Lesson Plan 5
Lesson Plan 5
Lesson Plan 5
Lesson Objective(s)
What past lesson will help the students get through the obstacle course today?
Cross-curricular connections
This activity will allow students to use critical thinking, physical activity, literacy, and the ability to listen and understand.
Literacy/Academic Vocabulary
For this part of the lesson plan the teacher will go over some vocabulary words and definitions for the words, skip, gallop, slide,
zig-zag, jump, hop and balance as a review to the students.
Questions for higher order thinking and assessment
How will students get through the obstacle course effectively and efficiently? What will students learn from this activity?
Informal: The obstacle course will be used for the informal assessment.
Formal: The notes that were taking in class today will need to be turned in and how well the students listened and put what they
heard on paper will be the formal assessment.
Student, cones, safe objects to jump over, pads, pencil, and paper.
The teacher will bring the students into the gymnasium, the teacher will give the students brief instruction on how she expects
the obstacles course done. Then she will explain and demonstrate each movement that the obstacle course will contain as a
reminder for the students. After the teachers checks for understanding from the students, she will ask/answer any questions the
students have. Then she will go through to obstacle course so the student can get a visual on how this activity is supposed to be
done. Once all they instructions and demonstration are completed the teacher will have the students line up in a straight line and
the students will be able to go through the obstacle course one at a time. When all the student has completed the obstacle course
and there is time left in the class the teacher will allow students to go through a second time. This process will repeat until the
time is up for this activity.
The closing activity will be talking and understanding the benefit of the obstacle course. This will allow students to ask the
students questions about the obstacle course and understand what students liked and disliked about this lesson for the
betterment of the next lessons.
The teacher will be able to watch the students and help any student in need. The students will also be able to wtahv the other
students and see how they go through the obstacle course to learn from how the other students do it.