Contributor Text and Translation Visuals Source Date of Production Language Comments
Contributor Text and Translation Visuals Source Date of Production Language Comments
Contributor Text and Translation Visuals Source Date of Production Language Comments
Laura Filardo Love like Jesus, but wash your hands like Whatsapp group 13/04/2020 English Received via Whatsapp. Evoking
pontius pilate religion frame
Barbara De Cock No somos soldados, somos sanitarios. No Twitter (@McVay3) 19/04/2020 Spanish explicit rejection of war metaphors
pegamos tiros, ni llevamos tanques, ni
avions ni barcos, curamos con ciencia. No
es ninguna guerra es una infección vírica.
No uséis más la palabra Guerra, ni héroes,
somos profesionales sanitarios, dadnos
medios, solo medios. (We're not soldiers,
we're healthcare workers. We don't shoot,
nor do we have tanks, airplanes or boats,
we cure with science. There is no war, it's a
viral infection. Don't use the word War
anymore, nor heroes, we are professional
healthcare workers, give us resources, only
Tom Van Hout Admittedly, this pandemic has been 44017 English author comments on how the
compared to almost everything by now: the climate-change-is-a-pandemic-in-slow- coronavirus has been described
Black Death; the Spanish flu; the second motion-and-what-that-can-teach- (war, crisis, disaster, terror attack)
world war; Pearl Harbor; Chernobyl; a us/59442751698-6f4701c1? and then describes the pandemic
nuclear war; 9/11; Sars; Aids; the financial pk_campaign=daily as the 'new Godwin's law'
crisis of 2008. At this rate, coronavirus is
bound to become the new Godwin’s law,
with every internet discussion ending in
someone bringing up a pandemic.
Pernille Bogø Jørgensen Det er en kan ikke forhandle 7. May 2020 Danish perhaps this is an anti-metaphor
med den (it is a cannot marienborg-den-7-maj because it is a negated
negotiate with it) personification
Jordan records 21 new
Awni casualties of Coronavirus . اﺻﺎﺑﺔ ﺟدﯾدة ﺑﻔﯾروس ﻛوروﻧﺎ ﻓﻲ اﻷردن21 ﺗﺳﺟﯾل
Etaywe 10 May 2020 Arabic
Contributors: Elena Semino, Isabel Solana (ICS, University of Navarra), Laura Filardo (University of Valladolid), Ricardo-María
If you
insert a visual,(UIC
Barcelona and ICS), Pernille Bogø Jørgensen (Denmark/Lancaster), Jana Declercq (University Groningen), Justyna Wawrzyniuk (University of Bialystok/Poland), Esranur Efeoğlu-Özcan (Middle East Technical University/Turkey), Iona Walker (University of Edinburgh), Usman Maravia (Lancaster University), Alessandra Molino (University of Torino). Brendan K O'Rourke (Technology University of Dublin), Maria Grazia Rossi (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Zsófia Turóczy (Leipzig University), Jianan Zhang (China/Lancaster University alumna), Paula Pérez-Sobrino (University of La Rioja), Inés Olza (ICS, University of Navarra) Aleksandra Salamurovic (FSU Je
select 'insert in cell' to ensure
it stays in t
Contributor Text and translation Visuals Source Date of production Language Comments Source domain Target Domain
Veronika Koller “They [London hospital CEOs] talk about wave after wave after wave – the Chris Hopson, chief executive of NHS Providers, quoted on
26/03/20 English water patients
word that’s often used to me is a continuous tsunami."
Aleksandra Salamurovic
27/3/2020 English marathon pandemic
Aleksandra Salamurovic No matter what your family unit looks like, you will need a team in the
27/3/2020 English sports team familiy
weeks and months ahead. ...The best way to build a team is to be a good
teammate, so take some initiative to ensure that you are not alone.
Iona Walker Kate Templeton: “This is a tough game, and it will be a team effort. Edinburgh Infectious Diseases COVID-19 Workshop - Kate Templeton
25/03/20 [will try to accessEnglish
her slides and link them/the recording] Sport, Rugby. health service response
[references slide which shows her daughter playing a game, as the slides
progress, you see her being tackled but ultimately she scores] you can see
the people on the sideline, they might not be playing but they are cheering
and that helps. We know that the other side is probably about to get 3 more
Laura Filardo triesare
We andgoing
tossillegal tactics,
you in and seebutifthis is a tough
it restarts game and Thanks
the economy. we havefor
a English Political criticism of Trump's policy vulcano pandemic
your sacrifice (through visuals)
Laura Filardo @jk_rowling 26/03/2020 English Intertextual echoing of Harry Potter darkness pandemic
Thank you for your stories being a wonderful escape, even in dark times. world (Hogwarts battle, etc)
Veronika Koller "The [infection] forecaster said to me, 'We were looking at a freight train New York governor Andrew Cuomo, quoted at
24/03/20 English Extending metaphor for intensification train pandemic
coming across the country.' 'We're now looking at a bullet train.'"
Talking about the cv crisis and when it
will end
Alessandra Molino Non ci sfuggono le condizioni di difficoltà in cui operano, Letter by PM Giuseppe Conte to La Repubblica 26/03/2020 Italian (sfuggire = escape, evade, slip out) moving object Awareness
an object that slips out or evading
capture = being aware
Maria Grazia Rossi «Venuta la sera» (Mc 4,35). Così inizia il Vangelo che abbiamo ascoltato. 27/03/2020 Italian Comment on 1b: managing the darkness, storm pandemic
Da settimane sembra che sia scesa la sera. Fitte tenebre si sono Papa Francesco
coronavirus outbreakLink
is weathering
to the translation:
addensate sulle nostre piazze, strade e città; si sono impadronite delle storm
nostre vite riempiendo tutto di un silenzio assordante e di un vuoto
desolante, che paralizza ogni cosa al suo passaggio: si sente nell’aria, si
avverte nei gesti, lo dicono gli sguardi. Ci siamo trovati impauriti e smarriti.
Come i discepoli del Vangelo siamo stati presi alla sprovvista da una
tempesta inaspettata e furiosa. Ci siamo resi conto di trovarci sulla stessa
barca, tutti fragili e disorientati, ma nello stesso tempo importanti e
necessari, tutti chiamati a remare insieme, tutti bisognosi di confortarci a
vicenda. Su questa barca… ci siamo tutti. Come quei discepoli, che
parlano a una sola voce e nell’angoscia dicono: «Siamo perduti» (v. 38),
così anche noi ci siamo accorti che non possiamo andare avanti ciascuno
per conto suo, ma solo insieme. Translation: “When evening had come”
(Mk 4:35). The Gospel passage we have just heard begins like this. For
weeks now it has been evening. Thick darkness has gathered over our
squares, our streets and our cities; it has taken over our lives, filling
everything with a deafening silence and a distressing void, that stops
everything as it passes by; we feel it in the air, we notice in people’s
gestures, their glances give them away. We find ourselves afraid and lost.
Like the disciples in the Gospel we were caught off guard by an
unexpected, turbulent storm. We have realized that we are on the same
boat, all of us fragile and disoriented, but at the same time important and
needed, all of us called to row together, each of us in need of comforting
the other. On this boat… are all of us. Just like those disciples, who spoke
anxiously with one voice, saying “We are perishing” (v. 38), so we too have
realized that we cannot go on thinking of ourselves, but only together can
we do this.
Elena Semino Not yet verbatim: ‘Quando avremo fermato il contagio, saremo come una Virologist Roberto Burioni at Italian talk show Che Tempo Che
Fa Italian Football metaphor used by virologist on football social distancing
squadra che da perdere 3-0, riesce a arrivare a 3-3. Quello non e’ il Italian TV. I haven’t had time to go back
momento di rilassarsi.’ and check the precise wording, but I
wanted to get the ball rolling (excuse
the pun ;)
Bilyana Todorova Ваксината срещу COVID-19: В надпревара с вируса Vaccine vs COVID-
27/03/2020 Bulgarian Newspaper headline sport medicine, virus
19: In race with the virus
Bilyana Todorova 04.04.2020 Bulgarian It was said by Bulgarian Prime Minister hell the situation in Bulgaria due to pandemic
"след две-три седмици ще сме може би в ада" (in two weeks we may be in hell) Boyko Borissov
Huey Fen Cheong 新冠病毒疫情是照妖鏡,意外地照出各種奇談怪論,將中國的一切妖魔化,落
2020/3/2-3/8 Cantonese (Traditional chinese
1) Thecharacter)
mirror reflecting demon (/true
井下石,要抑制中國的快速發展,以訛傳訛,假消息如信息病毒,毒害人心。 face/truth) = The coronavirus reflects
(The coronavirus issue is like the mirror that could reflect the demon's face, the demons who spread fake news;
accidentally reflected all sorts of strange talk, which demonised China and 2) virus = Fake news
rubbed salt into the wound, with the intention to oppress China's growth.
Fake news is like information virus, poisoning the people's heart.)
Jianan Zhang "日韩抄作业都不会" [Japan and South Korea don't even know how to copy 26/02/2020 Chinese depicting the measures China took to homework reaction to pandemic
the homework.] deal with the COVID-19 as the example
of a homework that can be copied by
他们或者站在制高点上嘲笑其他国家、地区“抄作业都不会”,或者将本该一致 other countries.
对准“病毒”的矛头对准了“人” [They either stood from the moral high
grounds, mocking about other countries/regions 'not knowing how to copy This has been a very popular metaphor
the homework', or switched the target to 'humans' which should have been on Chinese social media, though also
'virus'.] widely criticised.
Jianan Zhang Contributors: Elena Semino, Isabel Solana (ICS, University of Navarra), 26/02/2020 Chinese Virus as both river and fire water and fire pandemic
Laura Filardo (University of Valladolid), Ricardo-María Jiménez-Yáñez
(UIC Barcelona and ICS), Pernille Bogø Jørgensen (Denmark/Lancaster), uncertain development of COVID-19 as wind and wave pandemic
Jana Declercq (University Groningen), Justyna Wawrzyniuk (University of wind and wave
Bialystok/Poland), Esranur Efeoğlu-Özcan (Middle East Technical paddling/rowing (in water) reaction to pandemic
University/Turkey), Iona Walker (University of Edinburgh), Usman Maravia taking measures to handle the virus as
(Lancaster University), Alessandra Molino (University of Torino). Brendan paddling/rowing
K O'Rourke (Technology University of Dublin), Maria Grazia Rossi
(Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Zsófia Turóczy (Leipzig University), Jianan
Zhang (China/Lancaster University alumna), Paula Pérez-Sobrino
(University of La Rioja), Inés Olza (ICS, University of Navarra) Aleksandra
Salamurovic (FSU Jena), Huey Fen Cheong (Lancaster University)
Eduardo Urios-Aparisi (University of Connecticut), Massimiliano Demata
(University of Turin), Anna W Gustafsson (Lund University, Sweden),
Maryam Ramezankhani (Allame Tabataba'i University, Iran), María
Muelas-Gil (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Jianan Zhang 和“疫情”赛跑的人 [the man who races the epidemic] (in the headline) Chinese race pandemic
Huey Fen Cheong 疫情好似一个照妖镜,将每个国家的领袖照的清清楚楚,疫情让我们看出了
28/3/2020 Chinese (simplified Chinese)
The mirror reflecting demon (/true mirror virus
哪些人是真英雄,哪些人是假偶像。[The coronavirus issue is like the mirror face/truth) (showing the true side/face
that could reflect the demon's face, which reflects clearly the leaders from of leaders across countries)
each country; the coronavirus lets us see who are real heroes, and who
are fake idols.] ------ This article is meant to praise the chancellor of
Austria, Sebastian Kurz.
Huey Fen Cheong 新冠肺部感染病疫情好似足球队比赛】中国将要踢完前半场,早已进到序幕...
43925 Chinese (simplified Chinese)
Metaphor: Global football game; all football match pandemic
[Coronavirus is like a football game. China is about to finish the first half countries = players of the same team;
and has already entered the prologue...]但,如同足球队比赛分上下半场,如 Some players/countries playing well,
今全球接力赛跑踢后半场 [However, just like the football game that has the but some not. The 1st wave and 2nd
first half and the second half, now is the global relay race that kicks the wave of coronavirus = the first half and
second half],一些对员积极主动勤奋,一些对员仍然高傲松懈,[Some the second half of the game
players are proactive and diligent, some players are still arrogant and
slack] 因此这次比赛最后結果会怎样?以现阶段趋势看,后半场的比赛显而
易见令人痛心,[So what will be the final result of this game? Judging from
the current situation, the second half of the game is obviously distressing,]
Huey Fen Cheong 佛系、豪賭或務實?(Buddhist manner, gambling, or being practical?) -- A 43910 Chinese (Taiwan; traditional
chinese) defense (= those who gambling reaction to pandemic
Taiwanese comment on the British idea of 'herd immunity' leave it to the God and doing nothing);
Ana Werkmann Horvat "Ne znamo u kojoj je fazi naša utakmica, je li pri kraju prvog ili drugog speech by Croatian health minister Vili Beros 43834 Croatian football match pandemic
poluvremena, ali spremni smo i na produžetke ako treba. Zahvaljujemo na
potporama našem Stožeru, ali mi nismo tim koji igra. Cijeli hrvatski narod je
na terenu i igra utakmicu protiv koronavirusa za zdravlje cijele nacije."
Translation: We do not know at which stage our match is, is it the end of
the first or the second half, but we are ready for extra time. We thank
everyone in the Committee but we are not the team that is playing. The
entire Croatian nation is in the field and playing the game against
coronavirus for the health of the entire nation.
Eva P & Ricardo-María Jiménez-Yáñez Vědci našli „Achillovu patu” koronaviru (Los científicos encontraron el talón
43986 Czech body virus
de Aquiles del coronavirus)
Pernille Bogø Jørgensen Vi har besøg af en ubuden og farlig gæst, som har sat sit præg på hele 16/4/2020 Danish Queen's speech - 2nd one during the personification virus
landet' (We have a visit from an uninvited and dangerous guest, who has quarantine. She turns 80 today so it
sat their mark on the entire country) was mostly 'thank you for your kind
singing and messages' but also for
helping each other and for handling this
difficult situation really well. The
metaphor of the virus as a guest is
repeated from her last speech and now
it has 'left its mark'. The gender neutral
term is standard in Danish for reflexive verbs when nominative applies.
Pernille Bogø Jørgensen det er os, der har kontrol med epidemien fremfor, at det er epidemien, der 14/4/2020 Danish Government briefing sports? pandemic
lægger vores sundhedsvæsen ned' (it is us who control the epidemic,
rather than the epidemic laying our healthcare system down)
Pernille Bogø Jørgensen ligger relativt lunt på kurven' (laying relatively warm on the curve) 14/4/2020 Danish Government briefing - lunt is actually temperature contamination curve
lukewarm but with positive semantics - it is a nice, comfy place to be
Pernille Bogø Jørgensen Jeg har set, jeg tror, det er nogle Amerikanere, der har udtrykt det sådan: 14/4/2020 Danish originally an American saying (hammer crafts and dance measures taken to minimise contagion
at det vi i virkeligheden er i gang med er sådan en hammer og en dans - at and dance) according to the PM, she
først skal man slå hårdt ned, så man ikke kommer op i det røde scenarie, uses it to explain taking hard measures
og bagefter skal en hel befolkning... lære at leve med corona og håndtere at first and then balancing the
den på en måde så vi bliver ved med at holde smitten nede, og det er jo reopening (another frequently used
rigtigt at med en gradvis åbning, så vil der også være mere smitte. (I have metaphor) of society - see entry by
seen, I think it is some Americans who have expressed it like this: that Susan Nacey about a comment in
what we are really doing is like a hammer and a dance - that first you have Norwegian and for origin of the
to hit hard so you don't come up in the red scenario (variation of metaphor; see also https://medium.
conventional metaphor meaning a place of aggression), and afterwards an com/@tomaspueyo/coronavirus-
entire population... learn to live with corona and handle it in a way so we learning-how-to-dance-b8420170203e
keep the infection down, and it is true that with a gradual opening there will
be more contamination.)
Pernille Bogø Jørgensen Jo-nas Her-by: Man kan ikke dan-se på glø-de-nde kul i åre-vis (Jonas
21/04/20 Danish Opinion piece in financial newspaper - fire lockdown
Herby: one cannot dance on glowing coal for years) refers to 'the hammer and dance' see
also other posts by me and Susan
Pernille Bogø Jørgensen En vild tiger ramte Danmark. Nu er den spærret inde i et bur. (A wild tiger
28/04/2020 Danish Søren Brostrøm, who said this, is the Animal Virus
hit Denmark. Now it is trapped in a cage.) Director of the Danish Health Agency.
Gudrun Reijnierse We zitten in een achtbaan die steeds sneller gaat
16/03/20 Dutch Dutch PM Mark Rutte rollercoaster pandemic
Gudrun Reijnierse We moeten blijven varen op het kompas van wetenschappelijke kennis en
16/03/20 Dutch Dutch PM Mark Rutte compass science
betrouwbare feiten
Gudrun Reijnierse Het virus afremmen
16/03/20 Dutch Dutch PM Mark Rutte vehicle virus
Gudrun Reijnierse Een beschermende muur om kwetsbaren heen bouwen
16/03/20 Dutch Dutch PM Mark Rutte wall social distancing
Gudrun Reijnierse Het coronavirus als een golf door de wereld
16/03/20 Dutch Dutch PM Mark Rutte xx virus
Gudrun Reijnierse Corona houdt ons in de greep
16/03/20 Dutch Dutch PM Mark Rutte person virus
Barbara De Cock Ons land doet wat het nu moet doen, namelijk de brand blussen. (Our Michael Van Droogenbroeck (economics journalist), TV-programme
43894 de Afspraak, Canvas
Dutch economics journalist talking about the fire economic consequences
country is doing now what it has do to, namely extinguishing the fire. economic measures related to the
Barbara De Cock Dit wordt een lange afstandsvlucht, daar maken we ons steeds minder 14/04/2020 Dutch flight life with pandemic
illusies over. (This will be a long distance flight, we're making ourselves
ever less illusions on that topic.) (Tania Desmet, doctor at emergencies
Barbara De Cock Fan van Game of Thrones? Het voelt als wachten op de White Walkers. Kim Geybels (emergency doctor) in interview 17/04/2020 Dutch (it's war but because it refers to a Game of thrones epic fight
Minus de draken. (Fan of Game of Thrones? It feels like waiting for the fictional series, including dragons, I
White Walkers. Without the dragons.) consider it is quite specific).
Barbara De Cock Door dit systematisch toe te passen gaan we in de toekomst dit virus in zijn Steven Vanguchte (virologist, daily press conference) 21/04/2020 Dutch the expression "in uw kot" (in your animal/person virus
kot houden. (By doing this systematically, we will manage to keep the virus shed) was launched by the Belgian
in its shed in the future.) health minister and became a slogan
for the measure to say confined. Here,
it is used in the opposite way, nl.
getting the virus in its "kot", not the
Barbara De Cock Hoe eindig je een marathon? Elke marathonloper zal zeggen: door een 15/04/0202 Dutch marathon lockdown phase-exit strategy
goed plan te hebben. (How do you finish a marathon? Every marathon
runner will say: by having a good plan). Alexander De Croo (Belgian Finance Minister) in TV-programme De Afspraak
Barbara De Cock Goede reflexen zullen deel gaan uitmaken van het nieuwe normaal, zoals Yves Stevens (Belgian national crisis centre) in De Standaard28/04/2020
Dutch building protection measures
een goede handhygiëne of voldoende afstand houden op drukke plaatsen.
Zo bouwen samen aan een weerbare samenleving tegen het virus. (Good
reflexes will become part of the new normal, like good hand hygiene or
keeping distance on busy places. This way, we build together a new
resilient society against the virus.
Paula Pérez Sobrino Virus transmission
30/03/2020 English virus is conceptualised in terms of musical notes infection
musical notes. the shorter notes
highlight the speed at which the virus
Pernille Bogø Jørgensen
unknown English unknown artist fire virus
Elena Semino Testing is solution to "unlock the puzzle" of coronavirus, Prime Minister
43865 English puzzle virus
Boris Johnson says
Kumaran Rajandran The Government takes this current trend very seriously, especially the rise Speech Malaysian Prime Minister English water Infection
of the second wave of new infections.
Kumaran Rajandran My analogy is that tide has not turned. We have been fighting, and the tide Speech by Singaporean Prime Minister English water virus
is still coming in. What has changed is that we have put up our dykes, we
have held the water out, but the dyke leaks. We have got bits coming in,
people coming home, the virus gets into Singapore. We have to keep a
very vigilant eye on it continuously, and make sure that every drop which
comes in we mop it up quickly before a drop becomes a rivulet, a rivulet
becomes a stream, then I have a flood, and we are sunk.
Kumaran Rajandran 30/03/20 English shark virus
Veronika Koller Quarantine, we are all learning together, is a marathon, not a sprint.
43956 English race social distancing
Eduardo Urios-Aparisi [This pandemic] is a portal, a gateway between one world and the next.
43865 English from an article by Arundhati Roy portal pandemic
We can choose to walk through it, dragging the carcasses of our prejudice
and hatred, our avarice, our data banks and dead ideas, our dead rivers
and smoky skies behind us. Or we can walk through lightly, with little
luggage, ready to imagine another world.
Veronika Koller This is our bus / shuttle. To the next evolutionary stop. On this journey we @CRXed9 44078 English bus pandemic
will transform massivly. Human mankind in harmony with earth&all living
beings and as much caring for each other as never before.
Elena Semino and likened navigating the long crisis to shooting the rapids of a whitewater Alex Evans, David Steven:
43928 English Navigating a boat through rapids Pandemic and ways of dealing with it
river, a metaphor drawn from Shell Oil’s scenario planning in the 1970s.
Laura Filardo Flatten the curve mousetraps and lightbulbs 09/04/2020 English About social distancing animals + light people
Anna W. Gustafsson "there has to be a future to believe in, and when this marathon is over the 44108 English Journalist Martin Schibbye uses the race pandemic/life in times with pandemic
first thing I want to do is put my boat in the water and harvest the wind". marathon metaphor in an article in The
Investigative Journal on the Swedish
response to the pandemic. The idea
that the measures taken must be
sustainable in the long run seems to be
an important explanatory factor for the
Swedish chosen path of
recommendations instead of lock downs or war time measures.
Pernille Bogø Jørgensen "This visualisation is an adaptation of the jam-jar metaphor for mental 13/04/2020 English Covid-19 as taking up space in the container mental health
health. Once the vessel is full, a person has no more room to cope with vessel
environmantal stress and feelings may 'bubble over' leading to a
psychiatric episode." Twitter @ZJAyres
Gladys Nyarko Ansah Ghanaian President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has extended the 44169 English Container Ghana/country
ban on public gatherings for two more weeks in a further measure to
contain the spread of the novel coronavirus in the country
Mariángeles Lamolda 25/03/20 English sports team key workers
Ffion Brown In Lebanon, lockdown is the last line of defence against a tsunami of 13/04/20 English tsunami pandemic
unmanageable coronavirus cases
Veronika Koller Prepare to disembark: that’s what many passengers on Coronavirus Flight 16/04/20 English air travel pandemic
C-19 heard when Chris Whitty ... said that the trend in new infections was
beginning to “flatten out” ... Flight C-19 will land eventually. But it is much
too soon for passengers to unbuckle their seat belts. Matt D'Ancona for Tortoise Sensemaker newsletter
Khadidja Merakchi, Heriot-Watt University New York governor: "we can control the beast". 17/04/2020 English beast virus
Kate Power "Just as all of you in Chicago ares till dealing with snow in the middle of 17/04/20 English winter pandemic
April, spring will come sometime. And taht's a good metaphor for getting us
through these times. Spring will come." (Barack Obama)
Laura Filardo-Llamas I remember when Hermione had to modify the memory of her parents and photo of nurses in PPE @dapuccino 16/04/20 English source domain is character from Harry Hermione Granger healthcare professionals
send them to Australia to protect them, distance themselves and assume Potter books
that she had to go ahead and stop what was coming ... I identify with her a
lot right now
Elena Semino "The curve is flattening; we can start lifting restrictions now" = "The
43937 English Parachute Lockdwon/Social distancing measures
parachute has slowed our rate of descent; we can take it off now."
Laura Filardo-Llamas Social distancing is like asking a string section to play pianissimo: it only photo of string players
27/03/20 English low volume social distancing
works if everyone does it.
Contributors: Elena Semino, Isabel Solana (ICS, University of Navarra), Laura Filardo (University of Valladolid), Ricardo-María
If you
insert a visual,(UIC
Barcelona and ICS), Pernille Bogø Jørgensen (Denmark/Lancaster), Jana Declercq (University Groningen), Justyna Wawrzyniuk (University of Bialystok/Poland), Esranur Efeoğlu-Özcan (Middle East Technical University/Turkey), Iona Walker (University of Edinburgh), Usman Maravia (Lancaster University), Alessandra Molino (University of Torino). Brendan K O'Rourke (Technology University of Dublin), Maria Grazia Rossi (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Zsófia Turóczy (Leipzig University), Jianan Zhang (China/Lancaster University alumna), Paula Pérez-Sobrino (University of La Rioja), Inés Olza (ICS, University of Navarra) Aleksandra Salamurovic (FSU Je
select 'insert in cell' to ensure
it stays in t
Contributor Text and translation Visuals Source Date of production Language Comments Source domain Target Domain
Nat Kendall-Taylor “the end of social distancing will not be a switch (on, then off) but a dial (more, then less, then maybe more).” 20/04/20 English dial/switch reaction to pandemic
Elena Semino If this virus were a physical assailant, an unexpected and invisible mugger UK Prime Minister speech 20/04/2020 English Mugger Covid-19
- which I can tell you from personal experience, it is - then this is the
moment when we have begun together to wrestle it to the floor
Elena Semino Imagine seeing an 'unexpected and invisible mugger' coming all the way 43948 English Mugger Covid-19
from China, through Europe, mugging people all the way, and still letting
yourself get mugged by it. Alistair Barrie on Twitter:
Elena Semino We’re not out of the woods just yet. [Plus image] UK Prime Minister on Twitter:
43947 English Metaphorical idiom Journey (walk in woods) Lockdown
Elena Semino Thank you for playing your part 43947 English Theatre People's contribution during lockdown
31/3/2020 English (BIRD is a ressource
by the Balkan
in a critically
pupil Network) virus
text on digital rights violations in
Central and SouthEastern Europe; also
metonymy: cuase for effect
Pernille Bogø Jørgensen Only once we’ve passed this test can we begin to think about the next 13/04/2020 English (translated from Spanish)
Interview with composer education/religion pandemic
Barbara De Cock Samen gaan we deze duivel terug in zijn kot krijgen. (Together we'll Sciensano press conference, Steven Van Gucht (virologist 44047 Flemish "in zijn kot" is colloquial but based on devil virus
manage to get this devil in his shed again. "blijf in uw kot" (stay in your house,
colloquial Belgian Dutch), pronounced
at the beginning of the confinement by
health minister Maggie De Block. The
use of "kot" has therefore been very
frequent in relation to this crisis.
Silvia Rossi "Covid-19 : fin de partie ?" // "Game over ?"
20/03/20 French About Pr Rault claiming having found a sports match pandemic
Silvia Rossi Coronavirus : "On ne voit que la partie émergée de l'iceberg" //
21/04/2020 French Online newspaper nature (iceberg) pandemic
Coronavirus : "We only see the tip of the iceberg"
Marieke Jochimsen
"Die jetzigen Maßnahmen sind alternativlos; die Rückkehr zur genau gleichen alten Normalität ist es nicht. Das Fenster, in Alternativen zu denken, steht sperrangelweit offen." 1.4.2020 German window pandemic
L-naSan „Zusammenhalt ist momentan unser einziges Medikament“ (Solidarity is 14/04/20 German drug/medicine solidarity
our only drug at the moment)
Berenike Herrmann Das neue, aus China stammende Coronavirus Sars-CoV-2 hält aktuell die 21/04/2020 German accessed on 21/4. Probably produced person, animate and intentional entity virus
Welt in Atem. [...] Wo das Virus auftaucht, wie es die Welt verändert und eralier
wie man sich und andere schützt. [The new coronavirus Sars-CoV-2, which
originates from China, is currently keeping the world on tenterhooks (idiom
--> lit: 'keep in breath'.. in suspense). Where the virus appears, how it
changes the world and how to protect yourself and others.]
Sally Zacharias Schluss mit Wegbier und U-Bahn-Doener: Die Carona-Maske macht Berlin Der Tagesspiegel - Bernd Matthies (daily Berliner newspaper)29/04/20 German As Germany relaxes lockdown smile on mask (visual) potecting travellers during lockdown lift
gleich viel freundlicher (No more/Forget take away beers and donner restrictions, people will be travelling
kebabs: Corona masks are about to make Berlin much friendlier) again on underground. Wearing masks
will make this much safer. Masks, not
beer and kebabs (usual things you see
on U-Bahn) will make people happier.
Promotes wearing masks in humourous
way. The masks are personified - they,
not the politicians are making the
difference? More metonymy? Where
masks = wearing masks/new regulation
to wear mask? (rules protect not rules
Aleksandra Salamurovic „ war auf einem Safari und man hat dem Löwen ins Auge geschaut,28/04/2020
Cornelia Betsch University
Erfurt, (Prof of Health Communication,
2 metaphors project COVID-19 SnapshotAnimal,
home minute how people feel about opening up
und voller Angst und jetzt sitzt man auf dem heimischen Sofa...“ (die Angst
ist weg)
Aleksandra Salamurovic „irgendwan sei der Akku leer“ („at some point the baterry is empty“ ),28/04/2020
social psychologist GeraldGerman
Echterhoff, University Münster,
in regard
to endourance of all lockdown electrical device emotions
Aleksandra Salamurovic „Daher sind wir noch nicht über den Berg“,
44139 German Easter Speech by Markus Söder, presindet of the Bavarian
hiking government the current situation
Aleksandra Salamurovic „Corona ist ein Charaktertest für unser Land, Ich finde, wir haben ihn,
44139 German Easter Speech by Markus Söder, presindet of the Bavarian
test, task
government virus
bisher gut bestanden.“
Thessaloniki CL Research Group Τις επόμενες μέρες ο κορωνοϊός θα δείξει τα δόντια του (Coronavirus will 25/03/2020 Greek predator animal the virus
bare its teeth in the coming days)
Thessaloniki CL Research Group Προετοιμαζόμαστε για το δεύτερο κύμα του ιού (We should be getting 13/03/2020 Greek physical force the virus
ready for a second wave of coronavirus infections)
Thessaloniki CL Research Group Τον Απρίλιο η κορύφωση του κορωνοϊού στην Ελλάδα. (Coronavirus will 28/03/2020 Greek quantity & UP the virus
peak in Greece in April)
Thessaloniki CL Research Group Είμαστε ακόμα ούτε στα μέσα του πρώτου ημιχρόνου. Έχουμε μπροστά 43865 Greek sports game the virus
μας πολύ δρόμο. Μπορεί να έχουμε και παράταση. (We are not even in the
middle of half-time. There is a long way ahead of us. We can even go into
injury time.) SKAI (TV channel)
Thessaloniki CL Research Group n/d Greek Saint George (the immunologist) explosive device the virus
Facebook beating the infection (dragon).
Thessaloniki CL Research Group (When we go to our village, we will rest in peace.) 20/03/2020 Greek also metonymy grim reaper the virus
Thessaloniki CL Research Group (Bloody migrants are taking our jobs…) 43985 Greek antagonist of seasonal flu, gets the job foreigners the virus
from flu in the sense of sickening
Thessaloniki CL Research Group 19/03/2020 Greek The bowling ball strikes through all bowling ball the virus
systems (minimization of the welfare
system, self-regulating market,
privatized health system, neo-liberal
hard-line ideologies)
Thessaloniki CL Research Group 44168 Greek it could be a multimodal metonymy Hitchcock's birds the virus
Thessaloniki CL Research Group 44139 Greek The anglerfish uses a fleshy growth Lure the virus
part on the top of its head as lure for other fish.
Thessaloniki CL Research Group 28/03/2020 Greek FORCES ARE CAUSES athlete the virus
Thessaloniki CL Research Group (Say Ahh) 16/03/2020 Greek Holy communion the virus
Thessaloniki CL Research Group Νέο Παγκόσμιο ρεκόρ θανάτων… (New world record in deaths...) 43925 Greek sports game the virus
Thessaloniki CL Research Group Αγώνας αντοχής με δύσκολο αντίπαλο. (Endurance race against a tough n/d Greek sports game the virus
Thessaloniki CL Research Group Η κούρσα του κορονοϊού … (The race of the coronavirus...) 43986 Greek sports game the virus
Thessaloniki CL Research Group Δεν είναι σπριντάρισμα, είναι μαραθώνιος. (It's not a sprint race, it’s a 44016 Greek sports game the virus
marathon. )
Angeliki Lampropoulou Φέτος η "Εβδομάδα των Παθών" κράτησε περισσότερο από 50 ημέρες, 43940 Greek Greek Prime Minister's message for the Holy Week / storm life with the pandemic / the pandemic
αλλά η Ανάσταση φωτίζει πλέον το δρόμο και τη χαρούμενη έξοδο από την this year's Orthodox Easter.
καταιγίδα της πανδημίας. (This year, the "Holy Week" lasted more than 50
days, but the Resurrection now illuminates the way and the joyous exit
from the storm of the pandemic.)
Angeliki Lampropoulou O ιός μας κράτησε στο σπίτι, μας έκανε όμως να ξαναγνωριστούμε με τον 43940 Greek Greek Prime Minister's message for person the virus
εαυτό μας και με τη σημασία των πραγμάτων. (The virus kept us at home, this year's Orthodox Easter.
but it made us get acquainted with ourselves and with the importance of
the things again.)
Maria Grazia Rossi Non solo ci sono continuamente focolai da spegnere e, quando la sorte si
28/03/2020 Italian fire metaphor: 1. Fire // 2. Fireman // 3. Firebugs 1. Coronavirus emergency // 2. Citizens // 3. "bad" citizens
accanisce, giganteschi fronti di fuoco da arginare, ma è dovere di tutti
collaborare quotidianamente alla bonifica del terreno affinché scintille,
inneschi, distrazioni più o meno colpevoli non provochino adesso o in
futuro disastri irreparabili. In questa monumentale impresa cooperativa è
del tutto normale che non tutto fili liscio, che la giustizia non domini
sovrana, che qualcuno faccia il furbo e a qualcun altro venga riconosciuto
meno di ciò che gli spetta.Anche per questo servono oggi più che mai
cittadini collaborativi, tolleranti, empatici, né oppressi da un paralizzante
senso di inadeguatezza né travolti dal desiderio di trovare un capro
espiatorio su cui sfogare la propria legittima collera.Insomma più che
soldati, in questi giorni strani siamo simili a pompieri, o più spesso ad
ausiliari dei pompieri, insomma gente che semplifica la vita di chi è
costretto a stare a contatto con le fiamme, magari rendendo inoffensivi i
piromani o, nelle vesti di «pompieri» doppiamente metaforici, contribuendo
con pazienza e perseveranza a portare un po’ di calma nella vita di ogni
M. Cristina Caimotto Coronavirus, netto calo dei malati. Iss: "Finalmente curva scende ma non è
43928 Italian "tana libera tutti" is what children say at hide-and-seek reaction to pandemic
tana libera tutti" Coronavirus, sharp decline of cases. Iss [Istituto Superiore the end of hide-and-seek and everyone
di Sanità - Head Health Institution]: "The curve is finally decreasing but it's still hiding is free to come out without
not 'tana libera tutti" losing the game. The Intritute seems to
imply that COVID is not a game, it's
serious matter.
Paolo Costa
28/03/20 Italian firefighters healthcare professionals
Massimiliano Demata (1) Prendere tempo. Non si va in battaglia contro un nemico sconosciuto, Alberto Mantovani, immunologist and Scientific Director of Humanitas
21/3/2020Clinical and Research
ItalianCenter, Rozzano, Italy
(1) probably has three metaphors! (a)
football match immune system
non si gioca una partita senza allenamento e senza schemi (“You don’t immune system as a football pitch (b)
play a match without training and without formation”). Ed è questa oggi la war against the virus (“you don’t go to
condizione del nostro sistema immunitario. Il coronavirus non uccide così war against an unknown enemy… we
tanto quanto la Sars e paradossalmente è il motivo per cui si diffonde di must avoid the fight” (c) virus as an
più. Dobbiamo asserragliarci in casa, evitare lo scontro, calmierare il virus animal who eats its preys (“stop the
affamandolo. Perché noi siamo il suo pane. virus by starving it, because we are its
Massimiliano Demata (2) Siamo in partita e le partite finiscono al novantesimo minuto, non Mantovani uses the football metaphor very often in his interviews
Italian football match pandemic
“We are playing a match, and matches end in the 90th minute, not earlier”
Massimiliano Demata (3) “Occorre grande rispetto per chi deve prendere le decisioni. La partita si Alberto Mantovani, immunologist and Scientific Director of Humanitas
44108 Clinical and Research
ItalianCenter, Rozzano, Italy
football match
chiude al novantesimo minuto, poi ci sono i tempi supplementari”
“The match ends in the 90th minute, then there is extra time”
Elena Semino Non soldati ma pompieri' Perciò, visto che alle metafore non possiamo Paolo Costa:
43918 Italian fire and firefighting Pandemic and ways of dealing with it
rinunciare, se proprio si deve ricorrere a un’immagine diversa da quella
prosaica dell’emergenza sanitaria, il mio suggerimento è di ricorrere alla
metafora dell’incendio.
Maria Grazia Rossi Succede anche questo, con una bestia nuova e sfuggente come il
21/04/2020 Italian Newsapaper article beast virus
coronavirus. Paesi che un momento prima sembrano averla sotto controllo,
e per questo vengono universalmente elogiati, un momento dopo se la
vedono scappare di mano. È esattamente ciò che ha vissuto nelle ultime
settimane Singapore. [That's what you get with a new and elusive beast
like coronavirus. Countries that a moment before seemed to have it (the
beast) under control and that is why they are universally praised, a moment
later the see it run away. This is exactly what Singapore has experienced
in the past few weeks.]
Kumaran Rajandran Sebagai Perdana Menteri, saya ada tanggungjawab besar untuk Speech by 8th Malaysian Prime Minister Malay physical force pandemic
menangani krisis yang sedang melanda negara kita. [As Prime Minister, I
have a great responsibility to tackle the crisis that has hit our country.
Huey Fen Cheong KKM jangka tsunami dalam gelombang ketiga Covid-19 [The Ministry of
43917 Malay Natural disaster (tsunami) and links tsunami pandemic
Education (MOH) expects tsunami in the third wave of Covid-19] tsunami to the waves of covid -19
Huey Fen Cheong Ibarat lampu malam yang sedang terang benderang tiba-tiba ‘shut off’ atau
43925 Malay Darkness and brightness (darkness darkness reaction to pandemic
‘blackout’. Satu persatu suis yang lain terpaksa dipadamkan dan deretan describes the non-activity condition of
stadium, gelanggang, lapangan dan arena dipaksa bergelap dan sunyi sepi sports event across the world.
tanpa sebarang aktiviti sukan. [It is like lamp posts shining brightly in the
night, but suddenly shuts off or blackout. Other switches had to be turned
off and a row of stadiums, courts, fields and arenas were forced to be in
the dark and quiet without any sports activity.]
Kumaran Rajandran Inilah nilai sebenar persaudaraan rakyat Malaysia tanpa mengira bangsa. Speech by 8th Malaysian Prime Minister 44108 Malay Playing on nation is a family family nation
[This is the true value of Malaysian fraternity regardless of race]
Susan Nacey Vi er alle alene selv om vi er i samme båt.. We are alone even though we
43924 Norwegian Newspaper headline. : Continues: X boat social distancing
are in the same boat and Y (aged 5) miss their friends. They
share that along with thousands of
Pernille Bogø Jørgensen "når den prøven vi fikk er bestått" (when the test we got has been passed) 14/03/2020 Norwegian A religious song about meeting when education/religion pandemic
this is over.
Susan Nacey Å styre Norge gjennom koronakrisen, er som å kjøre rallycross med Morgenbladet' nr 15, 17-23 April 2020, Article *Koronaloven er
et unikt
2020 mellom
tre statsmaktene'. Opinion piece written by Benedikte M. Høgberg.
(law professor Univ. of Oslo]
ruliing a country during corona times
djevelen på panseret og tusen kartlesere i baksetet. [Ruling Norway during
the corona crisis is like driving in a rallycross with the devil on your hood
and one thousand map readers in the back seat.]
Susan Nacey Men hun er nysgjerrig på hvilken innflytelse en populærvitensakpelig Morgenbladet nr 15, 17-23 April 2020. Interview with Camilla 17-23
April 2020
head of the Norwegian
Institute of Public Politician
Health, *To
by science
pp 8-11 hammer and dance how to control a pandemia
artikkel kan ha hatt på belutningstagere i Norge og andre land. "The when they make their decision, but also
Hammer and the Dance", publisert p nettstedt Medium, beskrev en strategi lots of other things.
der man først bruker alle tiltak for å slå ned virus -en hammer - før tiltakene
lettes og man begynner en 'dans' med å holde spredningen under control.
(But she wonders about the influence that a popularly disseminated article
may have had on decision-makers in Norway and other countries. 'The
Hammer and the Dance', published on the website Medium, described a
strategy where one first uses all measures to beat downthe virus - a
hammer - before the measures ease and one begins a 'dance' by holding
the spread under control.
Susan Nacey ...Men etikk er ikke matematikk. Det skal være en fornuftig balanse mellom Morgenbladet nr 15, 17-23 April 2020, "Bør vi alle blie forsøkskaniner"
17-23 April
2020 Norwegian Response to Singer's opinions (above). mathematics/money ethics/lives
gevinst for folkehelse og risiko for helseskalde hos forsøkspersoner, en Resistance to metaphor
balanse som skal vektlegges veldig langt i favør av forsøkspersonene. (But
ethics is not mathematics. There has to be a balance between the benefit
to public health and the health tisk for the trial people, a balance that has
be be weighted very much in favor of the trial people.)
Susan Nacey ...Men etikk er ikke matematikk. Det skal være en fornuftig balanse mellom Morgenbladet nr 15, 17-23 April 2020, "Bør vi alle blie forsøkskaniner"
17-23 April
2020 Norwegian Response to Singer's opinions (above). Balance/scales ethics
gevinst for folkehelse og risiko for helseskalde hos forsøkspersoner, en Resistance to metaphor
balanse som skal vektlegges veldig langt i favør av forsøkspersonene. (But
ethics is not mathematics. There has to be a balance between the benefit
to public health and the health tisk for the trial people, a balance that has
be be weighted very much in favor of the trial people.)
Susan Nacey ...hvis man skal være helt i dise tider, skal man gjøre som pinnsvinet. Ikke
24.30 April 2020 Norwegian This is a opinion piece where the animal protective behaviour human protective behaviour
brøle som en løve eller slås som en titan, men rulle seg sammen og vente, author is recounting something she
håper på bedre tider. (..if one is going to be a hero in these times, one read in the newspapers.
should act like a hedgehog. Don't roar like a lion or fight like a giant, but roll
up in a ball and wait, hope for better times.)
Susan Nacey Men hele samfunnet må delta i dugnaden mot coronaviruset (but all of 11.03.2020 Norwegian voluntary community work dealing with corona
society has to participate in this 'dugnad' against the coronavirus.) This quote is from Bent Høie, the Norwegian Health and Care Services minister. The 'dugnad' metaphor is EVERYWHERE in the Norwegian media and in political speeches. The term is notoriously difficult to translate, a very Norwegian concept referring to unpaid, voluntary work that is carried out in groups-- part of the Norwegian community contract. See e.g. here for an explanation:
Maryam Ramezankhani " در ﺧﺎﻧﮫ ﻣﯽ ﻣﺎﻧﯾم و ﮐروﻧﺎ را ﺑﮫ ﺣرﯾم ﺧﺎﻧﮫ ھﺎﯾﻣﺎن راه ﻧﻣﯽ دھﯾم." (We stay at home and Late March 2020 Persian intruder virus
keep corona from entering our haven) It appeared on city billboards of Tehran.
Justyna Wawrzyniuk Dużo ludzi nie rozumie co niesie za sobą taka kwarantanna CAŁEGO
31/03/2020 Polish is a Polish version of Reddit. human body society
społeczeństwa. Można to porównać do ludzkiego organizmu. Bo nie kidney patients
można przecież leczyć chorej nerki (ludzi z koronawirusem) zatrzymując blood trade
krwiobieg krwi (przepływ towarów i usług w gospodarce) i tlenu (przepływ oxygen money society
pieniądza w gospodarce). Nawet gdy nerka zostanie uratowana pacjent patient
może tego nie przetrwać. Z powodu braku obiegu krwi i tlenu w jego
[A lot of people don't understand the consequences of the isolation of the
entire society. You can compare it to a human body. You can't treat a sick
kidney (people with a coronavirus) by stopping blood circulation (trade) and
oxygen (money). Even if you do save the kidney, the patient still may not
make it. Because of the lack of blood and oxygen.
Maria Grazia Rossi Image posted by a facebook user:
30/03/2020 Portuguese SNS is the acronym of "Sistema superheroes healthcare professionals
Nacional de Saude"
Barbara De Cock Temos que percever que estamos a correr uma maratona com a ? Portuguese I saw this one as an indirect quote on race life with pandemic
particularidade que não sabemos quanto já corremos, em que fase da the FB page of a friend, who criticized
maratona estamos e quantas voltas faltam. (We have to understand that his incorrect use of the metaphor
we're running a marathon with the particularity that we don't know how because he speaks about running
much we already ran, in which fase of the marathon we are and how many rounds in a marathon, whereas a
rounds we still have to go.) marathon typically does NOT involve
Filipe Froes on TV running rounds.
Barbara De Cock Sabemos que não é fisga, estamos a debater se é bazuca ou pressão de Press conference Portuguese republic 23/04/2020? Portuguese weapon the pandemic
ar. (We know that it's not a catapult, we are debating whether it's a bazuka
or an air pressure gun.
LJerka Jeftić Srbija vodi "prvo poluvreme"protiv korona virusa Translation: Serbia has 14/4/2020 Serbian football match pandemic and reactions to it
gained a lead in the "first half" against corona virus
Inés Olza “En el #díamundialdelteatro os animo a que nos sigamos quedando en Tweet by Madrid,
27/03/20 major (J.
L. Martínez Almeida) Life of a city as a THEATRE STAGE theatre city
casa para que Madrid pueda volver a subir el telón”. that can be closed or opened. Use
anchored in the World Theatre Day
hashtag #díamundialdelteatro. Many
speakers take advantage of these
“World Days” to reframe the situation in
terms of what is celebrated.
Spanish and English versions Arancha González, Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs (
27/03/20 Spanish Obstacle/Iceberg metaphor: Europe is iceberg pandemic
(English version: “we are in this EU boat together. We hit an unexpected a boat (the Titanic?) and the
iceberg. We all share the same risk right now. No time 4 discussions abt coronavirus pandemic is an
alleged 1st & 2nd class tickets. Not the time 2 let citizens down. History will unexpected iceberg. European citizens
hold us responsible 4 what we do NOW”) cannot be et down by EU institutions,
independently of their country of origin
(alleged 1st and 2nd class). Otherwise,
the entire EU will sink. A parallel is: the
iceberg is not the virus itself, but lack of
agreement among EU countries in
terms of how to react to this crisis as a
political union. The tweet mentions
Dutch Minister of Finance @Hoekstra
and incudes link to interview pubished
in De Volkstrant, 24th March (https:
??? 3Famp%3D1)
Paula Pérez Sobrino El Gobierno ordena la “hibernación” de la economía para evitar el colapso
29/03/2020 Spanish Hibernation highlights active recovery Hibernation lack of economic activity
del sistema sanitario // The Government declares de "hibernation" of the (save energy for spring)
economy to avoid the collapse of the health system
E Hidalgo Tenorio Si todos los que apelan a "remar en la misma dirección" lo hicieran, ya
43925 Spanish xx xx
habríamos llegado a puerto.
Paula Pérez Sobrino "Luz al final del "pasillo": Sánchez busca sus Pactos de la Moncloa para
43955 Spanish Light at the end of the tunnel = post- light, broken building time after pandemic, society
sellar la "reconstrucción" de "lo común" / Light at the end of the corridor: pandemic world. society is a broken
Sánchez wants to seal the "reconstruction" of what's "common" in the building that needs to be rebuilt
Pactos of La Moncloa
Paula Pérez Sobrino "No todos los superhéroes llevamos capa...algunos solo llevamos
26/03/2020 Spanish superheroes healthcare professionals
mascarilla/bata blanca" / not all the superheroes wear a cape, some of us
only wear a mask/white coat"
Ricardo-María Jiménez-Yáñez "El mal ya no es silencioso ni acecha en la esquina, está frente a nosotros. La Vanguardia, (article), p. 20 44047 Spanish Light xx
Y queremos creer, sí, creer que la luz vino y se fue. Y vino de nuevo" /
"Evil is no longer silent or lurks in the corner, it is in front of us. And we
want to believe that the light came and went again. And it came again"
Ricardo-María Jiménez-Yáñez "[Ines] Arrimadas apuesta por "remar juntos" durante la crisis" ( "Arrimadas La Vanguardia, p. 12 43925 Spanish rowing reaction to pandemic
bets on" rowing together "during the crisis" )
Esther Linares, Lucia Herrero Día 25. Segunda parte de la prórroga. Minuto 116' de la final. Entra el
22/03/20 Spanish football match illness
médico en mi habitación, me mira y dispara. Marca Iniesta. He dado el
segundo negativo. Termina el partido. Me voy a casa. La locura. Somos
campeones. Hoy lo celebro yo, mañana tú y pronto todos".
Juan Luis Arsuaga "Enfrentémonos al coronavirus como lo haríamos a un gran fuego" ("Let's 23/03/20 Spanish fire virus
face the coronavirus as we would a great fire.")
Laura Filardo #Que no nos falte la energía (Lest we have energy) lighthouse 10/04/2020 Spanish Semantic ambiguity
Laura Filardo Las enfermeras somos el flotador de los pacientes (nurses are the rubber 04/04/2020 Spanish boat healthcare professionals
ring of patients) enfermo-pesadilla_0_1012099488.html
Laura Filardo El confinamiento está siendo largo, pero hay que mantener la calma y 13/04/2020 Spanish Metonymy and metaphor person rainbow (symbol of hope)
esperanza. Imágenes como este arcoiris que sale del Hospital Clínico de
Valladolid para abrazar de ilusión a la ciudad nos ayudan a seguir con una
sonrisa. [lockdown is long, but we have to keep calm and strong. Images
like this rainbow coming out of the hospital in Valladolid to hug the city with https://twitter.
hope help us continue with a smile] com/infoUNIMID/status/1249638206296985600
Laura Filardo Superman vuela con bata blanca por Granada [Superman is flying with a 26/03/2020 Spanish Superheroes healthcare professionals
white cape in Granada] granada-superman-vuela-bata-20200319190139-nt.html
Rupert Psmith 44047 Spanish storm pandemic
L-naSan 44169 Spanish football match pandemic and reactions to it
María Teresa Burguillo Escobar (Universidad Complutense
We have to undress
de Madrid)
the virus 18/04/2020
News bulletin of Spanish public TV concerning the effort of scientists in orden to create Spanish The virus = one person
a vaccine. Person Virus
E. Hidalgo Tenorio "Los acuerdos para reconstruir nuestro país deben abarcar los principales 18/04/20 Spanish building action after pandemic
asuntos afectados por la emergencia del #COVID19. .Y solo esos.
Facilitaremos así el entendimiento. Debemos estar listos para la
reconstrucción, sin dejar a nadie en el camino." (Pedro Sanchez)
Paula Pérez Sobrino "Aves enjauladas, con ganas de volar" "leo un libro y he volado, he vivido" 16/04/2020 Spanish Song Birds in a cage People on lockdown
m// "Caged birds, looking forward ot flying again" "I've read a book and I've
flown far away, I've lived"
Paula Pérez Sobrino
19/04/2020 Spanish Infographic (Hidden part of an) iceberg Asymptomatics
Contributors: Elena Semino, Isabel Solana (ICS, University of Navarra), Laura Filardo (University of Valladolid), Ricardo-María
If you
insert a visual,(UIC
Barcelona and ICS), Pernille Bogø Jørgensen (Denmark/Lancaster), Jana Declercq (University Groningen), Justyna Wawrzyniuk (University of Bialystok/Poland), Esranur Efeoğlu-Özcan (Middle East Technical University/Turkey), Iona Walker (University of Edinburgh), Usman Maravia (Lancaster University), Alessandra Molino (University of Torino). Brendan K O'Rourke (Technology University of Dublin), Maria Grazia Rossi (Universidade Nova de Lisboa), Zsófia Turóczy (Leipzig University), Jianan Zhang (China/Lancaster University alumna), Paula Pérez-Sobrino (University of La Rioja), Inés Olza (ICS, University of Navarra) Aleksandra Salamurovic (FSU Je
select 'insert in cell' to ensure
it stays in t
Contributor Text and translation Visuals Source Date of production Language Comments Source domain Target Domain
Elena Sanchez Vosotros habéis demostrado que sois auténticos capitanes, video of people on a crowded vessel and maritime life, voiceover by captain, music: Bolero 21/04/20 Spanish sea journey lockdown
contramaestres, marineros y grumetes, ¡juntos sacaremos este barco a
flote! En esta travesía #NoPerdamosLaFrescura (You have shown that you
are true captains, foremen, sailors and cabin boys, together we will bring
this ship afloat! On this journey we will not lose our cool) @pescanova_es
María Muelas-Gil "El coronavirus hunde la economía española un 5,2%, la mayor caída en
30.04.2020 Spanish metaphor for the covid and the wave / boat virus / economy
casi un siglo" (COVID sinks the Spanish economy 5.2%, a record fall in the economy
María Muelas-Gil
02.02.2020 Spanish virus as a golf game golf ball Covid-19
María Muelas-Gil "Cómo defenderse del coronavirus" (How to defend ourselves from
13.03.2020 Spanish public system as a shield, virus as a monster / shield Covid-19 / public health system
COVID) monster
María Muelas-Gil Juegan las verdes y... ¡Jaque!
16.03.2020 Spanish a chess game, earth vs. covid chess player covid-19
Laura Filardo-Llamas nuestro corazón colectivo volverá a latir unánime en la defensa compartida 01.05.2020 Spanish nation as body body workers
del trabajo decente.
Our collective heart will beat unanimosly when defending together decent
Laura Filardo-Llamas Partido Popular ha decidido adoptar el rol de los promotores del parque de 01.05.2020 Spanish Extended metaphor to explain role of Dinosaur park manager Conservative party
los dinosaurios. political party
The Conservative Party has decide to adopt the role of those promoted
dinosaur parks
Lorena Baretto Asteroide potencialmente peligroso pasa cerca de la tierra (viñeta) 30/04/2020 Spanish asteroide covid-19
Lorena Baretto No pensamos en otra cosa (Viñetav 13/04/2020 Spanish cerebro/pensamiento covid-19
Lorena Baretto Desafío (viñeta) 19/03/2020 Spanish desafío covid-19
Lorena Baretto Sistema de salud pública (viñeta) 16/03/2020 Spanish superhéroes personal de salud
Lorena Baretto Relato de gol de Argentina contra el coronavirus 21/03/2020 Spanish partido de fútbol covid-19
Anna W. Gustafsson Stormen är här ('the storm is here') 25/03/2020 Swedish Said on a press conference by the storm pandemic director of health care in Stockholm
Anna W. Gustafsson Stormen tilltar i styrka ('the storm gains strength') 30/03/2020 Swedish Said on a press conference by the storm pandemic director of health care in Stockholm
Anna W. Gustafsson Vi befinner oss i ett maratonlopp och måste vara förberedda på att det här 44107 Swedish The Swedish prime minister frames the race pandemic/life in times with pandemic
kommer att vara med oss länge 'We are in a marathon and have to be pandemic as a marathon in a press
prepared for the fact that this will be with us for a long time". conference early on in the crisis
Magnus P. Ängsal "I huset Corona är speglarna ersatta med fönster ut mot verkligheten.
27/03/20 Swedish Opinion piece in financial newspaper House/building the virus
Mormor kan dö och firman konka." ('In the house of Corona, the mirrors
have been replaced by windows facing reality. Grandma might die and the
small business go bankrupt.'
Işın Tekin İnsanlar dolaşmazsa korona da dolaşmayacak. İnsanlar hareket ederse K. Nevzat TARHAN, MD. Psychiatrist 43986 Turkish person Virus
korona da hareket edecek. Biz durursak korona da duracak.
(If people do not walk around, the corona will not. If people move, the
corona will also move. If we stop (moving), the corona will stop.)
Işın Tekin [abridged] "...Yani, ikinci dalga, üçüncü dalga, dördüncü dalga şeklinde Gökhan S. Hotamışlıgil, MD, PhD 43865 Turkish It was said in the webinar called water Pandemic
gelecek olan salgının birinci dalgadan daha şiddetli olabileceğini gösteren "Coronavirus and Its Effects on Global
modeller var." (... So, there are models that show that the outbreak that will Economy".
come as the second wave, third wave, fourth wave... (They) may be more
severe than the first wave.)
Işın Tekin “Bu bir maraton. Yani 100 metre koşusu değil.” Melih Us, MD 43865 Turkish race Pandemic
(This is a marathon. So it's not the 100 metres.)
Halyna Kaluzhna Коронавірус насправді скидає маски з людей ( In fact, coronavirus 25/04/2020 Ukrainian art? ethics/pandemics
unmasks people, i.e. makes them show their real self) President Volodymyr Zelensky - when commenting on those who raise prices on their products during the lockdown
Khaled Alenazy Designed by a Saudi artist called Karem, A game rather than a conflict. The noughts and crosses reaction to pandemic
artist’s idea, I guess, is that the gov
represnted by the flag has done its job.
Now it is the citizens’ turn to do theirs.
Inés Olza Image by Javi Salado:
21/03/20 Visual Elaboration of previous #frenalacurva pulling social distancing
visual metaphors. Intertextuality also
present: authors retake already
circulating visual metaphors (like
#frenalacurva above) and add new
Paula Pérez Sobrino El Ejecutivo confía en poder “resucitar” después la producción // The
Spanish Resucitate implies death Person Economy
Executive trust they will be able to "resucitate" after the production
Laura Filardo Received via Whatsapp 09/04/2020 Received on Maundy Thursday disciples healthcare professionals
Susan Nacey Vi trenger en felles valutakurs for hvor mange år med god livskvalitet en Norwegian an interview with a right-winger who money lives
person har igjen å leve, sier Singer. Det er vanskelig å kalkulere, men... argues that young people should
(We need a common echange rate for how many years with a good quality volunteer a guinea pigs (forsøkskaniner
of life that a person has left to live, says Singer. This is difficult to calculate, = trial rabbits) to test vaccines
Elena Sanchez
17/04/20 Visual moon virus
Woralan Kongpolphrom ประเทศไทยจะชนะการตอสูกับไวรัสนี้ (Thailand will win the battle against the PM Prayut Chan-Ocha's Speech 16 MAR
16/03/3030(min 3.03-3.05)Thai battle virus
Pernille Bogø Jørgensen 27/04/2020 Visual Australian physics economy
Alexandra Ciocănel Sfintii nostri cei de toate zilele (Our everyday saints) (outdoor street art,
14/04/2020 Romanian The images from the street art religion medicine
part of an campaign made by an advertising agency in Romania to support campaign depict doctors as saints
physicians) using an iconography from various
religions. The campaign included and
other types of representations (e.g. film
posters with superheros) but these
ones were more visible in media
because they were considered
offensive for orthodoxy by some more
religous people.
Sally Zacharias 4.5.20 Visual (English) Have also seen this image in FB unwelcome, unfriendly visitor
message from doctor working with
coronavirus patients - she used the
term 'we will kick its (coronavirus) butt'
with image. Admittedly, the war
metaphor is playing a role here, but the
framing is more humorous. Corona
twitter - @NHSMillion 2.5.20 virus unwelcome visitor.
Paola Pietrandrea Ce virus est tout de même un scénario incroyable quand on y pense.
29/04/2020 French cinema impact of the virus on daily life
Claude Lelouch. This virus is an icredible scenario, when we think about
Paola Pietrandrea l’épidémie du coronavirus est un game changer dans la mondialisation, 25.02.2020 French game impact of the virus on economy
Bruno Le Maire. Coronavirus epidemic is a gamechanger in globalisation
Paola Pietrandrea L'Espagne semble voir le bout du tunnel, lit. Spain seems to see the end of
06.04.2020 French journey epidemic
the tunnel
Paola Pietrandrea Depuis quelques jours, la spirale infernale se ralentit. In the last few days 06.04.2020 French geometry epidemic
the infernal spiral slowed down
Ksenija Bogetć Bogate države moraće pomoći siromašnima da bi i same opstale. Virus je
02.04.2020 Serbian Opinion piece on a well-known portal birth, living creature virus
naš, zajednički. Rodili smo ga, valja ga zajednički uništiti. A rodili smo ga for discussion on topics in politics,
zajednički uništavajući planetu, sebično je cedeći do iznemoglosti, society and culture
nespremni da se u pohlepi odreknemo bilo čega. Planeta nam je sad
poslala nedvosmislen ukor.
(Rich states will have to help the poor ones in order to survive themselves.
The virus is ours, together. We gave birth to it, we should destroy it
together. And we gave birth to it by destroying the planet together,
squeezing it out selfishly to the point of exhaustion, not ready to give up
anything in all our greed.)
Ksenija Bogetć Planeta nam je sad poslala nedvosmislen ukor. (Now the planet has sent 02.04.2020. Serbian - continuation - scolding/punishment/warning virus
us an unambiguous scolding)
Ksenija Bogetć Virus je naš moralni brat, a korona apokaliptična mater. (The virus is our
30.03.2020. Croatian Interviews on the everyday lives of family virus
moral brother, and corona our apocalyptic mother.) inhabitants of a seaside town