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miChael Carasik

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New Titles

Rabbi Silber has given us two books in one: the

Haggadah itself, in English and Hebrew, with his
seder commentary and a collection of essays that
provide close readings of the classic biblical and
rabbinic texts that inform Seder-night ritual and
narration. Both parts work beautifully together
to illuminate the central themes of Passover:
peoplehood, Covenant, our relationship to ritual,
God’s presence in history, and other important
issues that resonate with us all.

Just as midrash attempts to bridge the gap between

ancient text and contemporary meaning, Rabbi
Silber’s Haggadah provides new sources of insight
that deepen the Passover experience for today’s

“Dr. Silber’s genius is close reading of texts, bringing

together a keen literary sensibility and a deep
familiarity with biblical and rabbinic sources.”
— Ellen Frankel, JPS Editor Emerita

“Silber’s format enages people in the study of the

Haggadah before and during the Passover holiday,
at their leisure; and it provides a useful resource
right at the seder table.”
—Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Chair, Departments of
Bible and Jewish Thought, Yeshivat Chovevei Torah A Passover Haggadah:
Go Forth and Learn
“Silber’s scholarship is solid and accessible, and
will appeal to a range of Jewishly literate readers
Rabbi David Silber with Rachel Furst
seeking to better understand and appreciate the
richness of the Haggadah text.” Hebrew and English text with new
—Rabbi Sue Levi Elwell, Worship Specialist, Union commentary and essays
for Reform Judaism

Rabbi David Silber is the founder and dean of

Drisha Institute for Jewish Education, New York City.
A popular, nationally known lecturer on Bible, Silber
is a recipient of the prestigious Covenant Award,
for excellence in innovative Jewish education.
March 2010
$18 Paper 208 pages 7” x 10”
ISBN: 978-0-8276-0925-9

Order at www.jps.org or 800-234-3151

P New Titles
The authors provide a critical, line-by-line
commentary of the biblical text, presented in its
original Hebrew, complete with vocalization and
cantillation marks, as well as the 1985 JPS English
translation. The extensive introduction places
the book within its historical, literary, and critical
context, discusses contemporary interpretations
of the story of Ruth, and examines its major
motifs and themes, among them: family, marriage
and levirate marriage in biblical and ancient
Israel, redemption and inheritance, hesed, and
the book’s connection with the Jewish holiday of
Dr. Tamara Cohn Eskenazi is professor of Bible
at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of
Religion in Los Angeles. She is the first woman
appointed as professor to the rabbinical faculty
in HUC-JIR’s long history. Earlier she had been on
the faculty of the University of Denver, directed
the Institute of Interfaith Studies, and co-founded
the Jewish Women Resource Center in Denver.
Dr. Eskenazi is the co-editor of The Torah: A
Women’s Commentary, the winner of the 2008
Jewish Book of the Year Award presented by
the Jewish Book Council. She has served on the
The JPS Bible Commentary: Ruth executive committee of the Society of Biblical
Literature, and her numerous published articles
Tamara Cohn Eskenazi and
include: In an Age of Prose: A Literary Approach
Tikva Frymer-Kensky
to Ezra-Nehemiah (1988) and Second Temple
The latest in the JPS Bible Commentary series Studies 2: Temple and Community in the Persian
Period (1994). An expert in postexilic history
The moving story of Ruth, with its themes of and literature and in the Bible, Dr. Eskenazi has
loyalty, lovingkindness (hesed), and redemption, is presented papers national and international at
one of the great narratives of the Bible. scholarly conferences.

Socially, the Israelites were aware of their Tikva Frymer-Kensky was professor of Hebrew
responsibility to protect the weak and Bible and the history of Judaism at the University
unprotected among them. Redemption secures of Chicago’s Divinity School. An expert on
the life of the people as a community, not just assyriology, sumerology, biblical studies and
as individuals. In this story, Boaz fills the familial Jewish studies, she was perhaps best known
obligation to marry the widow of a deceased for her work on women and religion. Her most
relative who never was able to father children, recent works include Reading the Women of the
both to continue the family line and protect an Bible, which earned a Koret Jewish Book Award
otherwise vulnerable woman. and a National Jewish Book Award.

Thanks to these generous donors for making the

publication of this book possible:

Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence Deutsch

July 2011
$34.95 Cloth 216 pages 8” x 10”
ISBN: 978-0-8276-0744-6

2 T h e J e w i s h P u b l i c at i o n S o c i e t y
New Titles

About the Series

Since the creation of the State of
Israel, the Israel Folktale Archives
(IFA) at the University of Haifa,
Israel, named in honor of Dov
Noy, has collected more than
20,000 tales from newly arrived
immigrants, long-lost stories
shared by their families from
around the world.
Until the establishment of the
IFA, we had only limited access
to the wide range of Jewish
folk narratives. Many of these
communities no longer exist
as cohesive societies in their
representative lands. These
NEW! Folktales of the Jews volumes, and the others to come,
Tales from Eastern Europe will be monuments to a rich but
Folktales of the Jews vanishing oral tradition.
Tales from Arab Lands Edited by Dan Ben-Amos
Each tale is accompanied by
Dov Noy, Consulting Editor
Edited by Dan Ben-Amos in-depth commentary explaining
Lenn Schram, Tales Translator the tale’s cultural, historical,
Dov Noy, Consulting Editor and literary background and its
$75 Cloth 660 pages 6” x 9”
similarity to other tales in the IFA
Jacqueline Teitlebaum, ISBN: 978-0-8276-0830-6
collection, as well as extensive
Tales Translator
scholarly notes. Volumes also
include an introduction to the
Tales from Arab Lands presents Folktales of the Jews specific culture and its folk
tales from North Africa, Yemen,
Tales from the Sephardic narrative tradition, a world map
and Iraq in the most important
Dispersion of the areas covered, illustrations,
collection of Jewish folktales ever
biographies of the collectors and
published. It is the third volume in
Edited by Dan Ben-Amos narrators, tale type and motif
Folktales of the Jews, the multi-
Dov Noy, Consulting Editor indexes, a subject index, and a
volume series in the tradition of
comprehensive bibliography.
Louis Ginzberg’s timeless classic, Lenn Schram, Tales Translator
Legends of the Jews. Dan Ben-Amos is professor
Winner, 2006 National Jewish of folklore at the University of
April 2011
Book Award in the Sephardic Pennsylvania, the general editor
$75 cloth 820 pages 6” x 9”
Culture category of Indiana University Press’s
ISBN: 978-0-8276-0871-9
Folklore Series, and the senior
Finalist, 2006 National Jewish
editor of Mimekor Yisrael:
Book Award in the Scholarship
Folktales of Israel.
Dov Noy was the Max and
Chosen by the Association of Margarethe Grunwald Professor
University Press Publishers as of Hebrew Literature at the
“The Best of the Best: Books Hebrew University, the director
You Should Know About” for of the Hebrew University Folklore
2007 Center, a professor of Yiddish
folklore at Bar-Ilan University, the
One of Choice’s Outstanding
1988 recipient of the Jerusalem
Academic Titles for 2007
Prize, and the founder of the
$75 Cloth 760 pages 6” x 9” Israel Folktale Archives.
ISBN: 978-0-8276-0829-0
Thanks to these generous donors
for making the publication of these
books possible:
Lloyd E. Cotsen
The Maurice Amado Foundation
National Endowment for the
National Foundation for Jewish

Order at www.jps.org or 800-234-3151

P New Titles
Brandeis University, and has taught at universities
from Boston to Baltimore. He is the author of
Theologies of the Mind in Biblical Israel and is
a regular contributor of articles and reviews
in scholarly journals. His weekly “Torah Talk”
wtvlvd tvarqm
podcast is available at torahtalk.michaelcarasik.
com or through the iTunes Store.
The August 2011
Commentators’ $75 Cloth 360 pages 9” x 12”
ISBN: 978-0-8276-0921-1
the jps miqra’ot
gedolot Thanks to these generous donors for making the
publication of this book possible:
Joel D. and Tammy S. Rubin
The Commentators’ Bible: The JPS
miChael Carasik Miqra’ot Gedolot: Exodus
$75 Cloth 368 pages 9” x 12”
ISBN: 978-0-8276-0812-2

Thanks to these generous donors for making the

publication of this book possible:
The Friedman French Foundation
The Commentators’ Bible: The JPS
Miqra’ot Gedolot: Numbers The Commentators’ Bible: The JPS
Translated and Annotated by Michael Carasik Miqra’ot Gedolot: Leviticus
$75 Cloth 264 pages 9” x 12”
The third volume of the acclaimed English
ISBN: 978-0-8276-0897-9
edition of Miqra’ot Gedolot
First published 500 years ago as the “Rabbinic Thanks to these generous donors for making the
Bible,” the biblical commentaries known publication of this book possible:
as Miqra’ot Gedolot have inspired and Joel D. and Tammy S. Rubin
educated generations of Hebrew readers.
With this edition, the voices of Rashi, Ibn Ezra,
Nahmanides, Rashbam, and other medieval Bible
commentators come alive once more, speaking in
a contemporary English translation annotated and
explicated for lay readers.
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used in the text, notes on source texts, a special

topics list, and resources for further study.
This large-format volume is beautifully designed
for easy navigation among the many elements
on each page, including explanatory notes and
selected additional comments from the works
of Bekhor Shor, Hizkuni, Abarbanel, Sforno,
Gersonides, and others.
Michael Carasik teaches Biblical Hebrew
at the University of Pennsylvania and the
Reconstructionist Rabbinical College. He received
his Ph.D. in Bible and the Ancient Near East from

4 T h e J e w i s h P u b l i c at i o n S o c i e t y
New Titles

“Ochs offers readers a rare treat—fine scholarship combined

with inspirational connections to life in the modern world.”
—Jewish Book World

“With warmth, erudition and a very contemporary sensibility,

Ochs offers reflections on the lives of Old Testament matriarchs
that should appeal to women across religious lines. ...”
—Publishers Weekly
In this vivid collection, Judaic scholar Ochs brings the legends
of the biblical matriarchs to new life. Intimate, familiar, and
wise, the heroines in Sarah Laughed are revealed to be
inspiring role models for women today. From Eve’s rebellious
taste of wisdom to the righteous anger of Job’s wife, each
woman’s story is retold in imaginative prose and accompanied
by real-life rituals that can help us gain insight into:
• Finding inner wisdom
• Speaking the true self
• Being a good friend
• Maintaining romantic partnerships
• Raising a family
Vanessa L. Ochs is the Ida and Nathan Kolodiz Director of
Jewish Studies at the University of Virginia. She is the author Sarah Laughed
of several books, including Inventing Jewish Ritual and Words Vanessa L. Ochs
on Fire.
Modern lessons from the wisdom
February 2011 and stories of biblical women
$16 Paper 250 pages 6” x 9”
ISBN: 978-0-8276-0928-0

“…a powerful portrait of the immigrant Jewish

experience itself, …and the 36 letters themselves will
transport you to other times and places. Bravo! This book
is a gift! —Arthur Kurzweil, author of From Generation
to Generation: How to Trace Your Jewish Genealogy
and Family History, and The Encyclopedia of Jewish
“Of course every family has stories and each
of these stories is special. We are fortunate to
have letters, first-person accounts of our family’s
experience during a period in history when there
was upheaval and change. Perhaps what makes
these letters so special is that they represent the
experiences of a whole generation of immigrants
from Eastern Europe.”
Joan Sohn found her grandparents’ 36 letters, tucked
away for 65 years in a small brown paper bag. When
she read them, her family’s story came alive. There were
missing pieces—many of them; and so she began a long
labor of love, filling in the gaps.
Thanks to those letters and Sohn’s determination, we
36 Letters
have that story— about people who left their homes
for a new start and never returned. They reinvented One Family’s Story
themselves; they changed their citizenship, their Joan Sohn
language, their customs, and even their names. An American success saga
36 Letters is about separation, personal struggle, and
Joan Sohn grew up in Philadelphia and still
achievement. It’s about people who landed at Ellis Island
and made their way, somehow, to New York’s Lower has strong family ties there, but she has called
East Side, and then to Philadelphia, where they grew and Toronto her home for 35 years. Active in her
multiplied and made remarkable contributions to community, she is on The National Board of
the city’s development. Canadian Friends of the Israel Museum. Sohn,
who received a degree in graphic design from
Accompanied by over 100 stunning photographs, Carnegie-Mellon University and studied at
maps and illustrations, and, of course, the letters. Ontario College of Art, turns her expertise into
January 2011 visual stories in 36 Letters.
125 photos and illustrations
$18 Paper 120 pages 9” x 12”
Order at www.jps.org or 800-234-3151
ISBN: 978-0-8276-0926-6
P Recently Released
“I once heard Elie Wiesel say: ‘Go try to write
Jewish fiction when Jewish reality is always more
incredible than anything that you can imagine!’ I
thought of that line when I read this book… for if a
novelist had made up this story, it would have been
dismissed as impossible to believe.”
—South Florida Jewish Journal

“In this fascinating and comprehensive investigation

into the Aleppo Codex, scholars Tawil and
Schneider vividly recreate the history of this rare
and eminently significant text and track its tragic
course through time ... This highly readable and
intriguing account will captivate readers both
familiar and unfamiliar with the history of the
Crown.” — Publishers Weekly
In Crown of Aleppo, Hayim Tawil and Bernard
Schneider tell the incredible story of the survival,
against all odds, of the Aleppo Codex—considered
to be the most authoritative and accurate
traditional Masoretic biblical text.
Completed about 930 c.e., the Crown was created
by exacting Tiberian scribes who copied the entire
Bible into book form, adding vowel and cantillation
marks, and precise annotations. Praised by Torah
scholars for centuries after its writing, the Crown
passed through history until the 15th century when
it was housed in the Great Synagogue of Aleppo,
Syria. When the synagogue was burned in the 1947
Crown of Aleppo
pogrom, the codex was thought to be destroyed, The Mystery of the Oldest Hebrew Bible Codex
lost forever.
Hayim Tawil and Bernard Schneider
That is when the great mystery surrounding the
codex begins. Miraculously, a significant portion The history and dramatic rescue of the oldest
of the Crown of Aleppo survived the fire and was Hebrew Bible in book form
smuggled from the synagogue ruins to an unknown
location—presumably in Aleppo. Ten years later, the
surviving pages of the codex were secretly brought
to Israel and finally moved to their current location
in the Israel Museum in Jerusalem.

Over 50 B/W + color photographs and

$40 Cloth 220 pages 7” x 10”
ISBN: 978-0-8276-0895-5

Thanks to this generous donor for making the

publication of this book possible:
Jack B. Dweck

6 T h e J e w i s h P u b l i c at i o n S o c i e t y
Recently Released

The great Jewish ethical tradition through a

contemporary lens

In this new edition of the well-known Jewish classic,

Berkson helps us see that Pirke Avot (Ethics of the
Fathers) is more than just a fundamental religious
text; it is also a compelling, contemporary ethical
Berkson looks at the individual sayings, or
mishnayot, through the interpretations of the great
Jewish commentators and also within the broader
context of Western thought—through views found
in the Bible, the ancient Greeks, the Enlightenment,
Buddhism, Confucianism, and American culture
Included are an extensive index, historical chart,
glossary, and the full text of Pirke Avot in English
and Hebrew on facing pages.
$28 Paper 240 pages 6”x9”
ISBN: 978-0-8276-0917-4

Pirke Avot
Timeless Wisdom for Modern Life
William Berkson
Translation with Menachem Fisch

Connecting the wisdom of tradition with

contemporary spirituality

Mesillat Yesharim is a classic of Jewish ethical

literature. Written by one of the leading kabbalists
of the late Middle Ages, it is also a window into
the kabbalist’s understanding of the connection
between ethics and mystical vision.
This translation, published originally in 1936 by
JPS, is a landmark in Jewish publishing. It made
this Hebrew text finally available to English readers,
and it gave us insights into the groundbreaking
work that Kaplan did in orienting American Jews
to the deep connection between ethical living
and religious belief. This book has become the
centerpiece of the modern-day Mussar Movement,
which inspires so many on their spiritual path.
Rabbi Ira Stone, in his introduction, presents
Luzzatto and Mesillat Yesharim in their historical
context, and gives us new insights into Kaplan’s
emerging theology.
This volume contains the original Kaplan
Mesillat Yesharim
translation, as well as those sections of the text
that Kaplan omitted, along with Stone’s new The Path of the Upright
commentary. The original Hebrew text is in the back
of the book. Moses Hayyim Luzzatto

$45 Cloth 550 pages 6”x9” The translation of Mordecai M. Kaplan

ISBN: 978-0-8276-0856-6
With a new introduction and new commentary
by Ira F. Stone
Thanks to this generous donor for making the
publication of this book possible:

The Lerman Family Foundation

Order at www.jps.org or 800-234-3151

P Recently Released
Jewish Choices, Jewish Voices Body
Series What are our obligations and rights to our own bodies?
What does Judaism say about tattoos? Piercings? Who
Edited by Elliot N. Dorff, Danya Ruttenberg, owns our organs? Why do so many young Jews suffer
and Louis E. Newman from eating disorders?
The JPS ethics series that confronts the
critical moral issues of our time. Elliot N. Dorff, co-editor of all volumes in the series, is
rector and Sol and Anne Dorff Distinguished Professor
These volumes bring together a diverse group of
of Philosophy at the American Jewish University. He has
Jews to answer some of today’s toughest ethical
written 12 books, including three award-winning titles
questions. Provocative case studies and varied
on Jewish ethics. Since 1984, Dorff has served on the
responses challenge readers and entice them to
Rabbinical Assembly’s Committee on Jewish Law and
join in on the conversation.
Standards, currently as its chair.
War and National Security Danya Ruttenberg, co-editor of the Sex and Intimacy,
Is it morally acceptable to use surveillance and War and National Security, and Social Justice volumes,
profiling to protect national security? Should war is the author and editor of various books as well as a
only be used in self-defense? Is torture in times contributing editor to Lilith and Women and Judaism.
of war morally acceptable? Contributors include She received her rabbinic ordination from the American
scholar Noam Chomsky, Lt. Col. Seth Milstein, Jewish University and is the Senior Jewish Educator at
and political philosopher Michael Walzer. Tufts University.
Louis E. Newman, co-editor of the Power, Body, and
Social Justice Money volumes is the John M. and Elizabeth W. Musser
Professor of Religious Studies and the director of Judaic
How do we expand health care coverage to
studies at Carleton College. Newman is the author of Past
more Americans? Is the death penalty morally
Imperatives: Studies in the History and Theory of Jewish
acceptable? Contributors include Jill Jacobs, of
Ethics (1998).
Jewish Funds for Justice; Arthur Waskow, director
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UCLA law professor Laurie Levenson. $16 paper 160 pages 6 ” x 9”
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Thanks to these generous donors for making the publication
How do we use power once we’ve gained it? Do
of these books possible:
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Ecclesiastes is part of the “wisdom haftarot; and for b’nai mitzvah Thanks to these generous donors
literature” of the Bible. It concerns students preparing their divrei for making the publication of this
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The p’shat commentary,
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Torah Commentary and
Etz Hayim Study
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The d’rash commentary,
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selects insights from over
Etz Hayim 2,000 years of Torah study, This Companion will be an excellent
Torah and Commentary including passages from the text for serious study groups,
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A landmark publication for
teachings of the Sages, private study.” —Association of
the contemporary Jewish comments by Rashi, Jewish Libraries Newsletter
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Editor of P’shat Commentary contemporary rabbis define who we are as modern
Chaim Potok and scholars, including Jews? Etz Hayim contains 41
women’s voices. challenging essays prepared by
Editor of D’rash Commentary
eminent rabbis and scholars,
Harold Kushner • The haftarot commentary, exploring diverse, sometimes
Editor of Haftarot Commentary edited by Michael Fishbane controversial, topics relating to Bible
Michael Fishbane and drawn from his study.
JPS Bible Commentary:
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supplemental readings from appears in its entirety in this study
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the Prophets (Nevi’im), which
Elliot N. Dorff and insightful summary and thought-
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14 T h e J e w i s h P u b l i c at i o n S o c i e t y
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A Book of the Year choice of The tale of Rashi’s
Children’s Books
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the Child Study Children’s
2009 National Jewish Book defies her community to help a
Book Committee
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Literature A recommended text My Guardian Angel, Sylvie Weil
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Award, of Rashi, the famous 11th-
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