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Terminos de Referencia BID

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*Revised for the 5th Edition.


Article 1. Objective and purpose

Article 2. Biennial presentation
Article 3. Duration



Article 4. Award Committees

Article 5. Composition of the Committees
Article 6. Functions
Article 7. Notice and holding of Committee meetings
Article 8. Other duties
Article 9. Honorary Chairperson of the Visionaries Award
Article 10. Secretary
Article 11. Role of the Office of the Secretary of the Bank


Article 12. Eligibility requirements

Article 13. Selection criteria
Article 14. Submission of nominations
Article 15. Calendar
Article 16. Selection of the winner
Article 17. Award amount
Article 18. Amendments

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Article 1. Objective and purpose

1. As a symbol of its mission and of the purposes for which it was

established, the Inter-American Development Bank (the “Bank”)
(the “JK Visionaries Award”).

2. The JK Visionaries Award shall be presented to institutions in the Bank’s

member countries that have the potential to change the economic and
social development future of the people of Latin America and the

Article 2. Biennial presentation

1. The JK Visionaries Award shall be presented every two years.

Article 3. Duration

1. The JK Visionaries Award is established for an indefinite period of time.

However, the Bank may suspend or terminate the JK Visionaries Award
at any time and at its sole discretion.



Article 4. Award Committees

1. The Award shall have two selection committees (the “Committees”):

a. The Technical Selection Committee; and
b. The Executive Selection Committee.

2. The Technical Selection Committee shall select the finalists for the JK
Visionaries Award, in accordance with the provisions of this document.

3. The Executive Selection Committee is responsible for selecting the


4. The Committees shall perform their roles with full independence, and
their decisions shall therefore be final.

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Article 5. Composition of the Committees.

1. The Award’s Technical Committee shall be composed of a secretary

(Deputy Secretary of the Bank) and a minimum of eight (8) Bank
specialists, appointed by the managers and the Deputy Secretary of the
Bank for a term of two years, as from their appointment dates. They may
be re-elected an unlimited number of times for terms of the same

Should an official cease to work for the Bank, the Deputy Secretary shall
propose a replacement.

2. The Award’s Executive Committee shall be composed of the following


• Secretary: Deputy Secretary of the Bank

• Enrique V. Iglesias, Honorary Member
• Manager, Office of External Relations of the Bank
• Vice President for Countries
• Vice President for Sectors and Knowledge

In addition, the President of the Bank shall select the following


• IDB representative in the region

• One past winner of the award

3. The Committee members shall serve for a term of two years and shall not
receive any remuneration, honorarium, or per diem for performing
activities related to the JK Visionaries Award.

Article 6. Functions

1. The Technical Selection Committee shall exclusively have the following


a. Evaluate the institutions nominated for the award based on the

selection criteria established in this document.
b. Select the finalists to be considered by the Executive Committee.

2. The Executive Selection Committee shall exclusively have the following


a. Review the nominations selected by the Technical Committee.

b. Preselect finalists through an evaluation and scoring system.
c. Select the winners.

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Article 7. Notice and holding of Committee meetings

1. The Committees shall meet separately, subject to prior notice and at the
initiative of the Secretary, as often as they deem necessary and at least
once every two years.

2. The Secretary shall convene meetings of the Committees by individually

notifying each Committee member at least 15 days in advance. Notice
may be given by any electronic means that enable confirmation of
receipt by the Committee members.

3. No prior notice shall be required in the event that all Committee

members are present or duly represented.

4. The Committee meetings shall be held at Headquarters, and members

may join virtually and/or in person. The Bank will not pay for airfare or
per diem expenses for Committee members to attend meetings.

5. The Committees shall be considered to have quorum and votes can be

taken when an absolute majority of members is present. The Committees
shall adopt resolutions with a majority of votes from their members. In
the event of a tie, the Secretary will cast the deciding vote.

6. The Secretary of the Committees shall record minutes for each meeting
detailing the resolutions adopted by each Committee.

Article 8: Other duties

1. Committee members shall maintain the confidentiality of all

information and documents to which they have had access in the
performance of their work, including when it has ended.

2. Committee members shall respect the decisions taken and abstain

from any interference or personal activities that could affect the
independent judgement of members.

Article 9. Honorary Chairperson of the JK Visionaries Award

The President of the Bank shall be the Honorary Chairperson of the Award.

Article 10. The Secretary.

1. The Deputy Secretary of the Bank shall be the Secretary of the

Committees and shall be in charge of administration of the Award. The
Secretary’s function can be changed by the President of the Bank.

In the event that the Secretary cannot attend a meeting of the Award’s
Executive Committee, the post shall be temporarily filled by a Committee
member designated by the Secretary. Should the position become
vacant, the President of the Bank shall name a member of the Award’s
Executive Committee to temporarily act as Secretary.

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2. The Secretary shall:

a. Ensure fulfillment of these Bylaws and, in particular, observance of

the rules of good governance, and implement the resolutions of
the Award’s Executive Committee.
b. Chair the Award’s Technical and Executive Committees, issue
notices of Committee meetings, set the agenda of these meetings,
chair the discussions, and, when necessary, use his/her casting
vote to settle any tied votes.
c. Exercise all other powers conferred on him/her in accordance with
these Bylaws and, in general, all powers inherent to administration
of the Award Committees.

Article 11. Functions of the Office of the Secretary of the Bank

1. Through the Deputy Secretary, the Office of the Secretary of the Bank shall
provide both Committees with the support needed to:

a. Convene, as indicated by the Secretary, meetings of both

b. Review, as indicated by the Secretary, the relevance of information
presented in support of the nominations.
c. Record the minutes of the meetings and report to the concerned
parties on the resolutions adopted by both Committees.
d. Maintain the Award’s files and other documents.



Article 12. Eligibility requirements

1. Nongovernmental organizations or institutions in the Bank’s member

countries may be nominated if they meet following requirements:

a. They make an outstanding contribution to sustainable projects

with economic and social development impact in Latin America
and the Caribbean.

b. They have been operating for a minimum of five years.

2. Individuals are not eligible for nomination.

3. Institutions or organizations connected to Bank employees may not


4. Nominees who do not meet these requirements will not be accepted.

5. The Bank reserves the right to reject nominees, and such decisions are

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Article 13. Selection criteria

1. The Executive Committee shall use the following criteria to select the

a. INNOVATION (30%): Project or initiative that addresses a

social problem using a new methodology or technique and
contributing value added with a creative approach, including
improved methods, design, and/or implementation strategy.

b. RELEVANCE (25%): The objective of the nongovernmental

organization or institution must be in line with the Bank’s
objectives and relevant to the development of Latin America
and the Caribbean. Its programs must stand out for their
importance and profile in one or more countries in the region.

c. SUSTAINABILITY (20%): The nongovernmental organization or

institution and its projects must be sustainable over time and
meet the needs of the present with a view toward changing
and improving lives in the future.

d. REPLICABILITY (20%): The project must have the potential to

be replicated in other countries in the region.

e. VIDEO (5%). Presentation of the institution.

2. The Bank reserves the right to cancel the JK Visionaries Award if the
Technical Selection Committee and/or the Executive Selection
Committee conclude that the candidates do not meet the quality
requirements, do not fulfill the purpose of the JK Visionaries Award, or
for some other reason do not meet the requirements established in this

Article 14. Submission of nominations

1. Nominations shall be submitted through the online form found at


2. The deadline for nominations shall be at least two months from the
announcement of the call for nominations. That announcement must
include the closing date for receiving nominations.

3. Nominations that do not meet these basic requirements shall not be


4. The webpage announcing the call for nominations shall indicate the
necessary documentation.

Article 15. Calendar

1. The call for nominations shall be issued in the last quarter of the year and
remain open for at least two months. The selection process shall
conclude with an announcement of the winners during the first half of the
year following the call for nominations.

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2. The Bank is authorized to set and adjust the dates and deadlines on the
basis of the launch and implementation of each round of the award.

Article 16. Selection of the winner

1. The Award shall be bestowed upon the nominee who obtains the
majority of votes from the Executive Selection Committee, following the
selection process in the Technical Selection Committee and the various
steps of the selection process. In the event of a tie in the Executive
Selection Committee, the Honorary President will have the deciding vote.
The votes shall be cast electronically and a decision shall be made during
a meeting of the Executive Selection Committee.

Article 17. Award amount

1. The JK Visionaries Award shall consist of a check in the amount of

US$100,000 for first place; US$50,000 for second place; and US$25,000
for third and fourth place. In the case of an award shared by several
institutions, the amount of the award will be distributed proportionately
among them. If requested by the Bank, all award winners shall participate
in award ceremony events. The Bank shall cover expenses related to
delivery of the Award.

Article 18. Amendments

1. The Bank reserves the right to postpone, annul, or amend these bylaws,
or end the JK Visionaries Award at any time, as long as it publicizes such

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