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DRAFT Cyber NVIC 05 17 PDF

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Commandant 2703 Martin Luther King Jr.

U.S. Coast Guard Washington, DC 20593-7501
Staff Symbol: CG-5P

COMDTPUB xxxxxxx
NVIC 05-17




Ref: (a) Title 33 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Subchapter H, Maritime
(b) National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity
Framework (NIST CSF)

1. PURPOSE. In accordance with 33 CFR parts 105 and 106, MTSA-regulated facilities are
instructed to analyze vulnerabilities with computer systems and networks in their Facility
Security Assessment (FSA). This Navigation and Vessel Inspection Circular (NVIC) will assist
Facility Security Officers (FSOs) in completing this requirement. Additionally, this NVIC
provides guidance and recommended practices for Maritime Transportation Security Act
(MTSA) regulated facilities to address cyber related vulnerabilities. Until specific cyber risk
management regulations are promulgated, facility operators may use this document as guidance
to develop and implement measures and activities for effective self governance of cyber


Enclosure (1) provides draft interpretive guidance regarding existing regulatory requirements in
33 CFR parts 105 and 106, which instruct facilities to conduct FSAs and address any
vulnerabilities identified in the FSA in the Facility Security Plan (FSP). This guidance would
detail how those existing requirements relate to cybersecurity measures, and what would be
recommended to be included in the FSP.

Enclosure (2) provides draft guidance on implementing a cyber risk management governance
program to include establishment of a cyber risk management team, policies, programs, and
identification of critical systems. This guidance is based on the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) and NIST Special Publication 800-82,
and provides more detail regarding the development of a Cyber Risk Management Program
(CRMP) and specific examples as to how such a program can be implemented in a variety of
system and business configurations.

Appendix (A) contains the tables referred to in Enclosure (2).



a. Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) regulations are designed to provide the
general parameters for port and facility security while allowing facility owners and operators
the discretion to determine the details of how they will comply. The result is that the owners
and operators are responsible for assessing vulnerabilities and ensuring the security of their
facilities with Coast Guard oversight and guidance. The Coast Guard currently has the
regulatory authority to instruct facilities and Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) facilities
regulated under MTSA to analyze computer systems and networks for potential
vulnerabilities within their required FSA and, if necessary, FSP.

b. The maritime industry continues to increase use of cyber technology. Facility operators
use computers and cyber dependent technologies for communications, engineering, cargo
control, environmental control, access control, passenger and cargo screening, and many
other purposes. Facility safety and security systems, such as security monitoring, fire
detection, and general alarm installations increasingly rely on computers and networks.

c. Collectively these technologies enable the Marine Transportation System (MTS) to

operate with an impressive record of efficiency and reliability. While these computer and
network systems create benefits, they are inherently vulnerable and could introduce new
vulnerabilities, that increase the potential for risk. Exploitation, misuse, or simple failure of
cyber systems can cause injury or death, harm the marine environment, disrupt vital trade
activity, and degrade the ability to respond to other emergencies.

d. There are many resources, technical standards, and recommended practices available to
the marine industry that can help their governance of cyber risks. Facility operators should
use those resources to promote a culture of effective and proactive cyber risk management.

4. DISCLAIMER. This guidance is not a substitute for applicable legal requirements, nor is it itself
a rule. It is not intended to nor does it impose legally binding requirements on any party. It
represents the Coast Guard’s current thinking on this topic and may assist industry, mariners, the
general public, and the Coast Guard, as well as other federal and state regulators, in applying
statutory and regulatory requirements.


a. The development of this NVIC and the general policies contained within it have been
thoroughly reviewed by the originating office, and are categorically excluded (CE) under
current USCG CE # 33 from further environmental analysis, in accordance with Section
2.B.2. and Figure 2-1 of the National Environmental Policy Act Implementing Procedures
and Policy for Considering Environmental Impacts, COMDTINST M16475.1 (series).
Because this NVIC implements, without substantive change, the applicable Commandant
Instruction or other federal agency regulations, procedures, manuals, and other guidance
documents, Coast Guard categorical exclusion #33 is appropriate.

b. This NVIC will not have any of the following: significant cumulative impacts on the
human environment; substantial controversy or substantial change to existing
environmental conditions; or inconsistencies with any Federal, State, or local laws or
administrative determinations relating to the environment. All future specific actions
resulting from the general policies in this NVIC must be individually evaluated for
compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), DHS and Coast Guard
NEPA policy, and compliance with all other environmental mandates.


reviewed during the directives clearance process, and it has been determined there are no further
records scheduling requirements, in accordance with Federal Records Act, 44 U.S.C. 3101 et
seq., NARA requirements, and Information and Life Cycle Management Manual, COMDTINST
M5212.12 (series). This policy does not create significant or substantial change to existing
records management requirements.


P. F. Thomas
Rear Admiral, U.S. Coast Guard
Assistant Commandant for Prevention Policy

Encl: (1) Cyber Security and MTSA

(2) Cyber Governance and Cyber Risk Management Program Implementation Guidance
Enclosure (1) 05-17

Cyber Security and MTSA: 33 CFR Parts 105 and 106.

Under current regulations in 33 CFR parts 105 and 106, facilities and outer continental
shelf (OCS) facilities (hereinafter described as “facilities”) are required to identify and
assess security threats, and develop a Coast Guard-approved Facility Security Plan (FSP)
to address and mitigate those threats. The specific threats are covered by the existing
language in parts 105 and 106 in general, but the Coast Guard interprets this language to
specifically include threats to computer systems and attacks in the electronic (cyber)

In this draft document, the Coast Guard is laying out its interpretation of regulatory
provisions in parts 105 and 106 as applicable to electronic and cybersecurity systems.
This enclosure discusses the specific regulatory provisions that instruct owners/operators
of a Maritime Transportation Security Act (MTSA) regulated facility to address
cyber/computer system security in the Facility Security Assessment (FSA) and, if
applicable, provide guidance within their FSPs to address any vulnerabilities identified in
the Facility Security Assessment (FSA). This document intends to assist the
owner/operator in identifying cyber systems that are related to MTSA regulatory
functions, or whose failure or exploitation could cause or contribute to a Transportation
Security Incident. If there are electronic or cybersecurity-related vulnerabilities
identified in an FSA, an owner/operator may choose to provide this information in a
variety of formats, such as a stand-alone cyber annex to their FSP, or by incorporating
cybersecurity procedures alongside the physical security measures of their FSP.

In many cases, companies have established cybersecurity and risk management programs
that provide for strong cyber defense. For those situations, the owner/operator may
demonstrate that those policies meet or exceed the requirements of 33 CFR parts 105 and
106. Owners/operators that already employ a comprehensive cybersecurity plan for their
organization, or who wish to apply a standard security program that incorporates
cybersecurity to multiple facilities, may wish to submit a security plan under the
Alternative Security Program, 33 CFR 101.120.

Once this guidance is finalized, an owner/operator may demonstrate compliance with the
regulations by including cyber risks in their FSA and including a general description of
the cybersecurity measures taken in the FSP, if appropriate. Owners/operators do not
need to indicate specific or technical controls, but should provide general documentation
on how they are addressing their cyber risks.

Enclosure (1) 05-17

Recommended Cyber Analysis as part of the FSA:

A FSA is the recommended analysis that accounts for possible threats, vulnerabilities,
consequences, and protective measure procedures and operations. A thorough FSA is the
foundation for determining further applicable requirements of subchapter H in Title 33 of
the Code of Federal Regulations. The italicized text provides general guidance on how to
potentially incorporate cyber aspects into those requirements.

Facility Security Assessment requirements

33 CFR 105.305 (d)(2)(v)
33 CFR 106.305 (d)(2)(v)
Ensure information on cyber/computer systems is provided to person(s) conducting the
facility security assessment and is considered in the analysis and recommendations and
contained in report.

Recommendation to Address Identified Cyber Vulnerabilities (as applicable):

Depending on the results of the FSA, this section contains portions of subchapter H that
may be applicable. The italicized text provides general, recommended guidance on how
to mitigate cyber vulnerabilities determined during the FSA.

Security administration and organization

33 CFR 105.200(b)
33 CFR 106.200(b)
Describe the roles and responsibilities of cybersecurity personnel for the facility,
including how and when physical security and cyber security personnel will coordinate
activities and conduct notifications for suspicious activity, breaches of security, or
heightened security levels.

Personnel training
33 CFR 105.205
33 CFR 105.210
33 CFR 105.215
33 CFR 106.205
33 CFR 106.210
33 CFR 106.215
33 CFR 106.220
Describe how cyber security is included as part of personnel training, policies and

Drills and exercises

33 CFR 105.220
33 CFR 106.225
Describe how drills and exercises will test cybersecurity aspects of the FSP. Operators
may wish to meet this requirement by employing combined cyber-physical scenarios. In
general, drills and exercises must test the proficiency of personnel assigned to security

Enclosure (1) 05-17

duties at all MARSEC levels and enable the Facility Security Officer (FSO) to identify
any related security deficiencies that need to be addressed.

Records and documentation

33 CFR 105.225
33 CFR 106.230
Operators should maintain records of training, drills, exercises, security incidents
(including cybersecurity incidents), and other events. Electronic records should be
protected against unauthorized deletion, destruction, or amendment.

Response to change in MARSEC Level

33 CFR 105.230
33 CFR 106.235
Describe additional cyber-related measures to be taken during changes in MARSEC

33 CFR 105.235
33 CFR 106.240
Facility operators should be able to communicate security conditions to and between
vessels and facilities, to the Captain of the Port, and to national and local authorities. To
the extent that cyber dependent systems perform this function, describe how those systems
are protected and an alternative means of communication should the system be
compromised or degraded.

Describe how physical security and cybersecurity personnel will communicate security
conditions and threats to one another and how cyber related suspicious activity and
breaches of security will be communicated to the Coast Guard.

Procedures for interfacing with vessels

33 CFR 105.240
33 CFR 106.245
Describe cyber-related procedures for interfacing with vessels to include any network
interaction, portable media exchange, or wireless access sharing.

Security systems and equipment maintenance

33 CFR 105.250
33 CFR 106.255
Cyber systems used to perform or support functions identified in the FSP should be
maintained, tested, calibrated, and in good working order (e.g., conduct regular software
updates and install security patches as they become available).

Enclosure (1) 05-17

Security measures for access control

33 CFR 105.255
33 CFR 105.260
Facility operators should establish security measures to control access to the facility.
This includes cyber systems that control physical access devices such as gates and
cameras, as well as vital cyber systems within secure or restricted areas, such as cargo
or industrial control systems.

Describe the security measures for access control at all MARSEC levels.

Security measures for restricted areas

33 CFR 105.260
33 CFR 105.265
Describe measures to limit unauthorized access to all of the restricted areas and systems
to include those controlled by cyber networks. Unauthorized access might be possible
either by manipulating a cyber-controlled gate, allowing physical access, or by accessing
the protected system via cyber means, such as by hacking into files that contain sensitive
security information. If the area or function has no cyber nexus, indicate “N/A.”

Security measures for handling cargo

33 CFR 105.265
Describe security measures to protect cargo handling at all MARSEC levels to include
measures that protect cargo manifests and other cargo documentation to deter tampering
and prevent cargo that is not meant for carriage from being accepted.

Security measures for delivery of stores

33 CFR 105.270
33 CFR 106.270
Describe cybersecurity measures to protect delivery of vessel stores and bunkers at all
MARSEC levels to include procedures, which protect electronic files to deter tampering
and ensure integrity of stores.

Facility Security Plan

33 CFR 105.400(a)(3)
33 CFR 106.400(a)(3)
Facility owners or operators should ensure the FSO develops and implements an FSP
that addresses each cyber vulnerability identified in the Facility Security Assessment.

Audits and security plan amendments

33 CFR 105.415(b)
33 CFR 106.415(b)
Facility owners or operators should conduct an annual audit of their security plans.
Operators may choose to conduct the cyber portion of their audits with either the aid of a

Enclosure (1) 05-17

third party or cybersecurity specialists within the organization. The audit report should
clearly indicate that the cybersecurity provisions detailed in the FSP are in place and are
believed to be appropriate and effective. The audit should include the name, position, and
qualification of the person conducting the audit.

Enclosure (2) 05-17

Cyber Governance and Cyber Risk Management Program Draft Implementation Guidance

Background and the NIST CSF 1

A. Identify and Cyber Governance 2

1. Establishing Cyber Risk Management: Forming a Cyber Risk Management

Team (CRMT), Defining Cyber Risk Management Policy, and Establishing a
Cyber Risk Management Program 2

1.1 Define Cyber Responsibilities and Create a Cyber Risk

Management Team 2

1.2 Define Cyber Risk Management Policy 3

1.3 Create a Cyber Risk Management Program 4

2. Enterprise Wide Inventory and Analysis 5

2.1 Perform Inventory 5

2.1.1 Map the System 5
2.1.2 Inventory Software 5
2.1.3 User Census 5
2.1.4 Vendor and Employee Agreement Review 5
2.1.5 Categorize Systems 6
2.1.6 Conduct Business Impact Anlaysis 6

B. Cyber Risk Management Plan Implementation Guidance 6

3. Consequence Analysis, Vulnerability Analysis, and

Mitigation Prioritization 7

3.1 Identify Critical Systems: Evaluate Consequences of Worst Case Scenarios 7

3.2 Assess Vulnerabilities 9

3.3 Vulnerability Severity Assessment 9

4. Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover: Recommended Guidance 10

4.1 Protect 10
4.1.1 Cyber Risk Awareness Program 10
4.1.2 Acceptable Use of Cyber Systems 11
4.1.3 Access Control 11
4.1.4 Network Segmentation 13
-Figure 1. System Segregation, “Air Gapping” 13

Enclosure (2) 05-17

-Figure 2. System Access Vectors 14

4.1.5 Protect Equipment 14
4.1.6 Deploy and Update Intrusion Prevention Systems 17

4.2 Detect 17
4.2.1 Monitor Traffic 17
4.2.2 Reporting Responsibilities 17
4.2.3 Keep Logs 17
4.2.4 Run Tests 17
4.2.5 Deploy and Update Intrusion Detection Systems 18

4.3 Respond 19
4.3.1 Investigate Notifications 19
4.3.2 Plan Thoroughly 19
4.3.3 Limit Consequences 20

4.4 Recover 20
4.4.1 Back Up Information 21
4.4.2 Protect Back Up Storage 21
4.4.3 Maintain/Establish Redundancies 21
4.4.4 Perform Exercises 21
4.4.5 Integrate Cyber Recovery Into Enterprise Recovery Plan 22
4.4.6 Communication 22

Enclosure (2) 05-17

This enclosure is based on principals from various accepted references from the National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) and NIST
Special Publication 800-82 and provides guidelines that facility owners/operators may use to
identify and address the cyber-related risks to their cyber systems and applications. Facility
owner/operators should consider these guidelines in conjunction with their own risk management
policies to help ensure they account for cyber risks.


Sections 1 - 4 utilize the NIST CSF as the recommended foundation for development of a
cyber risk management program. The NIST CSF establishes the following functions that is
illustrated in Figure 1:

 Identify – The administrative structure for cyber risk management as well as the
hardware, software, and other components of a system.
 Protect – The technical, administrative, physical, and other procedures to protect systems
from failure or exploitation.
 Detect – Procedures to monitor systems and detect when they may have become
 Respond – The initial actions and notifications needed to limit the consequences of a
cyber event.
 Recover – Follow up actions needed to restore full functionality and operations.

Figure 1:

Enclosure (2) 05-17

A. Identify and Cyber Governance

Section A is divided into two subsections (Sections 1 and 2):

Section 1 on Establishing Cyber Risk Management details methods of selecting members

for a Cyber Risk Management Team, provides guidance on establishing Cyber Risk
Management Policy, and how to implement that policy with a Cyber Risk Management
Program. Section 2 on Enterprise Wide Inventory and Analysis details procedures for a
thorough enterprise-wide cyber system inventory and analysis. Organizations should
adapt this guidance to appropriately address the size, scope, operational needs, level of
cyber network utilization, structure, and nature of operations of their individual

1. Establishing Cyber Risk Management: Forming a Cyber Risk Management Team

(CRMT), Defining Cyber Risk Management Policy, and Establishing a Cyber Risk
Management Program

Cyber risk management is an ongoing process of identifying and assessing vulnerabilities,

responding to cyber events, and adjusting policies, programs, and procedures to minimize
potential disruption. Effective cyber risk management should start at the senior management
level. Senior management should embed a culture of cyber risk awareness into all levels of an
organization and ensure a holistic and flexible cyber risk management regime that is in
continuous operation and constantly evaluated through effective feedback mechanisms.

1.1 Define Cyber Responsibilities and Create a Cyber Risk Management Team

Management, strategic planning, and employee engagement form the foundation of efforts to
improve information systems and operation systems security. Without a systematic process
to identify gaps and launch remedial action, even the most resource-intensive efforts could
fail to adequately secure a network. As described in the NIST CSF, the “Identify” step in the
process includes identifying the organizational structure responsible for assessing risk,
establishing priorities, and ongoing cyber governance procedures.

To assess cyber risk, management should designate a responsible individual who will
assemble and lead the CRMT. This individual may also be the organization’s Facility
Security Officer. This person should have:

 Direct access to communicate with the highest level in the organization and with
appropriate intermediate management levels
 Responsibility to monitor cyber risk management activities for facility operations
 Authority to ensure adequate resources to meet cyber risk management objectives

A robust CRMT establishes a process to both initially develop and periodically review
policies and program for suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness. Cyber risk management

Enclosure (2) 05-17

should be added to the organization’s project management cycle to ensure that cybersecurity
risks are identified and addressed as part of any given project that may alter cyber systems or
organization. This should apply generally to all projects (e.g. a core business process, IT,
facility management, etc.).

A multi-disciplinary CRMT with a variety of perspectives and expertise will be best able to
identify safety and security critical systems, recognize the consequences, should those
systems fail or be exploited, and establish the most effective and efficient solutions. While
information technology (IT) specialists should be part of this effort, they may not fully
recognize the various operational systems on a waterfront, the potential consequences, should
they fail, or have an operator’s perspective on potential non-technical (and lower cost)
solutions. In short, a team consisting only of IT professionals will only identify IT related
threats and IT related solutions. Ideally, a risk management team will include:

 Facility operators
 Port engineers
 Facility Security Officers
 Information technology specialists
 Safety management/industrial safety experts
 Emergency managers

A CRMT may also include third-party experts in cyber technology, risk assessment
methodology, or other needed skills, or individuals serving in multiple capacities within the

Some large organizations with diverse operations may centralize their cyber risk
management policies at the corporate level. While this can be useful to ensure consistency
across the organization, it is crucial that corporate cyber risk management policy addresses
facility-specific risks. Facility operators should be in communication with the corporate
cyber risk management policy office to ensure the policy is aligned with their specific
vulnerabilities and operations.
(Source: NIST SP800-82-4.2.2)

1.2 Define Cyber Risk Management Policy

Management should define and approve a cyber risk management policy. The policy should
be communicated to employees and relevant external parties as needed. The CRMT is a
critical source of input for development of effective cyber risk policy. The policy should
include clear direction regarding:

 Policy administration (e.g. policy implementation, maintenance, enforcement, and


Enclosure (2) 05-17

 Protection of computer systems

o Authentication (e.g. password policies)
o Physical access control
o Network management
o Configuration management
o Privilege management
o Education and training
 Detection (e.g. intrusion detection)
 Response to a cyber incident
 Recovery (e.g. business continuity and disaster recovery)
 The ongoing role of the CRMT
(Source: NIST SP800-82-4.2.1)

1.3 Create a Cyber Risk Management Program

Management, with the input of the CRMT, should establish a cyber risk management
program to ensure that employees and contractors requiring access to the organization’s
networks, receive job-relevant cyber awareness training. In order to develop a managable
and realistic program, an organization’s cyber risk management policy should take into
account the organzation’s risk tolerance and available resources. Key cyber risk
management measures can also involve making potentially sensitive revisions to new and
existing employee, supplier, and third-party contracts to ensure cyber risk management
responsibilities are appropriately defined. The cyber risk management policy should include
a definition of roles and responsibilities, including those expected of all users, senior
management, privileged users, third-party stakeholders (e.g. suppliers, contractors,
customers, partners), and physical and information security personnel. The CRMT lead
should have responsibility for the development, review and evaluation of the policy, with
approval and oversight by senior management.

One common practice to mitigate the difficulty of managing cybersecurity within

large/complex organizations is to appoint an owner for each IT/OT asset, who then becomes
responsible for its day-to-day protection.

The suggested cyber risk management process begins with a full inventory of cyber-
connected systems (see Section 2). This inventory is then used to generate a list of systems
whose failure or disruption would have the most severe consequences (Section 3.1). These
systems should then be evaluated for exploitable vulnerabilities. Based on the evaluation of
the severity of vulnerability, operators can prioritize systems for mitigation. While these
functions are described sequentially, facility operators should think of them as a continuous,
repeating process.

Enclosure (2) 05-17

2. Enterprise-Wide Inventory and Analysis

The purpose of these steps is to gain the knowledge that allows a company to focus and prioritize
its cybersecurity efforts, consistent with business needs.

2.1 Perform Inventory

To inform the cyber risk management process, the CRMT should inventory cyber-connected
systems and identify those systems that perform or support vital operational, safety, security,
or environmental protection functions. This inventory should include an on-scene survey of
cyber-dependent equipment, to identify any systems not on current network maps. Input
from operators, security personnel, and OT engineers may prove vital at this stage.

Perform inventory of facility cyber and cyber connected systems using the following
suggested process or equivalent:

2.1.1 Map the system. Map the entire system(s) and identify hardware, connections,
identify users, and major systems. One method to do this is to deploy an automated asset
inventory discovery tool and use it to build a preliminary inventory of systems connected
to the organization’s public and private network or networks. Automated tools enable
tracking, updating, and custom reporting of the inventory. This software is commonly
available; however, it is important that the selected version be capable of examining
proprietary and standard OT (industrial) systems as well as IT systems. Both active tools
that scan through network address ranges and passive tools that identify hosts based on
analyzing their traffic should be employed. Identify all ports, protocols, and services
with validated business needs running on each system.

2.1.2 Inventory Software. Develop a complete list of authorized software (including

documentation of software versions currently in use) that is required in the organization
for each type of system. Include industrial equipment, printers, servers, workstations,
laptops, tablets, and smart phones. This list should be monitored by file integrity
checking tools to validate that the authorized software has not been modified beyond
authorized updates. This step has the additional benefit of allowing managers to
determine that licenses are up to date.

2.1.3 User Census. Develop a list of authorized users for each system to include
authorized levels and methods of access. Ensure out-of-date or expired profiles are
removed from the system. Attackers frequently discover and exploit legitimate but
inactive user accounts to impersonate legitimate users, thereby making discovery of
attacker behavior difficult for network managers.

2.1.4 Vendor and Employee Review. Review Contracts. Contractual obligations for
employees and contractors should reflect the organization’s policy for cyber risk
management. A code of conduct may be used to state employee or contractor cyber risk
management responsibilities, including but not limited to:

Enclosure (2) 05-17

 Confidentiality
 Data protection
 Ethics
 Appropriate use of the organization’s equipment and facilities
 Reputable practices expected by the organization
2.1.5 Categorize Systems. Use the inventory to develop a list of Major Systems.
Major Systems are those that perform a significant process for the enterprise and are
made up of subsystems which perform individual steps in the process. For example, an
Emergency Management System (Major System) may be made up of fire alarm,
sprinkler, and smoke purge subsystems.

Major system categories can include physical security, safety, and environmental
protection systems that perform any of the following functions:

 Fire detection, firefighting, and other emergency response

 Access control and security monitoring
 Communications
 Fuel and HAZMAT control and transfer
 Environmental control and monitoring
 Industrial controls
 Other components identified in a Facility Security Plan (FSP), a Facility Response
Plan (FRP), or a Facility Operations Manual (OPSMAN)
 Any component that supports, protects, or effects one or more of the above functions
(Source: NIST SP800-82, Rev. 2, Guide to Industrial Control Systems (ICS) Security, at-

2.1.6 Conduct Business Impact Analysis. The purpose of Business Impact Analysis
(BIA) is to identify and prioritize system components by correlating them to the
mission/business process(es) the system supports, and using this information to
characterize the impact on the process(es) if the system were unavailable.

B. Cyber Risk Management Plan Implementation Guidance

This section will provide guidance on implementation methods for identifying critical systems
and assessing, prioritizing, and mitigating their vulnerabilities. It is divided into two subsections:

3. Consequence Analysis, Vulnerability Analysis, and Prioritization. This section is a

step-by-step guide to evaluating current cybersecurity posture in order to develop a
course of action for reducing overall cyber risk utilizing information gathered by the
process in Part A of this enclosure.

Enclosure (2) 05-17

4. Protect, Detect, Respond, and Recover. This section provides examples of

recommended practices.

3. Consequence Analysis, Vulnerability Analysis, and Mitigation Prioritization

3.1 Identify Critical Systems: Evaluate Consequences of Worst Case Scenarios

Consequences of a cyber incident can be as varied as the threat actors, ranging from
negligible or even unnoticed effects to catastrophic incidents. The tables referenced in this
section are located in Appendix A. In evaluating potential consequences, operators should
not assume that cyber events will occur in isolation, or at the best possible times. Cyber
systems should be evaluated for both security and safety risks, as defined below.

Cybersecurity Risks – Potential for intentional disruption, compromise, or exploitation

of a computer network or control system by non-authorized personnel.
Cyber Safety Risks – Potential for accidental disruption of a computer network or
control system by an owner, operator, other actor, or as an unintended consequence of a
mishap within a connected cyber system.

Deliberate cyber attacks may occur before or in conjunction with physical attacks. Less
targeted, but equally significant cyber events may occur when key personnel are not
available, other equipment is down for repair, during natural disasters, or any time when
multiple risk factors will be present. It is important to not only plan for consequence
scenarios within the realm of possibility, but to objectively consider worst case scenarios.

MTSA plan holders may examine consequences by reviewing the scenarios used to develop
the Facility Security Plans or by examining system by system, asking, “What system failures
could cause the worst possible consequences?” and “What is the worst possible consequence
of a failure or disruption of this major system?”. This will create a picture of which systems
require the most rigorous examination.

As with the inventory, the most effective consequence determinations will involve input from
the entire CRMT. Using the inventory results along with this wide ranging personnel input
will help reveal cascading effects where one system failure or malfunction leads to another.
Failure of backup and failsafe systems, either electronic or manual, should be part of the
“worst case” examined during this process.

The use of a Maximum Tolerable Downtime (MTD) matrix will allow operators to assess the
total amount of time managers are willing to accept for a mission or business process outage
and consider all impact implications.

Event consequences are described in Table 1 (Appendix A, page 1) and will assist in
identifying systems for which further analysis is warranted. Consequences range in severity
from Catastrophic to Insignificant. Determining the severity of consequences will be one
factor that, along with the presence and severity of a vulnerability, will determine the level of

Enclosure (2) 05-17

mitigation a system demands to prevent a Transportation Security Incident 1, or to address P1F P

other security, safety, and environmental risks.

 An Insignificant Event would result in a brief business disruption and diminished

efficiency during correction of the issue. A brief flickering of the lights or having to re-
start a computer are examples.
 A Minor Event would result in diminished performance of equipment, a small but
discernible business impact, or reduced efficiency. Being unable to open a gate or
initiate a business operation for a period that would be noticed outside the organization
are examples.
 A Moderate Event would result in injuries requiring first aid or medical treatment,
damage to property or equipment, sustained impacts to operations requiring work around
or impacting 3rd parties, harm to the environment, and endangerment of cargo at a

facility, or any circumstance that impairs the safety or fitness for service of a facility or a
vessel at a facility.
 A Major Event would result in one or more deaths, injuries requiring professional
medical treatment beyond first aid, damage to property, damage to or loss of a vessel at a
facility, destruction of a facility, or discharge or release of oil or hazardous substance.
Major events will generally have significant but acute impacts, or less severe but more
sustained effects on the MTS.
 A Catastrophic Event would result in high consequence and long term effects on the

MTS. It is likely to have second and third-order impacts to external stakeholders,

companies, and ports.

The Table 1 consequence descriptions are provided for illustrative purposes only and
do not, of themselves, determine what systems require what level of protection.
Operators should focus further examination on systems with Catastrophic, Major, or
Moderate event consequences (those scoring 3, 4, or 5 in Table 1) as described in Table 2
(Appendix A, page 1). Prioritizing systems for which disruption would have the most severe
consequences is recommended. Operators may choose to further evaluate systems’
vulnerabilities with event consequences in the Minor and Insignificant categories (those
scoring 1 or 2) with the goal of protecting business systems, reputation, efficiency, safety,
and proprietary information. Good cyber practices and hygiene are recommended throughout

In addition to systems that score 3, 4, or 5 in Table 1, systems that, in whole or part, perform
a function required by an FSP, such as running cameras or monitors for a restricted area,
should be considered high priority, similar to those scoring 3 or above, and be rigorously
examined for vulnerabilities, continuing with this or an equivalent process. Operators should
avoid connecting systems with components performing these functions to systems with lower
levels of protection. These connections can be vectors for cyber incidents to migrate from
system to system and should be limited to those serving a viable and necessary business,

1 A security incident resulting in a significant loss of life, environmental damage, transportation system disruption,
or economic disruption. (46 USCS § 70101)

Enclosure (2) 05-17

security, or safety purpose. Table 3 (Appendix A, page 2) will assist operators in

determining which systems perform or are related to these critical security and safety
functions by examining the purposes and connections of each system.

3.2 Assess Vulnerabilities

Now that critical systems and functions have been identified, examining to what other
systems they are connected is critical to gain thorough knowledge of vulnerabilities. This
will be done by examining both the connections and functions of each system. To determine
which systems should be examined for vulnerabilities, refer to Table 2 which provides
guidance based on the system’s assigned consequence score from Table 1.

Each major system should be evaluated using the questionnaire in Table 3, the Connective
Vector Assessment, to determine whether failure or disruption of a seemingly innocuous
system might have secondary and more severe consequences.

All “YES” responses from the Connective Vector Assessment in Table 3 should be
evaluated for vulnerability severity in the following step using Table 4 (Appendix A, page
3), the Cyber Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment. In some cases, where a connection
between systems is deemed unnecessary, “air gapping” the critical system is advisable,
minimizing a vulnerability. An “air gap” is a system in which computers are not connected
directly to the internet, or to any computers that are connected to the internet (discussed
further in Section 5).

Once an organization has identified the systems of highest consequence and eliminated all
unnecessary connections, it should examine those systems for infrastructure vulnerabilities
using Table 4, the Cyber Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment. Cyber infrastructure
vulnerabilities are flaws in a cyber system’s design, configuration, maintenance,
communication and data links, or software. This vulnerability assessment should be applied
to each major system identified by the CRMT as having a consequence score of 3 or higher
(Table 1). “NO” answers will identify vulnerabilities that could be exploited. “YES”
answers indicate that the element of infrastructure has appropriate security measures in place.
If the answer is not clearly “YES”, or is only partially “YES”, it should be marked “NO”.

3.3 Vulnerability Severity Assessment

Determining which systems have both an infrastructure vulnerability and a vector by which it
could be exploited is a key factor (along with consequence of disruption, covered in Section
3.1) in determining risk. Use Table 5 (Appendix A, pages 3-5) to assess the severity of
vulnerabilities and prioritize systems for mitigation. This will be done by answering the
questionnaire for each system with a “NO” answer from the Cyber Infrastructure
Vulnerability Assessment (Table 4). Systems with the highest TOTAL score (at the bottom
of Table 5) should be considered the most vulnerable.

Record all vulnerabilities and consequences noted during the assessment for review by the
COTP. Maintain records of risk assessment IAW MTSA requirements for an FSA.

Enclosure (2) 05-17

4. Protect, Detect, Respond, Recover: Recommended Guidance


Once the CRMT recognizes their cyber risks, the organization can select strategies to reduce that
risk. However, adequately protecting digital information and cyber dependent system does not
usually entail a straight-forward, sequential implementation of specific mitigation measures.
Organizations should implement multiple layers of safeguards across a number of different
realms (e.g. contracting, human resource management, education and training, network design,
physical security, access control, etc).

Prevention and protection strategies reduce vulnerabilities and the frequency of successful
attacks or adverse events. While high-risk systems should have more robust protection
strategies, this does not necessarily require sophisticated technical solutions. For example,
physical access control and training may be sufficient for systems where the primary
vulnerability is an insider threat. Where risk managers choose technical solutions, they should
also recognize their limitations. Many systems are only capable of recognizing and blocking
known threats. Unfortunately, malware and associated delivery mechanisms used by malicious
actors are becoming increasingly sophisticated, and a strategy that relies exclusively on a
perimeter defense designed to filter out known threats is not likely to be successful.

Operators can also reduce risk by taking steps to minimize overall impact or consequences of a
cyber incident. Backups, kept at a remote location, can be an excellent way of building cyber
resilience and may be appropriate for situations where the cyber failure is disruptive, but does
not include immediate security, safety, or environmental impacts. However, these manual
backups, while functional, may now be the weakest link, significantly slowing operations.
Exercises can help identify the procedures to isolate a suspect system, purge it of malware, and
safely resume operations. Including a cyber aspect into an existing security, natural disaster,
salvage/recovery, or environmental response plan can help an organization prepare for a cyber

4.1 Protect

4.1.1 Cyber Risk Awareness Program. Facilities should maintain, and enforce a
cyber risk awareness program for employees and contractors. The awareness program
should ensure that new and existing employees, as well as contractors requiring access to
the organization’s IT/OT networks, receive job-relevant training and direction related to
the organization’s cyber risk management policy. This includes enhancing staff’s cyber
risk awareness (i.e., what can happen as a result of poor cyber practices) and cyber
preparedness (i.e., ensuring that staff are doing all they can to improve the organization’s
cyber integrity). The cyber risk awareness program could include guidance related to the

 Internet and email use policy

 Safe use of personal devices (e.g. ensuring work done off-site on personal computers
is as safe as possible)
 Safe use of removable media (e.g., USB keys, CD’s, external hard drives)
 Safe use and storage of company mobile devices

Enclosure (2) 05-17

 Installation and maintenance of software applications

 Safeguarding user information, passwords and digital certificates
 Identification and reporting of cyber and physicial threats (e.g. how to identify and
report phishing emails, or what to do if non-company personnel are observed
plugging in a unknown device)

4.1.2 Acceptable Use of Cyber Systems. Define and communicate rules regarding the
acceptable use of cyber systems. Prior to gaining access to the organization’s cyber
systems, employees and external party users should be made aware of (and agree to) the
constraints and responsibilities associated with the use of these systems. These
constraints should be reflected in the organization’s cyber risk management policy.

Limit administrative privileges to very few users who have both the knowledge necessary
to administer the operating system and a business need to modify the configuration of the
underlying operating system. This will help limit installation of unauthorized software
and other abuses of administrator privileges.

4.1.3 Access Control.

Establish and implement a process to manage secret authentications (e.g., passwords,
tokens, cryptographic keys, etc.). The use of Single Sign Ons (SSO) – an authentication

process that permits a user to enter one name and password in order to access multiple
applications – is one strategy for managing authentications. SSO can reduce the amount

of secret authentication information that users are required to protect and thus can
increase the effectiveness of this control (the more authentication-related information
users are asked to remember, the more likely they are to forget it or write it down). In
order to protect access to critical systems, a secure password management system should:

 Enforce the use of individual user IDs and passwords to maintain accountability
 Allow users to select and change their own passwords and include a confirmation
procedure to allow for input errors
 Enforce a choice of quality passwords
 Force users to change their passwords at the first log-on
 Enforce regular password changes and as needed
 Maintain a record of previously used passwords and prevent re-use
 Not display passwords on the screen when being entered
 Store password files separately from application system data
 Store and transmit passwords in protected form (if passwords are transmitted in
clear text during the log-on session over a network, they can be captured by a
network "sniffer" program)

The password management system should reflect that overly complicated passwords,
which are changed too frequently, are at risk of being written on a piece of paper and kept
near the computer. The value of password protection should be weighed against the risks
associated with time-sensitive operations. In cases where rapid access is vital to

Enclosure (2) 05-17

operations or safety, risks may be better mitigated with manual backups or other

In some instances, operational requirements make effective network segmentation a

challenge. In such cases, encryption and/or the use of Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)
can help organizations better ensure the protection of their critical information. For
business-to-business relationships, access control measures could include:

 Clearly identified roles and responsibilities

 Customized warning banners
 Limit on privileges
 Logging of all critical/non-critical transactions by users
 Detailed logs of transactions
 Use of digital signatures
 Filtering of outgoing traffic to prevent spoofing
 Routing of traffic used for Internet access services through a small number of
controlled security gateways

The use of firewall and access control lists for traffic through corporate systems such that
external parties have access only to the functions needed should also be considered. This
is particularly important where suppliers need to upload systems upgrades or perform
remote servicing.

For business-to-customer service relationships, all identified security requirements should

be addressed before giving customers access to the organization's information or assets.
For example:
 Procedures to protect the organization's assets, including information and
software, and management of known vulnerabilities;
 Procedures to determine whether any compromise of the assets, e.g., loss or
modification of data, has occurred; and
 Restrictions on copying and disclosing information.

Specific access control measures could include:

 Use of virus checking software on the gateways to the Internet

 Scanning files and stored information for viruses, trojans and other forms of
 Data/file integrity verification using algorithms such as hash/checksums,
 Routing of traffic used for Internet access services through a small number of
controlled security gateways
 Limit permissions of web applications when accessing backend databases
 Network segmentation and security tiers within a Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) – a
network design where publicly accessible servers are placed on a separate,
17T 17T45

Enclosure (2) 05-17

isolated network segment – to prevent direct connection paths to corporate data

17T45 17T45 45T

 Secure user registration to ensure that access credentials are only issued to
authentic users – such as using an independent Registration Authority for the
 Authentication using digital certificates, passwords, biometrics or smartcards
 Firewalls and access control lists to prevent unauthorized user access
 Role based access control to limit the function the user is permitted to perform
 Review web application logs for attack identification and containment

4.1.4 Network Segmentation. One method of managing the security of large networks
is to divide them into separate network zones (i.e., domains) or organizational units. The
most common approach for managing such an approach is through network segmentation
and segregation.
While network segregation and segmentation can involve the physical separation of
networks, it generally relies on the use of firewalls and/or Virtual Local Area Networks
(VLANs) to segment the organization’s network(s) into multiple zones with varying
security requirements. Both tools – of which there are a variety of options, each with its
own capabilities/uses – can be layered and/or used in combination to increase network
security. Firewalls and VLANS should be configured (e.g. through access lists) to
enforce access management rules set by the organization.
Most accepted national standards recommend segregating functional systems into
separate network zones using such methods as air gapping. Figure 1 illustrates an “air
gap” between business and control systems networks.

Figure 1: System Segregation, “Air Gapping”

Web Application eMail
Firewall Server Servers Servers

Workstations Printers Security File
NETWORK Update Server Server


CONTROL SYSTEM  Engineering 
Programmable Logic 
x x x x x x x x x x
FI Flow
Human Machine 
x x x x x x x x x x LI Level

Transfer Facility Emergency
Pump Shutdown Valve

Minimize connections between business and operational technology. Evaluate connected systems based
on the highest consequences and vulnerabilities to either system.

Properly air-gapped and segregated systems may still be vulnerable to insider threats,
third parties, and technical failure. Figure 2 shows all the potential ports and access
points in an air-gapped control system compared to systems that are not segregated into
separate networks.

Enclosure (2) 05-17

Figure 2: System Access Vectors

4.1.5 Protect Equipment. Define and implement practices and procedures that
establish a protective perimeter and layered defenses around critical equipment. Install, maintain, and update anti-virus/anti-malware systems across the

corporate network. Employees and contractors should be aware that anti-malware
software does not remove their responsibilities within the organization’s cyber
risk management policy. Establish safe and secure processes to track and manage system updates
(i.e., configuration management). Ensure procedures that provide comprehensive
updates to all hardware and software installations (including routers, switches,
firewalls and other elements of the network infrastructure) are properly managed
and documented system-wide, thus improving the organization’s security posture. Ensure that remote access of organizational assets is approved, logged,

and performed in a manner that prevents unauthorized access. Leverage the use
of VPNs with strong authentication systems and effective segmentation and
segregation to allow for secure remote access.

Extra precaution should be given to remote maintenance, as this function often

requires access to sensitive network areas. Remote maintenance of organizational
assets should be approved, logged, and performed in a manner that prevents
unauthorized access. Ensure physical access control to areas where cyber assets are stored or
used. The physical location of the IT/OT infrastructure within a site (e.g., on
board a waterfront facility) is important to consider, particularly with a view to
restricting access and maintaining physical security of the network installation
and access to control points.

Enclosure (2) 05-17

Protect sites containing critical IT/OT equipment or to operate critical cyber

dependent systems, from unauthorized access. Authenticate the identity of
visitors and instruct them on security requirements and emergency procedures.
Supervise all visitors and grant them access only for specific times and authorized
purposes. Record the date and time of entry and departure of visitors. Protect power and telecommunication cabling servicing from

interception, interference, or damage. Segregate power cables from
communications cables to prevent interference. Ensure that cyber assets are not taken off-site without prior authorization.
Perform spot checks to detect unauthorized removal of assets and to detect
installation of unauthorized devices. Organizations should consider options for securing obsolete IT systems

and hardware (i.e. legacy systems). To protect against risks resulting from the use
of legacy systems, where adequate security measures cannot be implemented,
organizations should consider the following:

 Life cycle management (migrating to new systems)

 Customized support from vendors/specialists

Similarly, organizations should consider how best to handle obsolete IT/OT

hardware, which are no longer maintained by the manufacturer (e.g., computers,
servers, hard disks, removable media). Establish and implement controls regarding access to cyber systems from
off-site (e.g. tele-working), or at remote sites (e.g. field office). Organizations
allowing remote activities should issue a policy that defines the conditions and
restrictions of off-site activities. In addition, organizations should ensure the
security of personal computers, mobile phones, or other devices, used to access
cyber systems (e.g. home working or travel outside the normal work location).

In addition to general security controls applicable to all devices that access an

organization’s cyber systems, the organization should ensure that mobile device-
specific risk management considerations are also taken into account. For
example, consideration should be given to the following:

 User training
 Physical security of mobile devices (i.e., off-site use and protection of
 Relatively weaker wireless security protocols.
 Inactivity timer lock policy
 Disabling of unused wireless interfaces, services and applications to
mitigate against unauthorized access.

Enclosure (2) 05-17

 Remote asset management, including:

o Disabling/locking lost and stolen devices
o Periodic secure backups
o Centralized management for asset tracking and policy compliance
 Avoiding default configurations
 Strong authentication (e.g. password protection, biometric ID)
 Enabling logging options
 Firewalls
 Content filtering
 Acceptable use policies for enterprise-owned devices (i.e., restricting
personal use)
 Encrypting stored and transmitted (wireless) data
 Secure synchronization procedures Secure VPN for remote access
 User consent for location use
 Disabling of unused wireless interfaces, services and applications
 Up-to-date patching of OS
 Anti-virus updating and alerts
 Software downloads only from enterprise software distribution system
(avoiding installation of unlicensed software)
 Use of digital signatures to verify download sources
 Remote asset management (disable/lock device)
 Periodic secure backup
 Centralized management for asset tracking and policy compliance
 Establish and implement rules governing the installation of software.
Cyber attacks are often propagated through the installation of malware
disguised as legitimate software. Organizations should identify what
types of software installations are permitted (e.g. updates and security
patches to existing software) and what types of installations are
prohibited (e.g. software that is only for personal use and software
whose pedigree with regard to being potentially malicious is unknown
or suspect) to minimize the likelihood of a compromise to the
organization’s information security posture.
 Applying the principle of least privilege in determining which users
are able to install software. This principle suggests that only those
who need access should have access.
 Establish, communicate and enforce procedures for the management of
removable media (e.g. USB keys, external hard drives, CD, etc).
Using removable media to transfer data from uncontrolled systems to
controlled systems represents a major risk for the introduction of
malware. The organization’s cyber risk management policy should
include direction concerning the use of removable media (e.g.,
measures to improve the protection of the devices, procedures to
ensure the integrity/security of the device, and restrictions regarding
their use).

Enclosure (2) 05-17

 Where necessary and practical, authorization should be required for

media removed from the organization and a record of such removals
should be kept.
 Conduct continuous vulnerability assessments and remediation.
Continuously acquire, assess, and take action on new information in
order to identify vulnerabilities, remediate, and minimize the window
of opportunity for attackers.

4.1.6 Deploy and Update Intrusion Prevention Systems. These types of

systems are recommended to detect anomalies and prevent potential malicious

4.2 Detect

Even with a well-defined cyber risk management policy and program, unauthorized
intrusions and compromises of critical systems remain a possibility. Therefore, it is
necessary to put in place applications and processes to detect these intrusions.

4.2.1 Monitor Traffic. Establish and implement procedures to monitor network

traffic, physical security, and the activities of external parties and personnel to
ensure integrity and availability of cyber systems. Ensuring systems are in place
to effectively monitor the IT/OT systems (from cyber, physical and personnel
security threats) should be a key element of an organization’s cyber risk
management policy.

4.2.2 Reporting Responsibilities. Define and communicate roles and responsibilities

related to the reporting of suspicious and observed cyber incidents and
weaknesses. All employees and contractors using the organization’s IT/OT
systems and services should be required to note and report any observed or
suspected cyber incident or weaknesses to a point of contact, as specified in the
cyber risk management policy and either referenced or incorporated into the FSP,
as quickly as possible. The reporting mechanism should be as easy, accessible
and available as possible.

Report breaches of cybersecurity and cyber suspicious activity in

accordance with current regulations, policy and guidance.

4.2.3 Keep Logs. Create, keep, protect, and regularly review event logs recording user
activities, exceptions, faults and cyber events. It is important that logs be
protected against tampering and unauthorized access. To help identify significant
events for security monitoring purposes, consider copying appropriate log entries
automatically to a second log, or the use of other tools to perform file analysis.
To ensure accuracy of event logs and subsequent reports, the clocks of all relevant
IT/OT systems within an organization should be synchronized.

Enclosure (2) 05-17

4.2.4 Run Tests. Run penetration testing of the organization’s critical IT/OT
infrastructure, if feasible. Penetration tests of critical IT/OT infrastructure can
detect whether the actual cybersecurity level matches the level set forth in the
cyber risk management policy. Penetration tests performed by external
experts employ attacks using both cyber and social engineering-based

4.2.5 Deploy and Update Intrusion Detection Systems. Deploy intrusion detection
and protection systems as appropriate. Ensure the software is properly installed,
configured, maintained, and updated. Network Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS)
work by monitoring and analyzing network traffic, then generating and
disseminating suspicious activity alerts in real time. Organizations may also
choose to incorporate Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS). IPS, an extension of
the IDS, monitors, logs and reports on network activity and attempts to block
malicious traffic with the potential to compromise critical systems once detected.
The majority of IDS and IPS are attack Signature Based, comparing known
threats against observed events to identify possible incidents. Therefore, the
value of the system is only as good as the attack signature database against which
events are analyzed. IDS may also leverage Anomaly Based Detection, which
compares definitions of what activity is considered normal against observed
events to identify significant deviations at the system level. Anomaly-based
systems rely on profiles representing the normal behavior of such things as users,
hosts, network connections, or applications. Profiles are developed by monitoring
the characteristics of typical activity over a period of time.

Finally, IDS may also use more complex Protocol Analysis, which attempts to
identify deviations between what are generally accepted activities at the
application level against observed events.

Given the differing characteristics and complexities of different IDS/IPS, at a

minimum, the following factors should be considered when selecting intrusion
detection software:

 Timeliness of updates
 Effectiveness of internal distribution
 Implementation
 System impact

It is also important to note that technology alone is not sufficient to detect system
intrusions. Organizations should ensure that the evaluation, selection, installation,
operation, and maintenance of intrusion detection software are performed by
qualified technical staff. For example, IDS should be configured to closely
monitor traffic taking place within network zones housing critical information.
This support should be integrated in the organization’s cyber risk management

Enclosure (2) 05-17

4.3 Respond

Even with strong access controls and a well-designed cyber network that may include
sophisticated anti-virus software, and intrusion detection and protection systems,
compromises could occur. Response procedures are therefore necessary. An incident
response plan will detail the response priorities, roles, and responsibilities of personnel,
procedures and communication process necessary to effectively respond to a cyber incident.
A planned response to an incident can aid in minimizing disruption/damage, recover
compromised data and preserve evidence for legal action.

4.3.1 Investigate Notifications. Ensure that notifications from monitoring systems

are investigated in a timely manner. If monitoring reveals an anomaly,
organizations should be able to quickly determine whether the cause is a security
incident, a hardware or software problem, or an increase in client demand.

To better inform the subsequent response, investigators should be able to


 When did the cyber breach occur and is it ongoing?

 Where did it originate? Internally or externally?
 How and why did the cyber incident occur? For example, did a malicious
intruder exploit a network vulnerability, or did an employee accidentally
exercise poor cyber hygiene?
 What was compromised (e.g., intellectual property, data, network operations,
etc.)? (consider primary effects and secondary effects)

Communication on the incident should involve pertinent internal and external

stakeholders in accordance with legal reporting requirements.

4.3.2 Plan Thoroughly. Develop, manage, execute, and regularly exercise

contingency response and incident management plans. The plan should be
concise and accessible to those with responsibilities defined in the plans. The
purpose and scope of each specific plan should be defined, agreed by the
organization and top management, and understood by those who will invoke the
plan. Reference other relevant plans or documents within the organization,
particularly business continuity plans, security plans, and oil/hazardous material
incident response plans. Cyber response plans should include details regarding
response-related considerations, including:

 Roles and responsibilities (e.g., who has decision-making authority, when to

call in external experts, as well as who to communicate with);
 Incident thresholds and activation triggers;
 Incident handling and escalation procedures (e.g. order of operations, consider
the following process:

Enclosure (2) 05-17

1. Detect intrusion
2. Isolate system
3. Shut down system (if necessary)
4. Purge intrusion
5. Verify system safe
6. Restart

 Incident response priorities/capabilities for organizational information systems

 Steps to ensure integrity of post-incident investigations and forensics (avoiding
decisions that may inadvertently compromise evidence and/or make recovery
work more difficult); and
 Procedures for determining the impact of the incident.

Update contingency response and incident management plans to address cyber

as a vector to trigger other events, disrupt computer networks used in response
to other incidents or to disrupt maritime operations. It is important that
response plans be available in non-electronic formats as some types of cyber
incidents can include the deletion of data, and/or the disabling of system
functions/communication links. Exercise cyber response plans as part of MTSA
and other existing contingency plans. It is recommended that operators hold
these exercises at the strategic level involving senior management, as well as at
the tactical level involving key operational personnel.

4.3.3 Limit Consequences. Include controls to deal with loss of computer based
systems and cyber networks, such as a denial of service attack. The plan should
address actions necessary to minimize, if not eliminate, propagation of the
incident. The action could be, but not limited to:

 Isolation functions
 Software management (e.g. patching vulnerabilities)
 Strengthened controls to prevent reoccurrence

Conduct a post-incident analysis which summarizes the impact of the incident,

including cost, and identifies measures to prevent a similar incident. Define and
apply procedures for the identification, collection, acquisition and preservation of
information related to the cyber incidents. Consider the use of external experts
who are skilled in conducting interviews and retracing the behaviour of people
who had access to protected information. These external experts may help to
ensure no digital evidence is overlooked and can assist at any stage of a digital
forensics investigation or litigation. Capture lessons learned and evaluate
vulnerabilities discovered while responding to and/or investigating the cyber
incident for possible changes to related cyber risk policies.

Enclosure (2) 05-17

4.4 Recover

No amount of planning or investment can make an organization’s cyber systems completely

secure. New threats and unanticipated vulnerabilities could emerge, potentially allowing
critical systems and functions to be compromised or disrupted. The ability to restore a
system via backup data or software is an important element in cyber recovery planning.
Effective cyber recovery processes can aid in minimizing financial loss, maintain customer
and public confidence, and prevent future cyber incidents.

Taking steps to put in place backups and alternative methods of carrying out core business
and supporting functions allows an organization to continue operations and maintain
continuity of safety and security processes despite a cyber attack. These redundancies and
mitigation measures will prove valuable not only in the event of a cyber incident, but also
during the recovery phase of a non-cyber safety or security event.

Facility operators should ensure that they have identified the sources of any backup data or
software needed to restore critical functions in a timely manner. Storage areas (e.g.
lockers/closets) may need additional capabilities such as dehumidifiers or water resistant
closures to protect electronic equipment stored in the maritime environment.

4.4.1 Back Up Information. Create, manage, and periodically test backup copies of
information, software and system images per cyber risk management policy.
Provide adequate backup facilities to ensure that all essential information and
software can be recovered following a disaster, cyber attack, or media failure.

4.4.2 Protect Back Up Storage. Ensure that backups are adequately protected via
physical security or encryption when they are stored, as well as when they are
moved across the network. Require the creation of multiple backups over time, so
that, in the event of malware infection, restoration can be from a version that is
believed to predate the original infection. Consideration should be given to the
protection of remote backups and cloud services. Ensure that key systems have at
least one backup destination that is not automatic and should be initiated by an

4.4.3 Maintain/Establish Redundancies. Ensure that redundancies are in places for

critical systems. Identify safety, security, and operations requirements to identify
and prioritize cyber systems with high availability requirements. Where the
availability cannot be guaranteed using the existing systems architecture,
redundant systems should be considered. Where applicable, redundant cyber
systems should be tested to ensure they work as intended. Train workers on
engaging manual systems to re-establish or maintain operations. In many cases,
non-cyber measures and process can serve as effective redundancies and can limit
an organization’s vulnerabilities in a high-threat cyber environment. For instance,
in the event of a cyber incident that compromises the transfer pumps at a bulk
liquid facility a manual float switch can be used on a bulk liquid tank to cut power
to a fill pump to prevent overfilling the tank. Additional security guards could be

Enclosure (2) 05-17

used to monitor access to restricted areas in the event that cyber dependent access
control and monitoring systems are compromised.

4.4.4 Perform Exercises. Develop, manage, execute (as appropriate), and regularly
exercise recovery plans for cyber incidents that compromise critical systems.
Recovery plans (i.e. business continuity plans and disaster recovery plans) should
be concise and accessible to those with responsibilities defined in the plans. The
purpose and scope of each specific plan should be defined, agreed to by the
CRMT and senior management, and understood by those who will invoke the
plan. Any relationship to other relevant plans or documents within the
organization, particularly to business continuity plans, should be clearly
referenced and the method of obtaining and accessing these plans described. The
following is a non-exhaustive list of elements that should be contained in
organizational recovery plans:

 the critical cyber dependent services to be recovered;

 the timelines in which they are to be recovered;
 the recovery levels needed for each critical service activity; and,
 the circumstances under which each plan can be invoked.

4.4.5 Integrate Cyber Recovery into Enterprise Recovery Plan. Include cyber risk
management within the business continuity and disaster recovery management
processes. Existing business continuity or resumption plans can be implemented
to restore operations and maintain essential mission functions to supplement
and/or restore computer networks. Cyber networks should be tested prior to
resuming full operational capability to verify the problem is isolated and the
network is not vulnerable to a similar, or the same, threat.

4.4.6 Communication. Communicate status of cyber networks and impact on

business operations to internal and external stakeholders. Public relations
personnel may be needed to communicate impacts and resumption of operations
to the general public.

Appendix A 05-17

Cyber Risk Evaluation Tables

Table 1: Consequence Evaluation Guide (Encl. 2, section 3.1)

Language Physical Effects beyond

Effect on MTS Score
Descriptor Consequences MTS
Significant impact
High Consequence Multiple
beyond MTS,
Catastrophic Event AND Long Permanent
economic disruption,
Event Term or Significant Injuries and/or 5
harm to national
Effect on MTS Deaths
High Consequence
Event OR Long Short term or
Major Event Term Significant localized disruption 4
Injuries and/or
Effect on MTS beyond MTS

Moderate requiring
Minor or short term
Moderate Consequence, medical
localized economic 3
Event Moderate Term treatment or
Effect on MTS. first aid,
and/or Death
Minor Disruption: disruption
Minor Event Local/Short Term noticeable Negligible 2
Disruption outside
Insignificant Business
None None 1
Event Disruption

Table 2: Consequence Score Action (Encl. 2, section 3.2)

Recommended Assessment Action
Continue rigorous evaluation of vulnerabilities within this system; establish
redundant control/protection/detection measures. Do not establish connections
to systems w/lower level of protection w/out a compelling need and risk
review and mitigation.
Continue rigorous evaluation vulnerabilities within this system; establish
credible and effective control/protection/detection measures. Avoid
establishing connections to higher consequence systems w/out compelling
business needs and appropriate controls.
Document. Conduct evaluation of vulnerabilities and establish controls
sufficient to business needs. Avoid establishing connections to higher
consequence systems w/out compelling business needs and appropriate

Appendix A 05-17

Table 3: Connective Vector Assessment (Encl. 2, sections 3.2 and 3.3)

Does this system support or impact or is it linked to systems that support or Yes No
 Security measures to prevent or deter unauthorized access to
restricted areas?
 Security measures for monitoring personnel in restricted areas?
 Security measures to protect vessels using and serving the facility?
 Security measures for facility restricted areas or spaces containing:
- Security & surveillance equipment
- Lighting system controls
- Intrusion detection systems
- Water supplies/pumps/manifolds,
- Dangerous goods or hazardous substances
- Cargo pumps and control stations
- Cargo spaces/storage
- Sensitive security information
- Ventilation & air conditioning systems, including their access
- Telecommunications
 Security measures for facility-specific restricted areas or spaces

- Shore areas immediately adjacent to each vessel moored at the
- Certain dangerous cargoes
- Manufacturing or processing areas and control rooms
 Systems containing cargo documentation?
 Security measures to protect cargo and vessel stores at the facility
(including measuring, tracking, or moving cargo)?
 Systems that identify cargo approved for loading, restrict entry of
unauthorized cargo, or ensure the release of cargo only to
authorized carriers/recipients?
 Security or monitoring measures for delivery of stores and bunkers?
 Identification, monitoring, screening, tracking, or direction of guests
or passengers?
 Sensors, alarms, or notification systems for a security or safety
 Emergency communications with outside parties?
(Source: NIST SP800-82-4.2.6)

Appendix A 05-17

Table 4: Cyber Infrastructure Vulnerability Assessment (Encl. 2, sections 3.2 and 3.3)
Are installed security capabilities enabled and checked?
Is there incorporation of security into architecture and design?
Are there safeguards against system reprogramming?
Are there safeguards against and warnings for spoofing?
Is manipulation of control data logic prevented?
Is there sufficient backup power?
Is there an identity authentication policy?
Are there incident detection and response plans and procedures?
Have unsecured physical ports been eliminated?
Are vendor software patches developed after a vulnerability is identified?
Are vendor software patches installed after a vulnerability is identified?
Is data accessible only to personnel with a legitimate business need?
Is malware protection installed and up-to-date?
Are critical configurations stored and backed up properly and regularly?
Is there redundancy in critical system functions (avoiding single point failure)?
Are logs of software alterations, suspicious activity, cyber attacks/ incidents, and
system modifications maintained?
Are there backup or shut-down options in case of loss of environmental control?
Are you able to isolate, contain, or shut down compromised operations or systems in
the event of a cyber-related disruption?
Is operational data and configuration information removed from systems before they
are decommissioned?
(Source: NIST SP800-82-4.2.6)

Appendix A 05-17

Table 5: Vulnerability Severity Assessment (Encl. 2, section 3.3)

Access Point Analysis Questions 0 1 2 3 Selected
N/A Score
o Is physical access to
these ports limited to
Few ports
personnel with a
accessible to
legitimate business Several ports
Hardware Ports: select Substantial
purpose? No ports available for
Serial personnel access with
o Are the drives and N/A physically use by loosely
USB with few
storage devices used accessible trained/ vetted
Ethernet approved controls
with these ports used personnel
exclusively for business

Guest and
Who has access to
Remote Access: corporate
wireless ports?
Router access
Are guests permitted to All
Vendor Network points are
access wireless ports, employees
Satellite logically Significant
particularly on their have
Provider No wireless separated; number of
own devices? N/A access;
Network access limited users and
Are wireless ports guests have
Wireless Access number of access points
password protected? substantial
Points users and
Are only approved access
Wireless access
devices able to access
Protocols points,
wireless networks?

o Are user-developed
technologies and user
computing that support
critical activities No user-
Large Large
(includes Microsoft developed Few
incidence of incidence
Software Excel spreadsheets and software instances of
user- of user-
Software Access databases or OSS, user
developed, developed,
Defects and other user-developed No user- developed or
user- user-
Bugs tools) in use? N/A modified modified
modified, or modified,
Configuration o Are internally hosted software software,
and developed (or supporting
supporting supporting
vendor developed but No OSS non-critical
non-critical critical
user modified) functions
functions functions
applications supporting
critical activities?
o Is Open Source
Software (OSS) in use?

o What ISP connections No ISP Several
to ICS, connections
link to ICS, security, or connections connections
security to ICS,
business systems? to ICS, to ICS,
systems, or security
o Are ISP configurations security security
ISP Connections N/A relevant systems, or
overly complex? systems, or systems, or
business relevant
o Are policies on ISP use relevant relevant
systems business
sufficiently restrictive business business
and adhered to? systems systems

Appendix A 05-17

Table 5 Analysis Questions 0 1 2 3 Selected

N/A Score
(cont.) =0
Access Point

o How often are changes

Changes in made which may impact
Cyber ICS/OT systems
Frequent Volume of
Environment : occurring? Infrequent or
Stable adoption of significant
Network o Is security a N/A Minimal
Environment new change to
Infrastructure consideration when Changes
technologies critical
Critical making changes?
applications o Are old ports,
terminals, etc. secured?

o Are the devices used to

External update or collect data
number of
Devices secure? Only one
Personal o Are the minimum device type
No portable types,
Company number of portable allowed to Multiple
devices including
owned but devices in use? connect, device types,
N/A allowed to personally
personally o Are devices assigned to limited data used to update
connect to owned
maintained an individual with a exchange, software,
the network devices,
allowed to specific business selected
allowed to
connect to the purpose, training, and employees
access the
network accountability?
Third parties, Moderate
o How many vendors number of
including number of
maintain equipment on Limited third
number of third parties
the network? number of parties and
organizations (6–10) and
o Do my employees third parties significant
and number of No third moderate
know/recognize and limited number of
individuals from parties and number of
individuals sent by number of individuals
vendors and no individuals
vendors? individuals from third
subcontractors, individuals from third
o How complex is their N/A from third parties with
with access to from third parties (50–
access method? Is their parties with access;
internal systems parties with 500) with
reach limited to the access; low high level
(e.g., virtual access to access; some
system they are working complexity of
private network, systems complexity in
on? in how they complexity
modem, how they
o Are devices used by access in terms of
intranet, direct access
vendors connected to systems how they
connection) systems
my network secure? access
The total of all scores represents an overall vulnerability score for this system. TOTAL:
(Source: NIST SP800-82-4.2.6)

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