Tax Form W-8BEN-E PDF
Tax Form W-8BEN-E PDF
Tax Form W-8BEN-E PDF
Form W-8BEN-E
(Rev. April 2016)
Certificate of Status of Beneficial Owner for
United States Tax Withholding and Reporting (Entities)
Section references are to the Internal Revenue Code
unless otherwise noted. General Instructions
For definitions of terms used throughout these
Future Developments instructions, see Definitions, later.
For the latest information about developments related to Purpose of Form
Form W-8BEN-E and its instructions, such as legislation
enacted after they were published, go to This form is used by foreign entities to document their
formw8bene. status for purposes of chapter 3 and chapter 4, as well as
for certain other Code provisions as described later in
these instructions.
What's New
Foreign persons are subject to U.S. tax at a 30% rate
Limitation on benefits (LOB) for treaty claims. In (the foreign-person withholding rate) on income they
order to claim treaty benefits, an entity must not only be a receive from U.S. sources that consists of:
resident of the treaty country but also derive and Interest (including certain original issue discount (OID));
beneficially own the item of income as well as satisfy the Dividends;
limitation on benefits (LOB) article of that treaty, if any. Rents;
New checkboxes have been added to Part III (Claim of Royalties;
Tax Treaty Benefits) for each of the main tests that can be
met to satisfy an LOB provision. A taxpayer is required to
check the relevant box associated with the LOB test it
meets with respect to the treaty benefits associated with Compensation for, or in expectation of, services
this form, or to check a box that it has obtained a performed;
favorable discretionary determination from the U.S. Substitute payments in a securities lending transaction;
competent authority that it qualifies for the treaty benefits or
associated with this form. Other fixed or determinable annual or periodical gains,
profits, or income.
Accounts that are not financial accounts. A new
checkbox has been added to the chapter 4 statuses in This tax is imposed on the gross amount paid and is
line 5 for payments made to payees for accounts they generally collected by withholding under section 1441 or
hold that are not financial accounts under Regulations 1442 on that amount. A payment is considered to have
section 1.1471-5(b)(2). been made whether it is made directly to the beneficial
owner or to another person, such as an intermediary,
Nonreporting IGA FFIs. The instructions for how agent, or partnership, for the benefit of the beneficial
nonreporting IGA FFIs should properly document owner.
themselves on this form and certify to their status have
been revised to coordinate qualification for such status In addition, section 1446 requires a partnership
under the IGA with the chapter 4 regulations. An FFI that conducting a trade or business in the United States to
meets the requirements of both a nonreporting IGA FFI withhold tax on a foreign partner’s distributive share of the
under the IGA and a deemed-compliant FFI status under partnership’s effectively connected taxable income.
the regulations should certify as a nonreporting IGA FFI, Generally, a foreign person that is a partner in a
unless such entity meets the requirements for partnership that submits a Form W-8 for purposes of
owner-documented FFI status for payments associated section 1441 or 1442 will satisfy the documentation
with this form, in which case it should certify to that status requirements under section 1446 as well. However, in
under the regulations only by completing Part X of the some cases the documentation requirements of sections
form. 1441 and 1442 do not match the documentation
requirements of section 1446. See Regulations sections
1.1446-1 through 1.1446-6. Further, the owner of a
Reminder disregarded entity, rather than the disregarded entity
Note. If you are a resident in a FATCA partner jurisdiction itself, submits the appropriate Form W-8 for purposes of
(i.e., a Model 1 IGA jurisdiction with reciprocity), certain section 1446.
tax account information may be provided to your A withholding agent or payer of the income may rely on
jurisdiction of residence. a properly completed Form W-8BEN-E to treat a payment
associated with the Form W-8BEN-E as a payment to a
foreign person who beneficially owns the amounts paid. If
Payment settlement entity (PSE). A payment Certain foreign insurance companies issuing
settlement entity is a merchant acquiring entity or third ! annuities or cash value insurance contracts that
party settlement organization. Under section 6050W, a CAUTION elect to be treated as a U.S. person for federal
PSE is generally required to report payments made in tax purposes but are not licensed to do business in the
settlement of payment card transactions or third party United States are treated as FFIs for purposes of
network transactions. However, a PSE is not required to chapter 4. For purposes of providing a withholding agent
report payments made to a beneficial owner that is with documentation for both chapter 3 and chapter 4
documented as foreign with an applicable W-8. purposes, however, such an insurance company is
permitted to use Form W-9 to certify its status as a U.S.
Qualified intermediary (QI). A qualified intermediary person. Likewise, a foreign branch of a U.S. financial
(QI) (as described in Regulations section 1.1441-1(e)(5) institution (other than a branch that operates as a qualified
(ii)) is a person that is a party to an agreement with the intermediary) that is treated as an FFI under an applicable
IRS that is described in Regulations section 1.1441-1(e) IGA is permitted to use Form W-9 to certify its status as a
(5)(iii). A qualified derivatives dealer is a QI that has U.S. person for chapter 3 and chapter 4 purposes.
agreed to certain reporting and withholding requirements
pursuant to Regulations section 1.1441-1(e)(6). Withholdable payment. Withholding under chapter 4
Recalcitrant account holder. A recalcitrant account may apply to payments of U.S. source FDAP income that
holder for purposes of chapter 4 includes an entity (other are withholdable payments as defined in Regulations
than an entity required to be treated as a nonparticipating section 1.1473-1(a) to which an exception does not apply
FFI by the withholding agent) that fails to comply with a under chapter 4. The exceptions from withholding
request by an FFI maintaining the account for provided for under chapter 3 are not applicable when
documentation and information for determining whether determining whether withholding applies under chapter 4.
the account is a U.S. account (as defined in Regulations For exceptions applicable to the definition of a
section 1.1471-5(a)). See Regulations section withholdable payment, see Regulations section
1.1471-5(g). 1.1473-1(a)(4) (exempting, for example, certain
nonfinancial payments).
Reverse hybrid entity. A reverse hybrid entity is any
person (other than an individual) that is not fiscally Withholding agent. Any person, U.S. or foreign, that has
transparent under U.S. tax law principles but that is control, receipt, custody, disposal, or payment of U.S.
fiscally transparent under the laws of a jurisdiction with source FDAP income subject to chapter 3 or 4 withholding
which the United States has an income tax treaty. See is a withholding agent. The withholding agent may be an
Form W-8IMY and accompanying instructions for individual, corporation, partnership, trust, association, or
any other entity, including (but not limited to) any foreign