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Chemical engineering
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Chemical engineers design, construct and operate process plants (fractionating columns pictured)

Chemical engineering is a branch of engineering that uses principles

of chemistry, physics, mathematics, and economics to efficiently use, produce, transform, and
transport chemicals, materials, and energy. A chemical engineer designs large-scale processes that
convert chemicals, raw materials, living cells, microorganisms, and energy into useful forms and
Chemical engineers are involved in many aspects of plant design and operation, including safety
and hazard assessments, process design and analysis, control engineering, chemical reaction
engineering, construction specification, and operating instructions.


 1Etymology
 2History
o 2.1New concepts and innovations
o 2.2Safety and hazard developments
o 2.3Recent progress
 3Concepts
o 3.1Plant design and construction
o 3.2Process design and analysis
o 3.3Transport phenomena
 4Applications and practice
 5See also
o 5.1Related Topic
o 5.2Related Fields & Concepts
o 5.3Associations
 6References
 7Bibliography


George E. Davis

A 1996 British Journal for the History of Science article cites James F. Donnelly for mentioning an
1839 reference to chemical engineering in relation to the production of sulfuric acid.[1] In the same
paper however, George E. Davis, an English consultant, was credited for having coined the term.
 Davis also tried to found a Society of Chemical Engineering, but instead it was named the Society
of Chemical Industry (1881), with Davis as its first Secretary.[3][4] The History of Science in United
States: An Encyclopedia puts the use of the term around 1890.[5] "Chemical engineering", describing
the use of mechanical equipment in the chemical industry, became common vocabulary in England
after 1850.[6] By 1910, the profession, "chemical engineer," was already in common use in Britain and
the United States.[7]

Main article: History of chemical engineering
Chemical engineering emerged upon the development of unit operations, a fundamental concept of
the discipline of chemical engineering. Most authors agree that Davis invented the concept of unit
operations if not substantially developed it.[8] He gave a series of lectures on unit operations at
the Manchester Technical School (later part of the University of Manchester) in 1887, considered to
be one of the earliest such about chemical engineering. [9] Three years before Davis' lectures, Henry
Edward Armstrong taught a degree course in chemical engineering at the City and Guilds of London
Institute. Armstrong's course failed simply because its graduates ... were not especially attractive to
employers. Employers of the time would have rather hired chemists and mechanical engineers.
 Courses in chemical engineering offered by Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in the
United States, Owens College in Manchester, England, and University College London suffered
under similar circumstances.[10]

Students inside an industrial chemistry laboratory at MIT

Starting from 1888,[11] Lewis M. Norton taught at MIT the first chemical engineering course in the
United States. Norton's course was contemporaneous and essentially similar to Armstrong's course.
Both courses, however, simply merged chemistry and engineering subjects along with product
design. "Its practitioners had difficulty convincing engineers that they were engineers and chemists
that they were not simply chemists."[5] Unit operations was introduced into the course by William
Hultz Walker in 1905.[12] By the early 1920s, unit operations became an important aspect of chemical
engineering at MIT and other US universities, as well as at Imperial College London.[13] The American
Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE), established in 1908, played a key role in making chemical
engineering considered an independent science, and unit operations central to chemical
engineering. For instance, it defined chemical engineering to be a "science of itself, the basis of
which is ... unit operations" in a 1922 report; and with which principle, it had published a list of
academic institutions which offered "satisfactory" chemical engineering courses. [14] Meanwhile,
promoting chemical engineering as a distinct science in Britain lead to the establishment of
the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) in 1922.[15] IChemE likewise helped make unit
operations considered essential to the discipline. [16]
New concepts and innovations[edit]
By the 1940s, it became clear that unit operations alone were insufficient in developing chemical
reactors. While the predominance of unit operations in chemical engineering courses in Britain and
the United States continued until the 1960s, transport phenomena started to experience greater
focus.[17] Along with other novel concepts, such as process systems engineering (PSE), a "second
paradigm" was defined.[18][19] Transport phenomena gave an analytical approach to chemical
engineering[20] while PSE focused on its synthetic elements, such as control system and process
design.[21] Developments in chemical engineering before and after World War II were mainly incited
by the petrochemical industry,[22] however, advances in other fields were made as well.
Advancements in biochemical engineering in the 1940s, for example, found application in
the pharmaceutical industry, and allowed for the mass production of various antibiotics,
including penicillin and streptomycin.[23] Meanwhile, progress in polymer science in the 1950s paved
way for the "age of plastics".[24]
Safety and hazard developments[edit]
Concerns regarding the safety and environmental impact of large-scale chemical manufacturing
facilities were also raised during this period. Silent Spring, published in 1962, alerted its readers to
the harmful effects of DDT, a potent insecticide.[citation needed] The 1974 Flixborough disaster in the United
Kingdom resulted in 28 deaths, as well as damage to a chemical plant and three nearby villages.[citation
 The 1984 Bhopal disaster in India resulted in almost 4,000 deaths.[citation needed] These incidents,
along with other incidents, affected the reputation of the trade as industrial safety and environmental
protection were given more focus.[25] In response, the IChemE required safety to be part of every
degree course that it accredited after 1982. By the 1970s, legislation and monitoring agencies were
instituted in various countries, such as France, Germany, and the United States. [26]
Recent progress[edit]
Advancements in computer science found applications designing and managing plants, simplifying
calculations and drawings that previously had to be done manually. The completion of the Human
Genome Project is also seen as a major development, not only advancing chemical engineering
but genetic engineering and genomics as well.[27] Chemical engineering principles were used to
produce DNA sequences in large quantities.[28]

Part of a series on

Chemical engineering

 Outline
 History
 Index


 Industry
 Engineer
 Process
 Unit operations
 Kinetics
 Transport phenomena

Unit processes

 Chemical plant
 Chemical reactor
 Separation processes


 Heat transfer
 Mass transfer
 Fluid dynamics

Process design
 Process control
 Chemical thermodynamics
 Reaction engineering

 Glossary of chemistry
 Glossary of engineering


 v
 t
 e

Chemical engineering involves the application of several principles. Key concepts are presented
Plant design and construction[edit]
Chemical engineering design concerns the creation of plans, specification, and economic analyses
for pilot plants, new plants or plant modifications. Design engineers often work in a consulting role,
designing plants to meet clients' needs. Design is limited by a number of factors, including funding,
government regulations and safety standards. These constraints dictate a plant's choice of process,
materials and equipment.[29]
Plant construction is coordinated by project engineers and project managers [30] depending on the
size of the investment. A chemical engineer may do the job of project engineer full-time or part of the
time, which requires additional training and job skills or act as a consultant to the project group. In
the USA the education of chemical engineering graduates from the Baccalaureate programs
accredited by ABET do not usually stress project engineering education, which can be obtained by
specialized training, as electives, or from graduate programs. Project engineering jobs are some of
the largest employers for chemical engineers.[31]
Process design and analysis[edit]
Main article: Process design
A unit operation is a physical step in an individual chemical engineering process. Unit operations
(such as crystallization, filtration, drying and evaporation) are used to prepare reactants, purifying
and separating its products, recycling unspent reactants, and controlling energy transfer in reactors.
 On the other hand, a unit process is the chemical equivalent of a unit operation. Along with unit
operations, unit processes constitute a process operation. Unit processes (such
as nitration and oxidation) involve the conversion of material by biochemical, thermochemical and
other means. Chemical engineers responsible for these are called process engineers. [33]
Process design requires the definition of equipment types and sizes as well as how they are
connected together and the materials of construction. Details are often printed on a Process Flow
Diagram which is used to control the capacity and reliability of a new or modified chemical factory.
Education for chemical engineers in the first college degree 3 or 4 years of study stresses the
principles and practices of process design. The same skills are used in existing chemical plants to
evaluate the efficiency and make recommendations for improvements.
Transport phenomena[edit]
Main article: Transport phenomena
Modeling and analysis of transport phenomena is essential for many industrial applications.
Transport phenomena involve fluid dynamics, heat transfer and mass transfer, which are governed
mainly by momentum transfer, energy transfer and transport of chemical speciesrespectively.
Models often involve separate considerations for macroscopic, microscopic and molecular level
phenomena. Modeling of transport phenomena therefore requires an understanding of applied

Applications and practice[edit]

Chemical engineers use computers to control automated systems in plants. [35]

Operators in a chemical plant using an older analog control board, seen in East-Germany, 1986.

Chemical engineers "develop economic ways of using materials and energy". [36] Chemical engineers
use chemistry and engineering to turn raw materials into usable products, such as medicine,
petrochemicals and plastics on a large-scale, industrial setting. They are also involved in waste
management and research. Both applied and research facets could make extensive use of
Chemical engineers may be involved in industry or university research where they are tasked with
designing and performing experiments to create better and safer methods for production, pollution
control, and resource conservation. They may be involved in designing and constructing plants as
a project engineer. Chemical engineers serving as project engineers use their knowledge in
selecting optimal production methods and plant equipment to minimize costs and maximize safety
and profitability. After plant construction, chemical engineering project managers may be involved in
equipment upgrades, process changes, troubleshooting, and daily operations in either full-time or
consulting roles. [37]

See also[edit]

 Chemistry portal

 Engineering portal

Related Topic[edit]

 Contemporary food engineering

 Education for Chemical Engineers
 English Engineering units
 List of chemical engineering societies
 List of chemical engineers
 List of chemical process simulators
 Outline of chemical engineering
Related Fields & Concepts[edit]

 Biochemical engineering
 Biological engineering
 Bioprocess engineering
 Bioinformatics
 Biomedical engineering
 Biomolecular engineering
 Biotechnology
 Biotechnology engineering
 Catalysts
 Ceramics
 Chemical process modeling
 Chemical Technologist
 Chemical reactor
 Chemical weapons
 Cheminformatics
 Computational fluid dynamics
 Corrosion engineering
 Cost estimation
 Electrochemistry
 Electrochemical engineering
 Environmental engineering
 Earthquake engineering
 Fischer Tropsch synthesis
 Fluid dynamics
 Food engineering
 Fuel cell
 Gasification
 Heat transfer
 Industrial chemistry
 Industrial gas
 Industrial catalysts
 Mass transfer
 Materials science
 Metallurgy
 Microfluidics
 Mineral processing
 Molecular engineering
 Nanotechnology
 Natural environment
 Natural gas processing
 Nuclear reprocessing
 Oil exploration
 Oil refinery
 Petroleum engineering
 Pharmaceutical engineering
 Plastics engineering
 Polymers
 Process control
 Process design
 Process development
 Process engineering
 Process miniaturization
 Paper engineering
 Safety engineering
 Semiconductor device fabrication
 Separation processes (see also: separation of mixture)
 Crystallization processes
 Distillation processes
 Membrane processes
 Syngas production
 Textile engineering
 Thermodynamics
 Transport phenomena
 Unit operations
 Water technology

 American Institute of Chemical Engineers

 Chemical Institute of Canada
 European Federation of Chemical Engineering
 Indian Institute of Chemical Engineers
 Institution of Chemical Engineers
 National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black
Chemists and Chemical Engineers

1. Jump up^ Cohen 1996, p. 172.
2. Jump up^ Cohen 1996, p. 174.
3. Jump up^ Swindin, N. (1953). "George E. Davis memorial
lecture". Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers. 31.
4. Jump up^ Flavell-While, Claudia (2012).  "Chemical Engineers Who
Changed the World: Meet the Daddy"  (PDF).  The Chemical Engineer.
52-54. Archived from  the original  (PDF)  on 28 October 2016.
Retrieved 27 October  2016.
5. ^ Jump up to:a b c Reynolds 2001, p. 176.
6. Jump up^ Cohen 1996, p. 186.
7. Jump up^ Perkins 2003, p. 20.
8. Jump up^ Cohen 1996, pp. 172–173.
9. Jump up^ Cohen 1996, p. 175.
10. Jump up^ Cohen 1996, p. 178.
11. Jump up^ Cohen 1996, p. 180.
12. Jump up^ Cohen 1996, p. 183.
13. Jump up^ Cohen 1996, p. 184.
14. Jump up^ Cohen 1996, p. 187.
15. Jump up^ Cohen 1996, p. 189.
16. Jump up^ Cohen 1996, p. 190.
17. Jump up^ Cohen 1996, p. 185.
18. Jump up^ Ogawa 2007, p. 2.
19. Jump up^ Perkins 2003, p. 29.
20. Jump up^ Perkins 2003, p. 30.
21. Jump up^ Perkins 2003, p. 31.
22. Jump up^ Reynolds 2001, p. 177.
23. Jump up^ Perkins 2003, pp. 32–33.
24. Jump up^ Kim 2002, p. 7S.
25. Jump up^ Kim 2002, p. 8S.
26. Jump up^ Perkins 2003, p. 35.
27. Jump up^ Kim 2002, p. 9S.
28. Jump up^ American Institute of Chemical Engineers 2003a.
29. Jump up^ Towler & Sinnott 2008, pp. 2–3.
30. Jump up^ Herbst, Andrew; Hans Verwijs (Oct. 19-22). "Project
Engineering: Interdisciplinary Coordination and Overall Engineering
Quality Control". Proc. of the Annual IAC conference of the American
Society for Engineering Management 1 (ISBN 9781618393616): 15–
31. Jump up^ "What Do Chemical Engineers Do?".
32. Jump up^ McCabe, Smith & Hariott 1993, p. 4.
33. Jump up^ Silla 2003, pp. 8–9.
34. Jump up^ Bird, Stewart & Lightfoot 2002, pp. 1–2.
35. ^ Jump up to:a b Garner 2003, pp. 47–48.
36. Jump up^ American Institute of Chemical Engineers 2003, Article III.
37. Jump up^ Garner 2003, pp. 49–50.

 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (2003-01-17),  AIChE
Constitution, retrieved  2011-08-13.
 Bird, R. Byron; Stewart, Warren E.; Lightfoot, Edwin N. (2002), Kulek,
Petrina, ed., Transport Phenomena (2nd ed.), United States: John Wiley &
Sons,  ISBN  0-471-41077-2, LCCN 2001023739,  LCC QA929.B% 2001,.
 Carberry, James J. (2001-07-24),  Chemical and Catalytic Reaction
Engineering, McGraw-Hill Chemical Engineering Series, Canada: General
Publishing Company, ISBN 0-486-41736-
0, LCCN 2001017315,  LCC TP155.7.C37 2001,.
 Cohen, Clive (June 1996),  "The Early History of Chemical Engineering: A
Reassessment"  (PDF),  Br. J. Hist. Sci., Cambridge University
Press, 29 (2), doi:10.1017/S000708740003421X,  JSTOR  4027832,
archived from the original  (PDF) on 2012-06-01.
 Engineering the Future of Biology and Biotechnology , Rice University,
archived from the original  on 2010-07-25, retrieved  2011-08-07.
 Garner, Geraldine O. (2003),  Careers in engineering, VGM Professional
Career Series (2nd ed.), United States: McGraw-Hill, ISBN 0-07-139041-
3, LCCN 2002027208,  LCC TA157.G3267 2002,.
 Kim, Irene (January 2002),  "Chemical engineering: A rich and diverse
history"  (PDF), Chemical Engineering Progress, Philadelphia: American
Institute of Chemical Engineers, 98 (1), ISSN 0360-7275, archived
from  the original  (PDF)  on 2004-08-21.
 McCabe, Warren L.; Smith, Julian C.; Hariott, Peter (1993), Clark, B.J.;
Castellano, Eleanor, eds.,  Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering,
McGraw-Hill Chemical Engineering Series (5th ed.), Singapore: McGraw-
Hill, ISBN 0-07-044844-2,  LCCN  92036218, LCC  TP155.7.M393 1993,.
 Ogawa, Kōhei (2007), "Chapter 1: Information Entropy",  Chemical
engineering: a new perspective  (1st ed.), Netherlands:
Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-444-53096-7.
 Perkins, J.D. (2003),  "Chapter 2: Chemical Engineering — the First 100
Years", in Darton, R.C.; Prince, R.G.H.; Wood, D.G.,  Chemical
Engineering: Visions of the World (1st ed.), Netherlands: Elsevier
Science, ISBN 0-444-51309-4.
 Reynolds, Terry S. (2001), "Engineering, Chemical", in Rothenberg,
Marc, History of Science in United States: An Encyclopedia, New York
City: Garland Publishing, ISBN 0-8153-0762-
4, LCCN 99043757,  LCC Q127.U6 H57 2000,.
 Silla, Harry (2003),  Chemical Process Engineering: Design and
Economics, New York City: Marcel Dekker,  ISBN  0-8247-4274-5.
 American Institute of Chemical Engineers (2003a),  "Speeding up the
human genome project"  (PDF), Chemical Engineering Progress,
Philadelphia,  99  (1),  ISSN  0360-7275, archived from the original(PDF)  on
 Towler, Gavin; Sinnott, Ray (2008),  Chemical engineering design:
principles, practice and economics of plant and process design, United
States: Elsevier, ISBN 978-0-7506-8423-1.


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