Kabala Community Radio PDF
Kabala Community Radio PDF
Kabala Community Radio PDF
The National Foundation for Democracy and Human Rights in Uganda is a civic non partisan,
not profit making, nongovernmental organization, registered under the Non Governmental
Organization Registration statute of Uganda (1989). The Foundation was formed in 2000 by a
group of youth with the major aim of promoting Democracy, human rights and good
governance in Uganda. The Foundation also aimed at monitoring the 2001 presidential,
parliamentary, local and village council elections. NAFODU’s Vision is to have a democratic
Uganda where government is accountable to its citizens and in which all the citizens freely
and willingly participate in the social, political and economic affairs of the Country. The
Foundations mission is to promote and strengthen democracy, human rights and good
governance in Uganda through election monitoring, lobbying and advocacy, civic education,
training, information Dissemination and conflict resolution
NAFODU approached UNESCO for the financial support to establish a Community Radio in
Kabale. NAFODU submitted a Project Proposal, which included background information on
NAFODU, an operational plan and a detailed breakdown of costs. On the basis of the
information contained in the proposal, UNESCO IPDC approved a grant of US$25,000 and
the agreement was signed on 29th July 2011. As per the signed agreement, it was proposed that
the grant be disbursed in three tranches as follows.
• First tranche of $15,000 was disbursed after the grant agreement was signed
• Second tranche of $7,500 will be disbursed after receiving the progress Report
• Third tranche of $ 2,500 will be disbursed on receipt of final narrative and financial
To contribute to public awareness and participation on issues of human rights and good
governance in territories that is transitioning from the effects of conflict through community
Establish a fully equipped community radio station and set-up relevant staff and volunteers to
manage and run daily operations.
In line with the project proposal and the agreement signed, NAFODU has completed the
following activities
1) Preparatory Activities
NAFODU obtained a license and Frequency prior to the purchase of the Equipment.
NAFODU has also mobilized Community and sensitized local authorities. NAFODU has a
organized a series of community meetings to mobilize communities. In addition, NAFODU
organized a consultative meeting with local authorities in order to generate ideas on how to
broadcast programmes
Freedom Radio is a community Radio station. It broadcasts Programs with the aim of promote
cultural, economic, political, environmental, and social development and responsibility. All
the programme aim at achieving its objective for which the Radio station was established to
educate, entertain and inform its listeners and promote cultural, economic, political,
environmental, and social development and responsibility.
3) Construction of the Mast
NAFODU has constructed a guyed mast at Kihumuro Road. Kihumuro Hill is located 20kms
from Kabale Town.
Freedom Radio Mast at Kihumuro Hill Freedom Radio Mast Under construction