Terminos de Referencia BID
Terminos de Referencia BID
Terminos de Referencia BID
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Article 3. Duration
2. The Technical Selection Committee shall select the finalists for the JK
Visionaries Award, in accordance with the provisions of this document.
4. The Committees shall perform their roles with full independence, and
their decisions shall therefore be final.
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Article 5. Composition of the Committees.
Should an official cease to work for the Bank, the Deputy Secretary shall
propose a replacement.
3. The Committee members shall serve for a term of two years and shall not
receive any remuneration, honorarium, or per diem for performing
activities related to the JK Visionaries Award.
Article 6. Functions
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Article 7. Notice and holding of Committee meetings
1. The Committees shall meet separately, subject to prior notice and at the
initiative of the Secretary, as often as they deem necessary and at least
once every two years.
6. The Secretary of the Committees shall record minutes for each meeting
detailing the resolutions adopted by each Committee.
The President of the Bank shall be the Honorary Chairperson of the Award.
In the event that the Secretary cannot attend a meeting of the Award’s
Executive Committee, the post shall be temporarily filled by a Committee
member designated by the Secretary. Should the position become
vacant, the President of the Bank shall name a member of the Award’s
Executive Committee to temporarily act as Secretary.
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2. The Secretary shall:
1. Through the Deputy Secretary, the Office of the Secretary of the Bank shall
provide both Committees with the support needed to:
5. The Bank reserves the right to reject nominees, and such decisions are
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Article 13. Selection criteria
1. The Executive Committee shall use the following criteria to select the
2. The Bank reserves the right to cancel the JK Visionaries Award if the
Technical Selection Committee and/or the Executive Selection
Committee conclude that the candidates do not meet the quality
requirements, do not fulfill the purpose of the JK Visionaries Award, or
for some other reason do not meet the requirements established in this
2. The deadline for nominations shall be at least two months from the
announcement of the call for nominations. That announcement must
include the closing date for receiving nominations.
4. The webpage announcing the call for nominations shall indicate the
necessary documentation.
1. The call for nominations shall be issued in the last quarter of the year and
remain open for at least two months. The selection process shall
conclude with an announcement of the winners during the first half of the
year following the call for nominations.
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2. The Bank is authorized to set and adjust the dates and deadlines on the
basis of the launch and implementation of each round of the award.
1. The Award shall be bestowed upon the nominee who obtains the
majority of votes from the Executive Selection Committee, following the
selection process in the Technical Selection Committee and the various
steps of the selection process. In the event of a tie in the Executive
Selection Committee, the Honorary President will have the deciding vote.
The votes shall be cast electronically and a decision shall be made during
a meeting of the Executive Selection Committee.
1. The Bank reserves the right to postpone, annul, or amend these bylaws,
or end the JK Visionaries Award at any time, as long as it publicizes such
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