Catalog SP 2011
Catalog SP 2011
Catalog SP 2011
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Socially, the Israelites were aware of their Tikva Frymer-Kensky was professor of Hebrew
responsibility to protect the weak and Bible and the history of Judaism at the University
unprotected among them. Redemption secures of Chicago’s Divinity School. An expert on
the life of the people as a community, not just assyriology, sumerology, biblical studies and
as individuals. In this story, Boaz fills the familial Jewish studies, she was perhaps best known
obligation to marry the widow of a deceased for her work on women and religion. Her most
relative who never was able to father children, recent works include Reading the Women of the
both to continue the family line and protect an Bible, which earned a Koret Jewish Book Award
otherwise vulnerable woman. and a National Jewish Book Award.
July 2011
$34.95 Cloth 216 pages 8” x 10”
ISBN: 978-0-8276-0744-6
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New Titles
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Timeless Wisdom for Modern Life
William Berkson
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Bible Titles
format allows for ease of reading The English text in this Tanakh is
and features clear type, an a slightly updated version of the
engaging and efficient two- acclaimed 1985 JPS translation.
column format that enables Wherever possible, the results of
readers to move quickly from one modern study of the languages
language to the other, and an and culture of the ancient Near
organization that contemporary East have been brought to bear
readers will find familiar. on the biblical text, which allows
for an English style reflective of
The Hebrew text of this Tanakh is the biblical spirit and language
based on the famed Leningrad rather than of the era of the
Codex, the Masoretic text translation.
traceable to Aaron Ben Moses Student Edition
ben-Asher, c. 930 c.e. Ben-Asher Bound in brown leatherette
researched all available texts to Flex-binding
JPS Hebrew-English compile an authoritative Bible $45 2,040 pages 6” x 9”
Tanakh manuscript. In 1010 c.e. his
ISBN: 978-0-8276-0697-5
work was revised by Samuel ben
“Virtually every rabbi and Jacob, a scribe in Egypt. Lost for Cloth Edition
library will want this volume.” centuries, the manuscript was Bound in navy leatherette
—Associated Press eventually discovered in the mid- with gilded edges and navy
nineteenth century and became satin ribbon
The JPS Hebrew-English Tanakh known as the Leningrad Codex. Padded binding
features the oldest-known This edition adapts the latest BHS $65 2,040 pages 6” x 9”
complete Hebrew version of edition of the Leningrad text by ISBN: 978-0-8276-0656-2
the Holy Scriptures, side by side correcting errors and providing
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translation. Its well-designed $22 Paper 2,030 4” x 6”
ISBN: 978-0-8276-0766-8
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