DSI NIBM Report Doc-1
DSI NIBM Report Doc-1
DSI NIBM Report Doc-1
1. Acknowledgement…………………………………………………….….………2
2. Executive Summary…………………………………………………….………...3
3. Introduction…………………………………….……………………....….....…..4
About the Company………………………………………….…………...4
Product Categories………………………………………….…………….4
4. Objectives………………………………………………………….……….……..5
5. Methodology…………………………………………………………………..….6
6. Analysis…………………………………………………………………..……….7
SWOT Analysis...................................................................................…....7
PESTEL Analysis…………………………………………………….…...7
Employee Motivation…………………………………………………....15
Operational Technologies………………………………………………..16
7. Findings………………………………………………………………………….17
8. Recommendation………...………………………………………………………18
9. Conclusion………………………….……………………………………………19
10. References……………………………………………………………………….20
11. Appendix………………………………………………………………………...21
Apart from the efforts of ourselves we are highly indebted to Mr S.D Jayasooriya
(Management Consultant) for his guidance and constant supervision as well as for providing
necessary information regarding the report & also for his tremendous support and help.
However, it would not have been possible without the kind support and help of our parents
and people who have willingly helped us out with their abilities to make our Assignment a
2. Summary
This report was commissioned to examine and undestand the Management Process of D
Samson Industries Limited (DSI).The introduction provides a clear cut on the background of
the . Company which mainly to produce footwear for local and international market inorder
to fulfill consumer demand.
The heart of the analysis focuses on the entire management process of the company by
discussing management functions as planning, organizing, directing and controlling: with the
information acquired through the interviews conducted with the top management & the
employees. The Hand book given by the company & web resources also contributed in
preparation of the analysis. Analysing in grass route level is done using SWOT and PEST
analysis methods.
Under the findings we focused on positive and negative remarks of the ongoing management
process and the recommendations show the suggested remedial actions that the management
need to consider for a sound improvement in order to satisfy all the areas including social,
economical & environmental sectors.
3. Introduction
DSI is focussing on providing stylish and comfortable footwear of high quality to the
customer. For the fulfilment of that fundamental objective DSI is using modern machinery
with high technology, imported raw materials of best quality and the productive labour of
highly skilled massive workforce with a long term experience in DSI, to produce high quality
products to customer.
DSI shoe manufacturing factories are located in Galle, Kaluthara and Mahara where as the
main factory & the head office is situated in Galle. When considering the technology of the
machinery which is used in the production process has been imported from China, Taiwan
and Japan. China and Japan are the technological advisors to DSI, with a great deal of
excellent experience in the industry. The company produces more than 60,000 pairs of
footwear per day and has the workforce of 1,000 employees.
DSI is the first Shoe Manufacturing Company in Sri Lanka who has been awarded the ISO
9001:2000 quality certifications. They launch their production process to touch all the
requirement varieties of the customers, always coming up with the latest fashions of high
3.2 Introduction to Management
In every organization there is a key factor called “MANAGEMENT” which serves as the
foundation & the controller of the entire functioning. Management is simply the art of getting
things done through subordinates, while taking efficient & effective use of the limited
resources they have.
Planning lays the basis for the management process by setting well determined goals &
objectives for the organization & introducing strategies to be implemented in order to achieve
the desired goals & objectives.
Organizing is the effective method of work & resources are divided and coordinated within
the organization in order to implement the prepared strategies & plans
Directing gives the directions for the subordinates to operate productively with the use of
effective leadership by managers, employee motivation & proper communication among
Controlling is the process of ensuring that actual activities confirm to the planned activities,
it reviews the actual operations in comparison with the planned strategies.
4. Objectives
Purpose of this report is to analyse the study of management practices of D Samson industries
with the following objectives
5. Methodology
We started our proceedings from the point of a field visit to DSI main plant situated in
Bataduwa , Galle. We had a detailed interview with Mr Upul Katapearachchi (Production
Manager of DSI) & with Mr.V T Samarasinghe (Human Resources Executive of DSI) on the
entire management process including Planning,Organizing,Directing
(Leadership,Motivation,Communication) & Controlling functions. A brief interview was
conducted with Mr R H Dharmarathne (Managing Director of DSI) on the present position
and operational behaviour of DSI in shoe manufacturing market in Sri Lanka.
In the mean time we collected information from Mrs.Ruwini Gunawardene (Staff Officer)
and Mr.H.G.L.Gunarathne (Minor Employee) through a questionnaire, in order to analyse the
middle level management process & functional operations of the company with respect to
their levels.
We got the aid of company website to gather some additional information. Detailed
information was also absorbed from the ‘Introductory Hand book’ given to us by the
All the above methods of acquiring details provided a way to study & to take a concise idea
about the ongoing management process of DSI company.
6. Analysis
6.1 SWOT Analysis
Internal External
Strengths Opportunities
DSI is a Family Group. Most Trustworthy
Favourable Over 50 years experience as Footwear Production
the pioneer in local shoe Company in Sri Lanka.
manufacturing market. Creatinging numerous Job
The massive workforce opportunities in the Sri
High recognition & Lankan economy for the
Reputation. local people.
Stability in the Sri Lankan Contribution rendered for
business market with more massive social services
than 20 sub companies of activities through
Samson Group. Sponsorship.
Weaknesses Threats
Unaffordable prices for Has not identified a strong
Unfavourable local people in some local competitor & there’s
products. a possibility of an
Centralization in decision unexpected sudden arise.
making functions. Increase in the price of raw
materials (Rubber & Dies).
Latestly innovated modern
designs are being
continuously imitated by
minor scale local footwear
producers shortly.
6.2 PEST Analysis
Frequent & unpredictable fluctuations of Taxes & Duties over import/ export of raw
materials directly affect the local footwear production. Further, Government rules and
regulations regarding rubber industry is a crucial aspect as well.
After the establishment of peace, Sri Lankan economy grew rapidly.So with the effect
of that favourable changes took place in all the economical sectors including
production market . With respect to the improvements in footwear manufacturing
stream,DSI company also has indicated a considerable growth.For example, Exports
of rubber products increased by 118.7 per cent, year-on-year widening the possibility
of increasing their production.
DSI is looking forward to fulfil the numerous requirements demanded by the
consumers according to the variety of their culture,raise,age,religion,professional &
social status and lifestyle.DSI which is always focused on innovations,comes up
with modern designs changing rapidly from time to time to meet with the consumer
DSI always utilizess the modern technology in order to design and produce footwear.
They are specialized as manufacturers of Sports and School shoes using hi tech
injection moulding machinery. The EVA injection plant which is the most recent
investment of the company is the only plant of its kind in Sri Lanka.
6.3 Planning
The entire management function of DSI Company, is based on planning process as it gives the
directions for the performance of the company. Planning mainly sets objectives & determines the
strategies to achieve them effectively & efficiently.
In order to achive these, DSI has a well defined vision and mission which clearly indicates
their unique purpose & the scope.
We will be the manufacturer of footwear & components to the whole family, while
optimising returns to stakeholders.
To be a regionally recognized manufacturer of footwear and components.
Process of Planning
Top Management sets up the main objectives and the corporate goals & strategies
accordingly. The Director Board includes 5 members namely the chairman,managing
director,general manager,director (supplies),director(marketing).Goals recommended are set
to meet with Market Standards, Productivity, Profitability, Innovations as well as Employee
Welfare and Social Responsibilities. Then a wide analysis on current status of their business
& market share is conducted in order to set strategies and future plans.
Strategic plan is always matching to the company's vision, mission and values. SWOT
analysis is the most important factor for the process of strategic planning.
SBU Plans typically targets the marketing plans. They are set up fundamentally on analysis
of competition, and marketing campaign.In this regard DSS,the sister company of DSI which
is mainly engaged in the marketing process of DSI products plays an important role.DSS
forecasts the future demand for the footwear and submits the seasonal plans for DSI
production process.Basically,DSS takes into account four main seasons of every year
namely,Christmas Season,School shoes for new year,(these two seasons go parallel),Sinhala
& Hindu New Year Season & Ramazan Season.
Usually the plan submitted by DSS is a 3 months plan.It is analyzed in DSI and simplified
into a monthly plan and finally into a daily plan. Daily plan includes Daily Target to cope
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with each seasonal demand successfully. That means the company follows a backward
scheduling method which begins preparations & actions before 3 months to get the seasonal
target produced on time.
From the beginning of the 3 months period, the Production Department gets the infrastructure
requirements completed. It includes finding appropriate material, preparing cutters & dies,
machinery adjustments, innovating new creative designs to meet with the seasonal
demand,producing / testing the samples & deciding the prices.
Functional and Operational plans are determined and distributed separately among all the
other departments with respective to their specific objectives. These are carried out &
supervised by middle level management with the assistance of top management.
Planning process of DSI productively sets the employees to do their tasks in a proper
manner. Benefits of a good planning process provides a sense of direction to all employees
which paves the path towards organizational goals, Serves as an effective communication
media which motivates the employees, Lays the basis of control,Facilitates effficient use of
resources,Helps delegation,Provides coordination and Reduces uncertainty by anticipating
change. These advantages of proper planning directly benefits the company & the employees
and eventually benefits all the stakeholders as well.
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6.4 Organizing
To implement the plans and strategies accurately,DSI Company is always concerned about
the Organizing process which divides & coordinates the duties and resources efficiently.
Work Specialization
During the training period, all the employees in the production department of DSI are
practically involved in all the functions of the whole production process .This is for
them to obtain an overall practical knowledge in entire footwear manufacturing
process. But at the end, each employee is assigned for a specific task in a particular
section . This method is very effective because it simplifies each complex task into
easily done single duties & with everybody’s effort the final target is methodically
produced. Delegation of specific work is found in every department of DSI Company.
Common tasks of similar manner are categorized together & allocated into specific
departments. So all the line & staff functions of the company can easily be
coordinated and controlled in an orderly way without any confusion.
Chain of Command
Authority is extended from the top management (CEO & the director board) of the
company to the lowest level (labourers) according to a tall structure with many
hierarchical levels including , Department Managers, Assistant managers, Executive
grade, Staff grade and labourers. Employees of each level reports immediately to its’
above level.
Delegation of Authority
Authority and responsibility is given appropriately to the employees according to the
situational needs, to carry out the specific activities and tasks in the most probable
best way.
But we can identify DSI as a company in which the authority is centralized. That
means decision making power mainly belongs to the top management. However it’s
specially noticed that lower level employees too can do an influence by contributing
their practical & creative ideas . Their ideas of experience are always taken into
account by the top management when making particular decisions for the benefit of
the company.
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Almost perfect Working Environment has been established & maintained
systematically in DSI Company. It’s well set and standardized favourably for the
employees to do their professions very well. This favourable working environment
creates both physically & psychologically ideal atmosphere for DSI employees.
Top, Middle & Bottom Level management are interlinked via effective two way
communication to implement strategies as planned and to review the operations.
Coordination among all the departments is equally essential in this process to take the
company towards desired goals and objectives as a combined unit.
Organizational structure
Managing Director
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6.5 Directing
Leadership Functions
Managers of all three managerial levels (top, middle & bottom management) are
considered as the leaders of the company. They have a special responsibility of giving
leadership to the subordinates by performing a set of particular leadership activities.
These include both task related and group-maintenance functions.
Leadership Styles
In DSI despite the positional powers such as Reward power, Coercive power &
Legitimate power granted to the managers by their posts, the leaders effectively
applies their own personal powers namely Expert power, Referent power &
Information power to enhance the strength of their leadership.Specially,Information
Power is effectively used by the managers in DSI.
6.6 Controlling
Organizational Control
The process of assessing performances of all the departments of the company, in order to
ensure that the actual activities confirm to the planned activities. This is done basically by
setting up particular Standards with respective to each operation of the company & then
comparing Actual Performance against Standards time to time.
Process of Controlling
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DSI uses 3 types of control
Feed-forward Control
(Stock & Quality checking of row materials-inputs)
Concurrent Control
(Done by appointed supervisors who look over all the operational activities-process)
Feed-back Control
(Quality checking of the products and getting the customer feedback-outputs)
For the Top & Middle level managers to monitor on going operations, each section has a
CCTV camera system. So through this camera system, the efficiency of each section is under
the examination of the management. This modern method of applying technology to the
controlling function has made management process of DSI Company far easier &
standardized.In addition to that, DSI is a company which implements 5S concepts within
their working environment in order to minimize the errors & to reduce wastage of resources
like electricity,cost,time etc.
At a moment when any considerable deviation has been noticed in actual performance or any
other problem has risen in operations, a special committee of 5 members called PDC(Problem
Data Control) is appointed to take preventive & corrective actions.The committee analyse the
problem as a whole & visits the particular work site where problem occurred to collect
information from the employees every single level, in order to find the actual reasons for the
problem & to determine suitable solutions. This “Go & See” Method is highly valued & used
by the managers of DSI.
Implementing an effective controlling process always keeps the company on the correct path
directed by strategic plan which leads the company towards attainment of expected
objectives.Any deviation which can occur in the middle of the journey can be either
prevented or corrected through productive controlling function of the management.
6.7 Communication
Communication is simply the transfer of information from the sender to the receiver with the
information being understood by the receiver. Interpersonal formal & informal
communication is found within every organization. It is an effective tool which should be
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handled carefully by all the managers in order to benefit the company, avoiding adverse
effects occurred by lack of proper communication among employees. Proper Communication
of Information is the life blood ofall the operations of the company.
Production Manager
Internal Communication
External Communication
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All the employees can submit their suggestions or complaints to the top management by
either placing the suggestions in to a suggestion box kept at every department or by
directly contacting the top management. When taking these suggestions or complaints to
consideration also, managers of DSI give priority to ‘Go & See” Method. So DSI is
concerned about building up a proper two way communication between top management
& bottom levels in order to avoid adverse effects.
As a company which follows employee oriented leadership style within a very favourable
working environment for workers, DSI provides numerous benefits and incentives towards
employees to motivate them.
Meals Provided at the canteen-Breakfast is provided to all employees free of charge &
lunch is provided for a very low charge
Loan scheme- Housing Loan Scheme & other welfare loans
Insurance Scheme for the whole family
Death benefit scheme
Annual Get together, Sportsmeet with various activities of fun, entertainment &
Entertainment activities by Art Society /Social Services and Buddhist Affairs by
Buddhist Society
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Annual Reward Ceremony for 25 years long service & highest performers of the year.
Foreign Scholarships & Trainings
Telephone allowances
Incentives are given efficiency based; if the productivity is high incentives are high.
Ex: - Target for an employee is daily output of 85% - 100% production. If they
exceed 85% of their target then additional 85 rupees given, if they exceed 90% then
additional 90 rupees given.
Gift vouchers for the best workers
Attendance bonuses
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7. Findings
Quite effective management process.
Chemicals used with rubber and discarding materials still leads to environmental
People oriented leadreship style & employee motivation are up to a satisfactory level.
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8. Recommendation
Recommendations and suggestions for the D Samson Industries are being estimated and
made regarding the information gathered from the analysis and findings.
1. Reduce the initial cost in order to reduce the price of the products while maintaining
the quality. This can be done with importing raw materials cheaply and use new
technologies such as robots and Nano technology.
2. Design innovative products in order to compete with other brands.
3. Start researches on their chemical usages in order to reduce health issues and provide
4. As the Information Technology rapidly develops usage of E-commerce should takes a
place allowing the customers for online purchases. It will leads for an incensement of
the sales.
5. Improve eco-friendly production.
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9. Conclusion
DSI has a good management team in order to manage the whole process within the company.
As they are experiencing 50 years of corporate excellence, able to become the leading local
footwear manufacture in Sri Lanka. They use the location advantage in order to get the raw
materials easily and provide job opportunities for large number of people. Usage of modern
machineries in order to reduce the labour cost can be seen. Overall DSI is conducting a better
management process in order to archive their goals and objectives. The Benefits are not only
gained by the company but also by the society as they do many social services. But DSI
should do more researches on health and safety and degree of the ecological issues. Usage of
E-commerce should apply in their business in order to widen their market.Above
recommendations will be helpful in order to minimize their errors and thecontent of this
report is observer biased.
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10. References
Web Resources
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11. Appendix
Organizational Structure
Departments / Chain of command hierarchy
Authority – Management and Power
Decisions making – Centralized / Decentralized
Organizational Control
Product Details.
Local and International market.
Branches and Stocks.
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Performance Evaluation
Company Website
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