il;,ar~i CHi" and pe r;51011iaJl powe,r'", Tine N,ew lhoueht IMlo'\r'E! me:l'lIit de"le.loped ' rn th e !l.JJ lilitedi St~tl~s d u rl rag the miiid 'tlO II~t;e 19t1il '[lelll'~I!JIF!i' and ii:O nti nues te the present 'ti m'e'" It p r'Omlo't'e!'S th'E.". id,ea,s ''tlhat Giod is an [po\i'!o!'edu I ;Blind ubtq !1iiiittOUlS" 's,p i~frt is, '~he ~ot~ litv gf ~ II thi ng~'ji true ~ U ffl~n :selftloodi ts d iivi n@I' diivine, '~h;O ~g!h~: i~ ,~I M,roe: 1'0[" g:!l)odil, most' ,slie ~ n'E!JS5 oifiii!ill:iifil ates i i11 ehe mi nd, aline] I!i ri~:h't 'it hil n k~fiIl(!l,i~ has ,1ii!1 [~ea n1ng effe ee, n
About th e ,Autlmior'
r'h'''' rles ll""I'11 m ...... 'e· ~'~I .m.S4 l;Eit"l Q'~ L .. Ell ',",a< 11"1' . I'U'~' ,1\, &,0 .' - :;::1 "iii 0 "
!~Ch~ fl'h~$ FU ~m(l! t'\il!!j (A,ugus.t ,2:21' :iIl8S~ ,. j ully 5';0 19~4a)!~ bo rn in S'~. 1(:10 ~d!, MliliHlleso~al miIiJinde,d Um!itv.!' a ehurch wil'ithiiil the' N,eW' lmcuJlght' miOrye'me,n'~ wirth h lis wi1T'e" MVIFUe Ij)~S'e IIF~ III more'.. i III 188;9'. IH e be~,~ me k m;H,NIi1I as ~ III AmJiENrica n Imy$,'t~(: if,"!O'il" hi 5, (ontriibuili liolfil s tc me/tEl pIhiV5,icai~ i il1t er p Ii,et~ti ons IOI~ lSi blU,call scrl ptu re.
tn ,a pamphlet c~llIed iiA,riiS\i"rH~rS, to Your 'Ql!J.l1estiowH~ About L!J11il~tVii I poet James 1"1;~111 et F' - - - - - ,- - - - to h - i- C' h - -~ - - - - ,.-;11 I"'.ii' 'rill - ... - I'lL-. h -.... ~ -liIi"~ -, - 1-0.1- - - - - - ,"," I;,.I!W_ ~e : _ re,em>a n s.irys ,,>a "" . ' iflilr~€:~, ilil!1'!.J li¥lll¥I', ,€' !i.iI Ch,n _uag ~~ e;a ,~_, p. rChO!l J~'ImIS ~1JflQ!
'tlllrned te so men ew' ~id aas \!\i'h~ch th ev' be!I~,e'Ve'd h,el p ed '~:O i Ii'II1 P I"ilOi'io!\e th e~,e; pr'() b li~I!1i'ts. irh~'ir' b~[1 i~'f~ ,~If~ ~~f'i!It,~r,~d alfO u nd tw,o b~ slc ~ Ii"OI~H)5,it~ on 5,; 'G'C} d i~, IPodL G'od is av,aJUallb~le'; lin 'r,act, G;lod Is ilr1 ',(,DUI. The p\~mphlle.'t: ,~roe:!Il: em '~O say 'that:
AbOll!'~ a y'e~ w after '~he' IFii n mere's 'st~!fh~3d the' m.a!g~_rd n e Mod e IT! lihOll~ht. they had the illiispi ratiom th at if' GOld i $ what 'they thOU\~II''f~: ,_ the' pr1ilr'ilcil~de' ,of l,o\1e. and ""nte~1 iHence~ th Ii! :S'@,IjjIl"C1e of' al~11 ,BreeCd = G,o d ts wlhli!reve ii needed. lifir.
tllnl his late jj" yea[if,sj! Fli ~II more so younll!:: that he till cn;~h~: !that III e m~Ighrt be' phy,sic~~ ~V i m m erta ~~, as ~;i'e II as be Ilieviing th a'U' h@ mli~:ht be' t h@ r@i'~ear J;l.ati~ ~ of IPi;i1ilJ1 off ir'~lr'$ i(J:$,. ~I'
5fJllftiTU ~l. ,~UlEiSTAMCE. i'HiIE It U N O;AM lU>.llil"AW~AS'1 S 0 ~ 'iHIEJIJINIV[R5JE_.~. ~~- "~L.A' SPIIftITU At MIN D. lTIHllE, OM Mil P BESIEN[J CD I R E(l IVE PE I N C~ PLE IQFPROS PIlE RiITV 15, FAIIM IINiT F! E INIVU;;IIBLE :SlU eSifANC£, '1i1i4IE KE1'TO illlEM ON $,TlRATIION ... ,., ..• ,. 2'5· MIA N" liHJE;JNlE AND ;OlIIfjlilE OJIlDJlV~IIJYlII NJD " .... ", .. OJ""" OJ '" '"' LLO • no LLOC' nou, ., ".LO' ,34:
TlH E LAW THAT GOVER rt;jS 'THI5 MAINI~ FESTA'nOIN OF SUf PLY """ ,,~ ..• ,,~ .•. ~ .•.•• 431 WEALn:il...DI:....MmILLE:tmESSESJIYlLf;;_llr1lIIlJ.C~s..~.~ ••• ~.~ ... ~.w_~.~~ ... w .• ~.~ •. ~.~ •• d~.~....5A G.ODJ.:IA5J!f&\U\tlIi)_.f_[Lp-'i3:nSlI!E.Hilll'~B~' 'QML_._ •• _ •.••.••.••.• L .. ~.~L .. _.W.~ .... w.~~M
GOD 'WJI LL PAY' YO U, It DIEIBIS .~i..IiIE."'.JI •• ::'Ik III_ 1II_.-'II ,Il III.lloi..IIl.III.lloi. 11_ 2J
TUlIIlFII ING., lIrHtE iR!OiAIJ.lFQ' P'RO(5PIE:RIIllIr¥ " .. " ...... I ..... I. I ... "' " .. u.' " .. '"' " .. ,., .w., '" .~., "'''"'' 82 ~IGlHlf GlrVI NG. 9j'"H IE KI[V ire ABIUNI M~nr RE:CIIHVII NI ~ .. ",n II ',I~' ',I,' I~' .,1,' I~',',',' 1m ••• ~.,'. ~n"
11!.AY.1.I!iI.G~.:JREMIl.!Il.8.E51.. ~~ ~~~ __ ~ __ , __ ._. ._._,.~~._.~~._,.~_._., ._ .• ~_._.,~_._.~ __ ~_j[jlCII
'II ' , is _~, ,_e r~ec~ht IltII;gic;}~11 lbOI ii;I:$i$,!U m e ,~h3t ,ij _ W,' iirse' _:;;8 mid ~omp~~e rn't _ ICIfIl;:Nlllt_ or
we !J.Illd pll"o'iJlde fOIr th e 11'il'i1i!!!EHj S clf ~S' cre!i!n!J.I ras lin i!!he I vane us s~!i;lIIB,es: IOIF
- - - ;to... Ttl - - - - - -II - 11.-11 II... - _. -- - - - - - _. - - d - - d - - th - - - - - - - - --
, 'IirQ'W'~!'!, e § I!JIPIP _ Y WOI!J.!! _'I,,)! oe i![V'e III 1a:5 requ ~ II'~_ iI n_ as " 'e' ne I!;€SS:!ii!lflt
e:fli!Jr~ '~l!Jr its a pl~'r'Opnlj41Jltlloln W',a:s m ~deJ bV 'Ull~ ereatu re, Tempersl needs it\!,glUld be' met lOy t;em pOI~.illl 'tlhil fliI~S", me nta I IFile ads by 'thi f'h,~S- ,o.f I ike, eh a r,aIC~)e!'f'J' and spi iiima ~ nl!~H~ds, by sp!~lr~t ua II ,e I e m e'Iil~. IF,: 0 I!" s lim 1P~ Iflca ~!'Ii~Hil ef di~;tri blll.rth'lrI! ~~ I wou~id be o~'m pos@d cf on~J pr~ IT! ~III $pi ri~IUI~11 ~ubs:~~ ru~@\< w h j'~h II!JI!11d~r pro per dTrect11ion OO,U Id be t!t"alfillsm rrned ~'iiit)QI al~ I IPir,o,d liIIUS, at t he 'wi n !of ttl e ope ~,~r~Iil'W, Jh is ls a crude V'~t· true illl u:st'!far~ii C)!Il! cif ~hl~ U f! deM'lvi ng pfi ndpille s 0 WI! wh lch iltltile hliLIlm~ n ~,almiillly lis :511,,1 PIIl>II iedl on Itl'll is ea rth, fh!E' Fa'l:l'b e r has provide.d! a !!Jnii'~e f1S a I s'e:edi sulbsta nca th at [lies ~o nds 'w~th m,alg~(:all powe'i" to the acti 'lii\e mi" d of m~ n, IF~ j'~h Vlf) tlh~ hl!l!l;: r@iij $;~I"g: (".~p~dt.y' crf th is s~i@d ~1.l!1b:~~al!')(::~ .. wh,et'h,er- Wll'aJ p peid iJrn 'v~l$,iilb~e h uska or 1 al~en ~ i1n Tnvi:si bile' e Ie.ct r~call u iii tts, a~w~y.'S! rewa rds mila n wit~ the' fnJJ~ts! of h~s; ~,!iilJbor.,
1'n,e '1!:;;!lrlm e r m~v :See m to' li'et Ii is SUllllP~'Y 'W'IilO!l'il1 tihe sE!,ed:i:i hie IP~ a nts.. but he WClII;li Id IIlI~t""~11f p~,a'l1t ,iSll seed LlI hs lha d fa itj!h iin its i If'lIIrilJiiilt~ ca PIfiIIL iiy to' illliCr'eIQISe" aftld 't:tHltt ~eed WI@!]lldJ Inev,elr mull~~pll~ without' 'thl,e qur!l:lke~iIFt~ Ilife, tC~f Spi ri~. T~111J s W@ see ttlll~t ,~III ~in1 Cri:2~:S~' of s;Ulb$tanc~ d,~ pen d s (I n the qui ck@ n-
.... ,~ II";:''''' .... ,Ii:: oe!1"i· .. ·t and ,.,L"",... ,~~;oo-t ·or·'- -"""" - ,'" 't."'- ... Il..",,--- ,t\~ ......... ,;<,'~,..I ..................... , .......... ~ ....... ,'IO, III'~, ~ I G 'u.. ~i!F' I u I '. aM. U U us I iI:I~,' ig.IIVEa !JJ~, _111'..., IF!<E' ,_)0' 1111. G~II ~}J:lI ...,_ Y"=G",O""'2I' U 'Ila Il
wh'e n used Sipii ritua I ~y ow il ~ grea!Uv ii III crease and ,!l!!I~ the' sam e ~i rn e sl IiTlIIP liify' QUI' a ppropnliat'bO!ftil e'f t ~a't il ifiIe:d~lali!Js't_~lbl!e sulbsta jiH:e, wh teh e f'lea'tlve1 M ~iili d h as se 8!~n@'reJil!!lsl'V provITd,ed.,
II n th e '~~nowin~ lessens we t1Iiai~e ~'~i:e'mpted to exp1la ~riI m !i!!ilnIlS, 1',1!'wfiu II appro plria'tiol~ of ~h e SiUIPP~ ies :5 p i rirtua Iliy ali1lldi eh~!ct!iI'ical~ 11# provide d lb~ IGiod,,, W neru w!e u ndelrsta IiId alrid ,a dj !JJ:$,'t our m ~inldl 'tlO' thle' re\!all m or' kim(!ldo m whe re' ·th@~,@ rle Itl id@~l~ ~lIild th e'ilr @,Iect lfilc~11 ''It tilto'I!.Jght: fQlF'lms @:xist w@ sh:allm ,@'x ~@r i'eno@! i ifi IOU r tem p~\r,a -I aftali rs what is, ca Ih::d i'ilproslPer~ty."
We sa MI i't'hlei r e'~e't:'ttltica I thliOil!l,~ht. fOIF'liTIs,.'ii LE't: IIJIS iE':!tplia i n t nat all II ~"iE';3ItJi 'iI>!2: precasses wnv,ollve. a reallm IOif iide'iu: :a n d a rea 11m ,olf paJtterlli'ls er ,expreSisions, o~ '*h c;'- id - -(, , lill-. - -:,'-n'-"':-'I'I' - ,- n·~-,'.:;·I; ,:,r- "'b_ -,',t"'ll-' _i',!11 -!-h -, fI--- - Il--ri',~, I 1Iil~\F;· ·t'f"'I-;lf' ~ __ Qi5~ __ €~~" .l!!!€ P~h,,"~,_ niS ia __ ~;,"!'!!O 0_ _10 ,~J € l.l!p!! "" __ e, _ r€€ ~_~ .... !!._ Ie: U __ _I!!;,iSi UI~"',
sustain the' \i!iisiblle' thinl. Thus cn~at'ijot1l i:s ~n its ,Pf'lO'OOSSe,5, ,131 '~rfllfll~W'~ and back,
of t~e '~is::bl,e !lJ ~iif\(e ifSle ,a,re bat h th e orT;giina I ereat ii~e' ~de:a ,a!tlId th e cosmiio: ~y$ th~t C !fVs,t~ ~ Ili:z~ i liito I~'alrt~ Ily till ilr1£,$ _ When W~' !.rnnder~t~l!l1d Ullis trl1 n it,y U!fIi iit:-5 VCI'fi"io us' activ irties CW1e, shall I be a b ~e; te il"el!COfiiC lile ~h e d I s,ll:oV"E'ri as o~ mo d,e.r fill sc ii@llilce!' witlh 'the' 'W~ nd amen~~11 S ou 1r'i@lligiion,.
1M ode'rlll seie noe teach as [![.IS U~ aJt Slpa~e iis hleav:ii~v eh arged wit!ih E!'fa er,gies th aJ~:
WO~ Id ~ir,~ n~f'C I"m 'Ui[~' ~~Inlh if 1jh~y' ICC U Idl Ib~' (J~fir~II"O 1II,~d. Sir 0 I iV\~'r lod,g;~ ~~ys tliltalt: a sillillfi1lle' c ulbli,c:: inc h of the e1tbelr Iconta ~n is e'ru~:rr!Q:V e IiIO !lJg:h1 te rUIiI a 'fOlrty,·, ihorse-IPower elllgij'ne for~y Inniillh~'~ lfle8 rs, 'iTh'e d;~e !i',~e'rl! e.,,;' '~f 0 ~ lif![i~" ,~monG: physicists as to the reall ity of the ether does n at null if v th e e'xiSitten ce ~ ~ Sp'~(le of t Fie mende IU~ pot !i!!'!lti a i~ti!i!s.., SUIIf Arth llJ If Eddi !l1lgtlOlIf!i S.i!I¥,S, th,:a!'~ ,!a![ibout: hall'f tille' 111~~d i ng phl~rsioilS'~'$ assert 'th~[t 'the etlru~'r e)(i~,t~ and U'II[e ~'~ he'r h ~I'f de'IilY its le)(ffis~e filice'" b ut, in h i:s; word S'" II beth palit bes, m,ean exactlv' tt he sa m e' Uli'!ilg~ ~ fld 'ei re dm'llided ol!i1II'y by' wollfdl~.'!i!!
Sp~fitlua I [lUll!!d@'lf.s.t:~!ndli 1il18l: SlillYS that 'tIll@ @rtth@ If @IX ~S:tSl as 11" @m:an~tic IfI of millildl and should iillot be co nfll~edl Illn its ill En mtt3tlons 'with m,lIUe r, M iEi~ he.m[iEilit'l,ca II me!aJSIUilf'\em e lifts ,aJppl ied to 't'h!! 'e'tlhe'r' worlk i't eut Cif existe'UiI c:e b eC~l!Jse 'its mali it, ~s ilin ,t:liill~ IMDirnd ,ftlii'b~t OOnl ce i\l'Eid it i51llrlld iits bei n,g is. gove m ed i3illiltCll suststn ed by wdela,~ .. ~[I~d idt~~s ~ ~I~e' no IP,hy:s:ica I dimlensij'~:HI!~- .so the' ,e1!'h er 'wilill Iilave' e:!id st~ no€: an d !X:h~~lPoSilit matter ,onlly $II) ilofilS ~'S 1M i nd has U5i~ fo Ii it', WheWlI ~nfhllite Mimd has oO'ffilplebil!id 'l~re. eveles O'f ereation, bioth tlhe invj'~,ilble 81rlldi the vij:~ibi,~ -.,J nli\i'~'r~~~ \~ i III b~ rgl ~~d UIP ,81$ ,~I $~ro II 8 n!d dii~,~ pp:~~ 1" ,~f! d 't'- n Iy' 1M i:li1d re m a liril., ii And :[11 III '~_he hosrt of iii e,[!Jv,eil1 slha III be. dirs,$Jo.h.~e id", :alnd 'th eli h@!!lliI@ns shiljll'l ba roJII~II!'d tog@th@ir a s ~ SiC rolll,~, alinJdl :a~ I their Ii ost .s,h,~111 ml~h!
""'ti_''''\~' .. gJ.~" g! J' II
~It ,aid dis gi'e,al~ly to 1iJh~~ sta bil I~t.y of ,~ etil i'ii.~ti,~ n ~~ 'f:di it h to IkrnOitV' t'h~liIt J.E'!!S!iJS aJilirili: it ~paltle.dI tine di S oO''iJe rles 0'" rnedern s'ciell'llce of iii: rh1!; e,)(iflS te'n ce iD~ tl"! aliI:: killll8'd,o,m iCijlllled "the e'~h~ If, III IIFI e l1I.i!lrn ~d lit the' k:ill1iCdo 1m of ,t he heaVe'lfll'$',j ~ ndl tI i1s iiil ~u $.tirat~olns ,lUff fit:5 IP!!OtS5ibHil'ties alre. UlnIStlllr~:MI ssed, He' dimdl no't $-a'if iiiil! W3:$; aJ place th~' gQiiJdI w,o,uld ffinlhe rit ,~lfftelr deat h but ,~n es~;at~ W~ coul d ha~@' h'i2lFe allrillCli n,il)W. 'ill itt lis V'O[lJJiIf lFiEllt he~r I 5 good pi~a:s,!U r,f!! 'ltD ,g I ve' V'DU the ik I n~dD:m,.,~·
,j esus t&:HJ,gtr~ t IlUrt w,~ eel n i'IflJCOltF,Jo. r~te Hfe=;gif\i'iilllg: ria'V,5! ilnt:o 0 1II r mli !lid.. be dYj 31F'11di aHa urs th li"o!lJSh 'fa itJiJ1,. Wtu:H!',e' p hy;s h:us:!ts me're,ly describe' 'the' 1iiIiI1~:H,:;haJ IIIi ~ca ~ pr-eSl@I!i1¢@' i~rf lif~' as eft1ler,el:Y~ JJe~u:s taught man Inow by '~he ,e~e'r~ii$@ Orf hi~, mil iii d he ca n Iffi,i!iIlke tlihat ~ife (Olb;ev' iii im. lin s:lleN!iI d ,ef a Uf"lliv.eliS€ of bmiliiltd me eha hii'ca I 'h~H·t,'e$ J,e;$Ii!.J$ ,s,h,owed tine' UIJt~\i)el[$e' 'to b!e persluladed ,a[F![dl d i It'ette d by rnnlte IIU,le nee,
W nail: we n eed te rea lilze a!bOl;,fe' .a ~~ e'ise' iis th a ~ God has pro,vii'[d[ed Tl@,r the most rn ilfiIU~ r~e~d s 0.,1' 'CiIUtr d·~ i~'V I if~ ,€Ii rild ~h~'~ if ~e' i'~ICI( ;~Ilfiiy~hlil~g: i~' ls beea use w,e ~aw mlOt. used OU f' rn UIlI din Im,alki n~, th e ri~lht cen Ittact with th e.". su p e rmli n d allild the' cosrn ~c ~Y' that ~utQ m.;rfti[c~llly fl ow:s, ·~'rom it.
'D· •• ··.·. ;~~~! =~~~§~h:h~n~:n~~ ;~~!y;:~I::.~~:~~ ::r::~:o:~@h:::
, - ldeas, ,~I mllghty str~iI1ct:h w~'II~s, up WIUl!I!l'i IU:$. Thi!11i 'W~ h~ve' i!l fio liI i1I ~ i311t~O f1I for lithe ~p~ ritu all body~, the bOldy' til all nn adllE! wiithl h ands, eterna I ~ IfiI ~he heal~ens,. 'W'h en the SIPii riitlJJall body is e',st albll rslhed ~ n €lO'I'iI,Slcii ou sness, its -FIfi-fii~lIh ,-1'1141 -"w - r i- tra fi'~mli""" -.-ill fo", '''fIn - .. 'i;ji'~;ibt-, b.,,~,.-!I: :-In,rli '11::-1111 tinl-' +nuli'1:--,
i5"!10;,@'--,8-" iliIi __ U! IPo __ e __ :5 a __ ~, "!i;€'II;;!!!;!1;;)i ll"iIil __ 5 __ €!, o""¥ ia,_y _0 ili!I, 1O,,_1il "" g:5
~Iilat 'we teueh i til '!the' 'wor~ dab 0 tilt us .. ,
Spirit ua I d i'~cer n m,ent r'El'V,e;a~ is: 'that we ,a re iii ow ~ iii dlle' ,~a,wm 10" a liI,e,..;u era" ~Iilat tilile '0,1(:1 me~hodl:s o~ suppl V an d su pport i9ilre f~l$"t p~:ssjn\i ,ClfWiaY;, ;;irlld! thallt: new' [melt nods, alre wa ~tliilG 'to be' bro ughlit fo rth, I ill tlil e c:o'mli ii1r1i1l: oommeroe Il'If! wiml I'll ot be .a slav@ to' IfllOIFl@V, Hu IT! ~ll9liit:y' s d~ il" f'I@'~ds wiilll 1b!G!' met Ii IilI w,alYS 'lthli3l1! ,~f'e iJ1'lOlt now tlil ol.!lglh'~ PI" a,ct~caili. We sh iEli~ I S,IS! rue fo r the Dloy 10lf selroirlig~ a n d pfoslper~;'tv willi flliilW' to us and throW(g h us in st reams of' pl e ntty'" T1n,~ SIUIIPP~Y '~llfId $!IU pi,PiQi rt Ul~t l'OiV~' ~ nd z!e{lll w i II~ ~~t ~ III mloti on ;;Ilr't l1I'i:;;J!t ;;1$ Y~'~ I a ree IV !!.II se.d bllf man, lo,l!.l't those wh 0 h,ave 't)es:~e d ,t nei r prlO'Vi~di nll3, powe r a re' 110!LId ilifl their pra is@',
'frH! '(h/rla1mii,c ~O'I"ife;r of th,e su perrni n.d lin m ra n has ~een :S1~o~a d i,ea~ Iy' diiS P ~atye,dI by Iml~n ,iSllllld womenl (:Iff eV€i ry matiOili'il,,, ~t is i!j5;lilJallilv CQHil ill ect'E1!d w~t ~ SI!}me' rei ii,~jf\@l!i!!, !r'iiilEe, i f!! 'whi,~h mV:S,'ttiery and !1'!ii,es~~v a uthe !lit¥' prelljf.,aJi II.. Thie !H] m ca U ed "common Ih~rd~' ,§Ilr@ k~ptt iillfiJ d~ rkn eSI$ W 11th ~sp~ct to t:h,~ SO urce lof ~he' :5 ~j pl!i~iir h jj.J m i!1I iIIIl powet (~,f i!JI!XI!lJillt .a dle'pIU, ,~t1I d hioly mf:'lill. Bull: we ha\i'~ se'E:t1II QJ 1!,C!l"'f!~t 1 ig,hrtll ~rn the' dffisCQv~ ry b,y Iplhy~li Cia ~ ~,d entists '~11 ~r~ the ~t,~r.m eeneea Is e,h;(:trlQl n il~; e liI'er!,i~!ij, whQ~e mla'~h~m,g tlcal a rrr~n@l,,~M'i!i1en t de'~e rmlii nes thEl' eharaete r o~ !aill ~ the funda m e rrta I ,ell,e m ents .ojf nalture. l1nms dmsco\i'@ry has d1ij:$rupt'~d the selence Ib,iii!~d ~n the il)ldI rriP~'(ilh~llffic~1 '~lttJQ~ii~ t~~,~,ry~ Ibut: has a~:!S:o giv~1'iI CliuW_s:tia n m e~;al~:d"iiyslda ns a n ew' !JJ Ij'Hi!er'S~a f1I d i!ill of ,t hie d;~n.alliiii1ii'c:s b~ek ()f Spi r-it_
Sd~@ IllC€' now IP O\s,tllJ lifl1:',~s :SpiI5lIC@ 1r"!~tlhl81r- thili1l1f11 IfI1 S1rilt1i:;~r ,as th ~ ~iO'U r(,~ ,of lii1n~" II it:
SirilYS that 'iI!he' \!e~ trfi r ii~, alii ~~e' 'wit ~ dvnalMi1c f;oiu:es 1lha't awa iill msn's [ira:!) p alrlldi utili iz~liio!1 ~Ind t !l.~rt these ijl!l'r\l'jisilblle,~ Orl!illr'!I~IPlres'~lFir~ i~n@-rlgil@s P0=>-5@S$
potentia litlie!l, fa r Ib ey'O nd QUit" most 'e'xa~t)ed co rH:e'p'tio n, W'h aft we hal\!'\e be,elF!! t~'~g)ht '~Ibout ~he ,glilor i i!$ Of' h€!\~ve'~ p,~ I~$ iilntlil) ill1$~gnffi,calnc:'~ (OIl'i!"!IIP.n r,ed Vi,drth the ~,Ioin"ie~, of the radii aln~ raY:St--popul,[a rill' refe rrre d t){!I; iaI:!i, '~h)lli~ 'iie't~ it! r ." '~ftJ'~ alf"ie!! told by scill!n~:e that WE" ha\!Je !!Jtu~iizE ~ v~ry Ime~gierlliy Ui! is m figlhtv ocean ,oif ether iFlI !pro ~ ucl ng from it 'the Ilight aindl p~WEW (d e IlelCtrii c'iftV. lhe ;5 eemii'ngly' trernen d eus ferea iBle nerated by' the' wh liril of our dyna mas Is but' a w:e!'aik. dr i'bbl~ from ,t;ijl un h!'~r~~' ICl,f ~fi'~fgy.Th ~ i'iIl'Vli~ilbl~~ w~v~~ that C:8! flry iIi"~ dill), progli,ailimS ewrywihe're a Ire b tit a melie iii ~ Iil't: of ialWilI lmel U§e lilt: IPower that pe'!i1le~ ~,~r~e',s a ri! d If)erlrm.e~1te~ e!V'ery ge ~ml Oif II iW'e~ vi~i ble· alii dl ii'n~isl ble\, :S ~h!ntij'WiJc: mhil ds t he wo,rl d over' iii aye' ~ eeln t re m e:ndcuJshi mOlVedi by these revo IIUril:i 0'-' nary' dTs,e-ove rles, a 1'rI d th@y ha\!'\e. !lot fou nd la Fl8)Ulag'e' ad@ClIl! at'e '~O expla iln ttileilF' m~g,i1i ltude, Alth !O,~gtil a ii"uumlber ~f books Iil.a'le b~I~'11I wlli"ittem by' sc:elllJ~ilSt s, settl 1111: furth ,~!J arded I 'II the fa 11- realll:hi fig efFects.. th at w ij~11 inel!l~'tably foillow m~in~:s, ~ppropr!i'iiatiQn ,of the eijl!SHy i3~cC!s(s;ib~,e etllerj ra'Hl'~ has; dared! '~O ite II th,e wlil ole :5j,'tory'", Time fact is 'ltlhat: 't" e ,lr1eatli!st, dll's·cove ry oOIF alii ~g'eS Is: tlha't of plhysi'ci)~ sclen CII! t h,l;Ilt ami 't!hg ngs alP l:!kaJf@'flI'lly !l~V@' 'the ir sou ro@' I ill 'th e ifillVi s i ble, i nta n gil Me ether. W!h31! ,] es us ta uglht: ~!ll pWt:rff'ound Ily ilt'li symbols ,about 'tJne; rkhes of 'the' kingdom of 'the he}arVEm!!, has now bEH:~lru pro'W''e d tru €!i",
Accord ling to 'the ,t; re elk" th e lii;linS ~a\El:e' i ill 'IN lch tlilli2' tlJlew 'i,~st.a fin e nt has come down to us. jlresUJ S d~ d not U:!:1e th e w'I))rcl h earv,en but til e!: w,on:J h eavens i Iii lHiU~ t)~~chi I1ig- IH,~ W',~ ~ III1M ~~Ui ne U$ (;!if Ule- eJlglriile~, '(;Iif ~Ql'irlU~ f~lr a'!iI'i,r~iV pll ~o~ ea II ed uhel!i!liVe'riIl1 bu,d was rel!iJe all~ng 't.tH~!: plrOlpe'rt~,e.:s, of tlil,e. 1'1 helia ""em;'I! alii arc,uliI d us, 'l!:iiI~h;:!:dI botlh "spa ee" iii Ii1d "et rlii!r'!! by phY,!j,idstts.. He tallll,ghl net Qn~y' illts d1yfJ'il'i;:rIll'ililDl~ but: alls;Q lts urntems:eifllt iC:halr~~ter,~ ~irlldl saId 't~glt the e'nlt~tv 'Uila't ru IEHil' r~ is withi ~n rna n: liThe, Iki fiI,gdom o~' IGod ~ s with in you. III He not e n Iy d1e:$~~iib ~d '~hi$ kingd'i)ffi ~f th~ hle~v.enlS iin n I!J m,~,r~U~ p~ r~ibi ~S' bl,.d't m;adl~ its, atta inme'nlt by m!altn th e C:lie1iElttes,t obi El!!:'!!: of bUlm,a iii e::d:stence.. Hlle' not en Iy :5,et: ·this as ml~IUlII:s g:O~11 but attalned it Hilms.~I~,;; dll€!r~by dell'lllonstr~tl1r'1G thiat: 19Ii:s teaic'h i ng ilis IP n'aJctica I ltilS wlell ,e 5 t ue,
Tine :~ienltt~'i!i,t5 tlelll u s t.~,i31t tin ~ ethl~1f" Ii 5 chi ;3illlg:ed 'witttJi e'h~(;1tr'i (; irty .. Infra 1]:III1IE,tiSIIfII1,;; I iigh~ r,ay::s;,r X r arv:~~ eesrnic ravs~, and ot her dYI1lQj mii e Iradi:i;rtions; t!h,al~ it: ~(s, t!H! .. ,nil''''''''''':', ..... f· :::1111 ~rl ~,,,," li'I...,lk.rt k";';c"'ril' ,0:0 n''''''fIC'V ilil'1F'.:::Iu·I"T"""I;·I .... !i1-' ""H·r:::lipl" ..... n """'nl 'II'" '1:"'f1Il'" '1'"
'"""" """ • ...,'!ii..... 'ro.! I ~I '!ii;; !:!tl I '~.!' ! ~"""ro.! '1;"., ... .... _ ~,I' il' 0:0' "i!''f' 10,,", "" ..,.,.1 1- I!i,I! I!;,' I!i!!!,,""!!;,~"""! ~~ ~' .. ' .... '!;,OI ~ ... _ ,~, ~ ~
slil err, tl1att it: T~ the ~nttJe'rpe'rn et:r,a'tillll! assen ce of ,everyt n ~fili 'th a~ exl~;t5, Q,rJj 'the ,e~li'th.. In ,oit-he ~ w"cH'd s, ~sdenoo liiiv!i1ts to th,~ ~;th el~ ,1i]!I~111 ;th@ ~'Ur'a etJi.on~ ,oif
~ ~
hesve n w1i thout d ~lrec,t1h1 sayinlg so. Jesus epltorn i~e,d ,t he sulbjiec!tt wllll'i11'fiIl ~,e: '~old His followe rs i!hit i~ \~~:$. 'the Iki ngd ~Im' hOIFm wtli'et'J (3io·d o'llO'~hed ,a r'ild 'f,edl a~ I HilS e In iiidif"leJil,. 1!ISre'el k ve' ~ rst h oS Ili:i n,gd ami a iii d his riiQ:liI'tieous rlie'ss; a nd alii
d.e~e '1; h iifilgs shall I be aJddiEN.i U nee 'YOlU, II S~i e rH:ie :$ays, thiflr~' '~~ie e,le c~lrt!:a ~ part:i( Ie,s, that b If'~~~" ii nto mig,lht ii rlil OU,1f ~~I ii'~h!$ ~Itmo(,$ p Iii~r~ ,e! rEi' ~ 1:s0 ,~I S(iiilJ rc ~ ICJrf al I su bsta fI10e and maUe Ii. ~le,$,ilJ'S sa id that He wa:li th,e SU bstanea alIfUd bf'ei:liiCD ~hat C~ me ~rom the h@,ai'lle'~:s. 'Wh @ ~ 'wii~11 our iciv iil~~arti en b@g:in re~111 hI' i~)Q appif'\O rH'i;~f~e an d liI se 'til ~$ Ifill islhty '0 ~e~lfill of su bstan{.:e alnd I ilf"e ~prnrit:1,j ~II ~y as w,e I ,iaiS P mysiiie,a 111!!i/i'
Tihiil,s, illil,e:d1aJlUstlbl,e, mind ,slIIibstalnoe is ;aval~ la b ~e' at alill 't~ rnes ;andi im ,1311111 p~h[ljoes ee t nose who ~ ~f'M'~ ~earlru!dl to lay hlO~ld ~,f ~~ i r'I OOlrtseio usness. Th e s'iimlplest shortest, a nd Imost: d Dli'\!!ct liJ,al\l of d oi n.~: 't:1i'i'h~ was, ,eX:~lllaiilnled wlnen J e S,U:$. ;sail d,r nW'h'Ols,oev-er , .'. ~halll I"!JO:~ deu bt iWi II is h@~wt~ blilt sha III be Ii e~e' t h,iM wh ~rt h ~ s~irth cemeth to pass, be' s ha III h,~rvle lt." Wh';'r'fIl we kl1l O'W' tttJlat: certa nlill p(li'~eli'lit: ideas, exirs'l i ill 1 hie iiinivis i ble mind expressi;QJIIfi's .. fiI aJmre d by' sele nee bo~h "et her" ~nd "! sp.i!:Il~)e~· il!i1d thl~t: 'we truiJiV~' been provu,d,ed with tille' !ill iind tiOI lary ho ~d iof the'm~ iit j's easy' t!O IPut, ,tt he I,a'ill into ad;io n t,iT1'ro~,s:h ehe IJJslht an c! w,ordi allfi1ld] d@;~d.,
Wlhiuclh" t1ii!ilkein at the fleed, 11@~cl1s IOn to foo !i"~ulr'!!@!.,."1 s~~d Sh,:i!! kespea lie'. lfl! :al~' noodl tid e awa irs u s i n rhe 00 sm ic spaIU~S',j' the pa liard iSI~ of G,od.
Th'~ :S'~ i Iri;t~:all S I!J b~t~ I1loe' frQlrml Whli'~h, Cgrtli~'$ ~ U vi sibl ~ 'Wi~~ ~~h i~ n'~\i'~'r de',1P lie/ted. It is ~'Ie Ii'i'tt w~tt) you ,aln 'the' ti m e ,a fa d n~sp.onds ,to \fO'Y r 'r:a tth in flit, and yC'l!Jilf d@:rR ~n d s 0 n it, It IS not aH~N:~@d by our Igli10 r~lrlrtt: t~1 k ,oif ha rd tl'm,e~,,,, ~hOUiS h we' ,alne' ,a ~feC't,ed beca U~ e QUir ,t IhIO'~I,hts alndl wQrdl~ Boven"!l ou r denfnCH'ii strat ion. 'The wnfliiJ!ii I~ flfll it'ieSor!iJl~e i's a ~w,al~s!!' tiC rgiw'e'. lit has 1Iil!O (;hO i1(;)~ ill9l 'iLh e m{ittel~j iit rn uS't g)iv~\f f.'@r Uil art ts ijt:s rJ atu re. IP'OliiiF '~our liiving: wordls of ~,ai'th lliiI'tO th e om n Ipr'ese nt SILl bi5ta iii ce, an ~ VOIU w~ III be p f'\ol5lPelf'\edl '~Illo~~jlil all ~he' ba rn ks ii'1i'lI th e 'w"O,rlld close thl€i r d~;ors" 1u rUil the ~)ln~llt ~ne'rgy' of yOt~ r ~ ~ I'm kil~~: 't)o'w,aird ii pl~e n'tv" ide;aI~I' a iiid you wi~ I Ihave Ipl~e ii1ty' regalrdme'Ss 011' what men ,albo,ut yo~ a lili! sayii flI.~ 10 Ii do iirrlg.
Go d ~s sUlbs't:a noel" bl!Jrt i'f IbV 'thiks; s,'t:aIte'Mle'I11't: 'we mea III t h,Iij'1t God ws m at'~'E!!rl' a Uli'lilg IQilT Ul!m~ 0 r 'ciO'ndlition" th!~f1II 'we ,~111 OJ!.!! Id rs,ij!Y th ilt Godl rs, SlU b~~no~ I ess, God is n o~ cOlfiif~n,ed 'ita thalt form Q',jf slUIibstt'.a niCe: wlhiiclh, we terltn mattler',. IGodl i" ;l;;h' "nil; ~ -~ - " .... 1 . ~ . ~ ~ ~f *k • " "hi" k ~ ~ 'II:.; ;Il1" ~ -..II ',._ ~ ~ d ~ ~ ~ - ~ ,..., ~iS I~"" e' ! J~:aI!i1I1lll,~u ~ e: es:S@n [@ 'O"~"!li'~!i, 'W ~"Iil:! Ii rna II! Ir~a S~OlilITH~!"", Ili'lw' ,an '- ri!u!iTH~!'!.!!
matter. Maltte'f' is ai meneal Ilimiitati\o'ill -orr ith~iiil't diviifilf: substanee who51e vittllilil arild inhe're'tilt '~h,alli"~~H;ter uS m,e Ii ifest ~ r'iI a ml I vIe ,e~pte~i,o n"
"Ii. ,f
God sllJb:sUtlnJce m:a~' biE!' ikOIilCei\iile.d as ~,od leHU~if,;y~ [!Eli!" Spirit: Ilj~~t", and il[God! $~id,j II~~ th,~r[~ b~ Iliigh~j' ~!!ld th~!l"~' W~I$ lighlt_~' This il~ iiim harn!fu~lny' 'W~Ul th~ eenel iJJsi~ons of somle of th e most adv,a n CE:!ld phV~,icis't'S. Si I" Ja m as J eaiillS, :starV5.,. i!ll ulfh e IMyst:erit'[li! s Uuaiiv@lW'se/' !i'llh@ tten ~,e!llC¥ 10i~ modern phY:Sij[i::s. ts to' re-_~Iol\iie' th e wllllo'l e mQ'teii"'liall ~ fTI iVli;H'se irnt!O' waves,I' ,i!;H1d n(i~hi 1'i,8 but w,a ves, These' W~\I~S iaJlre [O'w 'u:WO tii iii es: b[C)[tUe.d-l.!I p walve:5~ ~,!'h ieh w1e ea III m atter, allildl unb@Uh~td W'~I'~~~', wlh~ c;'i') W~ 'C~I~ 1 r,~dii~iltih)fi!J or Ught. Th ~ IN'OC~~;_~ {)f ~ ri! ~ DhDii~'~' tto Iil of maltte r ~15, mIE're,ly IJJ n b[oUlli filg ~m ptr'isornedl w'ary'E' E 1iI[e!:lli"gy" a nd Slettifilil; it: 'Th~e~ te ,tt r,~f\i'\elll t h r~'ltgh .~'~i~e.!!
Spi fi~ is. I'D et m ~1ttt'@r,. $iP~ fit is nat pe rSOlf!., l!il erd elf '1ti101 P @I[ficeiv'e th e [eS:S:@!f!Ice' cf IFih;:!'i ng, 'we must dn)pl '~r'OII'llll (~[IU r 1m ulild .ai II tlhlo~£llilt tt;l~t ,God i"$ lin ~Irily w~Y' elreu rnse ribe d [0 r has glny 0'[ the' II imiitaijions t~at: \!!,!I[e ,ii!i,ssocii'aie 'wit h or pe'!I,Si!;:H1.S, lha~:i ng fa !1m or ~h al~iI;:;, "'hou sha II~ I'll ot m,~ kie u nto t:h ~e is! ,gr~veln i m a,ee, nClHi ,ialnv 1 ike ness of ialili"ll'!f th~ III 'that i~, i 111 jh,e1avenl aJ bo'V!!'" ,orr 'that ~ s in the @,.~rth beneath,"
~,.,..;II -s ., I. Ii. ."j.", n CI"'" ... "",;j, m "" ii;,-tl""ll" 111,;.,,,, ... ,,,,, 'I".,,,,,, mat joe Ii i-Ii"" ,f ...... '"m"" .... 1 •· .. "hi'lle· F:"'d ~'." tao. "'" ~u!IUI.. ,~11h!!!! 1J!.~1~~ _ I -i!1 !I 11~1!u . hL~lt!.1I !iiiii. I u.~;.;.~ ""'-!!!aG .. ~ ""'Il'~ I .a- _ 'Ul1J I I !'§ii"IUI,. ~'I .. I~I~ II a ~ I ~
'm,rmh~!!S5., 'God su bstiElllrlC@' I iiiE!S back ;ortf matt,@'r til n d f'olrm. i iii is ,tltl1~ bas-us of alii 'Form v@t does !i1ct el!i1t'er' into ,~Ii1Y form ,~IS, al 'fkuaillity. .s.u bst~"cle C~!!I!i1l!i1ot ~J@ seen, touched, tais.ttedl" 0 r sme il~~d;!' V€liI: iit Ii,$. mo re su hs:tii;llnrtr'llall 'lthan matter, for i~ i:!J ~ he on~'t ~,IJJ b.:l!!:t:ant~ iii I v.'ty in ~hre:· IJ I'll iViE!,r:!Hi1:'. Us l!I,ai~IUlfie is 'to '~:5ub-stiii!lndn 011'" !':~talnrdl !,.II nd ~ r" Glr tJl~ h il"ild m,~I~[tt~'r' ~ s: ~,t$ S I!J ~ p.o 1ft :a Ili d Qlfl!rly II'~~ I i~y_
JilJb ,S,iii1IYS;, ~!lh@ ,Allmitght:y sha II b l! ~lhy d@ifJ[elrl!o@~ a no theu ~:h,arlt: hs '!f.@ Ipll@nty of sllllv'e'li" ." i'lMri\5 lfi"efe ir:5, to' ~ niive Ii"~all :5Ulb~,t~a nee, 'f'O Ii" :rilrnl\l~r and S)()i 101 a re rna fJ1 rr~e~tta,-, ·tic n s of an ~VEH''fW'be li'ie prleS!!! nt s u bstanee allild are' u,Sled as S}i! rn bels fO'1" it'. lui2<W W;a II ~I~:e,- im ~! B elil1-IH~ifI', Ii refe if$; to the' ~ iiiil gdlolffil a$, !! be;dt:te ifIi go ~d.!~ VO'Ui have dCUJbth:!ss in VOUBi iOWfiI e'x p[elr'~e ru:e [ea l!l,gh~ s'li~ht of '~h'is E:\i1e'rywhe ["Ie prese nt S I!J b:sta n ii;:~ in yOUF si lie nee, 'whe'llIl ii~ seemed I iil~e g'O.I'd~ n s,lilowfh~IIQ~S, fa I i ilng a im abo ut you. 1iIh'is 'was th e' 'f'iilr5t rna n uf\es~ation 'ft'lOlml th e ove'r~IO'w [olf the univ@iFsal su b sta nee in "~H!J If eon sd eu Sin ass,
Substanoe irIS, 'flrs~ :Bii\!1en ferrn in U.[e Im'iindl~, aJrnd ,aJS it becomes m,aJrli'ff'e:s:t: ~t: g:cu~tS throu~h a thgr;~efoll dl ~Hi;tlvrty'. I rill IIij!yiIi1S: Ii old o,f lSubs;t,a nee in the m iind! Clind! bll'\I'II'iI\si'ng it il nte rna n ~ife:s:tat:ioml' 'We' p ~ay a Iin!OJ5,t urn prO rtalrllt piiffilrt., 'We d@, hit aceore lin~ te eu f' d[ee!i'e'e,;, "'ih,Olli sh~ I ~ di@ c,~e~ a tlh i ng. .~nd ~ft ,sh~~ I tN~~ establ ush,ed u nrtll) thee," W'[e. a ire a Iways decreel ill~\i' S'I!Hill1 et iiml€s !riofilrsoiou$~V" ofiteln UUllfOlnsdo US I "1,. a rid ~!iith, ,eV\€!!IFY tine ugli't i rl!d \~IO ~d we alre Pf! C r;ea_$.illil~: or
di m ini slhi~fiil t he '~hreefnll d aC'ti\l'~'t'¥, t@if s[Ulbs,'ta n ceo The' re su Itiing rna Ii! [f;estatio n CO nforms to 10,1.11 r ~'holl;!lght ~"A$ Ih~ t'1h Iinl{e,U1!1 wi1thi[11 hi i[m$~II"f.. SOl is, h'~ - I!
T~'H~rrt:!' i~ no ::iiC~[!iiCijtv of UiU!' a VI'" yOl!l br~~Ule, lh e re iis III ~e lilt¥' oil' ,~i ~. alii y011)J will ~ ever need, but if you ~II ose YQU[t" Iluns~ a rid refuse to b,r,e~'th e~ 'you wi III net set ifrt :Ill n dI rna'll Sll!JffoO.eate for I;~ dk I@<f a[~'['. 'Whe n YOlil I~EM~oBn~z'~ U~ e presenea of ~bUin d91i'i C~ of' ~ I:r ~[fld op~ n1 you r IUlilg~ to b~~t:h,~ it d~ig p'I\f~, Y"'UI g:,~t: a 111~lrg!~r rns p ~r;[ljtion" "lIih is, Is ,e')Ga ct'hl wha[~: 'I{!OU should dlo wiltlil 'volulr mi n d ~[Iil regard to ~1II bstsnes. Tnere ls ,~[!i1 ~n-$ufflitie'lii C,! o:f" ~ III di'i[fJJ~$., jl~~,'t ~~ t Ii e re i~ a n (Ii ~ Isuffl,c~ encv of ,a g[t". 'Th,e on IV Iiaic II: 1:S' OU[ji" own la ok ,olf aIPp~!O'pr~,attlo n, W'e muse s@@1k 'th~' ~ iirlJ,gd om of 'God and a pproplfiiate it ,at rih~:ht""i! til i If!~;s. w I'll b ~ ~dldle d to I!J~, iiil'll f~ ml n ess.
Th'~lfil:: ~~ a Il::i I'l!!~k~m ,of ;~ bund~ P'Q14e' 'QW ;a n tlhii nll!!rS" a Ii1d it [m~y be' fro 1.11 nd by' those' who ,!ij,ere,k: it Ciind tal lie wi II inti ,to 'C,CHfn ~ II~ wit In lts laws. JI,es us sa~d 'thtaJt: I't ii's ~,a rId] 'f,o ra rich 1iTI,1ai1i1 00 enter unto the' kUln.g:dc'm of h@(I!\f'@!n,. This dces n ct m@1i[1i1 that liit ls Iilill[rd b eca[use of' hi~, w€l\il.ilth, f:ar the plO er rna n 1~1iS i ill no! f;a~ilLer ill iildl no ealsi,er. ~t ms not, mOjlile~y but 'tlt1i'E! th,o'u[El:lirts men held :abou~ mcneV,I' 'its Sil:tnllFOi2", ru; Oli.vll'1@rshiiip,,, a[lfIId its u;s@.. ,tt h,art ke'€l pi th if! m DU~ O,y tn,€!j ~dn e)CiO[IfIil. M e'!il":S: 'tholl1J€lht:s 1t.!blll!.!!t [!i'fH:NI!'e~ a re' Iii ke the,vr bhiiil'l1Jghts: a iN':;ll),Jt ,:till I II po~ses:s:iol!ils,; ~Ill€"y ~,~'~iiie~' ilLhartt' thhill$ com inll OUIIt ,O'r th,~ ea nlll aiM 'the i rs lt~ cia ~ml i3i[fIldi co nt rel as in d ividua ~ pro perty'!, ,a[n~1 m~IV be Ihloallid ed away' and depe u d,el('] on., r~ea ltd I~~ Q~' how m!)'u;;:ih 'Q~lh~r [rrnl~nl m.arv b~ in o~e;d g~' '~t!,e rn _ 'Tne sa m ~ be Il~ef is, piI'le:'iJa E!'il'1't ';imOinlg bot h rteh ,laili1d palO /I a nd eve n i~ thllE!' 'tW\O' el a s.s'es:
W@lfi@ :s;udd enlly '~O eha 1i1~\e ~ ~ao@Sl'i' til e ililEtq[liI ~ nti as of wea rrth WQul1 d fiI O'~ b @ lie'mil!eHij ie d. 0 iil tv ~I fu n d1a rne nt~aill ~1iI ~Ifillie' i[nl the' thQU,ghts ,of w'ei3IIt}h '~Quhj 0110 ~hat.
IBeim lie d!l!elf'ie W$, ,iEllnlY fu n d almle'filtal soc~!all or eco fil!O rmii c eha 1i1.~)e m en must: begin '~O ~IFlid~ r'St~[llld tilll!€'i[r r~JI at~ on sh ip to Gi@O ~ iii d 'ito O[IIU~ ~notJh~'F as co m m en hle'irs 't:(], tin e' u t'ilive'i'sa II [t'le$OUrCie th,alit: ~ s 5U f'fi c:~,e nt for ,iZiIIU" r~le'y mtlSiI:' guw up sern e' of their erreneeu s id'!~s ~bOIUl~ ~ bi!ilr II rights. ~I They m ust 1!!',2j flf!! ~Iilat till ey' ,[;;3 III n o,t possess !i'I[rl di I'D (;k up 'th,a~ w til iiclh b el~Dn@:s to 'God w-iltilhcUlt: ~he'm se V!ij,es, ~ !i.d~elliir'il!e:, d'N~j ief~ec:ts >cd ~ h,iiirt se,CI ues,itlr'al!tio In. The pOD Ii m a[n is not:
Ule 8 r~at:~s;tt s,uff~ rer ii III tlh[is, co nee atratien of welill ~Ihl~' for Ii e h,iJ~ not: ee ncentraJtedi his 'fali't:h ln mat,€! ri,all 'lth~'ng~, 3 n d ehaln eel nil':s: SO,!1J I to them, 'fh~:S!i! who, ~r~ rich i'n tt:~,e 'thinGS, ,of tili1" s w'Or~dl ,a re' by' th,e iilt d e ~.endle'!1Ice 0 n ~hose th i iilg;S, b indi iiil,g them S?e~l;jes t10! m,aite'r~;!iI1 t:ih[iirn,gs, ;iii iii d iSliFe i iil m iSll1!e'ri,s[1 da[li'kne$$~
Ic:'\!,'efY tili1olllJfl~'t of p ersensl ~ oMessi'@'!il rnu s;~ bel d rapped all ~ of' m~ n d befcl.!'ie!: m€H1i C~lfll COlii'fl'l! i n~)CiI Ul,t r~~11 ~~~I~ i'OI'ii 10:(- '~lhl~' ~lfIIvi$,i b,l~ '$U PpI~Y., They C~Ir'i11'ii ot possess monerv .. houses, 'Ii:iJili land :&ellf'rshIY't becdluse thev Cl!!llnnoltt possess the u"~\!!ers,a I i deas ",0 II 'W~~ch these' S'i!iTl! bels sta nd, INlil';i' 1m !!lIn C~ f1! P ossess ;;Iny i'~h;)'a as h ls '~'fi1 perma rH;~I!fltll'V. IH e mlay' PQs~e~~ ~t5 Im;~f~elriam ~y m bo~ flOW a I ~ttJle' 'ti m'e' en '~h,~ IPII iiJirne' of p hen erne na~ bl!J~: it is S ueh nehes th1ill~' "meth and rus't C;.Q~S,i!J ml~'~' ~Ifa d wl"li~,~~, tlhil'~\i'~~ blr~~~, th re i!Jgh ~!ild s.u~,~ I.,'I!
IMen possess ,~s v~lll!Jabll~s th~T~ e',:;h,lIe~tion .. tl",~lde~ ,dlbility", 10'1" ~rrte~lh::~tY~,1 tame~t'" IMlhiil5ters o-~ the ,~ospell possess, scho~alrshilP lOr' eICi!qlue'l'iI,ce" ;l'nd t,ake' pl!'Td e ln '~nli!SOS' spi fit l/.IIaJl pessesslens, Vet e~e'!il these! at r~' bUllfde Ii1S UlI at ml!.l:s:t be' u iii loaded Ib~fio're th e¥' m ~y en te r tlhe' ki ngd om o~' 'the' h ';\~V,en~ _ I he :$3 ~1i'l1t wtHl' ~s, 1r:J~i.d~,ed u II). wiith hii s sa int I 'II gOiO d ness m u st 11I1fJ11~oad his, vi1lnity be,fa Ie he g,ets: in, WhcNeve r ii s ,~mb itk",y s; to dio, good.. to ~'X}l~!i! I hi:~ 'iIf;~ IllOW men iln ri,shte t;Ml.iI:S,rHl!i:S:Sj, must ~o:s:e hi:5, ,almlbit'~on ,a n d ,d e:s;:iire, be,ro Ire Ihe be:liliold:s: th e 'fa ce of t h@ ,21 IW~providii ng F',ath,@ r.
Tne rea 1m Q~ CaiUl!U~'S, may' be' com p,alred 't)O steaJm in a ;gl~ !H~ bQ~ ler. I~f t he cia ss is el ~alr Orl,e m~I':f' ~IDDk II' i~glhrt at it ,and se<@ riI nth i Il1g ,fiIrit' a III. ~'€!t 'wh e n ,81r11 €!,s,ca pt~ v,~II'V1e. ls to ueh e d the ,Sl!eHtUW!J l!i'lHllhes: out'I' 00 ndenses a fi! d b e!l:JO'ITi! as 'vil!i,~bl\e,. But: iill ,tth~'s process lit has alsc lost its POWE1'f", :$iub~t~no~ l~xi:$,U~, iln a realm ,t)" id~\~~, and is powlerful wlflell1 ha ill died bV en e who is fallilni] ~a:r w'i th its eh ara eteristics- T h'~ ig~1H~~ra nt QIP ~Irn ~ ~I~ 'V31:v~:~, (lit" U11~ millllgi ,81f110 I ~'t id~\~ ~ '~~QW Q~t: Ii 1"1 ~o a real m w~th which '~he'y hi ave' not h in,g Urill corn m on, iii! e p oW12l1fu ~I id@ias "~if su bstsnee :all'll! 00 nd@fih5@ d 1i'I'!I~D th IOU ghts ef ti ml@ ,a III d S,r;Ii;i:!i(:@' .. whi eh igIil'O r~noe c~:n~Efli""e~ a 5, be irlll lflec!eS~i1Iln'V '00' 'tlil e hi ff\iIJTt~'QfiI. TIh~:s; tlhei r p Oweir ls Ilos~ ~mdl a weary round o:~ seedtime ;rJlnd h IIrveS'i!: ls ~1Ii !l!IIUI!!J Ii,altte,d to' flu~lfilll tbe deNill9 in ds ef 'UiH~ 'W(j rid.,
lUi is th'l! 11m ind t hat b~ ~i'e\i"'~:S in Pl ~Irs~'n~ I I!lQSL5'€:5sk~ iii s. th ~(t Ililm its tlhe full i(h:~~ ~ GOld '5 world 1$, ,all w'Olrld of iJ'\esull ~5 th at 5eq uen't i ailly 'foill,li).'w dern a nds, ~t uS jlrJj this kl ngdcrn t ha ~ rna n f nds his ~jrl!Je Ii erna, La bor has csa s@d for him wino, has if'DUInd ttrhi:s. inne r k:i n~do mi. Dhr~rille' S:l!I pply i 5, broUl~ nt 'ff'Q rth w'uttJiho ut la b erieus s~r UI!H!t~el:~ to, d e,s'irr\e is to have ful'flill rnent,
TnTs ir~ t'ne seeene step in d,eIMonstrr,i::u:h:)n for' Itthe one wine h as flu IIV
·,;1,11""1- -'F-A .~iI' II> a th . Alivun I' i'" . -... iI....i-. - m-du:a'~' ~. .- 'F---' lnte ~ .. II"
YJli!'Y lII;a "@'I;;l! ~ II __ '_ . Sa@L ~I ~O t_IJe' ~ ~. _ . e ,g !J_II!J~I!IIdC)@~ In Eli ~,m _- .. e ~. _~e._ ~ ~'Iil~e liS, L (.':::' @~s: _,i~.
e~pe rlenees ,lind! more iii appiiill,ess th Sin the wO rid ,s ~fQIj"\CtS,.I' wh en he: elO\i!iI!lii af!(~:$ ~o folillow ~Inlbv tine g!r!:liod. llhe:re '~s a Iii ~dfValoeed de~r-e ~ all,cHi;g tJ~'Hf!! same U liI,e of iirii itl ait~,o n ~inrUji 'illhe' Ifm\fst1erii e:s, of th,e d i'iji~l'iIle. lBefo lie 'thTs, st1epl 1m ay'
be; tta ikern, a dieepe'V' and more thor~~g,h IT'! EH"rll:ai~ 01 e ~nsilf!E lim ust b e u nderg,OI!'1le. A ~"Iliglii ~,!f set oJ ~~ICiU! itlh~$ ils t h~ n ~'w,;)k'€i n~d w iltlhliil~ ,tlru~' b:~dv,. ;)Ind n,~\;~ avenues Ili}'f exp fl'\e-ssi!Ii:!H'i a rr,e l@lpe'[fH~~d f'Oir the powe[i:s, olf th e Sp,ir'i I!tl lifiOt. oflllV i fill ~he biody' butt i;!i11!~!01 ii n thl@ an!;!li rs of 'the ill! d iviidlll! il!J1. ,AS! h e preeeeds 'tOI e)';)el~~is!e tlile'$e f~(: 1i.I[lrti,e~ Ifu:;), m ~y 'find some of ~ hlem c~o@rs;edl by' 'tille' I~rv~ta Rs of de~,dl ~hOWl8 ht that so m,e ,se'~W~slh ideals halv,e d e ~lolS'flted~ ~Ihi'eh ma lites him BICi ~tlrorugh a '~I'~~ h dll~;a 11!:!!i,~ng. ~'f h~, ts, ,ob~d U~ nt ttlO th ~ Spil~"i't ,~M"ld Willi !l,g tlO' 'iF;~ lI,a,w wit'no ut ca~~ I or P:I"\O' t'ne' wa y ils e,a s\' fo 11' Ihi~m., II f nOWler\jI\e,n" 1iJ;i1! q U1e,!ij,ticlfls ~Inld ,a r-:g~e"~,,, ~,~ d id ,~Ob'i' III e wU ~ meet m~ lillY 'ob~tlrli,Jlct~~ ns ~ rl!d h i:5 ill)llIlf ney w'illl be' lo rig arid lite d ~O'!ljS,
A,galiir1i.. n e wtM) 'See Ik$ the kl II1gfJ.OIli'iI ~( $,il,J b:~italilre 'iffi~ir iltllll~ ss ke ,orf tllllie l(tk~rve$ and ns hes he m iiiJ [get 0 ut 10lf ill: w'UII :sl!Ilrelv' be d lsa p po ~flI~e'd in ~ he end. IH,e m~\I" ge~, ~hi~' II Q~VI~:S ,!;IIfl! d 'W~s;h,e~;j 'lb'h1alt iis ~IU ite PQ~:si blle',~ b ~t ~f th ~r~ ~m~iiiF! S UI!l1 IMi5 ,~H:H.!II ialrllV de':s:ilf'lt!i 'to use 't:h,e m io,r seUis il'i e nels,.!' th e liIlt'iimcr~e re5,ta It:: vliill be disa streus ..
M a nv' pe opl,e ,are ~eleki rillS: 'th e' a ~d ,of' S,p~lliit. to hiEH1~1~ t:he m of the,ir p hvs iica I iUs,,, T1n'~')' halVl~ nlD de's Ire fOlf" the Ih igjher ~ i1Te.., bunt n avilng 1I1;oiUlrnd th €!iii r I ust:s ilillildl passi on s eurtai I ed by [physka ~ i ~fu rmlitie's~ they' wa nt th e~le e rased Din ol~d,er durt: they may 00 ntlnue iirn rhei no fleshlv wav. It is the exp erlen ce' of ,~I[i 'iN ho have cleall~ with Spmrit tfJ~at it is a Vn~,@fii)lIICS b©'~Hh! :5t'i'mllj,Jl,aJlIl!~. It restores UH!' vit~ lirty of '~h~' IbQd~t Ur1!I~ i II it il~ I~V~ fIi rno r~ ~~'rl!:~it VII~ ~Q P-!I~~S I),Jlr~ ,gil'" p~ i nl th.~lnl i1it:
W,iaIS bemiolre' the spi [it~,llJa II q M ic'kelrdillig. Tih ms, SUIPIEHsen sit Iv,einle-S::lj, ma kes il e me re' suseeptl bll@, rei n d n,~ ble '~o fWI10F@ ra ~'idl W,~ Si~e fir furl her hil d 1II hgenc@ IS gJn",ij ~ifiii@ct, rh,i;iI1t iriS, wlhy those' 'who no~c~ I'Ve' ~[p:ldt~,g I t~e,al~ ment shou Id be' fu Ily il'l'i!~tfluc~edl i'ril the' iFfI!.Jf~h ,of Sei n~:. 1ihe;y shoe ~d be sh own t[h;~'~ the indlUl~,ge nee ow IbQd~ lV' ,aI[Ssi 0111 s ~~ ,al s iin ~g~li nst th e if' $,i!JI~~~:S~ i til i~ve try 'wal~ k: o~' llife ;a! nod EiS:P e(;~;a IIIV iln dtle 'Wa¥ liDlr f~ na nces !afnd pro15,P eruty. ~'f :SIWilbs~a n !l:e' IS d i;!i,sipatlE!!d" evert Ildn d !olf 1!~I(1k b ~gins; to b e '~~Iit, Ift1etlriibuti 01'11 ~llwa'f,5; foll'ow,s th e i nd Ii,J I;gen (:~ 'o;t ~ p ~,~dt~ ali'1'lldi passi:cHil fer m;el"\e 5elil:$,ar~ij'OI~. Both 5iill1ne'fS ,aind sai~nit5 '$urfrer !iIl tttlhii's, va~l\ev' 011' 'fo,lIy. Th~' a lite rn ~Iti'\!'ie ii s to dedlii,(at~ Y'O'U rs,@llf' to t'ne Fath,@rls b'Us~ ness, 1M a ke' ;a de~irnite ~ nd d eti!ilii iied CiOiljJiBlnant with th,~ F',;3lithe'r,; ,i a~' ¥ilJ1iJJI r d eSli res .. alPpe't.i'ties~, and IP:as,$,ions at, Hlis; 'fe'et aind i:!1{!lfle.e' '!bo use al il Y'OIlJ!Ir' substa iii lite' i Iil Ule most exa Itedl WilY, Th e Iii you il re ;s,~~ ~iil'1l,g '~[l1e' [k~ n,gdiom!I' a flI'O illlill ttl urli g$ e,ilse' shali I be ,3 d d e d unito VOlllJ.
We w,allil:~ ito mallke th is SUI b5i1'iaillilCe' tlhtia 'fa ilth iii as bnCHjillht to 0 U Ii rn iliil~ e'~'HlIOI~ilng a tiI!j ,is! bid iFl\g~ ,s;o til alt' we [t;k~; ~at: h)se' i~ wlile'ti1 Ib,elllilk;s; "falil ,O!f hi! e fa tea Ilk of III h il:Ilrd 't~ m es "III We m u:s:t lhi.fV1e iin oUlr 'f~fiI ances a C.OI"rl s>!!:mIOU!U1 e:S:5 of 'tin e
pe'!i'!l'!di1!!nenc\!,' of- th'E!: om !ilii'~ resent: SlU bsta nca iGI:$, it a bides ilf!! l!IS~ Scmie 'we,alhhy' f~ iTTili Ii'~$ :$uo(Ce;e(i iln 11'10 ~d i!!'Wg 'U~~Plr '~a Itinl W h illl~ lo,'t hers d issi p'~I~e' it U!fIi 00 ~ B:e fiI,e- ,a ~iiO 11 beea u Siitl' '~hey do no-it h1,ave' tille' eensc i 0"-1 sn ass iIlf i3lbiild in.B, su bstanee. F',o r !i'!ill;!! !'11ry o~ U~ t hler'e' is; II:! j'~h!!! r a ~,ea!it or ,!!II fatmii "e' i!il the' fi!"!lat.'ttJi!r of mQrIi'erv a flld ~e need the ,~bid ~n,B, rGQnSGiQu~ne'S 5;. 'Tlher'e' ii s 1110 Fie:aSQ rIi w'hV we sh ou Id 11l0rt have a eentl n III 0 I!.I~, eVi!!'1li 'flow of' su bsta n ell! bo:n~ ~i'lIr tnee rYN~; ~ rid! !i)U1tgO. ~1f w~ h ~1i;~ '~r~,~lv r~~~'iv~'d w)~ m Yisr ~ tso 't\r'~~ly' giv~' a tld Ik~~p, SUI b!S:tiallnoe ~;!' c'o'n'~ld ell1t: in QUii' !JJ Iiidrer'S:t~ iii ding th alt our su pp,~ is, llD"nI!WlIU~ed ~ nd tih,ra~ ~tr. ls ~lllw',~iYs [!i'lghtr ,8~' h,~lli'ld ffin th'e '~'m rni Pc ue~en ~ M ~fi! d iOlf Gord.
~ n ~Ihm~, liIlf'1Ild~'r'$~a n d ~n,g we can ~~and "th ~ sl ~ng:s a n d a rrows lorf 'OllUrtra~~(liIi.J$, fo,fitiUirne'o!' Ii depresstons, losses. ,a iii d 'fi n anc:i;al~ fa ilhiJl es a nd st iii I s ee ,God as, abul!'l!Jdalnt 5ub~bJino~ 'W~ itiing to c;'O'm e into' mea n iffe~tatio ~. That. i~ Wh,i;!ft Pa u II mealBiI~ by 'talkmns up ·"!the 'who Ie .alrmor O'f' Giod 'tlnICit: ~H~ filnlay' be albll,e tn, wiillhsta ~ d ii iii the !@vil,d 1!¥. II The s U bs.t~~!inCJ~ till M h ~s ffin thrl! pl1il! st been m~'I'!Iiif:@st lill rQlJj,jj" iSllffaln ts s,'tilll here., It iis ~he same ~ub:s.tiSllnc:e. and ilt earmot be rt;ak\!El:If'li awa¥'. lEVle-inl 't:houl~h 'ithel:\i!' seems t,tO be malteliialll lack, ·thelU\e ls p,~enty ,olf SUI bs'talrlQ!2: '~or ;Eli II,. W@ ,8lre st:alndi'll1i! iill1 the' 'Very ITilid st ,of it. lLike, th~ '~ish w,~ mi',i5ht ask, 'I'Whel!"ie is the w:atier~11I wheJl'i!1 'w,e ~i\lle ,~"d move ,:t!I!l!Jd! h:iID\!,'e! eur behlllS ~rn 'it. ~t ts in the, 'wate~ .. ln the alr e\fe'I'Vwlileii'e", a'bound'ingl iIOii'io,U~, sp'ilritua I :!Jllj,J'b\Stii1lrn~e. Taka that 'tthaU:Rh~ and lho:~d i!t R'efUise te be s ha kielrll ~fiam ygl!,l n' SIP~ rlitua~1 ~1t-a nd ii IiII Uil~ V\~lry mr~ d ~t: of G'Qdl!s, p-rQ~ p~r iltv ~ a1i d IP~~m1tt,v;, and SIIiJ p P I¥ w~111 be\I)!iiI te co,m,e '~or~1il 'fro m th e etli1e'r a Ii1d p,le'fifty 'w'i~11 be'co ~'N~!: mOIl@ a nd mere mraJln~i!f@s~ ~In V'O'i!J Ii ~f~:ai rs,
.ll!esIUS Wei S, !,O dna r,l1Ilrl:d 'with ~,p hllitu all SU! bstal~ce' th ai~: when 'the 'womlElJlrli toue h~d 11'-1 ls ,g,~ fml€i ili!t th e &'N~~:a Ilimg, Y~f1! U~ Ville nt e ~t 'F1ro,Qlffil it: a riI d :s,~,~ W,~IfS;, hea led. 'iI1i e re were 'ithOUSiailUlids of pee p lie ~1iI1 'th e crowd, b ut onl~ tjllle 'womalUli Wh'CiI h~rd "a itl!, iiill1l th,~t s;ubstal!lo~ g!Ot u~~ It 'W,~IS ~III ready esta b~i~lhed i 111 her c1O,iI1sciiOl!jj:ilIt'ie5S~, ,aifilidl sh e k i'!Ilew' that he Ii" n EMads 'waul ~ be met 'I f s hie eeu ld rrm~lke the' eenta ct. ~ ~ til is. th'!re is ;a lessen ~r:olr us. w~, kJ1!'oW th ~!~ st f@HR,th is, mali'1li ~est !E:v',e rV'I.!'ltniereji ~g r 'WE S€!'E iilt in the me.: halniCi311 wo rld, .A ,gre;3i'!t l,o'i:OmO~-1V,e :s;t:aJrt:s, 'lirom t he depot:~, [mOII!Jl!'~Ii1G s ~owly alt first, but when it @llglilfl:S: ~'1lfUJmjle;filrtrulml it s pee drs do\~1'iI 'tt;,~ 'rmrii! ~ k I Dike' a strea k. Th U!S' lit i::s; w~tln spi rihlilll stll'leHi"Ilgth", Reel iii rn'ilf11 SOlmeit~im as wn~h a VBlry sm ail I 'tht'uJ\gln~~ ~t taike's 0111, momienr~llilm ~nd ~\i!\elntlu:aIU V b eec mas a li~u')w~'r1fll! I ~d~a. e;v'er~ Orne' !~f u s C~lr'I! stire:riI,gthe'f'i his h old om thEi' till ougliJlt 'M dii'vin€' ,subs.tafilcle' iiJJlnritt; I it Ibeco ifIll,es iii powe riiull idea;. fill ~~ og '~h e ~() i1:stVeU$Ir'ile'$$; ,~Ind rna n i fest lit\~ it'SieI'f ~I.$, P lehty lin all ,Dur aHa'iirs"
A!:!, Y'CN.-.!! lay' hold of' S~ bs~~nce 'wijth ''tOLU f' rn in d~ m a ~e it perm ~ Ii ent alJildl €!'rHjl~lrilng, R~~ I i~~ you r Oln~r'ille,$;$, 'iJ:ti'~h iI't, \t"1)1JI a!l'e Ull"!l~fli ed witih ~I"II~ 0 n~ ~i'Vinlg SUi b!li,ltanci!" ~JhicJ~ is 'G() d .. VO U II" allll-{s,u f'fi,ciefilicy. ~lfom 'th iis su b !;;ta irU:iei 'YtOllil w,elj'\e c r'i~~'t@d; mr'!l it '~IU I i,\!'Ie ~ n d m O'!l@ il;!lnd haw 'Y1aur be'ilng; by it \I'o'U ra lie' fed ;;)i1!i1dl pro~,pen;[:,dl.
Thl~ ~pi rttua ~ !Sli!Jbst:Ei 11!;C~ ts ~,t~~d'f~$,t ~nd ~mllmo~ b I!~'~ '~Ind u ring, ~t d(; es not f1uc:t:l.!l ate' with m arlket: 11i'e!IPO rts. I it: doe s not deerea S'te in Iii lila rd tlmJle,~,11 nor' i'iilrere asa in IIlglOod ti mas _III lt cal'rllr1llO:~ b-e h oall!"d>edi ~w,~ly t~ ea I!JSe ,al de!nde'ril cY' i'iii ~ U ~ ~ ~y ,alnd a h~~he,r' prh:e,. ~t: eta n not be eoxiha III sted iuA dol es '11:101' meet 'the' 1I1~,~d is: O'f prlvatle 11. It ~\S, ~e if t~1i! same, eensta Iil~ :t!ilbUI!1liiJ:aIDlt,. 'fn:ely elreu ~at· i iIlg a nd ,~v;ali l:a ble'-
Thl~ :spi ~ii~~lall S,l,a tH~"WI nil;:)~ is, ~ ~iv~ n! thi FIg; not ~ 11 i n~ FI iim at~ ,i3~CY m u 11~lt 1'0 II! iof brealdi 'tlil,a,~ doe'!li, nlolli s alltii5,'fy hi 1JJ n Ie Ii ne r' W,[!lte rr 't:1iI art f,allll:; to qUle neh 'thi'fi"!li,t" I t is living: bread 1iillndl li~iril,g watlerrj ane he ~h~t 'f'@@ds on Godls, s!Jbs:~:anc@' shall~ llle\i!\€H" hu rilge r illind li1~e r thil'[j'Sit,,, "lJ"h e .siUbs,t~ nee is, sin iii b lidli ng ithiliiliB~ not: sl b~nlk deposi't 'that C~1iI be 'w~U~dtr,aiWfil nor ,a fertune t!h~rt canlil be Wost ~,t, ii'5 ~n WlllfltTi3lillli ng plrii rlu:iipl@ th,afit is; ,fillS SJLJ r€l' in its, wDrk~ illS§; a s '~h,~ I ;l3rws l!tIff m atln,ematics,. Man ea fiI ne more be ;S'@! pa f~1!'E'd fU1i@'m Ih liS s IlJ I4'lplly. lo,f s Y b~t~11I! C@ th,~Ii"!1 life; C~ n be' sepa rr,arte,d '~'rom iilts. sou rce. A~ G (lid p~'lI"mEl'~ltEl'S the' u n i'lJ'€'rse' s md I life' penfmleN~te~s !i!:'VIelry' 001 ~ 100f th e body,~ so @ Ii~N~:5, SUI bsta nee ~Iow free'lv th lfo!IJJ~)h m~ n, 'filfle~ frQl1fIi a II Ii m it gr' q lJI,all~fic~ ~i~i~_
~In the 1!i1@'W' '@ra th·l!ft is eiVlen now ~~: its, dar'!.l'!il'li'l W'Ie, s,h'~1111 h,ill'V@' ~ :s,pllrH IOif pro~peritV. ''IIl'hi$ prj file I'ple of tih!e iJl(llil'v'elr'S a I $ub~taln'u;;e' 1iIiiili be Ikill10Wlfl ~Iflldl acted Orl(~, ,r!lnd th e lie w;i~ I be' no ph~c!i! fow II,a C'k;, SUlpply' wi II be mO!lie e C1 U-ailii'ze-d" Thl~ii'\~: 'wi II~ HIClit bl~' Imuill iii) ns 'Ol~ blJj:s,h~11 s @'r wh e~'t $toll'~d1 'iin mJlUrs.ty w,~lrehiou SI~S wh i I e pe,opl,e go iii u ncrv" Ttlere 'IN ilil be' no o-velrprodiuc,t 10m or l!IifiU~EHroo n- 51.11 rn p~i'@n OIF' oth e If i 1I1€(!II.II,~llit i es ~f S,U!l!l ~Y:' '~~ r God HS :5'l!Jibs,ta I'll ce 'wilill b e lie co~niilze d alnld u $ ed 'b~l a n ~,eolpll eo, I1iJ1hEHill '\'\vlil ~ mott pille' U Pi 'fICHitu nes one day' and lese them, ~he' n@'.xt, for th@y' w'ilil no Ilolf1e@'r f@,~1f th e i rut@grUity o~ '~he'~r lfJje L@lhloo,r5, III or' tlfY' '00, ke elP th e,i r n E i:ghbcnr'"s, shs re T'rOlrilfil him,
~I~, t'hiis illg11 impt,~ct'i~'ill !J1tOP!il? The ilr15!W'el[' ,c;h~p!eli1ds on 'you" ~u$t: as ~OOln ,,$ Y1CHJ i rid ~vidua II¥ re,e:o,gln[t~le It hie olmn~'p,r'e'se nt s LJ bs'talinlce a nd put y,Q}u r faith in it.. VOl!! ca rl! I oiok f~r ~tt:~lelt'.s ,~r'OU lila 'YO u te do the S~lme~ III A littl@ Ih~!Ha\N~! n l,e;a\!!\e:riI,ethi the WihlOI'ei I EJi m P, ~i Qlnd! even to ne ~i~f;e 'itt'Ih,i!ift bears Wr~iiIleS'.5i toOl tlh i? ~1fii!Jt'h o:f trMe ~;ro$p~rity ~aw wiilll qjlLJlij,C kerl! tlhe eo ~$'e~o u:$Ii1~$;Si of t~e whol e 00 mrn U iii iW.
w notE!i'i,!'~ r VOl!! a lie and wh,arh'1!!ve:r 'V'Ii~NJ!!", iimm,ed~ate need~, yO!iJ iCdil1f! de m enstlratt the law. ~f 'V1Ci'IJIi" thO!.l!lgltts ~Ire (;onf'~:$ltd,j beclom~ $'~ill c3riid 1!i::lrlQW" ei~ st~1111 31fl1d klil'ow t hat VO~ ,a.,e one' ;''Vlith 'tItlei s il,j bsta t1I ee' ,a iii d with the, II i!1l'w !@if its, rmullniiif~~~~tion", Say wit~ cOfl\!'iictiori!l:
'Tin i S 'i.iviilll ,®<pie n '~:~,e doc r ,or y,our m imd to ,a IiII ~lnfU,ow ,of su bstan c)e"~U ~ed Ideiias" As t hey ~(l'IlI'1U~; .. U se '~neml fIF,eely',. D~ ~Gt he$i~~be or ,d'@ubit t h ~It th ey' wlilill bri ng results l!riley are' God!s ideals gi~i~Nii t:c, 'yOu in iClrilSW,er '1)0 '}f,our' prayer' and i rii order to su p'p lV' ¥'O'U f ne~'d s, lh'e, are ~lI!llbsta Ii1Ci@~ i ntellirge ~T~,r levi 11l,g~ ,ea~(21F 't.o' m~ltlli fu.s~ 'th ~ m:$ieii\l\e~, to meet Y(!;lIi r iii e,ed.,
Go·d i:s the SII;J'IJI!'" ce o~ a miighrty ¥~r,~;a!iT!! Off :S!.l!lb5ta"~~., ~ nd ''!{lO'!')! ~ir'e 1aI tru bu'tijiry' of 1:: h,alt strea rn, a ,e h ialrllilii ell of e~pre !!j,sialnL" B~essd 1l11S, the su b:srt'iaIIl'llICEi Hifiilcr,ea ses its 'f!~ow. If Y;O!l.l! r mlon@y SiIUIP pll:y IS ~OW' 'Of' ~OUIf' trl!Ulr5@!' seems ,@m ~ty'" 'tti'lilk@ in yatil" h iSllnds a rtd bless il it Se:e it 'filii led! wirth itt h!~: illv I n,g :S!lJ bstalnce r,eady to bE:H:ome: rna n ifest'. A:s, 'ifOlIJ IP~eIPG!lr,e YIO'Ullr mea ~s III ess 't:hoe food wit h th e 'thoUlg,nt ,m s;p,inintUi3lli slJllbstalnQ~~ WinE! n 'yoUl dfiE!!SS;t bl f!!SS;, \!,O'Ulif ,ga rm,€fl1ifS ialllldl i"'eijf:!11 ize 'tth~t ~IU ~lf1e b ei Ftlg eensta ntly I'd othed 'wit1h IGodl':s; substance, Dill not:
O~inlitte'f' your t ho IlJg:ht on ¥,Q,U rse If, "IlOU r iintere$;rs" yOWlIi' ga i'ilS. 0 r IIOcS.'SI~~" 10 ut re,iall ize the' unlversa I natu Ire o,f 'sJUIb~,'t;a iii ee, The me re eenseleus yo y heoo'me off '~hie 1~11f\~$~ liil~e '~T th~ I i'ili Illg ~,I).I bst~11i! ~~ U'I~ Ii'l!,gr~' i~ wi II m ~Irillif~s~ iU!~lf 'Thor l;Otil a nd 't ifN~ IIf~ch elii wi II be t:ihe' Clo,m m on g,CN:H:!i of ,[IIU.
10(; net ta k.'e ,a1I1VOn e",s w~lt'\d ~o'r ~tl' Ibut try' the II,aiW t,or you rse Iff. The ot her 'fellow's lli'ielidi:zation of S,U ~lS;t!iillll1oe wi II net [fl!lJJa fa ntee' YO'LU' S,1Jj pply. ';('Ol.lll m!lls~ beiGorru~~ 'co nselous of' it f'OlI" ,-0 ~ r$~ Ilf. ~dl~nl'tif~ 'y'(J!urs~lf 'wit~ $,1,] b~,"talf'il C ~ U nt1 ~ VOt!1 nil ake i~ 'yoU! rs; ~it w'iI ~ ch a nge yO!iJ Ii fU fiI,alju:::es~, dlest f"IOi'1 you r 'feaIli'5~ s,to1p' Y(H"II r 'wor\lfi~~;;" a nd 'fO'~ Wllilll soon begun to rreJoice iin th~' €''IJ'e'r'-plfl; SlEH"Irt Ibou nty' of G'odl.
IBe' ,s:t:U I alllid iltllUilfril wiirtllJiilllli '~O tine gre'811i S,I=UJI roe'. SiB,e wiitiH1 'tJllle ey'e lo,'f 'W'aii ttl! till i3 It. the who I e wO'rll!d its, fililled '!iN i'ttil s IJJ bs.'t;a iii ee, S,ee' i't 'fa IlliUniij ,all ~ a bO'l!.lit you a1S, sn o'wfll~lke.~, of BlO hJ a n til rsii~v~r and! affirm wij'U~ a:S~ u f.inlO~:;
lIieSU$, C~ u'i.!:i:t is r1!iOw h@re r~ii:s~ !'il\!lt Iffl,e to If I iis cons.::i OIUSi'i! ~~s ,of 'the! omnil'~'re-, se nt; ,all ~~p'rO'V'id ili"l\~ 6iod 5ub5ltaliilOf:, ,8 iii d my [p['10(Slperifty ts assu fled.
~I nave· IUlrlbounded faii'dil in the ,allhp[\e~"e~t spi'witu,al subsitt:a~ce· j'~I(;lrea~.i!ll\ri:t alJildl ffllullltilplh~ilr'!lIg: at ffiry WO rel-
'E.· , ~!=:~I~:a:~a:n~~:: =~~~5~n;::e~:5i~~~::~ i:~~:~~M~~:
, .. ' WOlrd!:s:" IU ~ d'~rst~ndlmg th:;Jj~ !id eas h~I\f'!2 ~ ~errn'2lIIl"!I!i!lnt 'ex:!s'tt~noo and that tlney ,evo~lve t lilolllJIB fiI't:s, ,[ilrilidi wUlfd s, we see h CiW flutj Ie is alrlY atte m ptte.d1 refo'['m thlat dees 111 Oit ta ke th elm ~n~o 'li:onsid!e Ii,atio.n!. 'lin is, ls w ny' I,egl]sla'tio n '-Ind .; '-~::I:-'rl'll-:-III trd-:,;, ,-: f ::-,-t':ii ~i1I -1Ifi-:: '-:c W ~'-Ik ,e- riI;:i1 tl'r;e-I1I.-c,i-rni':- -c, F\CI;fie,fm- ,
iiil .. _ ~~!!o€._.iiiJI .. ~,€5 0'. ;;;'I!I;,~_O __ a.~ ~ €Iiii1 __ a ,!;,;II ,~_;ij __ 5_€ __ ,!;; as ~"". ~.
I d sas ge"ef,:;n~ th,c'u ehl~ ~1!\]lr~e fits,,;; ,~I~, ~I fii I''@' UlF!Jdef ,~ b oU~ if e~ne f~t~.S stsa m. T'lhe idleal is th e' imCI5,'t iliiJi1i1Portaif'irt fa iUta r on i2:1jj!'ery ,ii3ic:t :a fild m Last be ,gjiveifil tJirst place iin Ii) Uli" atte'otioliil iif we wO!iU lid ~ i"i iille: a b!O'i!Jt a ny' tie:J~:jjuIU; (J;~' a pe rma O@tr1L Ii: na racte'ii. IMle'ri1 f'orlmu~ ate t h,o,uf,liilt5 a nd 'tho!.ilG ~u' ma~e' 'the' wo rid.
Idea s .a1F'e ,centterrs o'f conscrousness, They til ave ,a posit ive' i3lnd a iIIle,g~t i've' pI!O~ie' ~nd ~ellilellat'e thoulgh iIis of evel!'V COl noe rrvaibll,e ki nd, Hen ce a ma n's bcdy" h~1ij It'tl,r iil1lb~lll~ ~ell1 (:~.; 'fli III ii;lllIflo~S.. in f~,~t ev)~lfy'lin i rn g ,aibo'lUt rn im~ ~ Il"~ d~rliv,!!dl ti~Dm 'th,@ idl~H~jS 'tic, 'whlidru he' gi\i'e~, til i~, ,aIU)e.n~ii'Ofil.
Mafil l1lal:lii ne~er' had a de''s,iliie '!ttina''I!. could not sOlmewhere, Ilin the pro\!!l'd,ell1C1e of (JodI be' 'fUJII-n11 e iii. Ilf '~t;lis we,re, !'t!,O't 'tnU~!i 'th Iii! la.nli~ve[li"se, w~ll)J~dI be 'we~lk at its, most viita II p10 ~lt1Irit. iD'ilZsmre ~is ,ttlhe cnw31i1"d iilmpulnSi€i !M '~he' le.v~ [f~evollv\iill1g soull. Iliilr bui I dls ':lirom wii'th in outwa r~1 al~d carrtes iits ftJllfWWI hme'!I!t wit n 'it !':I S, a ne eess airY' tOt()1111 ~I'y,
All is 1!ITl iind, Then ~h~' thilng~; th:;;)litt, \aIPIP~a r- R1I!.l1 ~t ibl!' 'e'xplrlll!'S!~ig ns of mii nd. Thus, mli III ~ ls rea liiltV,I' alnd iit a IISii) a p'p~a rs as Iplh'emQm!eIFila. The i~~f! ess .o'~' m i nod ~$ but o file s i'd,e ~f- ut. B ell'ralB: iI'iS fiI'ot ~ ilrlitute d to U~il!! Ilev@1 ef us~",ess; it h as alii plo~~ilb~ liuth~'~~, in cl ~d ini! t h ~it of' Ibr~~"il ng f:~!rth from lts inlh~~~·~'c~ es ~ri!itll) the re'!all ml !@f :alppe1a r3Ii1Ce,~. IMm ndl jrn,a,s: 'these' tw'o sldes, tH~:i rng and a p'p'ea iialflcel, the v'i sibil ~ ~ FtI d 'U~ ~ i nvT~ibll e" iro, sary Ul~t mli nd ts ,~II ,~Ind yet d,~ flY' '~h~t ~ hii'F!\~~ dlo ,a p,p aa r 't 0 ha!~e ,a rtly pl,a c:e! ~ n the ,a lin ess is to stif:l't e but I~i:a If' t he t tu eh,
An idea ~ s ea I~}a,ble of :S:~(j't'emIEHn ialS it) ~'Ii'()POisit1~on" Tne stiil!!'~ emel'rlit ii':!;, nil ade i Fi! res.p em $,~ 100, a d @'sJro. to Iknow ~xp@rii m e nt~llly 'w'h at h@r" U~ e IPJrop.~$,i~iii(lHi VS'
ea pi!lb~e of proof" A fi!illlimber of e~e'mu~ nts ililf'!e iinv10 ~\i'ed in ~he: sittatie rnent of' !aI Plr"O'PoOi$ i tio III ~1'iI at ,almiS 1i'i!(lI,t: ii r'!f~eg)r:~I~ IP~ r~~ of U1IC' plI"!O p!os;it i Orll i tS1!S~rf bu~:
IfIIE!Ce'5s,a r-y t)o i~s wo rki mg, out, 1111 ~h e :lj,im p ~e:S!:t m atlhema ticall prolb~e m pl!fc~essli!~ ,I;!! f@ used tht;!l1t ~ r!!' not presa rved a'f'1!e'r the IPIUi!iJ,bh!'fnl is Siohtedl V\i!t: that: a re I'iI e'~e:5i~a fy t!O, tts SQllutiQn. The fis,~lr'e:5i' Iby the U se of whi(:;h w'e aniv1i!:d at th e soiuti on ,~n11!' f1wliltmi!!di,a'~e IIV f~rgotte'lilll' b!uj~ til ey ee u'ldl Iii O'~ be dij:s p'~If1~~,d witlh ,~nd iii: is 1JO ~h~'m w~, 'OW~ th~, Otlil~CO m~ .. Th ~ ~K~lc;t ou ~OO'~TU~~ of e'ial!dh ,step! Tn t he :Slo,~uti on tis ;a maitte;r of ,exp e rl mernt. The' liillte'rme d i;[!rbe ~elPs, may bi!;< ,c; na rl!ged @I!" 11f~~lr.alete:d m alrlil tii !iYl!'e$,~, burt I.Ii Iti m1ii:rtel'v the f,N'obh! m iis ~io!I~E:,d and diilE: fu If. i ~Im,e.ln~: 1M 'itthe' d es,nlredi result at tai il1ledi.. ~f'~ Iilh-: mS, tru e IOlf ~he smm pl~~t probl e m wn ,al!ilrthum@tic it. ls aqua I ~V true of UIII@ ereatlen of~ th @ !!JIlIl1l~'lJ.E'Il'$e'. !! A'S a b~rve., se bel ~ilJil_~' IIFI e re ts 'iN here m1iiilill"!ry who liJ,iiiI ve' ca iUgJht s ii€:hit: of the I~erf'e,di 0111 a nd wholemess, o~' 't,he ideaJ~ faJd I te demo n:5t ra te, Th'ey demy' Ule' alPlPe~ !li;!inc:e b i!C~IU:Sel it d Oil;S, not ~~pre~s; IP-I:'r~:ecHIl'!il ilo its wh olh;:r! i1~LSi~.
The studeru in tJn@ depths 'of ,a mathe m a~i'li:a II problem who sh cu Id jnlJd8:'@ du.iis we ull d e raise ali I hl:5, fig:u res be ca use th;~ ,Slrnswe f' '!;.Mi;i,S, not: at once alPp:a file nt, thOLllCh t'H! m~y h~\i'e a ~n~'adll' corn p,IJetie.d ,aJ ~!o 0 d ~a rt >of ,t~ e prnlite!is;s 1~,iSI,dilll1g UlP ro, the di@:s i're-dl a 1l1:S,W'E!'F", W'f!!. wOlllld i'Ii Oft s;ay th,iSlrtt a fa nm€!'r ls wi~@ w:~!U! 'CJII,rts 1~:h:!liWn Ih~'s, OClIFl!i1 un the' 'i!i::tJlss@,1 beesuse it does net shaw U~ i2 liiipl~ ned ea rs, Do 1ll0'~ jUfilnlP to con du slo ns. S'tuldrv a s iltw3't lon ca 1i",~flLill i 'if in its v,ar'j OLlIS as ~Iect;s b ef'ore yO~J dee idle'. 'C'©JfiI sider beth sides! the' Vhliible and 'Ul e!' i !ll'IJ.~~,ilblll~'~ th ~ 'wi'~ n iinl ~ lid '~he wir~h~;lJIft
'TlH~ llJ1elry' '~T.~e~ t!h~'t yQU hla'V\@ ~ n ud@'a~ con d iUon or 'W'orld i PI yOlllJ1D' Inn Ind C8 rries wit'h It the PQS'5,ilb~il frty of illts fu nfilllm'~lnt ill 'expre.5;Sion" Be'lil1!g Galnno,t; sh Ulil"k: e'li:preSSi'cHli. '1o th in~, is t@i ,expr:e,ss YlO'ilJ rSIi!~f~ a flid \i'OU ,!i!lIr.e 'co nsta nUy' ,~Jhii'F!i I!tin~:. VIC) ILl may dEl nv ,t h;at: t hie' tjh'ilng~ !I)~ tlll~ (~i!Jt~lr i1-Jorlld Iil.ave ,e,)l;i$,t~!nce~, V~~ a s h)n\g as 'VOlll I'Iiv,e ~ i1I ,c,onta!!tt 'wit h tbem you awe reco~lilb:i'ns 't:h em. Whe'~ !!yo ~ ~ftfiitrm tu~~'illl\!!: ,l;lrnd d,~ ny th eo expresslo n O{~ being, ¥,O I!,J ~ lie ~I Illu;H,)I:S,~ lid u'ioiii d~dl a~alili"'liSili: itts,elf .. 0
We halVcE!: a III wcnlulie'redl WtiliY Wie d Cli Inot undle,rs'tta nd lIiiIllID re tr uth th ;[I11ll we' do er 'Wh~~ it ~:!i!, ne:.r:e 5SalI"V' '~o urnde Ii:s:t:aJlncii ,ai~ a ill" ,si nC'E! G old is ,alll=wisE:! an d ,alll~, pre'Siellllt, U fl!la'e(rSii'l nd i filS ii~ o'~e ef tine' esse Illtiall I~ia rts o:f 'yo~ r I AM identity", 1M a 111 ls a f,acal~ peIne i Ii1 God eenseteusness ,::g midi axpresses G,o d. fh elfief'ore hie, mu~~ un d!@1f's'Ullnd '~hei plrQee,S;!H~.S th ~t brli ng a beu ~ t:h ~I~ expf4!ssi<!Nl. II~i~ilnitie. 1M lnd iis h e lie: w iitlhl ill i I its, idea's ani a resource for m iillii'illj! ,and 'what we ;a fie' or li;u:!l~(Ul1e ts the' Ire:Sll!.J~t O'F Ol;lll~ effotts ~!o' a(;ci!.Iln; u I~te ~ Ii! OUI!' Own ~On,$Je to;llI:S;ji eS$ :aJ~ I the a'ttf~ buees of' mrnrinli't)e M i nd. 'W,e h iarve ~e,a rli1Je d th,alt we ,ea iii 3!CC.U nil U l;a'tie
idea~, 'Of pawe r ~ strefil;glh~ ~ ife.. IIIDiVie" a ncl 'I) ~e;!l!'tv, How s ho ~ I d 'we use t ~e'se il~h~~~s 0 If b ri I1ig tl1l ~ Minto 0 uter It:;xpr~$i$iOlnl ~i'th!l)u!t IJIlnderM~lnd~ Ii g? Whet,~ sh all we' g,e'tt thi$, I~nde'rsta n di n:e save frem th e so ilJ rce of' alii i,d,eas!, tine @n e.". Mli nd? n BIU ~ jf any' o~ yo~ II~cketJh ll",isdo m~ Ilet h urn ,as,1Ii;, ow 'God" 'who ,gi'foeth to' a~ I Ii b~r,a Illy i)lnld lliipbra id eth ru~)t; !;lInd it sh ~illll be: IS ive fiI Ihiim.:'
II f'i f'ollowi fl,g th,~ prillrM::iiph~~ ~f m~'Eh ~ rn,~tUc~ ;w,~ u~~, ru h~'~. irh~ r~, ii.$. ,~ rlWl~ ,~tf addl~tiolli1 thart, we m u ~:t 'ObSEN"'v"e' 'will en W1e. aid ~l;' ott her rule's tlhat m ust be. 'FO,U'C;li'il/ed 'wh eW. w~ SI,)! b~I'''~c~ (~f ITa ult iplv',. The ~de~,s 'of Di,,'i'fi,!!' M i lid c~ I'i!I 10 Ii Ii{ be' eXIPI~essedl whe ni WE: 'Ion ow t be rules 0 ii" I iaiWS of rn ind" 31n d these r ull es f@qlUlire !l)Jtnd@FSt'andi!FIR: 'i fJ w@ W!lllilid fol11o,w th elm ilF!lt~11 ig;eJ'1I~ I, ,~11 dI aeh U~Vle.o. resu lts, Main ts g,ive Ii'Ii ~III powell' ~Inldl auth O!fii'lty ,Oili,iie r ~III t n~ idears o-f iI n lliii nli't~ Mli iiN:l1 ,aJrnd th e id~e'al o'f w isd10m is one. oif' 1:1-1 em.
CI'CiI!li.eliy aJssoc~a'tled 'wit h 'the' ii'd,ea of wii:lMlO,ml in D~vi ne' M i n,dl is tJ'ihe idela ,of love, Th@s@' id@'1iIs aJII"i@ t'h@ [pctsiiitiw' ,~~!ind the irll@',I3::atliiv@' p~I@' 'o'~ the >Cr"e!'ilth/@' IPril1l'blplle'. "Male' iUijd femilh:~l: cJieatl~d he them," The: id~a~ of ,God .. Mind ;ililf"i~ ei'.<pn~ssed t h ~oL!l\Ch the co n.jl!Jnaioll'l of 'wisdo m a iii dI love. 'Ciod comma ndedl that rh ~:se. 'iltWD id'~as s!noulldl b€!, fW1!lJ i;riUl,1 alnldl m u Itiiply' ;a ri1 ~ ri~ra'l@nlis;h th ~ wh'oile @~Irt~ with U'UlWJe:~t5, i~ ,e')l;pl~@ssi'o'fi!.
We hilve access to the dic'!!ine rea~m 'hom whiic:h alU '~h,@.yi~dl~S, are IPlFO'jec,tecB i I!itlO 1t:h~' wgrWdL We alli"~ C:O I'll S.~81Ir'il'ttlhl t~l{i og ide"~l$ ~'rQm tJh~ ~pil!fib,la ~ wOlrlld ~Iodl mnllili fig them into ;0 U r own conoelption of' 'the th '11il1,$; 'We de':s,i e. Somleti rrN~~S, 'the nn 15 n@di product do@s net !ii~~l:s,fy or ~'II@i~s@; us'. lhat irs, beeause 'w,e ha\!!\e taken ~h'e I,d'ea away from its, t ru e p~ lI"elnt~, wisdoM and lo,~'~, ~in d h~t ~ ~ grow' ,to m !iilr~ulrliit'l ii f1I a rti at mo's'~'~,elfie' 'of e'Iif'Or lind i~lnoi~arnC)e;
II iii the matte Ii ,Olr Imoney IO'r' Niche's wle h:a'V'e '~1aIIke'l'iII the I'd ea of' pure su bstiE!lnoe 'f'li"l@m til e ~pir1itu~111 11!1~~ 11II11~ ,t helFll h;ijj\;!ie m IfgoUen ,t he :su bst;~ nee idl~~ ~llfIId tri'~dI to WIO rk. ~t 0 tn i fil a maltlerilialII at m,os,p,1i! ewe of ~hoWigJ~1't:. I't wa $, OJ \wlQI!n de rrulll il d e~I~, burt wh'eiF!1 '~ha took ~t ilwav f'rolFflfi it's, s p.ii rirtU:;J:!!I lP~nf,e nts wi~dc m a m:.l II o""~., it beiGa me aml l!IIl'iIIriull'v alnd d iisa p PIO:il'lliti ng; Il:hi let Eve'lli i~ wiJttthiolll t IOr\i'le! ameli unde rsta nd iirilg of substanoe you aCCIlJJlm u lata @l)iOlld :a n.d :s,iI \fi12f'lI' ~o !U11i' ste II''E!! 'willi not b~ sta b~e' 0 r ~ ~Irm,i! n e nt. lit wi II 'VI !iJ,etlUlild!e i!11!1101 'C!J ~:~~ 'you lI\llo'rry iiilnd 81I1i~''f.. Thetre are m,cmv' pu:!,1l) pilei' wb@1 irid@lnitt !know thle' \lal~ue' orf' a doll~ar,/j \i'IJ'~il:h wholm
,- .... -0'; ..,.- -- .... ~ "" ,...:I ,I!!f ..... "",.. - -11 .... -1''''''' --· ... h t .... ,..:1-- - -d - ........ - ~ ..... - .... -- -""" ll""'- Ii;;;,., ..... ~'1!!h.;.n!!:iY ~o'm!!:i',~ ,!;;!ri!y 6";';;!!:i~'1 'W __ ~ ,1i!!1 '!R' 1i"1'i. .. __ 'lQ~u:a, :an:__ p""""",,rW~-I!'i!;.j,rr,y.w',. _ II-~ev ~-~,!;;!'''''i;
no iIJIlrruje'r5;~a rn d ~riI,g ,of 1t'h1'e' subst;5JlriI se that is the i!J nde:il"fIyinm r€IGllii lty ,of' alii wealtn.
To have ad,eqlllJ;!lrl~e :S!iJ PI~II Y at a ~II times, ,31n ev,e n now 'th iilrt ls n e!\I''ef el'ilcu.!!1f!!:h tIO b~,c(nl!1l~' ,~ b u rdl~ n y~t ~h.~,~'y$; '~lnIOILJgt1 to m ~'e't ~e ry ,d~m~ nd~ 'we' Imu!$~: rna ke u FtI te n w~ till the :Spiir~ Il: that Iknows how to ha fl1cllle ide as ,aJS SU bstanee, M ~'!i1 h ;;!f~e tlhil! j,dela th'ili!I~ mat)erri:a ~ substsnee !~ U rr!lijtil!cli" and tlhey (!'ng,i!:! ge V ~ (:;Q m pet1ntiQ iii t rY;~rug, 't;o S,ralb en e ~nQt her' s m(,; ri,ey. Divi rile' M i iii'd has, ideas (~If su bstanee a s !!J Iii ~[m ited and ev:e'r)'V',I'h e lie IPll1e:5ilelniit~, e'~!.!! ~I~my' ava ihillb Ie te a II. S~IO~~ m;iii fa ~~, 'worik, i~ t1;) ~');:lPln~s~ su bS't~iI"!i(~ id'~~:6 i i1 m 8Itt~,ri:a! I '~(jn'i!fII~ W~ must: f~lIilId a way t\©; conn e'!l:t lid aas ,olf :!iiub:s~a nee' with ~ d'ea:s, o,f m;[a'be ial~ e(i!li:pres:si'iD<Ii1I", ee ~Idjiu st '~h.;' mdea:s; of m\~nl's m iilr'lid 'with ,t hi~ idle~ls ~ ~)ivhi e' IMli nd.. 'Ttl ls 'is aocoMIP,lished bV' 'faith 'thr'Ou~,h pr'ay,er'.
Th,~'t IP~ r~ off ith~' Lord ~s p~~ ye r w h i(; h reads, I! Give uS 'tlh ts dl~y ~ur d~li Iy' breald~,n is: rn 0'1"12' ,co,FifieciIly' 'Ii'Gi\l\E!: us '~,od.ay the su hsta nee ,ot ~Qmo !ITOW!~ br~i;lld.,"!' BV pfay~:r 'We! ,~Ci~l!,Jm I!J Iliji~ie in 'Ci'U r m~ 11 d 'i d!l:'~:S of GG d ~S' the' su b!l,'talin ea o'f our' sup ~J V tal nd SUIP POlf"t. lIi' he're' is no I'a ck ,off lthii's: slmb:s,tance i'n lnf Ii1 it@, Min d. R!!!~~rd ~@S!S of haw mudh Ged 8iV',~s.. there is a I W,1i!!IYS, 1i11i1 abuin da 1I1,(le' h~'fiIL. GOld doss 111 01[ gi~e us m,ate'ii'ta I thi.ngsjI but Mllil1l d 5UJ bs,'ta nce:,,nat marLey' bu!t' idea$,..~,id eas th at .se't: sp~'rH:u ~~ fereas in m,ot ~on se tJ~;,alt di incs beg:in t'D loom e' 'ilLo !j.g'5, l!Jy t th~ ,8lppllic!iitiolrl 0'(- ,lthe, ~,~w.
lilt may' b~ ttha't Y,CH;li $O~~E': \'\0 Ulr' tina i"H;iai I problem iirn y~t~lr d~a ms, Men oft'e ill Uli'li1k lOwr their probllem~, just ~efore rgoinr8: 'to sleep ,aJlflld ,ge~ a ~cIIWl~i@l~ i~ ~Iil~'ir (:hf'~a ni"$ Q If ii nr1um~d1i{ltelh' !,.I p ~Hl ~\I'!,it~lkJ~ni l1\mL itThis, i ~ [b~~a IJ ~~ t h~i r 1M il1ld$ w·e e sa ac~i\fe' en 'tt h eo illJ'lj'i:le lied ua II pia ne t h,at tJM~V c/O uld not ma ke 'co nta Cit, with '~lh @' si lent in n @ r lpi~ i!lli'"V2 wh@!'iJi@' ideas work, W hen t'ne eon sclous mind is st~ Iledl 31ndl en e m ~lk!e~ 00 nta,ct. w~th the' ~1lI p eii"ICO n~(;iiOU~'fIl~~~,~ It: be(l{lin s tlO shew us how' O'UIIi' alff!a!iiirs 'wi III work O!llt or hew' we Clan he'lp '~O brilln:g ,albolU~:
U~~ dIEh~iln~d I~H'o'!spe'ri1tV,.,
T1hii~ is tih~ la'!ll ,of mill'll d,. The pnlln dipl~' is, \i'it'i'~1I11~n each one' 'of us:. b I);It we r1i'lU,IIISt: be' 5'D'iiii~ttya Illy q U te kene d in Ilif'e and iiml uliide'rs~alndi~n~, b,efio'i"e' c'N~ Cal In! su'c'D@ssf'uHy work i III aeee rd wirtL it, HCPI,i!J1(!V@f w,e m u st no~ dlisoi!JUint th e lLIIllflidiellfstalll1d iing ,0,' 11th IE IlfIatilJ ri3lli IriI1~ n, Till e mli n ~ i 111 us Ullat IlliB;EI:S(iiIIll!S, and Igo 1luI;, to ~he' physica II sld e' of ~IMli1gs has; a ~SD tbe albii ~i't,y ~o loalk 'w'itlniun. ~ ~ is 'th,e door' UrnrClUgh whi eli! d ivi ne ide,as m !.II Sit 100 m e, ~'eS,iU;Sl' 'Ule Son ,of miami ca n~dl IH umse If "the door"i a nd "tine \fif,ary. i i lit: Is, tlh'19: d i'Vii rn e pl,[I iii th i!U: a I ~ ,eXpr'e5iS,~O~1i1 er
d~--- .... - ~I!;--··, .. t" , .,1;;, -I~ ... - -, M *h - .... ilJih I;n''''' -a"'''''- ""- - £ ,- oi'ii •• ;.'I,i')' ...... , - ,.:II til iI" ~b- - -'"
emenserau !i"!! ,:!,!"~~u ceme mroug _ _I uus g-~'I;W!o!!V' 0_' m!;!!I'-! ~ 1(~i!ln~. !!'i!,li!I!i, .!;!IO'll!!:i'
a~ I thls lEI re 'iI!he' iidea 5, t Iil,art ,exist i iiiI ,trlihe' p ri m;a I stat)e: ,of IB-e~ng,. and 'ililhli 5, ii 5, tlri i? ~1fii!Jt'h 'O,r w'h'iidl we ImU$,t beooll1le eOln$dO~$., We Imust Ibec-oFmlre ,awar'El' 'Orf UN~~ S'OlJlf'Ce!: c,f our su bsta n ce. Then we tea fi1 diimiifillish 'O-fJ" increl!al:\ile rhe a pp,ea ranoe
of >O!JJ Ii" su P'F'.l'ly lor DUI!'" fi lf1Ialn~ejS" fCI!i' thei!i' ,~piflH~alra nca depe nds efl!iti ra IV' !On eu r UlndE!,r"$t;) nd ii~g ~ rid Iha nd Ii ~g Of' the iidl€'ia s o~· :$ !!.Jlb$t~ rli lC€!·_
The t i mle' is ~om~in,g. w hell! we sh ~IIII not hi ;;j!1¥e' to worlk. 'fO'1f thillilgs,. fo Ii eu r phy;$i,~all FIle eds in ·t I'll E)' way of fQi.?!~1 ,a liI,d iCl~tl!l iilil.I~' Ib~~'~I!J~e ·they wi III corn e t() us t:rn rou!~h 'ttl e· aeeu m u ~atflclf1 ·of '~ej ri:B ht r daa s ifln O!J r m iIIiU.i.. 'W'e will ~ be~!l'i[n 'to und~~'h n dI t.h,i8jit elet hiil1l\! r~ p r~$!~inl~~ 0111 ~ idl~a lof su b~tt~ili1~~ modi ano1tt)iherl, ,a nd t:h al~ €lIve ry lmall'1lii~e:!l,t tlihlli Iilg i:!j, liepliei!iient;a t~\i!lej of' an ih:lea.
II n the' :2 d dil,aJpte'r of' G e ntiesiiis th~:5, lIiviA,R: su b st'.alnc!e, ~s Cia ~ I ed n dust of th e src'I!.Hld"1 iw. the' Hebfl@iw. ,~li1d Adam W'.a~ 'fr:~rm@d w'rom it. We find th~t the E!,II.;'rn!enta I s iUlb,Ua nee iis, i n (~1.1 r b(jidy _ T~.;' kjlllg,d(~ m O'f tlh~ tJ ea '!;!Ielrl:S Olr tb~ killligdom iiJ'f Gad i:s wiith i n imI,;iUilm I t is, cal kincdo m Oif sub:st.a nee iEilndi Qf M i Wid. .. Th i So IMli nd il!iltef]peneb~t~!5- Q IJIr m ind ~ II! dI au!! mi!lld in _ erlP~n strates ~Uildl pe'fi1jJ,a,d as' body" II es s u b!!ii:talnoe. Fi'l! rrva dIEHSi, el'1ell'¥ see m o~· our bDd~'. Alf"!e!i you 8uv~n8' it: 'yOI!uil! attentlen .. or do ¥'C!lIJ stU ~ lock '~O 'outer SICU.~ rces fur su pp~? Ar@' yatil rn ed iiiILilrU ng: and p'tJ"illyi ng for ,i!iI n l!l ltd e tJ"stslndi n,g o~' til is omifillilP resent SUI b:!!:t;alm~e'?' ~f yOlJ!1 a~e~, iit: wi~ I (:101m e, aln~ it w U II de'm ons~ralte' I~U·(!iIS!J eidtv fior' yCHJI. W tJi;@11Il it elloes ... 'YDU ,8lre S;€!'ClUifi~t for riI 0'1Ltli'1i18 CSlllnl t~iSI,k€!, 'ilLhat: 'it ru ~ pi rosp@'lfitV 'f1~om YO'I!J. lit is t he 11l~lw that ((Ioe's II! et and can not f-a i II '~'(I! iOIP!i!rate wh~!!I ones set in operatToril ~in tille' W~~~
Tn i $ II~w g~' Iplr'1gl$J.N~ ri1ty h~$ b~'~I!'l prQv~'d t:ir'li'U~ ,8J II"IJ 01 ti m ~ ~gai n, All m,~m wlnQ' have prospre red h:arve !Usedl itlhe' law I 'f,cu t.hieirle is, IIiiO ethe way. Perha ~'M;, till ev W@lfi@ II"! o~ eenseleus of folllo\'Ving d,@finlitl@ SIP~ ri'l;l!Ji~ I m@'~hods" \!@:~ they h~~'@ 1m'!! $o'me way :s,et 't he law' ~ Ii ope ratlcn an d re'ai[pe;d t he [ben efi't of lts u nfa ~lI'ilni: aetlea, Ot hers have had te s~ri!JR:I~e' to aeeern pll ish 'thi'e saen e' til ings. j, IRe~me m b e If t.h.dil~ ~Ilij,dilh til ad t'~1 k!ee:p p t,":ayiii'iil~ a III d ,aliffrl'ml rillg flQt ~ ~IOl'il\g, '~i m ~ before hie de m Olfl'1l stratad rh IE! ra Ulil. HI e Sf! lilt 11t'li 5 :!ille.rv,allilt' Ol!lt the ~iili".5,t t iim e, allildl ·there W~S' niH) S9Jgn (rt ,~I lei cH .. rd. He- pllr~yed a nd se nt hi m ;0 I!Jt ~~~ illll ~ Iild ~G.a Ilrli will: h t ifwie sallme rE1'5,il.lI !'ttl' but at IliCiIS'tj a'~1:e'r' re'p-ea ~ed effio rts, 't:h e se ii"'!!,;alilitt 5a~ d he' Sei!W a I iUI,e' eload, Then IE II i~ah 00 Id t hem t)Q pn~'p'~ re fer ral fl. ,~nd tlh@ F!"2i illi! ca me, Th is sh D\l-V's. :a ;[;iDnlllL~ilfllJJ iilt.y Df' eff'o rt ttil8li1t. is, somelti rnle.5i, nece,S45 iSIlry~ I'f 'yDU r pnr'O:5,I~!l!eri'ty does riJitJlt: oeooml!2 rna n ifest: as seen as vou pray a IiiId :a'flfillfm IGlod! illiSi yo~ r :$lUlb§tfill1l,ce,~, your supplY'j anol yo !lJ1f' :$~P F,lO'rt ~hJ~;~ t,o !B:~'\Ie~ up. Slnow yOt!l r fa'iitln b'f kee'pl~r:l11 up the, ''ikvorlk. YOI!J iii ave, pi a Ill'ty 'Oi~' Scri pitu ra te back Y'O'UJI
- Ii - - - * - tn jI; ., -- f - - --~h - IL.. ., - iff c - t - lid". -.... f ~ . - - - "n' ct--- - ,..,n
up. ,I!·es!)Js~1;!!!IU!g_I_i~ ull!;_JOm t_-~e y;@·,gm..rJlrlkc: ':0 '1!.!lle ,eniY ~_' __ rs nU_'_Hl,:ry :'aIli1!!o!!
diENil'iIIU,rn:stratJed it on 1i1l,iiillliliV 10 ccaslons. M slli1iy have d 10m e the' 's,i51lmlif:' t h inl@: i iii! His, ol:ilmlle.,
II.]"",~.", ... "" 111""d *- 1)",.". ""'~.".,,,,'ji..i"" "" -f' HI i'''' f .... ~ ! .... w.,.'fI"'" to t, ... .,. i 1il1il""li" FP""'I~m 1""'&' ..... in ''''1 ,.,IJ.. "" "" ........ y ... ' ""QI_-,9. 'II~'G' 'iii!II!.I"' ... ·~ III"'_ ..... ~~ ...... _' .. il!' _V __ 'V' __ 'G. ~ .'V' ,~IIG _)_. _'E'. _ GQ .. _I. _ viii !I~L _ _l1U~ I!.~~,""
i(il!l1g)d,o m Of IGlod 5,1U b,$,'t§!11"! ce, H ~ pOi rIi'tl!~d 'OI!JI't th~'~ '~Ill e Iii Ii es ,~tf 'U'!I~' n~ld W~lrl! ~.~or~o LIS IV ,d~I~11Ht~df e\j\en ~imer than Sed OMIOln i n a ~~ I~lllis glory.. We' Id 01 not, Ihav.e ~Q wOlrk 1,~bor\~o!!.l!:slV' in the OI!!Jt~r to accom pU sh 'w~n~rt ~h~' II~ IIV d!!Jl!s so sii len~ly' alrlldl baa l,JI'tif\iIIIV. MiQ~t Q~ us ru sh ,a r'QlblWfid ,tryi ng to 'WQr k out It;) LAir [plrl~lb~re'm$ fer Qurselv~$! ~Ind in OUlr O'WI'1I 'W'~'Y!' w'uth on e ijdea~ ene VlisiOIli: the ml,;j1ielria~1 'th ime: w~ :~~~ k, w~ I!:)~~d "0, d!~vo't,~ mor,~' ti rn~ tlli) ,~i h~~ nt MEl,d i tat i,~rl a n d Iffik~' 'tH1,~ 1llltie~ ,of' 'th e fi,e,ld si m p1hl b e pa't~e nt ,a fiI d grow i Ii1to OI!JJ Ii demo Iils~r;a ~ion~,. W,e ~h'@uld re'm e m be ~ .allw~'V$, th ~t th ese' sub$t~ !i11~e ide~s, 'W i~h wh'j'~h we' ~11r'e w,or1k:i ng atliie e'~e rfl at I tdeas th aft haVle' ;a Ilwal¥s exIsted! and] wllilll cO'l'il'riinue to exi st. the sa me i d@~ s 'thart f'Ornn~d u. ~s, plla1net i n '~~@' fiU~s:t: p. ace and ttl alt:
SU sta illil iet flIOW,.
A g!l~'i:I!t Gel rrnan ~~tI!i'IO nOH' ~ f had wQrk~'d th II;;!] gr~;~I~~'r part 1;). hi s ~ if,e wuMl 1;11 de'5'~lre 'ito lk:ifil,OW mlore: ialibotlt II: he stars, II!) ne Inl~slil'tli' 'q uite su iTJ diENi! ~ iallfi"IIldi stra I'!Ilg@ ~V @no'1Ll8jh~~fcnr tH~ hi ad ,El:iiven bu ~ I iUII@ tholJ!8:ht to tlh@ ,s,pilritu:a I side of thi'lIlg;s~"'he' Ib f'\Q,k!e f\lgh ltt 1~1jJ It unto SJ prav,~r ,of tjha,l1liksgllJiling b eesu s<e of' 't1i1 e: pe'lff1ed: order aJli1d Ili.alrmOIIilV ef 'thie' hENi~iven:s", His plrayer wals nit) God~, I ~Im 'dili'lil kilin,g: ThrV th oughts am.- Tlne@,."! Th@ s,c u ~ e,f tn'i S Im,;3lrl na d at t'halt rna 1fIi11~lntt: m~de 'the' eenraet and lun'ion 'wi'th ~!'ifFili1iitej IMi!ll d" But '~hD~\~I~ ~h is ICO ~t~ et seemed to be' Im~ldle' $udd,emliy .. iit ' the' resule of lortl\e: $tludy and 'the prep~ln:~tilO n I@if his, r'na WId ~Ind lhoul!;,ht. J,esus ,eXpU!1ilJ.Sied the sa m e' at-en e~ ME::'r'i!t 'wi'~ h G'l)di ,~~ U~,~ 1m ~Hn ~ lilt 'Qf Hi So ~~ pire m ~ lTIii !f,~I(; I~',. 'til e' r§lli ~ilng IQif ILa,z;aJr UJ:S. IlHi~s wordls we re' IIiIF;athe r,~ I 'than k 'lth eEl' th ~t it IhO:1JJ hea rod me.. Ju"d I krn@w thrall: thou hearest me' ~II W,i:!I''1~. I~
''fnil'is ,givEN3, us' :a neth e r sl d e' 01 - '~hie' p rospe'li"itll' law, W'e. Q pen th e 'way' '$or' ,~rE'al~: de im'C:Ul$,ti'~t liG)n~ by re~~lOgil1lil~ ~g: Itlll~ P'lle$)~lnee idi n (d pr-~ii~~ng it, by tlh~ i'!I k in\g dtle IFat her for :Sp~nlliltua[1 qu ~clkefilli IJilG. W,e q[ulilckle ri ou r I fife by iid'fir rn in~: 'lthat we' ~1rII~: ~III iive' with the II ife of S p ill!"i~i 10 ~ F "ntell ig,e[IilIC~ by a ffi III" m illllg OIU II" oneness wit'h d i'vine i nt e ~~ igEMwce,; ,ii!llfilJdi 'we quiic~ernl th e iilnidlwe,lmilifilC'I' illii'rlelrp'ene.'tra't:im~: su b.S!tance b" If1@cJogn i,iil:~f!II.~, I~ n d cla im~ n,~ ~ ~ Z;! s our owrn. Vil,@ sh ("'.I ld m@,d itatle in ~lili15 1II n die 1f5,'ti3lndii ng ill no ,glive :5,~riI.~ere t tili!ilr'lllk:s 'Ito til e 'God o~ thi s omlnii p re.s,enit:
IiEN:~~ rn or ideas bE!!ca U !H2 we! can 'thi'li1 k Hii s 'tho!.!ll~hts a'ftell" Ii 11m. We ea n 'ttnlanlk Ule f'.illtlher 'th,iiilrt &i is th'I;:NJ,B:tirb a r'e' ou r ,t no II.IghrtSi >and U'Q illt (I u n" !lilt u rail nll'i'li'1,d i;$, i Ilhum ~me,d Ib/if' S:pil'rit. We' CiEIJ fl"Il in ulm ime eur ml~ nd ,[I lily time bry affi rmli nl ~h'i~ ~tlOwtght;
III t'~;ank 'TheEl',,, lF~the'r~ tli.~~ I llhi'nk, Thy thougjtns ar~telf lhee and ''i!'hit my' undleir;stand'lililg IS 'i II U ifinli ned b¥ Spi rit.
Spiritual then .. tlhts, ~Iwe inf~nut:e iill] 'the~r po:~e'i'i!tiaRty .. e\~IDh one being measuredl by 'ttl C' li~;, i n~~llill!li'10~., ,all1id :$,~b!$!U iii C~ witJn ~Ihliicln i ~ i s !l!xp~sSi~d,! '"II"h ~ dllOUi~ WI'tt: ~s, bro iJJ~,l'nt ii nita ,e);jp,re:~s,iolil ,a fild ae tiivit-:V !by the w1onjl,. ~\i\erv WOlOO i'$, ell 'thought in ,!;Ic1t:uvit,y .. and whe'!i!I spoken lit gOE$ Olll!t !!IISl !!II "!Iibf!!Mto~y foroe that i~, r~git$t!E!:red if'll U~ie ~IIII,~p i"Qivid ifillg, :5 ~ bllji.'ta Ii ce,
Thi~ Imii gh~ r~~t: vibr iitio rIl ls $'{!!~' ~ p by lSp~'~ll(g ng 'ttlh~ In~lml~ Jesus Chlri:stt:" lhilS Ii~, the Iil;a me that i'!1l, na m ed uf'3I1r a oov.e al ~ rule, an dl ,a uther iitYl' II 'tt !h,e' 1iI;i3 me above, a~ I na m e',s", h@id i'ng ~ n it~'Neiff ~IIII i:l ~wef hn nl~taveFl 81nd i n 'e~ rth, lit ws 'the Ina Iii e that has ~ C!,we r ~o n'hl~'d 'iI!he' un I\le'rsa ~ su bstamCle, I II! i's ,a it a,ne 'with th e IFa~ h!i!IF-IMIO'~he'r substa nee :i!!lnd wh~!i'i! ::.ijflok@nl it sets fa rees i nw a ~'~ivity d1li~t: brin,g re'~,I,JI~:$" 1!'$oe\n~r ye 'sih~111 ,~'sk IClf the' F.fiittner Ii Will Irtrill'IJ n~imi~'; ~'e rnlay' G~\l\'e. j't ~o 'YOU,ll "lf 'ye' :s~a III ask a nvth ilWIIg, in my' na me, ttn,a ~ willl~ II d'OI,I~ '1Ft. ere couilid b~' !iloUa il'1! IJ s;i m pler .. e,~~i~'r';, 'or 1f~~ Ii' 'rU'Dfn cOI!i1d~tio!i1s ii fI dl~~NllI0 f!!s;trl(ltirrug, Sl!I p'pily'. "'H ~t iru::!'r~o Ilbefoire ,t 1i'II,E!' n,s mle J!esus Clhllrils!I was I'i'\!!',eifi'i to ,t ne w,o,rl,d.ll have "!{@' asked nO'thi fig in my· lli'l!a me: ask, ell nd v@ shall 1I@C3i',!iV\~ ,t hat your joy m~v' be made ful L Ii
Tii1!~ sayinl~:5 ,of ~ ~siLIs WI~lr,~ ,of tre:rnlE n,g,D! l!I:S power' ib'i2'ca us:@! ,of Ifbiiiis GiD'rii:Siitiic usness of 'G,o d. Th ey ra iSled '~h@ 'God ~ d @.all ~~r' a b ofve' wlh~t had eV''eF befa!le been COn (;I€'iwd. Tlme~e ~d eas $.0 f.alr t tJ'iililtl:scend€'d rh e t h'oughft pl,Qlne ,Olr the peio,!:)ile that e:""e n SOIW)Jii1~\ ol1f di e d nscip~les ,o,f Jesus wOUlIdl 11 et aece ~t t!:11ii! m, and th~ 'I~w'a Ik~ d nlQ mQlr~ witih hi an _ !! U nltil fa i rlI\f r~Q~n~: ~i m ~~ most m~'1'1i1 ~,~'¥~ fa i i ed ~o Ir3~,IP' ~he II assen of '~he PO\fU!Ie!Hr' ,OtiIT' ,t he :s:po,~en wn rd e)l;,p're~'$gifilll spilD'lt'ural Ideas, JeSIJJIS has never be,@1111 t~lki@ III U'~@ I!ai~ I\y ~ ,eb;@ m@11l1 WiOl!!J ~dl ha\!!\e $o,ught to O'!iler(;)()it!"li"H;; dle\~r~h by k\~e ping HI.:!;, ~;;iyii fl,gS., F',ew have' ta ke'll1 11-1 i~, wonb ln fiulll fa ith~ rtiot 0 FiI ~y bel ~eviif!il~' th em but se satiuIF,r1ijitiiriil th,e~ r minds, wit h II!h~'ml t h,diit Uil'~ b~C:(Hmu1!! 'fll~sh of' t,h~i if f111~~h ~ n (:II b'i),ne o'r th e,'iif" b on ~I.. be,j'nc in]c ar narted ~n th e~r \i'\e!:lry' liuJdie'5,., as J esus IIi'liI:elilde,dj,
The secret !OIf demlonstlrar!i:i,@,1i'i is to OO'il'i,ce ~~e wha'l is u'!Jj,ei i ii1 Beh'il,g allnd t~, ea ny out '~Ih@ 'ii:onoept: in thoUIEl:ht., 'WlDrd, and act ~f ~I ea n oorlJi(~eiv'e ~ tr ~t h, tl'ile're' m l!IIS~ Ibe ,;a W',fiIf'!j by whi,[;h III c,:311l1 1m ,a ke' t hat truth allPlpa re n t, I" II calril conceTv.e ef ,aln inex,n,allJJlsti b ~e S!JJpp~rV ,elitist ~11,g i In U'ie IOMlll"llilp!lf!'le:se!nt, etiil,elJ';$", then th'~lfe [!S, ,~ 'WiijjIY by wh iQh I can Imla ~~ 'that ~,iIJ ~ ~11!iJ m ill !II iff€l's;~," On (i e you r mtn d aeee pts 'tln~~, aJ:s! an :ar:<io,m alltc trutl ~'it has ,iailittJ'ivec art th e p,laCle' wh eil'\e 'the Qlu@'s'tio'ii1 O'f pr'Ooes~~!s It!u!gi as to be ,r;:oli1sid el!''@d",
INJi@ to nil! I!!Ve'f' fiulliv Slees til e ste ps '~hat hie m 1.11 Sit t.ak,e in reacl;lilng: a ~el~ ilt'!i e'li1d" He' ifimlay' ;s'ee i III :al ,l)enera II lJIi'2fi{' dl,at he' must procee d 'mmM 01 ne [pod rIIt to,
.In ... but all the deta~i~:s ,iallie net de'lfi!ll'iite· !l"mlleSiS he I~a~, !'()I'i!e ever 't~e $.~ml~ g,!i"OIU I1i d b€!fO re, So ilrll '~h~' d~'m on:st lI"~ti,o. ill of' sp1ilri ~lul~11 pO~CJ'i"$ as ,they CiIJ'lt!i !e,xpre sssd t~ rOiilJfllh m'am .. w,e m iJJ:S.~ be; wi IIlilrllf!l '1b~:)I foil low til e' d Dr:ec ticns !olf SDme'on (2 who hes proved h us un d elr.s.t;;llrndi f'Q\g D'~ the I~w by his d@'m enstraU~IIii:5.
w~ ~IIII ~fiIO'W lntu ~~iv~ly t:tHlft ~h ~ r~ ts ~CHlil ~t'h ling wro·rlg: 'iin a w@ri~d1 W~·H~Ir.~ pove rtf pn~w iii's, ,a nell 'w,e wcull d iii Olt kliH:~W ~1il~11''!f !cre'ate ,181 warll €I in wh leh al 00 rid iJ~i(D'!i1 (l·f i~H~li'!l,e rty ~?l:i~;t$. L~I~k of' a f1iy Ikhllld i:5i r1I ~t ,PrtOssmble i 01 '~III G (U~II$ uiiili~V'eiiSe. .so wh e in itth e re ts aili1 allPpeaifa iii ce' of i,lol\fte-rt"y Gilii1\i'wlhe re, ~'t mS, eur duty to derliy it.. SOfW'OW a In d 's,ul¥@dnR tH;co:m~,a ny ~i(lli!i'lert:y'" a nd 'we 'wi sJ~ ~lil see Itthe'ITilI ,all ~ b!ll!Ciiue d out, l'til is de'$i re ii~ a 1111 i ndex IPIi) irnt i ng the' w'~'y tc the iiI" dil$.a pp ea ranee. As 'the 00 nscieusness o'ff t hie klil1lgdom ,of tineav,en with its ~Ib!lJl1!'l d~ fI'~ Iliftli:!: '~Ind ,S,LI! b~;tail!lQe beeemes mlQr~ ,~indl more ~~ m m on ,iJmol!llg: me'iiI.r. 'diiiE!i.5le!! n ell:z:litive ,c::oru:lli't~Olil'll:S: 'tiN iii I 'f,~H:I,e 0 ut of Siil!;e fin iiinlil ,exi:S,'tenlce .
. j esus saTd t'lllslitt, ,allill th ing5, s noulld be· iildldle,d 11::0' il!1h1O\\iltr~ who, :se,e1k_ thie' Ikilifil\gdhDlm of n,ea~EHil. We. do mot h~ve te wah L!! n ti ~ we have fullV' e nt e red ~he' Ikhllicdoml Dill' ;!3I'tt'ta ilf"lJl8 d ,;a c:)CHflil P I@t,e u n d e II's"itii311I1dilr1l\g' lID'" ,Spir'1if~' be~;ore' pi lI'osp~.lfi1tV' b~g~ n 5, ro b@! ma ra iwest~ blJl~ 'Wle {J.o Ih:a'¥e ,to :s,e@k__" ~o tu f1!1 th~' atte ntll on ill"!l th~t dli recttion)n. Jilhl~in ~ Ih:i'fTlg$ b~gi n to be' added Uiliitto us. 'Th OIA s illnd$ of p~ !.?'p I~· are p~t"'''/ins ~he I aJW mrll th is a l3le. Th ey ae oelpt the ~ roml~:jle of the Seri pitu res a nd ilJlt1e k~ 0 i!(iil1€, to G,~d t'~1 :$IJ plp11ly 'U'lI ~ ir' e-I;!\~ry' In~edl- 1m ~Ihl~ b~tinrni H,g 'of '~hei r :~~e k.iIIl1G: ~Ilev rn al'!f ih:ave I ~t,~ I e 'bo, ,e n~Ol!l rage' them to be Ii eve, that th ey wilill be· prollud,@d for or Ih@IIP@d a IO!l11lil:: ~ ny partlcula f Hn@. 1B1i ~ t:t~,@~Y' c~l[rv out th @ (;0 mm aindl t,~ seek a IiiId ~ iii fa'itlh act jU$t a~ tlhouSh the'v we're' rece rVDiniJ'... ~lil'lldl fIlr,ad u ~I ~y '~nie:re ope n s, !.I! p to t:~,em new way~ of m~lkiln~: a Illiv'lill1!R. So:mej~i mes a\JenU~$ a rEi' I)P eln~d '~@ '~Ihem to 'wh i~n I!h~V ali'e ,stma n,g'~Ir.$., but: th ey' fi ill ~ p~,eas,a lilt lex pie mleHilce, a nd ,8 r ,e e'fiI [OU [j",aged to cOlillttl IillJJ,e :see kimc t Iil,e 11k~Il,cdolm 0'11' God alllld r-ejo ic'i n\~ im i~s ever iil'il Cl~a:s'iI'llIG: b Cl'I,JI rlfly_
1M a ny sueh IP@ople to d 2111/ ,~F@ wis!elly u s.i!flg thelr 0111 @' ta I e lilt. They ~n~!y not: lniaVrE' :5'8je! n ithe no!ly of' ~,o·!i,es ~1Iii the' i n 1l11~lF' si3 ncitUl81lr'ft btll it till ev ,i3IFe. g,ett in.g e I es ell" 'ito ~t. Thi,$, is Ii! he! st,e'p w1e must ,a III ~a kle:, betti'ln ,t:o ,s,ee.k 'thJis, kii ncdo:m a!''' God !'15 ~I~,dj¥it~ nee, Trust iin ~Jhe' Iprom i$~ a nd $~~ th ~ Fe's;ultt ln t:tH~ m ~ nta ~ it: LI rrents that a r.e set, ln moUDn a III about: JU:.~. "lou Im,ay not be a bie to :!l1ee' alit: ,~:liJ:U wh~t p~i fiI't :suoc@ss: tl~~a!i.. or Wh,i~!'~ ,s@P~ !t'~lte! wo rd ,of a I, eg:ianC'e te U~ e. ~at her '~oo~ e~fe ct~ lout, as the' we,e:k:s or month s go bV you w~ II~ observe many ehslff!\ct="s, U~kiliig: 1~llaCle illl your Ir1Iiiind .. 'V~UII' blg,~,,. alnld V'O!iUI!i' >a'ffcamr$, Ve~ wi II fi rnd tJ!ha't you r tdeas !have broa d enedl im m e'Ii1:s,eh~ I thart ~VOiLllr liiltitle' ITmi'tledl
w·@.rk~ h as been tra nsferrn ed i n~o a;JJ Ib~G werld, lou will fi!i1d '~OU!lr' m indl mO,f'1e!: ~~'~Irt ,§Ilril(il Y'O~ w.illl :$;~~ d)~~rly wllil~'r,~ ¥'O~ were' iin dltll~blt befot1~,; biiiC~U$~ yO'Ul have be~!iJ.,jiill ttn inki rtIlfJ a,bou't IIi'ie!aJll i~ ne:5, 1Df11 s,telad of a ppea ra flees. WhI,e consele U:5Iness, of ,arn 'omw. ~PQ~e'n,.t h and ,~uli d inc: ~ II ¥O!,)l r ,afw,;Ji f,S, wH I @s;t;!lbl ~s;h you illi'!! (:lO:nf~den~,e a nd sec i!J rritY'J' 'whi tch w 1111 e(.'ii;~e iii d '~~ the Ib()dy' welf'a~ and su rre !ulrH~", 1 here' w~ ~~ be a ~e's5ielilill'1i!8 e fI' ,erli~~ re' a bsenes O'f p f'1ej ud IICle allildl ffid I,!i Iffi 11! d in gin y(!) u, VO~ w U I b ~ !i'ni~'~' f!l)rg:liV'ing, ,~Irlld 1li!'(H'~ g~n~lr,~UI~ a fi d 'wi II not j u ~:h~e hars In liy. 'Cnh e r pe,o'J) ~e' 'wiU ~ f'e e.~ till ali t here has b ee'n ,191 eh,llallillge In yCH.II ~ Ii d 'Wi II ~Ippre~ll ate you m (l;fe,; showhlg iit ~!il I~~ rl!V wav~. 'ihi ~g$ wn~ I be clOmii1~ y,CHH' W'3y, beiifii,i!l: added unto YOUi lfildleed alcoord~iil~: 'to the promiise",
Alii th is i~ ~llj'ii.U~~ riIIot onllv of ¥!D!Ii!J Ii' !!C1,WIIl aff~ii rs, 1"lhe' ,effl~~' lei(~ell'ild all $/0 '1)1;) thl!()'$~ with wham V'O IJJ come in 00 rata ct. The-v 'iili'i ~~ a lSI@! be'!l:c me mOllie prO,$,perOIUS, ameli h,eJPPY", irh'~y' may 11'0,t: ill iilIF!li" 'W.~IV I~Ol1in~~t nm~ir ~mpFo\!'emel'i!'t w~th yQ'1UI er Vi:! Ujlr th oll\ihrts~ butt ~DI1a't dloe,s moOt: iidife,c:'t: t:h e t ru ith eli b!i.'!il!JJt: ~l, .AIII ea 1l..!I:!1a:!'s dllf'\e!: @'.sS;~'[f'1II~~,1:! IIIV mental .. lind wihc@'1iI@'1f comes into d.a!i~y centact with a h i81h erder of t Illlimklflllg m ust 'tillk~: !O ii1I :S,O'ffi,e O'f' liI!~ I die!a:!; ,s re catth in~, a mod no, 0 ns lea ill UVEl: illl an ,ait:mosph'EH"e' of true tllrdnkhi& wl~'wen~1 hic/n wdeas ,al~e h,eil!d~ w~tJncH,Jt becomi a'[j,g IIITH::iI'-1E! or 1~5,5, in 0 IL:U~,fllrt,@iitI 'IO'--iI'itlh ,them ~
I[)O' not 1€<!(ll~ct 1m lracles 'to be p e rformed nH V'Olll,1 br~t do eKp~ct: tt:tiI'e lalw witjlhi wh ieh VtnU hav'e ii d e ntljf-iedl 'VIQ ulrse'~f to w·©irk eut V'OlllJf prrO b'l ern by' IiIIflle'.aIIThS ,oif the I ~It~'nft Ipg,~~ilbill i'~ ~~~, ii ri1! ~!lid ~ rgy rl! d vg~.. Ab(n.!"~ ;i3JII.. be ¥QIIUIIf'~~ I L Let th ~ God with im ~fO'M ex P fie.".SS HI! m sell f' till rOiUliJlh YOtil ln '~he wo rid w'i~hQiUt.
The ii dl~~1 of 'God (QV'i;'r"S, ,~I m I"lIltiitl"ll d e of' !Cf~~fti;v~ 10 rces. ~ n th is, case yo'u are' '!t\!lo,rlld ng tlo Ib riii!£ p r,c),s,p,ejJ'\itv lim ~o! YOtl1l1'" ,aMf,alir$. IH e'f'ilce y,o'u shioul,~ filii I you r mi flI d with ilm!a~ss a ~d tholIJ:gJilt$ of' ;ai n ~ III· rP If,o'!tidi n.g la I ~.{S II P P Ilyin~: F~th,er. Ttl s an ci€!'i'il't Hebrews u n d eiif5,too-d tinli:s,. illl ev' Ina ~ 5eV€!'riI 's,i3le r,ed Ina rn es Thor lI!eho,va h, eaeh one of 'whi,ch'li1t,edl :50 me S jp,ecifac idea Oif God" Th ey'
•• ~.;'!i.,;;I 'Il;",""" ""' '::Ii m- -,;:' ~"'" k, .... ,V'=' ~_,i·g r"'" ~ w''''"''''''nc 'i"IIi;,,,,,"d W"I':o:1t 0;;;',;;1 t .... , eon "'''''''''''fi'' r""'t,,,,; ..... n i'~,;:.
~,""","y !O;II~", ~ !Iii.!! I ,_"- ;;I;I .. II""" __ "li!~11 ,', .. !I ! I" _ !!;,II~'I;i;'l' ._'_' ,..~II .. Y "'" ""'".. 1'!i!, .... ,~'I'I,.. ,,",,'10 ... "'"' ""~I ... ·
aspel'll:t ~i~' S:ll:IIbS:~iallli1C\e'. lit Im,eam~, i!'J e IfH:)I\fa h wi'U PII'\OI'V'i:dre/i 'the' m,il'gh'C'lJi' l[lin e
Wh'O'Si9 ~ re:S@n'i!!@ a nd PIOW@ f' pro\Jiide$,~, re\g:ard h!tS,S (d ~ ny' 0IPIPos'i Filg e i re ~ M:SI·' tance. 'To Q U ic'k;en ,itthe c:orn:sciousn€'s;s ,of t;~'u~' pres €'Illlbe: 1M G,o d the' ~ €,brew:s, used U~le: F!I~I~¥H! h~!~(ill!jfa~,·¥lfUnfr!miillh 'whieh ImE',anl$ !~.!Ie'h,o'vah is. '~hEre/! l11;be
II OJ f'\~ ~, 1~I!fiese·!'i!t. II fliea Ii :lie th e' terd piJ'ieser!iil:: a So icre'ia'ttiVlt:: mri D1<t throbbi!'i!]g Wf'll U~ e €lith ~Ir 3:$, ilivilfne; pr,odulct~\i'~ n iS$$·,.
C1h~I!q~i@ yOU! r lim ~l!'1!Id ww~h s~atemrelil~~· th;;¥~: i~·)!;P ress ph~'llty. No pa rtiiii:ul.;;!! r ~ffiilf'm,61tiQ:n wiilll r,g lse anyQ;fii e from p'QiYe'rty 'to affl uen ce, yet. a 1,11 a~'f1i rmattcns ~hat ea liry ~ d aa s of ,1i';jlburri d amce wiill ~ e,ald one i nto 'th e eenseteusnass '~h aJ~: fu If! 111$. tih~ marw, ID~ri!ry that I~,ck has .~Iri!.y P!·~IC~ er f~·~ lilrty i 11 you ~ ~)houg"'i't or '!fOU r ,iaI~faliln, a nd !alii rm Ipll,e n'ty as ~he ,em II~ alp'pe,[a ra nee. IP'r,a ISE' w!hat V'C IlJi Ih~~e .. be' it e'ljjIielr' so II itUe~ ~ n!d1 iiirl$i$t t h,art iit ls (,0 nst~lfll~lly' gr,owh1liC: [I ~ rlel~,
IlDali~, 00 neentratien ,@If milfi1!Cfi OF! SIP iri t. amid iits; ,arttrilb!J! tes willi n~vea ~ til at th @ eli e m entail 'fli) roe $, '~h~t rlInlalke ~III m aterla I ttiJ i ng~, .~~ here in 'tH'n e' r~the' r awa i~i tJ1iEl: 0 In" lrecl@gll1 i'i!ii:on ,a nd a pp,wopriiaJ1ti:ofll. II~: ls no!t ne'CE:-S,5,arv' to kill ow all ~ Ule" d eta il s orf th e s~i~f!rtifi,~ [I~ 'iN in 0 rd e r bJ de rm;:~n!Strab~ 1~I!I,o\s;pe rih~'., '!S,o in~!O the' sl IEHiI,ce d,a imV at a SiI:,a't:ed It~'m e ialnd ,Il:O nCeHi"itr,arte 0 fill t n!e!: S IJJ b(!lj,'t alrllCe 'M ,S.p,ilriIt pw@p1!lr,~d1 fOil! 'yol!U '~rom th @' ibrund ilti on o,f the' !!IoI'orld. Th is opens !.J! p a cu rrent of tl1 ought that 'will brflin.e::. p'n"ospe rill.v Into, your alf~a i rs, .A ~o ad ~ notUS M to ho~d iln 'this me d ita't'icn is 't:h is':;
The iinvisi'ble' suestanee i~, plasne to my ,abl!.md~ni~ tl~iOl!!~ht~ ~~d II am rird~ i~ mii iii d and iln rn a fi"IIlitf\e'$~at ton,
fi!J irlFl IS ll::SSOltii w~ ~ r'~ OC!oflll$ild~{ri r'Il1l: th ~ :$ u bil~ ctt of '~:~Iith 1~:§iP~'~ iaillv' a s Hilt appUe~s; eo tithe, demonsUa~ilollll 0" prolsperitv'" In tth~s studv~ as hln all eth ers, 'w1e rn ys,t start i!il ,t he' OIl1~ Min¢!, ,God h ~ldI f~liiUll wh~·~ IH,e i rrlliag,edl rilll[[l1t1 a III d 't~,e lIlI1~ '!Ie rse and 'tih rlQUlgll 1M uS fi3luth brcHLngllrrt ,a n th ilfigs [i riI!to IDle in g. Mia 111~, beiiin!5: I'ii~e G'ii)d1 must a tse base h ~s cren:!I~~IIi:)!I!I:S: en 'f:alith as t:h e IOfillh~' '1f~)Uln d ~Ition" IHere: t h e III ~~ ~ ~ f sts filnl fig poiinlt iiin IbliiJ"'ld i'Fti,g ,~I lP[r'o~p'~lfity' consciousness a nd Ifn,alUlilfl eu r 'worM as 'w,e wlUlUlld h ~\Je' 1'1:. We ,alii halve ',iilli'th", ~(H' it ~~, innrate iin @vewy m ~Itl. a u ~ qlue:~:tioll1 is how w@ m~y p,ut it to wQ.(k i[t'!! our arff.a irs.
~ el:5US I~avle us our best unlde r,na t1diriil,tit of f,iallith when He d escrl bed P e'tter aJS :til IUfiOICk;11 a n d ;f)s.s~'Ft,ed tn ~'t Hli:s, en IiJ Ifdl11t tnl~ eeel @:sil!~ 10 r IIlcallll!~'d -out ones," was to be Ib LI i It !AlP 'iN i th ithn s roc k ICHl' h~iith lCI'$ i~'5i SU re' ~'ou iii ~ a !ti,o iii. [I iii t6hii s ~e ilil'Sie. fa ith represents su bstance. ~ he' underl vinc~ ba s.i€ piriinonphE' err a 1m man~ W,t!station. '"INlow f'~lith R~ i;l1~~I!;,!IIr"iUll(;~' 'of thiings hop~d '~orj ~I,~i[;mvi,~tili!l)rn ,O'f 'lthin\J1;$ not seen.,"
11'11 is qul'te pessl b,~e 1:)0 IPO}5~e'SS ,a reaJ~ liitty that callnino~ be' seen, rouched, or eern p're rHi!n~leld by' ant o:~ t:h e 0 yb~!r s,E2nse,S. It: i's fa ith winen ~,iMe' .alre 'f"1IJ II, eenseleus ,of I!ith iril\£$ mot Seilefill!li ;iI,nd ha,VI!2: the, "ass iI.j if;5lIIllIC:e of ,thii ngs" nlot vet
m~ rlir~est', 1Ft! ot h ar 'w~rd$~ 'fa ittl ls that een SJC~il!ll~ sn ass i'~ 11Jj:!) of tl~e reaJl ii~V ,orf the i l'iiviiisilbille subsUlili'lc~ ~I!f)d lof '~hi~' '~I~Ui bu~s; o.f m i nd brv whi eh W'~ ~~¥' h 0,1(:11 o'fJ ilt, We must inea~ize i~hat the' ImitTu1 makes, relal~ dil~nB:ll'. "Just a tl10ulfJl'tii Of" "lust .~ mer~ id~~/' W~ SiQrml~irti~~'s H\glh~I'iJ' ,S:;!IY .. lijtU~ ~hinking H~,,~'Jr~ these tIlQu8lh~ ,~nd idl~,~ S ;;;i re 'Eh~' 'ete'r rra II r~,~ li'tie:l!, fro m whi,~tIi we bu ~h~ e ur I af.e :and IOIU r wO'lfld"
IFai'~h is 't_he IP elf'lcei\lill'llfg PO'W£Hl' of: the mlnd In In ked witlh a power' t)OI sha pee. ~1,lI b.~'U~ln~@,. Y'ou h@~Ir-' Qf ~I ~@rt~lijlli IPlf~p~~iitialill th~t ~lpp'~~II.~ t'~1 ~'l,!I ~[nd YO}ljI sav i' II'I h:aV\e f:aiii~h ~r'iI th~t P rOIPoslt~on~ n :5<0 me rnan WhOSE' cna r,actJe Ii .Se em s ri,glhrt is dI€ seri bed to you ,;51 riI d ~IUl say" !i~ III iSiIV'€l' taiilth in '~[hl;at II'ifllia n, u What: do, yOI!J mel!aili) b~ ha'W'ii n',1 f,ali'th?' 'yo~ m,ealn t:h iZ!t celrt!a!i'n eha ji,!aiC:t1e!:lriSitti,cs of me nor' thi ng;s ,~pp@'~11 te 'vou.. and t:h@s@' limmli!d ~~t@ ~y b~gin a (-jcN'liIS~rl~.uetiv€i '""oln'k in
yo,ur mlind. Wh,a~ is that '~lCH'k? It is tllh,E,". werk of making the p'r'Ol~osTticllil or m~tw r~\~ I to YOUI!f COlrlSOiOIIJ$lnG:S$. T111~ en ~lIr>i Gter ~ iii d ~ttri! b ut'~$ of Uii it th grillgs i i11 your m umdl b accm e s ubstalFtllitia II 'Ito yOUI beiCalliJSe ,o:f yt)ur r;a tth, Th e ,orfii ce !olf ff,a i'tn i~!i' to talill:@' abs~r,ac~ ldeas ,!i1!! rid gi~e' th e m, defi n ijt~, fO!il1l i!!"!1 su bstance, md'e3~; a ire a bs.tra'~t a n ~ ~'~H'lm~ e:!il\$; t!o' iIi,.ii~ ~ ~tiill ,they' become ,$ubsta nee, 'till e su bstanee 'Orf 'f~ ith.
II!. \i1e-rV' i m,p o'rti:a lilt: work i Ii1I :soull cultu Il'e II is title ,e:s,ta bll'sh me lilt of' ,191 'fa ~t Ih ~1II bst:an~e. Olilloe we d lsee rn tills II,~!IN ~~ se I!J II bui Ilcnng by fam1i:h~, we filrld t'~ e IHelbii''e'ItV Scrilip'iliur~5 fw~m of ii'lhm5'11:r at~OIi1S Off ii 11:. 'Th e 1st dhlal~tleif ,of Lu k!e~ 5, G OSJ)El'~ ~~Ib, UlS hew Ell lsa b et h a I1d ,Zad,,alfu as 'were, told] 011" an ti!lfl:Ri!1 '~h ~r~ 'th@'y 'w@lul!lj have ~ son ,and 't111~1j'~, hi:$, n arne wO u Id be ,j o!h n ~ Z~lolli~ rlas 'lNa~, bu rn in(g i li1[ce nse at the ,ii!lllta r ii n tlhe e')(ercise o[f hii 50 d uties a s a pri est, Th is lime',alrns th ail: when ~tJl~ liTIi~"dI ~s; lo(iking to'\!il,alJdi S:p'irit 1~III~n lf i~: be' Qfl! a blindl 'Wil~nfJ' aind i5 see~~lns: ,:lj,p,ir[rituam '~hi'nJ5:, ~t w~ UI becomle s P ~r'~itua~ iZE~N:jI. Tlhe Ibuli' fJ1 ~n(B of' illl1~e m:s,e '~YIP~fu,@s; is p i·r1i.rtual~m!atio 1i1. Z:a,( ha ria s If[~p!f@'s,@lnt~, the p<@ir1[[l!ptiv!I! a nd 1Eiliisa b et h the li''e(e'p~~v,e [q ui!!Ill !'tl,es of t.ti'n[e so u II. W h[eJtn 'th !Et~H~ two work In QOril,jull1ctio I1l ~ ifIj pm"aver'", m,ed~tatJ]IO'nl' and ,a[spir,atltkm", th e SOli! I is Q\pen 'tlO 'the: Itd:g ta,er thoU! Sl i1ts ow a 1I1!;@ls, ,tt hat Ib Iii Ill@:: 'ton@ p romlii:Si~ D'~ .a IIfil€!W til n d dl~~ilnlit@ sttat'~ OT GCl'r!i:Seitii c U 5,.,' !i1i!·SS. Z~!Ch ~fi]~~ dOlL!lbte d '1l:lhe. P fomi:sl@! d a SO!i1 bec11Juse ~"ils wife 'W,~ s ~\1iIIs'~ t~ e ase o,f ch~11 d be ~Iriliiigl a nd be: ca use of' hils doubts iii e W,~$ strlcke Iil dlmmb. This me\aJIIIs 'til i'llt wben we Iperoeii Y1e spiritua II Trut hi and dOlulbt H;~ we veit~lrd its Qute'r '~')I;p r~ $s;ig I!1j it c~nlngt b~ ~(PQ ~nl ilr1ltIO' rJfIi~ n i ~~s'~tiGWl tt!'lr'C!I""t~h IU$ beca use. of ,OIU r dOlj bt, ,Alii 'thle gmw~h H s th e Iil th rnwrn liIP0rll tt!he soul" IElis:ab@th "hid h@rs,':!II. fi"l@' montlhs,U burt wth@n the seul ib@gJf[ls, '~C f@@~ the p~s:ellll{.:e' ,of the If1~W ~'gQ ~r new state o:f ~Oil1ISC'lliou~ne}s;s,. 'ith en we i1Iil8H:iil fiIj C:Q me ilni~'o' fa iUl [expr1i;!'ssion: 'the' :spe'e,ch ,off l:~M:h,tIi ria s is, r[estored,
Ilfit was tine sa me way ~1fi1 t he br~If1G~ n.~ fori!i: Itl >of Jei'sliI5. A promrns1e wa,$, f~r:st: made tl(} IM~ryj allild Jo'sJeplh W';~S a:S,SUlrl~d that th~ cilliilld W~IS. the @ff'spnlin\g' of d,e' H,oly' S~ilrit. This repre$lelnts a 5~~iml hiigher ~$'t:elP iin 't,lh,e; \N"ork 'Q1f ~:i3ii't:h. '!Fine brilr!\gi rig forth of lI'o,h n th @' IB~Ip:~i:st Ii ~ the Ii flIt!2lllectl!!~! p[~rc@ pt ron of '"JriutJh, ThE' im~ell'ecltt ,gr as p 5, Tru th n r5l1t~ line next s,t,~p is tme' 1~lrill1gi~rl1~, '~~ rth 10lf SUI bs:talnce a fiI[d Imfe i'riI 'the :S,1jJ b censc ~Ol!l sness, Wheln we n,a'liJle: ,giiiv,en 0 IlJI rse I v,es e'ntire~v' t'Oi Spilrit'j We m~\!" 'thJi '~hli'l1S15; W iltlh!ou~' ~ now ilIJfI!S' 11i:l'~'ct'l, 'wh'r. llh~t iii beea !1J~e faffitl1 is, at 'wor;!;:, i fJ1 U s, ,a liD d ,eve n i'f ~iI'e do I'll at know t'he law aJlli1dl C~ nnlM ~,:!iC ~ II~I i'n ~,~it h ~o t:h e Oruti@1i' eensele I!Js~le~s.!' ~t OO'ii'ftinues ,tto de its pelii"~e:ct 'work ,Qlrnd !e!v,e ntuGl1 ~V b fiilil~:S, 'mirth the dell'ililrQ,iilStil'iSlrt'i en.
Do tJ10t tela Ii' the pOl?c!i'er ,t ~,ait 'works out t hiitliG:S iin 'lhe' i nvi s,ibl e. WIH~n '\,ONiJ I:if~t: ~ $!~l'iO r'iig pie !f,ee prUOlfil of ~H) rn et'h in€:: '~'h.€Ii't ~oulr i n n~r rnn illnl(!ll '~e II s VO'~ i,S ~rlLJe ~nldl B;oodl~ ,~d, Ot'll it and 'you r d emon~,traj'tt,h:)ilil 'iN iii II come. Th art is the way a liiiV1ing ~ !tin 'w',ork~, and it 1:5, the h!!J'iN of VO III r cr@artivl~ W'O lid.
IFaith can also haJ\!'E!' !!.Jlnldle'r.sta nd IJI'ii,g ~ dded 'ttt) i~,. 'We' eslleu r :S1~]rrrtu'~11 f;~ C,1lI ~ti,es, out o~' 'OUIa"' ~!,)jiboo:tl~~iOU~lfl~~~., Wh~n J~~ us di d ~,O'111! ~ '0,[ H ts m@st: Ir'~lm~ li'k~bll~ werks Hie had w~tt'lh HhiJiIl Piete'r'~, Ja m es, ,and Je Illlil; Pefter represe'fIlt'!, f',sli't h, jl,.alffile'S wT~d'om or' j~dgme'!i1It.. ~nd Jolhrn love,- ltrl!~se thrE!!;e 'h~c,l!Jll~ie~ wh'e[r'!i expr1e'ssed 'to~elf.~elr lin Imind ,alil:ICOmllplli'slh ,ap'I:i,aii'~nt Imirra,des" You have caned out fa iith iill! th rngs spwritu al, ya y h~\i'~' 'v:i':!jith i'n 'God,. al~ld VOIIIJ h.~i'iji'@ e ullti\tat~dl Y(;H"II r Uinri~y wii th thll~ one M "nd; iif yOIUI then use :$111) illrlirt~lalll D u dgm~'nrt a mj dill) Y.O'l!I r wo rk iifiJ I,o\il'e~, yOI!J.!! h !ave' be Co.:mie .,. aJ teach e Ii iin ~sralel~. II
II n 'iU,rdle r 'to h iiiI've ulndersta f'illdliinlllJ of 'th e ~CliW 'through 'w'liJ ion we ,B:a~ n ,Il)l" lose iln the !LIS@ oif the' ii'nvisi b~@' sl!i!lbsta rH:;@j We' must I!JS@ dii sc rim 1 na~ LOrll 0 r ]lIlldiglm,elrvt. There is a giuil di ng illnrilie,1III iplruc~ ,a~ wary,s pre~I~lI"'Iit th~t \,'U\~, Cia i1l IliEilY hold 'Oif and malke our own" It ii's 'ou[r;s,,, It belongs, W' us a!ndi j't: is, our b~r'hrf\Ght Ibl@tlh 'bl' !el'ii !DeW iit ,81'iid tiC' use it; :50[m,~ m etalphysir:iai'lftS IMii's.tii3ilbei'l'1lly th i[lillk that ,they mlusi[ h!ll\i'e h~lrd iexpe[II'ie'nceli, in order te ~pp[refJ:at@ 'the better tlh'ings, >fitf life'. They thi nlk po~n¥ i s a b~e $(~in;g because it educates pe opl~ 'til) th ~ a p p reclatlo ni of P h~ nty w hem tl'n,ey' ,~e't it" T hey s ~y t hi ~~ i,t ii s GCiijl:!\I 'IN filii f011f us to have ::iKHTI e: hard ti m~~ ,a nd ~,C!'ml~ g~ g d ~i m ~$t '~"~~:~ts; '~Illd f~m iin~$. III is i $ f! Qt I'ogk~~ Iy true wh i!11i1 va!JJ eenstder God as Pi!' lin c~pile", ~)f va IJj 't.lfilliinik of Gad a $, a man whlo, alibll~r~ rl Iy ,tj!;iVl@S1 or with ~ elds by '~Ii1@ 'l!X@f01.S@ 011' Hi~S, p@ n"slolf!l.~1 w~ 1m" VO~ Irn~gJhtr. re-al(;:1iJ such a CQn~~il:,U:i'I~,n. But G'Qd ls (; h.i;ii ri!g,el~e~$..!' an dl If Il-h;~ i,wecS, one mom,ent IH e' wi II ee ntinue tIC' ,~h"le ieti(!fna Uiy'" It ls H is fii.MUr~ tiO' ,~~y,ei' ,!;ilndJ H is, n~tt,1!J ifoe iiis ete'rfil~llly t h!8: sa me, Wh e n YOlli ta Ilk: of 1hJa1[if~ 'Iii rru~~f f~m iiFli~fS~ .I aiok", VOrl!1 ,are lI!a I kiIIilC: 'M so.methi ng thalli! has [I!i'O p,lia,oe ~Iil the, M i[nd o.f' 'Gi't:) d. 'au alf'\e not ~li);:kn('iW'~ed Ci illig 13'10 d ~n a III ,'0 U II'" w~lys but are ,~c'klll1owll ~dgill'll\~ emr'lOllI'" allildl afflinm IIIi"1!g 'rhatt ~he ''l.!'J,odd h alS, iits seuree iii eute r 'th~ rngs,. ~Vo!Jj 1m ust 'tty rln anl'liJ n d a!i1d ,get [i nte th is conse ~Ol!!,jf!! ass, th at in M itnd~ in .s.p there ~s' abuIrlICliallli;[;iE •
W'e, ,oft~ill1 wonl(:h~lr h,o'W' ~Ie's;u s ~o!.li lid rn IIJ Iiti ply til e fiv~ lo,a,ws; ,iii! iii 0 ,two f s~ es 'to m eEF~ ti'U:!l hUlln(se'r !©f 'iFli~e' 'tiholiJsa Ii"IId pe'rSOII"lIS., lit ''!.i';laIS d QfII e thm 1!.IIl[!! h a 'thor''O ug:h ~nd@rst:a iild'ing: of' th i:s law, 'fh.e nile ~'!~N;~V~!S, Iteprese nt til e five·, se nse a pplli,ca't~o iil o~ d ivii iii e SUi bsta nee, T~e' ~, 'f1il5 Ihre s repress fit the \I'€l'ilStt: or multi ~ lyil111g, ~e'weF IPtlt' vrl!to tine: ,$ub.starmee,., ,tIilE' ,$!@Ufc:e of the 'ir'tu~.rea:$;e,; 'W,e are to!d 'th art i'f 'the' ';Ieas,t of a sii'liIgle se'ltili"l~: of breadl 'we're' a 1III0000ied to,
inera ase, i~ WO[~ Id fiWI ,~I ~p~H::e' la If,~e'lf th,~!11 t flii s pl,a net, fhi\$ ~,how~, that 'thell'\e i:$ i'lI 0 Illijlm i~ to the ilillcr€Hlil$i ng IPoWer iO,f elh:iIM elr'rt~11 '$!Jlb$t~ noe. It i s 'fi'~r' U $ to ~ $€!' as J~StilS I!.tsern tfJ'lis IPO\~lef' .. ~,t was net al milir,adle' bUi~ :S!OlrriiEr~~hing that we' alill t1a~e w~th in us ,1;1 s :a n l,!!I!1II;IW,a ke~e'di :a b nutty' ;i11! n d 'that we can learn W[ d[e¥elo ~ alrlldl use als ;e~u s Idiid .
. ] ~:~u~, ,~nt:,~ ~dl into, 'tth~ ~illl~'fi1 ~~~: prr~y~dl ~ n d .b'~~~:~!'i~\d thl~ su b$;t~~~~ at h~ n1d,. I'f w,e W[O !lJ11[d mlultiply ,airnd i ncreasa tJhe pow!ell"", :s:llUllbsta III ce, alii! d liife In us ,alnldi ialt: our i~om mal"[dI~ we m l!J~t, get' \i"E'I)r stilill ,ij]lnd rea Ili:re ,tlhat. ~1lI F reSOlJ rte' i~ 5pi fit" ~hat: it ~5 [God", and t hat ut ts here in a! III it;5 'fUlIl n eS5. Wle! Mlust ma ke ICO nta ct: wit'h ~t iln 'f,~ith. "~heW! W@ s,ha,ll fiiin d iit we ml ilne W[P 'witlhiin us, SJ~ rne of lII~lI! have 1110 dOI!J trt had U'll~t ex p~\rilell'iU)~", BlJ ~ iif yOIUI jlJ~~ I,et lirt ~,o~e ,~IW~V' W'ithoUit: undeirstali1d'iiFtlg lt, VlO Ii.iI g}e.t no Ibeme~it, HI ere ~ s the key' to 'this liirf-e £.lllfi1!d !SI.I! l»tanCi~ 'V10i!U! 'f'e ~I 'wl1 ~ fI you ,s'it. in '~he ~ii Ilel'l1 ce. "t'e; u mu~t b~,gil!il to ~p~alk thEHliie 'WO rdls w~'t:h pOIUiber' ,alfilld ,~n,!I thor Tty.
Wh~nl d\'i!i~\re :I's WQf'il~'''wi:d e b eli ie'r in fi n:i!I n cJi5Il~ d,e plr,e~~ tQn,~, ladt 10,' clreu h:lrlttlo 111, S't:as:rHa'tt~[~,Iil .. 'th~tngs, [d!o In@t GO as 'we exped a liI[di we d[e~e%op 'malr .. a bell ief in 1,~litlk ,af ,C!iirc,1,j latiolll 10lf mlon Ft.V. lilutt' if' Wl~ kll1liil<'W' 'ili:lniE!' Ili5IIW,; we' do n aiIL 'COlm@ IlJI iIli dl~lr '~Iili~ ~e~1If t'ho~,ghlt, At ,~n~ tirfU~ m~ny' petr.!~o!l!~ Im~k;e ffilol!"!le'y; '~Ih@y ~JS@ this law ailnldi 1!,a ke adva iift~se or' Q[PP tj1irilllLIIlliity. 'W€' sh OU ld bless eve [fythirrl\S '~h,~!t w'e. have. fe 11 we ca n i lli~reiOlse and mml!Jll ~i ~ Iy wh at we ~lIa",e bw :splea king WO~d~i • . ~ ~:~US' :~8Ji d ~hat B-1 is W'!i}rd So '!111~~ :~,~ irlit ~ 1'1!.Q Ilife - Dlidl lIiO!bl ever ttl ilnll!;;, '~h~1t yQI,!I r w,li)rd ls dna r:led 'IN ii~h great spi rit 1Jj,1iI11 I if\e '~O'll"ll:le? It is" Be' ca refull ,0:F VOl!! r words", M,~n shall be h @ Id aeeouata b~@~ fer hls ~ iglhtes~: wlordl~ If V'O[!iJ ta Ilk ~lbol~t slJibstantCe' ln a nes~tnVle wayI' yo[~r f~fillalnQe$ wUI be d~~"e:asle:d,~ but Ilf YO[lj talk ,!i!!boW!~ i~ ~n an ap'~'r'e!diii1iiithle" Ilallt'l:e w,ay", 'you w~1 be' [p~O\spie'IN2;d;,
Ilff 'we could reJI~e\alse' the [erue'rcv ln the at.o[fmS !the' ,Slc'~e~trs~s 'tle~lll us' about, we' c:o u lid supp~Y' th ~ w'Olrlld. T'lhIus p!l)'W~ If lu~s w[th~ III reve'ry one' 0-' u~" We iC~ III be~,iiJl by fii'leie inlg ~h e ~Iin ~e ii diee:::;, we tMli'iIle ail"ild Irma kiilll,e th e m 'f! ill 'tlhe wodell with theughts o~ pl[entv" We' must rea IliiZi! Uurt a II pl!Jl!\rr~tr IS, ~urv,en to tiS in lnieli!lue III ,8ll1"1.d inl 'E!~;3lF'th~, ss ~,e5;U:S 581id. He' U!l,~ol ~ is, i51lp05~me:5 ' they shll)l!Illdi lie r::[eive p o/welu whe rn '~h[e Ho,h, :s p iriit ha d [come' u!po III 't nem. 'if ne.v WE!!n;!! ta~idl ~Q 8'0 U ~ in~Q.' tlhci!rt !J ppe r re ern, in ,tll1~ Cf'OIWn o:f the Iheadj w'he'f'iIil' ~pi rit UCI ~ tic roes b elilili1l 'the' forlmatio fi1 of' lI'ii[ew ide~als,. Ait,e r yOUl get I'nit_,() tlil[e :spi rn u all ('0 nsele !!Jsn@Ss al~ d r@e~'i~@' thi!! qu k:k~'~ u",g'~ $,~ie<a Ik th,e wo,rd \~itt1! a Mt he !l'it)" iEIImdi p awe:: r, cnncernrat iif'l\g t.ill e ajttll~'filjititO,n at: '~he' p01N€'r ee lirter Ii Iii t he th Il'oat. We fitnd it ,eflf'"ectivE' '~O spealk t he word:$; ,allo~ d ,i;lllIlid t:n elF!l sur; k, bael!{ '~C [lIt~,e other' side!' (Gallilee}~, as Jesus o 'ft e fill did", to rest dllli"lid ;s[peaik tlnem aG,aiifili
sLe fitly, 'lou can :send 'f;o,Mh th is vib~a ~O!fY energy of :~H·)'i!fili't ;alnd bresk dowwl! n~e i rti ~"i~ (~U s ed brV" ·tt 11l01~lghts. of f'e,~ r ~ iii d II'~I( k~ (~If\f~ cut War)(:!h '!Orp ~Irn In'€iiW ave n u as to t he d,elmiOlns'~ [f'ar~l,on of' you ,good,
T~' brlling forth t:til,e~e' Uli1d'e'il'El IQpe,d ~lPi riltu all qlua IlitJlie's, we rn ust Ibelli eve IIF'Ii 'theml. I~ f'o'rr' he ~h at eern eth to God m!Jl!l:t be Iliev,e 'H~at h~ is .11 lLont ke;elP IUS, ~rrom Y1nlb~ll,i~r, 'from ~~~ll1IIin,g on 'th~' th~Oi~:S wrt1 ~~~~ 'h',om JiuldlE:'i'f'b;g ,~c(lofding to, app,e;alra n !l:E-',5,.
'Yo!U ea iii il:lQ'iiljU r,e iiJ P' i'iil y"OiUilr iiI'iIl~ nd a ':thousand I mag~lil"ia f'lf :r:h IfiI~S th at will II seem rl~~11 ,to 'VOLl" This S,~'HJW:S, thart '~h~ 1m irr!d er@,,~~@i!i; by form ing t h Uffl,gSi, accord IlrI\e; t'~1 itt s tdeas, il"he wo rid ~~ aw,Si kemill'li,g i iii '~I wO nderh,1II1 w',~ly to tb~ tr1ut'h abo ut the creai~ii\fe power of the mind. Eve ry\iV1iI'ell'le. p eOlple' a FIe; 5ittUldiyi fig: ~:nydn~'lo,g.v 0 r ~"O IIJ ~ i4U Itu re. rh~ ilm~,giln~tio n bui I (iil~ t h iWlg's 'ourt ,olf the: '0 Il1El' su l:Mi:t:alnli!:Je" If 'VOl!! w~111 associiat:e 'f,a ilt 111 ~ofi'tih ill: irll its crehalil:ive: 'w,o,rk:~ th e ·ttli n,gs, you mi\!i,~@ w'i n be just ::InS r@~11 as 'ttihcs@' that ,!God malkJ~s~ Whart@iijl'@'f 'YO"1i!I ma ke lin] m ind ,QlfiI d rrea III¥ put 'fa lit h in willi II b ieCiCU1111ie subs~~llntialll. 1Iih,en yOIUi rm ust bel 'co n~'t',a !!rUy on \f\O'1lJ r ,G,ru:a rd ~, '~O wha't: "f,ca'!! be neVE", i III '0 rde r 'tha,t VOl!.!! mliaV bW'Irii,g wlntJit i:s for 'ViC U r ,~fiitl i rlitJo' ma n ~fes;tatirO n.
II n 'w-hl art do, Y'O'i;.J ha ve fai th 1 l~fiII O'Ult:€'r 11 til imss'? ~~' '$()" V\iOll,S aire bWli ~dii'ng sh adows wit he ut S III b:d,~ nee, sha d10ws Uiliai (;'ease' as seen as you r SoIJl pport'i fiI;8 thoYl81ht; i~ wi~ liid f,~wrn f'F1o:m ttl ~ ITt f{!! rm:$ tt h~ ~ Wli n p8JS~ ~'W,8Jy ~ n,d 1~~'!Je yQIJI ~.g,.th in@:_ III' YO'l!I wOi!lJI~d demloll1s,tli.ate 'twue prOSlpe'fi'i'lvo!' Y'OYI must turn vr,om thing:;, and. as J ssu s liO~d Hii',~ db,dipl@s" "have '~alith i III 'Go d ,'I! [lc, net iii a V'@: '~Ialit:h in 8 r!nf~hiinl1!l: less tha Iii G() d, i n ~Iniytl'il ling other tlha n the ~llI"ie M lindl~ '~O'f' when '!flOur 'f,a it Iii! I~' clr!ni~ered 'U~,ere~, you are buUlld~nR' Tor !!!'tle[iniutym Mind alndi the' idea~, iO"r Mimdl wilill neijil\~'r P~$$, ~wlay. 'iI"h ~Ir'~ wi~ I Ii ~~r bre' a n ~nd t(D! !GiOd.. T\~E!!~ willi n ev~:r be ,aln Emdl 'to Tlfiuth.~ 'W'h1 h:::h G,o d ~5" 'T1hien~: 'wi I~ lfi'iiE!''l,jile'r be' ,ain IE! n d 'to Slllibsta nee, wh iell God is _ By i 101 \\Ii.futlh th e di:vUIITI~ ~ubsw rn ce, cu l~iUv,~'~e' f~ I ~h in re\~ I itil es ~llIldi '"~ay u~ 'fali' youlrselv"'e's 't re asu re"$, in h e"a¥(Ht1. OJ
Tine fOIlJ ndar1Li oli'il lorf IEVE!illfy WOiF·1\t is an id ea,. ';iii i th is, 'tln,~'t 'q U i!iIil it.y. ,of mind wJiJ g,r;lh malkes t he idea s~aJlIi'1Id 'OLlut as, rea I~; nat 10 lilly to (!!I!.tI rse ~'Y'e:s but, to ethers, Whe IfII othe:rs IhlaV'~ f;a iUl ill'i! tnrf! thling you ,iii re doi r'iI,~~ IllUi kivIiS'" or selli !liS_. '~hlq' se'~ it as real ialll'ilid wo:rth, W nil'le. iibelf1 'you r ~,ILH::ceSS a n d your p,ro~lperity a fie' ~s~n,,!!IWiedl., 10nly t h~t ,e~is't;s, in wh,o,ij@' b~'co ~r"~ng ~~lllly' vi:s;iilble or' \I a IYI~b~'e YO"i!j have ,(1 r,eat 'f,a it h. If VGHJ SillY and bel ~~\t'e~ !~ ~ h,i3V4e fa iitth in the su hs,tamoe ,of God WO ~kllF!,C in :a nd t r.1f'O ugh m e '~IO i ~1~feitJl$e ra Ii d b ~ilPig: :a c'u n d al"~e into my w"o'r~~., U YOM r 'fa it iii will sta II"lt: to, wOlrk m i~'Int'lii¥ iill the, mli nd su tMl,'talfillce airndl
mall~te VO!JJ pros per'Ous, Wihat:E:\i!'e;r \1'\0 IJJ 1~[UJt ililto :substta nee ,(t_ ®!!1i,G w'jit h 'fa vt n wi II WO[rk 0 ut ilil m~ i1i ih~$t~'~io n1i ln 'VOIUi" wonlldl., WI~ hil'ljji~ $~~n it d on'i! a l'iid WI! !have !PiI"(fve:d the ~aw too m,;1!!ltllf¥ 'tll m[E!'S to iii alVe ,ami! ~()!Ui bt,
rhle' ,Sc[riipltulie~ :a re fi Ih;::d wit hi i III~ strat ii(HiI s of thi~ at:tirviirty cf tmi filSi!fi11S t.lilii ii1lgS ~o [pas;s, U~ rou!~h faTth In su bseance, 'ltn'e' ehara eters [of w no m 'wie read i'n u~ eo S~ript u r,~s, r~ pre $)~!"l ~ pd~,~~ !C~ I'fYi fig f~l'w~ nodi t n~i f w@ rk i rI l'1u"!.!m~ fiI ~oul s, II'f w,e 'thi iii k ,tt !hat the;~ '!2XI:stiENll en hi' as IP!eoplle' ,olf ~hol!JJ:sa nds 0" \learli,~, aglor .. we' IPut: our fa ith b~lck thIOIU:5~irlds, O'~ ye~lr~,~, !Iff! ste'~lIdl ~f I~Ui !ii~: it wonk to f us this mi Iii lll'tle i n '~Uir evervday ;ci'ff:a~rs of ~ 'f'e. 'Tlo[ demo ftst:ra1:[e' ,a 5 J e:S!LiS dId W'e must: put: 0 I,J[IF f.aiith ~rn the [0 ne S,II.I! b:stalFl 00 a flId sa1f~ ~II ~a'V'e fa'jrt.1J i~n God. n
rrO!JJ derri!::nl~sil:lli,ait,e' prrospe'r'btv IbV an IjJ Il1rdle~,ta n d in.g 00'1' ~he' prnspe rib/llla~u £Jl1fi1!d ~y hi(lvirli~ ~,~it.h i 11 it" !!!lot: by l:!lppte~ Iii i1\~ bJ UH~ :sym pol;! ~tJIY ,o:f o~h e rs, 1b""¥U[!ilS: to lelit tt\u~!m 'tlo, do; :s om,eth ~[fl1I, (iCH" yOilj c:r' IhJ'e' you :51.0 rmet.n'iifilg.
[Faith'fu Ilne',ss a iild e,isllfln~stlle,s's, in the 3 prp,llllcatJoinl rOlf' 'the PIi'\O~,pel'm~V law 'willill aSSl!.!!lr\e, VO'I!.I of sueeess,
II [Every' ~C1:@-d ;~ift: ,~!"I d eV1e[ry p!elrf'@'©t ,gif~' iis: 'from ,~lbo'M'e'... il:omi n,g do;w!1 'fro 1m dile Fa ilihe r O'~' llghts, W'utllh who ifill Cia n be ~'lrt), v.a ii'i~'tio I'l .. nelt her $hadow' that: is cast by turning,"
le't u s ~III IklillOW tlhat j ust ili!O'W w~ ~Ir,~ in t:h ~ 'Ve'rir pre'~en~e Q,f (:;r~',~rtiv~ U i n d .. dtle 1M! mod that m aide, the, u n~i'!l,eifSie arnd re'iJerytihhlg ~ iii i~t. IIFh is M i[nd IS, he re ialfi1dl ~~ 'w!o rt( [F'iigJhrt IfU;:t'W' ;~ so [m I),Jril;:h as. lit ever \!1las. 'or lellelf wi III be" When 'we fu lIy iiEhrilii:!l:e' 'it:h~:S1 we tncrease the :acct:iJ'itity ,of IMliifilidl in us' j'[m[measur,~bly'" ~!~UI mtlSiI:' !i1!~~ iZe!' t hat IGiod i,iS; :Sp ilfit and th at Sp,i F'~t is V@ ~v n~a I ,ilJiI'l!di pi Orwe ~rlJJ II" a nd by' fa r ~lilIe' [rilfliO:5;,t su bs:t;i3][i'ltli,al :It n ililllg in a III tine woltilld.
~ft rn illy lo~ h i!Jfd f~'r t~'O:ii~ W hlo' Inlav€'! ~ ~C:=O!m e attae hie;dl t,o [Iln~tt;re rita I t~lillill!!::S' to Iie'al~ iXiE!' thar~: 'itthe re Is a n in\lT~:~1b11 e Il'Ie:!!il~ Ute' ,[I n d ,SoU bsta nc)e: 'thiiU: lis m U b Ii1 mlOll'le t;. rbstar oj;'n.I"'lrtI,~ [1-- ''''1 ,1;,11;;;.,,,,1'11 ''''Ltn ;: ~I;; ... ri-I, ItlJ, ... -;: .... n '''"'f ~"'''''''l11i''''''' 10 ..... 11" - _tt;, iiI'rr""t·: 'i',~",,:
~lIh.!I\;!I!.;;!! rh I!O'!!_ g __ I!.I! !fie'!;;! _ I!.~ ~ IOL _ f!,,~ II I!; 1m!!;!!!!01!; __ :;;I __ I!; mo;_ _ I!olI' _ ~"" VI!; __ !;,;!!; III'!; _ ~ l! ~ .. __ ~ _ "" __ I;
i iilvins:ib - e' ''f:oroe:s have ,i!iI III O'W~ir t'h,eil'it i's, rnlnlll uons !Oir t'iimi€ s m birr'€:' rEli!iIl1 iII[iiltd $1Ji b.sta[nt'iliSll U18 Ii a I~ H~,e m,aterij',al woddL, When WE' ~ea d :state m e nt:S, ~Ioout:
S'ome' of' 'th e receni'!!: d ~:s:oo,ve[[jies, of seten ee, 'iN h ~oln e'Vel"'fOllile ,aiClOeIP't',S, a CiI d
'tal~ks a bout, we a r~ t~u hf ,a!m!1i!Jze~. Such :s~atemelfl!ts Im!l!l dIe' b'r iiel ~i:@in ~sts:, WOI!.!! Id b€': C;~ Ii€to p,re p O'$l)itIi'\Qi us ~Ind lJ!I1 b-~II i ev~ bl~. V~t 1r'i~11 igvon I1!las b€!!i~I!l'II rna I){i ng ~lhie' 'S,lt!lm,e :$,tltllil!f!!'m e rilts, ~11I1 ~ iiff\erleimt. ways 'ff'lDr thousa nds of y,e.a'rs. Now ~c'u@ nee' is he Ipi fl~ l!"iell imlioi"!l by, pro\l"~ng tihe'ml."
I n com frJ'aJrii n~ su bstanee '~11'1i dl lmane r as, r'ela li\d~: ~he'i u Irel,ati~e rea litv one ~O~~ m:ifi(: 'Wrllft,~r ~~~ t Il~ltt ffl~tt~ir 11:5, rr'p~;r~l~y a ,era Cik, IIF!I tjh~ li;jlfl~ ijj~;f~.~1 ~IU b'~' stance. II ~ is lurdiV1elr.sall snJlbsta nee' t h,ialt rna III ils hI,alndl iing alill '~!h,e: ttl me wh:hI h ~s, sp,ilri~ua I m ili"~d. 'Tn ~o'U:B:1':! ~;O U Ii' t h@ughts 'fO 1);1 deal 'wit n '~he' wa nderful ~pi lfit!!J~ II su bstanee, and Tt 't:3iJoe:s. form ~fi1 'Vou r ClO nseto !lJ:5lines:s aC,!l:ordlfiil!: to 'yOlli r 'uhoU!8 ht CIlbc ut' it. Th at i:s wh:y' 'we' IJfIfIUSU hold U he th'ou.g~!I~' ofJ' d irviWli! wusd!llf1n1 ~ndl I,Ji riI de li"st~ind i ng: so tlh,~ ~ w~ m,~y use ~ hese c realtive' mffindl !piI)w~r$, ri,ghte o'liJ:s,ly. 'We use them alii 'tth,etii rn e eit her con sc tOl!! sly' or uncen SCI iDushi" an dl W~ :s;h ou id U:S"~ th~lnn 'to. 'O'i!J II ~d\!!',i3ll'1!lt~\g~ ~ f1! d bl ~ss,iil'1!g.
IE:\f-e1)' time yOIlU :say!' "l aJlffi a littJl@ short 'of flunds/ I~li h1il'!l@flI'~ as much mQrJI@1f as I ll"IIe ad, i~ VOU are' fHlJ'tlLlns: ,Q Ilmilit on tine: ,suI::U;,ti!!iifilCie. il n 'YOlil r OlWllil OOril:SJcil!O usness, ~s Ut&rt wisdom?' [('ou want: a Ilarg"er :~a.Jlro,lJly" nlOt a Ililrn'i1:ed ,supply ,olf SUI bs'talrlQiil!:. Th ~ 1fi!~'Cilr'@ it, Ii 5 lim p;O;Ifti3illlil: t1lii! \~ant:c n y011lJ11" th Dughts so that th ~ la r,~~ r su p'p'I,' may C!oornle' '1!hm !"!!gh ~IU If mind ~ nd i~nrto Y'@U r ,~riIla iw-s. S~V te you rsel'~I' "l 3 m G,e)d IS ~ff'spriililg~ and I must t illii i"llk as GoCl d dill! n ks, lhe refo 11'\~ I ea nil et thi n k 'Off a ray lloack e r I nmit~ati om. U It is ~ m I;) essi ~ h~' that in th is IYnirv,er!l1a,1 IMli!lid th:aj!: fiill $ e'il~~th illlle: '~hl~'If~' ~a n be ~ !li¥.' $~ ~h th ill"!le, ,a $ ,~h$~ no~,. irl1!,~,r~ i~, no Iladt olf alWilrvthi nl, a rilywiifl,erle' iin j:",e;a Ii tv. ilii e onlv ~ a;e k is the 'Fe all" ;@If lack i ru ,nil@ m i Iil d i!Oif m ~ f1Ir, We de n OIt n@@d to O'ii'@'P.icom,e a flIl, liiillck. bu~ W@ must QV,'eiir\CO me 1th e f'e;;iiii" (If I,a dk!,
Th i $ f'e',aIlr rof 1,~fClk le:d m~iill 'u~ $lp.e~1;j I iSltl~ ilAI 'CJ!rd~'r- t,;o. ~i~~1.D m U l;at'E!! su b;S,UI nes a liI'I dl ha\re a IOill: of' Till: sto red IlJ Pl. Tllniils ca u sad ,1i1!1 Si!l:iU ~ cne1atie r '~ea r o~ laic k ~fiII ot her m~'I1I,. ~111I dl '~he' s.irt l!Jatiioifl g rew 'WOlrs,~ a Illd WiC! rse U Illltiiil iiit' be c:a m'~' g€'Il,enllll hl be,i ~eye d that we m 1Jj'$,'t: Ip:i Ie' IJj P' ~he' m a ~e'r~a I srm Ibol $, of substa n~e; 'for ;til poss;ib~ e 1:;]1 e k, in the 'future. W@ h,8!ve tri ad that system ~ rnd feu nd .. hat it f'~ii Is, us ,every 'lti me. W,e must. ~ e,[Birn to UIJ'iuJlers'lta IfId the cII~'Uiine' ilaw o~ ~,IJJ plplll~ allfldl the '0 lii!Bii'nam p~a no!' whlich is that we. haJve eaeh d i:'IlY eu r daiiilv bread, Th,alt is alii w~ rea II, wa flit jl!.l! s;~ tlhe ,illml(JuRt' 'Of' tlhii ngSi ~ IrlJll~ ~d for todrav";s; UJ~E!:'.. Ipll !iJ1S, tb~ abso ilutle assu Ira nee tt nat tl1 e' slIJlPplly 'fa r tom orirOlW""~, n ee:ds wi i ~ be th eJl'\e wh'en '~omo rrow cemes, iFh is assu ralnee ea f1! !'1I,~t be 'fQIIUrn'Uti ~1ii1 ho~rd ~ne Or pi i ins up" as we. h,;!iiV1e ~e,i5Ilrne:d bV' el(p~ il"i,e.IiI'ii:'e, .. , Ilf~: rCiElili'l be illard if we til ave fa fft ill andl Uri die'r$~a n dl 'the t~~U~ ,a I:;i,OI.ll ~ "JIIli!lrni preS;elll1t~ alway'S, >a\i!,8lilr,a bh~ $l.Iilb$~al!'lee. AfiI¥th iln~, less t ~a n to d,arv!ls. fiI eeds is inot e rno'LIgh. Arnyl1ih"'ng m ore dil'a~ we'
!Ile·ed 'W;@'f today' is, a burden, iLe-t UlS start with t:h e 'tfiu nd,alm,t:ntta I !llro ,,~sjiitio n ~Iil~t: t h ~r'~ i s PI~C nrty fOlr V'0i'1Jil ,an d £0 r Ime '~Ind ~'h~t thi ~ s ~ b:$t,a n (~ is here ~IIII ~he tillfrH~I' SU pplyii fig us 'W idl e'V\elry' nEi'I!;~d ftj ~ eh i "g. .a ~co rdl~n8 te '0 U r ~hCUjlglfn, and W\O,rd"
Illn tJh! rn ernl ng. i m m e d ilat\e~'v u pan ,a'wake n~rn8!'1-' talk!!, a 'Q U ie~ m ediItative. ~tlOWig'ht, A ,good 'f'O'iJtnd~tio n ~t~t~m~filit 't(~, hold i fI 'th.~ sl I ~ nee i s:
'fnii"ril I< of ~ll!1e meaJllllffing c'f' tllju~'se' words a 5 yrrn~1 m,e.d1~t!a ~e on tlhem. 'illile 'words of VQ1urr mouth 1Ind the' tn1o!U,gh:ts off "fC U r h e:a rt ~r@ now 1InJdi allw,arys; mold ing' the' sopl rltu ail su bstilJlI1oel: iillind bril nglng lit II filllt 0, n"l!illni f'es:t:atJl on, lh ey' wi II~ not be: aC!ce'p!t~aibl Ell: til) -; he Le rd l!l!ln~,es:s they b rinG into rn a nife'.sta '! UOrll '~f'fi:ngs ,t ~;,&rt ~lif'\e '~ItiIlJe.t ~tDi'ill~hf, ,fillrilld a Itog:i2:t her' gODe., AnE!lr' YDU r' 1M Cj,l1IfIli IiiS ml~ditartti e,n.. wh~ IfII yOiU h-~Vl!!' deela !fled 'the '101m FI!;ipr,e:s@'~ce a nd th e :a II~ ness of U~ e ,~~lOd~ lfec!i!iw it: as t ru e a I1l d ,SO f'olrt&il to tth~ dayis ,act:i\ri'ti~~ wirth 'f'alith tharili' ;!Ii II thing$ I'iI e~di~jjj ~ are pro'!~d d ad and .,61 u r ,~ocd must come, lh e :5o~1 a nd s u bs'l:a iii 00 e IfiIflI ni p re~elnt h~~ ml~ln~' n ~Iml~'$-
.]@:5US, ea Ilh~d It t he ~ ~U1I,gd om !O,f Ha,e heavens, 1M OSl@S, i Iil Gen esls nfiil rned it th @ Galrde'rill !o'f Ed en . .seve nee ~ay.5, ~it II s the eth!er. 'W!~ live ilill ~t a:!;, fishes. I ~ve mnl 't~'H~~ sas, ,iiilndl ~t I i\il'E'S in us a ad su ~,p n,es 1!llIS 'with a III thi ngs, ,~,coo'rdli fiji to O~ f' ilil:lolLligJhtt:s,. 'Wlhe.n you ~~~Ir!: t)i) your- Wli) flc., p~ lLI~e ~ mO,M e nt, aI nd ded~ r-e: !!m $)~tt:
God b,e~ore me th'~s d3~1' 't)O gUlide, and G,uall"d,r t'lD prote;ct alndi prosper me," Or= '~lhll;' SPDri~ of! 'ttl 11;' LOllfd goe:s, b ~f'or~' nne th is; d~y ,~Ind ml!3lk~s my' 'Way 5uc!oes:dul ,a iii d P 11",10,$ p1eiil"!o U:$,. !~ Malk:e thi 5 ¥,O!ij ii" P ii"OC I ~ma'r ton '!fio r' 'the' day. l[)eCf'i!3!r! it tto b@ so, and the lord w'illl loring, iit to pass. DUifi~R: the da,~ if a ~lilolLllgJht 'Clff 1,i!)lll;;k olr I ilrn~rtatioll'1 :5,nGl'iJ,J Id f'Oir" ,:Eli mlDmre'l"iIlt d~ stu rb yo U~, bi3lri11i:5,~ itt. alit: once wiut~ the s:ta~eme'nt; iiJle,h'O\l,glh iis mv s,he~Ih,e.~d; II slhall not '!Ii'il,aln~.,~1
Wlheml yoult" mTll'illd OOim,es a reu n d' ,algaiin to 'Itlhe' :s,u bj,ett of: tplJ'lo(5lPemy", ret.a ~iLz.\e mo~~ stl!"~ !'l;gly Ulat y.o u r pro~p@r~tv cernes fifOlT!1 IG,o d. ~t ie~m,e wit h }!1\Ou f!"~ml God~ f'r'O im your contact 'with G od ~'M ilild Ii IiII yetilli' 5;i~ e nee, and yOUiif p'fosperut'y' iiS rig;hi't W~U'h '1I0U W ~et1ev~l~ ',au :a re. :s UIPlplly' m>ay Sleem ·~o.l OO.m,e th ~fU.,llg ~ outer' eh alfilifiliel~l!' but: ~-u r IMall1 SliIiCCe!:'5S, d elPe'fiI d is, Oinl V\O'!JJir i iiIi:fi1er h iO,~d 10 rii 'the'
pres ~erity Ilf\ea Iii z;a'ti[o 11. ~,e. til! an kfu I f'of' supply 'it nat ~omes 'th !"'OuG h curer C h~ n rli e I\s;~ bUlt do nlO~ Ii 1M it, G,o it! 1[$ g.iivi ng to ~ i1iiY 0 n~ (;h,~rnrne'l, Look li),JIIF'f~)IO! H ~ml and b e prosperad.
II ~m ~IIW,~y~ p,~(lividl~d 'r{H' b~~~Iu.D~~ I h~v\~ '~ii1ilith im l1h,~~' ,~ll';; mil' O~riJilP r~~'~fi!lt aiblWlinJdal1il [ce'.
II harvEl' faTitth In lhe e as, Imy ,:;jllm iJ~~htt¥' resource ,a ill d I 'trustt: Th ere' to pr'e5e FViel: me ~ n 111'1 pfospe-ritv",
II t!f"\USl; th e ufiWVer;5;i111 .s.~,nirut of IPi~oi5iperitv ~ fJ1 ,alll~ AlV a'lif'a irs, II corn eo tiO[ [God! bec~l(Js~ ~ IbI!'Hev~ ~hat H~ is and th!i;lI~, Hie' i~ lei! r[~Wi;jfd~r' of th~ml Ui.~I~ s~'ek ah)er Hlm ..
Ilfit i~ we~ I sa h::l' that the m 1111 dI ~:s the orluleib~le. i~1lI whi[ch the Id[ea' i~ '~r!GIilns m !JJ'tleN:~l i'iiitol the r.~'~II. This; proo~~~ ~*: tlf~ n s'~'~ fIffl~tiiol!ll T~ 'th@ siPijlll'itli!.loa! I (:t;u~'m n~~11I"V w,~ musiI! lea m blem\o,re' WE' are it!eadv 'to, work i ntel I ige IIlt:ifV in 'the' ~Jnieat ~a bo [,alto rv of t he F,ar~he'r 's substa nice'. rhl~ln~ is; !!flO hi) elk of mate !fi,a I '~hi! re te f'Of m whalt:
Wle wi lilt ,a nd \.~e' ca ill ,a III draw '10 iI'I it as aJ rescu rc~ ,a,cQord~ n~, 'Ito 1()I'1,Ji r (4I1,Ji rpo.~e'. We.a I eh of ee nscleus nass wi ll e;xplf'iess itsE!'lf iifill !iite'iJdlth o:~' rna n ife.sta tio 11i.
One' 'who [Ik nows, P ri ii1[ciIP[I,e has ;a elf:! rtai n ~ n n e iI" SeCYiw1i'ty i1:ive iii hi m by 'till e Wlnd erst and iing ,o,f' God,· M!~!I'1I d, OIU Ii' arffiirm~tions !:lIre 'fa Ii' U1i'e PUflPOSle' [of e;s,ratbll'sh i illg: in 'O'M r 00 fiI~II:JOUliSfii ess ;a bro:a d 1lI n d e rs:ta ndiin\JJ of tlhe p~illc~ph~s on 'wh leh a II [I if!!, all1!!d ie~isten.c)e de pend", OUlr rell~~i on ~s balse.di On a scl,ence in wh ich i'd'!8i!J1 s iEIi r@ 'Ito P rillllC!iip~~ ,iSlll'lJ d te 01t1il€'F id€Nsll:5; iill'll a gJri~i!J1t ru n'iV1@Ir:siSlll 1M tnd 'that 'works under' nil e rrtal ~aws" !t is fi;{~lt a f1I ew lremi~ii on no rare lig'iolUs 1f~ -r!I Ir. .. t '-, i Ill'~ ~.- iii' 't'h - r .. ,"'I - Ind" th =- li-r I - in - n ..' =-1 i -i -flI- Ilf '-. Ik n-\\!'
)~~ !O,I!U pD_)_~S OUllll , __ i2 . € .. L ~. __ !!.,_I.~ ,,",I!J~ ._. ~_.¥ r€_.~_O_I .•. , Y!l)U .. ,_0 __
IPrilnll::i pie'.. 'Y'U1'lij all'lEil ,i3lble '1.0 kn!@W' iErlt !lj}l[fN:e 'wt. e'~ her a rei ijg i ~)f1I is fa u IIldteidJ 10 il"iI F!;I!ds, 'Oil!", has a basi s of rnen-m ade ii deas,.
Illn order to demenstrate IPIIr'inc'ipl[e!! W@~ Imust k..@@'P @s,Y!.lbl iishi'IfIS: eu fs@!iV'-@$; i III eerta 1m $,'tar~em e nts of ~he I ~ liN. 'Tilile' lfiiil!o:re ()!ftJen ~'O U prese nt to yo U r rnl n d ;;I] Pfi!l.lpQ.\S rrtio'lil th ~r~ is lotgii ea ~ a nd tn.iI'e' Uti e S.tIi'Or1i,ge'f' be eornes 'that inne r 'r,eelTn~ of :Se C,U il'i~V to \Nj[~. T'h~ min d of ii'i1e til lis buill't 0 ~ Truth ,91ii"11di th e' cle1aJlreu- 'you r Wiriidie!Ii:S'tallll"ldffing !CI!f Ttrll.lldil iI's t he en ore .$ uib:s,ta nft~,a I ylOU! r mli nd be corn!e5., iF~[el,",e iis ,~ dl@ftj'lf1lit,~ 4111d i Ii1Itulmate If@'~atiion b i~tw,@@m \M Ih~t w@' !(;~ II Truth ~ nd th'i~ Win~v-ersalll s u bsta n ce of lceTng. Will en th e one' IMli til d ~ 5 ca 1[I!ed i ill'te actio iil i iil yOI!J r m lind by yOI!lJ r t h inlki ng alb~,ut i~. i~ ~avs, hold of t hl~ ~sUlbst~u~c)~ bry t he ~aw' of' ;Eftlilf,alc:tito til !Cllr ,s;VIfn1 pia !tillY (!Ilf 't:n(il'!JJghrit~ ilihlll 50 the 1m ore you I< n(il\~ ,abollllt IGcldI ~he me Ii,e' suoi:essh.wl yOIUl 'wi I ~ be ~n ha m:llii n,g V'O U Ii b10dV and ;;]I n 'Y'O u r affa irs,
Til-;, - - - - . - - ,. I .. - ~.. - b - ·t· ~ - Al th - ~,- - ~""I;;," _. - .u II~ 1:-., - - -.4 ... ~ -... ,- - - tll..II re more 'you !!'.now ,iil!_ ·OIl!J : \0;1'0"" 'I!;,_I, e i !€a. en I! er ~'O U W! , ~e' .. ;a n ~ 'V~ c .... 'U rse '.~!'~
hela!tlhre'r '~ou ,tJre '!tine: h,alp~li[er.!' Ifmore, airnd o[E!'itte'l" 'VOYI will be' ln e\!''er'Y w':~!fI!f, II~' 'V'O!.Ji1 Ik~ow h~w ~~ ~~~e' thoil d of' t.he I!J n ~ve rsal~ s!Jb~~~lnee' ~I!I1dl
mel d i1:' to '~o!Jr uses, VO'UI w~ III be' p!!"OSlpe'!"C!llUls.. Mli II! d sl!JIbs~a nee e nters il!fftO' €!IV~ry liiltt~,~ d,~t.a i I of )11'0 1I r d,~ iliV ~Iif'~ wll'1I~:th e If yo u 1r'1~~11 i~~ trh l! Trurth or 11l10'~. l~ow\everrl ~o establlish VOilJrr~ellf in a ceilrt.aliifi ~iec;ur~tf in the pO$.~es:s~'on Clllildl use '!Oil' l!! fl! iVel'f:!jIaW I iI~'i!... I O'ilel ~ nte ~I ig,I!:!'1'i! ee, and ,5:U bstanee, you must ;g@t ;;u (:lO:n~,iollU~lf1e$:) o,'If' Ii t Iby ~m~t me nta IllV se e ~IilS, th e Tn.Jt.h.
,All tru ~ ~~U(!in ts ,g@~rnl~ld bil law'" N oth ilog ] u st h~IPIPI~ ns, 1 h~r~ a r~ m111), mi'rac'le s, Tih e~e. i,~, no slllJch til ~lni~ as IIUI cit Nodi! in~ comes bV eha nee'. Alii! hraplPe'fI! i ngs, ~ ~-e '~t; e r~$ullt lo,f ~~ use all1d ea n be e)(:pll~ ~f'!le d um'u:;ler th-= 11,~rw IOlf c.a U 51e and effe ct. lhiis j's a 't:e3,ch~ fili th aJt ,aJppea 1;5 to, tihe ilfi1 iila'b~ I~gic !of eu r mi fl! d, y~t 'w,e semettrn as f'~\ei liikl~ d1oubtjin\B it W'~'H~IF!I we Sl~i!' th ings ha p'p-e.ln tI'iI~t h~'U~ ne a p,p\~II''erir~ rca U se, h ese h ~plPe'l1I ing:$ ~11'iI1~t. se e tin mJii ra'~II(HUi:S· .a re eent roll ed by ~Iaws thal~ we h aive rM!)I~ ye~ learned a nd lie:5uIU: 'fro Fin C:j3 u ses ~ hat W~ Ilel 'lie' no~ b ~~i"!I 1!J bIll! ~.Q Ulfi! d e r.sti!!lind," Main dc~!';ii Ilnet: d ie.l mi@fl!J~trat'l! aC1conrliill"lll to the h~lw but ,3iCiil:r.nrdiins: te hkli IklnlowI,ed1le oM th,e 11:aIW~, aJlnd tn:a't is, why W~ must s@@t, t!~ ~ealfin mere of it. G:od ~s ~alw and G edl [\5, ch alng@l@ss;. If 'Ii\i\!~ wou Id bril n B ~Qlrith th ~ pe rfieet creallttfl on, we rn ust cOlirif:orm ilLo ~aw and untold i n OI~11i rni ndl bQd~ I and a f'f:;:d Ii,S, as a flo,we'r' IUlllir~bld:s, b'!J!i' - he' p'lii nrdlpll e' ,olf i 111 naf)~ liftl' ii I1it,e~11 i\g~ n C:@,j :a n d slIIlbs'ita no€!'.
Till!!? UliIli'itled Starille$, 'COAgreS$ esta b ~i's hes IlarW$ that II"U lie' ~he' acts o~' alii Amle'lfica n cit iizen [1,. 111 ese who kee;p' the' laws ,a re w;eiwaJrdedl by' iffi1e Plu-ot:eC-' tio Ili of th~' I~w'; CGlrngr'e~$ dQ~s; nlo:~ s;~e '~g it tih~'t 1i1iJ1~'rli ,gil] ~y '~h~' I~w$ _ THt~t i~, I,e'~t ,to '~he ,e:(e !:t:l!Irtiiv,e, de p,i)jr'ttlmefll t ,of 'the ,gO"il,eri'flI m e iii'L 'The s a me th IIfi1I, i:$, t.rue: of ~the ~.m!rv@r,s~1 law. God has; ordi!i~n@d the ~~W OlJJt dees not compel U~, to' fQ,III'Q!W it. We Ii ~\!~ f'r~'e w~ I ~,~, 3 rid 'th e mlQl ii1 ner o,'f' eu I" dlQii'ng ~s. he~t enti re I y to, us. 'Whefii w'e knew 'the ~:aw and w'Clrk w'j eh it~ we ,~Ire rew1i:!I rdie'c bV its, pll"'(l!t~(;tiion ;a n d uss tt '~~ eu r igo1od. Wit we bi'E!~~11< t h IE!! uni'iJE!'I',~~ I 11,~w.I' 'we su ff~~r Ilim~'ltari!!~'O!iiI:5.r _jlllS,t as, ,131 oo'nvh:'tled Ilalwbrea ike'l" ts U mil ited to) a celW Oli prison", l'be If..-lomy' Sr~ii rit ls tJllle ~:trIecl!Jtive oftlidio:ll th If(H.II,~h w'no m ID:i vi 1111(:' Ml'iind el1li1foroes its, I,aw'$,.
Yo III ci!!IiA ;i!j,e!e '~roml ilthis Cioril5iclr~ra'tion ttthi3't IGOd] has be.5tOWIE d the po'li-ve r 'Clff iJivilf'llie' 1M irnd en eve ry m an. YOIUI aJll'1e !J sl iiliB: 'V0UIi o:r,gani,$,m", bodV'~ mind" amdl ~~;I'!J I~ to 'Ci!lfry' O'llft a I ili'IN th ilt G 001 esta bl ~5h ~d ,~5! "'I g~ ide fQIn- ~!il111 c n~~t;ion, If ''1'0''-11 r~I:6'n'teousmy full ~iI ~ ttl! is miis,5iotn, you callulolt f'a'M to S:E!"itt the, ril,i'iltecM.Js, resuns, If .,O'lli f~li~ to Ili~i!! ~ir1!i ,acco,~da"oe with '~h@ I~w~·\~,ell.!' t'h:at ts 'YOl!if a'ffa ilii. Giodl IbEiln ill art h,el p i it if yo lli ,Ell reo n aft 'm Illow'iing the IIiE!w and by irt de'm'~H'l!:Straling Ilie',a Ith" h,aIPIi!l l~le:$$~ p,~o.sple fl'i~'y:j' alHldi a II ,Good; BI,a ~Ijt~,tome ,sa idl that laf1l.ll!l ls 3 ru ~e' o'f' ,ialil:,t'I,Ofill. So wit h Gi!od IS Ilaw': if y,ou '~~,Iow the ru les ,of
aetle n, YMlIJ wi.!1 de;m enstrats Truth, YOI~ wi n havle, ,!BIll ~h;at' G ad has ~u'\epalf\eldl f:o r V\I;) ~ from t hie full!.ll~d~tilOlrn o~ tl1i ~ 'wj)rll d,
Wihat ~rr'e the rll!J~es 'of U~le I,!;!! w?' Flin~t.. Go d ~s i~)O od alnldi a II IH is e reattons ~ r!!' S,~~d" Wh en yQ\.!1 ge~ ,thalt 'fli irmilly fi[);:e ~ i ~ VQ~lIr rn indiO 'yQU a re bQUIF~dl tl~' de'lil'H::iifri,s:trat e good ,~1'lI d not h in!3: b ut good can come; i"rnto V'O !.I r '!NO rid., I~f y:O!!Jl Il~~: i[~ 'th~ t no i1.Ig:ht t Iil,iiit 't~'H~r,~ is SlWC'h ~ thi ~g: ~:S ~i~ ~ f:I d th~'t \1-lOiY ~ r~' as Iii ~ b I'~ to elViU as tOI g.OIO d, th'eim ~fOI!lJl mlay hay,e eo nd iti'on:s, th,a~ eenferm te ~u r ~deal OF e¥ilt BlII~ I"em€!'ITI ber:. levi ~ ~nd e:v'ill'~Orl! dliUo~~ ~11r'1~ li1ot: IFe~lOg:ril izedi by D'iIVi Iii e 1M i'lild" Ii ¥'OI!J haVle' th o,~gliitit IOIf' evill a s, a rea Ilit¥' or ,a 5. h al'iiiil All:: a iily' powe r '~'r YOIU!,p e ha !lJge yOU!1' the lI!ght at once ~IF! d b~',~in to b uild U! P ,sood br,awn cells ~Iilat: neve r Iilealli'd '~Ibout, ,a n ythi ng, burt C,o(~ d _ P r~ly '~IilI)J$: I ,~m a c iIlli lid ~if 'the' abso~ lil'itie ~:o ed, ,God ~is ,goodl, and I am good" C''ilelf¥"l h ill\g t.n,at cern es 'j n~o my' I iff,!! iils !~ood~ ~!IId I 1(1 m ,g,Qi Ii'Qg ~o Ih:av~' 'only' til e g,ccid. E~ta b-Ilis,h t.h i~ I;!r;ms,d,o usne's!; alinldl ~M111V t ne S!Ocd w'M I ItM!~ a't~r;acJted to yo u aliil d your' l'iifle wTl~1 be tal P@'li'p~t;!iJ:a I joy. I eannct '~!I!U ¥IO'U whry this is; trllJoi! but I knew thi!!t it ill and that \jo,,-y cain prOYifli' it: 'ifio r '¥OiilJlli",!;lii~~" 'ito YOiUiir s;at'~s,fa,ct~Qn"
~rf 'you wilU s;~a rt rig;hit IlllaW 'with HiiE!: id@,;5Ii of iLllil'Iive rrS,ii31 a r'ii C l~tte'rnl~11 !l¥iod all@SS WlJr)pelf'mostt i riI Y'O!I!JW m i I1d, 'tt.all k onlv a b;@iI!.J'tt: ,t rN2! ,good~ ~ndl ,:!j:@ e 'l,i\'li't~h th e mii'r!!d 's €ye eve ry~h i ng a iild !~v~'r¥b(jl~ry as goodl, 11 hen yr; u wi~ I $1010 n be dem onstrati Ifi.~ a II kinds !i:)f g@old. ,Good 'tho!IJR:tib, wlnl ~ beeem e' ,al h albit~ a nd good 'will ~ m~ nli ~'~$~ H;~,~ lif" ro' vou. YOII[JI ''i,lVillll $~~ it ~~ ry~'h ~Ir~,u Alii d ~1~Qp-1 ~ wi II bt~· $~~'illl1e: err you,. iill kn OIlj,N' tha't 'tDha't [m,a m iis: ~,o 0 d '!SInd true, III ih:av.e, cOli1fJidefil;ce ii fill hi lillilL IIH e' miill!t@s ml@ f@@'1 tlh@ inn !:iII~e' ,goodn@S(s of ,j! U m@:III. I~ That lis d'll@' 'W',!i!J1y i [11 'W hk h the one M lnd e)(:p'n;;:;s,~e~ ilt;s;ell ~ throuijih m,aln~ mt i15, '~lh e 13'l1l'1I. Those who I ~e U fiIj aeeerda lIi'eEl wIth the ~:aw 'willi ,ge't 'the desl r-ed resu Its. llhose who, fa il~ to d~o SIO wi II ,~et: '~lhlE!' 0 P p()lS~fte' r~~u lts.
Tih,~ h:!lw' ~111s.o ,~ppl les t'O Q ur denfllonstlf'"i~tiio IJ1S, iiil" porQspe'riq'" W,e (-a IflI flHJ,t: b e 'iJery happry' if \NI-:e talil"!e POO[iJ", and mo,body Ine'ed's;, 'tlO' b,e PO'Oil". lit ts a sin te be poor. ¥ou may ask w hii!~h@r .!I1i!,'SU s dte'd a ny' '@l<~!m[p.l~@ '(!lif P'OI!!l@ ji'lV~s beillfill:: a sl 111 (' '''Ie s. YOI!U \~ ilill '~i[nd it iirn Ule story ,@f th e prodig;alil :501111. That i:s, oft,en 11J5,edl as a 'te~d te pre aJc'n to morall sl n file rs, bu ~ a elesa s'tudiy ,!!)'f it: shews that: J1e',SILlS W·~s 't~a c'flmng !tIle' ~ii n 'of Iii! !l;lk iii!ind how '~O ,giilli n l~illenW. It irs 1j wo !ildl~:rt'ull prosiperity lessen,
TIh,~ IPirn;o.d1ig;GlII son to ok ilhli S Ii nh if: lliit:alll!!l:€, a n d wenit umto ill fa r COUliliillF¥',. w'h e re Ih i? spe ~t it iln Itioto u.s IffiVifil\C ,a Iii d ea mle b) \!Va nt, 'Willen hie, Ireturned! 'to' his f:alitlhe,r':s; house be wa s not aeeused of m ora II sll1e rt!l:OmrnA!'1l:'1 as ''it\i',e shou ~d1
eJii:pe~~'. IlfiI~'te,ald the 'f~'t;her said, ~IIBlriril~: f'Q)rtn qui'ddV' '~he' best ro~e ;a,ndi ~ut tit on hi ili'in,.'11 I tlh~lt Wi)$ ~ 11€!:$I$O!!l iirill good ~IPP~ re lie ~t iis ~I si ril to, W1e:a r poo,r 'C'I'C1tU'!,€!S,. Th i s m,~ V see m to so mle ~o be rathier a sordlr.d 'ijU,ay 10'" looki fig at t.1i1,e ~e aldlnin.g, of Jesu s, b lilt we m ust be ~'H:!!in est. W'e m ust in~li!r ~,!i'i@t lit as H,e g,;:!f!I'!!!' iit~, 11'1! ot as i;\!ie 'th~nlk, it QliISllht tQ Ibe'.
Thi~ n~,)ttt ~,ctt of' 'ttl!~, f~tt,'a,~r w'iil~ to pl!ir~ ~ lo,lld] rli~g O~ t h~ prod ig~IW'~ ~iililg\~'f'I' anotlher e!!l~d,e.fillce of' l~lrr\Q;$,pernitV", fihe F',ajthe,lr~s des.lre 'rnr' us ts Il.IIrtlUimite.di c;oodl,~ fI!,@;t merely the m,e~ mJ$; i01I" ~ m,e~gelf e.l\i;~:~!r;e'!il~e. T1hle ril!ilg :svmiboll lzes tbe unnm~ted;!' that 'to which 'ilihe ii"e is no e'm,d1. It: a lso Ijj,e: p iiesenJts OMfillI i:i! reSleli10e and c,m n ipo:~e~ e@ in th e m :i!!I!1I if'est 'wof~d. 'Whl@Hi ~hi! f,~~h~r' gave tlhat rii ng t~, the son, 11il~ ~~ ve' hi m 't h e k..r~V 'to a 1m II ir~e '~Ic'tiv~ty _ [I t. li'!ta~ the :Sylrin b;Ol of ~ i$, bel rilE: a so n a nd ih,erur to alII '1: hait th e fatn,er ha d. III ,AIU ,t haLt is fli1ii n e ii s thi ne, III The Fath e If ,gij ~~s lUi, ~ II that He h as ~ 11 d ij~,. omln~[PQteln~~., lo'm Iii! i~cie P1 ce, illlll l'OIVe.~ aln,dl a III SIUJ bsta n,ce wihe'fiI, we rlE!1::ltI rn 'ito th,e' itl01fil,$ICi OU!li1 ness iM IF! is; ~'O'l!I se' of P~'~ir!'~Y'.
nput .... sheas 'Ollil nil's: feet" 'WaiS the 'f~.!!'t.hell"ls, next c!tJ!mrm,and 110' 't'ne. :se'N;i;m't:s,. [Fi8@'iIt repm£i~'lfrt 1: Iil,ait p,iSI rt' or 10!JJ r urn d,e r:stii3I[IfIId1~ rilS th art !GD,rirH~!!~, illlltOi coniitacit 'wlrftin e\2!rtlhlllv eendtnens, m!I!J the he'ad Ol!l ull"Jlppe,r reern" we hji!!~e thJl!:' ul!1ld@rS'ta!!l!diing that contacts $,p,irli ~u a I IDOm d!itionsj but wlil e n we' read in. .sc ri pt I!jlj'"'e anyth'ing abo ut 'the' $e~~1- we m'~IY [know U~ i!I~' it reFeU"!', '[0 our umderntan dli 1i1~, of '~h ~fiI,gs, off th~' m~tl'~ln'1i~ I wQIn'1ld,_
The III @)l;t tlili n,g the ~,~the'f dlid i,of' h is, l~eturli1@dl sen walS! tiel' ~'rocrnaiii'm ,a f@astr. fQ,r hi~. That r~ not the W"~IV '~'e tr,eaft mlorall :;;i~lI1e'rs., We decree pUril~:!;hrme'fillt 'iO'f till em; w:e S'elnd them to j.Eli~. But the' P,at:h e r ~:ive,s :a f'e\rllst '~:O '~hoS'e' wllilo' co,m,e 'too Hi ITl! fo r fSUPIPIIV. Hi~ ~Joe$ mo'lL: d Oli~ eut e n I'y a n ~(~E!!$.s~"((V 11i',~(II!j,o'n lib ut se ~Vre:s i!l:lhe II f,att,eod ,c:alilf/l ulfillii'ljJ,eH'S a I subseance a iii d U'fe in 'its fullness amdl r i dhi Inl ess.
The p'8ilrabl@' ii's ,21 grea'~ lessen on p.'lfospefity~ For itt shews us' th,2!~ p.@opll@ wino, ;[lIre d1i:siS i p'i3I~ iiFtig th IE ir substa ril elf! iir'ill :s.elll1se '"",,,,8IYS, ,811i1f' ,5,ilrilners and e·\,i!',en't!I.Ja II)~' ~'alll i 1i1'~;o a ee nseteusness of' ~ack. I t also Illlfove:s tm2ft ~hey may beeerna ~aJwfUlI ilndl p. roiSipe'ro!J~ rag~ii fa lb~ retu rn i rig to til e Faltt h'~r .. IMli 1i111j" W nen U1J'~rn~: ',i!If~ so malny lessens i in 'the' lSI bll'e '~o'r' mlora II de ~i nq 'lH~:lnits" therre ts 11"1.0 ne!edl 'to. twist 'the mle'ililni !fig: ~f 'thi~ p,alr~lb!1 e 'to that pu !'pose', It: is, so p'l~ iiniy ,~I lessen ;O!i1 th'~ ca U Sie: 'Olf I SIC k ;[lInd '\iV,s mit. J esu S lexpre'siSl~V states ,tt hart t!he ~uth wabS,ted his, UJI bste n~e in ,a II War" 00,0 iiit~,..'~ cal [P~ aoe: whefie th e diiVli'lF!le 11alw CI,f pl~ler1ifrty was· 1i10't rea,l i~ed. llil,eif'\e is ,a, 'Vel ii"'V d~,:s.e rell al~~,ofil betwee'fiI, rteeeus liii'lo~i file: ,3indi WaJlfili'~'"
Pe,lf£>onlS, who wa:s,te t:h e~ r SOl!! b!liil!;;!!lF!!CH' ii!ll sensat'uol'il 'CO me 'ito W,!flIiFlit;' iw. bot n pt!ry$;iIC~I~ §II lrlldl 'filt1~ n ci'~11 w',~ly,s- Ilf W~' wl)l,JIIld ml~llI(~ U11~' r r\l~t~r~ l!.J:se o~' ttll€! ,d ~'!Ji il'ii i! SUi bstanca i!:Ilnd it,h e: d jvine law I' wee m ust IOXlJ m,e: ~,I!iIIi:'k 11:)0 'tfile iO(!l!fiII~c:'i:©Iil.i sness !of ~he f:,l;l!ltlh'i!F ,l;!lndi C(Nl :!:jJi~i!i've Q u r bo~hl sub:s:t~ nee. lhe'l'i!l h~"~llth and ~lrO:§5p@'fi1ty wi II be ~Q me niiU ~ [jail ~y ml!;nlliiif,e.~t;, lf we' ~lr'e not Wle$i,i)lllll'l;;lef~11 o~ :$e¢~ re in Q!;iI r Wlse' o~ the! Olllle d'i~vine :s~bst'alllliCe~ 'we fii!lIr-e nOi~ se cur-e in ,a l1yth i IllIB:. SlIl!bstanoe iis iii ~~lry; ~ m portt.~ nt 'Eh il!l)g: ~ fill ,out" w,or~ d, iin f~ ct 't'h~ fo U n d 81~~C I'i! cf it. 'lJih,~'I'~'~ ~o re' we should Ib.e se CUI roe 1m au r lJIlnde r:s:tarndi n.g o:IT I~ :i!a nd u s'e rt: ,alccomWnl~ to Go d I~ 11~lw ~
Th!~g1J let us' enter 'iirlfto th @! "lie ry Tru ~h ,of 19 el ng a nd ObS~'N@' t hli! d ivi n e law, ~t u s lr'e~ I i:ze th~rt ,~)~ C" F~r~h e r iis ,a!llwa~ h e ire and 'tlnlat: \i!;.re a re ilill a "fa r ee U lilt FYIII 0. iii hI when we fo figet Itt is, Iil resence, HI Ii! ts con stan Uv rg,irlli fi111!:: UlS jusit: wll~~ '~\~ will ack,rN~H"II~iI~hdg~ ;and ~~~~pt. unde!l His ~{lW'. W"e can iti;~e ol.l!r j'fii Ii"H~:riirt:alnCie ,and diivo rce IOIIlJ il'se Iv!!:!!:, ii iI1 [lon sejeu ~,iiU~l:SS from 'tD1 e F,a't:li);l~ r, buPt !.IV,!! sh fJjll :~u.rfft:·r the r@·s u lts, fuw then we· shalll not do; t:hilin:gs ln d ivi rre 'wi:sdom i'!illi1rdl dhi'linre' (J,rderJ! alnd thelfi'\e willill !be a ""iimlrui~ii in 'that land, lfglt: us' ratllheg" seek the' dii\fi~rne 'wi:sdr.nm ~~ know' how tlOl hand III! eu r SiU bs~italil1Ce alndi t ne I ~w ()If prn\S~p.€!:ritv wiill ib@ r€!'\i!\eifii~ed tal us", 1'0 COlm@ into ,1tMs l!"e!alli'.z;~lIIlt!h~l!Iiij. d@ch~lli'@ 'witilil f.a iH~ a !II d ,~II !'!! SSI.!!Ira ncs: The ,1ilII· p rovidii'!'i!,g M~'nd ~s my raseu rCi@., ,~Indl II .1ij1!'if!1 secure iiii'il mv pros g)1i2'r'i'ty.
IPrilmli1tilv'e IMen dlid rri Qtt ~Ql!'lt~rl! d '~'~ r Ule p I!"Qdl!.Jct~ ,grf ln~tu r~' :~~ 10 ng; a$ th~y' 00 u I,d ea si IrV pi i ek 'the 'f'ruil ts 'from 'tihe tr,ees a fildl !ij,lee'p be neat h '~h,e' bra neh as, Wln@W1I th'@f b@gsn to Uv@ in Ce!v@S ICOIi1~@nUIilII11 a Ifii!J.S,@ 'OI!J/l@LIl' the be:st !!Ih!!O@S:i' ~ii'illdl t he ~tr'O fi!s:e~t: w'e:re usua lIy' t hie vij,ctOir$. III S~,cCie~s h~,a ds to' ~1lI cce';S$,. n. ''fno:5!,-e 'IN he 'we lfie lEI b h= 'to talk!!' t ne best did se a nod prov'e'di UN! ~:aw th al~: !!w~lo~oeVt8!r t1J at h to h ilii'll1 s h:a III ib@ .-:- Iv€!! ill- iallnd he' s:.ha II Ih:av@ ;;'iiibUliFlld a n fil9. !! iihl;;;
- - - - - - - I - - - - - - - g. - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - -
seems ,art f\lirst 't:h 0 ugh, tol be ,a n um,~u st I anN I but ~'~ ha.s, all wal~,s 1~I~e\llalilled in 'the' ~tF~~ i rs of' t:h ~ 'w1odd _ J e;sl).Js., the' gr~atl~Sit 'Of~ Im;~tr-aIPlhy:siiicil~ III 50" t~iu.J\glht it as ~I dh~~nle' Halw and ~;a\i\'e. illt H~ 5 !comlmelrlldat i1on. Hie OO!JJ lid rniO~ IiIliCilve ej'OIl1 e otlh~rwisl~" 'f'CH' it i15 ~ r i,ght~iO!Jj s law that ma n sha II iha'ljJ\@ W hat h@!' I@la!'"ns,. til !1!Jt: industry .. efllficlIlrt", ,8lri1di ab~lli1t.y bt~ re,wairdedl and l.l!Iziness diISCgIlJ1i'81@;,ed.
'Tnii~ law' 0 ~tJ;n ates i!ill e'V€1!1V d'~lPta rtm ent ,of b€l'i !ill!!!::, 1111 05,~ who seek '~he' ttl Ptnl8:$ ~hat ~he ~1M:Ii:t!elria~1 re ailim In:a s tOI !CIf~'e r 1JJ:SllJa Ilrv 'Fill'il d tlil em. l"h O\SJe 'i.ivho :s;lttrT~e f'or' mOr,a I @()(~e Illenc'@ u SIIJ,~ I ~y ~tta Ul~ 'th~t g:ol1i1i! I, 'flnoiH~' who; ~ispi fie tto' spi fit u.~11 rew,;a rds ,Ei! re also lir'~W;a ira €l d. 'iI"h e lalw its, th alit 'We ,get wh arlit we' w.a lilt and '!NO irk. f,e r'~ aln¢! all e:l(peJie"~e a Ii d hiiStory h,ave pr!l)~Enj it a goodl I~w ~ If Ui ~~ law !io\Nerre lremoved" wlOdd jpll"'ogr'e,s5 w~uil!jJlld ,cease' and the raee ibeco:m,e ,e:xtlnc;'!!'.
W here itthe re is no l!lew,'!1~d for ,ef~o rt, the~e wTl11 be' no ,effort i1lrid societv ''I,I!iill ~ deg)~ln~~te. W,e m~'Y ta Ilk 'wi$~ly ,~lboyt 't'hl~ i n ner .,IIrg)~,;; bUlt W'1li en it has o,~ ou'tte;[' fi,e~d of a d le n 'i t even'! tj,aJlII y bec:omes d HSC'O iJj il"al~ed a rfI d ceases ee act,
W hen me iii eVQilve :6 p-in1ftualllly ,it~ i1J1 'ii;e'rt;i;i'~111 ,d'elr'ee" til ey Qpe'nl li.Jp in i!'i err 'fi-a elullt~es '~hat: 'il:cnnec,t: til e m w'flUn 00.:5 m le Mind.. a nd ,aiti!r~ii'lnl results U~ ~t a liie ~(;un,~i mes so start Ii fig ttlh~'t th~ $~,~rrn to Ib~' mi~rialClll~ wo li'k,~r!,;,. Wh~t ~~ ~m~, mtraeu IOI!JJs Is ~he actlon of mue:ii O:rli pta n e:s, iD'r co nseleu sn ass liiI'Olt p re~1 OUlS!'!/, llDndie r,Stood., Whew. ,,,1 Im~ 11 relesses th~ p'~we rs o:f his SiO I!)II,~, he d 'H~;~ m'~lrv)e+5i, iill the S~i!:htit' ,of '~he mI3tle:rHall-m~nded.ll butt he' has mot departed fwolm 'iI!he' ~a\N'" IHe ~ s mI'elF,elly 'f1li.l1netkHl iFllg in a een sei eu sness t'nalt 11 as b~eln :SlP,o'r~dk~l~ Iy' m~ltlli fies~~d by ,gre~t: IIirllem Ii [1i1 '~IIII ~g)e~., M,~1il ls greiiiilber th~ ill a II~ ~1iI e ot her c)~e;atiolfJ1s, of 'God-M ind be'~ I!J:$E; he has U~ e iii b ii~ii tv to pe wce ive ,arndl to Ilay hQ~d of the ldeas ii'ua~~r~nt. Ii" Glad-Mind and ~hlf'Q'1.I!8h faith br'ing 'th~nl! unrta, mallnirf\~H];taj't;~o:n" 'IFhuiS e!V\Olut~ on IPWlO oeeds b,V' m'iaili1':S ~,ayiliill h'li)ld olF IP,rilfin,all spilritu:a I i'd!@ii!IS :a n dI i!:':tC;llilf-eSS i'1'lI,g tJh@m in ~nd th rO!LI8lh his, eonsciou sness.
lin 'the lI1!(Xerci:se ,olf h~{s, I AM idenUtv main nEieds ~o de:¥el,~p 'c'e'rtah~ s,'b~IIb~U;dng id,~;as. Onl€!' ,Cit( 'tinem, is. conritti 1I1!JJ lit)!', or' kiiya ltv, to iliruitth., lin ,t.he; Sicri ptu r~S. alril,di illfb m:e 'we h!'!!flIIe' ml:ti!IF!IV e()(ampi~es of tH:lW' lo~e s:l!ioil:::s, "l~ai 'the '1rihTU'i1I~ (lIn wh~'ch iit h~IS, set its. Imii nd, NotJh~ n e: $!~ te;n,d~ WI $itt;l b Ulii:ze ~ IiId un ufV a II the' oeher f,s tI~11 tie's ,of mi n ~ as love" Ih at is wlay Jle,~ us OiEiV1e a s 'the [g,we~tes,t eernmandment th at we h~)I!J~ Gog,_
W h@rl! Y'Olli ~in;t b eIR)l'n to 1!:lh~'ril k ,~f ,(3jod ~:S' @\i"@'fywh @ ~@, ~ ~@se:fII'~ slJJibs~a nl'C@ji VQ'~ r mil nd will not 'i1id~er'e coniti n I!.H'!!.IS I)V to the' idea" "i('O!.ll wH 1m dlr,t)p' 'VQllI r attentti on ,~ffte Ii a wlnii Ie a nd th~ nkr 1111 hav!en't e.nowlfgh to meet: ,ill UI eu r bi~ Is. n Th~re 'you til ~~ m ~de ,iSI bli'\~a k, ,a rnd h~l~e: Ilos~ mlO rr ... ~! iIltJ!UIM in YOUIi"' 'Oil1;B:~ing~ and y,ou must' patch n u p qtdc~ly'. A'f1ii Il"m(, ~II ,!aim iil.01t C'olin.c' ~o be led a:str,3V" The 'o;ld iiCIe'a:s ,all!1~ error and 1jhey' ,~III'1~ n O'thi rig, 'ilihey 1h1.~n.!'I~ 1111([1' pO~'F (lI''!J1: r me, II ami goiill~, '~O sittldl: ~o 'this p,rop,oi$,littiICHiI. God ~s lolte ... ~he '$Uibl$,t~nCi!!1' of my' suppl".u
IRut h.. the M,oa bi't:ush wo man, be'ca me se aUa!oil,ed t@ ~ aern i (spi rit uall 'thouslhlt;) '~I1~t she WO!JI11 d l!liO,t leii:!lv~' her cut: ,a cJOom p~nii'ed !her b~d< to IPali,es~ h'ii a, ,She w,als lo,VCl I aJlnd s~:e'adfaist beea u sa of he'll" leve, 'What W3:5, th e' !'@',sli!lt: of h@ r ,~~ tek-te- itijVien~'$~·?' Sh,e w~:S ~'~ 'fiirst: ~ ;gl,e<~n~r-~ t:i'l1'l2tn Ibe~a m e th,e wife' of a ''!I·e ry rich m,am Sillilid was ~ mlmlorrttil n z:ltid as, o ne ,m t he iCiliillOest ressss ,of IDravilct '1r~ i$, h~:~i$@f!1 @f albkl img: iii iOUr' hi'gl't! es,t: ~dei!9ll$ 'i':s 'CH'1!ie thlatr. 'If,Jle Il1I!!JS't unde rs,t3irnd. Nlo1!hi riig is so i m ~:'h] rita Int .a So stickilii\~ to, ,tt !h!e idea I ,a,li"lidl n ev,er'
~jvvlll~ l~ p; the 'wor k. W\f!: ha:~e se~ out to ,[H:~lO ml~lli$ h,. A'ffi I'm dille ta liM eenein~IOU sly ~ rli d be II O'V~ II 't)CiI itt ,€II flI d youl wi~ I blj~J;,o,m ~ :$ll),ll( iCG'S'$,fw,J11 in liits ol~'m !l)n,str,a· ~ioii1 "
\f,O!i,j h,a,Ye d1QiUlb~ h;;s~ fQUFI dl th at t hem-e i:s;, a s p imutlA,a\11 law' ~lhat bri I1g'5, ifliltl~' manii ~es;~at:ion 'the t ho'u,gh~s W\i2 OO'lfN::e nt:ra'te o'U1r iiilitjlenHo.'n en, a d1i\lTIi1 e !!Jn~~~~111 larw ,0-1" 1m vnd ~~tiV:1 tv 'thi~~: il ~ Y1fi1if~ ill iinig, S,i::) m!~ ,~dV\~iF'SEi ,c'O\~d.iltioiO O'f '!fOU r O\~ Iil t.h1'iJ'lllght hals, p rewfIlrted ill fllli ~ de monS~lr,a'it~"Ul. Do, f'llott II,et 'tJbis ~!l! ~e y'O u fll"om y@u r ~oy~ I~y' to ttl! e I~ w. You m,~¥ ~e e m 'to .att~li flI re~y Its \Ie rv slllO'wh,', butt th at 1;$, t hie best W\ea5'O n '~'or S'liiicki iIlg el os>el~ t)O ~o U U' mdela I aJlilidl ~ot: eha n~:i[ne: you r mlii nd, B@ le,a ~ b) P rindlfl~,e a nd '~h@' a d1jJ\ers@ ,corruJitio n 'wi 11m blife~llk IUlp. I ~,en 'tth~' true Ilight: 'Wi~! eome ~ilm:ll the il1l'visiblle $Ub~;tiiillill(Je yOlJl !have be e ill fa il, f'l!! Ih~ affilwm inc, wn I b,e.n in to, rE~l!Veal~ iiitsel~ ~o \i\O u i ~ all ~ its h,J II~ n'~~!5 o,f ,g;~NJdl,
,] @~SIUS, stressed the· ii',d@a th aJU Glod h 1iiI:S; made a b u nd !i!l!n~ plrcvii'sioin fo Ii' a II Hls c:h lid ren, eve n 'IlL 0, 't he blrds 'M the illilr ,i!1Ind the' Iii Ii es of' th ~ fiel d. "he L,_o rd til iEI$
if" I.,...,"IL. "".,-II 'loll'" 'I' ',iuFt,1.. 'i"I" .... ,I" ~ "'ub- slt- ""'n""'''' ''''''', ~ II""dr"I ..... II,""lv ...... , 1';1 "" -d~.,.;I '~ ..... I .... m .... 1i1 1IFj;",'4:- 'U ..... I'. ~ ~~l. VrgLitl ~f~~ 'Al"_ II~ a~l!.!!!!~ a-. .' ~. ~~ gg ~j.15.! W~~ -r Qg ITlIiii . _!l~ ~u U ~. II U!ii-!l~ J'W~
mus!t h.;3!VE!' f;a~ lith [in till is alll~prD~ i d O["II suibsta n'D@' of gCiICl,d a 111 d by 'you r 00 ntH !1iuity off i'!m,~ ~i rrJ ~tioltl :set it t,OI form ~!I!,~ the th ur!\~S you ,de:s~ ra. If vou ~lf'ie pe rsis't)e'lnrit i n w,orki[nG, 'th iI:s; ii dl~';l in VO ~ r conscious mi~ndl~ it v-liiil ~ eiV\e'fill~Ua~ hj!' dro'Rl' d~wn i IiTl 0 YOll[J- su b c:ornsd~u s mli Wid ~ III d cont~ iii ue 'to wOfik there w~,elt'ie Uli Illg;~ 't8Ik~ 'fio rrnl ,a[lIld Ib~'oo m'~ [Mia III ii1f~:~t- ~[nIVh~;lubl,~ ~ulb'S~~ n oe'" whern you r su bee nseteusness be cemes ~i~ ledl 'wi'~1h lit to the overHolw I n~ ~Hil nt, wi III '0 !J\ze:
Olllllt~, as it 'W@Ir@,; tnte a II 'ye'l!! r ,i!'ffe!i~ rs, V'Ol!! wiill~ beeema more P fiCliS":H!?:[fOll!:S a nell sU'i;;'Ge~~f(ml so ,gr,~'d ~,~II)y" ~ii iir'IlplVI' ~ind f'IIi9rt lJ[r,~ l'Iiy t:ha't you w~ Ii n~;)t rea Ili~,e th CiI't ~t: denfiv!!!s, from !a d~vi rile SlCNJ! rea a nd iin a ns,w',er 'ttiO \1'Q III Ii p.fiEliye rs, 'W'e must: ~'~III ize' ,~III t~ ~ whi ~~ h(DW~ve'n' 'tll~~ wlhliat)~~e~r w,~ putt as ~~ E!!d i mJ't,o 'th ~ SUI boo nscleus ~oi I w'U ~ !eve iiiltua~ Iy' bri nc fb'if1 h a f;tE!'r' its, ki nd a Ii1d 'we must: e~erciis~ ,the' g)r~';ijt~s:t i~a utuOIll1 SiQ' tthl(lt: we dOl net thl III k or' t~11 k: ~1b!C!ut: i lJ"t5 t1fficiEH'i rey or a I hlW' O"~ hers to 'tallk '~O us ,a b out ~~. ,A$, 'w'e s,o,w i[fi [in ind SIO sh,~11 'we re~ p' in ma n if@:5I~,8!ticn.
Some' o~ our' w,el ~~'m,e:a ni ng friends h,ave ,a 'way of ~oadiiir!l,g 11lI~, u P' '!@/it h l~haWid,-· ~i'fn~S.'~ ideilJ~ th'iii!~ dilspl~gr¥~ thus 'p.'r'o,~pl~rity ~,iJJb!italnc~ t'fHlt W€' hlav~' accumul'a'ilJed. S(!Jom ett~m!e's: eVel11 '()ll"ha: ,:;g Giv,elj",5;,e th olllgtn: wiiU ea llIse' it 'to. esea p'e,~: the Ii'1I
- -~ ~- ;t'-jI;;- - b'l'!;"'"k ~ -d -c"'''''~'h' c *Ih""" iii;;. - .... k ... ~ ~~," .... - ......... "- .... f - 1~~1!-'''''ri -, .... ",,,,",,, -Ik"i --
we m'lll~~ g~ .g\.._" ,~WL pJ;;!il~!l:_-' up .~ __ '- !!IJiIJ1~~ en li'ie:;!',=,Jr~~I[r ~_ ~511!J!!IJS anee "~II"~[!~_ ung,
We iii iSliV€' t~ Illlo~1 01 it in 0 ur ii'nlind ~ n a I1II iits fu IIII ness SliiiIldl wei shio i!j lid net let go !olr it fOIF a mlii'l'l!ut;E' le:st: tine W10'rk: c,f demOti$'b'.a'~iol1 be detaye,t;L Whlen 'You rE!ti[re M [j"w'ij!lht'~, let: yc,u r Ih31St thou~:Hij't bie' iaibotJIItt' the eli bu iii dance ,or spi roil U al~
substanee, See it filillii'ril;g an d'H:: hOIU~e and the· m'iinds of ,~II t!he pec)!l,~e in the hOU$€!', TI'li €ilrt: P ctent tlti'u)'ughlt Wlill Un e 1!1 :$ iioll( ilr'irtlO! yOII,JIIr' $Ulb(JClIr!i:~HCi'O'li $riiless al!l1di eern I rn!.Jiie' to 'W\~}fk whe-tlll elf VO ijj dire als.lre'ei P or ,aJwi!lllke.
The ~aw ,LWf $ i.JIPlpll V is a d i\!ii ne II;~ w. T1hii~ miel~ ns th !;lIt ~t ls a law Gf fin iirnd and mWJs~ w'O'rk 'throrus:h mTllld. 'G,od wi~11 1ll0rt [go te '~he· Bfi'iCC:ery :and bring flOod to, y~H,li r ta bl~., But wh'~It1 VO~ c@rrt lin ~ ~ t() ~ hiinlk :Eilb~ ut G,od as VIOii!,jm'" fI~~~11 su (:)plyl.' el!Jerytih'l n I i iii \frOM r m tn d begi I1S to ,awake'lil ,i3lndl tto' contact ~he dii'Viine SlJ b,~t~lt'u~e~ ~ nd ,~S, \!"Olll m,old i'~ in ~DUlr CO;I1! s;c~o 1"II,5,ness" ide,~t5i be':m:'in te 'co Iii e wlil tch wllilll OOrrJlfillec;~ ,¥,O,U wi't:h 'tlhe· ltJiiis.i b I)e mCilnii ~·es'r:atil!l;n. "\j!J first geitt th e id~a5, in eenseie us ness, clijlfi~N;;t ·~fom th!Elu f' ,d i~i o,e: se u ree, a nd tlh~l!J Y',O'iU begi IfI to de m on strate Ii n thle' I~ uter, mt ii~ an e',~,$lu ~ ~rW ,a Irld ilt i~, s(;i~nl~in(: allildl unf,g!illifiC. "lfim;s't the blade, then U.e, then H~ie full~ grain iin the ear."
W her-II yo",!! work In h.i!n liTH':NI1Y w~ith ·t!h'is un iVEH·S:a II Ilalw I' ,e'VlEH'V liI,eedle d ,t h inll is, ~brul!f1lldalnthl suppl i@d. Y.our Pili" hi S;ilM ~ ~ to '~'ll! m~1 the l2lJw;'~ hat isj. to k@,eIP' YOtii r' mll,nd ~~llled wil ith rn Irnd $iU1lbs~a nee, to ~tall''ei IIlJ p' spi rltua I subs~;arnce unlt'lll the rn irv.d is, fi II ed wit h ut and i'l: ca Ii1Iil,o't: tHi~~,P lib ~t: lin ia!liIiif'es;t in '~OIJr' aff,a!i rs iln! oibe,d ie n iDe to th e ~ aw !UWh DS!O@W'F h:atn" ta., him 5h,;3111 be, 8iv~n. ii B,Ultt. vou i8ilr,~ not fulfill ine 'the I ~~~ w'ben v@ Y a U,ow pov@ rtv"'strk~el~ t~ou~ hts to ,d~ie~ I ilr!l you r mind. llnev dtr,arw other lii~~ 'th,!i)I,aIS!hr~S~ iI iii d yt) UJ Ii censclou S.i"iH~$S· w'i111 h,ave:' no re 0 IiIfflI for the truth that prospelri'l'\!" is for yotl. ib"o'llet["ty or pr'Q.s~ef\Ttv~ ~t all~ d~ ~I~rnd~ Orl you- AIIII tilta~ ~h¢ F,~~II1~r' h~s, Ii So 'y.',g·u r$., b!,llt YI!lji;u '~llo n,~ ~Ir"~ res.p on ~.ilb~ IiI! ":0 r '~h e rei a tic iliI:$.h ~p ,or t.fil,e. Fath,eril's IPod to, yOl!! r IIU:e. '1Iihrough c'OnsclOII!JS f@C.og:D1 utij'o n iOiF YC'Ulf' 'CJifil'i@ ness 'IN tth the [fiillt h@ir fa! nd IH is ,~bl!lndialm::e' VQ'~ d r,arw t hie' ~liv'll1lg $ub~ta nee ~ nto vilis.iltJi e su p'ply ~
DQ' net hi~si't~I'C~ '~() tlhiirnk '~h at P fOS;P elrity ils; f:Of YOIi.ft., IDo net 'f\~~Ei I lli I'iI won hy.
[a.,,... ""li""l:. ,,., ~~ ili'1I..':i""lIi""'ht~ , ..... ,f· ~,""~ n,~ .. m''''' "lIivr t\o"fo i'"i, ..... ,,~ 1jI"Ii.1- 1":110\"'1,'" ... ,,,,: :"" .... J" ..... v~ ii":i .-:;11."\ .... fi"'I"!;~
~QIII all~ Gp.~ '~I~u .t:::Jr __ oil!!i.i! ~G~ ,9 a GIJ'I:!-:l!" .,V 1Y!~I~n!'n;;:;jIIIb-~. ~~!U WIII~ ~1~."U·~'l'.il! ~~'¥tGll"YJl
but :som e ~11i:!'ople :Si~lell'illl 'to' enjoy' the :5!\fm p~tlruy ~ilnId "0 m p'~lssi!OlIi1 t h~y 1C~lrli e'Mciite· bec,iiillllllse' O'f it. Overco'I'i1Iit=' any lea Iniil file: ~n 'that d irJecr iOii"li and ,evelffY' be'l ie~ that 'you w~r'e meant no b@ p~O'If. ~ 0 one is eve,lf l1op~ less ulntt i ~ hie is, re'5.ig,nedi 'bo! ihli 5 ~lmiEJjg,iiril e d 'Watt.e'. TEl inli( prospe·riitY'j tal k. pro.s p,E·dty" mot. ilru g:e 1'iI'12r.a I bUI~ in S j:H!.cufUc te'rm:s,.. not as some.thi liliB: f.or til e other 'Fe Irn!Ow but, a1S, yo·u r very' own lIirs:ht:. D~n, ~'\f~h" i! ppe;a ria nee 'off hi! il ure. Sti!lnd Iby' 'fO'!iJ If SliJlrlrs, and! arfflinm su ppl'Y'~, s u P'P;@rt'I' ,a iii d ~,IlJ~cess In ttn,e 've fi"V faee of q 11H:i·sitio n a[lfIdi doub~i' the n gi~'@ th'~!lks fot pl,elnttry in ~I~II 'YlO I!J r' ,a'ff~wrsi' u.cwli ng re Ii' a e@!"t~i nt, that yl~HJI r go~d1 is nOiW bel rag fulfi 111!e:d ~n :Spilditt~. ~n Imiiirnd~, .a rnd in 1'iIi11;Ei iii ifJe:startio iii.
He m a ketli1 me to [I ie d(rjwn ~ Ii tru2 CJ@lnseio usness @'~ Ofmllnmpresle nt ~ bllJ ~,. dalnce'~
1l.!I IC!'.II "Id"""i;h """,;go 1"1""" the p"",;j-Jh"" of n o,\ .... ""n; ..... it,u ,:1""""11 i..ii ls n ""'m- ';::01"" sake
Ill ; d,~ .' ~'~ . 11 Iol1[1iiiiii; !Ill! 1_ .. . gl" !iiIi I. I ~I!j W'~fi'.~ 11 _ !III", ~ 'IJ.' j 1riI_~ .~. II I ... _' l.il1i[liii;l !r\~ a
'1' ~s S,A,F E: to $iay' tllila't ,~U rifll@ III ,~r@' $.tr~v~lnlfl' to h~ lfiln th@, 11,151 'iN O'~ db ~ii r Ibl@ing'!.. b ut 'f~w Iha\i!'e U nderste odl th e I,aw. llhe I,a'w ii:s, (P ne ,olf 1: h,e m C'HU: ~lmlPo rtant tr.h i f1Il!l: s 'w'e ca n $'ludy., b~CSl!!J! SlJ!' en h~' as ~ com~ 'to • .Iu'1uJJe'fstand it ,a!Od i n plf'U po IftiiOlfl a 5, we u ndle rstand lit cain 'we tCornlPlly' 'ioN Ii~h lts req uilf''emlt8'rlts allildi die'!m,oll!J:sJtrab~ ,ou Ir d ulline ~'OiS:5jibij ~iitve's thro'l!Jg,h it.
In re alclinlE!l' the SClii ptures W'e ,I Iii ill diu al ~y ra ii:s:e' e IJJ Ii' ee nseieusness !!Ellf t ~!i!1!'ml i8JS m@'fn, Iniil>~o""'~ :and ~i!!!!~'ill'1l ''''.0 ~ ': 'n~h-:riiI!l]1 ''''h.m,m as ,~,~'~'I',ili'll- 'fo--:n Ul@' nlin,,-.ui-~ 1-: ""f'
-- ---!!; . --;:!'--. ~~ -- -C, __ - I~ - -If}.p- _ - _@ - __ !!. __ 0;:; ~ ~_I!,.!!, ~_ ~-1!;4 - _ p_ - _~_p @ .... _
I,aw !l)tf I i~e,. W',e '~ind the gre'ilu' B iib~e c'ha racters '~i U~ filg i fIltto tihe pat!!!er\iil off' ou r 'Q~vl'li eonsel eusness, whe tJ"e!' th ey r'e'p'r'e'$~nt: idle~al!!ii.., 'ilihi$ ma ke's th~' Bi b~e ~I dii'Yii n e 113010 Ik lof Urn: rat her th am mu;!:'r,e'~'( 11Ith:~ h iM1O'1i'V of a iPe o'p Ie. 'lIh,e ide~ ,of the ~aw is. sVrl!nlboll ized by' Me Si~S., ~ n (loll! r IIll1dhitildu.a II ICOIl'S;ll::kH~S,lflN~SS he liS, dle'iIl i a IJ tt !hIe Ine',galtive' side ,Off ttlille' la '!iii ~ Iil,~t P r,eceiCIl!?s i Its; ~il'fri rm;atliiv'e' e')([p~e~si CH1. M ose s gave U'l'1! Iia W as "Th eu sh ~U: n et, [I J e:51IUS, i1i2tpirese fits the ~aw -in its, ~lf'f~F1m ~Itive oe:i!:,p1 r€$,S'j on 'illhlOU $n,~ 11:, hJye' ~nl~ Lordi ttrry G,o d. Ii
M OS@:5 CO u Idl n ot g'o i ate t h~ P roml~:s,~d L~ nd" the 'f,ol! r-d i mensi'o;r1I'~ I s;~~t',~ of eenaeteuaness, fer the re ca n b IE: mo nelisfil!ll,o'fi1 ti-l e re, ~\Ii)~l1ItUa,- wholse Ina me h-- '1"1L..r"'JiII-1 - ml-;-~'In-' --, iI! .... a'" of' J-',-U-'-'Iiil>- 1-'-.11 *lh- 1i)~'lI'iliir-I-;i,I il ... I' ..... I- 1'-.11
__ :as: I",~!E! ,s_me eanl. -G, as: "'" !._."' __ . e,s -:!iil' e!lll!.'elieY! ~ __ e !Fro .\SeU! !!.<!;:!nl!.;! aili1Y!
ope filled '1i:h ~ way '~o,r t ~;8' Chii Idr~n of [I smitS ~ II. l!FIe ~epli1ese'fiIts the flilr~;t: ~~e P' ilrli mi'fi! ~ 'it!Owa lid th,!E!ii!l: fillJll ~ eensetousness of th e '@imni P Jiie:!ll€!!!!'i!IClei' ,:;!!Ifilid OfntrlJiIP(ltlenOE!! of G(:l d ,that: W,~I$ altta~in ed in Jesus. Mose s was. th e h[lwgiv~r-;, and Jesus W~$,;; i III H hi own wonills~, 'I he 'ff'ulfl n m i::'w.'t of' '~he' ~,aw"
l~e m ust begiln ,to $~'e Uti i~, 'f~u rr'~d mme'fi1 ~;i'O'fIl;~ I 'iN\!lJ rrld wil~lili rill w'itlh ~it~ ilFili1alte ca PaJC'llty for '~III th illi1BS,. Ev.ef1~lh~ filS i~, lfii!lrut here!", a n t'h:tlt ,ever 'was er E!lY'1elr 'CQUllld be, $11 m ply W~ itiing to b~ b ro~glhrt fort h litll~Q ma n if'~t;~ltio 11!. ih e lord! has preplGIllt'le.d a gIiEhi~i~ '$e.a:st ,ililfiildl irnvirit'ed ,s Ii 0'(' 11JJ:Jii t:o' il ~,i .Jrmrt ,Eli is, Je.:.\iUS ex ~ I a~'ne.dl i 0 par,~ ble. W@l I'1Ila\f~ Ifug ht h eire 'wi~ n uri'! ,~I'i! d ~ I ~ ~ ~~l!I f1I d u~ th i~ su b,S,t~lr1I ~t!! rea!diy 'r;o,r OUIII aIPlplf'\Cl!'p'ria't:iol11 'CH' 'el9iti ng. E:a't ~n:!5, ts the' 'C'l!!b,::!'11 s~m!bol ~f ment';all ,i5Itppro priatiollll, 'W@ b~gii rlIi to b~a II. bn~'i5IId lOY' Ib'l"@a king 'ilih~' S Ii;I Dsia nc,@ of min dj. e\l''efvwhe re' :a b U ii'ida r!ld~ pr:O'Yiidledm
We have d ~soo\fered that there' is w~t hii n us a ~i[~'e fOllce' 'that ca n be' qU~d~l~lrl~d ililltO' gr~aft'liit e3Ctiiviity bV I'll inlii rli£, E V€'!'ri/CJII'ii e hl~;$ ,at: some '~i rn i! de'im(lJilIl strated til art fJ'le C(!I U Id over'Co m eJ the' n ega ti\!'Je' con d iC i en of wEM!I kn ass by ho~dii ne Ui!I@ 1tJho'l!Jg ht o~ s~r!l;!!'11 gth. SQ~iTN~t~ mas the st r;ength f'Oin~,S, Ui,e tlilQ~sht ilmmed1i;~f~eIIYJ ;~~,met'ime;::il the' th(~uiS:ht fii'illli5.t be' per.5iiiist~'fiIU~ IIi'h~'ld for days er wee'ks, lin de mlornstratillllB the lia'w ,of ,eVi!!if- p'~eseli'i!~ ab!JJllilda nee we ~h'(H,lild ~ I1!d d 0 ,~'~p~~t ~ h~ ~alrnl€l' n~~Y Ilt~~ If t:h~ d~'il'! (j!1'i! ~tr~nio:~ S~~ m,s, ~,IIO~I ilrli (;0 miin~J' Ipatience: an di pe Iisiste'fiI'ce; wnJl wi n. ililli1at m all be Ibec:a !J.II~ie. 'tih,e pave fJ1:y leo rlsdc usness h as a teln~lcio I!JS, h@,~dl ail!lld t~ k~$ effort to b e ,~ot' Ifidl of.
Tihleli'i~' i s a law' 't111~t: gove rn s tllfu~' rna n i'fe:~rta'ti(tl;n 0-( ,S,l!! plp,I", ,SlIiI d we' riIfIiay' h~\~ r rIi ~hat: llla\~ and ,ii!llpphr i~ by' menta I determ inat:ion a fa d 'fa it:h "'n tlnl!!' IO{ll:fca ~ !ieqlllJ~rM;;Ie~ of ~pi ritt.~'~11 ~~II ili e~,;, 'W',~ hilve ~IhQlught tih1!:!l'l the ~;~W,S' of Sod w~r~ my,st!E!:rilo LII.!t:, a fJ"id ,S aJc1r,ed", fa r 1f";e.:miOve~1 'from 'tlil,e ordinlialr'V' iillie ~V~dl!llam1' and 'thlialt:
W@ had bi~itt@'r ,ttry' '~~nit to 11'@8rn the laws o,f 'f'DOd~ o,f m @di~oiin@'ji o'f,~ thousi'!illi1dl ottlhe,r' Se'Q!O;i1i d,Qlry 'thlne:s,. A :S,'!! riet rn !ina p'h~ lic~a n looks 011 ill I II these tern pOllr.iSlll hrw,s, as second~lrv tc 'the' 0 ne ~aw' 'Cidf G eel. Thait CHi) e la'w'~ we' a e 'blh:tl ts ,to be' wnittit!HIl iill1l QU r h il!!!a rE; DU r ~ n'W;3 rd pia !its", T n@n there is, :sclm il!!!t n lriI,g 'with ilrl IUS '~hat r!J~tl!l rail IV lI"'espond s to th @ ~,~rw iiil,f G,od. If w>e ,!'JlCJCI;:'pt thi:5 as '~rI);lE'" tlurt we, kiil OW th e one l.arw' bV a n Uli1ln~'r i rite IliigerH::e ~ fild 'that ~ II othe r laws ;a re seiCcndia FlY te j'~" W'e< are iill a P CHi! i~i'@Jili1 to ~:,et: resu 10.. te od'e'm enst ffa'te, pro~ p~rity_
~In the: nar~JJ.JJr~ I world a be ut lI! S W@ :!i:l@:@ til at @"jf'@iI"vtnlng lis ,gOV@H1!@,r] by law'. W~ ~llI'\e t'Q Iidl ~hgrr: thre' 'whol,e ;;ilnii fin ~~ klmidl~ rn is S 1:..1 ~d ed bV' mril s,tin(:~", Many' ~he'ori'es have bel!! n ;~ d van oed te e>i:IP~,a in iins.~~ net ~1Ii1 terms of m,a!te'ria ~ UlOlLligJhtt:, So m,e p,~ii III)S~lplh~rs, ~l~liite ~Jt;at:ed ttiJ,alit it is, SoC) m ~~ h iill1llg Ih~ ill ~,ed dOlo\!" n fiiom 'Iiln,e' ce'iiI er atlo Iii to '~he iii ext, Dfil oorrporated in ,g,e rm cells, Whet her this ls '~r1I!J~ '@lr n O'ir;, t Ih~re us; ,even.! 'e\i'iidell!lc~ 'till at ~here' iis ~ 111~l;,~' l~iirth!l:T in '011" I';iIlrQ I!JIIll d ~he' ee nSi tha t: CiO,nit rels thei r fo rrn atiiofill ;clll1di dlupl j'catte~ 't he patteilln I alid dowlili ages ~lgo iml IMlo:~h~'r Ev@ a Illd F~tlh@1! Ada m. Th ~s is the ~,~w written in eu r i 1Il1Naluil pa rts, w hili[ h RS riI oil: a fi\gUl Fe' 'Df s P ~e c:ih b ut ,~ re (:'OgJlflmZe d 'f,ac~~ W'e mlUls~ lee k within 'fo r 'tt. e la w and no't: wii th ou '" lhe I a fit/S w,e 'fiiindl im ~he' ollltJer are 'thl~' Si~~orllid a ry ~1~iW,~, 'tne i nli Ii1 il~;e:. c;r~aJtive M'iilr'!Jd hra s [B:iv€l'i'1 ,to ~v~ry' 'O'Ii1'~ O'f UlS II Ik,'ei'l/ t;o, the 'wor]kJTngs o,r 'th is IUlnfa!~ lifill inne'r Ilaw. It ~~, thalt: elVlerV1.h illlS: we '~o~loh me'fiI't~llv Or' plhys~:e:a IIV ~e ~ ~e:Sje.rr'!lU :s,i)J'~~,t~n cii!!! ~ n d tt hat i't is, Ii mi'l:iedl Oilill~Y !by ,ourselves ln Ol!JU t~,ollU~hl'l1 cap.acut¥. We cannot ask IGod for more $1.Ii b!taln~ej 'ilfor' ~IhE; u fiI i~\er'.$e is lhJ U ,~W fit, 'W'e ea rl! ,i!llnd stl,Ould a.$,1{ mill' 1lI tlI @Ielr-.. 5'tand~liIg t-o ~av hoi d ,ar it: 'with !O Mlr' m'mlnd; t hatt ~sJ' 'if;o,r 31nl lncrea se' in eu r
ea fH~IC'iity., Salck of the' :SllJJib!U:a nee iis th e suibsta !l1ice id ea, ,[)1!1 d IIf!fMBlfiI is r~lated to' n~e C'~I!J $!€'! :$,ide Of till iis Ii d ~~I th "OU gh hl~$ 101 rlilcne$i$ with Giod.
YO!U mH:9IY t h iink t'h~t 'Y'OlW could liv\@ lbeU@f' i~ n d do mio'r~' ;~ood ~IW ¥j)JI!U h ad lets of m QI1Ef,(" lh ins;~ W'Ci!'u lid If1Qt: be ,g bit beu~r w ith ~Q ~ i~' YI,)U had ,~ rn'rilii III to f'II do~ I :ar~,. lIJJlnme~:s V'O!J alse h,a,d U~ e lunders,talndli!ilK te U! ~e it 'Fe Ii the e:o od ,orf y~H,li r~~lf' ~ n d ,O't'h~r~. WoUld V'ou g irv~' ~ ,(;hi Idl ~ Im'i I ~i(; i'iI d11i)11~r$ to, go buy C;aI fiI!!:IV ialndi ru!l:e' crea m 'if:Ollt" h~ msel f?' We' mIUIS~ 1e:I!JQI''iJ!e' wit hi ou r possesstens llDnti II 'we g,~t: the ~b~ U:ty to h,~~'u;:IIIe ,t h~'m, The'ri1 th e Ill~lw ~$, fulfi II ed; T~,e sl,li pply unf,olds at the sa m e Ii",a te aJ_5 the filieedl ow a bl 111t.v' to, U se s~bSil!a iiH:e, is d ev.el,-, oped. !Let us fi@~IIT!e 1th is, h~rw ,O"f unfold UII1,g, SJUI b!Sitta f1! ee ~nd Ise~ blJ~'Y ~o fu Ifi II iit i iil oli.ft~-el~'s b¥ d1ei!jj,~II~,pii ng, (J11:J1rr' Ii.Jlnder$~a iildi~nl£: ,~mld ,~Ippre( i ~'tt iion ,~ it. W',~ sh o,uld PIiaY W'O'f jllJ.!ist as m lJJ!l:fu each d iilY a s we' need or ea n hamdll e" 1HG j\lle iUS, 'this ,~h!l "I 0 l;J n' dlaii Iy br,~,~d r! ls ,;;I [pr~'y~ r U~iat 'cQnforlms, to ~ nif:!: diivine h~w al!ildl CilinISWi5!'rs iil'l!::!i:e I~"
II f'I filn~t:e M lind has ,; ~aw'fl:lll willy 'f'Oir pro'V'l!d ling i'I!S, chi h:~ r<e iii wiirth s !il[P PI~V for alii the:ir n ee.dls.. N othi rill bol, ~eft to ichialncle, Glcd 'feeds 't,h e b ~rd:5 ,olf the ai r aWN:'t c l\il~idlll€'S tln€!' Ii Ii ~s o:~' ,ftllil@ f\i,~~ dI,~, ;a nd ~€!: 'wi~ I f@€!,dl a rli d eleth ~ us. un 11@:ss, 'we' Im,~ k~ it I'm p o<s;s,ilbl~e' by ©;u r r~flJ sal te aic(;Jell'lt HTs be!! i)J1!ilty, Pay I said til ~r1l: 'til e fulfi Uiil'il\~: of itthe' law is k~\fe'" 'That ~'iS, exacl:h~~ 'what ~ must do~ 1(f'M"e the Lord alnd ~mJe:' our file[lt;'hbolf as ourselves, and II©fve' eur w©lrk, The h~I'!.lV irs 'thelfie~, in OUJF i IliW~ rd IP'~ rts, inl (II u r '\I'\~lIfl' t1J ealr1L We ~;:Jr'1I0W 'W'h~!t, .~~; do,,, W~ i~h)nl~~ h ~r'iJ\~ W, prav' (H" !bel fer God to gilt'e' us iaiFiiytlhi m,g" ,AU 'w,e ~ee d ,dJ,01 is tOI m ed nt~'t)e: qIU~if':!~~~Y a rid afiflflrtn tln@ ~lr-e:s'el!l!cJl! ,a n d ~iOW,@W ow the B:r@'~t Gi\i!\er of ~ III.. ![:lind 'then '~H:;;C~Pt '~h~ (I{irft:S" 1"0. be true it\O' the' Ilaw' ts to estop IIQQki ns: t~ the w~th ou t and te le o,k 'wit hil ilil for su p p,~V m IIL!DloldnR: to t ne wij'~Ih~ I'll m!f!;~ns fb:Tntg the m indl on God ~$, ;a n '~\I~'I"'~pr~,$E!nt: Sp~ rH: th,~iIt is, ~ I~~ ~ubs,Ulln(;~' ~ nd p O'W~Ii". W'jj,aippe1d IIlJIP 'with inl eaeh ,of us is a ,s:rENEIdt r~'Chne,5!i, IOf th ouCI"lrtt:s,. 'fh ESle ,thoUiG hits a~ prisoners un thl!l~' Sl.IIIb!l;:QIIilSC io us ness 0 !!lIly 'W~ i ting: to Ibe set '~Il'e;~ to ,e!l)' '~O' 'work fOI" us. iFhey ,ill re walii't:~iii"Il£, 'fOIi" 't:h e com~ mg o~' '~he' $'!l:Hill ,of God", wh,o, II!-elh~',:;]! ses '~h@ p riseners ,~nd 'sets, t he ea p."li~v@s, ~'n:!,e. Tlhii s S,on is now :§:eel-dng expression ilil" you; is yo LB,. IRj~ll,e;!i:5e va iLl rr' ri,(;lhl tJliioughts,I' ~,e'~ 'fUfee 'vou r i Ii1 n,a't)e powe rs, alnd talke 'f'rolflll 'the' ri ii:iI1 :s u bs't;anm:e of 't hie P,aJttiU!'1" w nalt YO'Ui wilili.
Th !i\o!!J,g'h ~~it h in 'the ov'@r'Ot!HlTIlin~ IP~<w\~r iOif J~SUlS, lell!";i st, ~h~' se n~e I'mi n d w'i~ ~ be' ,ovem'lcome iii illd the s,p'if'iIUli all m~ nd bfi,oughnt iinit~ centrol of '!IOUii' ~Iife' ameli affia lilt,S, 'The: :s:e;lnse 1m ~r; d is Til ~ed with II ae ks, ,alflld lum lit;ar~~ ~H1!:S:} the s~;ilFr~uall m ilndl klii OiW5, amity lim Irtle'S5 a b u nd an oe",
fi(j I)J are' liurukied wuth t he Un~\;!\e.iIfS,!ilil s ~ ir~tlJ,all mii!ild th rou,lh t ~e c.~ !fist M un.d. ~,t i:$ thro'liJg)h ~I"il~ en rist: M i!'ld 'th~I~' ,~~ I th ilngs; conn ~ to '!(lOI,t it: ii s U'ii,e Iltln~ n !rli'i!11 '~i() ~he a I If- 1m ind of th e I~a'th e,r. M,a kie '~he U FtI it-:V o. 'wllloh::i'fil ass with t~ e O~l rist Mi'!i1d" HQlld U~I~t. ~OIIU ,al!i"~ master wij~h the' M,as:t!;\H'~ (me witlh Uli! alll-pr'oV'~di~ll:: su bstance aln,ej that Y'(H,J r pro~pef~ty ru nn.eth 'O'V'ef ~ A:5; 'Ie u Ib~:JJi iii th is pf\Q,e~$ a1f !..II Iii iffyi ng Y'O!UIIf!1:ell f ,coI'ii1s!l:'iou:sly wahl ~he inner Ilif'e' :tllndl sUlbS'italnoe~, [It 'wilill ltu~g:i!il ~iQ WE!'I,II i!J Pi wi~h i n VO u ,~Ifi!,d to 'O"ll{!,r,nOW ilnt'O V,o!>!) .. Ii' ,~~f~lirSt se 'th~t y"O ~ wi II b,e, prors pero us, IRe-ma ~fiI tnJ e tlO till lis il rllfil,e r' I~'fe no Irrn.atter what: th e OI!JtJE!'r' ~I~pe alr",alli ee m~jy Ith=;,~ a lid YlOU ~~ Iii ~Io't he'll~ but brii !il~: t'he go~d t h lir!\g~, ,~~ I rrfe i'iiit;Ql marnlmf,e:statiio n,
Alii rna iii lfest ~l,)Ilbna nee '~llows 'fir~)iml a re'~~ m of' I i€!ht w;;liites.. ~~C,(J>Ii',d1i Iiltg, 'to till ~ f~iIi1Idi FtIgs, 11))" medern ~ hy,silcalll :5£i1enoe;", 11 ames :sa!Vs.,~ nEve ry ,~o 0 d gift and eve,W¥ pel!lf',~ct g:i n is h,,;:un 00 rn ~f1!IS: d ~Wfl! fro rn th e F~t hl~r of Ilig,lll$,!! lh i~ is alinl E!11ML[!H:itt sea tie fi'n'eilnt of' a se ie Iitl't:iJ1fic law, er'l/,en 'to t he use 'M t he pi U fl"iilIll 'fn:rm ,olf '~Iil@ '!J!rora '"I~il8l'hts.". II for falS !i,all@ne@ states, one or mOIIlI@ lightt pi.lirl'ilth:ts,.I' eli,e~tr\O n s, mbrm the ato m ' ~s til ~ bills!1 s 0,' a III m illilrei'ri,i!jJ I mill ii1liiff:e.s!tta'ti(J;lI1,,, IGiodi ideas, 'the:nl a lie 'the :SCI~ li'\ce ,olf all Ui ~t allllpe\ar;s. ACcept 'this, as an ,aibs!O! 11~,tle '~ltillJt h, ,allfll all I ~p rodu ctiV€i' truth" ii3illflld corts/ti'D u:slty G;n;l1Ilnl@ct 'yfilllJlr m~ I1i d l;,~iith till ~ fat her"~MI~nd. lhe ~ yo y w~ IIII be~itn ·~o f!e~l~h!:le :a 1!i1@~e !f·f'a'~lirfi!g pros ~!~rTtv til :al~' e:o rnes 'fnO!ffi Be i iilg ~Ht$e ~r'.
Thl~ G e,rma n phi IQ~Qp-he'r ~lliIld 1p-1~I~t 6 Q~Ule' ~~y$., liThe hlighe'~t and mgsit: e~oo~ Ie-nit 'th in~, i iii Ima n il s form less" a nd we SI10U~'1TJ I,U3 I'd ,alla!n st givilirrllg lilt. Slh~p@' in a nvthi ~~: 1'@5S th a n nebla d ress -a !~ ·flhls iis a u@oQ,l8:nitio!i1 of the tru ~ h that Im,a iii hi as 'It!he ea p,a e'l ty w~tlh~ n liilim:s ell\f to Ii rr"le fonm t:o' t,1il e fQflnnlll~$ su bstanee. ,rlie:s,l,! s 'eKpre'~·ed the l,jiJiw btV :saivinR~ nWh a'U:S'O'i!ve u th eu ,s.t~,aJlt bimdl on ,e~ rth ,~h~111 Ibl~ b oun d in Ilile:av"El m1,~ ,~F1 d 'VI;fh,~lrt~(U~Ver th,1)1;li ~h~ It II,~io:se e n elSi rt h sh all II be' ~ oo~ed In helii:!fIiIE:m "III Tlhn;, he'1aiv.i!!1n is 'ith e' rea I m of p!JJ fl"e ideas !n 1M lnd. 'Vjll~ ,ijlr~ (lQl'i1Is~~nU~ inco,rpor'atiing th ese iid€!"~s liirnto O'U r m i nd and givil1,g dle'MI form and $,h,iaIPe.' ,aoco~d ifil~ to OUIi'" ~ova ltv' 'ljQ irut h.
T,D' e~IiY' me!ti3lphVsi(;i,i3Iri1 'ttl iis, is ,;[I liJiBIr)" ilm P,g ritta!flt and ve If)' de-linea lite p .... o c:e,S1i!i .. beca use it: is 'tlh f'Ol![,lJh this t ~:a't 'w'e liI:h~\lekllO !O!.!Ilr :50 U II. l'n'jis seel d'eveh'J1P rj'IrH!n~: ls 'o.ftlen iJ;Dmlpilln~d t,~ ttil,e' 'dl~v,~lk~'p m e at of ,~ ~'not'o',gn.1I1P.Jhiiic phrt~~ 'lhe: I [gtlr t: puts: t:1iI a Image Qinl dil,e :51i8Hl'lsTti'V'e IP~I ::.:nle' ~ n the III rst III ~;aee, .0'1" as Jaimes: :s:ayg'I' it, Is a [gift: 'ff-om lI'tth@ fathe,r' of I i:~hrts ,'II 'T'n~!r@ ~s th e!i1 :all) ij m\~G~ 'on t:h e. plaite~ bue ~~: ls inlvi 5'~blle. a nit II!j n'ma n if'es.t t!i filtiill u~ @lies th f'OU\elh ill devellnpi ng: process, Illrlrf"iiIFlI_t:e Mind hal$, ilm,a\ce~ a III ~~u ,aUfl! bl.ll~e$, ~ rl! ''!! he $Cul~ O'f E\i!ery m'~ilil" BlJl~ m~ ~ mllisili: ,d e'iJle~o!p this i mla,Q;e nnlitO d, e' ,e I eld! r IPiictu fl"!e", ,airnd mur:l!i1 of ,t hart WOilik must:
be ."I""fiI "'" i Ii1 'let,. "" -d'" rk Wi'lt,b n""rf"","';i. ·f''''''iriloh "In '!Ioib.'o:!i, I ""'W ..... f m~I"'''li&,.,..,,,,·,,,,,·ti''''''' 'f'b. . .,.
!§i" ~1.!.iI'_.~ ~I~G '_ I~ __ "!.l -e-e- IIII F~'- _~!!;r.I~ _[~_tL. __ . !I __ I!i.q ~~ _~ uJ _l_I_~IJ!! IIJG:-a-I!..Q _V!I!!I! _ ~IG
photogl!l"·ijilpD1l!!r WO I"k'$ i ill 'U'le da rk~roolm" p'!Jt~ii illg t ~~ Ipll ~te th I'OIJ\£Jl 1m alrlV processes, .:Ko m anmes the d eVEl,loper ma~v ffii!allke !!!lIn e rlfOI- in seme ,O'f th e' ope !I;;!ritt.!'CliI'i!S- a nd '~hie pl.~te w i ~~ eorne out with an i 1m P erfact i m ~g\I;!:" :5'0' th e hUWiinlaliil m alfiilifE~'.$,'taitii,t)n :$ o,mlet~firM~:S seem 5, d i~t(i! r~ed, Ib ut the i m,a(ge' (;if pe·nfeet:ion imp rl I1lt~d b,y creathfe Mli fila is tn,elre", 1111 i':s pe'rl,ect imia~e is ne h ris't i iil you"~ 'tthEl' h(!ip~ {)of g IOlrv~ II
Our body' ~llnd :aff~ j'~s ~re 'fir-s.t plr,o efs afr' th e deovelopmle'rilt of 'ti1le' ~,iety ~e'~ Ib ut ~~oatliri!~ In OUf' ml~rH:I a re the h l~,li'ief' tdeas, 'the' If'\eam image to be' devell ope d. OUf' 11m ind is 'e ngagi!d mor-e Ol~ ~E!'SS, ifi1 a ehern leal prOCJ@SSi. ~ ~ i s Il~rcl te 'fu n d a! I iliil e l(Wf derna rcatlon b!~1tw~~m p!~y'.$li ea II and me Iilta I (:hu;!'m i:$'t ry~ f-o r thliey fo,n,olw the salme Ilaw'", IH'~lWeve II" w~l,at has bejern i rn.aJ~e d ca ~ ole brou~ght, out by th e pr-o p e Ii' lim ~~hQd of' 'Ch~ViliIQPlmel!1t, Wlh~'t~\i'~f' 'you i Iim~g~ yo 1iJI!I,sJ~~ff as dD~ 1'11", Y.CH.!I calfill do.
II n OUi r huma rn undle rs:tand i f'I\! we h,i!ii'il,e diiv,on:)ed 'it 'Ill I s i rn f1hgi fig powe r (lifo th,~ rnln d $rom tlne '!1N"!eCllrt:~~e' powe r, N ow let !JJ:$, bdn~: 'the:rn to;g:et ne!1" ,alnlid IJ.n~f¥' ·th@m,,~ for wln~nl DIM,agillilatiol11i and w'i'11 wori< to.S:€th ~ir ;31~ I 'ltthi nlS, ,8 re p D'5:s,ibl\~ ·to m a n. The 'wilill ii'~ ~,vwn b oJi::iN!d i ~ SCf~'PftUlf@ IbV 'the kif!,C,. Ki ng So~lomoin W~IS, pro ba bi'Y the W\iij!dd ~s rlch est man, a n d iil'il :SIDI f:a r as t Ih~ W'(lj rld ls ICO ncerned he W,alS a ~Jeat su eee ss, H e' demanstr,~b?!d p'r~sperity. iii e' did Ifllilt a s·k; 'Sed 'lfior rl ~t!,~:$- l~~ IIJS ~,olb~ tfHil't c~ r'~hllllll'y - He a:$ k,ed G Oil ff,~r wi ~d !!)ni!I" 'ff,C!,1l' md ~as,- 180dl ts mil'rnd and Hli::;, I,iit.$, ,alre' ii10't Im:a te ria ~ bu t SPI' '~tl!Ja I~ nee 'Uil ings bu e ide'as" Sok~ man aske d fer ,~111 d iii@oe~V@dl 'tt:he ;iid@8s, alnd '~fU~if'!1 d @\i!\e I'CJ'~ @d th e m hi m self, IB'eca use' lil,i~' W,a~5, wise ,alII thie w~irldl ~alme ~o' h ~s (!(NA rt see lklil'illS' wisde m and b lii!l1lfilii rng rich e-s, in ,e~cha lil~e f'Ol"' it. 'ilih e: Il<i ns of"'~ r'e bra urght tbe m~lr~l~rilali h Ei nu~~~d ed '~O ~,i!,j ild '~h (i) T~'m pl~., 'TIlHe Q,u~en Q,f S,heb-a bf~l!I ghi~ Ih~lml ere art: q Iij,airntilt:ies of' ,Glo,ld. Flf"!ClIIM t h ~s we! shou~ d cet ou Ii" eLI e: ask Gad "'0 Ii" rlc Iili ldeas (~ll!Jlbstam;;I~') ~l'lIId th,~n pl"llri; tnl€M to wOlF'k inour i~iITlfair'S,
Dc net Ihesitate' to' ucs;e the divi n @ Ii daas th ii'!1~ 00 me' '1)0' 'you .. but de not 'ff'llJrg)~t tl'ile'iJl" :SDU rCE' CHi" '~CHJi ClIdi!lrit~ (H'i. lhe,re are m;;!a llIiV peepll'E!' wh 0 are' VlIE!,Il)f ,8Ictif!ile' e~e il:Uit'iM.f,es .. 'iFn,e mern e nt: U~ e!y ge't an ~ de,a 'they make use i~f -~ bu t lo'f~elli1'-' times th'li:!¥ ,do, D'HJ,t g,~t f'illr'" II~H~Ntjl!.il~e. ~h~ -ror:~et the 'v'!lJUincli:!ftkNlI on wlhiidh sueh ide:a:l1: rest and ~rom w'h'f,ch 'w,e' must s;tailr1: :to blllUd. With al 'fiOUlll'u'tatiolil1,clf l'ruithjO ef :s,p,irlU.] ~~I 'idei~ s a,ndl ;SIU bls:t;~ f1I [Ie. 'We ca rlI I~ ul Id a Ii) e'~d 1Ii ri ng sU'u (;:t)ulr'ie of p r05,pem'1it¥',. lit willi mot be: bssed o,n al 'f,a lse prem tse, It: 'iN iii II :stalilld wh e n th e taivW!l$ d esee'jil d lSI rl!d til e' 'filO od:s, ;eOml.e :a Fuj 'Ehe wiinds lbi,oW a Ii d beat u ~ !~H'r! iit".
We do !fIot: d esi re' p rospe;rit¥ 'to Ch:~iV a nd ~ c)veny' tom O-fI!OW,. We' ~,h'~~HJ Id see,k f>o r tlhe. ;n~~dV~ d ~ry· !lJl¥,·day r~,a~m4~t'ion orf ~ blJlnld~ illt su pplly',_
.] e:SII!JS, I!J ndersteed a n d !U s'ed th~ ~ law' of formi!'i!,El; the 'fen" I@~~ ~ub~~~noe by' the p()wer QW' II mli;lgvrN;n ~QfiII ,amd wi~ L 'W hen the WQ Iiil;~ fiI '~~u,~IIhe.d th e he m (~If IH us ,garim,e nt, SOMii! ,@If 'thh~ :!i,1!A blS,ta nee, of whlklh tI e ~Ia:s vi'v'iidly eenaeleus, fllow~d ~r()m IH irn ~nd h,~~ I~ d hr~ r, H~ imlml~dJi~rt~ly In~lmra rk~ d t liiiilt ~om~ o,~,~ Ih~d 'tloduldlhedl HI mi. Ma riI\f iii ad 'itoucih!ed H liml in the ~ihro:Iil~: alndi lila' slillbstanoe Ih~d I eft Hil:5 b~dr~ hom ~Iho~e t:oi!"rt~lr;t~t but 'tffile 'W~'UT!lla n of '~~Iitlh wa,S '@ip,e n to lie ~eive 'ltthe he1i!iillmritii::: substa ifii ee ailiiiidl ,consoioiIJslV ial[P[PW\O P il"iatle 'Iill::, Th is iPMiVledl 1i1~'1f faiiith,~ and Ji!s,ucs, ~c~\d h~!T' '~O be of gC)!Cjlol Cihel'@If,!. 'iIf;CJ'f' hie!" '~:~it h had rna d e ber whole. Tf(u~' S~ ifill ~ ~Iulbrstt,~ rn~e' w,~ s ~va n II~ bl~ ~o O~ hers w'ho lCW\owdiedi ~g,a i nrsit. IH ~mll' b !!J'~, onlv the one w'ta,o, if'\e!oognizE'dil ii'tt ~nd Ilaiid h>o,lldl 0'" it Ife.ceiv'ed. 1E.\I!\e 111 ~a 'ya~ a nd ~ slh1!:l1l re'~e we no b~ 11'~HI:j ~ IthQug,h s;!lnc~ ls eve rywlle re ialif'lCHj iii ~ us: alifild i1n US\II un less 'we lI",e.c,o,ln~,zie ~u: pif"it!'SEl'fiI ce' by 'f,a itln an dl 1,21"1 ho~,dl of it b~ th @ h ern o~ its g:el'rm@'nt I~:o!.i!rt@'r @:x p re:ss,~oilll).
,] esus llileioosrv.i,;!ed tine: omn~ presewu:e, ,olf :S1!J1b$~,a n CE' wh e n HI e' lal dl ho I dI alf 'itt l)Ci' mu~tilplly the I'D"81'!i€!S a nd 'tn'@] 'Wiisl"u3s,. I~ if! chNI~lt iil'ii, ,81 ,cc IIlsr.:ia us nll~~S of i;~ at alill '~i'm as, Ont'Je He told the ,1t.!IP!Ost!!es whe n '1! hey ~:!jkj@d Him to @1ii!I~,. IIII h,1ii!i~ I'i!f!lie:al~' eo e'ilr'li that '''Ie kl'hOw i1ir0'~ of." He Ibuiilt thls diivine ~iLJib~itt~H10e ifilltQ His, bodV" eel ~ bV oo~11 ~ re plael ng the me r~:aJ11 nes,~ w iUl the ~()iiF ii~ua ~ su bstsnee, um:tii I His whole bg:dy ~J:a~ ii'll mg,rt~~li:z~dl_, H ~ dl~ m or1!'$;~r'.allded it ~ nd tol d YI~ h g'"w it W~$ done'. lHe' sai~d~ II He; '~Iilat be'ml,eveth 0 n m e'I' the. WOldt'S th at II d,c, shalill Iile; do a~:S:!iJ,;, ,ilili1!d gr@1il!!t)!!r wOllib t han th'i!s@ sh 1aJ~ I he de," Wh @1i1 why ,iailfi@ so flfll!iiilmy' pe~ple p~;N)r~ d~s,tre.s~,edj' I'mlll' or' trr(H~bledl~' Th'l;;we ~~, a wa¥~ a I~w, ·afilrdl gl wisdom toO' !aJIPIP~ly the lalw" and th'er!! us; an ,aJbl!lllndi:iuu:e· 'o:~' :51!JJw:tr1illrnOe w,,1;)itin~ ~o b~' fiO rm ed by !~~(;h o~ us' iin'lbO, wlhtat:so~iiJ"~!'I" w~, wi~ It 'whi ~n w~ aplP I "I thi~ltt: law as !Ell so Ii1 om- G,o d.
fhierle' ~,s ,gilm iilnlhie're'ni't 'f:gICI!JI~ ~ that i ni~$,'t:~lrIlC't.iye'ly Ilays ho ~dl of whaJt it Icalills, j'ts own. IE\I!eru Illittl@ eh il d f@ n ilikie to h~!le the ir ,o,wn ~oy~ an d ~IO' kieep 1!l1tiii!ml 5e1Pii51 rate 'froml Uwose. lorf !olther ch ~II cJll"e'ifil. i1"'n,~lr'~ i's nllQld. i lrille to blE~ I~cnllde m I'iI ed i iIlI ~hijs.!' ~l!Jr i~ is drue Iil,atura ~ '0 IJb",ork~jli1g 0" a dlivi'll1e law, II t p,ro\JE!i!i, ~ hat we. know'" ~Dme:w'l1li~Pe" in o'U r ,d'~e ~ ~$t: Ib~in8~ 'trilh~t we h ~r'il€: bl~€l'n pr'O'lIidedl fer 'fir'oml t&1,~ tic 1!I n d :!:nt~o rn o~' t ne w,orld aJnd atlre ,e.ntlTitied 'to, 0 I1J r OWII11 por1]i@n winl:hou~
- ->,;- ... - - ',1:-.,,,,, - .... - ..... -~ i~'" --, -..:II ;jJ; .... d -;,;- - 11; .... -- - ii'lh .... -"", lit<1t'ir'-- -- t- - 1...''''11 ....
qjl!J.!),.;s"lon,;, _ ne pY""I~'~ 1lJ' '';:_-:'0; Irrnnu ·~""!I;;!iW 'I!.ioy; lUIS: ',!. __ ;;,,;,is'1;: ',~. _mlllll,s, '0 W~~~ e _~ Wli;
iIlWie: diuvi ifl!i~:IV e!'liItut I ed is a P ow:e r ,th at cam be' CIiJ ~ttivated a iild sh eu Id be.
W'~ '" 11"""'" III "'W .Flo fil ,;j.II.", 'jJ""'''II'lI"''' ""'f "'" """"!IN .,,;j.""to A'f miin..,ll "Iilli' '""" "",i!j.''''''''r'''' 'i-I"" anei '" I L"""t IU""
__ -e- 'Gi I~l_ 'G _1_ll.b.lIf : vU _ I!.- _ _]~I .:. .~~ El!f§ii' !!.jJI_ I~ !! 11J1IGi·_._ iail!.~ ~~ I~ _ _ .. JIU . I !!!!! lll~l~ ~~ _ ra-I ,I !! IIi[;]! _ b_~ _ I' G J • _~I
do '~IWa'Y w"itlh th e ~rl!'"!OIii1 ~OU$ i ch~~ ~hat 1m en mU$~ be' PIOQIIf 'tt I) b~ lI'ig,h'lIl!Oll,ll$,. IMloner.v 'i 5 ml3ilffiis i nst ru m is:! nt, not hii~, mlas,'lJeHf'. MI,O filley !iII,allS if1IfIlade 'fur man, not fi!IUIIil 'W10f' Irlnl!i:;i'I'ney'. On~y these 'whol [put mOTl@Y above man ,;;!I!'1!!d ;gi¥e iit pClw,~r i!ill thelr m i nds by w"o,r~hipi Ii s: ii'~j ~If'\e tine' •• d(;Ih'" men '~Q whom Jeslil S r~f,e,~red IIF'li IH~:1l, s~OUV :~bout the eamel and the needle's eye'. 1ft [s' nlO'~ moCHH!Y thai't CiO~t.r.,ol:$ m~F1I~, byr~ 'th~ id~,~ s ttiu~V &'i,ii!!~ ~ ~;H~'i!.It m Ori! ~y," I d~,~:s c;:f pO\r~"y ii r~ ] ust as jp,owerfl!! I t,c e 1'1I~,lliaye' me IliI as, a fie ~dea:!i, of 'we a ~th., E"Ie ~v m an ,$ heu ldi be t~l);!~ht h,ow. to h'~IF!I~He ide,~$,., f'8thelr' ,th:~m !'fM';~)IIF!lev~ .sl~' that they Selr-Y'e h~m rathee 'ti1aliii have dom~rnio ~ ,ove r h~'m.
some Iphv~icalll :$.~ienl~i~.t$ are' ~e~llillnB IJI~ tlh,~t th,e tlme is near 'wl~'uenl men 'will malf1luf'actUiIi''e f,-'o,m ehe etheli~ rijGIh~ ,alt halnd~, everythinG, that they WIleed or de!;sufe~ M~~ wlllll not Ih,~ve to w,~it for ,5-e~,d~im~ and hal"~~~, wliJle!n h~' ~e;i;rIr~:S;' to U;5Ie!! 'the IPower of [h~:I) m i1nd. Whenl w1e iii alve' that: OO'lfiIlSil:ii;Ol.!li:!i:i'iIdEH1S i nl wlh~,ch our ideas, ,ilr@ tiJl'il(gi b~@ .. illill OlU d erna n d~ wiiU b@ qu lc ~ Ily h"dfi U,@d by t he' h igher I:aw. llh f'\QW I nrt\QI 'VOlil r ldeas a II dl!e: ~1I'f~, iii iild powiEi'r o,f vour CIO nee iiirttJ"ate:dl thou:~ht::'I' ,a ndl tbey w~jlll be ,dQ1t:hed with lieallity.'!l Jesus 'Went' ~fi!to the 'wi~derri!e~, of HI~'~, ~ther"~ lmuTed men~~11 pOlWers, IHe was, tern pted tc 'ttur n $'l!~"f'lIe'S iimto b rea dl. We aU h atve thii s ~mlpr~a,-, 'tic fill' ,; nd mOiSt ,@f us ~,~ve' 'SiJJ'CICIJ..J m bed to it. 'W'e Ret 0 IJJ If hi r"ei~ d o!at ,oif m~'r~l~d:all UlI,il1!g$ U:tt:Hi'~$] ~nst~~d ~f gy~ gf ~h~ wglrd~ tlt~t p,rQce~d from th~ mOUlt ~1 ,oF GlO·d. I ~ is 'th e word~, t~e ideal~, 'th alit 'fe'e.ds, ~he' sou I of m,ailiU. 1ih alto DS, adlm!iit~@ d. [holt w@ m ust rea ~~:Zie til ilJ~ it ls th@ word!" the ide1ilJ .. til at: 'iIf,@@cb; tbe bodfy ,~IiH"ujl 'thie' alffair~ of rnan g111:s,o'J! 'V'(lU" Uif"iille~s 'the' 'WiQrdl ts re(;ogll1n~edl alndl app rQ pri,atedr t:~,er:e ~\s' a ~ a!l: It Qif UU~ tirlll'i! s !l,dls,t~III'iICe and th elr'ie ts no satlsfae'tio ill ilFlI the f@@d., Fll)n)utn~te'llv th~' !i'IF,~'n:lh~1i" lI::,ill~th It,h,t;l ~ we~ h~ive FiJ~ ~d ef a II 'thesle tlh~r1IgS/i ialnd ~'n H ~s cern Pia!:S:s~o Ii1 allil d men:y III e 'fee ds U:5: 'wit h tbe SI,.lI bst~n!Oe 1~'!.I!'e{1ll whii'le 'Wl~ stull I ·tu'l' to' ,ij 5~ilm iill~t~ the slt10 n!~s., If we WiCll1l,J Id seek mrs:t, the' kifilgd,onril 'Cjif 'God", 'the 5ubs't:alli1Cie'~ the !:ithing$,ii' wCI!JJmdl be added and we sh ould co ~.s,CkNJ'S IV '~rilj (lOY' t be 'fj!Jllln@ss of I i~'ilrlIR" 'I h e abu nOla !il'~ I ~W,e o~ ,J@ S us; Chwis.t.,
There ~~, a !I.liIJli!j\rerS~111 I,~w 'O''f ~'f1 CII'~""SI~" mt j'rs not ",c'nfi Iill~dl to Ibra nk ,i!)COOUMS b!l.lil~ ope rar~!es Cin ev,e::ry pi a n e ar m,a'l'il,ifeg,talt~'o n. 'Tln,e eenscte us ee = ope riCIlt'i'ofil ,olf m~n is !i1'!!:!:~S~~Ir"Y 'to title fllilllh~;,U ~SLUllts, i". t~H! w'o'~kiir'!ig o'f this II~w., Yo'Y mrus'it use yo,u r tame nt., whatev-er ~It lmav bel' ~ n order eo tne rease it. I.iI av,e faith ilrrli '~hie I SrW. i),O' fiI at: re~!!olt! te 01 ltmueh li)!!Jlt h)rge a n1ead in 'ff,ali'th ~Ind boiled n'e$:$,; Iff yO"-iI le't YOM rs.e I~ ttiiinik of ,a iii'll Ipe1i"S1C!I'1n 0 ii ,a ny O!JJt e r oOfilidit IiDnl as hill1dergifil(~,
Y.O'IJ r ~ nerease, dl!lis, bee omes a h indifi,all'illbe 'to '¥O!!JIj' fo fi i'@iUi h,!alve' ,aJppl ~e d 'the' I,~w ,o:f irncrll!~:$~ t,o, it, F~~11f O~ i~' iM'ili\( ~ IJ! se' 'ifiOi ~ '~O b~COM~ ~i rn id ,~Ilfildl bYlry' yQ"-~ r ti!1lli,e nt, wh h: h deMtart $, the, ~ aw. Ke e p your eyes 'On it~>NE~ a bun dafll t innEH" m'!;!I1 ity an d do n!O~ I,et ,~hl!!!' outer '~lPlPiI;l';;!_lra IilCiI;' cau se 'you to' fa l'lter"
lIDo not flliv,e t/@,g e l:e,se :study '~O your:s ell" QIIi y'ClIJlf ~ resent OO'IiI d itffion. To drwelill i'!il mg!1!,d upon V\Cl,;;.H' $,~~'~iltlg: lim~it8rtrilC!'n1~ (ilnll'y prolong~ th,~i:r S.E~ry ~nd m~t<,·~s '!fOU r plf'\O~jIi'\ess sl,o!\.v. ,A dhii~d IO\~H~~S s,il!llllt of' i2ve,rythi n.~ but hi's inc;re'!3 se' ii 111 sli ze, 'T~I~ boy' sees hi m ~,e Iff ~:$ ,,,I I~ I':ger' Iboy:~ ever1! ,~IS a Im(lIJiI- ~t '~s the ~hli Idl U<:e' mil!ild] ~hat: tlnds t'he Ikiiii,gd om. lhe rii leek aihEhad to the' iPe'rfe~t iin,ial~1 l(O'UJ ,ialfle 1M, be' i Ii1 th~' Spi eit ,aJ~d behold YOl!lfsi!lf a's, tth~' bi!~OV@jd son 'iin Wli'uO'ffi the' IFath@r i£ w,elU pleased,
Go d give',5, th~ i nCr~i;!l~ej we: ,ij~: '~old ii f1! th e SCfi p,ture. ilihirs; i~ W' Ib~ re m e mbe r"ed~ fo iI" w,e' so ofte rii tlh~ n k !that I rnCnlHalSe' is the rssu It 'OIl' eu r P'e!Hr.S'O nail @ffiorts, ~!filJcr@ i:lIS@ comes by the IOp@'U'1B!tilOlII 'of 1ii! llIni'V'@r.sall I aw:~. and c u r pa rt i:s to Ike,ep t.h 3lt l,ilIW. U;s;e t h ~ ta ~~filrt CJif' Ii f~~ sind] Ifrt wi illl ,e~palnd wo Ii1d~rff'ullhi., Vo IlJ do 'this by t311Iki'Ii1~: ,aJbout Wif'e, I!=NiaJiisin:G ~t~ and ,giviing God 'thanks fo!"' it'" AiC't as '~hcu1nejn ''1!!DI!JI w~r'@ ,811 iV'€!' ;all1id @iji,ad ,to E:J €1' al h,,€!, a,rltd Y'O'1lJ wi II ,Ia in ,81 n E!:'Ii.~' !f@'~~ i~~tTDn o,f Ii'f,e,~, ,~m1 UIf1Cf\e'~IS'e' i ~ liFe vu@lf.
IrM eVlef' ,!alllo"tl ¥c III ffS!f!! If ,to 'come under 'tli e co ntrel ,@if the' nil 'ItB ffi 't" m i!!! n, IH e' b~ Iliev~,s; i III Ii nil itatiolAS~ wlr;~ p~ hii So tall,~ nt irn th ~m;F ~ Ii d hid ~~ ~rt a'IM'i,II'$~' iln the' Iileg,ative rea r-th~ and ne i IilCre';:iS,e is p015i!i,mbll,e 'tJeJI h irn, Be po;it Iv,e im S p iin~t aJliild yOiU w"ii~l~ S ueeasd. An tit! @ n@,g~t~''Y'e' '~e!J11 ents 'ttlhrat: alli@ burled a W1il!iY' in the depths. of migJter~~[11 t hO~IS:h't ca n be illie~Uirre;cted by' S.p'iirflt an d ma d e pil)s,itti1jJ\e~ put tlO ~he right use', 'il:cntlfubl!J~'i nil: to th e. iinore:~ sa of: your ~oodL ,Ap p,etllite aJnd ,as~i on, wlhiiidh ;a re d e~re,8 Sijiillg ~nd de~$'tr'i;J~U~' ~ ill th,e mlaf~,e'ri all ea n b~ m~,ILi,~ j'Iil,cre ialSillilC a nd iConst:nJlctive w'h'E!n d1i recited te the thin,G:s of SIP lirlft. lil!3les~edl ~1rII~: th ~Y' th ~Itt iii Il"lII'lI~e r ~ nd ,thii IfS'~ i~rft;elr r~Glilteou S;1'lI ess: 'ro'r ,tt hl~'!f :5!11111111 be ~illl~IIi:!'d ,1111
Illf th @i!@ is ,8Jlny I,~ ck ,~pp~r's ntt: i tl rn ~r{s, 'wor~ d irt is b ecaus@!, ~ he r~qlui re me nts o~· the' il81W of mam iiff,~.sttatio IfI h 8Ve 1'11101 been met. Tn i 5. i'8 W iis Iba sled Ol'll milliidi and its ,~,p er,i3rtio,n tlh f'Ol!llBh t bo,ug,n'b and woM:J,. Ilih,e key ,to ~he ,ope n",ai~ffilO'n ,olf mii f1! d is :s:ym b olii ~~Uy ~~~: if(Hltlil ~ n ,tine G ~'n'~rSi:$ il,(;:)Oount ef t:i1! e .s,ix: 0 ayrs of C f"!e:atiorn. Man is ml~nd ,goe,s ttl! nlUeh tlh!e !,dle 1fi'Il~ea I :l:, in brilnflJ:ilng an tdea i'ii'ft,O, m~ niil~s~~t:~on. 111~h~'t~;I'e e Ii1 t:be p,e ree ~t:iiorn o,f ~ I'i! id@a ~ rl! d H~s, m~I~~ih~~str~,~i'ollil dille re ,illlil'le' six: defi Iil i)tie~, p o,sJitiv.e mClvemle>nitS.. fu:~kt,i'v.u~d IbV a (:,s,ev€ iiltlhi) !!day'll ,Of re,n... :iif!1 'wh if ~ the mll!'ildl re Ila>:es all1lldl :$Jee's ~ts; work i fIi! ~ rOit~.$~ iof f'u Ifi 1lllment.
lin brit1i~jfili! '~o,nJ~ a m~H'vfest,~rti'm ,@rF 6cuj's ,abundii:mt' Slllp'lPhfJ, take 't~e first steiP by S{i\drli\C .. til L,jiU tjn~re ble' Ilight"; 'tll'il~t: li$,. let 'the'rl€,! b~ IlJII'lIOI€! r-stalnl¢llilF!\g. 'Y'(rUl must [have a e I ea r Ipercelpt i Ol1'II o'ffo' th e prii fiI,ci ph~' back of ~h~ pro posii lliOltl il'Godl wiln [plro\ilidle',.'11 lhe lOne IUlflili'V~rS1~~I~ @~er!ila~,. substance of !Godl~, w\h~oh is the ~o'ur~e Qf a n~ rnl6l;ijt be: d r$~,ernedl ,a nd Ir'elli'i;i:dl (H'I~, winii le depen die nee (Hl, matierIJaJl1 th~ nBl:5 must !be ,el'imi·nl'lilte:d fFO rn '~1hioIUl1Hiht. ,$0 [iloms: ,~S you de'p en d on mon~y i!:i I !l)n~' 'YOlli ,~t'~, wor~hiipine ~ 'f,iii! 1~Iig' i~~d ~ nd h ~v~, 1')00t ,(I i~~~fi~~d th,~ Illght "ou m u s~ fh";5:t I!lNlter into 't.Ih,e III nderstan ~ ilnl[g, thart G ed, amlnil p're~~H~lntJ' om!1l~ ~ etent, ~ nd ollr1u'lIli,sdielnt ls th e :5"0'1);1 !i'~e ,~Ind t'hl8t ''!fOllll C'~ r1! draw· 0 Ii tli!Ji:5i, sou rCie 'IN U:holiJ~ ~ 1m ii~., I'r "'/10 U h~ve ,eSiII',a bli slhed t:Ih:a'it I i~ht~ you !have begullrii 'yo'U! r d@'mQf[Wstration and c~n go' to th~! sseen dI step. A "'fi'rma ment [I m ust bl!2! e',n~bl ii$hed; t!nat us.' ,a 'f~ rm pl,~I~e' n n th e Irtniirnd .. ~ d i vgdli rti\£, of '~he U1U~ 'f\rom tb~ appa ent. f'hi:s lis dOfile UU'('i!!.mg1h a"lirm,a~iion. A~, you a'ffilliml 'G,od as ''lour su pply ~!IId Siupporti" 'YO ll! r 'WQ rds willi I irn d u ~ SiI;l'i;lI!SQ!ll be~:oiffl!je ,~ub~bl !i1~e t:o' 'I0til,. ~Ih e sulbs't}i1! iii1ce' of fal~itlill.
Tille tlilil'rd :stJep is it.&M~: 'form ing of' this, su bstalli"u:Je ionto 'ta nsi bll ity. ,i. Let the din/, la n d a piN!3Ir. III lOut o~ the om Ii! ipiI'leSe'rilit ,SIJJ b(5t'ancle '!{'O l.!! r 1M indl ferms 'wha't:e\!'e'r' it' w.a I1ftS by th 18' p c,w~r of ii mall n atttii CUll. If it is; fi!l];Dd ''fOlll I1ile~d,. Sf!:@ 'V'DllIlrs@lf :815;, bOUf!r~i'fUIIIV S YIPIP~ ied wid~ food", lif ''!f©11,!! h ~~'@! ~~ ~ea d, t~II;;i!! ra th@' ,oth eli steps, YOU ICa n Ipiilc;tt l!J,rr~ ~ln m itnd itt I!M~ '~hi illg.S Y,OII,.!i desl re a nd br~lnG: 'th ern Ii nita YOu r rna nirres~ 'wlOdd. I'f 'the !O'~hef' ~be PIS, of u nde'rstancl~n~, ,and 'Fa i~ Wi h iEi!j/e' Inot be,elrll ti\ilk)~1iI fl a'$t ,tlhere w~111 of' OglUlr:~~ Ib~ !fHJI d~lir'!lgll'iil$~r~ ~iQ:n~ fQ r :a bgv\~ ,~III th ~ Cill"e:atii!le' Illaw ls !Oif"!d,etr~y ,alifilid ''!.N,O' I' ks by p Il"o,glf'less,ive :s;IiE!ps. M allny pe op~e hav,e: 'trii ed to dernenst r,~Jt@' bV' vlslJlla~ iiziing ,~li1d ee lfIo@nt:n!lti'n,g and htav@ fa n@d beca ~$e ~hev til,we IPut: t~'e ~Ih~ I'd ste'p 'flir$~m Tihe:y h~\!~ not dev'ellop:edl undle rsta nd ~rii,~ or 'falith i ~f yo,u 'worlk a cc:ordilnft to the l:aw'" ,coll'1liW;o,rmil ~I tQ its, of'd~fIV ope'r~Wi'(N'ii1 as feV\~~lled in 'th e d eg~e,~s ef (;re,djrt i en, 'V!OIU ~;;lfilJrilIO~ fa'ilJ' beca ~se wtrJ!en VOtU h,a!'!Ie '~u Ifill ~ed 'the ~aw 'VIO u hci've found th e kinlQ;dom.
J1esus r'eoogril i:z,ed' ord er ;aiS a 'f'!JJflIid;allmleit"i!~a ~ fa eto iI" ilnl the law c'f ilncli"e,a sa. W herl! IHe ~,ed t he m tdltitude Hie made ttih@!'lI1i sit down ~n com p ~ni,es., If yO'Ui stllJlGlly tille' ~t{ll'ry c;3lne'lflli IIV '\{"C u w ilill s,ee. that tlhere. 'W'.aIS ,a ,g !feat de,a~1 ICI!~ prel iim ~1Ii1:a r'!l pire'r!li!alrat:~on before' M'I!E!' demons~ li"alt~o n was m'aJde. There w:a:5, a r~ciolB,n rl~i,~n of '~hl~' ~ee,d iide~s", title' IhJa\i'l~s ,iil!li1d fis,h;~:s ~iii!jl'1rile,d Or,!' the's m alii boy. 1ihere \~a:s, a p ri21lver' (Df th ~nks for th ai~: su plp,li~ and 'thEHl it 'iN,as b ~es~ ed, Alii Ulii:s, plfieoed~d the ~ etua I ~JIPIP~~H:~!r~nl~ ,~n d aIPfJIrolPw'u~t ~on of U~,e ~,1!Ji ~ i:lly;. 1E::\rery die'ffi on S1i:r3ti0Ii1 is based an tllMlle' sailme lalw 'blif iinc rease a nd goes, 'Uin'O ugh '~hle sa m'e c;n'd e fly ,s~e'p:$,.
PraV'r but Illet 'your pray)er b e ~fffiirma'ti~~'1 fe r tlhi~n illS t ne p raye'r' of fa i~lh~ A beggi !i1g: P nlllV~ r fi ~I,~d 'w'an~ if:;; liS ,al pr,~y~'r of d oubt I:'I~C'P p r,~rvilng 1(lJ !iltjill a'fffii~ m,at"ons beeerna ,a habi t: or mind. 111 e Ir,aiCie th ou,gh~ o~ lack rnust be pl;'!illi!~r,at~d a n iii so eha ~ged 'W ilh th e' truth of 'GI~d~:s 101m n iP!leSEHlt ,1!!bundia!loe that: a 1m ~~n scl ousness ef II i;iI d~ and PQV~ r~~v ,d tsa p pears fro m ~Ihe face Qf' 'till e EN1! n h. The' uno re' we' '~rmstr. to Uh~ sim fJ-~~'dtv a Ii'Id i I1lrnlll'~bi I it~ o:f '] he l!aJw U~ eo b~U~ Ii' 'wi n b,~ our 'I I"ildlivi:d i!j:3l1 dEi,m on~tt;fj'~i{Hl ~ nld 'th~ Imo Ii'~ ,w~, ~h~1111 (;0 ntriib'!lJt\e' 'to the, t:r,anlS'~o rmlatliolli1 O'f' ,t !h,e race tiho !lJglillt 'I h aJt ca uses laek ialllilldl ita MIQ 11~- Th ese who Ili'Ii.~lke th e gre~test slPih'itliJ~ I demo n$tif,~I~ rC)'lt~ ~rre not t~ e wisle' lo,f or:h e wor-I,dl bue 'the' ebed ien t ,chi h] foe ill of th,e la/w Oril the b 051!O,m IOlf i 1i1f1i!ll i~@ mOVI@,.
See 'what you nee d ,1IS al re,aJdv m a rni'f'es:t and as yo UIr'S. Do not P lit iilt aff '~!O !!ia m 1:' u fl! certa in fU~Uf~ 'm'!'m e. God 'Yi,ll'~lrHb you ,~,o 1h1!:!l''I,i'\~ ii~, IrlQ\%iI. R e me:mllb~'r a~w:aIY.5; GrO dl's OMifi"iTplr,e s e fi"IIoe~ a nd Ii~' d,DUbtS co m,e' i11i1., do n oill: ij!'nlteilita i nl 'th'e!:lfm. S!av:~ I~'I '~[rlll st 0 rn n ipot@nc@.,"1 (II F@'fIiJ:s,.@: to, be' a f'lixi eu 50 a bo,urt '~O me rrcrIi,'!,!!' c r ,ev@'riI the' ne~i(t m linu te, ~ th at. G~ld does, P ii"O'Vide 'for ~he ~'u lfi Ililm,e nt Q.~ H i$ divwn.e' ide;a.. a n d II a m t diivine ii'de:a." 'fn'iis d~vi liN~ ~d1e\a Is ,t ne sen, ,t~ e P€Mf~~ct tlila n, tih@ !Ch rlst, brn,u~ht "fi'ollftn on th,@, s~:xltlh day. If )l"DU wID'iLlll d ~al'iJl~ yOiU F i!ll h@!!!"ftal!ilCiI!'!, yOl!! fi!i'!J!!1lst not 0 milt 'thi s: SiK~~ -dalY r@'!'i!lli~z~l;ii'Dfi!,., IGi 10 udl expresse s lFIil mself as fiIiIl;!a ilii and wOr1k~ 'r h roumh rtnlSlrIi '~a b riwrllS peirf\~ctio Iii DlntlO expres:s:i en,
T!o, give, illIlP a II iii fi"ixie~v' and tn.a':i:tt, im 't:h fl! Lord do es not me,an to, $.i't: ,d,own !ailli"lld do lfIo!thilf1lg,. !~ My IFieiUa i!li worJk@th ,eve n IJJIi1~n I'iI OW;; a! nd I wor'k,. !!' 'We: a ra to i;\Nl)f1k as GQ,dl W!Oirll:::~,: te wo rk wnth Giod,~, i~ a ~Qn fuUQ'w:S; tlhe OCCU PCilt'h)fi!1 ()!f lililS father,. We a f'e' te 'fe rrn 'wh at G;od has cre'~ttedl. II n U~ie' :1 s;t eha pte Ii' 10lf Gi~lf'!le',$.i~ we' :se~ how il!h E! F',attirlE! f WQf~rs" TIh~ '\J,~lMiou~ ~1!e~pl$ ilf'!l H irs method ~ r~' 01 ea rly p o,ill!lted OlJ! tl a nd 'we :!i,halill h ii:MJe resu Its, olnthl' as, we fa lithrfu ny fo.lliow 'Unlleml,
Some p@ID ~ I@' th in~, o,1f prosp'!rilty as something sa !l,a rate ~'rom t~ e~ r spi ri'l IJ.8111 e'lil:pe'rieniQe~ "''rD'lJ'tt:smole' the pa Ile'" at r,elligion~ 1iIhey II iv€!' in two' worlds: 1 iI1I CIIIl1 e ~o r ~,iil( dla~'.$ 10i ~he we:elk ~Jh en rna n ru ns 'th~'lilgs,.. a Illd in the' at her en 'th e Se\N~!rIIl~1h1 d~y wtlil~: n IGod ii'~ !Siv€l'1'iI i1J C!~'li:llnICe to rSll1o~-I wtu'jltt IFi e can d 0. II'~ iii pe rsen all ittyi~ de,mcuu::trat iOln w'h,elfl pleo[p ~e nnd themselves camlpll ilii li"iilirr,g IDf li1a~d t;iimi~S ,~Ind d'e p ~essii CI,n" b,ut ~ ~ i~ not ~h@' w~y ee d emo:nst ~,~tt@ God W~ U~ e. fiIJ II~n,ess o~ lEI II Do ,a n th ing.5, 'ito tlile' ,gllrOry ,arF God seve: ill days, ,a 'w'e<elk Qt:heif '~haln ,ol~e", Tallke God mhto all your' eaffaiirs", ljI,se: Ulli:s ~tu~u~~t: iilrl t~'e
sLe flee a n d brin~, Gad (!jlfld His h:rw ~,f PII"O:5 ~ier:iitv into yo~ r affai 1'5:: ~ trust ThV' Uln~\i'~rs~11 m~w of p'~O$pe rity i ill '~I~ I my i!Jff'~lli rs,
I ) ROSPEIIIIITI', '~O;I,,'r<lin!l to Websle'r, i~ an ";J",,noe ",!!"in in ""ythine
- r- ~,ccHi er des:i ,a ble, sue oe:$;!J~ pr'O;~lress 'tli::rilll.a rdl~, Dr ,al~~aii nme'lirt of !ai
, " ichii'si ~,~d olb~@..c~. Prospllii'fiity does net ml~1d! n the ~,~m@' thi ng: to any' two pIE! rsons, To the WaJ!B'e e,i;:UlI1ii!r an illfllc:real:!j,e ,oif :a few dol ~a rs im tlhe 'weekly j'!iltCome may see'ml [I il~e Wond';t·u~[ 1~lr'Qi$iilerlitY'~ flOlr ~ t m iSainS Iii n j fi! cr\tas.e inl '~he:' C'Qi m'folrt :and weU,iue '!OIf ~ is fa m n'~" T1he m i3ln who, e'nga~)es ~ Ii \/',a,s;t elfli~EH"pITffiSles Ii'@ ~ k@ n:s fH'o:~p@'rity iln [I~ rg@'r u~rliTI~\r- ~"d dl@e~ In()t: c~;IiI$,id~'r' n liffi~@ If Pc IfoO,,~,p,ellf-ous unl ess t'nii'fiIIGs a re ,coMlii'fiI;G: to h ~ml in a b'~G, wav. B e:twee'fiJI thes-e ext re m es are IFilf!ha ~y i de'a 50 0' P ro(sp I!idtr,y'" 'which sh O'ws' q lIJ ii~:e pia irnly that piIOslperjity is not inl ~he' p-'D!Sses;Sio;1I1 o~' thin £$ bu t in th e reoog,1iI i~ i:Orn i(Wf !$t.ilP-P!Y' a iI1ld1 i rII 'It he' kfil-o'wled;~e' of free a ~ d 0 p!E!'m ,j3,COOSS to aln nl'il e~lha !JJ:$,tillbh~ stereh 0 use o~ a II ~Iil~t i~ ,good (H d~~il!f~bl~.
~In the' gre'!ii!ft IMllriioO 'oJ G'od there is no tho ug;hirt 'M [lack,. SII'!i d ,S,U C h :a '~h ought has ne I' Ightf'u I Jj!,laGe' ~In you r m'lnd. mt ls ~D'1lJ Il" Ibiirthr'll~ hI. to be p r,Qs,p!!em"lO us, IiE\g:a J'iC le5;s of who V'o u a r,e, Or w hiere 'VlO'1lJ may' be.
~ e$US, saT,d 'w, call II ITiI'E! n, iIiSee,k: '''Ie' fi rst ihiis ki fi~do ffi, aln ~I hi is r!gh~e!lillll~,r!I,ess; fa!i1d ~~ I t hl~s@' 'thiW'!I~.s Slh!lI[I[ b~ ~ddli2d ~.,ufrbo, 'YO!.l!. I] Tbls d e @S no(t 1m ea n th ~ft ijif yo Wl Lle'lofll£, 'to a ce IftaJi n ch u reh ·~o u wii i ~ be IPif"M pell'-erlt, 'i~,[j i. ri,IiJ'ljeiOliJJ~lrlessi!' is, not c:o nform inc, ~'O, some p,a r1'j,clU 1,21 r I~el i\Cj;~ill!lS, b,e[1 jieof bu~ ~o the' I a w o~ Irijght: ~t'dlilki~m~'I' re~,~ird[less of cre,ed .. dOIM!aI" ,0'1" reUgio!i.l:$ 'form, G'e't illnto 'the prc~pil!rit, t he u;~ht ,~nod YlCU 'wi 1[1 d~-rn om strata pros,p-~r~tv. Ou[ 'tiv;at!@ 'tih@ ha b~t: of till Iil ~'I 111£ :a bOil.lllt a bu n d ~Inc~ ~''iJ,el~'h'eire p're:s,efiltt~, ii1IO't en 11 ' n ~lhe fQrlms !orf i'lin,!i!lui JiI iliIl~UO n but im '~Io'lrms wu~lho'lIt, Jesus d ~d III at Im,lIke' a se paliatJ]on b et:wee'flI ~li'Iie !twO as 'thiOlll~h II h'iey 'I.;%ii18:i"@ artt: !i!:liiilim iffy ~ libI e sa id, !~IRelnder 'rhE!!iiI'lefort:!, IiLiiln~)O ('2I!es:ar dil'li! th I fi1~;S: th art :a re '(:aEFsLal~\s~: a!lf1id !lJ nto GOld 't:11 e t'h inl~:S; t h art: ;ali,",!! God "s, II Puilt thin~:s ifil trr.,~~ r IfIiglht r'@'I:atlion" tn.~ is PI IiritlJl,~1 '~iF"St: ,i,iIlmd t:h,~ m,;;f~@l'i ~II ~o U,ow~li'ligJ' each w ner''e ~ t: bela ii'iIlS'J' and render to each i ts lOW n.
II!lel8i ize ifi rst of a II tlrhat. prolli pe'rity' is, rlI ot \fIJ[hio Ilv ,81 rna'tlre I' erf Ita p i t811 or' e'n\!! iironlment b~'t a oo,rad itii 0111 bro,u!!Jhrt a bO!JIit bV eerta iln ideas 'tlh,a t: have bee ~
-~I--- -...:I *- -- [11- "- il'il-.,- -- ---"'- -- - --- Wh- - -8-1..- -- ".-:1[--- - -- -h- - --.-II tll..-
ill_ JJwe,,,",, ~'Q r11;,l '€! In 'I~ II ~~' '~Onl5iCUlou:;;n ~:5~', ~fJl !!;;~II'iC!SI~ !u €l i!i~ ,~Ir~: (:-[-~ln8~:~ '.~!'~
eo nd Uli:i'O"i1~ are eha nged ~'n spit:,e of' ·em'IJiilrOlnlfllil!ef1l'l:: and ,[11[11 i3IIPP!ENilir.a IiICe,5,.!' wln~)c n mlUJS!~ ~I:s,o' cf,l,a l'iige' '~O ~Or1!lfOrlm to the new iide'iilils" Peop,le WlnQ ~:Qlmie iln~1O
ri ehes !uJddenlv with@,ut b yiild urn,; up a eeeseieusness of' ~'rosperity sao F!! P~l!"'t from theiil' monl~¥'_ T1f)CiISe! 'whO ,~Ire b'Cifill ~l1id bred ~O' ri~Ih~$! IIJ:s!U~IIIV ~'~'''Ie' pleU1lI[y a II! t fJ1iei r ~ii fe el\!'e'fi1 tllllOlUeJ~ they n e\!'Jer Irm~ ke 'tfile e'fr;~)rt to eaJli'"ri1 ,al d,o,Ula r fc'r th el!i1l,:l1iilE'lves •. lIh~·s· ~ 51 b ~C!l'll!! se the ide',;;!~, of p ~@ !iltv alDie so i ~1terwOV,@!1 unrto, thelr t~hoUIS,h't ,iFJ tm~SI~ Iile'f"ie' til ~t ~ h'ey ar'e a ve'n; part ,~ themse ~ve,!1l'. lh ev have tffile pro.SlPle rit;v eenseie ~~J~,e$S", 1'111 wlhi,ch 'th e re is no idie:a orf anY" c;.Q~dliltio ri Wlf'!,d.~ r w h iic'h 'th ~ Ii ~1C~;$s,utl~~ I~f lif'~ ~~y,ld b~ I~,cki rig:.
We ~Fe ~ometi mireS ~~ ked w~ret her woe' a d\l'\O~~tle tlhl!e!' a ~-e.U mlYII~Uon of rlehes, IfiIJ,o. Th e' a o.:uMul,atti'CHli of' ~I'id"es~, ,a's has. been 'elMplia. nedl, IS hi't:Ule uli"Ill,ess it ~s, ·th@ 'O'lIr~gllfiOiwt h of a !!fich eeaselousness, 'We 2! dvo calli! the aeeu m u latlc n rather of ri(;'tn ldeas, idea~ ttiJ ~t a F-e iU:$~h,J II" eonstructlve, and oif :$enJi ce ~o 'the' W,IE: ll-bel n~: IO,m- a II m aJnlki nd, The' outer m a WI if, o'F riches may W'O,U;@iW' or it m~Y' rlrot. ibut. the ~~IPiphl' for I~very fH~eld wi,ll~ b~ f,!O'Ii,nC::C'fflli ng: Ibll;:c~ !!JS~ UN~ malin 'OIl' rich idei3S Ihas: cont.d,e nee ~ nl :ilf"li :a I ~=p,[j,ovidii'ril.S powii:!·r that iii E!"Vlei:r' fa Us,. He m~'v not h1ji'il@ an @~:rtlr,1ii! dollar, bull: hils ide1DJs har"!@' m@riit :ii!ndl h'e hes oo,nfldeIl"llCle!, ,i!jJ 'bomlbTiilartrlO'il dl,a'lt 'CiEliIlllilott. 'if:slill to attract th Ie me ney t'O C :Slll'rry him '~orw',ard. IIIlii's 'is trllJ'e!: riches, Illotan aeeamulauen of' m!lHiI,e~.!I bu-t access ·to a III i I1i ~Mh,:5Ill!Js,tiilb'IIE!' r'!8S!CHJJ rCI~ that c~ln be. d fa Will on at .a iii)!!' tim@ t,o m €i,gt alny' i''i,~h't@ eus dE! rna !l!id. W~ II! 11 ,al person has thi:5 rh:.h OOiI!!lScj'(U.!!Is:ne:ss t'hE'f'i;!' is, I~O ne;ce$~,iittv' for I ~Iving ~p so ld or 013 ccu mll,li ILaJtilng Si1rQC k s and h ondl~ Olli ot'Ih~'r pro Rlerty to e n ~UI ra 'f'u~ure su pply', Su chi a Iilnii! m,aJY be ml!O:5,t; Hl.ene'~!)lu:s wflt'h hi:s, w~,~U h WlirthQIJ) t 'f;~alr I~;f dl~,pl~e'~iQnlt b~lt;al~se' h is r~'!Chi ilde~s ¥Ji III Ik,e~'p h~ m 11r'ii C;o,IIlS,'t;a nt 'tcu.Jlcln w~ ~h abu rIIda nee. l"h OSE' wino have ,t hie. tIilOLlllllii't: olf aloe!JJtm 1jJ,_. l,aUn~, mate ria ~ W,@!a Itlh~ ill '~li1o~glht tth,ai~ Is d omll l11,a lilt i III 'uh@ 'W'O rld today~ ailf\e unlball ~nced., The·v h;[ive ;a 'W~a r of th'e IIQ~~ '0'''' ri'Clhle:;;: ~h~t me k,e~ th elr tel~Ulf'\e i fil:5EiClUlf\e". 'The'l u pr:oslpe'fiity ls [ba:s~'d e n a W'rOrri,~ ih::l aa o'if t he so UIF"Ci!' cf luid~,es, ~flldl ,eV'~rlittu~llly iriIl;e:a filS d i~i,lM)~lr. T1h~' :$ tn ~f I'i ~lhle~ li':~ not i n iIllh~ po"s~~'ssi en bu t i fil the, IO~\e of' m'u)l[!"iley ~ al Im,ar~elria I :sellft'sh n ess th at le'1i1Ilds tlil sOI!1.d sea NClrtl]cml.
II t: iiis iiio t: a cri m e: 'to be r ieh iii O!f' ial viilrt.!lJ,e 'to I~,eo p eer I ,a'$. OEl: fftaiiin jl",ef'orlmers, WCN.!! Id h~I'iI@' UlS t'hii 11Iik.. Th e $,in Iii as un IhoalDid i ng w.ea It h ,~rnd k@'~ ping it 'froml c i rcu lal'!tDrl!@ 'ifrrelE!i iy t,OI ,:51111 '"f+.tIII I!:JI' n'Bed ii'lL. Tli1(t15,e 'wn 0 Plli t WBa Ilttlll illfltio! useful worik, that ,oorntrTblJ! te,!!;. b:~, 'the· Vii'e·lf~ln'\e of th e m aISSE!'S a re 'til e sa IValt'iiol'ill 0 I' th'e CJO'Ulliitlry. IFortliJ lilart'ei lit:~, tffiiere :ali"€!!' rna lilY in th is coUWlIrt fY' wi'HJ' Ihrav\~ tb~ pr'O:Si~edty ee filSC~iOIIJS ness, ~f we ~'e·re· dill I ilin a pCiI'vert'y' ,Il::on seteusnass, f~ IT1IIij,Ii1~$ 'w-o,uld b~! s s eO:ml~!i'H!Hi~ Iher~' ,~S th ev a re l~nl I nd ii~ 0 _: C h lna, M i~11 ions iln those ~a n d s am'1e. ~,ell d ~ n tt !he' Ipe'riperull al Itt h,ought o~' IPo'!le'rty a n d 'itihecy $l!i'ffer w,erw~ ;01 ,all iits '1i\@ittm$ frOltm t he ef,~dlle 'b~, th e g:rai\i!e., TIne burden o~ ttl e'
~a\i'e iI1:y ~ ~OIU~Jrt reaets om the eanh so t'hat 'ye>alr ililrW'te r 'yela r ii [ w'i'thhol d sits prod (lu:;t'$ ~ r'iid Mil ~'Y' pe o~il!€l su. n"ViiS ..
IIU n iv@'rSilll Mind eon ~1!i'O'~~ a U ~,!;1!'~lI!IrEl' and i ~ i n ~oiSs.e~sio fI of:a I ~ its pre du ets, uTihe ,ear~h ls ~he ILo!rd':!h ~nd '~he' ftl!lhl'e~$ thereof" ts a 8lJ~eat Puny" pe'fi'~on al ma n uses a'll h is craft W! ,ge't 00 Illtrol err th'e 1~'IIiC)id uets ,oif n,~itu re but iis ~ 1!jf4~Y1S dll~f~,~n~d i nl th ~ ~l1d. OJ ~ ~y 'tlh~' ld n i~'r~a II mali1 ~f' Spilrtt 'I S ilrll i'liidiilslPlUi~Ed p,o~:!Slers:sil@!n, and to him 'tbe IFra'th eli :saY,:!j'1 >Ii A.l11 till art ts m i file is 'UM'ifH~\ II Jesus did not h !3r~e U~Jh~ to ,![ill '~'D r)if, of I~ ~d ral~d evidle'fr!tl~ had FlIO; moneVI f'cr tlhe aposeles Icarried wlh3'ibew'r 'funds, the' oompalfirV had,
tie d iid not ,;'\'\!',en burde'iI1 H il'r!i~~I'f wiit:h a '~lijlb,;, as d~d D,i'~,C,';'i1l es, a nd "ha d nOit: wlll,el e 110' I,~ t1li:s head. II 'Y'e~ Hie 'was a ~'Ii-~ays IPlrov~de d wi'tJh e fi1teli"taim wlrH;:ni, ,oif Ule" b sst. Ii e 'bJ o,k ~1t JQ!i g!i1!:lI!i'lltJ~d '~'I1i3t 'wh ~t~'i~l"\elr He' n~ ~de:d W~I:S; &i is,. lhfe iiiS h it ,a rrled Hlis IPcck:e1:b o,o,~ :a Ii d th e ~if1vi:~iibl,e teitlil e 11"$: '~Uill"fiI ishe ~ 'the' :s,idie b oa rId] 'from 'wihiiloh H ~ h:1ii!ndl@,d 'Quilt food "'o'r tJhc'l!Jsa,nds. H,@ W,::!IS rich in @v@ nt 'way' fow IlHe ha d th,~ ]ptr,ospe iiit~ con scteusness Sind prove d that ilIhe' ealrth wit,1n iiilill lts fill U iii ass does be Ilorug 'to t:h e terd, 'wh,o\5ie r~'shrte,o'!Us, sons ,alre nie!'ir:s to a nd in posses:siicull of a 1m t ~l'iln,gs.,
Jili'i,e ~ IiJXih::J!U$o tliho~s:h't must: be' eli imiililr~ted Q nd 11 he IPerlec~' a bainG on ~If 'th e child of nlI:ll~lJlre assumed, and whe'lii to this ~.Uii-ude' you add HIIii!; real~zilt;ic.m of' ur!l~imit~d ~~(;n,Ulr~~~~ yOIlJ !"lave' 'h,,1mllledl 'Ul'~ dilvine 1~1;.'Li' I(iFf prQ$p~'ri'ty'_
'TlH~ ~mag:inat ion is, ,dl wond~rff'!..!11 'c,l!e,~r~i\!e p,ow'~r,. It bul Idls ~IIII things OUl~ ,O'f the' one' su bstance, Whe'[fh ¥,O U ,;;II~~oci~3t~ I~t with f:giU,h~ yo~ ma Ike t hil'lii,g~ ,]us~ as Iie'~! as, th esa that God m fa klest for m aln is ,iiill ee-ereate Ii' 'with G·@-d. W ba!te¥er' yC!I,J fo rm in '~he' 1m urn d ~rnd h~I\i'~' f~ i~h in wii III ~i~(;)CHrll E!! subsea ntla t The'n y\O ~ should be on ,~u ard ,a 5 re,Caif'Ic:i:s, W'~,a'it 'YlOU put 'you r f,ali'tlil in., ~ ~ il tis, m,iart:e' ria ~ fto rm:s" sh~dows, t:h,i;Jt eease tOI be ,~s, :SOlon ~'Si yOIUlIF' s,1!.I P P !Olrti 1ll:1!:: ~h oll!Jg)nt: ls wit'irid r,;iilrwnl :from 'rheml~, ',\('Otill iallfl"e! Ibuii Iidiin\l tem p oralFy' ~,l!I b $.~alrJlce thart cw~11 palss away' ,!l!lnd I i!,,~f\lI\@ '¥O'U n othii ng; Putt YlO'liJ r 'ff~l~th ~ n '~h,~ lu,ea I 0 f,p as Ji~S;US told HI i:s dilSCilP I es .. Ii ha VIE' f',ali'th mnr 1G:llld •••
'TrH~ re'ilil S€l'i!lroh of illl~ ~Ie'c p le iis; fo r God" Tll1e-y m ilry th il!llik, '~!h,ey fa r:e' IlookinlB: for t'ftlju:~'r 'th~ rilIS'1 but they m U !l:,t eV'EH'iritlll all hI' ad m it tn,a't; it is G,CH:i 'they slee k,
IU,,"- "0 .... '_.;...,. r .... l·t ~rlii' '--""-m' - .... i;jj;h" th""'-- john - - -"'" k" ...... -I ---- - .... - - "'l1q;jj; !II!~'Vlnbi ~lIh."=' '_o;' _: ~ _ ~~ P'Il'!!:: sl!::'nli:);; W'_~. _~ n ':-~',=,Im.~, ',~-_lr;V' ,ar;;; _ ~!;:;fil_ Y' oor~S~!!iJII)JS 'I~_ ) !li!1 I":
Om"ll~Y G ad €iii n SilJt rsly. 1iili'ie· p!~ace whe i"e we' meet God sh auld Ib~ rm,iide' SIO $1,Ii re aln d :~lO' pllJlfre t hat we ,e~ Ii1 n ever mlii':st~ke iIH ii$ vlil;ce Or' be h idder'ill fr'"(Hii! His,
'foa ee, 'f~ iis Ipil iiJi{;le we tnow a s 'the lui nd, th e' in most reeess af the s{)ul~ the kilngd(HYi of fh~ he:iJJven $ Wi thil!1 IJ $.
III i~~ !II ot ~ll!JfllTic:ie III Ihowe:'!!@ r 'to' sit dowtrll ,!!!lrJd held '~hol!!lg hts o~ :a bu ~ da !1 !De wit.h~'~n. f~nlher elffJt~rt, That ia~ Ii m it iim I til! ~ II ~IW '~Q 'thf~U,ghit alone, ;a nd w'e w,~rn'~ it to b!i!' 'hnl11lTlll ed in ma nTr~e:s1I'aHolnl IiiIS w,e~ II", IO!Ullit~vatin~: ideas O'~ ab'utn-, d~n(.;~ i~ ~Ih~ filif'S~ $~~P i fill tt,l,~ prOIG~:S:$," Tl'u~ id~,~~ th ~tt ~:o;ml~ mu~t b~ u:s~d, B~ alert in doi ng 'W ha~e\i'1elr comes '~O YOlil to. ,d Oil che err!lJ II ,airnd CCi m p-etent in th,t,". do~ n~~ $,U re' of the je':~N;lII'~s,~ ~'or it is, th e Se~DI1! d $,tep i'lnl the flu Illflii 1 I i ng o~ Ulll;< ~ aw,
Yo III can do a nryth in.g wuUw the t~'illllgjhts, lo,f yOIU r milli1d.. 'lh,ev a f@' VIOl U rs arid! unde r 'y\C)11,J r (0 nt 1f(:I,I" You C~ iii dlirect them, OQe'If',C::';' t he 1M " hu~h thrie'm P' II:) r ICIi1'1il,J1:s,h theml. Y'Q'U! ca Wi dii's,s'o I'le' one' tho'l!lght ,!and put anothew i fI1 fts stead, 'fhie.~e is, no o~lh~f Ipll'~lo~ ffin '~h~' Uri iver~~ wll e n~ 'yo 11.1 '~Irr:: Ule' albsoll utI: rn a:st~lF. fbi! dDlrnnl~ iii ion BI\I\E:H'i1 v.em as ''f0~ r' d i\lu'nue riil!lht is ,C)V,e'r YOiUJir ownl tIiliD~I.h ts only" W h@n! 'vo!J flIWly' a ppr@ih@nd this ,iii n d b@i8'in to exercise yOU!II IGod~,8~veln dom~ i"iI ton, you begill'l 'ito fl n d the 'w,arV to, G;o!dl~, tlhe ol1lly d,!i)~r to, 6 od I' th e do or of m~ nd a Iild thcUJ,cht"
II'f 'you ~I~e ·~e.arl!!JI11 th:il!lt yOl.J!1 'willi nat b@! ~ f~vid@'d '~r~h '~hej ~!ec@ssitu@~ ,~f I i~l@ w,r t:omo.rrowj, next w'e.e,k .. OJ" next year" or 'roli" 'your old age" or that your ,hffild we n willi be left i 111 want" deny ttl e 'thcIUlRht. Do fir et a 1I'@rw' 'you r:self' fer ill momll~rl(r~ tQ '~h iln k of' $Glrn~thi ng tll1at mu ~;~ be Qutside 1!Jliie III'\~~ I m of' an·, ea refull.!' a II-PflO'iii eJli 1il.1, l,oQd" '~tQW kf1l,O'W ,e:ven 'from yOi!.!ll1'" IOU te'r ~xplelrmence. th a ,t 'the IiJ nib/@!f,S,@ ls self-su staln ing: a nd tJh:a'~ it'S, i@'Qlui ~~ b !fiulliTI [t!!, 1@S'!t~ b Ii:s,~,@d bV ~aw. TIll'e: S~ !rrH~~ Ili1IiW t ha ~ ~u:\itaiiflll$ a III :Sl!! stai n S 'yo~ as ,al p~ rt, C:I ali rn your iidle'nltity undle r tJhat IltlIiw!, yOI!lJIF one ness wiith ,t be. al], and rest i r1i the' !!'YIerlast'ing ,a1rms, of C;3IU~~'J.' wlhii~ h IknOiINS lii'loth iiti!,g of ta ck, Ilf Y10lii ~i'e ln ,:31 cen ~ i~'j'CNil! ~f p,o,\!i\en-vl.. 'this atUtud!,e of m iinldi 'wi n ~ftitra!ct 'to VOiu OJ)ip alrtlJln~'t~e5 to be!Ui!'U' 'yoy r (G'Ii'ldirrti0 III ~ IllIllsull,ijlrt@ you IF mlii rid flr'i:;:Hlll th e dl~sb"lu(;'thi'e t nlO u[g:ht.s of a II thlli:Js;~ WiiH:).' II a bo iI" Yncle'n" 'tlhe be ~i,e1f ilnl Iha I'd times" If yo u n" asseet altte':$, ta lk i!!Ilbou ~ 'th e: ~in:a ncla I stri flIge liley" affirm a II th e' mere P e[r~is.~@n ~~y vouw de p@ndi@ nee' 0 n tl'ile' altJu ncialn ce o,f G adj.,
IEty' 'oo'ing Ulli.s, '\fOIU p,l!at;f:' YOlIJlrselff u n dle'if ,~ d i'virlle' IIi!lw of di6'mlilnd ,and s;u pp!it 'that is: tllJ!e'Vef' i nfl ueneed bV t:he 'fhJl,ct!LIaft~o ns of t.he ml;;:u'ike'it er dn,e opi n lorn,s ,olf m~j~- E"1j.;!'-'lf ,t'l'i-~;"'''", 1.")'-1' dl·.',,-I ,.. "", "1'1"'-, .... I ,,-JI1'1< "",II" 'wh '1 ... ,t1!,-,""I .. *, .... ,AI ~:- jilOn ii,' .. 'n .... II A -M;·_:
__ ._!!;!'I. !,;, _ e_ 'i/ 'IO.m'!;;; y .... u ~i2n _ <Oli.h, gJ I!.!! ~'Y'l!JgJ __ I!. .... ~ D_'!;; __ i2Q_ '~'!;;;I!.I!_~_," n '"' __ '= "'""' __
part oiP' '\Iou rse,lf,:1 Y;OUi set ~ n ma,Hom ;i!iI c:lil,a i ill ,arf ca uses 'thiEllili' m u s,t briilll,g th e tes!.ll Its, ylO LJ :Sle e k,;, A~k W h,~~I'UiOe¥e r ¥@iY Wu II ~" ''i!h~ n,ilIffili!! ,Orf tine Chliil~·t., the' II AMJ' 'th e diirv'ilne w;ithi f"I I' ,:;Jlf"I,d you r demld'lI'uis, wi U be flUUg ned; bet Iii h,eaViefil airndl
ea M h 'willi ha sten to do YO'IiJ r' biid d inm. B IJJt wlhen 'you har¥e' !aJSjkfllC.i for s~m ~~h i ~g~ b ~ IC!IW'!I t n~ a 11~'rtt t:o Ir,{t.~i;'illit. [ft w.'n~rn i~ CO mli!$" PI~o,p,l~ (;Or1!"!lpl,eJli!fli ~hat t flei r p ray-eFS a lie not a rlI:$,were't'j wh en, ~f we Ik[fH~:W the, 'ul,n:h/ th ey are' not ~'w,~I(J! to f@;ii:@'i!!l@l' t.h'l!!' a f!'S,W@I!I 'w~el!1 it: Ii:Q!iTH~l!~.,
Ilif you ask foil" money, do rriOft; ~Iook fOlf :a1i1 al1r1l!8l)eI from 'the skies 'to D!lilill8' it on ;ID g~~d~l~ p'19tt~r, burtt k,'~~p yOIi[j1r ~~~ o'pr~rn 'f,C;'D' ~om~ f'f\~~h OpportUllity tlO malke men e~I' a iii 0 P PCllit:U n it.y 'thalt: wi III com,!! as SIUIIf"l!! :21 S 'you Ilive.
rlh,ese' aJ re 5-0 nil e tafiiillible, st!ePS ,a IOln~, the wav 't)O lithe malfglelli ma'lilii'~estalt~o ni YOIl!! dli!s,iilF'oi!" N,o one' is: e\f@l!f g'i\l~'!fQ the ke'ys: te t he. Faith @ If~S stereheuse ,olf wea 11tlh I~n'tffil h e tiJ~~ p r(l!i!i;;~d hli'~, fa ith and h iis r'\elli~b~ lity. Tlnle iii hi e Im,~ry go i rIi and ~ass QUIt the fill00,ds, 'ff1ee~lv'. lf the men orf the 'wl)Jrld .. wii~h their selfi:i~l ideas of !'l!illine '~I"d1 tJhijli"!ej.~~ W'el!le g,iweJ'!I'! the ~'OWi(?r~ WijthCli~t a thofC;u.,!lgn mEHiltal1 dea nsl 1iI1~ of 'il'illstant IIV p'fI",odluc~'1'iI1 w h:a'tever iIl:hey de:!li:i fl"e~, 'th,ey w,ll)u ~,dl undoubt,@dIV IPn,il,ctmcl!:' sti I ~ glF,C!ate!l1' 0 p p U'@:ssa en S, on thi~i r f\~IIIOWSI' ,1i:llnd exist ing' 00 nd lilltio,n,s, wOlllld no~ be nmplr'O,v,~:d.,
At. ~rttoWille itUf~:w.r SI~~S! a h ID~ k: of m iElllF'ioll ~I ~IS so. m 81[11l¥" irloU1r'S workji. 'whi IdE~' M i'd11e! 11~1f1~:eI,o :s,e@ S' i'tl as a nl ,!:j! !'i!\~el 't\hat 'ut ls h is pdvi~,eg,e '~Oi br'iir!\~ ff@nh,. Thls ig dile d if~:er~nCie. between IIlhose w\h,~, see tlhe' m aterl ~i~ we rld a s SO m uolrl matter a nd tho~le wh @< ~orok on f1~ with the eve s c'r m,i nd a nd the ilrmagi Fi.[ .. tic ~ Ulat: war b '~C!l'iN'~lrd per~~ctiglriL 0 n~ 'wn~ pa ~1!1t~ ~ P i'et u r~ 011" m alke~ ~ pli ~c~ of Sec u l'pbJlre f,iir;!;t: SEHr!S ilit 111'1 1fl~\5, m ind." tI,e 'filr.:!i,'t: iilrmagiilille'5 '01" i fiTij,a ge's, it. ~ r Ihe. w!alf"rts a s~lro'li1g: plctllUlfi@ h@ 11I'I!u~ke~ feree ,one IOff the' elements of h~:s, ~miig:e., If h@ W,i!;Ilnit:!ij, be ~Iutty; iii fl"id GhgJlfI"~ CJt~;;WI' he i# uts love' i nt:o 'ut" He mal' not see 't~'H~~ penff,e.e:t: pid!!J Ire unti I ,alill U~,ese' ,e.II,em,enits ~r,e comb~ ned, the n it If'\eq1uii res blU~:
I ilU~ ~ ,eno,rt t,t) ,tt ~ i1I,$;~r' it ~rom h i~ m ~nd t,o tlhe- ~aln~~$ or- t.o the rna rbl,e.
On the silt't h day' O'~ c:r~afUon,. 'we ~ lie tolld", G o-d II iilm~g!!d il tI is m allll,;; riffll~de h ~Im i Ii"i H i:!ll ii magie ,t! ii1d Ii keness, lhi'$, d~~s Ino1! m!ea n 't1i'M~it G O~ 100111;:5 I ike' m a n, aJ p~'IfSion~1 b@m"R, v!ii~h maf!li!cJe form", W'@ make a tjhilnig, Iii" our ofwrn iIITH!l\B!!'" the i 1ITI,8ge' we 1lJ,8 ve' i rlI IrTI'irnd fOilf '~J~le ttthi iilg\l' and DILIIII'" cre'81tttii ~'1lI does ill Oft resernbl e us in ,alR:Y 'W',aiy., ,God i:s, w~'t:ho!J t '~o'rm\, fer Hie is s,1i=!I ~1i1~t. 'God is, air. ~dre:a ' maJ Iil Iil~s tri ~,d 'bJ olbj€l ct'irry' in 'Vilru eu SJ forms. He. ~:s thr~ !J 111 iV€l rsal ~lulb\St~ !1I~I~" tine. I i1f€:' dlat ialni rnaees tlru::i' s IlJ bsea n CE',~ and '~h e ~'Olve t:h.adtt bInds ifft t!o,!"et.i'iI,er',. Man ju:srt: !i1att i!J t"~I~llrll ,gi\lii!i!S: .S,Oml@' f~rm tiC' ~ve'~'Y ~d eal he ha:s,,; @.l!Ile<n th@' ii d aa '~f Go do!' for' ~he' 'M,rmai't ilve fa b !l.Illrty D~ th e m,i rid uS a ~ways ;!iIrit \I\JiQ,r Ik w1heililhl€ r itve ilmiie Ellw,Sik€, Or as,l~e~;. We, get miEllt~rlall fOlf '~oormling mle~t~111 plittures '~fO'ml 'wi't~'O;llIt ~Iildl f'rom 'wirrt~i n.
Thls iim:amirlll or 'f;ormatii~e' IPower ,@if ~~e' mirnd could net "H~lkie anvth'ifill~, un~I~S$ iilt In~ d the $ll,tIlbs'tt ~1f!,C~ Ol~t of which to ferm Ii ~" 0 !i11~ could I'llot m'~ k~ ~I lea f of bread yiirth out!: the' ('!our a nd oth e'r ilnie~edmeurt:!l,. Ye'!: wit h a II th e.". i !i1~:r~dii e nts at luu1!Jdl one ceu Id n at rn~ lbl! a loaf u~1 ass or!le Ih~ d H~ ~ pow@r' ,oif i lin agi Iilg th e ho\~ ~ Ii I'll (H1H;:":~, lim in d., ilih ls S~ e ms sl mlple~, but the 'f,~¢t i $, t:1il ~ t the' pow,e F 'to, '$orm the' ~()!ilf ii's Ile's:s, eem m oln thaJn '~h e av'a fib) ble Iliiu~i~eri'~11 fe r tbe h;'ii'f." F'lo,1!j r. ~Ifld W,~ltlli1i't' ~ f~' ~ b~ t1d,~ nt, b ut ani,' o~wt~lifil p~oiP,II~' ('~ i1I USIIi1i' ~ hl~m ilf"ij the r~gh tt wav' te '~®<Ii"m a pa~,arta b~e loa" olf b read, :S,OI wit h 'this su ~j!e'd ,olf pr'Os,~~rity _ ,Substance, is eV'e'rywh e If\e.. flilili Ii1g ra II th e u niver'Se, 'Thlere rns 1!i10' leek, If W'e h,iirve' n!OJt be e' fill 5UiCcessfui ii fil, '~o il"mi iiilQ: ii Itt i il"itlO' the t n ~lilg5 \ii,;f,e hav,e n@~dli!d ~Indl wi s,hted for, it is not b!e-cia use ef la ek of su bsta ~oo b Il.!U ,@if I a cit of unde rsta nd iitJ1lg ~ow to U$~' ~,~ r ~ m ~gij l1I,g P ClW~If,.
The 'world gQ~~ thrrQusml periodl~, ~f :se'~lmij ng ~~I~k bel~i;llu~e' t hie pe op'~e h~V\~ re(flused 'to b u i1ld U'H1!:~ r pr\o\S,p,e.rli'qr- en 'the' in iI1,eir" r)'mll1~prese rn:~ ,endum"ifilIS: su bstence, :a nd on the centra flY hav@' ·t ri@'d to b.~ Si@' it: O~ 'thl!' sU!b:st:anoe thart they se Ie an 'ilrhe' 0 uter, Tjn~ s 10 llJ'tl~ir S,U bstance, 'M1ii"m e cI by th e. ~lm,iliie:i ifiIg powe'r of men in piast al~e!'1 seems ,to be lim~"ted .. and miliHiI :s,tlliuS!iII,e 'for i'~, fo,rgetbing 'U'iII@ir D'wrn dii'vi Iile pCifJWi€!'r' 1[.0 fOlliITi ~lh€!'ilf" OWlrll 'sUI bs'tallfllc@ V1!",!t,ilm the ~i m ltl €!'s,s, su pply 'W'ithwn. Th e le'!itSl@'~ 'WDr ~ 1.1 of I!J~, shou Id he' ,to b ~iiiid 'CIilWF P r'D:s,per~t¥ onl the' i nner $Uib~iI!a nee,
ThGS~ whQ do d ~ mo l1i$tr,at~ p~:s ~~rlirilt.y ,t h r,gltllgh t he 11~lw g;f Irnef!1 1h~V\~ Mothi rill pei m aililiia iiiI't. All ithe" r p,o,~,!S Im,ay be SWE!'pt ,aJW,ay i Iil ;[II mom IE! nt, Ih~y h,81W nQ~ b!1J. llt 0 n the 0 rd@rlly 18W of God" ca I1Id W'ii'trn,CN.!1 ~ the ric h 'thQug h~ of G,o d "5 IbOUli1ltleiOu~nt6'~S filQ (m~ 'cain h arve an e flld ~ ring OO'iiil:Si~iiQ usness, of slUlpply'.
INJ'Ii) ,ell ise2lsE!'", p-O\if\ertv, 10 Il" ,ali1~' other' Iniie1G:crU'1I!'e' cOlldi'tio'lil calin e.nrte'r' i ntn OUI r dOlfllflllaiiin 1,.1 n ~~S:}5, w'€ urll''!Iit e utr" IN or !l;:a n iit rre m~ i n with us til nI !ess 'Ii-"ii'~' if!lIl1terta illll iL COrJlSC iious [power 'Of'it'el[ alii 5U eh cot~d~ t:iOIl'i5, ~s' Ollie of Qr!ij il" ,glf'leat)e's,t d el igliift$, a In d a pallf~ of our diivinl~' irr! herlta n CJ~, b ut ~#i,i!@ mlJJs~ ~ aarn th a ta W ,~Ir!ld aplpllv' ttl ~ pO~\re r in t ne It~glht: 'waIV,.
IMI~n ha\!'€l iI c:onsciou$li1e~s; olf ililiC~k be,l;ilU:5€l 'ttthli~ I et SGf~iI n~ the :S1~r~'~lr1It ,o.(~ sa nse, 'tie mp,t the m. '1"hH~ (i.a rdEH'iI 01 ~:d ern ls wi~hi III 'IUS he re' a rnd ",O'W'", and t:h e su bt~e t~ml~tatio n to i!!!J~t 10if the tlreie iot ~selils~tillo" 'I s ~II se :s~'1 U wi'th lI!JS. W,e have be'em igiv1e:iI'iI domiirni,(llnil ,QV,eli ,!the' a'i!l~mlalll fJ:QlrGles of the b~:dV.r the "beasts of th e 'field, n a lid 1m ~:St t~rftu~ thle m" mta ki Iil~: th e m $ef\'~lnt;,$ mr'!l~te,ad iOlf masters lof the, be dy. ~ nistead of: 'Medin~, t Ih,em we mUJI st ma ~e 'the'm fee d II..t~,.
Wlherll we olle reo me the a nima Is wij'thi n, ibt ~,!'iin be 'ea S'1l11@ m:lr,~ iln th e rn ill!! 't~ e wit no ut - Th iis 'trllJl~h o,.F ov~t!COlrniirll\m!, ii$ t~u,.l,gll'il~ ~IH 'th 1"0 ilJg,h 'the S;ori Plt:~ re,$'j ~llI1ldl W",E!i can d,e me n !\j,trate lit i ill OU r ~ ife~ fa r 'G!U1d III as e'n d QJl!wed us wit: h t hie POWEl'," ~Q overeome. 'W~ !i'!i1l!.!!st lay' h old ~,f th at iinhe're!i1t POW@'f ~ n d begin to !J 5i@ it: (:;Q nstru !l;ti{r;j'el11r.
Thl~ wh(;!II~ h u m ~ n1 ~ffl~ I}I' rs~~lf'n~ '[.0 b ~ S~!"l ~~~i'(Hl ~l1.~d. Alii eu r ~;Cl)n@~lrC ~lli1dl Sloe i'a I 't rou b las callil be' t u,aiced right b.a ck to th e se,l~i~ h lIl,eS!5, of' the :sen!5e rna n. We ea rl! rl!ieVlelt (lvere.'o'mle t hesoe rCo I1dijtions Ii f'li U~ e a ~te If u ntil we ~\i''er~@m e ~he'lr !l:aiUSle5 i iii th e inne'r soul of 0 u rselves .. 'TIil,el'le ~5 su re 'to be re'D e\'t iitti !U'n 'Olf w,~lr :and P@'~ e:e,~ p,~@ nty a I"! d 'Fa m in@,~ ~)O ed t'Vmes; a ndl d@lPl!"@s$ions l!Il!i~i I we ~~ Il;;~ the ~(iIIFilrt[r'(llll l(irf m~ n d ~u bstence ~w~Y' fino m t hie $e'ii1'~e' Irml;;lllil ,aln ~ ghl€' itt, '~.(li ~he SIP iiriiitliiall man, Wie know th a~: thelr\!'! j'$ .a s ~ f1rii~ua I rm ii!llrIi and we loolk, f:o rw.~lrd ~ I'l! ~Q !i'J1Il~ id~',~1 \~~y ~Q h i~ I~O m ul!1g~ but he willi nil!Vl~lr or;HTiH~ urntii 1 W~ bm'lif'il,S hiilm" W,e' hope' arne!! IP r ary fOIii the' CO lilil i 1n1G, of belHle no 'it h;iililgs;; Ibut as M alrlk 'T'~!l3V.Jll sai:d ,~boU!t 'tilh@ w\~:atih@iIf;; uno' one do@:s ~filythin8 about it," V~h~' cam dOl S;iilm€fl:h I ng: a bout th e ImaUe ii' of self:~;bOlrli1i ro ~ andl ;e\iidil (rr us' m use if' VII,e illire: e\!'el" '~'O imp r'O~e au Ii condlidon Jlihysic~~ ~~ (;lInd 'riinanci,a lIy as w'e!;IW .aIS rnersl Iy' i3ilri'lld spini'ilLualilly,,,
We m!J,j~tt rnif't up 'this, '$el1pl~'fiIlt of sense, ,i;l5 M'!i)se;s, iif;te~ UPI the s;~rpenril! in the wi Ide rn ass, a 11 d ee ntrel it mn '~he; na m e ,off Chlf'"
IE I i miinate ,alii ne~laltiw' 'thollll~rrts that oome "liI'tOI ~,O!Jj Ii' mi nd, 'Ye~ do fiI'Olt :s,p end a~ I yQ'1!J11! Urin@ ln d@rnia Is b~t: giv@: rnueh of v~ to' '~h @ elea r realilizia'tiom ~if Ui @ ev~r\lwh ere P rese ~t 3 ril,d w,a itifillS' :\illlb~ta nee ~f'i! dl II fife" Som'e of UIS, h.aNe' linl gl me·~s!Ullre i n!hie:r(i ~ed "hard times III by e!'w.t:e rt~i n illltlll: the ra c:e Ui olll[ght so ,~,~1'~1I11~ i.lffl U nd us, D~ n;(l!tt ~IU,OW 'Y'OUIF~]~ lif to d'o th iiit Re imle!lmlber' '\f@l!ir j'd,erntU:y ... that you alfi!e ,131 son of G,od :and that your tnherttance rns, fh::mil Hilfilil. ¥IO IU are th e he,iF to 4111 th ~rt th~' F~lltin~'F hi as _ lel' ~lh~ ~ ,AM ~.,V'l! y!l;ll!U! fro 1m e~ry' ii'Jje~,a'ti'¥\e d'loueffi'i'r:. irirn e ,li)lil'f'OW5 ~h a't fly by d ialy ,iCiJiild tthe' p esli'le'jiJlC;e; th ai~' ~Ii'nrea'l~ns a !f'@ t h asa m@'j58! ~~Vle ra C@ tho!Ught:~ in t he Ifn~iflJ~all atm o's,p here. lr&l e
~I iii. -Me- .. .-.n-· ...... • • .-.,' ""'IIll- .,,;:;,c;.:; '!;~.-. U 11- ,e';:".J'· ..... u 11- w" .-·'1'11 ~ I ;:,;"",..-li 'iJ'nlUI ,,-,,,,,.' ..-.f· II" i.-"", ,,;0;1.:. c;;e.r"'''' .... Iit.
[I ~~. ~U·;3.":';; 'I.J.IU~ ~;;:i~'Ji '.~- ...... , I ~.:=J''-I!' U.· j .' IJ l~gtJl ~"!UI' uull, u ttLrl~! UII::~~ 'l, 101
nelij,atj on and i fil'tO '~ne' Promii'5edl La n d ,of pi e nt,v' tna t ,mow,s, wluth rni It alli'N:i honey,
1[)@f1!IY 'tlfnU: Y.OII!.li ~"~In Wos!e ~ny~hi ng. ~~ e(~' of f1! eg~tive t'~~'i!J~:h'ts, o:w ~iw.~ f'iI'ci,~I~ loss or a iii V ot her k.un.d of' ~oss a rid real iz€' ,t h,iSlt notlh iifllg iis eve: if lest ina im til'i i? !!]n~vetSe,. l\rnlE! re' a u:!' op,~ eH1~lllliJ~ie'$ ,evefrNhere~ iU$~ as 't'here h~ve ,i!j IwaY's be,en" 't,o IpmduiLe, all th,alit y,ou need fin,alnc'i:~iIIIYI er ,o,thefl'wl~e'. (;,od wants, you
'to be' a p'f'Od u eer ef I!lew Tde,a s, New ide;i!i:!ii I!:C me to you 'from 'with in. Dc l!fIot thi Ii1 k, feU" al m onriu~rrt U'i ~It yo U are Ii rn itl~d 'to th~ ide~:$ t nart come h'o m withe tit. 1M a ny of' tt.h(),S'e iide'as aile '@"_UltglF~w Iii a "v-way' and have' (I udiv-ed ttl e~i r usafuln ~S5i. III !\'!It ts 'whrV w@ ;go t.tI U'\(!uJ\gh pe'fijcds ,~f 'i!:hang)e; sc that o,ldI ouhvQfrn h~le'~~, 'can bed i~C;~lrdedl a jji,d repls I';e'~ w9t:h ne'\N' and b etter Of'!,e~,. Tnelre have been more i'nvemti'or1ils, slnee the' belB:inn[J1l6 of the so-callied! dEl',p r~~s!l'orn 'tthan ~n ~Inv IPif'~V~;O,u~ ~imU~ r P~fi od o:f Aml~rI'C~I!l1 h i:st~ry,. "hi~ sh ow,s that new ldeas a Ire' wli'tlil i n m a11111, .J ust 'w,a itmlill: to be ca III ed 0 ut ,alni!JI pu t: i !i1to e~lH·e,~~io 'it. 'VjU'~,; ~"Ir;1 'f~11! d III ew warv~, 'o,f I i¥'i ng ,~Iru;il ne!w l!iYH:~t hods ~f' wort::; we ,are' inlO't COiil'fr~,ed 't:,o' dille' walVS ,and meeheds of ,'ne. paist:. WhENl1 we [)(lim m u ne w ii~h t111@ Spirit w~th in a n d as ~ fOIr' new idea SIr t he,,! ,~n'l@ ,;r! Iways, w,rtihl((li m img,_ Whlen t hese ~d~ s from w'i~ hl~rtr us ~llre re !l)Oglniil~e d, t hey ,go to, w,od~ if) n d come '~I)) 'the surface. 'he ifi a I ~ tlhe the !JJ~,tnt;s we ha !ie' ever h,aldl~ as w~111 ~I~ '~he ~hQ'IiJBlht's; iO,f ioth er pee ~I~ej are add~dI W' ttile!lm a Ii1d 11 e\~ til urr,g:s;, arre q til ick~'1 p,r,odlJced,. Let us' qiU~'t: s lalvi:s h~y ,rJ,e:pe'iiI d irrnl: 0 ill some O'i!iI'E:!: ,~I:!i,e for' @'\f'@rythlntil li nd be corm!' predu eers, 'f'Dr antlv' ~1'iI '~h.ilt di reeticn I i:@cs, hialPlPu n @SSl, and SIJiiiwC(tS,S. ~et IUS be,gi i1 'tJo, eoncerrtrate on th is i iil neil" m;all\l~, thi~ IPow'e,riul man who Iprodiuces 'thuIf1C!,.!' whO' !E!ets his ideas from ,[II hrChe'f"'ll:lilm,el1si,onall re-,i5Iihnl;; who iblrili'lG:s. id@i5IlS "rem ,a Il'1Ie'W 'm'nlitoryl 'I!h~ landl O'~ Canalallil",
W halt kind of chaeacrer ~I~ you giftving to this; ~ iii iii €:Iil" su bstance btv YOU r lIhoUl~ Wlt!;?' Cih,a nge ¥@ilJJlf til, olJgh1t a Il1d ~fiI C rea!il:!,e 'YOUII' S yb~ta n ce illi1 tine mi nd, as EI~:~h,§l1 ~lnelfWa~~d '~hle' i~'G~ 'fIo r H! ~ VII'~dQW _ G et 111~I~g~ Ii' r,@Il;I~P-II~~d~~ alnd Ipil ~ rr~y of th em" Eve iil a '!IIe'i1i' ssn ali I ~ dea of :nJilo:s,ta nca fill ay' be aJdd~ bl alfi1d1 i Il1Ic;r@hi\!IS\@ld. the: W'udow ~~d ,a ''iJ\@lry .s;rnli:!l~ I ~ rneu lilt OF Qi 11,. burt as 1!!n@ plr;~plh ert blessed it r~ 'j nc r'ea~,ed untH it Ii n'edl eve rv vessel s he OOU Idl bo:rrQw from the nel~h DO rs, W,e s,~ O'IU ~d 'ro rm the h ~b~t of lb ~e's,s,irn:R' e\!,!!!fvt h rnl!: th ai~ we' hav:e'. il't m~y' $el~ii1r) rooll is Ii1 te $OIM'~ P ~1i"SO ns 'n~~t ~w,~ Iil~'~$~ e u 1'" nT~II!::~ls,~ d iliin~'~~; 3 ned dlo~ I ars, bue w,e kmow th'i3tit 'we ia!1fi!e!: settlinG: the' ~,alw ,air incli"'eiEI se' il'riltito a,p e jj,arti on. AIIII subst~nce' i:s. one' and '(;Ollillnle'cted~ wh~h~-r liil1l tlhe viis;i b lie' or '~he' i flIvii sibil e ~ The nil i nd I i~e~, som e'iI!h i rr\~ 'thalli: ts a i r'e,ady ['0 rmed a rIi d 'ra nigi b Ie' for ;til s!Jgg;estio!i1 to G! ke hi old of. 'Wi th t h i!i uml:age th @ mind sets to 'Work to lid I ilk.e 5l1Jlbs~a ll1oiE' ~roml tl1, IE illllvilsi b ile Ir"i~,;3i1 rnl ;3 rr dl tn IIJ:S ilrli[;lr"iE!;3i:se what we H1av.e ilril hand!.. 11 es U:S lused the srn a~ ~ qua ntlity of leaves a nd 'f~:sne;s ~o prod u c-e a cre1ait: qUfJiI'iit1iity 'o,r-,.Jlo!aV'~rs lind fi~Jhl~. [~~1Slh1a us.l~d iII :5malU a m ouril~ off 'cn I tOi EJ'fOO!J ee a 8Malt ,ialMC'lLIIlnt ,O'f:"~Dill So when we' Ib~ e:S:!1: our money 0 il" oither 8ood's:~ we a fie' c'Q,m p,lyi,ng 'wit h ,~ duv~ne la w ,(ii~ iner@'~lse ttMf~jt: h,as be~e n demo n:St r,~i~e,d milan, tlmes.
Anothe!l ~;tei~ if!!! 'the' derrnofll:~rt'rafil:i'@'!Il ,off prosperit;y iis the; pIN::parartTon ,of 't~e CO nscte 1!.J:$ln~$$ ~o ~(€!!i\lf! 'tl'ille' in,(ln~.3$'~" I f we' pray h)r Ira ln, w~ $I~O i!.Jllldi b,€!' SU re th a ~ we haMe OUi f' liJJlm b re n~ s with UIS.. 'fou re'ad in t he ,3d cha[p'ter' of II Ki ngs, h,~w IEWisha 'CIllI used .~ he water '~O OO'PTI e hOlml ~h@ i !ilVii slbl e ,1;1 nd filill tlferu;flhe~ iin th e ,d esert, Bu~ 'fli Fst th e tren.;:l!lies Ih,~ ~ t'O be' dUiS: i ill the dry SIr'iO!ll nd, That re;Q Uti lied faiid'il~ b!..!lit HH~ kiln8s h~ d lit ,~11n d they'd !lirE!; trene hes alill O\i\~rr a ~,~fg~ ;\I~U~YI jl!irs~ as Elii~h~ h~d ,oomrn~H)d~d. IE W,~~ through 'tH1,~ undielU':S"tClind iiUilg o~ lEIII~:sihal who knew till e truth fa ru,o ut th e' ilrliVisii ble su b5t.aillju:~e'I' '~Iilat ~'hir~ ~ee rllli ng: m uraicl,e wa$ ~o:;o r'!llipil ishe d. "{'e!t. the tn:'1'r! c hes il~ld to be piiiepalified~ ,g nidi yOU must IPifielP31r,e ~'O u r COiii"ii:5C'~Oi!Jiisnes $. f'Olli" th Ie rri1f~ow of 't~ e Il!Jn~V'@rsalll s ~.dls,tra n ceo
lilt: ,o~,eys the laiw' 0", rH;JI~ulle., jilllsit as dees W,glt,er Of' ali11V other 'vi:5i~ble 'thin~~ £Jllfi1!d flQw~ ~fiktto the pl~'cl: IPrep~g!'\~d fQII it, n '~ill~s ~~rything 'you ~Iolld iill! 'YOI.l!F m~ iii d, wh etlil er vassels, 'trern c:;he:s:~ cur you r p IJJ [is,e.
Ilril: i~s not. ,adVillsalb h~ to ~'O ld 'flo r te 0 speclfl C iii die ma 111 d. 'i{,OIU rn ig ht vil!ilua M.l\fl: ill hundred doWla rs a nd G;et~ i~ when a theusa nd w,~s comi l'lI;g yQI!iJiIl' WQJ¥'", [lID not:
I ilm it: the, su bs,ti3llnQ~'~ t'O 'you thii Il'ii k y,DU n if!1~d Olf 'VIla nt; iI"'flrtllie'i" bma d,~ IfII yOiU F eon sele usness and gii\!!',e ii'mrifU II! ite IMI~'!i1d f'riei!d om 'to wOlrk.~, ~1F!ld e~ry' g,Qod an dI me e.o ~'u I th iilllg wil i be IPIj"\O~'id ed Y,OI,ll. M,ake' 'YOu r $.'~~'ite ml~illlt~, broilitdl and 'co m preltN:=nsiVle se ~ hat yo IJ..I r fnind rn,ay ~'J( ~,a III d te tine lnfl n ite IraUii.~;r Ula n tryij Ilt ·00' ~1If,~ rim th ~ Irrtii II'i! ib~ ililr~Q yiQ!U r rn iilil cL
s'~~tem@lTts To! Bro;~u::h2 n Wh@ Miiind And t=111 It W r~h 'fh,@ ~,khn @s:s ,o·r S'lJbstance
~Irnl Iq[ui[;e'r!rU~55 ,9 rrJld con fid e nee ~ ,;mrffi rm th e dr'.awillrilt: l?'OweitJ" of d i~¥iWille m~fVle ,g15 my ma~JH~~ ,Off eonsta ntlv' i ncr~asli ng swpp.~iy'.
~I have unbounded 'faJii'~h in t he omn'mIPlres,e nt su bsta nee inc:re\a!silli18 i'!!lIi'IIdl ml!J~til~hfinlB: at mr~l wo !I,d O'~' Ipll'~nt~t;!' ~'II~riiIW,. ph~irli~~"
". H E HOIMII~ ii:5, tlhe he;;lIIrt of the. nl~ti"O'IlII. T1~~' hi e~ rJ~ iis UlI·e love' Oeln~lh~·L. ILoIljfE is ~he w'Olr~d 's Slll"eatest aJtt't ~v.e powe'r. file' el'e!!d romlagli1 et: that ni'lfji·:-: ""11::. 'ir1l!i':'~ I:-,f c~1i',:::n --1-. _-iF' fir-'r, Ifiol::-Ih - c-;-.-dl :. ittfi t· ... · ::', ,-::,'11:: xric
I~I ,;a il_,,~ I!.i __ @ ~,O .. !~ 0 S .. l€iei muS' .. i5'10 ~~ il:;_.Jarge _ 'iN_. __ .! ~€ ~ ec __ c
[JUlure'llt. f'or wiit~c'!J ~ th e cUlnr-emt it ls powedess. S01 til e heart ,o,f ma n .• ,or tile home' t'hrat il s 'th~ h ea rtt 'O'f 'the nat ~OiA, must b,e ,aglow wit:h God IS !Oi!i\il!', t hen frt become's, ,ai m ag:1l1 et dlili,arwing: alill ~ood from evewv d~ re'cil:il CHi. (;;od has a m ply' pr'OV1id,~d ~~,r '@v'ery' IhOlrm'~,~, bUI~ '~h~' ~ I1'@Vi~~'Orl! i~ ~In I!J IfI ii"l@ fI'$~li S i!J1b~,t~ ~I©@;o wlh~ ~h resp on d 5, on hi ilia law. '1ihn:uJI,mfu tine' ;llppll ~Ci3lltilO Iil of th e' I~alw the' s'ulbsta n ce ns drawn te us; a nd beG ins to !NO rk '~O!tf us.
III is ~he' Ilaw o~ I ave that w,e have wll1atso,eve'f 'we dle;s,irE'" As a fid her ~Di\les:, hi$ ~ h itldwl~l!il sifts ~o t.h,~ lord ,giiv@~ to IUI~.. b-~c,~!.l! S,~ of I DVl~ .• Wh~'n w~ dl~'~1 r~ ariiiihlt~ w~ p ~t au r 'thoulgil1ts ~ n tOo the :5 Y per m~nd I'lf!'a Ilml; 'we' ClQlfillt,[iI,ct G,o dMIIll1d all'1l.d fro rn it draW' th ill! invii:s,[Jlblle S I!J ostall'li ce ,t halt is m iii n riFes~ ~ n tempera II thing,s. TlnnE1l' ,SoU M:t;i1liInOe 11: h us bileoo m e~ :iii part clf 0 ur mli nd ,slrnd 'it ihlr,!D,ugh it. ,of OUr!'" aff,a i rs, we, dr,alw s!l,ur~tl!J.U:a II subs:tance to eurselves j ust as '~he mlae:n et draws dill€ iln"iO iii. 'Wh'~111 w~ thlirnk a bout tlh@ I~ov:€ aF G,Q d dr,f]J\1Vilfl\@;' to III.JS th ~ Std~Hl,tanQe fltei~enaf"!i 'M'r .s~ppiOM and $[,JI~IPt~1 tnalt :5ub:1i:tail1c1e belins, t:o, ~c'lUImllJll~I~~ ;idl a 1"0 U Ii d IUS.. ~Ind ~ s 'w@ a b id~ 1111 tlll€ ICC nscieusness ,O'f ~rt. ~t be~,i"5 '150' rna n u're,st it'S'ell f i III ,a III e iJJ r ;affrr,aii rs,
nlPe~Jtect llio've c;!1!is~ed'il out: 'f'e,!1iilr,,~i Fe,ar is a ~reat: bree'de.r olf pai}e.liit,v~ for it b~,@8!ks dow III p~,it~'vle ·~hc!IJ\Ehr~S. ~ e'.e;a~'iiv@ U~'CJIIJI~tts, bri ng f'! @,gati\r@ (;ond~'· 'tio ns i ril thei r traffinl" 'lhle' ~ilr;s,t 'til lil"iJl to d Q ~Ii'l m alkJilil,g al de rncnst nna on 'of pros,p;erit'y in the bern e iis tOi d IISC;1! rd alU rtI egaUVle 'fino ughes GIllnd words. eu~ Idl up Si 1~'Ci;sittiVie t,h,c,ug~,tt ialUn osph e f,e iil'll ·tthe horne, allnl ann osphEi re thin ~s fil'e\~ mrom 'fea r an!d nilieicli ''i.!!iitlh Ilo~e',. ID,Oi' Inot all ~IO'W 3lniY worns, o~ p~e lit¥ '0'1"' I,a dIk to, I iim lt '~11 ~ attr~c~i'iate ~O'w@1F' !iU!rf 1100'ill~ ~ 111 th e hom@., 51! II~C'~ c:a n~ftUlIII1f !OIIIlII, thlICl$i~ \t\!\o'rds t nat ma rge; the hOlme; 91'tt rnos p h ere with the' idea IlOlf !p11 e n'tv~ "0- n Ioe aUJr,il!lcts, I i'ke' i n th e lI! lIilsele.n as we.111 ;fJ!S, tihe' seen, Neve r me k-e ,Ii!! I'll ,~sseHr~io n in thie' IilOI'ilflIlE',1 Ino maU)ellf DiI ow tru e it Ima'¥ I DI iQll<. on th e su rf,i3 ce, t h i3rt you 'WDU ldi not want: to see p ers,ist in '~he' heme. B'~' ta Ilkintg: p O\!!\e!rty a nd laek 'valli are;
- - -I"'" - - - - - - - ""..",- - "'11- "1- - - f - - .. I... - - - - - - - I - - - - - - - - iI;o - b- -- - - - fi - - -·d -:
m~r.!n,g i1I oo'm~,;,,;;! !/;,a!.i!_€' ..,' .a'c€: ror !!;,!I!I~S€ Ulf!!I~\~_I;Qml~ l8rU~:5!I",:5i -~t' yQ!U!IF _Jrt::;~·!._€,;;
and 'itthey willi wa nt te, ~;taIY. Ralil:he'r 'fi~ II th e 110 me 'wit!h t hOUi:ht,s, ill nd wo rd S '(Jf
~~[e~ty!, [Oir lcve, ;a,nd o@if G odl':s su bstamlce; 'tt\neJiJ the unwe Icl~NTiI e ~uests 'wilill s~on Il~~iI,iI'€,! ¥!l)u.
100 not ~~Y' th~t: 1!ili1(litnev us' :sc-~Iril:e;: the' \!'ery statement wi~ I ~calr@ me fiI[ey' f;!!W~Y' from Y('.U.llt" Do liilQt :soay th alt tl m es a re Ill,a I'd wit.1ll Y'Q'i;;Ij ~lhe ve rv w',o-rdls 'wilill ~i'B:h'~en '!f@ur purse, :sitrinss 1lI1'11ti ~ IO[l'inIrili ~lO't)enCe itself ea iii n et s I ilP a d iIITH! into iit, B~';g,i n n ow to, ta I k, pi ~ ~ttill' th iir~~ p,!~'~'tv" ;~nd ,gi1J~ ~h~ n ks ff,!l)f plll~!llty. IElo~list: a~ I tine m em ber::ij, [M the horniiM~' in the same work. Ma ke it a galme. ~'tiS I~, [olf lh .. 11", ,~r1IU~~, b~lir,ter til ~I!lI t~l~rt;; il~ a ~~jU1a ny, wDrk~ ..
IEv-'@ry heme ca!Fil1 be prOSpi!fOI!JS" a FtI d th @f1i~ should be' no pave r't~·st ~kkie n hOlmes" fer they ~Irie caused only by' nll1lharmOlily~, 'W:e~r~ neg~rthl!',e 'thinking ~llildl spea kine" Every vii 5,~b I,e i'tem 10'''' w:eallt:l'iI, can I~ e traced to a III i'lIIvisi b le source'. IFQQd OOH'l ~:S' fro m gr'ilI~i!l!l. w~ uch W~ s ph!! !1!ted iin th~ e~~.rl,hj but w'tq,o; :5 ee:!5' or l!i:iiI'OW,!tj, 't:h I! qu~ ok;e,., iifi1@, IO\N1!' 'tIiHat tOIUiches, the se,ed :atrlld rnskes Tt be air a liuJlndir@dlW:o,ld1 AJIl'~ un ::H~@ n 'fio'rce 'y'nJIrm1 ~n i nivi s~ b I@' ,Sloun:;le 3'CtS on '~h@' 'tiny' seeds, ill i'iI d sUlPplV 'r'O r the m u Itil tu d e' sprliiilgs 'fon:h.
Tinl~ Iphy15mc.a I S!Ul bs;t.alnIlQ~ ttiJlat 'W\~ l1'ame @i3ilflth iis t n@ 'ljtiisi D IIi;? '$0 I'm ,off 1,31 SU p@'!f,~bur! dl:al!l1t: 1m in d :SUbS''!l::!l!!I!i1Ce, eV1erywfu@'f@ pn:'s@!n-t, Jl!l!!fV,1ii!ldlil!ilg ~IIII thi ngrS,,,, ailnldi ilfi1$ p iiri rng a II t'hhil\l~ to aetl ~ n, Wh,en the S,r~iii iil or seed i~ putt ii nto 'th e ea rthl, th e ~ ~ ickielnrung t l-u)IlJ18,hl'~ [@if the IJI Ii iversE' ea UI ses l~he I ii~Ue I~'fe germ '~'il I,~'y t!,Q~d lo!f th€': $pi ri,t u~ II ~l!;JIlbsU!Ir'! c¢ ~III ;~bQ!Ut 'i ~ ~ Ji d wh~t '~l~ !~~ II m,aU~'r pro'i!.l'e s tD be ial fOlfim of" n1i n d. "The fie is n 0 ma Ue r; aln ! s mi nd. Ii
Wo,rrd s are ,a IS'O ~eedsj; ~lf1"Ijd 'whle'ri dr,o p p edl ~ nto 't~!.u;~, iltlV1]s,ibl e spi rrit u all su b,i!il,t:alli1ce~ '~hev If OW and brUirt~ 'flO rth aftlH' the'ir Ik~ndl. ~I Do MEJlll g~th!!'r' gf,6! P as of '~Ih!l) rns, '01r' 'WI_mrs 01 '~lh~$t:i~~1!i[ F:a rm,elr,S ,alndi g,:a rdle n e r,$; ,ehliOOSE) '~he ~r seed wit iii 't:h e C:re'iarilte'S:t: ca U'e'. '1rliu:!'Y' W\eJec~ e"il!elf'V' defect~\fe se ed tlhey '~irnd a III d i'lll th i':5< 'WI~ if m ake '$,1,1 re 0" thi~' [ii;lOflllli'ng '(;liIOil)', T 0 h;ijve ~ IfO$Pe! Ifi~y in yo I!,J If hll)m e 'f0"-~ 'liN iiilil flicnlle '1::0 e~xerc~se '~!he sa m e i ntel ~~g,e nt di'$cri ml~ nation i it1 ':the cii1,o[ioe. lof
v .... [. 'r ''':'''''''"1.-11 .un !C-d' ,.,
J'l~ ~ ,~_!I; IJJI ~~ ~ II ... ~.
y[o IJJ shon.Jll~d e;xI~ed iP Ii[O!!! periity wh,en VIO[l!! ke'!E:IP! the IP'IJ'\OSr,l e ri~,v lii'W',. 'rfFN~!n;!~~o[lie[.r iJe' '~lhl~ln kfUlI 'fOr ewry !J[les~in8: tjh~t you ,g~iin a nod a:$ d€:>eIP~Y slr~I~~tfiii.!11 for eVl~ry' de !m,eN'!1 strat ~Olil as f-all:" aJlfl1 IIlJ lnliEi',)(p:e:cted tfieli1B Slillre: dro p pedl i nte your IliiffiIP,. 'lih'i~ wi II Ik~@l'p; 'yc1ur he~ rt ~fes,h; '~i;)f ~ r'1!.N! th~ n ks,givi !"I,g !i'Vtary be Ii kiene d to ~,a1i U1! t.1!iI111 i iilg upon ready' s!o'ill" m-ef'res,jh nn.u: it and lnereas i'lil,g' its product.iven€ 51S;. WheMl j iIS!"s,I.i!:S he (!II only ,sl Sm alii :$,IU p P hI He gJave ~lhl8 n ks fe f th e' Ilit:tle He h1id." 'TihirlS irncrEN::I5eiC:I that I~tttl e i nto such an albiUlnda llice 'th art eli fin ul tti'tlUldle was
siWt'i[l,'~j'ed wit'l~ 'io'od and rrureh was ~ef~' 'Ol'il,er. Ble:ssTrag has not lo~;t iiits IPOW'e'F $illl1¢;~ t:l'iiit. time JeslJ$ Uis~d ii'~" 'Try it .3lnldi ''fOI!.JI Willi prov~ its, ,€!!ffit,~(y'!, "Ilih~ $~m~ powe I:" ,o'f' mlu'l'~ iipl i ca'tio,n i'$, ii n iit 'l1il;darv. IPr,a ise' ,~f11 d ,t h,~ ffI k'5:giVi ff1g imlpa rt th e.". qU~ICki~l!'1iiirl!iC ,S P irmhw~IIIIPQwef th~~ ~ U'odill! ces growth ,a II! d ffin r:;IUit2;;1SE' wrn a 1111, t h~ J1l~S.,
'Yo IJ.I shoUlh:t ne¥er O::Nl d'elnllifl anv~'h~!liH in yo u r hem e. If V'OU walHrt l1li~W :a r~i!d,es, off fur n r~u re (J\r r,'j~W dtO:t&il'~~, 'tto '~~II(~ th,~ pl;~(;~' ()f th ~~~ 'yoU! rtH)'W h~~'" d () I!i)ot talilk a bout yo til r pre~ent t !hil liI,g:s .a!li old or sha b bV'.. W',atI:C III ''!lOUr' li\i10,l"\d 5,. Se e 'VCl'li! .. ~elf' dofhed ,~IS bewi~s ,~ I~hliliid o,f the KJmc: ~1I~d see ,,'0 i!J1!i' hou~e' f'ur'rJ i:~,1i'edl ] ust as p~ea5es yOUIr tdeal, 'Tlii U5 IP~,ainil: in th e homle' atm OiSPlh el[,e' 'the' se ed lolf ri ChI!FVi!!SS and ,!a!blJ!lrr! d a nee, I tt 'wi III ~~ I oOlme te VClI., U se 'tthe pl:Eiti!i!I!I(@, til e wi$-do m, '~11'iI d t'he ~:S:$g:d iU ii'tV' th,~ t t he f;alfim e r ern ph;)'ys iiml pl,~ n ~i ng allildl cllll~tdva't~ fiJ~t. iilndi yo u r Cii'OI~ willi be 5iUI(\e ..
Yo IJJ r words, ,olF ir'M't:rn a r,e e n,eifiB,i1~ted a nd vital ~xe;j!J Iby the U\Ii\]rlil SpirT~", Y'O'IJJ r
min d I~S rn,ow 'o~'~n ,and Ii'@oeptiv@' toO; :a n iinflux of dhiiiif1ll@' ~d@a:s, til ar~: 'wi.l ii'Iij:5,,@, yatil witih t,h e U Illdtf1!:r$itiii n d ling, o,f tlhe pot~ 111 C¥ of y,Q'lj r Ol;.~11ll tlhoughts and! wo'rdls~ yo~ ,iaire IPWlolSp,ere:d. Your home is ,;rjj Ima,gne't 'M lo~e'l dnn~lrilg 'ito ~it :all Spodl 'flfoml t hile u nfa i I ul"g and i rH~~lht.1lJ5t~ hi I e' I"@s€!'rvoir of S,IJI,p p,IV'., Yo u r i !iltCr'@'~IS@' comas beeause of yOUI!'" righ'teol!! s: a ~ r:lllkatiiolF!l ef G©!dlls law' i!l 'V~l!! r home'.
Jesus showed men how' W' ~I~ve' lin rest QI iild pe'aJc~~, a $'I'mlpllie n~,e'" W her'e the sim ~ ~idtv of Hi's, 'tl!2'a;chi FiI~: is rece-lrV!!'d and a PP!r-E;C'j iiWted tbe IP(E!'o'p,le e ha l1g.e 'the:ili'" m~nln1~:r O'W II i\iii iflIg., d,oi rig ~wary wiit:h o~lIte'rn't~~'i On a n d getttTng d,QW iii to, 'the $: 'mpl h:itv and bea !l..litv of' th e 'thi n,liS th'1aJt a r'e' WQlrtlil 'W h ile. E!ii.le'~v summer these w no 'f'e€1 th~I~: tt he-v IC~ln,.. p,l;a n til .GO ~Iwav ~o r ,~ '!ili~H;~~tioFil ,~mo m,lalllly' O'~ du~'ml EHiiljOY ,9 sJma 1m' c albiln iJln the w\Ood:s, wherle d~ ey Cat III n\!''e a si m,p Ie and nat IiJ 1f,~1 Ji,e' dO$@' tc natu re, Th ~s shows til ~tt th ey i'(Hng te II@t g;o of ttl ~ burden 5, of IQol'il!'!;!'etr~,r,ol'ihamitv' and rre'st Ii ii1 tD'!JJi[:h with tJhli? relfill ICI!i thi ngs. Th,~ seul \~E!!a rie s orf t,h,e we,a r a nd tea r of 'the ,!ailiti~fiioi'a - werl dol' ,aJnd now and tih,ellfll it' IITUJ,st Ililly-e' a S!~1as'on ,o.f rest, Jesus i'l!nrir~e:sj '!lIe/C1!me' IIJnt;Cl; m~l' ran y€: '~hllf!ft la b er 3 n d a r;e he(ia'VV I,a,d e n, ,alll1id I 'will I ,£i'Ve y\O u re st. ti
Tihere. is, a €)iJ,ealt dilff'e re n ce b eltw<ee ill the s,j mpl~e' I ilfe a nd pa'!lIlZ'rD/"' Tlihe: two, have bee'~ a:$:~locrated iifill ttl!,!! m~r'idS 10i~' $OIilJ'H~: p1eo1pllej ~lIiil~ '~nr$; ms; the real~o,n they s h!!.i rIi 'it !he tdea O'f tin e 51 m;plle ~if'e'. Eve fJ1 ehese wino have co me i nl'tlo so m e
de~:re e o~ s,p'i riiit~ al III ndersta nidi f1~: SOlmEft~ mes pu~ out o~ m i WId alii t no !lJ~:ht ,@if a s i1m,pll,~ m~ rli n er ofJ ~livirj!1e:" Ib~Ci IUS·~ ~:I!'H~y f;~~ r t nalt oth~'n~ 'wilill ,thilnlk t hi,ev ~ re 'ff:a ill i ng to, demo tu;t,i!'a'te prGs,pe'nl ty. In such cases those, who, jud)ge sheu ~iCD m'!11J~'m b@w tc "~jll)Jdg\I;!' net ,!ill c.cord~ ng to ~ ppea ra nee ... II and t hose 'who :a r@, ]:!i.Jds'ed SIilQ~lld be' sat Ii$~ied wii'thi the p raii:se Df G D~ r,l~f~he r t hi ~n wffith 'till e pW'a'iisEl:' of me iii. A II '~hose whe ba:se 'tihe,ir ~ ro:~pe'ritv om Il essess lions ,!1JJlc Iii e Ih~v~ ~ I~Uj~ly m~t~r ii~~ II:)I[(;,$,P ~ ri~~ li,Iiih U(i h,. th,Q!u!h 'lit 111!,~y $!~EH1111 gr~,aJ~ for ~ ti'm,e .. wi II~ \l'a Iil lsh, to acause ~,t ii's, fownde d on 'ttil'i:! chalnr;: lilil,J;: of th e e:<1i!erllila I allildl Ih~s. HI ~I root 'wit h in tli e ee ~$CV!ilUSIIil~$S;.
Th!~!rle ~ So ,:t! gr4~H3!t· ~i rn i I,a fiitv in the' homes of I~ ea r~'V a II ~eo!pl@ 'w'h 0' IhaV'e ¢Jjlbcut: ~Iile same-sl ;r:;ed illll(!C!,me:~,_ Il[alchl one ~~'1U)~Uil s~ii,ou:sly folillow~ ~l,)Ilgg~sti en ~llIldl f'u rnil5 hes hi s hem e wiith ,t ~le' same sort oif HI ~Ii1CS as Ih is rnei~)hbor;s. Here £Jl1fi1!d ~Iile'fe' ~ re ~;('~s:pftions,; Soml!':ione us 'e)l;l~rl~ssi n!; h U~ '~:H" he r indij;vichJi(llitty" o\!',e Ii',CO en M'tl MaJSS SUn!esit~~nl ,a rn d b IJJV;~lnl: ~~e ki~nd of' f!Jlirlnii'~Ullr\e hie if"\e:alll~t' W,1!ln~S, or th art is r@,~~ I,y cOlm$om b ~@ ~ rud useful, "his, free .. wnd@i~i~rnd!!!nt s p'iidt: lrliiS rn uch in i~$ favor inl rna king a I~uo§,pe ri~y demo nst ratlon, lhe' de 111lI sio if'Ij thii!ft: Tilt is nec:essaJlrv 'bo be just U ~e lOt tN~r' ~ eopl,e or te Iha\rle as m ue h as oU11,er peD'p Ie Ih:a'V€!!,. c:i3IUS€'s, a :s[p~'rit OF a nxu €ltv that h~ Illd@IFS, ,the' e~x@r'C:is~ Qlf ,fa ~t 111 illlli d@'!i'n'Oili!strat IJO!l!l.,
The ~siml~ I e' lif'e< dees not ~ mply IPo~erty' a nd iit is not; aseetie. It ii So as dlifW;em'ien~' j'Il'Qrn ,til ~ 8!1,,1 ~:~:e~ ~:~ it li$ 1frolni 'w,amton I !Ul<lJlry;- I~: is, tlh~' fllahJ r~1.. fr~~., ,~hi h;lll~ k~',. mode' of I~iv.ii n II~, a nd 0 Iile Ineve ~ liile.a ImV kn ows \W h,at ~ ru e. pros pieri'll" iiis unt'll one' ee rnes lrlltto t Ii is 5 iim IPI~id~y ,~li1Id indep@ ndl~no@ orf s p'i rift,;. lln@ s ~Fli1Ipll@ lif@ ls a state of ~IO lil~ciou$.I!1I!;i'.5's. It I:;;' pea C~ ~o ntJ~n~li'iIiiiefilt~ a fIld $;a'ti~f~ctio'fIl ln the joy' of Illi\lu rnJit !iiilnd Ic~,~i nfii' a nd ~t is artt~ ine,c 'U~ fOUR h '~h~ n kl nll1l: tal OiO'Ut Gad [jfJj11ild] W1!l)r !S hi piirig I.iI i m 'iiii! !SJp'i fit ,~nd iln '~"Jt_h.
¥IO IU wa nt to le~lII'1ll1 how WI d~ m;o IlI'stra'b! ~ rospe Ifitty i~n 'your' he m e by th e iilgh~e O'U5 e~)(erc~se o'f p or~nelr5, OIlliid f,a cu~ lies that Giod ha 5 ~:i~e'rn 'you,. Rea Iii z.e ill1 tnli! ''V~'rif b~~,inllfihlg that VOI~ do h~V\~ these' '· and faculties. YOUI iJjlFe i 111 p-l]liSsesi5io 111 off ,eve rythi rig III ~Ci~s:sa Ify 'for ~he ~ e m C1lrl1strat:ion o~ p rrCllsp'et~1t.v' and ca III l!! riI d elfftalke' 'it 'wi't h the !J!tm cst 00 nf d e nee ,a rn d faiuth., 'YOI!JJ C,~Ull draw OWlI the omniiipf€"~~'!ilI't ~ulbrstan!;iIiil thr'oulglllolUlt ani eternit.y .. 'yet i;~' w'jllil never 1)f'lO'W le ss, for itt OD'I'lI~,H~ts of il d aas, fh re ugh 'lthi n'kinll ',,/0 I1J ta k!e ~O;IfIl'H~ of 'It ne;s,e i'd,~~S, in~c lI1C'li! r mind ,alnlldl thie.~ b e.~~ n to beeome' malnife;st. iii) 'yo!JJ!"' ,~tf'a ~1r:!L
lwve ips ,Oii'll e of Ule 'ideals til! at' ~1Jj'\o'viid e ca ~ev 'W' U.'i! i ~tFti li1irUl st~ re n'C)cl.l,$'$ ;o.f 2IlbiLillli'1da iii ce'. It' 'Cl'p eiirtS, I!JJIP ~;e'fiI e rositv '~rnl 1lI s, I it lopeNits: ill p ~e iilern5~'t¥ i Iii 01 hers
wtHi!.n \i'il'e b e~]n t'O ~ove a nd bless 't.~i~Hllll", Wi n i~'t a lse open up a sp'i !iiI ,off C,~ I1ilelria($i~v a ~ G,o d? ~~ Icerta ilrl Iy' ~iI'i n ~ ~Id dO~'$;. ~rf 'youl ICO li1:$do'LIs,l~ II O'~~ al!l1di bless G{!1 d, Y'O'u willi se 0," ~6fi1 d that ~hil"lgS a n-e comi IiIg \fOUl"" w,a!v. lit 'wi II su rpr!'Sl@l' you t~'il! t j ust thi ~'1!lel: :a bout 6'0 d wH II d r~w to Y'O!!J the th ing;s yen.!! i;V,a1rn't ,alllidi 'expel~~ a rf1 d Ibtrulfl,S: Mia fiy ether b'le $i$ilF'liS$ th at 'you ha dl not ~v,elf1 'tho!.!llflJ ht abo lilt. iTh eusands cf' ~,elfSO rI:S, h,aw plfOlVe d th is 11illw to, th eir entl re ~~~'i !rf,~,ctffi()n~, ~nd w~ Ii ~v~ ml~IOV raeerds tll~tt ilill u ~:tr~t~, Iilow p~OiP~'~ ~l~V~ de'Ii"n,cNil:iS;trat:ed ia btl! iii d!ai Iiloe i iii 'the' ~e'fiV face o~' a P'P(ia re lift Illalc:~ ,~im p Ily !b1l' 'UlIIi Ili ~~ WI ~ ,~Ibout '~he' h:lfV'~ i@f God and '~h~ n ~'ilr1l,g Him for 'wli ~I~' they' h!3l~e-, 'T~ ~~, I,aw 'IN iii I d,elfinOfitS:r:rat)e!: itse~f '1:01" 'you or f,"or a iiiVlOlne who i!;ilppl ie's, i~ 'f'aii't:htf!u IIIVI' 'Vilil'f III ov~, n ever iIi:~lill @!·th.n
Mien in bus ilne.Si!ji ,and i IiIId u:s;trrv halve d.e IITHJfii strated iEl)Ii'\e,:at amo U nts ,oif men ey' ·thro ugh IIIQV\e~ Th ey dlid not, 11101!jf,~ Gcd.. lout U~e. love of IrmQI!l!I~V ~rnrai(;~e,d UN~ monley 'ito 'th em. It dI~ew th e ,:UJl b5~alnlce' 11'i',glil!t 't 0< ':the'm alri d en abmed '~he m tn, ~oc.lllml!Jll,1ii! ~@ rn IOn@¥.. ib!J.,rt mi~r@'lv as 11TI,1lIt@'lfi~ I~ witno'lJJt the di\!l ~n@' id@',!il '~hart aSS;iUlJifI~S pe.rma n ence, We. hear a bOl!lt men ~Iil hi~h fi i1I iSIlno~ g~ll n g b.i!ail'"likr1IlJp't qu~'tle as rtfte'UlI as we niear ailbclUit m Ii! n m a ~llli1S ~ re:!l.rt fortunes. Wh iii!: Iil we diefiJ'@lo,p' a spi rit:ilJI,all Clo'Iii:SiiL:io U;5,IfIi!E!!SS", WIi'2' tr'o3IlnS,Milf this PI@ IiS,GJlll all I C1i!j1\~ ·~o ,til h isJnet ~nd m Or'le< sta Mle< IP~ :a~@J' 'h~m th e I,©~'i! of mon e'V' ,~!1d 1m ~Ite!fi~ ~ thin~:s, ·~c the Ilove (llf G'~d. and thus cone e: i~~d it wi III iil!ttlf~ ct "triO us a II '~'Iil~ r~'5h'J!'!lJ rces lof i nfi nir~e 1M i nd fo,flever a 111 d ever. Onoe rna ke ,~I 00 n III actie fJ1 wii UlI t:he u n[fVler~a ~ baf!1 k. 'of 'God ~Ind ¥QII!,I h ~V~' ~ p~ Iflma ol~n~ $'0 y r~~ iQiif we~ Il~h ...
J@sus ,S·aiild '~hat wlli@!Il1 Wi;! come: til!) '~tn e al I)t~r to m alik@ fa Ii1 O'H@ ri 1fiI,~ w@ sh (Jill lell have nothrng in O!.llr heart i!lsauFiI$t our brother. He samdl th,artt before: we ~gJlf"iI Mlallke eentaet 'with t~ e ~o~e and p-C/!N'er '0" ~ ad we' mus~ f~ rst lima ke' Ipeiill!Of:. wit h ,tj!Uf brll)~lle'il'. Th ts iTile,a ns ttlhat we mustt: eu I'tiv,~n~ a II Oi!l~ 'fo h' 0 ~ f 1fieml~wfS;, i fil 0 rei e!:'r 'to set dil,e attralctiV\e f'orce of 10\i!e' i IiltlO o'p eIr3'tio:n. All we iiI'eedi do is qU~lck~n 10 ur IQI!oi''e 'f,o'lr O'~he irS bry thii nl!:::ulllg albo ut leute' '~Ind c~lstilng iOllllt of lO'llI r mi fIi dan !hate. and 'fea r ~h at WGlldd weal~e iii the ped:ect wc rk~llile, err th a t: mighty rnagn et; As [I O'l{t~ ~ ttra ets, h ~t@ diu ssipates, B,efor~ yO!llJ spproa om Gcd '5 :a Uta If lof p Iletr~.'Y'.!" go ;a n d rna kJe 'flriE IfId:s, witt H1 "OUi r bro~h IE r 1m ilE!Irl. IMI;a ke' ~lI"iendls ,eve III wT~h 'the mlcney IpiOWlers. 010 n lOt e n\iV the [I" iic n. N e\!lell" eende m[rII ·tho[S~ wh,o Ii jlVe' moillle:y [lfner~ly bi~(;-aluse' tlhl~y h,ijjv~ it ;and yCl!U1 do !'1I!Qt, D!lJ not quest.ion !how th ev' IPt. thli2il r' rne li1,ey and 'w,cnil d,er 'wtn,etlher Olr' 11110'111 thev are' hone,.st. ,All tha~ is, n en e of yoO'i)J ~ ~ u:siin@'s~. V(J!.Ii 1" bu s,i~e,:s,s ~ s' toO' e~t 'wn a 'it bell DtillCS to, you~, Sind you do ·tt hart by th ink~ ng abo i!Jt: '~he' amlnii p resent UJI bst~ n~e of ISod a hd how '¥O~ c~ r1I IiV' nO ~d ~F l~ ,tlhlre I!Jg:h Illove,; G e~: ii Ii! tou tim
wit n ,God riches ii n SPIIIi!t;!' I;;JJV [ruo'ld Cl"r th e rn !by lo~e',~ ,and 'you 'wiWI h,aive $uffiiciielflt: for ~elrv' d~V,. l!lQ\i'e tlru~:r~'h~re' i:$; 'th~ fl!Jl~illm'~l!"ilt (iIF tn!'l! I~W'.'II
T~'H~ ,et)~rnia I ~,~ 'o,f :Sp~ fit §iO as rn~ ht en OIP@f~~iunIB: r;~gil ~d less ,O'f Wh~li~: yO!!Jl may thiililkJl, ~~IYJ or' do, lit ii$; ,ordaine:~1 'th~J't II~ve: 'wim !brims, y'Ou piiO$rN~~ity~ alfil,dl }i\O'U need not wo rrder 'whie'tilelr lit w'illl or h CiW ut w~11 '" II Be' net t'herefc re' ~fill(i(~ us, rsrEiving'l!' Wti!I~t: ~h~l~ I W'~ ,~~t?' er, Wlh~t S.I'H~I~ I w~ dlifink? ,Of ~ W h~ r,~wi~ tha II s Ill;a II 'i.ive, be dotlliled'?'" iDo fillott worry. W'orll11' is, a th lef and a uobbe r, fof" ~t:
I(''!!eps ~11!J1!i' go'od fro,m 'IOU; lit bre,~ ks d;'e d~whil~ Ilaw ~f" love.; the law s.~yS, !![Perle itt love, ca sitedil out 'flea r. ! i [B3lfi1lish 'WO!flf'y l:ity' QU~ etJy ;a iii d COiiil'fi'd entI,V' ~ffi~rmmn,g the d !fa!lwin~: plOlwe If ~~ d iV11irrJ e leve as th e ,eonstanUy ,EK:tii\,J\@ m~gr1i,e~ th ~I~ ,~Itu·a,~ts yo~' l!I n ~,~ii Iii rQg :$l!IplPlly'- .A goodl aiffi rmat ton it(;il rout w,orrv' is, 'I!;NlI,e like 'this:
I[) iJviin e 1O'V,e bou ntihmll'y SU[P pll ie:s: alnd i In'CIf"Ieas:e',5 substalli"llce: ~o mle!ie<t: m,y ev,ery n@,~d.,
N ea 1"1\1' a II b o'oks, 'O!" anides 'that delia II w'~t 11 SlUlcce SS 'Dr pros per rt.V .!i,'t:irie:Hl, 'the' Wl!Ei~I~kllllown virtltJtI?s ,(iI,f III 0 Iii esty.. i nd il.Hary.. sysilLem ,i5Illii d 10 rc ~ r,o '~:a,itl1l'f;ull nl18StS,,, hard ''lNOlrk" The'.~e m ~~II;!! ~ ~ @)(ce~II@!!!Tt f'OIYnd~tiol!!l ~ndl esn be' devle~\opiec_t AnIYCHil!i€: w'lith de'it:e'rm'll natlon ilili1d1 wUl11 ca n overco me halbit5 of lazil ness, ea relessn ess, and 'wei~lkne:!iis" The use iOir the w n~ I[ is very i m pOlFtaili1t ii n 'Ul e!' d~ !ITI'CllliI ~;tr~t iiolfll Q~ p rg~p~ rit'f- [I tr U~~ re' ~$ diso r,d ~ r !l)r I~ ~II\:: of $y.~t~m ~nl yQI,!I r home'.. 'O!lile!! rco,me ii't. ,Ani I'm: I w nlll te be 0 rde rlv. I wlil[1 be order IfY., ~ ~Jilill ~')Ie' SV,s;'~@[m ~tti c. 'lim all Imy w~luk ~nd ,affiliir:s. I ami sys:t@'matic:. I ~ rn ord@rly. I ,;jilm e'f1iiICienlt.
~It t~llI::e',$ 'th e US~~ ,off tJh~~ willi itO Ib~' p,~ rs.ii~tei1lit illnd W'E!! mlil,j$·t Ib~ ~u~lr.$,ist)~!nf~ in malki~ng dhe'm'ij)filistr altiOlns,. Spaslmodil C Effron S oOl!Jrnlt flO'i" ITfttl,e~, iElifil,d rna ny PI;,O p! I~ giv~ up too 'e~:s.illy _ lif th iFli8~' dOIJfliit co'm,e' OI!J~ ]'u ~t If~glht tine 'fiilfst '~i m e d'U=fy' try, th,ey say 'rliile 1,!3JW is wlf"Ong ,i3lfi1d[ fii'ilii1*ke' no, further eHoritt. Anvth~llile: so much wO'llth 'whi I a as pro~p@fitv iin th e' ihiiil'm@.. a nd 'i!Sp~ d ~!~ I Y a permanent allrllilJI Ulrirlf,;!3li Iii ng. ~ILlIP ply thi511t 'co Ifl'~ inl:l.e:s '~O Ii'II1I~et dlle- ,gli3ii lV' ne ~CIIs \flea r .8lfr:,e r ye,;3If" is we lith a ny' e~fo ilt: ~hat, w1e cain rna Ike,. Th en bE!! pat:ie rat: bu~ b'E!! jp'E!!lrsis:tJent'" Dec IliilJ~:; ~ ,Ci!Jrml not d i seQUin; gedJ. ~ fa rn Ipen;j ~t~ nt, I ~,o, fe rW,ijlro"
Wlher'll sueeass 'f,~i I S te CroWn, eu f' very nFst effort~ w,e b[~oom,e dli$l~o!J!"age d iilWilldi qjluilrt. Them 'we ~~ to co,nsoll e' '10 u rSielv~s wil'ith the' old tho ugh!: th slit it ii:; Go d I~ 'wi~ I 'f-Oi" I,!I S\ to be poo r - Poverty' is, l!'lot G ad~:$; wiln" Ibul~ rna Ii laY$, it t'OI Ua,e cnalr,Ge' of God to! exouse hi!tj, !own fe'iE! ~i fl1i1i of '~fiI,~deq 1lI a,c,l' ,a,ii1ld defeat. G odls
wilill iU5, hea ~tt ~I' h:arnJP~ines,s\!, a nd ~ respe !!"i~y kui' tffV'elry m a~; a nd 1)@, halve all II '~h~t: i:$ gOI!Ci,d ;)Ind b ~a ((JH~!!J II i1fl1 the Iilom,~ ii s to e~ p r~$:$ G ad' s w.'iml for U ~h GOd";S, 'willi is not ,el)( P [ie:ssed illil a 1~'u;)'lJe'l~ nor i fI1 a nv heme whe[f\e dli!5,il:o- d, Ilia c kJ' Clllildl u"hi;ll~lr.ii ness, :a r@' '@!I!il't@lI"ta'ne'd. lE'Vi!:J:1"! a h uma n ;~ue's:t WiiJU Id I!ilO'1t ~t;:!fy I(!!ng illi'!! ~~'c'lh a horne, T(~ h !;iir'!!'e a 1i#lfiO!5:p~~ us hQIITH;!: pr'e'pi!1ilr.e' it: as t'lll!e aibildlii fill place (;if Go,d, W~iO giv-es Iplr'Ospe rity' te ,~II Hi s eh i~ d niHil ~ iii d adds, no SOIl''fiO'W' 't!herl!'wi~ h. D~t~ rmi fl ~ te kl1!ow GOdl'~ wi~11 ~Indl dl~ utr. A'ffj'n"n'I:; I ,~m d ~tt~rlmffill~ d to, ,~~~ i~v~ su ceass t h li'\cmgh de ing G odis 'will L 'rill at su ms up '1:11 Ie whol e law. G ad is mQ,I'\t.". wilill U~,~ to gl ~e' U~,~ r1I 'we' ,~~, to Ir'i~~ifvie" Wh,~I~ we' rn eed ·to do, Ii~ ~o dete!'fflii o'e wlil,aliI: ~5, HIS \lvi II,. 'what Ii e ies, tryilng to, ~ii~e" and 0 ~,e:n ourselves ro re eEl i\le IH is, bOl!lr!r~v. 'W're. do thar~ b~ w~ nlulfi16 te do, IH IlSi wi UI. You ea Ii! b@ ,~l~d hav@ illnvth if1l\g: ttil~t you wi III to be ,l\ijln dl to iii a'oi'e'. Wi III ~o be til ea IHtthy". 'W iilll to be filiillPIPY. Willi to be piFloslperOiljJs.
Tli1ell"'e ,aire ma nly perso ns '1<\1'11110 wi II~ 'b~I' be pros p,ero us ,il!! fild wli1!o, h,afV.t.". Im,a d e i!lJ1~' ·th@ir m i IIId:s .. a's, they til unlk. l;I'@'ry d,@,t@ lim in@d~v,. But ~h!@', haJ~@ ~ ott OY@'IiC'O'm@' a~ I dou bts, iCilllld wh'~111 'iI!:he III" d emlO,m;;,t.fiiilit:llon I s d~llaY'ed, ,;SIIS :Irt ills; 'I n such eases, the dOlubt: irM:rease,s run'tiil 't'ney ~Qse 'f:~ith ,altJO~:ertl!u~:r. W ill ,a ,t: '~hey need vs;, more. p €!ilfs,is.tefl1it:€i' and diE!'iIt@ifl'iiltiif1iiiritiic:n" "lrn,12' word d i2tl~rm ill'lll!E!Li ms, a g)O ott! wOllid,;; a str'On~,. s ub~ta ~t~:a ~ WOI!N::I 'wiU~ ~IOWel!i' in it. J·esUis s~hjl tlM~t H v:s wo rds 'wen~~i s.(:iJ,iill"it and Ilitie ;!II nd W\(ll'U Idl never p3'$~, ;filiiY03l\t. Em elrS/on $~tys th ail!: ~Jord$ are:' a~ i~e a nd if .,O!J cu~ on e ~ ~ w'ii~ I bleed. U :!ie' t:n,e 'Word dleitieMfm i ned amcB ~'m pll"ri.~ $i~e Ii ~ Ii r'li youllt .~ffi rmatiQ nE~_ If th illnlgs. d (;I! not $e~'m '~)O ~o ml~' fa~t e'iiiO UKh~ de.te'rmffin e ~haJ'~ you 'wi II Ibe' p1a'tient", If n egaltt U!il!',e UII,CUJllhts CnH1!,p in. d@,t'@rmilll@ te b@ pOSlit;i'll'@~ If 'you f'!2@:1 woni@d ~ bout th @ results, d@t@'rmine 'to be' OIPt:lml~ 5,~ic. In r,e$lp.on~e ,to' 'eve'ry thouSht of I,~ ~k or "'~ed dete rmi ne to, be' p r'O,S'JH~Ir1@US,. 'lhe LCi rd has p'll'ospelri~v to RiVle-~ ;~ ndl those' who, ~Ire, de:t,erm i nedl g.(i1' .dit)e!lf theill1' sh:a roe. J as us' W,~~ ,~I,.!! i~I~: Ipil):$·i)~i~ ,dilndi v~ If'!{ derterm 61i1ed ~ n a II HI hi, aJU~r m,ii:lllti,o ns, He made bile cl ai ms 'f'O r Glod, ialli1dl deillnO'i'll:5;trat~d ·theI'llTU~ '~liV1itl"riioll[]t ,the ' d oll]lbt that th e IflfHO'l'lll~y woulld b~ there, He tel d [P,et,EH"' to, pUI~ hiis halrrld iiiil'to dlle fts ~ !IS mou't ~ ,;i;I iild ~a~e 0 Ln't 'th e' W,aJfrwte;d mon@v. H is prayers, WiI!f@ 1m ad@ cf one' :~tro~R: :~d\firlFii1~ ~iQn lCI'ftJt!1r an otliier,. TtH:!: l!o rd·~ PIIi,afyer iis ,ii31 se'r les off d etJ~rm iflie d ,81~fill'im altio 111:&. We' ItI,aJallflli the wi II or God] ~ s for u S to be r'j chi' IlllftOSpe'n"oltl s, and sueeessfu I. M aka I!JJ[P' YO'!J r mii n d ttillat $Uch ils Go,d!s willill for yo II.! i! n dl Y(UI r horne' ,ii:!lf1IIO 'you \f'l'i~l~ rna kit. ''1'0''-11 r 'Lh:~mOlrngtt:rClltlr en.
II n the 01 d 'i,e;stiililml€ nt, in the' 4th eha ptte [i '0," II f.( i fiI,gSI' th e re is a r. ne p ros'pe rl'W 1,e:$!5;Or'll ~Of a ny' hOlr'tOE:" ']'he wiidlow repFeSie tits, ~ ne who h as ~\@ost ~ i:50, eenseleusness Oir GIiC!dis S U'PIP 11'1 31rnd sup po rt, Th at d i\l~ iii e idea of G:~d as. a n·-,
:abuI!Ilda II! I!:e' is. OUf' true :SJl!IP[PC re, 'f tID e· 'it\!'ll{;Ji chi~d ren of' this ho role' re'!l're~elfi1t' ':the' ~IilCUUI£ihU;, ,of (il1~·btj 'W'~,~it ~he f.)lm iliV OW1~$~ ~nd W~i at ,$0 m eo'n~ OW~,$ t ~ it 'ff:a RlIIn I "I.. lihe tpf'C'P hEl·t Ii s dlivli f1I e I(j "delwl! "e. T ~H~ hoy se' is, 't he body' 00 nseio usness, T hll;!' ~'Cli,.t O'~ '~vlll ~~ 'f~ tth in sp~ rttea I S I)J bstan ~EL Th@' n.e'ighbors are oues i ~ e tlh~'i.JS:hts~ ,a nd th e ir "ern pt¥ vesse ~$"II alire t IilO'i.lslht5; ,olf [I ack, 'if".~ SiQ i'nl "a nd sh ut tti II! doc r~ II as t ~e w'fldlcv.!' "IN,a:ij. told te do" is 'to, e l'iitielr t he ~lIilne'r ~~ nseto usness ~Ii'ld :s,ti1 ~'t OUr~ ttlh~ 'ttih@lil,Dght:s o:if ~~Ick, T~ ts ts f'Oll ~Wi~Hj b,y $.'t~ol"l\g w'il)rclls of ar~flllim;a'ltl!Chn': I 'IP CJ'IlJ Iii IiiIg:11 'itthe au ibrStanoe ~ nte all the' places ,t:~ a e se·e,m ee b-e em Pt~ 'Cl,r' to ~I~ek;!, IIi,UilUI ~[II ~tfe fiulll., II n r(;oll1~h.ll~ii@fr! lt i~ ,!:Jiffiirimed eliJ<ei'V obHgatt iOI~ ts mlet~ eve'nov debt palihdll- and the·re· 'iis SiD rn ueh left OIVIe'F thalt: ~hen~' al~e no \!''@:SS,@ I s I ef~ tc hold it.
ThiEs ee mrp~res wiilth ~lhe pr,o,mr~se o~ Go d ilill wii~~ ... 'OIP e n yo l!I ~t1le' 'WilffN:I,OIWS 10if Ihe~ve!il" ,l:!lrnd PQU r yo I!,J Ol!l.,rt 1ai bill! s;~i fI!81~ that thll;!le sh ~i III not bl~ IPO !';Jim! en Ol;;!lg h to rlec:e~V'e it. '" 'i"IH ea\i!!enii lliep:rese nts ttl e' m ~fiI d. Aim t.1i'I;iis is dorne: irll 't he nil i fiIIdl. arnlid 'yOWl Ci!1n do it. C',;::Ulry each :S.t@'PI fOlrvIl;ii1 rd in ¥'O liJili i magirtatien 1@l<eJ,ctlv as if iii: W'~i"e' OClC I!.I rrll'fIlg in the wll\th QUrt.. F'orlill YOilllf pres perllrty d,emo n s:trillt !'om ! ifli '!fO"'~r' Imi~rnd~ 'tIIU!:n, hold to, 'the dii'il~'n,e ~i:':!iW of ':FIJ..dfillm,ent" IIAndl' h:av~n\E: donE' :a~I~ ~.. s.t;irnd. ~i Yo La m aV' lIIlO,1L b~ i3I b~!8 to fi~11 a U 'the v~s5!8,I:s l;.~ iith oi I 10:111 yOUII'" fiiir-st: ~U~lrml ~t~ bllit as 'Y'O'll piU'!~u:.tuoe'~ he mieli: hod d~V' bV d~¥ Yon,,!llr '~alitJh w iilll '',a se 31nldi 'Vli::),lij r IJ"'~S U I ts 'IN ru be ii n IPli'lOrp ~ rtlo n1 'to yo ~ r ~ III ~liiea'siUrn£: laiiith.
Wg'rk ~t tliie p rQblern u a1iUI ¥~'!lJ p-rQ\i'~ ~~" ,AlrJlP[ly Ule- p !lilr'IJ~ip-1 ~ ,and] th~· $QI !Utio n i_ii :; ura. ~~ it d,~:es llilot come !alit. OIC'ilCe,. check Qve'r- 'YOUii' m'Erthods ca'fj,e'Wull II !ai1fillc;D ~@@ wh e 1Ji@(!n .,0 1II r w'ork has nO'~ b@i@fiI true, Do n et a!~ Ilow Ofil@ @mpty- '~ho~IlEht: ~o ex~ Sot in 'yQ!.li I" Irmiiin d bUr~ 'fU I e\i!'€'f)" ml!Q!olk a rid cern e r of mt 'with t:h e wondl p~'~rnty r ~ l:eltJlt:y ~ p~ii!;fiit~,
[Irf your purse :5i,ee'm:s ,e'mIPtvi!' dlenv '!i:hre ~alck ,and S!aI'itI' III'VOILII ,ali'-e fiU,ed e'Vlem now' ... wit'h trlil~; b(n!;IIIIIf~V of IGod.. IlIfirY' Il=:ath~r'; wh (ill :su ppl i:es, 0iiI U mrv W';8 rrts, II If 'yOlI.ll r iiO;O,m~$ ,alll'le ,elmIP't\(t d,e ny' dille· apI[:)ENalr,a iii ee .a iii d de'ite li"ilimg ne th a ill: prospe·rity i~$. man i ~e:s.t illf! ,@li'~'ry p\~lrt of @V\ieIFJ' roo rn. N'@\!~r t h iflik ,~f 'youlfs~lf as pea if 0111 1fIi€!IE'O y,., D'ol not tal k about, Oil alrd ttti mes Dr thl~ II1I~ce5S~'ty w'OIr st:ricitt eCOllilc·mV. IEven ifiU~Ie. wadis ,nave ears" and, lIIni~Odl!!lila't)e~v'.!' mem,oliies ~OO~ 11)0 n-@it U~ink liiow IlliUlle' yOU! l'li:!I~~ bUr~ h,o'W' mllUloh '¥O'!J h~~~, Turin tliie 'OO1~SCIO'pi~ of 'your i'lm,ali jjl,[!'UQ,n ,3 rnund a nd I oak '~hroll:.Jl! In tlt'H:~ o:tlhle r e·n d. ,ii RevHe not t ne' kilnl~ !i10~, I~Qt: ii n thy th 1!!l'!!J~ll~;: s nd r~vil,e not 'the ~ic:h '~rlIr ttl/v bedlc1ha m b~'r~ re r ~r burdl of ''Ii Ille Inea\ltNilr5 is lila U C'iiiilfiiiV t Illl§' \iloli,c€:,1 a nd that ;,-viii lch Ih,Q!th wiinlg:; :sharlll tell the m1!n9tteiF" II
No ~!(~i~d 'thin~: 'wilill he' wirt'~h(~Jld from them th~~' 'w~~k upri;glnlitly,I" ""Filla t ~ m!tjy ca use ,t h aliI: 100ve me' Ittn inheH'i ~ 5!Jbsta nee,
And tll'Hrt ~ mary fUI '~he'nif treasu rles, II
!!~'f y~ b~ w~llliiirug ,~nd lo!b~'d i~~t ~ ,$h~ Ul ~,~t t:h ~ ,~IO(l\dl ()of tl'il,~, I;~ n d .l~
._ OIR,GIIVE US' o~r' dlebti,~ ,ii;I~ 'Wll2. al~t5'o' Ihii;l\i'ie f(::n'give'l'iI lOur debll!ors\,,'il 1111 'lfj1i1~'5e' ,I 'words Jesus, expre'ssed :a n i nfa UTbie ~:a w of m und, t,ne I a w th aJt: one
id ~II li"n ust b~ d~:s~t:H\i'@'d be'fore ~notfH~~1f iCiilJlI1 ,t~ Ib~ its !J,I:iloe", lif you h,~'ye' i Ii1 'your m ind a ny' '~hDU!8h't that some on e!' inlas, \lvr'Cnsedl yo LI .. 'y10\1JI earmet let iln 'the c h~ia n 5: i,,£: pow,~r ,of S~'~lflrt a Iild Utile' ri chlnes-s, (.Ilf s,pi ritUli,11 su bsta rilICe' Ufir~i II VOtil have, ea s~ out ~h e thl@!lJl:h!t ,olf t ~'N~j 'wrOIllI~ ha~e' 'flo r,gi\llenr ~~, 'fu ~lly. You 1m a 11" b@~ wond@'fi'ng: 'whrV yo ~ 111 ~\r@ '~,~Ii Ie d ~~ get ~pi li'it~~ I i Ilu Iilim"~tr'iiOr1ll 0111' t~ '~ind tb~ eensclousness ofJ slpil'ritual sll!.lilbst;i3IrH:e. Perhaps t'!hle reason is nere: ,131 ~ack 'Ol~ room fer tlhe t_-UII2 thoIJ!B~ts, b:~cal.l!lse ether HHJl!Jlldlts f~ml 'IOIU!~ mif'!ld, Ilf yO'~ are IIiloit re(:,ei'!lliril e: the spi i1tJl;J3 ~ un (lh~ilrst3 nd iirl!g you 1fiee I you $lhrould halve" yOIiJ! sh o\uld se~lItJa yeu I Itm i1f11 d ca re'FiUlllly for IIJJ rrf'Of'lg)i'iJl ~g t h!i'lu~:hts,. I'lfhou\g:!h'ts aJIFle, thing;s" ~ndlID4olW!p,y' 5;p~O~ in th~ l!f!i)iir1!d f,@~lm, Th~y h~v@' ,~ub~~~Ii1~@ ~~d f[r~'NiTI!'l1 and may EN1I:S,j IIV be 't;~I[ke ril as per m,a iii ~Int by 'one' mot e iii d owed! wii1n spi rit U'DII discern m e flit, Th ey' bdn S' ~'ort h h'I!J~t illooo,rdi n,g to the seed pl~:anted i I'll tbe' mi riI d~ I:nilt they ';;Ir~ net e n,d l:Ilri iIlg urnll ess flO u iIld,~d ilin .splirll~ .. , Thou g hts are ,eillil1!J<e (;!!ndi ,alrE' ,endow'E!!d brv the t:~ hil~e'li \iljiii~h a saeenea IiV ,t rf~1iI kin;g: pow,(!'r; th at. lSI' ·th@ th DaJI,ghlf[ e IiItity, 1:'~art th i8 1 A M forms, 3siS ~ mes il n ~,go and bl~'gi ril:S to tih'inlk, on its ;@Wt~ a eeea nt, Th O!J,lhits slse 1:hii n k b lit' only with t'h e po:we'li" yo M ~ij\!ile to th~m.
Te~11 mE' w~}at. kirnd of U~QIU~,h'l;s, 'Y"O'lI! ,~r'e. he ~d ing about you rself ,1;!Ir! dI ''lOll! r ne-tgh be ii,51 and II cain 'tell I YOUI jus't 'wh at yO!J 1m ay e:<pect I n 'the 'W,aly ,olf Iii e,al~'t h, '~un:il nees, a nd h arHflIC'I1Y in VQ~W heme Ar'@' y~\~ sus ~:iie~ QUS ow your n@ig,h", bOil'$''f ¥'!i)U 'CanlflQt II Q"ite ~ iliId tru [,'t in G odl if Y'O'l!! hi at~e' ,is! nrd d tstru st men, TIl,e ·two ideas I,ol\i'e and hate, or 'trust ,and m~;strus~ .. ,s,imltllliy eannet both be pr',@!!j,;en! in yo ur mli iiild a It one tiimIE',f a n ~ wlnle i"i vou ,alir~ 19~inIIli:Ei'r-tttaii nliiil1~: 'Orili9j, Y'O'1;ji may be' sure 't:h e othEllr ~:s; ,allb:S:E~Ni1t. lIrllJ st eeh It! Ii Ipeop~,e alinldi UiSle!: the pOWEl'r d~lat:
Y(H"II ;ijICC,l.,Ilm U lil'tI~! flr'YI,m ,1tiIh~t act m trust GIOdl- 'Tin@'Il~' i'~ m~i~i(:: ~ nit: iit wOlrks, \t¥ollilders;; II'iO,ijJiE: ,and trust ,[:lIre' dyJnamic~ \;i'~'t'ii!!Il powelll"'s. ,J!;, e you ,i3locltlsing men ,olf be'i nG '~hii ews, a Ii1d fel;!Jr tJhZll ~he'y are G/O ung tc l~ke' aWiMV from ,!;O'IU somet~i ng: tlna'l:: ms )i"~.y r O:WII1I f' Wit n ~5l!1 dh a tthou~,h't ,£elflle'rat.~rilg ·fei3llr" a n,d el!illlE:lIill terrlO'li 'iin 'Yo 1II r mind a iil,d fi n urn,Eli 'VOl!! r co nsete 11J:5I!1eS's: w\iith ,d air klli1eS's~, 'w!'a'iEHJiie is, there reern '~:O'r 'the' F',!.1!ttll e r's ~ uS:ht: lo,f prc!t~c1:iQ!I'lJ? R~rthe'r bu i lid '~~ IIII~ of IIO:"I@j' and su bstaaca a Ii,QU nd ynulf,sleU. Se Illd OllJlt, swihl, innvi[s ~bl,e: mless,e'lrrhgers of ~'Cl",\"e
:and 'h'1liJst for YOl!!lr "!i\oit1ectic[fl,, T~ie~ are better gua r'dls tha n pioll ioe[men or d~'t:~tCtli;!~S-
100 not jiud~~' ethers as re,g~l!Id:s tJh@ii!f g~i II~ or ~!'i! n ii)C~~Cl~:., ICon~idli!'r yau1r,sl@! I'f a[rildl InIQW v,~u st aWn 01 i[!Il the' $[i,gta Oir Ulle F'~t her f:l')lr h avu ng th,ol~sht~ ~Ibl~uit: alnlotihi~r'I:$! ~:u ilt. 8 es ~Fii VO u r lie,fcr!fm w~th \1'0 I!J rse I'f, linll1t m,ea n s 11m U chi to 'on e who '~nj oy.,~, a n U[nld~rs,tti ~ ding @f' m irnd ~ t1d ~'~ I ~w~~ th,o,ugh it ml~' [m~~ rIi litt~,e tOI tlfU~\ lordina~y jindiv~jdlual. Hie who kmews Iil~msel)f' sJ!JJlperficiallyl' ,must his e:d~I'1!l18m I~H~r~o[n~ ~ii'tV,~ tlhmn kSl he h~,s, fte*"Or'1me'd wiF!lii;![!ll ne h ~IS eOr'll~o'!'m~dI till '~he' mor,a I a iii d gO'\Je m rn e'nJtiiilll law'S" IH,e il'iiI31;J e'Vle'fii be' flllied \!Iii eh his 100Wni se(lf-, righ~~ eusn ass ~~d dialli I V II ift up hi,s, voioe '~C)I IP[r:~ i,iSle God ~hat h~, ls rl O'~ ,~IS ether men ~ re .. that he' til as fO[rgiv'~rii men '~h e iir 't[rall1i ~gre!!i,$itO ns, He' II C! o,ks (!i[1I1 ~III m en who de 11110'1: lc:on~Q)rm to hts id eas O'~ [fn~'u~11 itv a Wid rei ig j"(N'II ;a so b e.mnG sinners ~nd t ra m>\gr~~~or¥ {I n d U~,~ f1! ks GQd! "f:!l:w hiis, OWIF! in sig,ht '~fi! d k'~e fi! f1! es~s;, B,urt ra ~ iis not art pe'ii!ioe'" 50'1i'n eft lr'Iiii'fiI,g :!ileennrS lalcki filS:. G,o,d does iii O't: t;311 k 'to him "f:aotl: 't,o '" b~!l:1iwls@ the mind, w'her@ G,od and main meet .. is d:ark@:'Ii1@'d by th~ murkv' th o.ughili 'tJhat o~ her mem ;t!lfe si n ners, Oiulr fl rst 'lJ\i'lQID"lk il Iii allY d e,Ii'111'O rII'" S'tlrartiOIn ii\s, 'bJ ICIQ,rrt,act Gad.. 't:h e I'\efb[f'le '~e mru:s:t, 'fo [l',s:i~e ,all ~ me'lil 'the ~r' '~lta riI s:gre s'sic II1S~ 'ilihrougin th is w[r'igii!!oi'@riil€l:ss; W'@ c:1iE!',anse' our mli IIld so th at' th€!, fat her 'ca[!il f,o'~!5il\;!\e IU~ eu r l(li""fi!I t f,~III!IS.~ resste ns,
Our f,'©ir~:'irvitn!8l "a III men" ~nd udes e U lisellve:!!l,. 'Y'OIJJ must a ~Si@i fOllfgi~e V'Oll!lJlIf:s<ed if'. I~t 't he fl lig~'r of der'!li,~ I I~[r,~ ~~' ~v~'ry S,lIn 10 r !~1f81~ Ii liI,jg ~1h,Q[rt'! ~Ih~t 'yQIIU ~ar'l,;l\~ c1nalr.l,e'd IUIP al,a inst v.o,1j rse If'. IPI3lY you [l' d,ebt ~¥ sayii filg to, thaft pa rt G'ff' l110IU rsa I f wh leh y(11)J t h ~nk h,~IS fall en short: "Ih eu art [rml.a d @ who~,@: sln no' mO'Ifi@~ 1@5tt a w,orse thins: bef:all thee," Then "1Ioo~e' h'iim, and 11e't: him I"O',,'!· Tre~t sln as gl me'I'ii'trl!ili t !f!iiilri sfilnressio III" i n~t'e'ad of CIO'flUi id erl fill: it as, ,!!J m ora I d eUectiorn. ~'eml¥' i'iIl t t,l~ ugillt illll te[iI1d~~f'i cy to the ~~r ror 'Vii.~y ~nd h old YOil.lllr:s~lf 'fJi rIm IV to 'th ~ Clhfi]S:t: ,5pi'liit,. wh~'~ Ii1 iiis 'V'OI!j r dil"ime' se Iff. P,i!:! rt Icompa 1ilV' f'or\e1ve [l' w~'t In II a[!l:culsimc: c:o ns!d~n!l;:e~ III Tihose wh@! h,~''IIe' [rn~sohil~l~d to :si Ii1 n.o [FilfII!O[IrI~ h~'!oI'~ nO'~hi flI~ U[1llI common with t:1tJillt'.
··SIil;a,j I I blE!~ [iln d If! b'tt. aJ[5 ~oing i5Ji:s I I~olid debts i3~:a[nnslt O'th errs ?~! We 'ind tlthii:s to be' ~he' ~aJw of m imd; a 'lta,o ught 1M ,ei ebt, wn I prodllllce Idebt'. S~i Iiong ,;;:!I S VO u be I ieve' i Iii die bt yo u willi go iflr~O' d e bt· lind aceurn u ~at,e; thl~' li)lUlrderwSi t!lllar~ fe Ilow tilli.1!Jt: dlOll.lllht. 'Wh,oe'ver h 3JS tJ1crt fu:li'lfi~e n a ~~ [men the, iI" dle,bts is Int!e~¥ to fal ~ ~tnt\O d~,~t hi m slel'f. DO@:$ ti'11ri:s, mEH_!~!lf'!I t har~ yOlll ~,h~,j!J Iidl gli\te ffl,c@i ~t:ed bil h~ ttiO ~II ~ ~hose 'wh!,\l 01i.¥€' you? No,. lhat: would illiot be' erasl fillt tlhe thought of' debt
e __
'vor.Gi've tlhe ~Iho~~:h't ,@:f d,ebt w ~ vc h vo u h~ve bee'!!! attach iin,; 't',o' ea ch Iperso F!! n~I!TIII(g:d., M,o,re bll ~S 1I'i11~¥' Ib~ 1001 ~~,~tedl i11!f!1 tlnli $; W~¥ th ~Irli ilrl ;;i lily' other'" ~o,r nrM)lrlY crfi th e$e pe'@lp,le' willi IP>a V wlillat, they' owe, wlil e n y!c IJJ send ~hem dlii s ]\@!r.BiilV1in.g, 'thoughlt
IDebt [~, :a eent F£!! d1idToFii of the, !!Jlfli'", I equ i1lif1br~ u rn, II nd th e ~e is ne S!J cih 't~i ng: ~ s' 1~1~'k, ,of' €!~qll!! 1[1 ib:ri (,jIm i fi ~III thl~ i(j n irV\~ rse, Tlh~ ~lf\O r~ i rI Spilr~1t ~ nd il~ Truth ther,e ls no debt, lH,owever" men held on w, al tJt'io,uglirt of debt, allildi ·this thcnJC htr i:$ r'eSPQ!1 sibil e '~o,~ ,dl ,GI!ie~'~ de~l~ O'f sIQlrfOw alii dI h~ rdlshi I) .. , l\he 'tl!"y e di:scil~ll)e iI",ealli l'e:S hi 5, supiP~ V lin Ith,e eonsetouse ess of omlfili p,re.:seli"l!~~, un.versa IIV possessii!d a b und,:£r! n ce . .spi ~itt S IlJ bstan e.@ ~ s i m pa rtti al~ ,and! ilWT1!Je,d i!il eernene fill' ~In dI 111 o ~[~OI!I,Jgfirt ,of debit C~ In enter ~111li'tO i~.
Debts; ~xist li'n the m ind~ ~Ind 'i n til! ~ m iindi i~ tine pro pil[;~r pi ~11l;:~ '~O begilrl I'i:qJ til idalti fJ11: 'tliliii'~ m. Tines.E! 't1il.OU1lht~ el~t ~tiies IllT1l!1 !Zi;t be alboJlis he,d ~ n m~ nd befn;f'\t!: ·th@ir ii'l uter m a niih!,s:~~t i:on:s wi n ~1ii! SS, alway aln dl s:tal~ :away. Th@ world Ci!J!n nelJ~i" be: fin!ee '~'rQml the Ib Ol1llciliiilll\1!:,e ,or' fl na fiI C ilaill iIJ,bUg3t 1:01111 S u nrtilll me n '~Ir,a S~ ~U\@m 'tlil em!"' mi I1iId~, tine ,t'he uGh ts of 1111m~ iii Ii! a nd 'thi ne" that :cene'r~rtes d,ebts, 311lldi ilntl@F@silt. ,An iSlly.llE!j 'lih e thoughrt ,CIif de,bt ,;;3!lild '\fDU wi III se eJ ~h at iTt illl1'Vo[h/,iE!!S 131 ·thou~ h:t orf ~11tllltk. B),ebt iis a thl@\U!!ght of I~ ek wuthl itJlbs@'n ce at both ~ndg; th @ t redin~o,r t:h inlks he I, Wih.att ~s. Cliwed til im ,~iJf'iI d the' dE1'brt'~lr tthii I'iI ks he la clk~. wh,ar~ i s 11 eeessa ilV ~o pay lt, ,elh~le. Ihe' ''IN\!}Ulld di seha rge' th e olbmi~i!lrtk~,ra ifilt'ner th~ n t-onti n l!Je it" Th~r~ U$ ~'frQr .at ib(lFtli! end$ gf' th ~ PltQip,O~li ~k~ln ~ I!1!d not'll irll(g, i III U'IIE!' filii add le, 'Tjhnls, bel ii!l1 ,tt ru eo! it shoiIJld be, eaS,\I' to d i:!i:so~ive tlilii~' '!Ith aile: 'UlIougJht ·th,al~ .~Iniyon @ OWe!S !jJ:S, or tlhra't W@ owe a I!1Yo ne a Ii1vtlh~ n B·" W@ :S hcu Idl III OUii' ml ndl wit h iI;'ho ~sht~ ~f 31111'-$uffli(:~e'fil'~Y~, air! dl wlnle r'e t h!e:r~ ls IflllO lila (: k ·there ea Iii be' f!j'O' diebts., Th I!.I s we. Ii nd that: th e 'Wail/' to pay DUll" debts I1s by flilll! ng our mi n ~ 'ltvit til ·~trJ E! ~ iJlb$it~ nes o:f id~~$ th,~liIt ,~f~ tlhe d iiredi: oppo,~it,~ (,f 'the tho !lJ~ht5, of ladk th at caused the de !bIt'S,.
lid eas 'Off ,a b>la n d a il"ioe 'ii.'IJ i U mlo~ q Uili,clld~ alfu~ s!Ji'lelv b ri iii~: wh,al~ i'$, y.,o,~ rs ~o YO'!.Ji tha n any' t no. u~,ht;s., you caJl[~ I'HJld a bout debto rs d lse ha rgi n~ th e~ r obl igatic!Fls, to 'You., Sele :s,!!ii!Jrst.a n!te ev€,.-ywh e re .fIlnoi E:l'fililnm lt, not iCl!Illl~ 'for yours-e'I'f but ro,r eve IiV,Oliil,e else, c,speicialilly afF~liim ab III nda I'iI ce' ",or t:ho$le W:ncMrn yOl!! ha",e hell dl ii if'! th,~ th QUlght: of 'Dwi Illlg you .. 'Ii! ~~ you wi~ I he I p t hem !lilly U"N~:i r debtrs, more e 3isi~iV than ~)f you m,e:ll'le[lv era sed t'hej'r maJlm!e::s: 'froml VO'!lJ11i b DD:k ,olf aceouots fi@(:e'~'!i~Ib!I',e.. HlI~!lp p~iy ~:h'~ iQthie<ii" 'f,e~ lo""ls die bts by 'f,@iI",giiiVing: h ~Im his, del~Jt5. ,Qlmd d!,e·dilirliin\@: for 1m iiml it hie: a bu nda n.c,~ that is. h!'s a I r€1;m d V i ail $1] i~it" irh e ildea Of ·alli)unda n~e' Wmll all.$lo, b rinG vU~ 11rlli its '~rl!to yc;I'lJ f' Own I nfe,. Lert the law of pl,erltty wn ~k i't5,emF out ~ n you ,a fiI d ~ nl you i" crlf'f'ail irS. 'Tli1ir!S Ts, 't ne way tlillel' !tat her'
f,o !"Gijves your debits:: Ir!ot b¥ calrN:e'~i!li~ d'! e 1m O!l!I HWs beeks bue by' era s in; Uil~'ml flf(t!:m ~ is, WiIfllli riid - IHi~ r~'nfiJij~ rn be'r,s, th'~lrm InlO nfiHI)f€!' ~g~ ilr1!'Sot ¥O i!J wtl!lllm yo ~ de'iiiY 'it hei r rea Ii tV. Ttn,e ~i1d ner is t[~lle' eve if¥wh ew-e pre~le nt Spi rtt ii n 'iN h te h all ~ ~hat :a ppea rs has its. !iD1Jig,V!'i! '. G"l)d II,~ lov@' sees ''!f\CN.ll '!:!I~'W,;;!Iy.s. w,e II!" ba p! pY'~, ;;,!!1!i1d1 albuii1 da illtl)!' p'1i''Ovii d ed 'r~r,; bu ~ Go d' s w'i'sd~ml d elm ~nds th,~lt order ~ [ld liiilghit: ret~tioln e.x:~:~:t in y.c U f' m ilnd! beifo'fi",e it m~ y beeern e' m,aJrI i' -e'st ~n VlCH.!1 r ~~ irs as ~bu[~d9 n C~. IH i~ ~ov~ wou I d gUf'i;i\~ V'Oll! V~ U r ~ljJ\~ rv d~si r,~,. but H is wi~dll),m orna .WillS th aft yo u '~ol!'~ive y011lJ if debtor;s, be'folre VC!lJ Ii dlebits a re' t\or~'j've iii.
n~~1 lii'eiMledy .a iilV sta t:e' of' n m it:,edl fh"Jl31i'u:e'5 er ~I ~-,Ii'i,~a I th that h aiS Ibee~ brOWif:.1ii t: abo ut by 'W'OH'Y' 01'11 e 1m U~5;t Ib~gii ~ b~ @ ~i m i natins ~he wOlrrry' 'that: is the erigln a!1~ (3 u se. a ne rn I,J st Three one's m illnd fW'lCI m 'tlil e' burden o~' de'bit be/h) re th e debt ca n be Ipa ld, M;a iii\( Jlheal~:I,e have fou nd t h,art the :sta'i:eme'lilt III~ ,ower n Il:!II ma Ii1I ~r!fyt h i n,~ but I Qve~' h ~I~ [hellpe~dl tllhern g,n'"e,~'~ly to, '~Qu"t~r ~ct t his; 'thlO ugJlilt, iof de'~'t:. As 'th ey' u:se,d tlne' words th eii r m iruj s we lI"e lop:erned 'to ,[I iii i'jjifl.ow 10lf divwn@' 1~0''i,i'@ iii! ndl ~h @y 111 rtlhffullty ce-eperated with the d i~i li1i~' ~,ii! ~J o:~ forgiv@'·, Ille'.s~ In t.h oIJ,gtrt1, ""0 rd, a nd dr~'ed. 'Thl ey' ibluliliit La P ,5,UI clll ,S! sttmng: consc Ii ousness of the heial~ inc a,n d ,enrii'i::hilill9: Ipawe,v 100f IGiodn:s, ~Dv,e 't n,al~ the" ICOYlld Ihre ~llilldl 'Wl0fk p'E!,;aoi2fIUIIIV and profita bly' \IIJ'irtllil tlh@i'rr as..scciat@s. Thus Ir'~ln€!W'~tCIl 00 nsta II!dy i'n ~ ea I til" in 'if,~ ida{- a n d ~fi! inte~ fi~~ /' the'V' Wiell"ie. ,~bl@ te m~,e1!" ~;~ rv obl i sa1i:liion th a ~ ca me to them,
Thl~ $'1!~t~m~lIlr~: "l Q"'J~ n g rn alri!1 ~llny~hi I"! IE: bu~ IlolV~!~ dllol~$' n g~ m~,alnl ~[h~t w~ ea n d I SiC 1!aI I'm owing au if Ic:redli't~ rs m o.nery 0 if try to ,ev,a d,e '~he. pafvme nt !olf ob~'i jga1b~onSi W@ h,al~@' 'iflllc,lIJlrl!ed., Tih@' th i fig d@n'&@d liS ~h@ burden s,ome~ 'thO!..llEh t: of die bit 0 r IOf 13 ek, Ih e '\Nor 1\:, o:r lPayufillg de bts i:5 a 11"1 ~ II"Ilner W!Q!W 1:\:, h,at'!li 1118 not h inti ~o do, wiith U~e' debts a Ire~dv' low'e'a bl!J~ ViI u~h UI'e. W Il"CHlS '~ho y~!Illt!l; th al~: ,rod ~~ed thiE!lffi. WhEl'nlI ;O'ti!,~ ~o~ldl~ t,o tlh~' r-i,ghlt i'd,e;a~'1 I~ i;Jlr,~,~Ii'1~[~ me d ~ brs 'wilill IilOt' bie !l:.Orlit:r,!i:lic.ted. [ilielb,tsam-e p'ifodiu ced bV' th iOU,Ii~i'!!S of lack, i m parili:i,ent: de'5:~IFei' ~ nd 'When th;es~' ,tholl"Jlg hts ~ lie cnl~lr!(:orrFiU~;,;; debts; ~llr~' ave ree me, iOff'lg,i\lEl'1il1 ,aifilidl pia id ilril fulU, ,9 ill d \~e' ;a re i'ree frcmill 'r hem fer ,a~ I ti me,
Y'IJi!JJlrr t:n,cl!l.JIghi1Ls should at ;3 Iii times be wcrltl'irv lQiif 'ljCHLlIF highe,s;t 5,ellff .. 'your ~e~ law rn al~ a riI d Glad. fh e 'tho;~ghrt~ t nat Imost freq ~Ie.nt Vv worMk ~III to 'YO'U :a11i'N:i \fOIL!! r .acS's,o~i i1Jtei, ,ilJ~ t nOllJrglhts, Q.,f er i'Hl);h~'1iT1I ilnd (;:)0 1ll1~;h~~UiFiMnratio Ill, F ree 'you r m~ III d of ~he'ml bY' h,©I~dli"1 tine' Itt'hought "Th ell'\e lis no\'IJ' no conde mllllat~o~n ~ n elI1ri~~~ JleSlil~.,~'1 F,iill YO'!iJ Ii' m und wiith UH!H,Ji,gtUS:, ,(!;Iif d i~~ n,e I~v~~ just~ee!~ P@~I(;Ii!~ a ~ d ~o r!il:~wrne's,5. TlIh~is wii IIII IPGY ynullii debits of love', wlil teh ,dire, 'itthe' onlly debits V'OM li'E!;al~ Iy owe; 'The:f'i :$lee h@Vii" q ~ ~~ kjly ,e r't! d lea:$'ii~y a!tld Iil~Ulll fa Illv' ,alill 'vaUlt' oILlt~'r de,lht's w;I'~1 be' palid and ,all inihar1molniie's: ;O,f miii'llld(~ ~!OdVI alil~ ,atffairn, smoo'tbedl
out ,~~ d'!le same ti me. Ncdll,in~' 'Ii~~11I so '~!!JuddV ell! rich y@ur m irld i'!Jnd ·tli!re·e ~t: ~!I'\~m ~it.I~' 'l1h'CJ'ughr~ Of lol'(c~, ~:S· th~ Ir"~~ Ili~,€litio n Of d i''V'iW'lIC lov~. Div~I'lIC' ~o\l'e' 'will II qJu~,ckly ,!aJndi p er~elct IV fil'E,e you from the, !burden !Of ,d ebt and h ea I ViC U 0" YOUif phy~i'~1 in~~I~ml~·tt ii@s.~ eften ca !!.tsJ!!d by d'@IP'I1@SS VOIr!l!. 'W\O'fr'!{. and 'fi !'l~ndialll fe~r. I~",e \~ i III Ib:rinS: 'yQU r o,wn tQ 'V'Olli~ adjust a II rn iSUln~le'rstal!ild iirillSl~J ,a rJ dl IF'Iil,~ ke' your Ii~e and :~ffairs IfJ·N!1!'an:trV.~ h,app¥~ h,armo'nilous~, iiiilndi 'fi'ree:~, aJS the'!;' should b~. l~VEl' i n d,~~d m~ ~jh~ n'fiij~f;U Iml~'l'i!tt of' tJhl~ I~w',.!~
The wal' is rl!'~'w open for' V'o u to ~,~y '1I01!J!i' dle1bts. 5uIFIi'e IfIdl~r th e m te ISod! a~,cNiig wi't Ii'i a III yc,u r d Oll! brs ailfiid f'ela! rs. fo~ Ilow the mi,gtiJt 'that ~s, 'fll ood img ~rrJtto, 'yo'U! r m i I'D III. 60dls pO'we u ,. ~ O'VOi!2l'.. aJndl 'W'i:s:dom~ ,:i!I re h ellfe~ f'iOlf Hli:s. ~ i'lf1Igd em ls withli rn ·yo';].. G we' Hi m '~I,III dom in~'OI'!iI i I'il YO'!!J Ii" I ~l11e a iIld ,a'ffali rs, Give' Hi m 'V~l!i r business .. , 'y,our f';;ilff'n~ilv anaiirs~, YOlilir fi'UI,a n ces, a d let Him pia Y yOl!! r debts, H eo ls le'!l~'1i! nQW d oi fig it, for it i~ Hli:s f1igtU~o li,J:s d e~i re to 'freie yo'u fr'C1'rri! ~~ ry bUlrde.fIl~ ,aln d tie is ~le:adirnl: you Otllt of 'tlil e b IlJ rrdle fI1 ·of de bit,. w net ne'r' o~ ,ol'lliifillS or bii!~n!B: Q'W !! d, M@@t '@v@'ry· li'nsidii ous thol!leh1t~ s !J..N;h as nil can't," II ~ d on(tt; krilow hOW/" iii can't :s,~e: il:hfi: Wiity/' 'with ttllnie' deil:lllalli'3'tio,fl1 ii~e'i'iHjl!jJ.aih ls mv sh e ~ n'E!!rd; I sh(;!!lll~ 1iiJ'1J1t; Wil:!!lIi1t,~ u l'IiJU I~S h.a I ~ net WaJlilrtU dil'e 'Wi~sd ern, t he. COli! rag.e ·tD dOl. OF 'tln,~ SUlbs.ti31IIl1G~ ,to do w'irith 'wtiJ ~ n V1l:iiliLI n.av~ Dna€! fullirv .-iE! all Hz@d th ~ sco~;e of the! '!jji'~st truth that AI m i€ihrt~fi! ess ls ~e~d~ri!g YO'Ui i nte IIIeJe el[!l pastu t'le:$ •• ,. b e$ild~ stUI~ w.altte ifS,. n
[I Ji th~ ki I!igid,g'ITi! ,g,f Tru ~tiJ ~Inldl re~ I ~~y id~a~ .~r'~ til ~ (;,g,in of t Iii~ r~·.~ 1m. Y!~II!,I e~l!'1i use the' new' idea::;, tha't d ivil'ne 'wisdom i:~ n ow rq uie ken i ng i Iii you f' mind alfi1d1 start tlhb; \f@1IY rnement to P\~ly yOIUlJr d@b~s;. B @g:~1II b\f t ha n kirllg 'G,o d for 'VOlll r ~ji'\eedomi frIO m 'th~ die bt-b u rrd e Ii"i th o~,ght, ilih i~ is 31f'i1 iJt"n p ertant ste p' ilf'lj bre~lld ng the shaekles aw d,(!b~' .. , n'N~; 'f!.ll nd S' te P~iY alii YOI!JI~ b:i'liis mlal~ not ~lJddE!nlly appsar ~n a II~mlP ~~m~: but as you w~'ti;lnl ,;~liIflld w;ork: an,~ Pl'~Vj. ho~ditJfiI!C VOlUill"'s'etl'f: ~n tne oonrsd'otts,Ill,ess ,olr Go,dI~s: l.e,a,Qi'er5hiIP al~ul lhIis abund~ln ce .. y10ll,ll w i'111 III ortic-:e 'yOlJllr fl.lllndis. breGii nn ing to ,(!:llr!(itW il here .iiill liiittl ~j til e Ire (I Ilitd e," ,a ndl incre,a 5i n.e: ImOIt"le aJli"'Iidi more ra!pii d Iy ,;a 5: YO!Jj r 'fa iil!!liIi i inor'ela ses and Y.O'l!! r ,~nlx:i!i'Jus ·tthou\ghts a ~@ s~illli!'d. Fiiil'D' 'IN ith th e i ntCf!i!~S@ will eema ~rddecJl g.oodl jUldigme.rn1L and 'wisdom ill'l Ul'~ 1m anagemerill'lt of YOUlIF .allr a lrs, li)eljtflt ~s, seen va n C1 u ishe1d wh e n wi:5'ck~ m iii n,d igood _]Iuldlg Iil1lent ;;::lIre! ii n eeretre II.,
11)0 fI10t vTe~ld ito the, 'te m pltal'ttlc'lll off 'i·,e.a'~VkJhal~mEH'lIlt p~.a n s, i i Anv Ipaym e lilt thlait .;!,ll1I"<i"i!r'lif.'o --""",- r' -,e,a' """r"tiv .... ~ .... , ... , lL.. ... f"""II'\ .... ·""" '1-- -hr, ito i;p 111.cit· ""n A""-.-,-,·: .c,· ..... - ........ C-t- ,... ..... ,
Y. g I _ _I~ y. .... u _ p.Jy "=' !!:; _ '!.I'PI!:: YI!;;; _ y _ I;. y"""u reiCli!2l _I._. e _II. _~ __ 0 . Q __ ,,=,gJsy IPgy~! ~,!!;; mI s e b."'!;,!!
not alillow '~:SJI~e pfiide Ito tJe'ffilpt you to [Plil~ on a ~ho,u:saln d,~do[lla r 'ifroFllili 0 ill ai hUndilredloo;r:l O!U,aIr' $~lla r~; l1hE!Fe: Imcey be '~i mles 'wlil e n ·tau ·iall1'e t e ml~ted ·to Iii i:S:5i. pay. ng :a bU ~ ii'l'ii ,order tol indu I,ge' a desii re '~o-r 5'il:Hilil e' thiin~:. l!hiils, eN3iSi~1y lieads,
one' ~n'h~' 'the' habiiit @f f.Hnt'ifll~: i)j'ff p,~'Vi ng_. 'wI!! ic~ '1t~lsl!el'i! s ~~!Ie i n 16~lblJJS of debt on pc olp,l~ b~~ltilre' 'tI!ll€!V r€!,~ liilze it - It is t:~I~ i nnO()j~rn:t",§1 pp~§Illriii1ig JO~i1U !fllru~r' Of ~he de'b t hab't and de brt n~O!Lilelh~. that im av rob you om-' lPe~c;ejl CiOril't!e ntm errt~ ffe@dlom~, ir1ft~;lirH:v~ ,aJndl Iprra\s,pel!ii~v '~·or 'le;;!lr.s 'b~ come, lH1!r@ Divin,!! IMlil!i1dl withii n 'yo'l;ii is, mli.j,h str"(Mi'liiS:elr t 1iiI;~ fiI thls d~$;ilr'e miind of the' blL)l~y. T~ rrli ,to it in ai t;imie i ike' thi:s;~ ,aln d affirm: "IJe'h,olli~ h is my' she ph e ~d,;: II s h,all ~ not 'WGIllll1tli this ~hi'!i)g: liIl'iitt'i I it reo rrn~~ to ffl~ ifill d rvi~~ o.rd,~r,
IB~ ess yiO I!J ~ ~:redii~or~ W'lrt n U~re tholl!,ghi ~ of ~ bu FI d ~Ifllee' ~~ youl be,~ii'fI"i! to aocumull ate 'rir.e' wh,eW\ewi't:hall to i=iii~rv off yo u i!' 0 bll i~a'il:llo,Iii:S,. K·eep t'h,e 'fa ~t ~ ~hev ha d iin ¥OU 'by Ii n el ud if!~: 't'hem in your ~ r'~ye If 'falf i ru::r@Ji!rs@', lBie'gi n to ff@'~ y011,Jl rseU at on ce by d oi rag a III ttrJ at ts po~~.nbl e ''fAd ~Ihl thl e m e,~r'Ii~ y'Olil,J H'n ~ lie' ~llildl as V!ll.'U IP,f'lO c:eed in th~is spl rit: tlhe waY' wU I !Olpem ~lolr VOrU ilOr de mOI~e;. for ~Iilrough the i;f\iI\el!ill~e,~ cf Sp'ud~ 1m or~' m'~~ ns wi II ~:o me to yC'I!J al!ild every' ob~iiilati~arni w~llllbe m e1t..
Ilif 'V'Qrlil ,alre a il:r,~dil ittor~ ibe' cal r~~u II lof thre' ikiil1lldi of thO!U1@;!itlts V'Olil [hold ,o;.r~lr 'yOlllr' de!lbtlOIr'" A'~oi'd 't:he 'tholll,ght, that 1t1JlE! IS Ull!iwi'lH Iilg te Ipay '!PNJ'~I O'li 'that: he' iis Wlm1lalbl'!E!! m pay ~u. IO'i1i'~ thouS:~1it hc,~ds hiim ilrl di'shDne:s,tyJ' ;l,lIld Uh~ ot'hiE!'r ho~dg hi m su bj@ct to I,alcti'", and @~1rJher ,0'1i d~iem t'@'li!d s te Iciio"SE! ''!!hu;!! dca,r 17101 U~ i2 possibiCi iity 0''' hli:s; pa¥fiing YO u soon" Th~'nk 'weill .m iii d s pea Ii;: Wl~ -I of a 1m t hose who '@w,e' y'C Y. II f Jl@U t~ I k '~Ib CJ'!J ~ 't! .le'liTtI ~o o~~en~ avei d Q:alill iilil"~ ,t heml rJlaJlrfH1:S Ulat: VQU 'w(;n"Jl~d Inat ~ P'P,~y 1;'0 ~ 1),1 r~~ ~f - Cl),Illttu 'iI~'~e' ~ ®elnllU iilil ~ ~:~~I iir'!\g of h)v~' for ~Ile'ml ,a fiI d ires peC't rthe'. r 1lfi1 tegr~ty 'I f1II :$ p ~~e' Olf ,alii ,alppe'ialwa n ca s ICeda re' abu!Ii dI~ li'rt su p'p hI' for t nll;!!:m and thus; h@!'!pl tih@ml 'to pro:S'r;i!@r.;, P Fi3IY ,and WQlllk ~or thelr good as w'ell as 'for Y0l!!11' ~O, 'f:or y'OUi!'~ is, hil~ep:argllbille from '~he'im"5,. f,o!JJ ,owe yOI!JJ1li de bter 'q IU u~e as mu dh ,a s he O'W!I!'S you a nd you rs ii's tal debt ,orf I,o~~ [P,arY Y0llnr- r~h~bt: f,O hi!i'M1 ~ilnd he' wi III paly lhiij$; ~o you., Th ls III'I,J Ie of 4 tti() n ne'V'er 'fali lis.
IFar'-seiei i'ii'rIl!: Ch r.:5'~:~aiil1s, f,oolk fOJr\-I!,if,a rd W, alfi'il ealrlv re :!MU m plt~((Iln of' dll e' e co nrOlin ic:
Sys;~@im ina U~,I!.II r ~t;ed by th~' @ar~, lolllawi!l':j, off J as us, Th ey had 211111 '~hi FljJ;S, i ~ 00 m m 0111 .. , ;EJ nel IlIC' Ima III 1;3 dke'~ a iflry t:n illl~,. Butt b l?iffiCl,re l;.~e' i[',;3lri1i nav,e .;31 tru lV' OIrurius,'t.ia fa C,O mlrnllllliliMirtv fOl!llndled on a s,pili1itua ~ ba sis w\e m Wlst bee d ~.!H',:ated inirtro ~ right vway of thinlking abo'ult fi'ni!If!U;eiS,,; ~f Wi~ ihDUIlld all ,get W8'~the'r ClI!i1dl di''!J~dle' a,U ,Q}Ulr possesslon S1' it, woulldi be !blut .fa sh o,M Itti~m e' LU ntill th esa '!.~ 111", 1i1:ar~@ 'tli1~' p rev,~lill ine: 'fii r1! aneta I iid!e~s, weu Id man i p!!J ~~~re ,our' fi n,~nle,es.. ~1!i1d p~ ~~lhora 0 n en e h,slli'Ild ,iii! fiird I ack on the rOillh!fl r would a~a i ill be esta bl i'shed.
The woridl,n:a n not be' 1i~e· 'hom the bon d'~IGif~ O'f de bt ,a n d i ~t'eresll: untii I IFfN::IF!! st~lrt te worll( i III 'th~ ill" ITi!1~ n d s to erase tjhO'$~ 'tll"ilijlngs from (lO i1i'$iltk~I~:$ ness. If th ~ U III ited Stal'~es fo reave rh e IWliathlfilJS of I~ urope ,a 1m th,emr de·bt-5. alnd ViI" ped th e slate de,ij!Ir1!I, ~h e law wOll!lld not n'ece~:s~,n-i Ily be '1Tu Hi n,~d;: 1T'~r ~h@re \i'!,U;J'U Idl pr'\O ba bi~ r.emaiin.atH.n(\HJghJtth;i;i.tthey~tiiIIIQwedl;li~alrlldi.~hal.t:w.eiha.d m ~de a s~eri'fj'ee in C1iiIln eel in.g the' oblngatiolrlls". We sho!llid no~ feel very 'frr'iendl~ ,1iiIIboIU't it: an d 'would fi,M 'ttl' LJ Iy 'flO r.ghf,~ t h~'ml:,!, 81r1idi lil'i! ~h~t, IC~;S~ 'ttijl~ ~ rrer til OUigl'i!'t w·ollilid be' ,callirli ed on" ~'!I',e. must f'im"!i:t 'folrgh/e ,t IrN~i E·rrolli t:1i!,ought ~har~ tt_hey 'O'w,e. us IrrU'll!'U12'Y a od ~h~t 'we' 'w-(iu.IIlld be Ilosii'~~: m~ I)ey by caln~~ I qlng "t he debt~. ibe Ma n who ih~ '~or'Oed to, forg~ve aJ debt: doe 5 ~0'1i 1'0 rgi\le· it,
Abll).'iilie ,~IIII we sh !i)lIDld nmlll our mind 'w'Ii~~ the' (:(!iIIlI$C i(n.lllSll'ille ss IOr~ ttiJ at rd ilvi n,~ ebundance w h;i:!l:~ i's, ,5tO' ma nife,$,t evelry-wh e lie ~ III the wow lid toda\L nlere' Is as, ml!J!I;; h sl!Jbs~a nee ~:S, ~hll;'re ~Vil~T W~:Sj but iib fn~:iI:l' fh:JW t!1~~' be~n ~lF!ft~:r~'~n~dl with 't:h rClil.Jilh :s:elfi :;'hlf"l[ ass, 'W,e Imust: liid 'C'1lI Ii' mli rnd O'f' t.1iI e s,e:lf~s in ,i'iiIlIl:qU ~sit iv!!=, ness t hat ~ S :SIO d aim ina nt in the' ra c-@ tholl!,gltrt:., ,1i:!!lild i Ii1 that: "-",,,ay do our fila rt iln the gMd'~ wo'ii'k IOf 'fir,lflj,el·inS the· w'tJ,li'ld 'from Siva rioe" It I s the d1Uiity of ,eve rry ChrrrsU'3n m!Ertaphy,!]'idan to' lh,ellp' ~!i1 'tlhlie' ~~N~lllutlorn 0" ~lh~s, pn>lblem by affiirmiin,C that til €! Ullllave:rsa i :5piJrit of ~UI pplV is Irutliil.~' IJ ecomlillill mall1ili~€!ist ~IS iB di's:triloui'-' i !il~: ene !igV the W'O n-~dl ol\!!',e n-; t:hart alill ,s't~rE'd -1j,I ~~ hea ~d,ed, vleleus '~ho!iJ!ghts :tJj1!"i@ be'i U1IS cli $l!H~'~!ile\dl,; tha t a II PN~O[p~e lha~ Itthiini$ i ifl Ci~mmOnl" that 1IiI~1 On e anywhe're' I.ill'cks alnf'fUilling~ and thla'l: the' divine' ~,aw {lIt distr'ibl!!~ion of ilnfini'l7e: su p,p-,Il' ~h:at JI~'$U$ d,~mQn~~ r~w'd ~$ r1!'!lJiW b~i FI,g 1Ti!1~,(ilI~' Im,~ r'llif~,~:t th r<;U,II1C'hO!;,lt: 'the worlld, Ilth@ ,ea rth ~s oth e. LOird 's, a [lid 'the' fulme:;:!j. t lhereQ~, il
Tlher'e ~s' ,j;i h~:giltim,a te '(:·o,mmre ree th.~lt I~S ,aiirli'l'edl !Q:n Ib~ ImeCin:!1l Q~ whaJ1t i~, ~alled !Credit'. ,Clfiedit ls a oOl'iifllleniience W' Ibe used Ibl' these ¥/ho !aIPIPtr1edate its. va I ~I~ ~Ind ~ re it;iIilwefu I not to ,alb~~~' iii:" '11:01' t~ d~ $0 WO ld Id be' '1)0 fi~ij'tJiI it .. [Howe!",eii', m'irJlfilty pe'rsons ia!lfiie lflot equi'p,P!ed to' !JJS'e!i 'tIl'N~! credTt :s,~si!Iem tOI adl\i'a lilt ~Ig,e I~ n d ,~Ire I'i lki~II'v to ~ bu se iit, In N11~ '~ilrst [plll~iD~ .. '~:~w i mI d Wit hi U~ Is are' fa Mli i ialr Wd't:h1 'il:lili!::' ~ln1: rica ['j es elf 50urnd ICre d it ~$ys,'t)emi:5 a fild '!OIfrenl a:55U n'N:.': ebl lgat ~ons with out beine, certain of '~hi!l'i ~ ,~!lbi lirty ~o Ime@t them, '@'S,pecia II, sill Q,uld some u lfI'fore51eer1li i!Domp~ ie-artie n ;a rise. ; IF'equiB'IiI'Uy ,aln iir'lldiiviiidluall 110 5'es, al I ~h:at he i nvests a Iild ~inds hi rnse ~f imv>o,i\if1e.d illil a b !Jlf'\den ef debit illfll "d!dlntiotn,. Such th ing:s, a Ii'~: IilIO·t in dh/iill'l!e' '~rder ilndl ~ r'~ IliI r'1g.ellly re',s,p o["il:s,ibli~ 'V'or retal~d it1l(fJ;: p,rosperIDty,
[f\4'D ollle· sh 0 uld ,iE! ssu m e sin alb i ~€atio'i!l iU nless he is p we aa red to tiriu::::e1: irt pr'CIiii[Rlthl ,alndi wlilll'ilng~y wh,er; ii~: 'cOlrm1f!S d~e~ One whr;;:J1 l~nOW$, ,a~d ~I:SO I':!li:so, unf,:tilill ing reseurea I!l:CM n be iaissUi'led ef ., is su pply 'iN h,erll ilril: is Ineeded"
Then why s ~!oull d he plllJ ~me iitl! ~o d e.blt when he i:!ii ~onfide!f!l~ of~ ~ h~ da~ Iy' $U pply' Wi1!lf,lo'u1t d,~brt? lhle re' ~ re Iii 0 icr~'d itlOlr$ Ci!l' d~bt~olrs il~ G,odl!S) kJi rl,gdlo:m" l'f yQ"-~ a fe' lim th a ~ kilfil~;dolm.!' yO!J ri'E~ed no I ot1l,ge'r lM~ burdened with the tbOUlgh t of' dletlit en her ~S' d,~ bto f Q f erad utOlf. Und@!! d ivi'fi!,e ~~'w' then! Ii s no re~ch inrg ~u.d: for '~h inp, tlha't are b eYiQilFi(:l olF~e,lIIs present mea ns, 'There ls al~ everlnere aJsi llil rkhne ss ef eerrs dCHJS ~iess eern fins' 'from H~ e ea fl't1aii n Ik nowli edge ~tl~t God i!!j ~infifilit)~ ~ nd u nf~ill iAg S'YIPip,hl,! Q;~.rMIf ttn ings (~Of!i~~,rffl t,o ~h~· iln1ltl~'r paU)eill"li1.!' and rli:cli'u::!is ,ilrIlre ,!lattt li,ilrIIC'N:J:d tOo 'tlil,e' one' w hl@' Ilive's elese 'to th e unselfls Ih Ihe~ rt ~f 'Sod. H us ,eln~~ r-omm ~r;ltt is, m,~ d ~ beal!ul~'fIFI);II by tha glory o:~' t~ e IPres>elill!l:ie, ,iaii"lldi t here is satidyilnc ailfiid la:s.t'iinc prosperity ~ ill his ,al~fa I U'S,.
Tih,eli'i~' ~'~ burt (line 'w';JV ttJOi b ~ f ree from dIIe bt. 1iih;a'~ ~!S, the de'S I re ~o be 'free'" fb Ik~wed by' tbe. fe',aln i:alti~orn tffl1at debt has 1110 ~,egiitti rn aite pmalce iilln G odls lI:;ilngdil;::Hl'i!1 a ml ~tl!lat. VOYI -a fe' d1i1:fb:!r!mlin,~d to iI~hri;l se ~'l 1I:l'll!tijlf,~IHy from ¥iiJUIF' mind. As, y,O'lJi worlk tOlW',alr'd yo Il!I r f're,edo m V.o"-~i wi ill Him d I't h,e I p~u I t)O' haJv'e' da~ Iy' p@'li'iod:s ~'r.:n' ~n,~dii'~~t~on ,!jJ n d IP'raJ~@r. D'o n ot (!OilrllC@Iil~ln~ir~@' on d!l!bts; 0 f :spo;lil \fats f' Ipn111ye rs, !by Cim'il:stainJ~ IV thl rn ~dll"iIlg of' debts. 'T1h I n It of that: W'til ich 'vou w;alln~: to demlt)rlist~ar~e'l nee tffii~rt f'rom whic,n '~OUI se'ek. 'rirleedom. When you pray, '~ha III k tthe ~atnH~lr for IH us italll'i~ amdl ,gUlid,a'II1CE!:~ fOIF' IIFI is p,ffi'!iofi slen ,alll'iliG pl@ll1tY:1 for H us lovre ,jfl nd wisdarn~ fof' IIH u~ i nfIT~'~t~! ,~:id:u!J~d:alnc@! a II! d VOl)! r [llr!rVil,eg,@ '~O Ii! ojoy' ilt.
Hell''e ~ r~, ;a fl~W IP r,tL$p ~Ir~~y p. raye~$ th,~ t rn~'v hel ~I I~$.t~ lM I $h1 'yQIJII rnn th~ tru ~ fl err p,l!ellilty and e'U'aJse. the e rrow t;~o'!Jrlht olf ,~e bt. Tlhey ,a rie' ,olffe red as SlYBg"e~S;UQ'Ii1:S for fO'lim I illS: ¥'O'!J r own lPiI~'V@ II,S, but Imay b @ used If:IS [i!l:Uillen w'!J~ h ~oeillenit re$ullrtS.
m dlim no II,on,g,e'r' ,~nxio IA~; a bou t '~ima ~Ioe$; ililhJou ~ rt ffiillj !~III~,$.I,j'ffi(;i,~rfU~,V lin ~11111 ~hi'Iil~:5.
fhie SiPii~lrt lo'f bOiil!e$tv'~ prOmIP'rri'"ieSs" ecfrliclielniCy~ ,alnd OirdEH' ii5 iiiIO'ilJ/ ,e~pr\e·ssed iliil m@ a nd i III ,8il11 ttl ~t I do.
~I ,j;j rn free from ,allli- i rml~h!itucns, o~ rnerta I th oUGht !;Ilbou ~ ;q l!I,aJm~i~t:i'E!'S a n d vallllll es, TrH~ Sll! p~ jr~lb!.ll no iii floe of ri(;h~:-s of' till e Clhd:st IMlg nd are InOw' mlii'rH~;; ~nd II ,i!lrIr!l pro~ipered h'ii all mi'ij 1r.~aV;5,.
'iFItile 23d P',sallml
A TI'E!l\~tln1!~lfit 10 Fi'~~' T"'il~ Miii"!l(i i()f"TrIil!I~' [)1~1bt Ild~~
U iii d e [j 'tIiH:: M O$,a le law a 'tit Il'H1: ~ 1Of' te'iiI'ti'il :~l w,aI5, r'EH~ Ulili"ed as 'th e Lo,rdl"s, po rtio,n. Through old the Old 1 estame nt the tithe or te nth is mentle ned as i.'JJ l1iealSOI1l~ b~1 e' an d JiUlIStt rettLJ rll1l to ~lhe' Lord by "'JiJ.;JJY orf ad<I1'Qwle~,gi rag Hi mil as 'till e seurea O'r :5UIPIP liy. A'ft)elr .J,a,c~,b h,a,d see n the, 'v\IS~O n of the l:a d dj,el!! 'W ith ,anl~els, ilSCi@ndlri1,g and d~8c€nldli IlS: 10 iii it he' s@r[ Ulil' a pi Ua ... a IfId Ma d ~ ill v·ow to' tin ~ I C rd, :$,ayirilll• I~Of' al ~ 'ill hat dl O'IjJ ~,h.allt ~iv~ !mI,e I wn n :\1 U f'le1ly ,Iirye 'the' tie ritlh untJO ~h~'@'i II In tlh~ 9,d c'h~ ptj~!f lair M,~ Ilach i W'42 '~ind Go d's bless iit1!g ,d ilr'l~ctly' c:o n Iilected wittil 'fali th'Fli.J11 me!5:S, iill'il givli rig '00, d'H~ La rd 's tre;alsUiiry", b t!i t gi'r'bi sheu ~ibIl be' rna d e bees use iit ~s, r i~ght .a n d!lI!ls.e one loves ttc' gij\J!'le .. n et 'f,I!'O'1im a SIE!'ns!!!, of dut.y or for' 'the sa~e of ~ewa rd.,
Th,l1!I't 'Ell e re willi I be' al rew'~lr'd h)llo:wing the lii'Vi fill 'w,e a r,e ,i;! hiiQ' ass ~n~d by' ,] e:5US, i Ii1 !:II d ir~ct pro m ~:se IIICli'!!Jii!il' and it sha n be' ~lUV;e.11i1 l!In~o ¥CN!.iI; G:oodl m@',alsur@,I' p re,ssedi d Dwnl,~, ~,lita ke ill t)C!:getttlher'~ rll,H'Hl iing O\JE! r, $,111,3 III 'they g'ive' unto 'YO ur bose m. I~or' with wh ilil'it: m aas IlJ Iii! ''lie m e~e I't sha II be m e,a SI!J red tlO YCIII,J ~,~~in_'l~
'n:umi's,es 'of spir1irl:l!J,al benefits ~ndl increase of 'Gad's bounty' tnroll!gh the keepi Ill£; o~ ~ I11li:5 dli\il'i r1IE' law or ,e:iivirll\~ 3 n d n~QE:ivullfi\g~ albou n d i riI alll~ 'tn e Script U ras, "Th e ra is, ttnlat scatbe rat h, atlfl!d iincll"e,a,set h ye't ma iie;
Andl t here is that 'with h,o~de;tth m ore the n ii:s, 1m e,e:~I' but ~t ~e Iildeth onl'Y to W,;~!JI''Ii~''
We. ~u·e ~ i~i ~~, 1IiI'(!lW UndEH"" ~'[UG:eir a nd 'ru~ ler bliess~nGs, frem >God 'Ula1 n m iEjlrli has, e:\i'~r knQ\v !j1,; ~tt. ls 1!iflII;'i~,rl 'U~le !Iefa re ~Ih~'~ we ,!ive a~G:Q'!i'id i !II!!I ill alnd fie m ~!i'!i1 b ~I! the: law o,f 'th e' t~'t li1e\1- 'M,r i'f' iaI ilte'fiI'th was, [l"eqlJi~ re dI unldle Ii" 't:li);l~ I aw' ~ n 't:h'uH!;e oldi~'n t iIM@,S", ~ S certa in I'V nc less flittin8' th ~tt' W@ shou~d 19i"'~ it eJh@@Hf'l)J IIV now. On'ffil: of 'tt,H1I,~ IrealieJ.s:t incel1l1itiw's ll~' ,ge'riIiiU,Q!l!IS ,gl~illiig: is ,ial keen alPpredil'ii' ticlll o<f the bless1'rirgs se,cl!!red '~o us t:nli'lOulgh 'the' re'de:mpIU~e werk of Je:SI!JS, ChlJ"rs.t .. , "119I,~ that:: s,p,alred I!'lOt IH ~s. own :S'CHil,j bu,it d~IIr'!J€! If~d h i'm up for us a II" how ah !]!I,lm he' not a lso with h'iim 'fn~ eltv [giw, u s ,~'II~ ''!!hi !i1~;S f'll II Free I'y ¥@ re(;!e'iVlii1N:1 ~ 'ffieely gi\!~'. i i True gii'iJi rig ts th €: Il~e .ai iii d[1"!~,itv of' mlilt€, Spii rttqU~lc~e ned he:iG!111: re:spo nd ~1'1Ig to t;~l,e love a n ~ ~e li1elFOI!; i ~'!f of t:hle ~,~ Hi) e r's h~~rt;.
I f1I h i:s; seeen d I,@tt:er Pla!U ~ mi'!id~ a S!~~lntl'il g a![pp@;~1 te 'till @ torri nt h ~~ns "We r ill i,e nerous Sif~ 'to 1tl1i1~ir IP(DQrer brethneinl i n1 Jerusa II~ mi. He' ;S,iij,g81e@,ts, some priind pies, of ,gi\i!i ng U~,at :a r~' a ~ways iillIPIP~ ~c;a ble, for ,guY"lin~ is ,aJ ,gliace 'tthart ~dds, 'to the' s p:i rit~J.EiII gJ~wtl1l o,~ iailil Im~fiI ilFlI alU '~~ mss, W'irttlht)rut: ,giiVi ng: tlh~ :$·CH,J ~ sh rtvels, but 'iN he~ gi'IJ1lirllJi: '~s ,plli,aICit~,ce;d as ,1aj Pillit Olf Chris~I'aln liivin~'j' tine' :5 ou II ~p~ nds ,i;ll'llIdl b~('o'm es ~I!Odlli k~ ~ 1111 ~11111i:' g!l,~(2!l! l(]if Ii be'If,~1 iity and g~ m~lI!1o·s.lity'", No, resroranon to, '~hie, I ike ii"iI,ess of God ean be com p ~e'h:l: !Li 11111 es:s; m'lillild ~ til e,al[jt~, and sou I ,aue d a imy openi ng eut ~if1l!to that la f,g;@" fn~e" b@s'iio,wing: spir i.. wh~'ch so' cJha racte 0 ILII1'" Go d and FalllL~e'if 0, 'Thell":effoIFe i t ~ 5: not :5 ill rp1I"i,5,irn.g, 'thal~ Pa u II cll!alsse's, ~he iB11i,iiilloe ,orf giviil'il!81 Wli'th f,aJirthl.! knowledlGe~, and IOf!jfe.,
,A v,e,r,y :5:1 m pll e yet IP~r,a C'Uca I IpllalrIJ 'FOIIi .e~e lI",ciis,il1lfl thlis fjl:li,alit:€: of ,e'I;\jIiirn,l: ha d tU!,elrll ~!.I!gg~,~l]ed by P alul in hij's fiw<s,t 1!@ttie.l!" t:o tlhe C.clfilnt hii ~ n ~Jh u,. U U p,o,n t fH2 'fi'rs'it
A.,..· . ....t' *k.... - - · ..... -li!.. ii h ...... ,,,.,.., . ..Ji ii~ ... * ............. 'il., ,..,....... .....i!! iiui\t"iI. - ·11 .... "" ii-.. hl m' ".,., ... tore ,.., r E:.. .... Ulay ;""'111 lLi i ~ WG'~ ~~._ 1'5 a,all!Ul~ -11'i;i II E,a.;.ill I 10 Ii I'!~ u'l ··:r .... 1iJ o':f' u·;t· II 11.'11 a.. ·u~ '5;1' '!!iI.a. ~ I ~
.. •• - \!'_
m~Y' P I'O$pe r": t~at i1$'i ,ea,r:;h mem belf 'W,al$ a:s,k,edl t10 iei~ nt !fib i!J1te w, the' estiibl iish i li"iiQ: ,of ,al 'ittll'leaS1Uilrv. lhis, \~,a:; to be the Lord" 5 si!i:orehouse', inlta wil1~,c lib
ea dl '0 li1ie 'W(I:!lI to PUt: his cffiel!firiWl' it'ie!:C U 1:a[Ii~V and gill!! pre ~iO rtion 'tiO his m aans. hlil '~Id op~i og ttlli$, P 11~ri1 t[h~ ,o,fJf~r~r bIEH;:,~1 m~ ~ $t~w~lI!'d lof '~~I~ to rod '$ goodls ~[lIlldl einte[t'1edl l!i pCN'iI a coruni,e ©if tr a~ f1I img aJnd diisc upl ilflle me ~ded to m[a ke a (l;,OOil:D stil!W~ rd~, '~D r ii~ t~ k,@:!. wW:5dC:H'~ to k ~I(JW hC'!I1 r~,ghrtly' ~o dis ~I~!!"! ~e' th~ bOYlnr~y iQif Go d. PerlilalPiS ifU) si m pler 'w~Y 'leo b'egu[f1 QlI1e,1I S ,grQw~ h ii n th e ,s:r~!C'e: ,olf sJ~ims: ea HI be !1,lIIIBl,es~e d for our own dlay'", ThiO;~H~ 'who Ih~'\J.\e f,oll OI~.~ned thi:~ lune~ hOld] Ih~v~ usu~lll!y T{)U riI,d Ui"~t: ~h~V Ih~d ml@[r,~ [M'OI1'E!iV to gj~;,r~' ~h~ n 'tth~y h~dl thcu.!.I1~ht: pm,:!j,lib Ire'"
III fill 0 ~d1e ii that thH:= pi a[lil IiOtf ,[~n;Yln\~ fin alV be :sallcce.ssf'u ~ 'r herre ,aim 5'!e;.rEl'rall th n[n~s ~hat' m ust be e b<S@F\H!!d. IF i rst '~her@ mu sl be· a w'ull i ng 1m i'nd., 1111'f '~h@ readiln @S5 ls there, irt i~ a ece pta b'II~' accord iril\g, a'S, ,a ma n h ~Mh;, not .$I!C( on:lli mg as he t'il~'~ h
.... 0., II 1II;Ii"'" ad I ."J'd'O,jf \c,. '" ""11:.,;:",,, .. i:!, 'I 1i:II"~"''' 111 i["""",..,...,. ...iIllly' t- \"'e' tl'I" ""lil'i'll m. ".,.ij. be .dii .... n"" ,..."
~'~' .. ' !O., ~ " _ ' .... '!ii,' .... 1,1,11-1 ,,,,,I "'~II',..;1!iO ~ II r;.,!! ~ ~'~' ... ~ • '~"';'''''IIO'I ~11l.II :i!' I' III ~" ' ~ I ',",'III !!:iI' r I "",~,II, .,!!iii'!!.I!Iw I ... ' ~ .1'1
f:~ i'ln .. a 11 d then~ mu:st: b ~ nc' with h,C' lid ing be G;(J use the ern edlll g, ~iI;!~'m:s s;m a II" 1M a ny' of 'the In !lj,talfiU:)E!'S .of ,Bn~vinll th a t a r,e Ire,oorrlCiedl j'n 'the' B~bllle: a[s \\i'o[f't:hy ,olf speeial mention, cernmendatlen .. a nd blessl ng a fe- ~ nstances W~'H~!r'!! the ,gift ibel f !iN,as, sen al~ll. lhe' w'ido'W' !!litho fed E::Iiij.i!ilh in hilS, 'iti tim~ of' f:aJmi n e g,,fi\i!jEi: hil rn iill ita ke 1m a,dle' 'wit Itl he Ii loa st. ha ndful of meial. For' her ra i~ n ,alflid her rg!enerOl!Js spl rilt slnle' wa s; rewa ra ed wui!t 111 ~I p~ ~[lfrt i~u ~ ella ~IV SUIPlplly e,f 'ik~DdI 'm r In~rs@1f ;3i[lIldl 1i1@'!f s,on s .. a s w~'~11 ,~S fow EllI~ h. Il!Ilh e jar ,oi [mie,~ I :sh:a I ~ fi! ©rt 'wa-s,1ie~ neit her' shalill dile cruse of ol I 'r3'iil. I]
Th[i~ ~,~m~ ~rl~Ul ~~ Sl~i~ 'T,~rtI;l'l!l Ib~,a~tiify ny i[1iI 'ttlhe' N e'w l'~:s,t;a ni! ~ nt, 'lM'ifh,~ f'~ ~rt is it I aa rlv' :ShlDlW'fII that fiHl:t: '~he amou lIi!t ofJ the' offeri iill, but, tlile s p iiri t i iii W hi leh Ii it, ls l[d¥I![1I1 dle!t@'rmdiFtl,@s rt:s< value and tpOW@'F., !i'A[rI!di Iil@' [Jasus] sat da,wriI O'V\I!'f' ~salln$t the Uiea$il!,jry, ,and be'helld hOilli' the' mull'~itud'e: cast m(Hl!e''!I ~rrto 't~'H~~ ~reasUlry: and ma ny' 'th;a;t W!l![r'ie rieh cast iin maeh, Andl U~ e Il'e CD mea pOOf' wido\~';!" ,air! dI ,$,h e ,t;~:~t ii n two mlii'tl~~, W'~ ~(;Ill malkli8' ,91 'r,l;!! i'thi fiI,g. And ~ ~ c_~ II ~dl unto III lrn h~ s dliscip~e's,1.' an dI 'sai~'d !J nita iII hem, '''Ie rillv III say [!1..Ul1tlOi y,o!liJ, T1hj S lJ:!iQrU' wid(n.~' cast irn ml!Ore th'~11'1I ,~III thel' tlhat: ~ re east iim! i nto '~Ih~ tr~~lsurV'~ '~Olr th~y a~ I d icl ea $:t ~ n olf 'the;iiy" 5ypedluity,; burt sh e' oJ hew Ilj\Mlilit'i t: did C~5i1! iifill ,aJl ~ 't:~;iiI ~ sin e had .. ev~ n a III her I ivi nfj. U
'flh'iis po,o r wid,ow e':xemlpl unedl wlna't ii"t ts . 0' ,giv1e !Urn 'fa hth~ ,aJmdl werle eve r h'ViO mii'b~S, ~Q 19re'ill~ !iii g iift as wh e Ii1 ,t ~i~~t b,I'QUIS nt: hJr~ n su eli 1~[Ir'il ise 'ff'CHi11 t&1,~ 1M sseer Hlil'm se tf i 1Il'he ri:H~ u Its, of 8~viil'ii,£ ~lfl fa'ith ,a re Jl!Jst as sure in tl1 ts ,a,ge as i II'ii ~tl~ 'tlim,~' of' ,]les,lliS~ f'O[!" t hi!;!!! ~I~w is unfaiilii !1I,g in a III ~g,e:s.
Po. '~llllij I'd! lJ\eq u usite folt k eepi trig tine I,aw Orr 11fuvi f1ig ,and [~e~eiiivi ng i:s, til at the' crflleri ng shain b-e ,Si ~ u~t ail1d 'fa ur' p,r,oport ron of' a III th ai'tt' c'ne If'ece~es,,, fin e
amiO'Ullilt' W,~ so sett~ed by iPaJlIJ II !alndi the meas ure Ihe ~ave wa:s: II as he fin:rty pr(t$:p[~r. n 'Tn er~ is a oe,rit~lii Iii d ~*ilrni ~e 1'i'I'~$$ '~Ibo i!Jt '~h i s, §I1r1! dI 'yi~t it ,§J dlml i U; [of ~~eedoml 'for 'tihe grover to exE!'rc iis.e hi:$, i nd ividua I f',~~th, .]liIdl~ menlt~ alnid wiil~ll.
The qlu estio'fil o'f wi$e' dii$t rib~t1iQn 1$, !cl'o~eIY re II~te'~1 t~ t he matte r ~!f fi 1lllifilig, Go,d IS t reasu ''if, "ir,@, 'who rn sha II w!!!' g'liv,e and wh e n !lJlre q l[.Jest~ On:5, q U1ite i ifil P (;1!1"~~,rfl!, if' h~r~' ~ fl"fIi' ~~~'r ~ II tru1th~ th ~t rni~y b ~ ,con~i[~:h~~d in tt,1Ii~, clO:li1llilecthJfiIIJ bu ~ tlnen each illll,d nrviirl !Jj,a I find!], tnt ne ce SiS ary 'to tru st to the Spilrnt: of wlsde m Inn~ ~ i1fe,~t Tn; hls own he~ r~l SII FI eli! th eire ~Irle Ino ru I es Of" preeed e nts that 'Oiil e C3111l fo Ilow if'll de'ta~l" llil is '~s 31$, it: sh ou ld Ibe~, '~;or' 'Iiii:' Ike~plS th e
• ."II" .,..,1 I· d - f'" hi' iIftJ .-!l ·~I~· d acti ''I('
!!fMl(;IlII"!J!iil.IlLIa _ ~ u_gm@-rrrl~,. ~11'It_J,~ _O~@~ 's,y-m !li:;[rL y" ,~II~ ~ 'Wh _ a .IVI! a 11_ ~ci,-!'!iIe. .@i!l::a!
ea reflull rst!AdV O'f ttru~' iWlnde'r~V~riI,g I,SiW$ of' spill' iliU,JI~ II givg ng mil] he lip ene to exe roilse these diivii rilre' facu It'ies a s til ev S Qiulld be. eKe liei,sledi. ~'r we ~10r~II,ON' t!le; Sp~ri'l: orf wTsdom we :~h~111 rH~'t ,~iiv-e 'bJ' dlnytlh~ ~g ~h~t i~, ICO!l¥tr.a ry to the te'!ale r1fns O'F J,eSl!J :!i:" but ,spe Ii1d e'V'ery pem ny' iln] 'thie' f\!l.Jlliit~]e'r:alll"lioe ,olf 'the' load! n@'ws of Ilif.@' '~hat H@' preela ~!ms, iii nd in the p remet ~Ol! of! '~h@' brot her heed of miSlil1 that it i~ Hi s mil S1S;~QfiI tn esta bl Ish lOin ea reh almOf'lI!: ail II il:iho~e w lill 01 bEH::ome: sens 't:hrol!Js:h 1H~'m.
T~U'e' sp~ritu ~II gil/lTrrlg r'E!'w~rds wlith a dculb ~e' _j()1I:: ftrst '~tn~t whij ch IC:OOfU~,S wu'irih the' ~,a"i illS, of tih[ie ,giilf!!: U[pIOli1 the a Ilta r or ii iii t he Lord I,~ tre asu ry; then t Ih[~' jfoy [of sh at i ng 0 III W pa ~l' ftW' G~dl'S b Q UlI1t;y wit h eth ers, il~ 'the' blessi ng:l!, is the ~~tli $fyii ng kn Q:wledlge' 'tjh,~ ~ ''i,IV~ ~ !fe' m,~~r~i !l1g: 't h,~ ~,~w ~If!,dl p~yi ng GllJ r d ~ bt [Olf k~llJe ,a iii d just~)Cre' tl@' 'tt!he Lord. The ot~lef' i:!t the ,~ay ,Off :d1Jlar~ifill, the lLo,rdiis, bountty. JIIJ sUc@ cernes -nrst:; '~hen g,~'n e uosH~',.
IE,v'en the; se-cslle d heaJt hi!'rlI re'ClDgmi'ze gi'v;jinR as !l1i!1 p:a rt c,.f 'wars hij'p', for we flind th ~m cern ilng \~ithl @ff;~rnfi!g~ W~[~lnl 't119ley worsh iip HW[8!i r iiide-Irs,. All ~ge$ a liI'I dl a~ I n~rgi,orl!ls d~'~,p ensattons have stre's:sed !s:~~iwI!C as a '!jiita I palrt of the ~r wOlrshi Pi, I I'll th ~s ~ ~~',;; wll e!'1fiI Wi;' haV1~ so' 1m uch j rno lie is [Jl~(1I11"lI i[fled o~ us .. [e'iii'~'1fI to drJ e. ,£iifv'iR:£, of ol!Jjlil";$'eh,/,es 'with ;al~ I 'tihafr: 'we .a re a I1ld ha'!Je., This piiliivi~ ege: ea rrtes i m m'@~HUJ r,ab~l@ baneflts 'wit h lt, 'f'Q'1!' ~t lio:(liis,es U~ 'fro rn the' p~'rso~u~ ~ li're" uni'f~,e.s !lJI 5 WlilUiIi the' uniiiijj,ellf's;£IIII.. a nd so ,ope'n:s, [0 ilJ if inl"il lEiif' ,i3IIf'f1IGI iCl!aj tet U fe' 'tJO! tEl'~ i 1i1'fU,olw a nd 'the Q!!J.ltflow' 0" ~ hie U'fe!, Ilooe',!' bou rIIli:y .a III d gli,~cle O'F Go d. in is ~s th'e bh~~:s;sed re su It of '1fanfttili~~11 ~,b~dli ~Ao~ to! tlile II,aw a !I"Iid [~:xi~ f(:T:S;~ ,otf ttl e IBTilC€l' ,orf I~vi~nl~'
Tille. p~ople \\M~:re. ams z€ d ''lMhen the plrophet 1M aillach i told] til e Fill thal'tt they hadl b ereril rt,o,b bilng: G,~d ailn~ d e.s.vr-ed ~IO' kn!l)W whereiJ'!l th ey' ~,~dl fa il ed wh'enl they ,ttho'U~,ht they bald bee'fiI :5lEHi"VUliIg the I of"ld se 'ilfa,i'tlilfiuIIIIV'" Peoiplle, are ,aIS,
mudh a mazed '~odli1i!JY 110 ~ e~lrWl t'h,arlt tlil'ey ha1li~e' be'el!!i U ntrue 'U:~ Go dl~s l!aw ~ for Uil~ rn essag,e o~' Mia ~~'~hli Ii $. flOll'" IIJS) (lI11,!I i,tl~ ~I$ 1!1r'u,lICh ~ $; fOlr th~ anc i €lliits. T~ it SlPiri~ of 'God ,BaJilJe d-~ is mless~lg~' th n"ou,gh the' I~ l1'\op!h et;: ,Ii ~ri fig ye the who I e ~ith e' iinto till ~ store -heuse .. ttM:It. UQlew'~ m,~y be ~:!!J cd in m y house, and pr'D'II@' me' iii ow Ifil!~'rie'withJ sa iU1 Je h'o'v"~lh il)r hosts, ~f ~ willi Ii1Qt o'pe'f!I yo~ 'till e wi ndews >of h,e:awri\lo a nod peu r 'YO u OI!J~' !I b I'ess ~n.g1' tlh~'t there s ha II I'1IIO'~ be lfOo,m ,~nouig h to r~(;,~iv)~ It. ,Alnd II 'willi tr~bUI~~ 'thl~ dliig¥OiUif~f 'fOiif V'~'u f" :5 ~Ik'~~\r. li:I!Willdi he' sh al~111 not d1estro:y th e fru~ ts ofJ va III r ground;; ne'I~'lher shiallill VOIUIli rv'l ne' ~~~t iJ~s f1rl.l! it oef'OII",e '~he time illl th~ fij e~ d" ~~T~[h J e nlo~a h ~f h O$t~" Alnd al II nattTo'IiI5 shalll call ''!J\~U h:aip,PY; 'if;~'r ve shan be 31 delirlg~it50me [ilandi• sa[~~ .] e ho~.a hi O'~ ~110S!tS, n
S~udy this, 3~ dha piber !Oif Ma ~achi calre'~u ny' i~ va u wou~d k no\~ tlli1e lh,apP'V' ~al ~ r llion oM th e pro b I ~ m ,ct !;Ih.l"ing: a lilO I!·~c:eilvi n~,. Se~ how PHlctkillll1 ~t ls for peH:iil~ Ie' ilfi1 ,e:v.eilrry w',all k ,olf II if'e ,j;! nidi '~cHr lIi1at~Olf"liS as, w1e:IIL I't: ,lOife rs '~h,e: sol UJi't ~Dfill 'tlO '~Iil@ P reblems o~ UN~ Iii!! rrner. lt sets 'fol1h cl@!'i;:uil, ,1iJj I~W' of JUQ:sp@rity for :a II c:l SiSSEl'S; of pea p Ile',~, '~'o r ithos-el: who ne ed (:l,ro'ttfi:i:il::iI!'[,iUlof'ill ~'or t 111 ei r' crops 'liro m fli"osts,~ dim ~~!htS\l' flo,~d s,; for 'those' w h,o, W\O ~lld e',Slcalpe 'the lP~aSUle.s,.!' Illesti~' I ~II'iIIQ~S;t iall1ldi IIil'ta n if old th UrilIS~' 't'n,isrrit 'W,eIllJllld ;CI'E!os1tm¥ tll1'e~ r su pply ,;5(lrilid support" lilt: ls a sijm~,le hMW but so ,eff;ect'iv@: ,sim~'lly ~~V@ a 'titTntlhe· Olr tlemh or '~he IILfiIF,5,t;· f'ru lts" ~)ofl" th ~ iili e1q n.a ivall!fllmt 11:)0 t:h e Lord, Giod sh euld IIiIOt: I!M~: expected 'to rn eet a~ I m aJni:s;, re III U ir:elillfll!!iH1I'its ii n Urue mateer of ghr-iin.F.: t h ~s III reteeeie Ii1 ,Gjlrnd inc l'lea:Sle!' I!]n~I~$~ m an 'f'!JII~illls U'1I ~ lri~q~iilteml~ ~t$ Of God _ T1hl~ §l1~t of ,gi'villl"lirl (;Qlr'ill P Ii ~~ wi'~ fl ~Ile dilviiii'~ ~aw" [ ill: iimv'O~J\iIles, tlliu~' Ireco,gn~tion of God ;a s tlil,e Il'v,e~' ef alill lnere aiS!I!,;, a nd unlil!~s we hta\il\e ,e! 1F,@oogniHofil ef Ul'@! SO'1lI !i'iit'~ of' tOll!Jil! supply we' h~ve no ,a ~\SUlr an ee Q~ ~(mt:inN!.J~ifii\g in uts, use,
Many IP~OI~d,e h:avf! do~lb!Ji;:$, ,a,s to w h ~the:f it wi III re,a Illy d ~ ~ ny' g)OOld 'to idI:~k dtle Lord WIIi" p,r,ote;c1:1on iailfiliCJl 'fol~ p len'IIiV i Ii'i ue~~ rd to, ere ps Olli ,orilZhe r s~lppIV", 1M ~ Illy' w Iho are t€mplI1o¥,ed 'in cltles or' 'wh (ill are irn Ib 1lI silnl~'.s;$ t[hii n k: it: 'str'a n~~' ~ha't: tlil,ey s no jJ r.~ beil '!elie illn Olm r!i ipre'slelrl't: P Ii'ospe'fl"i'ty. Thus ufillbeJI '!e~ is p~'Si@lnt wit!h th arn at the '\i'@'ry Hifl1@ W hen ,~n uII1Wa'iV'@!"iifll,g fa il~h is, most: nece'51S,!iI ry. il"lile're' ts aJ psyc Iilgll,ogi'[;;511 IIfe.a5AtHi W -, Y P eopll!e should abe, slP~iritu !ilil I a'w" Whe n ~ persen obey:s, 'U"e [I alW !Dr 'GOld ,a hJIlle;, ,a ny Ii rrI e, hi:s ra,it h Tm me'-'
A" *' III ~ - - "'"" - Ii'~ ,0;11" - - - -;;oF" - ,.41 h" .riI ~,I' dO' -
!!;;!!Hi I!.~ IV oeeornes r.:!!""ref1l"H~!I' renee lilil pro'po~ !!;'Ie n il!iI"!l!l,l!! __ I~ Ii;;! OI1.l! 1iJ",,:S;jl!~a p pee!IF."
Wlheml ,al1Y'Orii e' puts IGod fi rst in hi:s, 'f~rN:!inCe~'1 n,ot 0 fi1lliy I'm t'nc'Ulhrt butt, tn every' ~e~ bry !'i@ h~\~lsi !i1g: h us: firs,t 'fllJiuiits {.~ tJenth pa r~, 01[' hi:s, i~n e re,a,s,e eli inC'o'ITi!'@] ~!O, ~he' Lordl~ h is ,fa uttlh in olmn~ present sUPIPIly bec)Q mes ,QI iii Ui iii d r~d'fQ Id 5.tmlfil@:@'F arild he pre~~ler.$ ~~eor'dinlgl:y, Olbeyilng, '~jl1~:$, [laf'i,IV give,s him ,ani Tnru~'f' k.~'OrWinlg ~hat: ~e' is bui Iidi ng n i's, 'fi fI"IICM fI"iI,ce,s, om a SilJif'\e ol!Jrnd;atioini 'It" art 'w;llilinot '~ai Illnii'm"
1!:'\I''erythi ng irn dille t)t!f!iiillerSie. be IOIi1~:S to Go d,. a nd ~ ~lOtliJgh a II tlh irn!!ll;s i'!Jtre 'f,o'r the us;~ ~nd enj~¥tll1i~tnt om- trTt~II'l!I,; n€l' c~n IPO$:se'$i~ nothling $lelrrf\ii$~;ly', \1Vh~1"!1 m~t!l'll lea rn s that a high e r law th a f1II [numa n c usee m ,amd desi re ii s w,orlki fig in th e ea rtlh to bring sbeut jill! Slti€@.. riigh te,o usness, ,a II! d equa I[i~~tio ~~, ~I(! willi b@git!l!! to 0 b~'!I th l~iIit law by t iith itng" [IQ'viil1S: h i~, fi!'eiis:lht[bQr, ,alndl d ~'ittlrs, Ufi!~Q ,O!thie rS as he' WCN.JIld h1arve, the m do u nte hi m. Then rna n 'Wi II~ re aeh 'the' end ,of :a[11 tbe 'tfflulb I es br,ouglht upon hil ml~~ Uf' !by h"~ ~!~Ins hlnll~~~ all'l,d ,glr,~oo~ ~lli1dl 'wi[1 ~ become' Itu~\i:dt:h 'fI" [pros pe'l"o L!JS~ ,j3 Iil dI ha P P'\I'.
Tine paistttor of .til Stma IIII dillutrdh 'I n G eo,r,ij:3] S!lJ~ges:t)ed ttto his, 00 ~fi,rei'f:,aril:i en, C)(l:m Il esed loa r,g~ lV' 'lOf eetton f:~lAmews\, that th ev de d icar~@' a 'tt@nth pa f~ ,O'f '~he'iIF I,~ nod to 't:h ~ !Lord a ill d ;il1$!ik Hli m ftC! If IP:r(a~(ti,~ ill ,~£,.a illlst the If~vag,e~ (!if ~jh~' bOll I w,eevi I~ whii it ~l had deva stated Itt he ere filS, i III t'nat \rite in itoV' 'i!i;o r :s'eve'r'£.Il11 ye'arr:s,. Sev~r!i ff,alnJu~tr,s, i 11 th ~ ,oongweg:~tion deddlC! d ~o do this, They took no mealsures te P ro~ect:. tJ"ti1e'ir '!!:rlO Pi einl t hi as I! de.d~iC:alt:ed aeres, ye1t 'th e' IPiE!'5~ d idl not attack '~h@' cotton t here, T~H~ q IiJci li'ty of ,tt hi~ tfilbl~!I" 'W,1:! 5, b@t~@'r on these acres th sin CIrri il1M1'Y th alt, ;adjoil f'iI ed them, Th,~ ,expe,riltm,e! nt W'd,S so SIJO!l:eJSS:flUil ilf'li fa itt: ~[n~'t: IP li,ali!:.t~ca!U "I a I~ 't:~,e 'fa rmers in ,t n,~'t commutn l~~ t1J,i\~ ~e' dec'i d'eel to' 'm,U,[)w .t!1Iie- phil n iiini ttlli1,~ fiutltJlIr'i~,.
Mia []lV' e~(lle ri ences su ch as 'tthil s '~Ire' .aiwa ke ill 1 fiI,g men tto respe c.t Olilli iiilel~ ti!!l)iI1l to Un,e i nfffin~'le ~I[fi nei pie' off' ~iif~~ e'v!i!:'WY''iiVihere pre s~n~!, ~~lat; we kJfJ10W as G ed. Th i $ d ivitne ,~[I ~ m ~,!i11t of Iliif~' th81'tt: m~!fI il'~:~st~, ~ t~,~ 11f' a $ grO'IIi'UU"!1 '~II"!,d :~H,.I b ~:t~ r1I ~~ res,ides 'withi II th IE ":acitJoi"s ,t hat ,combi Ii e to, IP r,od u eEl eetten, whe\a e, and alii othe:r ferms of 'V'e;Bi@t~ticn~ The n oC@ rtt:!l~ n IV frf 1.h e farm @IF works; illil ,~ckncw!I·, eds)ed s-ympathv w itlh thil'!5 life p,ri n(;iIP'~e', lit 'wi III wonk, un s.ym plait Itly wiith h itm and '~;o'r his ~:IO od . li!taJch 'ClonttdiblUJ~'i f1i,i in II'olV'e' a n d IUH,ch2,1i"'S;'ir.alri dli ng: '~O the' 'QUU~ri' ~ I~ r,g~ r ,~if(J.,p' wi III b~' t:tiiI!~ ~',5ul~}., 9iliiJdi ,~ I~ rgEl'r me~:~Ure: o,f p'ro~pe rit.y .f,,)t' th,~ farmer. INh:):t ,anlily the f';iUifiIfU:l:f!" but title banker", ~li1e 't!iadeSlmaiiil .. the pn::(I'fesl'"' si(l!ln" I II'iflla n (;.~ n WQ rk in sym pathy' and III ~1r'lll1liilny wiiith this plluin el ple 101' E:1~,w't Ww Oilliid itIiiCii"EMI se, The iif'illfiJnli'b~ ~ne' p ii"incilP~,e is ,g 5 ii"e~$r~OIIiiS~'i!Jle iln ICHi! e' ~ie ld as ,!:'!ll! o~h@lr" :and it is, ,evi!fvwh @Ire pr~'s.~nt. Even se-es lIed rnanii m ate o!bjiects, ElIFe 'n~ iled to tithe' trulll wiilth thi:s, i !fI·r,i IfI i ~.e' li"'~f ~ 111,01 ,~veln Cl~,iriu~,dl g)Q!ld is te m'5!!Ei w~1tih the desire '~O e:c,p aill1di an d te GIIfO'W'. The ma't)elrii:a.i s Ina ndl,ed !bY' the tradesman are made oW' t11U~ l5!'J m~' :5Ulbrn~11il ce thlilr~; Irlrut.llki~s 'UII€l' !J n iV-efSEll' 'il n dl conta lirii withil'rn themseh,,~'e'~, the flre'r m O'~' ,Im,wtln a nd ~n e raase, Aill m enl a re '~ihe're~fo;re' d~ij I~ asseet a!U!'di 'I"l~~h ~if@~ ~tnd ,tt ~ rOlligh r@nCil@i'i n,g i'~ ~he !'ev@l~etnt: ,~cktncwU·, edg:m e nt that is itt's, due. ,QI fill dl t.ill rOIWlgh wi1mess~ ng th is ac.k.fiI,[lwi erigmeNllt bV de·d ilee'ti'~g: a p9tit (liM ~ n1eiw i H'e re.~k~e 'UH!')r a re pres p!ell''edL.
The fi~he is, the' lequTY"alle~t 1©lf the' i!ilcr~;sed ferliiHlIy of d~it!' I allild , Ilf' by' ackn C!iwle'd,gi ng GIQd as th~ give,r' l(Orf '~IIII II il[-:~ t:h ~ 'f~ rm)€!'r If,~i ses two '!Olt :$,i ~ or' h\fE rit.y bu sh ell s mo;~e Ollil h~is flie'ld~ that extra p~rt ion" wh ich h~' W'©'ilj ~d not t1a~e Ih:a d iDU~ ~rwi~e'.. ts tffi1@ ILord 's p ~!rW!lln" Ilia tra d e the tit he ts th~' ~q I.!!li\i"~· I einrt (lIf t hie iiirn(: reas eldl .q ~,~ Iilty of IQQd:~. In p ro!fe~si ora ~II I iif'e ~he tillthi~' ls 'till e lnere i1se d ,~bi I[ty er the i ncr'e:tllse'c alP pir'iec'ia'bion", TtJ"h! Hth~ ng pri'ncip lei ,caln be ~ppl iEii~dl i ri! ,~II 0,1" ;0 u.l1!i' i Ii1dli!,j~tIMira I ~ ~d ~~ci aJII r~l~tJii~rll~hij,P So, I n ~\ii~ril' ~1~Eii' w~,~r,~ lit has been ,a p pllil ad and fu lI,o{~'ited rom' a tl me, 'tJhe tit her Iil~s been. liema rka bly bh~.ssed; quite ,~IS 1i"1il1!J!;ctll :SIO 61S illl the ~~I~~ ~If the ooUOfll '~'~Irm e !f~, ~Jr1d th~~ r ~Iith e' ,alCiies .
Tihlerl~' a re Im'~llFiIr1 p eo pli e who w~~h to give b ~t seem at a Ilo~s ,1;1 s tlOl h OrW 'to ,go abolut: i~ orr whe'j',e' to begi n. 'Thev' do mot Ik now Ihow n1iUC h 'thle~ s heu hJi ~,i¥"e'.!' ow whefl! or Ihow oft~f1I '~O oUer' th,~ii IF ,~Ht;s.. a nd th ~ IF~ (lIre ,;;II hQs;t iIJ,f n::l~t,~ d que:s:,tiCJilnIS" f,1l:) a nswe r the·s!!, qllil e:5!t~aliillS: 't:netr'e m ust be found al decFli'fiI,i'tle basis 'f,o r t helr ,g'livi n~ ,1:11 ru ~@ to wlh~ eh th@¥ ca n cenferm, Thi s is 'Wh'@llfre the Ilaw' of tiithirli!1!: ~'ittS bed llI't:ifullli VI 'f.~r :it iis ,is! basls ,i!1I fiI d a sOiUlinidi ,Cl'IlI eo!' tes't\e:ol fa [lId IPmv,~dl $0 r th'(1ii!.!lsa nds of yeallr'S. fh,e 't~'the m,alV ~N~ a tEHilith P'aJr't: ef Orlie,IS :s:al~:a I"'!I" 'W,a s:el, ow .a U10'W,81I1lrC@" O'i th ~ Ililli?t IPlr'iDrF1ilts D'~ bU5,i ne,SSj; G If D'~ Ifr1 !D'1'ii i8¥' 11f,@lI€iii\!!\@d frolffi th€!, s~l!e iof !ID'li~!l"d:!l," It i~, b.a~ed e m! !e~ery' f:orrn I!,')'f ~~.J P P ~y" 1!1" m:2i'Ue r t hreugh wI! :al~' ot1all1ine: i it ffliilV come, 'f,!llr there are Im,iii! ray oiil'iiiI n ra ~ ~s dillii'lO ugh which rna n is prol!1l pered, Th e 'lJenU'n sh aul d be se~ a p~rt for th e UI pkeiep ,@rf :S©1fMIE Spi!fit ua ~ W~!;I' k, or WQ rrkers - ~ t ~~ Quid Ib~ $,~t ~,~ rt 1fi r~t ~venl b ~fQr~ (;!I~,~'I~, P ~[r~lt'- n ~II e~petlr:!i as ara 'fa klfH'i!1 out", ~\Olr in ,t Iile' fiil,Hl t rellatillon ,cNff''1 iIiIlgS G,ll)di cernes 'fiiirst a~'w,ilJY.s., lh e Iil @'V'@ryth lng, @ Is@ ~'ollD'W5 rill d i~ii!i1 @ order alnd 'fa I~l!i, i~rn:~o its, proper p~\a(:e'.
Thl~ g)1I",e:a't pr',om,j;s~, II)f PUfI(i!'$;P ~IMi ~V iis '~hat if ml~liil $1~E!'k: G,a d ,alilld Hi $, rilghl!e(~ U,$,· ne'ss, furst,! then an sha IW be. addedl U If1to 1l:he'm", ClfiI eo" 'the' rnest lPr'alctil!l:a~1 iamdl selll1:s'ibl~ way'S of seekiing G1odl'S kingdloml nr:st is to b~ ~ titlhl€,lrl to, [Pll!Jt IGoidl firs,t: 'fli finances. It is tne 1f)lrlOlmise, o'W G~ild, the r,o~iicail thing 't!!o do, arilr~ 'the' ~xperi@nce err ,~IIII w'h 01 ~arv,e ~d~d n, th at a I1II Ullilnc:s nee@ ssa ry to the'~r 00 m'folli'lt .. welilt,8Ire'~ ,81riJ,O ha plplnlr'lie'~5 h ;3ive ibe'Ellfli ,i3,dd,ed to them illfli an ,ave rrfl iD'Ioi\f'~ i'niB: rn eas U re. 'fithi IIIg esta b~ii'sh,e.s me:th od in 8l:ir'!linl3l, and Ib'liirrll~~ i riJ'bo 'th e to nseie 1iJ5ne~i5 a O':i,~I!i1!5e of olrd~r ,~ndl 1fitlfl'~S5 '~h,ij!t V'ii 1m b~ rn i!ini'fe:st€ld i!il 'o.l~'~'!:S. Qut'e'r imfe' a rnd ,aff::a,i rs as ~Iru~re\alse,d ,efificiel'rn ~¥ ,::1iind I:re'diite r plf'\iDI~,p'e iii'tV'u
AnOithe Ii' b i!e:ss,irn@: thalit: 'foU ows the practlce 10lf titiil iiii'il\@;' ls the contl n U iSlil !! i e:tt ims: g~U ~,f wlhra't one' reeei\!e$.. !i,i!lh veh keeps; one!s 1m ind c'pen to, U~ie ~JH)dI 811il d fii!!le fr,om CO\h~II:O liI'~n'e5S. 1M alkTng am OCil:3S iioinla ~ la r~ie ,~i'ft a IiId 'the Iii peilliM 111:'-,
.ti nK a 15illpse 'of 'time' befers ,~iIl eth er 'iis mad e wi UI not gi~'e th is la$til~!: be nefit, fo,r a 1il'~'S, mli rlid c I!l,~ riilrillC'i ~Tl~ly' iiii! t h'it, m ~,~ riitli m,~ be,o~m €!. (Io£gi~d 'wit III m,ate:riial dllOUi~W.'ts 'Oif feali"", I;[H:k, er 'se'~'ffishm'lle5:li,. Whe.n a person titlile-5, he is ,BiiiV1ing c'Q,ntlrnuoUll~I¥., so t hat 110 :lipi'!lj~, of ,gnl Sipi"C~ no ~ea r 1-' '~!ld no t1hQtlg.trt 'Oif I ilm i't~ ~i'~:HiI:5, get'S, ,~ til old en hili1iii. The'r'e' iis Iilotliliifi!,g ~Ihlat: keeps '~i ~ie rSQn·l~s m lnd SOl rea rless ,~n d se flf'ie-e' to ri'!!Ceive the' i8l~od ClOlls;talll1rt ~y ,comiiiliig ~o hi m as tbe pU"a~tt~c~' ,o:f Wli~hi~;g. E~~h d~Yt w~,~k., p8ry dl~YI' whe~I~:v~f it I~,~ th~' ti~jh~r' gIDV1~~' one' tenltt:h. When a n illilcn~hase' of IPlrO.$lpe ray oolm as te hi m, as oome it 'willi and doe·.s~ hIs ifir-st 1;'~O ugtr~ is to g,irve!' G,od ~Ihle' t~'d1rnk~ ,811l1d tine U! nth lo,f 'trbe new ,almOUili"l!tt" Th e' free, ORl,e.lf"i m ~nd th us starye,d om G 0 ~ IS ce rt;aihii 'iIlO Ibr'ifili.~, 'vo'rt~~1 ,~ay" ~:a!11 sC!Jti'sfa'i!:tiorr! ill Ihiin8~. and t'~lI!'e 1~,rC!!s.p@~ity'. 'itlh~I1R Is b~sed on a I,~w that can not 'f~li I;; ,and it iis U'Iif~ surest 'w',~y ever flO i!Jlnd to d ern onstr ate plerlltv~ 'for it is God~s own law' and way of' guvillil~,.
"'And ami 't:IiJ.E:= 't:~'tli1re' ciI'f' the Ilaln,d~ whetlil,efl' of 'the !li,eed of ~hre' I,anldl" or of the 'fnJ it of '~h@' tl!l@@., is J @hlovah"s; ilt ~s h'Q!~Y' IJJ nto lI];l!l~'OiV.~h.,"
IL.!e~ us G:i~e as G od g~\i'e!"1 unreseNed IrV, ,~1iI oj wii'~h n,o t'ho'l!lsh - ,!Off n~cbJllr 1i1", ma kl n,g Iilo m ~'Iilta ~ d ~mla n ds jficicli" li'i~itlD m p@nse- DlriII tnos@ 'who n'fil"ii,e reG~ih/,~dl 'f1~@m IU~. A ,~uh 'Witt. re,$ elm,!1i!rtitcl ~S' is not a ~H',; it is, ,~l b rilb@., T~,elf'ie 'is 1!i10 prormiiis.e o~' lncrease unless we' S,i~~' f're~lfrl Illett ,go 10:" the .Sift enrtilnelly.r. and r'e~lo~.n iixe' tine U n ive rsa II scepe of t;~lle law'. Then t:h e gi'ft h as a c ha nee te R;Q' Qut ~1!l1d to 'c gm ~ lb,a,t; k, Im!U ~~Ii p Ili~d.; irh ~ r~ il$ no t~lmi n,g hQ~J '~ar' 1th ~ b'l'~s:siilil(g, m~v 'tw-a\il'e.1 Ii,e I't Ii:IO mes balcl:li:", but fit ls a ~!ea led I ~u I alnd ,enC'QU ral,~fiI g fa ct 'that ~t1 @ I Olll,g@ r u~ ~s in retu rn~'ng. the m Of@: hands it is, pas!ding th reush ![:lind 'the more til ea rts Tt i$ [bll e ssln g. AIIII these ha nds ,S! nd h e,~ rts ,add $om,et[h~ fig to it' i'nl ,substal~u:)e;!' ,!f;ilndi ~'~ iis ~in~f'ie:as'e.d all U~Ie. mon!' whel'll it does return.
W'e muse Iii ot ,t liV to 'filx ,t hie aIVe Ii1 ues tlil rou.e h 'Whd,ch ou r I~O 0 d ~'s tal rom IS!. Th!~Ir€ ii:s< llilQ' re',~lson "'0 r tlh~ n kiln G: th,~~ wh ~t "110 1lI g iv!! 'will ~ilm~ ba elk thiroumn the' Oil"lle 1::0 'whoml Y'1l)1Jj, ga'V\e iit. AU mle'fi1 a reo one iilml Ciri il'ist: and fo Iii' m a IUiil1 !V,eli"'S:,a I brat her hood. We nil ll! s~ PIIlJ't aW,~fV a ny' personal cla lrn, su e h ,~S I II ~:av,e to 'VO I!J" no~\r 'YOWl gJ!i,i!\e, to. me," alnd :5,U p!plilarnt Int WliUil .~ ~naSiffi Ui (;Iili ,E!I:S v,e cd idl i ~ u nto orN~~ of 'tnese' mv bre~hren~, even 1ti~ese' least, 'ye' dj'd ~t unte mle .. u The! laJ'ili 'will bt'fn,g l~iaCtil of 1liJ[§· just wthat: 'i~ lh'is 'IJwn,. 'rtll'H~; r~'ilpillliB: of Ule' $11:I:e(l$ 1'iI!~ hi!l~ ~~'wn. The retUIrlf1 w~illl !!Lomlell' fOlr iit. ea n not esea ~H~ tt'i e Illaw'1 'ltthOUlSh ~it m av' q uit.e po~silb~, come t~ ~OIMgJh a '~~r~ dii'ffe'f~ ~t en~!'lI !'lIlem fJf'-o:m w'h ~tt w@ ~_XP@t,t,. T~i ifill@:' t,!QI fix th e eha n n el t ihl(j'Ollgh 'whi eh hiis g!~od rn ust corn e to lh iii rn ns on e of 'the: ways i i:l wh v~ Ii 't~e IperSQll"htlllllllalfril :$!h~J't:$, erfF h ~$ eM~ iii :$uplpilly.