Acupressure Points For Depression
Acupressure Points For Depression
Acupressure Points For Depression
You can download the entire acupuncture meridian guide to your PC.
The reason this matters is because depression actually can result from multiple 1/11
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Acupressure Points For Depression
possible sources in your life. Acupressure and energy healing are likely to treat one
of the sources, but not as likely to help other sources. I'll explain the details here.
Depression typically comes in a few di erent varieties. There is the most severe
type of depression, which is genetically-predisposed depression which is the result
of faulty brain functioning.
This type of depression, which is usually the most prolonged, probably won't be
treatable with energy healing techniques. This is because the negative feelings are
actually a result of a physical malfunction in your brain. While it's true that
acupressure often relieves physical maladies, it isn't always e ective.
However, there are other types of depression as well. There is a type of depression
and emotional imbalance that is caused by improper diet.
There is some evidence that a lack of proper micronutrients can cause temporary
depression until the nutrients are restored in the body. There is also evidence that
some people may su er from emotional imbalance, including depression, from not
regulating their sugar intake well.
It is important to address the problem at the source. Since the source of depression
may be a bad diet, instead of an imbalance in meridian energies of the body, you
may not nd relief with acupressure for this type of depression.
However, what is acupressure actually good for? Can we relieve any depression at
all with it? Yes we can.
The good news is that acupressure and similar energy healing techniques can work
wonders on this type of depression. Energy healing of all sorts is highly e ective at
treating phenomenon in the body that is purely mental in nature, such as
psychologically-based depression.
By balancing the body's inner meridian energy ow, acupressure points can be
utilized to get rid of psychological depression. Let's take a look at the proper points
to use.
Note: Some academic sources number the points of the Bladder meridian
di erently. This is due to a disagreement in how to properly number the two
separate spinal branches of the meridian. Don't worry though - the points
themselves still remain the same. Just use the proper point location no matter what 3/11
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Acupressure Points For Depression
Use this potent acupressure point to balance all of your emotions. It will help relieve
you of anxiety, sadness, and any other type of psychological distress.
2. Bladder 10, on the back of the head, half an inch below the bottom of the
skull, half an inch to the side of the spine.
This pressure point will rid you of emotional distress of all kinds. It will restore your
energy and relieve you of emotional burnout and physical exhaustion.
This acupressure point is good for treating psychological depression. It will also
reduce a heaviness feeling in the head which is often caused by emotional distress
and sadness.
3. Gallbladder 20, on the back of the head, right below the bottom of the skull,
about an inch to the side of the spine. 4/11
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This is another pressure point that will help reduce pretty much all negative
emotions in your mind. It is also very e ective at reducing depression and
heaviness in the head.
This point will help restore your physical and emotional energy and thus relieve
exhaustion, both physical and mental.
4. Governing Vessel 19, Governing Vessel 20, and Governing Vessel 21, all found
along the top of the head, right in the middle of the skull. 5/11
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Use these Governing Vessel meridian points all in a row to relieve your mental
These points are also e ective at reducing headache pain, reducing the e ects of
vertigo, and even improving the function of your memory.
5. Kidney 27, located on the front of the chest, in between the top rib bone
and the collarbone.
Use this powerful acupressure point on your chest to relieve all sorts of chest-
related physical e ects of negative emotions.
This point will help reduce anxiety and depression. It will also help get rid of chest 7/11
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Acupressure Points For Depression
congestion, breathing di culties, asthma, coughing, sore throats, and premenstrual
6. Lung 1, on the chest near the shoulder, located four nger widths above the
armpit crease while the arm is down.
This acupressure point will help relieve depression and general sadness, and open
up repressed emotions.
It will also help with lung-related physical conditions, such as shallow breathing
(often a symptom of grief), chest tension and congestion.
7. Bladder 23, and Bladder 47, adjacent to each other, found on the lower back
at the waist level, two and four nger widths (respectively) to the side of the
spine. 8/11
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These pressure points on your back will help reduce depression, traumatic
emotions, and fear.
They can also help restore energy and reduce emotional fatigue and physical
8. Governing Vessel 24.5 (between GV24 and GV25), on the face, above the
nose, directly between the eyebrows.
It can also help restore glandular imbalances in the body, as well as reduce
emotional imbalances in general.
9. Conception Vessel 17, in the center of the chest, located three thumb
widths above the bottom of the breastbone.
This acupressure point will reduce the e ects of many negative emotions. It will
help sooth nervousness, sadness, depression, hysteria, and any other type of
emotional problem in the mind.
10. Stomach 36, located on the lower leg, exactly four nger widths below the
kneecap. 10/11
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This point will help strengthen the entire body and empower the musculature
It will help balance all emotions in general, restore energy and relieve fatigue. This
empowerment of the body and mind helps to counteract all negative emotions,
including depression. 11/11