Tail-Risk Mitigation With Managed Volatility Strategies: Research Paper
Tail-Risk Mitigation With Managed Volatility Strategies: Research Paper
Tail-Risk Mitigation With Managed Volatility Strategies: Research Paper
DOI: 10.21314/JOIS.2019.107
Research Paper
Managed volatility strategies adjust market exposure in inverse relation to a risk
estimate, to stabilize realized portfolio volatility through time. Our paper examines
strategy performance from an investment practitioner perspective. Using long-term
data from the Standard & Poor’s 500, we show that these strategies offer an improve-
ment in risk-adjusted return compared with a buy-and-hold benchmark, on average,
but with some variation. Managed volatility strategies achieve robust tail-risk reduc-
tion while also enhancing skewness. These return normalization features are inher-
ently linked to the nature of the volatility stabilization mechanism. We illustrate them
via utility-based metrics that reward the tail-risk reduction emanating from volatility
stabilization. These enhancements are economically meaningful for many time hori-
zons and holding period combinations, and they remain once transaction costs have
been included, suggesting a durable and tangible value-add from managed volatility
strategies. They also suggest a more appropriate way to measure the performance
improvements of tail-risk-mitigating strategies.
Managed volatility strategies adjust market exposure in inverse relation to a risk esti-
mate, with the aim of stabilizing realized portfolio volatility through time. While
volatility stabilization is achievable with relative ease, owing to the general pre-
dictability of volatility, or volatility clustering, it is not by itself of obvious bene-
fit to investors. Advocates for these strategies typically argue that they also provide
higher risk-adjusted returns, most likely due to countercyclicality in the risk/return
relationship of the underlying equity market itself. A robust and broadly constructive
empirical body of literature has developed on this topic over the last decade, but the
time periods and success metrics used vary greatly, leaving investors wanting for a
robust set of stylized facts as their guide. Our paper examines managed volatility
performance under a range of success metrics that align with how investment prac-
titioners often evaluate investment strategies, including explicit consideration of a
time horizon (holding period). We rely on a much longer data set than is typically
seen in the volatility management literature. We employ a utility-based approach as
a way of capturing the effect of the strategy on higher moments. Our key finding
is that, while managed volatility is associated with varying improvements in risk-
adjusted return, it produces robust enhancements in tail-risk reduction. We believe
this perspective is both novel and important because it refocuses the case for the
strategy on its inherent risk management characteristics, rather than being a targeted
focus on its risk-adjusted performance enhancement, as tail-risk reduction is a direct
consequence of the volatility stabilization mechanism.
Perchet et al (2014a) provide a useful conceptual framework by examining, both
theoretically and through simulation, a wide range of conditions under which Sharpe
ratio enhancement from managed volatility can arise. When applying their approach
to Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P 500) data (1990–2012), they find a meaningful
Sharpe ratio improvement. Perchet et al (2014b) apply the same approach to factor
returns. Hallerbach (2012) focuses more on the theoretical argument for the superior-
ity of managed volatility portfolios, but he also demonstrates a Sharpe ratio improve-
ment for European equity markets over the 2003–11 period. Moreira and Muir (2017)
put their emphasis on the conditional Sharpe ratio of the underlying asset as the main
channel for Sharpe ratio improvements in managed volatility portfolios.1 Using a
1 If forward volatility is predictable but the forward return is not related to the volatility forecast,
then volatility forecasts also predict time-varying Sharpe ratios that are higher when volatility
is predicted to be low. The assumption that forward returns are entirely unrelated to predicted
volatility also leads Moreira and Muir (2017) to focus on “variance-managed” portfolios, which
allocate to equities in inverse relation to expected variance rather than expected standard deviation.
Our paper makes the baseline assumption that Sharpe ratios are invariant to predicted risk, which
implies allocating inversely to standard deviation rather than variance.
wide range of underlying assets and assuming a Sharpe ratio maximizing mean–
variance investor, they find Sharpe ratio improvements from managed volatility in a
wide range of cases.
Fleming et al (2001) use a quadratic utility approach and find meaningful improve-
ments from managed volatility portfolios, albeit over a somewhat narrow time period
(1983–97). In Fleming et al (2003), the same group of authors demonstrates the
benefit of using intraday “realized” volatility for the volatility forecast. Another
highly relevant paper is Hocquard et al (2013), which focuses on tail-risk mitiga-
tion from managed volatility strategies, employing a sophisticated payoff transfor-
mation procedure to explicitly target a certain realized return distribution. Looking
at a global equity portfolio for the 1990–2011 period, the authors find meaningful
tail-risk reduction in addition to a substantial Sharpe ratio improvement. Using a
utility-based approach, they are able to holistically score all aspects of the return.
Similarly, Moreira and Muir (2016) calibrate outright structural models to empir-
ical data in order to include a wider range of utility preferences. They find large
utility improvements from managed volatility portfolios.2 In the existing literature,
the paper by Dopfel and Ramkumar (2013) is most similar to ours. Like this paper,
they use a relatively long historical sample (starting in 1950) and employ utility-
based analysis. Focusing on quarterly holding periods, they find a small Sharpe ratio
improvement and a more meaningful utility improvement from managed volatility
strategies. However, they do not explicitly recognize the link between the greater
utility improvement and the impact of the strategy on the higher moments of return
(tail-risk hedging). To draw out that link is the main point of our paper. We also
expand on their work by considering results across a range of possible investor hold-
ing periods, and by using higher-frequency data (daily rather than quarterly), which
helps our findings to align better with how investors likely employ the strategy in
practice. Finally, Dreyer et al (2016) make a relevant contribution to the literature by
illustrating how managed volatility strategies can be combined with other strategies
for portfolio enhancement.
2 We also note that there is a related and older literature dealing with the conditional Sharpe ratio
of the underlying equity markets. We do not review this literature in detail, referring the reader
instead to some of the more recent papers: Lettau and Ludvigson (2010), Brandt and Kang (2004),
Lundblad (2007) and Tang and Whitelaw (2011), and the references therein.
3The MV strategy dynamically alters the daily equity market exposure according to the ratio of
realized past long-term equity volatility and the trailing twenty-day realized volatility. The former
represents the volatility target and the latter, the forecast.
FIGURE 1 Comparison of the realized trailing sixty-day volatility of the benchmark (BM)
and MV strategies for the data sample starting in 1929.
BM MV Target
1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
The dynamic allocation process inherent in MV can seem antithetical to the value-
conscious, somewhat contrarian nature of many professional investors. Equities tend
to be cheap when volatility is high. Interestingly, Moreira and Muir (2017) illus-
trate that market valuation signals and MV strategies are complementary. Their key
insight is that valuation is best at forecasting returns for very long time horizons,
while MV strategies tend to react dynamically to shorter-term trends in volatility. As
long as the gains from attractive valuations are harvested in the long term rather than
immediately following an attractive valuation observation, MV does not lose much
expected return by lowering exposure immediately after a sell-off. It is entirely pos-
sible that most of the long-term future gains from a low valuation starting point are
harvested during normal or even low-volatility periods, when MV features healthy
equity exposure.
We also need to recognize that MV strategies can and will routinely employ
leverage, here defined as equity exposure in excess of 100% during low-volatility
episodes. The strategy depicted in Figure 1 employs leverage on 64% of days.4 The
mean and median daily equity exposures are 134% and 122%, respectively.5
The use of leverage during low-volatility periods allows MV to garner excess
returns over the benchmark during these periods if the underlying market returns are
positive. As such, outperformance of MV strategies in calm periods, such as 2017,
is often overlooked. It is the main feature that can compensate for opportunities lost
by de-risking in crisis periods. MV would employ leverage whenever the short-term
volatility forecast for the underlying market falls below the long-term target. In Fig-
ure 1, these periods are largely consistent with the benchmark short-term volatility
falling below the target. The larger the deviation, the larger the degree of lever-
age. However, in high-volatility periods, MV also significantly reduces exposure
below 100%.
Further, return as the key measure of success becomes meaningless for strate-
gies that can employ leverage. As long as the underlying market returns are pos-
itive on average, additional leverage can be applied to achieve the desired return
target. Therefore, what matters is risk-adjusted return: how much return does the
portfolio garner per unit of risk? We will focus on the Sharpe ratio (SR), defined
as the average excess return divided by standard deviation, as the most commonly
used metric for risk-adjusted return. Our question then becomes the following: why/
when would we expect MV to have a higher SR than the benchmark? The litera-
ture provides us with several relevant considerations here (see Perchet et al (2014a)
for a detailed study on this topic). The primary driver is the conditional SR of the
underlying equity market itself. There is a large body of existing literature suggest-
ing that, broadly speaking, realized equity market SR is lower when risk is high.
This is referred to as market level SRs being countercyclical. It would make MV
an excellent market timing device, featuring more exposure when market level risk/
reward is attractive (volatility is low), and vice versa. In fact, the MV strategy con-
templated here, which scales exposure inversely to volatility rather than variance,
would be suboptimal. As shown in Moreira and Muir (2016), the optimal strategy in
the extreme case of expected returns that are invariant to predicted volatility would
be a “variance-managed” portfolio that allocates to the equity market inversely to
predicted variance.
We focus our study on MV relative to standard deviation because it is defensi-
ble under much weaker conditions: if the equity market SR is at least constant, MV
should not fall below the benchmark with regard to the long-term SR (Kolanovic
and Wei 2013). Outright countercyclicality is unnecessary. As practitioners, we also
6 A second reason to expect a higher SR from MV lies in its longitudinal diversification benefits.
By targeting constant risk through time, each period allocates equally to the time series risk of the
MV return stream. In theory, this should provide better risk-adjusted returns, much like the effect
of cross-sectional diversification. In the extreme case of uncorrelated assets, the SR maximizing
point-in-time portfolio will allocate equal risk to each asset. Perchet et al (2014a) investigate this
angle but conclude that, in practice, this benefit is not economically meaningful.
7 The impact of MV on risk-adjusted returns should be relatively independent of the volatility target
lence. This correlation has increased as global markets have become increasingly interconnected.
We believe that looking at a longer longitudinal sample, as opposed to one with broader regional
representation, offers a more powerful robustness test.
the frequency at which the investor evaluates performance. In other words, it is the
time window over which individual return observations are cumulated. Here, hold-
ing period refers only to the window length over which daily returns are aggregated,
not the rebalancing frequency.9 Our data is daily, and we permit daily trading. We
view the problem through the lens of an investment manager offering an MV prod-
uct. That product may have a diverse investor base with a variety of holding periods
of interest. Thus, our focus is on an unconstrained, daily traded MV strategy that has
the potential to maximize benefits from volatility management. In our experience
as practitioners, these strategies are actually managed in this manner. They can be
rebalanced daily, as warranted by changes in the volatility signal used, and they can
include large daily trades in liquid futures to adjust the risk profile.10
Table 1 presents our findings concerning traditional and risk-adjusted perfor-
mance.11 For a baseline MV strategy relying on trailing twenty-day realized volatility
as its forecast, the longest sample (starting in 1929) features meaningful SR improve-
ments to the order of 20–30% for holding periods up to a quarter. The deterioration of
the improvement as the holding period lengthens is noteworthy, however. Our analy-
sis confirms the notion that truly long-term investors, with holding periods beyond
one year, should not expect much of an enhancement from MV strategies. In fact, we
see a degree of SR underperformance from MV strategies at these horizons. It seems
that for a long enough horizon, the long-term growth potential and mean-reversion
tendencies of equity markets are the more important principle.12 We also compute the
(nonannualized) alpha for each holding period.13 While the alpha is positive up to a
three-year holding period, the marginal improvement in the alpha begins to degrade
for holding periods beyond three months. Alphas are significant for up to one year
when using data starting in 1926, but they are only significant for holding periods up
to one day and one month, respectively, when using data starting in 1960 and 1990.
The degree of the SR enhancement from MV varies based on the time period of
interest. We first show this in Table 1 by also providing results for subperiods starting
9 See, for example, Perchet et al (2014a) for an MV study employing lower-frequency rebalancing
10 We do acknowledge that investment practitioners will likely put some guardrails around daily
trading behavior, however, and our second appendix (available online) re-evaluates key results
under such constraints; they are unaffected by these considerations.
11 The MV series shown in Table 1 are constructed using a twenty-day trailing realized volatil-
ity estimate as the forecast. Metrics are shown based on returns in excess of cash and are not
annualized. See the online appendix for further information.
12 See Moreira and Muir et al (2017) for a confirmatory and quite nuanced discussion of the role
time horizons play in the comparison between MV strategies and valuation centric strategies.
13 Alpha regression allows for variable beta to the benchmark.
in 1960 and 1990.14 The smallest improvement is seen for the period starting in 1960.
For the period starting in 1990, we again see improvements, but these are not quite as
material as when we start in 1929. Confidence intervals contain positive differences
only for the 1929 period for horizons up to sixty days. It is worth emphasizing that
this last sample period, and the various subperiods therein, is the most frequently
used in the existing literature.
Another way to evaluate robustness is shown in Figure 2. This displays the bench-
mark and MV SR that arises in the sample, beginning with the time indicated on
the horizontal axis and ending in June 2018 (the end of our sample). This visual aid
illustrates the impact of the starting period on the risk-adjusted performance of MV
compared with the benchmark. We start the chart on the right in June 2013, assum-
ing that any backtest would show at least five years of data. Starting the backtest in
2013, the benchmark outperforms MV with a higher SR. MV only begins to have a
better SR when the GFC is included, starting in 2007. From then on, the two remain
close until the Great Depression, which finally gives MV its edge for the full sample.
It is fair to say that this is not a robust picture for those looking for a reliable SR
improvement from MV. Investors pursuing pure MV strategies for SR enhancement
should consider the potential for regret risk, even with a long-term commitment to
the strategy.
Pure MV strategies are characterized by material turnover and trading activity due
to their dynamic adjustment of exposures, permitting equity exposure that can be
dramatically different from the benchmark for periods of time. Not all investors have
an appetite for such high turnover or tracking error to the static benchmark. Varying
the forecast horizon via its trailing window length is one convenient way of sizing
the degree to which MV is added to the portfolio, as volatility forecasts based on
longer windows inherently lead to more stable exposures. Further, a naive notion
of symmetry might suggest using longer trailing windows, and thus slower moving
forecasts, if the MV strategy is evaluated over a longer holding period, and vice
versa. To investigate this further, Table 2 shows how the key results for the longer
sample period starting in 1929 are affected when using trailing windows longer or
shorter than the twenty days employed so far for forecasting volatility.
14For each holding period, we construct all nonoverlapping histories possible based on daily
returns, aggregate returns to the holding period, calculate the statistic within each history and then
average the statistics across histories. These statistics are not annualized. This approach is used for
the results shown in all tables. All returns are in excess of cash. MV is constructed using trailing
twenty-day realized volatility as the volatility forecast. Bootstrap 90% confidence intervals (5th
and 95th bootstrap percentiles) on differences in SRs shown between MV and the benchmark are
displayed. See the first appendix (available online) for details on data and analysis.
TABLE 1 Risk-adjusted performance comparison for the benchmark (BM) and MV strategies over discrete nonoverlapping windows with
varied holding periods. [Table continues on next two pages.]
Annualized 5.99% 8.10%
Average 0.03% 0.04% 0.59% 0.78% 1.80% 2.39% 7.43% 10.32% 23.99% 35.15% 98.75% 171.83%
Risk (SD) 1.06% 1.06% 5.06% 5.56% 9.32% 10.27% 19.07% 25.49% 33.38% 55.58% 89.45% 189.68%
Sharpe ratio 2.71% 3.45% 11.65% 13.97% 19.36% 23.23% 39.00% 40.57% 72.49% 63.87% 111.76% 92.87%
Difference in 0.74% 2.32% 3.87% 1.57% 8.62% 18.89%
Sharpe ratio
90% CI of [0.1%, 1.4%] [0.3%, 4.4%] [0.4%, 7.1%] [ 5.0%, 7.0%] [ 21.1%, 2.2%] [ 75.7%, 2.7%]
Sharpe ratio
Alpha (bps) 1.27 22.31 70.45 185.98 158.40 2023.67
90% CI of [0.6, 1.9] [11.1, 32.2] [32.8, 104.4] [41.7, 308.3] [ 329.6, 531.5] [ 5780.5, 634.9]
Alpha (bps)
20 days 60 days 240 days 720 days 2400 days
1 day (1 month) (3 months) (1 year) (3 years) (10 years)
‚ …„ ƒ ‚ …„ ƒ ‚ …„ ƒ ‚ …„ ƒ ‚ …„ ƒ ‚ …„ ƒ
Annualized 5.30% 6.31%
Average 0.03% 0.03% 0.52% 0.63% 1.57% 1.92% 6.46% 7.95% 18.77% 22.88% 63.35% 79.83%
Risk (SD) 0.97% 0.97% 4.40% 5.04% 7.73% 9.00% 16.10% 19.21% 27.93% 34.93% 64.50% 89.06%
Sharpe ratio 2.60% 2.99% 11.71% 12.43% 20.31% 21.33% 40.24% 41.40% 67.42% 65.75% 106.21% 91.08%
Difference in 0.39% 0.72% 1.01% 1.16% 1.67% 15.13%
Sharpe ratio
90% CI of [ 0.3%, 1.1%] [ 1.7%, 3.2%] [ 3.8%, 5.3%] [ 8.2%, 9.1%] [ 17.4%, 12.0%] [ 231.8%, 14.7%]
Sharpe ratio
Alpha (bps) 0.75 10.88 30.97 107.27 293.64 582.41
90% CI of [0.1, 1.4] [ 1.6, 22.5] [ 7.2, 67.1] [ 53.6, 252.1] [ 164.7, 771.4] [ 7254.6, 971.9]
Alpha (bps)
TABLE 1 Continued.
Tail-risk mitigation with volatility management 41
FIGURE 2 Comparison of the benchmark (BM) and MV SRs calculated from a sample
beginning with the time indicated on the horizontal axis and ending in June 2018.
Sharpe ratio
TABLE 2 SR results by trailing windows used for volatility forecasts for benchmark and
MV strategies evaluated over discrete windows with varied holding periods (1929–2018).
Perhaps surprisingly, short windows with more responsive forecasts are superior
even for longer holding periods. Of course, even though we may evaluate over a
longer holding period, the strategy will still adjust exposure daily. It thus makes sense
that the dynamics of the forecast should be governed by the trading frequency and not
by the evaluation period. One implication is that if turnover or tracking error present
a material concern, it may be more effective to manage them directly via explicit
15 This is the natural effect of the law of large numbers when aggregating returns over time,
producing increasingly normally distributed sums even if the individual returns are not normal.
16 A kurtosis value of 3 is consistent with a normal return distribution.
17 This is perhaps surprising since MV is calibrated to match the volatility of the benchmark, albeit
at daily frequency. We hypothesize that this is due to the asymmetric impact of volatility estimation
error on positioning. Since MV sets equity exposure inversely to volatility forecast, an underestima-
tion of true volatility adds more to portfolio risk than an overestimation by the same amount would
detract. From an investor perspective, the volatility gap between benchmark and MV should not be
too much of a concern per se, as one can directionally calibrate the MV strategy to a lower ex-ante
volatility profile in order to compensate for the impact of forecast error on realized volatility.
18 Upon examining these cases, it seems that skewness improvements can play a role here, even
when kurtosis is not reduced compared with the benchmark. Clearly, for the same level of kurtosis,
a larger skew can improve the CVaR, as more of that tail now resides in the positive return extreme
which the CVaR does not capture.
19 See Press (1967), Praetz (1972) and Clark (1973) for early work on this mixture of distribution
TABLE 3 Tail-risk properties of benchmark (BM) and MV strategies evaluated over discrete windows with varied holding periods. [Table
continues on next two pages.]
TABLE 3 Continued.
20 days 60 days 240 days 720 days 2400 days
1 day (1 month) (3 months) (1 year) (3 years) (10 years)
‚ …„ ƒ ‚ …„ ƒ ‚ …„ ƒ ‚ …„ ƒ ‚ …„ ƒ ‚ …„ ƒ
Skewness 0.53 0.56 0.65 0.21 0.47 0.11 0.43 0.03 0.01 0.41 0.13 0.29
90% CI of [ 1.2,0.1] [ 0.8, 0.4] [ 0.9, 0.3] [ 0.3, 0.1] [ 0.7, 0.1] [ 0.1,0.3] [ 0.7, 0.1] [ 0.2,0.2] [ 0.3,0.4] [0.0,0.7] [ 0.6,0.6] [ 0.4,0.7]
Kurtosis 18.87 6.69 6.27 3.32 4.89 3.18 3.12 2.75 2.76 3.03 2.25 1.99
90% CI of [10.7,30.4] [5.1,8.9] [4.8,7.5] [3.2,3.5] [4.0,5.5] [2.9,3.4] [2.5,3.7] [2.4,3.1] [2.2,3.5] [2.3,3.5] [1.2,2.8] [1.2,2.7]
5% CVaR 2.28% 2.25% 10.38% 10.64% 16.92% 16.00% 28.56% 27.94% 33.70% 36.69% 17.11% 22.69%
90% CI of [0.1%,0.7%] [ 0.2%,4.2%] [ 0.5%,7.8%] [ 7.5%,7.0%] [ 7.3%,3.6%] [ 15.0%,9.2%]
5% CVaR
1% CVaR 3.85% 3.45% 16.00% 14.07% 25.08% 21.11% 34.55% 33.18% 33.70% 36.69% 17.11% 22.69%
90% CI of [0.0%,0.1%] [ 1.1%,0.6%] [ 1.0%,3.0%] [ 5.6%,7.2%] [ 7.3%,3.6%] [ 13.5%,9.2%]
1% CVaR
Mean/ 0.01% 0.01% 0.05% 0.06% 0.09% 0.12% 0.23% 0.29% 0.58% 0.63% 1.85% 3.72%
( 5% CVaR)
Mean/ 0.01% 0.01% 0.03% 0.04% 0.06% 0.09% 0.20% 0.24% 0.58% 0.63% 1.85% 3.72%
TABLE 3 Continued.
Tail-risk mitigation with volatility management 47
the normalization of the distribution. These characteristics are two sides of the same
coin and should be viewed as one and the same benefit. MV will not produce one
without the other.
Last, because negative skewness and excess kurtosis reduce compound returns,
strategies like MV that normalize the return distributions should increase the com-
pound return. However, leverage is necessary to achieve return normalization with-
out degrading the long-term risk-adjusted return. Reducing the underlying exposure
during periods of high volatility normalizes the left tail, while increasing leverage
in low-volatility environments provides sufficient excess returns to compensate for
reducing risk (and return) in high-volatility episodes.
We have demonstrated that while MV strategies provide robust tail-risk enhance-
ments, traditional evaluation of risk-adjusted return does not adequately reward this
property. Recall from Section 3 that the MV enhancement as measured by SR varies
across samples. Utility functions are a natural alternative, enabling us to evaluate
the shape of the return distribution, including tails. A key reference point is Goetz-
mann et al (2007), in which it is demonstrated that traditional performance metrics
such as SR can be “gamed” by investment managers using information-free (or non-
value-additive), static or dynamic trading strategies, such as selling options. Such
strategies can enhance SR by introducing unattractive higher moments that are not
penalized by that metric. The authors demonstrate that a manipulation-proof perfor-
mance measure (MPPM) must inherently take the form of a time-separable power
utility function in order to be robust to such manipulation while preserving the abil-
ity to reward genuine investment value-add. Our tail-risk-enhancing MV strategy
presents something of a mirror image of the manipulation problem in that its abil-
ity to remove unattractive higher moments from the distribution is not adequately
or consistently rewarded by traditional performance measures. Like the authors in
the MPPM paper, we choose to employ the constant relative risk aversion (CRRA)
utility function as a functional form that is widely used, easily calculated and inter-
pretable, and which satisfies the MPPM conditions. Its use in the well-known Morn-
ingstar scoring system for mutual funds is an important practitioner endorsement
of this approach (see Morningstar 2009).20 The CRRA utility function implies that
investors are tail-risk averse. All else being equal, they prefer investments with thin-
ner tails for a distribution with the same mean and volatility. Likewise, investors are
20 Dopfel and Ramkumar (2013) also provide a careful illustration of applying utility to MV
strategies, but their ultimate application differs from ours in some key aspects.
TABLE 4 Certainty equivalent metrics with different risk-aversion coefficients for benchmark (BM) and MV strategies evaluated over
discrete windows with varied holding periods. [Table continues on next two pages.]
A. A. Dreyer and S. Hubrich
CEV ŒRA D 1 4.50% 6.54% 4.25% 6.00% 4.09% 5.85% 3.78% 5.35% 4.48% 5.71% 5.23% 6.37%
TABLE 4 Continued.
CEV ŒRA D 1 4.05% 5.05% 4.04% 4.76% 4.04% 4.79% 3.94% 4.65% 3.92% 4.42% 3.57% 3.74%
Difference in CEV ŒRA D 1 1.00% 0.72% 0.76% 0.71% 0.50% 0.17%
90% CI of CEV ŒRA D 1 [ 0.9%,2.9%] [ 1.0%,2.3%] [ 0.8%,2.4%] [ 0.9%,2.5%] [ 0.8%,2.0%] [ 0.4%,1.2%]
CEV ŒRA D 3 2.14% 2.84% 2.08% 2.33% 2.06% 2.33% 1.97% 2.16% 2.19% 2.21% 2.31% 2.10%
Difference in CEV ŒRA D 3 0.51% 0.27% 0.26% 0.19% 0.00% 0.12%
90% CI of CEV ŒRA D 3 [ 0.9%,2.9%] [ 1.6%,1.8%] [ 1.5%,2.1%] [ 2.1%,2.5%] [ 1.4%,1.6%] [ 0.7%,0.6%]
CEV ŒRA D 5 1.42% 1.89% 1.38% 1.51% 1.36% 1.51% 1.31% 1.39% 1.50% 1.44% 1.68% 1.45%
Difference in CEV ŒRA D 5 0.47% 0.13% 0.14% 0.08% 0.06% 0.23%
90% CI of CEV ŒRA D 5 [ 1.0%,2.9%] [ 2.3%,1.7%] [ 2.1%,2.5%] [ 3.3%,3.4%] [ 1.9%,1.3%] [ 0.9%,0.3%]
CEV ŒRA D 7 1.06% 1.41% 1.03% 1.12% 1.02% 1.11% 0.98% 1.02% 1.14% 1.07% 1.32% 1.12%
Difference in CEV ŒRA D 7 0.35% 0.09% 0.10% 0.04% 0.07% 0.21%
90% CI of CEV ŒRA D 7 [ 1.0%,3.0%] [ 2.8%,1.8%] [ 2.8%,3.7%] [ 4.3%,4.7%] [ 2.3%,1.3%] [ 0.9%,0.2%]
TABLE 4 Continued.
CEV ŒRA D 1 5.38% 7.18% 5.86% 7.59% 5.93% 7.64% 5.90% 7.42% 5.33% 6.31% 4.56% 5.23%
A. A. Dreyer and S. Hubrich
Tail-risk mitigation with volatility management 51
skewness seeking in that they prefer more positive skewness to less: again, all else
being equal.21 The CRRA utility function is conveniently parameterized solely by
the degree of risk aversion. As described in the first appendix (available online),
it is useful to convert the resulting expected utility into its certainty equivalent
(CEV): the certain return that is associated with the same expected utility as the
risky return.22
Our application of utility scoring reflects the use case of an asset manager who
offers mutual funds to a wide range of investors. Unlike an advisor working with
individual investors, the manager will not be aware of their individual preferences
and will have no opportunity to optimize directly to those preferences. Rather, the
manager needs to present a wide range of investment strategies at various risk levels,
appealing to investors with different degrees of risk aversion. Specifically, we start
with the daily MV and benchmark returns and create a range of possible portfolios
as simple multiples of each return stream over the [0:05, 0:1; : : : ; 0:95, 1:00] range.
From the perspective of the benchmark series, this amounts to simply providing a
range of fixed equity exposures between 5% and 100% (the benchmark itself), with
the remainder sitting in cash. Since the MV strategy is calibrated to the daily bench-
mark volatility, we apply the same set of multiples to create an MV series of differ-
ent risk levels. We now have twenty daily portfolios for each series, which we then
aggregate to the same longer-term holding periods as used previously. Each generic
CRRA investor with a given risk aversion and evaluation horizon/holding period now
has two series of twenty portfolios each from which to choose. We assume that the
investor chooses the preferred, utility-maximizing version from each series, with the
benefit of hindsight.23 We then compare the attained maximum utility within each
series via their CEVs.
Table 4 summarizes our results for utility metrics, using the same data as shown
in Tables 1 and 3. We show the CEV separately for MV and the benchmark. The
CEVs are calculated and annualized in such a manner that they can be interpreted in
terms of annual returns (see the first appendix (available online) for a more detailed
explanation of this calculation). MV CEVs are unambiguously greater than the cor-
responding benchmark CEVs for all three periods, and for all but the longest holding
21 See Ejara (2016) for a deeper and more technical discussion of the use of CRRA when higher
moments are present.
22 Maillard (2013) builds on the results of the MPPM paper by quantifying the CEV reduction
attributable to strategies with negative skewness and kurtosis that is reflected in the CRRA utility
but not captured in traditional performance metrics.
23 Our focus is on evaluation under utility criteria. How an investor might successfully identify the
utility-maximizing version prospectively is a separate problem, and one that we do not address.
periods.24 This finding dovetails with the groundwork laid in the previous section,
based on tail-risk metrics. Since CRRA utility rewards not only risk-adjusted returns
but also skewness and kurtosis, and since fatter tails feature more predominantly at
shorter holding periods, the CEV improvement is also greatest for shorter holding
periods. We suspect that MVs’ impact on skewness contributes as well. As shown
in Table 3, MV can enhance positive skewness, including for some of the longer
holding periods.
It is also worth noting that the absolute size of the improvements is economically
meaningful. For example, using the full sample and a conventional risk aversion (RA)
of RA D 3, the improvements in the CEV are in the range 0.29% (720 days/three
years) to 0.85% (twenty days/one month) per annum. These can be interpreted as the
additional cost, for example, in terms of trading costs or fees, that the investor would
be willing to incur with MV to render them indifferent to either the benchmark or
MV. Any cost lower than that would lead them to prefer MV.
Bootstrap confidence intervals for the differences in CEV between MV and the
benchmark are also shown. The utility improvement of MV relative to the bench-
mark is statistically significant only for the shortest holding periods. This is per-
haps surprising but can be put into perspective. The utility improvement of MV
over the benchmark in the historical sample likely results from outperformance dur-
ing extreme tail scenarios. These tail scenarios, by definition, occur infrequently,
and would not appear in all, or even most, of the bootstrap samples. Therefore, to
require purely positive confidence intervals for a tail-risk-hedging strategy repre-
sents an extraordinarily high bar. Rather, a lower and more reasonable hurdle for
robust improvement could be whether the investor is better off in the majority of
scenarios, as indicated by the average utility improvement of MV versus the bench-
mark. In the third appendix (available online), we illustrate that these economically
meaningful differences are also robust to transaction costs.
Finally, we illustrate the magnitude of the improvement in Figure 3. Here, we
contrast these CEV improvements with the SR improvements in Table 1. The CEV
improvement is larger across holding periods than the SR improvement: it is in the
30–60% range for up to one-year (240-day) holding periods, compared with the
SR improvement of only about 5–25%. Finally, the improvement holds across risk-
aversion assumptions. This lens is also more robust from an MPPM perspective and
captures an important penalty for fat tails that the SR metric misses.
24The CEVs generally decline with increasing risk aversion. This decline occurs because investors
with higher risk aversion typically select CEV-maximizing portfolios with lower risk and lower
FIGURE 3 Percentage improvement of MV over the benchmark for the data sample
starting in 1929, based on the SRs shown in Table 1 and the CEVs shown in Table 4.
CEV [RA = 1]
CEV [RA = 3]
Improvement from MV over benchmark (%)
CEV [RA = 5]
50 CEV [RA = 7]
CEV [RA = 10]
1 20 60 240 720 2400
Holding period (days)
At the heart of so-called MV strategies lies a well-established and tantalizingly robust
feature of financial markets: risk, as measured by volatility, is a time-variant feature
of the return distribution, and unlike the expected return, a meaningful share of its
time variation is forecastable by a surprisingly simple extrapolation of recently expe-
rienced volatility. Since the trade-off between risk and return is arguably the most
fundamental concept of investment science, it is no surprise that MV has emerged
as an investment framework. This framework capitalizes on risk forecastability by
adjusting risk exposures inversely with predicted volatility in order to stabilize or
manage the portfolio-level risk across time.
Our paper fills a gap in the literature by establishing stylized facts for historical
MV performance by emphasizing the role of time. We use a very long-term series
of US market returns, which enables us to probe for robustness along the dimension
of historical periods, and we explicitly condition our results on holding periods. Our
main conclusion is that MV strategies should be thought of in terms of their ability
to mitigate tail risk first, rather than predominantly in terms of their potential for
(1) When considering returns or SRs, MV enhances outcomes over the buy-and-
hold benchmark, on average, but with variation in the sizing of the enhance-
ments with holding period and across different starting historical periods.
(2) MV strategies remove fat tails (kurtosis) from the portfolio return as well as
enhancing skewness. The return normalization feature of reducing kurtosis is
inherently linked to the nature of the volatility stabilizing mechanism.
The authors report no conflicts of interest. The authors alone are responsible for the
content and writing of the paper. This article is distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, https://creativecommons
T. Rowe Price has extensively researched MV for more than ten years and has
implemented this investment approach for clients within internal and external strate-
gies since December 2014. MV strategy solutions are proactively offered to suit-
able clients by qualified T. Rowe Price associates and are tailored by the multiasset
investment team for client-specific objectives and constraints.
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