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Metals: Die Defects and Die Corrections in Metal Extrusion

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Die Defects and Die Corrections in Metal Extrusion
Sayyad Zahid Qamar *, Tasneem Pervez and Josiah Cherian Chekotu
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat 123, Oman;
tasneem@squ.edu.om (T.P.); josiahcherian@yahoo.com (J.C.C.)
* Correspondence: sayyad@squ.edu.om; Tel.: +968-24-141-349

Received: 5 May 2018; Accepted: 22 May 2018; Published: 24 May 2018 

Abstract: Extrusion is a very popular and multi-faceted manufacturing process. A large number of
products for the automotive, aerospace, and construction sectors are produced through aluminum
extrusion. Many defects in the extruded products occur because of the conditions of the dies and
tooling. The problems in dies can be due to material issues, design and manufacturing, or severe
usage. They can be avoided by maintaining the billet quality, by controlling the extrusion process
parameters, and through routine maintenance. Die problems that occur on a day-to-day basis are
mostly repairable and are rectified through various types of die correction operations. These defects
and repair operations have not been reported in detail in the published literature. The current
paper presents an in-depth description of repairable die defects and related die correction operations
in metal extrusion. All major die defects are defined and classified, and their causes, preventive
measures, and die correction operations are described. A brief frequency-based statistical study
of die defects is also carried out to identify the most frequent die corrections. This work can be
of direct benefit to plant engineers and operators and to researchers and academics in the field of
metal extrusion.

Keywords: metal extrusion; die defects; product defects; process parameters; die corrections;
definitions; causes; classification; frequency analysis

1. Introduction
Because of its versatility and net-shape ability, extrusion is a very common manufacturing process,
especially for aluminum alloys. Extruded products are widely used in the construction, automobile,
and aerospace industries. The mitigation of products’ defects directly leads to a reduction of rework
and rejection, saving production time and cost. The die is perhaps the most vital component in
extrusion because of its high cost, very fine dimensional tolerances, and good performance against
repeated thermo-mechanical stresses. The accuracy and durability of a die set ensure a good product
quality and reduced interruptions, leading to higher productivity and reduced costs [1–4].
Many product defects in extrusion have their root in problems related to dies and tooling. Some of
these are related to die design, die material, and die manufacturing, while others occur during the
service life of the die [5–10]. The latter include improper support tooling, improper temperature,
erosion, pitting, billet material quality, friction, etc. [11]. Die problems can be prevented by controlling
the billet quality and extrusion process parameters [12]. Many of the routine die problems are repairable
and are addressed through various types of die correction operations. After some time, die corrections
are no longer possible, and the die has to be scrapped. Common reasons for die failure are cracks,
bearing washout, chip-off, deflection, fracture, and wear [13–16].

1.1. Current Work

There is one published study of a general nature on die defects and die failure modes in
extrusion [17], while most authors have investigated only a few specific die problems. No published

Metals 2018, 8, 380; doi:10.3390/met8060380 www.mdpi.com/journal/metals

Metals 2018, 8, 380 2 of 18

literature is available on correctable die defects and die correction operations performed in a metal
extrusion plant. The focus of the current study is on die defects that are correctable and repairable, and
the operations needed to carry out these corrections. It is based on a thorough literature review, the lead
author’s direct involvement with the extrusion industry for over 20 years, and detailed discussions
and meetings with engineers and technicians in actual aluminum extrusion plants. Definitions and
causes of all relevant die defects are presented, together with details of die correction operations
needed to rectify these problems. A brief statistical analysis (frequency charts) of die defects and
corrections occurring over a three-year period in a regional medium-to-large-size extrusion facility is
also conducted. A discussion of die correction operations is critical for a thorough understanding of
the metal extrusion process and for research and R&D targeted at the improvement of die and tooling
design and the optimization of the extrusion process parameters. The current study is of direct utility
for engineers and technical staff in the extrusion industry and for researchers and academics.

1.2. Die Structural Features

The terminology used in the following sections may vary a little from plant to plant. However,
most of the terms are commonly used around the world. Die nomenclature generally refers to
the structural features of a die. A schematic diagram of an extrusion die is shown in Figure 1a.
The main features are bearing, die back clearance, step, ports, welding chamber, rib, feeding channel,
Metals 2017, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 18
and undercuts. A brief description of each feature is given below [18,19].

Die back clearance Step

(a) Port Bearing




Figure 1. 1.
(a)(a) Main
Main features
features of aof a hollow-profile
hollow-profile die;some
die; (b) (b) some typical
typical features
features of an extruded
of an extruded profile
profile (left),
(left), and details of a rib profile
and details of a rib profile (right). (right).

1.3. Die Tooling

The bearing forms an outline of the extrusion shape cut through the die to the highest possible
precision. corebearing
of theindie
extrusion is the
determines die.the
both The billetand
profile material (metal)
the finish is pressed
of the through
extrusion. Die
it to get the desired shape of the product. Additional tooling is required to provide sufficient rigidity
to the die against the pressure applied by the ram of the extrusion press [21]. A schematic of the press
and die tooling is shown in Figure 2. The common tooling components [19,22,23] are described below.
The die holder/ring holds the die, the feeder plate, and the die backer together. The die backer
provides support to the die against collapse or fracture. The bolster transfers the extrusion load from
Metals 2018, 8, 380 3 of 18

bearings act as the “land” which provides fine frictional control on metal flow. However, the friction
of flowing metal can cause the temperature to rise. The last portion of the die is the die back, and
modifications can be done on the die back clearance to influence metal flow. Reasonable support must
be provided to avoid the deflection of the bearing land.
The step is the portion of the die that helps fix the die to the die holder. Ports are provided to
facilitate the metal flow distribution (especially in the extrusion of hollow shapes), so that all regions of
the extruded profile receive the right amount of metal. Their size is always maximized in order to feed
the profile at the highest speed. The material strength of the die influences this maximum size. A large
size of the ports will also allow a lower resistance to the metal flow, thereby reducing the required
extrusion pressure [20].
The welding chamber is provided to facilitate the joining back of the distributed metal from the
ports, before it enters the die bearing area. Deeper welding chambers help achieve higher extrusion
speeds. The ribs support the mandrel portion in a hollow die, which provides the form for the inner
section of the hollow profile. The die must be strong and easy to extrude at the same time. Several
factors (including shear and bending stresses) must be considered and balanced in designing the die
for minimum temperature increase and maximum speed. The limiting factor is the speed at which the
metal can weld back after passing this rib and leg portions. The closing angle should be low enough to
allow quick welding (Figure 1b).
The undercut is a step on the core of the die, just before the bearing surface. It acts as a shear edge
before the metal is extruded through the die opening. In the case of hollow extrusion, a conventional
straight mandrel generates heat due to friction caused by shear in the metal flowing over the mandrel.
Undercutting the mandrel improves both flow and temperature distribution. It also creates a useful
dead metal zone (DMZ), which allows the metal to flow much easier (with less friction) over subsequent
layers. The profile features may incorporate several counter-features to generate important geometric
elements (Figure 1b) of the extruded profile (such as grooves, seats, etc.) which will be required later
during the installation and use of the extruded sections. The most common profile features in the die
are tongue, brush path, screw boss, and tip [17].

1.3. Die Tooling

The core tooling component in extrusion is the die. The billet material (metal) is pressed through
it to get the desired shape of the product. Additional tooling is required to provide sufficient rigidity
to the die against the pressure applied by the ram of the extrusion press [21]. A schematic of the press
and die tooling is shown in Figure 2. The common tooling components [19,22,23] are described below.
The die holder/ring holds the die, the feeder plate, and the die backer together. The die backer
provides support to the die against collapse or fracture. The bolster transfers the extrusion load from
the die to the pressure ring/pad. The sub-bolster is an additional (optional) tooling placed at the
back of the bolster to give additional support. The pressure ring/pad (or platen plate) transfers the
extrusion load from the bolster to the press platen and also guards against bolster deflection. The die
carrier/slide holds together the complete die set (bolster and die ring). The feeder plate is placed in
front of the die, balances the metal flow, and allows continuous extrusion without breaks. The tool
stack corresponds to the full assembly containing the die, die backer, feeder plate, holder, and support
tooling that fits into the die slide. The liner provides protection against thermal and mechanical stresses
to the large and expensive container. The stem is fitted with the main ram to force the billet through
the container. The dummy block is either floating or fitted in front of the stem and protects the life of
the costly stem.
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Metals 2017, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 18

Figure 2.
2. Schematic
Schematic layout
layout of
of the
the extrusion press
extrusion press and
press and tooling.
and tooling.
Figure 2. Schematic layout of the extrusion

1.4. Types of
Types of Dies
of Dies
1.4. Types
On the
On the basis
thebasis ofthethe shape
shape of the extruded profile, dies are
are generally classified into
into three types:
On ofof
thethe extruded
extruded profile,
profile, diesdies generally
are generally classified
classified into three three
solid, hollow,
solid, hollow, and semi-hollow
and semi-hollow (Figure 3). The solid profiles are usually extruded through a single-
hollow, and semi-hollow (Figure(Figure
3). The 3). The
solid solid profiles
profiles are extruded
are usually usually extruded
through athrough a single-
single-piece die,
piece die,
die, whereas
whereas the
the hollow
hollow shapes
shapes require
require aa two-piece
two-piece die
die set,
set, known
known as
as cap
cap and
and mandrel
mandrel (to
(to form
whereas the hollow shapes require a two-piece die set, known as cap and mandrel (to form the hollow
the hollow
hollow profile).
profile). Semi-hollows
Semi-hollows are
are solid
solid profiles
profiles (without
(without aa fully
fully enclosed
enclosed cavity)
cavity) but
but need
need aa cap-
profile). Semi-hollows are solid profiles (without a fully enclosed cavity) but need a cap-and-mandrel
and-mandrel set
set [18,24,25].
set [18,24,25].

Figure 3.
3. Schematic
3. Schematic
Schematic illustration
illustration of
of the
illustration the
the extrusion
of extrusion setup
extrusion for
for the
setup the
the semi-hollow,
for semi-hollow, hollow,
semi-hollow, and
and solid
and solid
hollow, profiles.
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There are three major types of die design setups (Figure 4) for the hollow profiles. Port-hole dies
are the
commonly used ones.
used TheThe
ones. metal splits
metal through
splits the ports
through provided
the ports on the on
provided mandrel section,
the mandrel
section,into the into
flows welding chamber,
the welding and then
chamber, over
and thenthe mandrel
over and into
the mandrel andthe cap
into thesection. Spider
cap section. dies
provide improved stability and lower load requirements for the extrusion of hard
dies provide improved stability and lower load requirements for the extrusion of hard alloys.alloys. However, they
are difficultthey
However, to handle, especially
are difficult in the especially
to handle, case of multi-cavity
in the casedies. Bridge dies have
of multi-cavity dies. bridges projected
Bridge dies have
on the front
bridges side ofonthe
projected themandrel.
front sideThese
of thebridges require
mandrel. Thesespecial rings.
bridges The bridge
require special dies areThe
rings. generally
dies are in the casefavored
generally of multi-cavity dies.
in the case of multi-cavity dies.

Figure 4.
Figure 4. Three major hollow
Three major hollow extrusion
extrusion setups:
setups: port-hole die, spider
port-hole die, spider die,
die, and
and bridge
bridge die.

2. Materials
2. Materials and Methods
and Methods

2.1. Die
2.1. Die and Tooling Defects
and Tooling Defects
As mentioned
As mentioned above,
above, most
most of the die
of the die and
and tooling
tooling defects
defects cancan be
be removed
removed through
through operations
known as die corrections. Some die defects are so critical in nature that they cannot
known as die corrections. Some die defects are so critical in nature that they cannot be repaired and be repaired and
directly lead to die failure. In other cases, further repair is not possible after various
directly lead to die failure. In other cases, further repair is not possible after various die corrections die corrections
have been
have been done,
done, resulting
resulting in in the
the scrapping
scrapping of of the
the die.
die. Many
Many researchers
researchers have
have attempted
attempted to to investigate
or analyze individual die defects [26,27]. Arif et al. [17] conducted a more
or analyze individual die defects [26,27]. Arif et al. [17] conducted a more comprehensive study comprehensive study
on dieon
die failure
failure modes modes
and and mechanisms
mechanisms and and presented
presented a statistical
a statistical analysis
analysis of theof main
the main die failure
die failure typestypes
and their
their sub-divisions.
sub-divisions. The focus
The focus in theincurrent
the current
paper paper
is notisdie
die failures butcorrections.
but die die corrections.
Five major
Five major categories
categories of of die
die defects
defects are are fracture,
fracture, wear,
wear, deflection
deflection (plastic
(plastic deformation),
design/manufacturing, and
design/manufacturing, andhardness.
hardness.The Thefirst
(fracture, wear,
wear, and
and deflection)
deflection) relate
relate to the
to the
structural and geometrical condition of the die after being used for some time
structural and geometrical condition of the die after being used for some time and can be generally and can be generally
seen distinctly
seen distinctly without
without thethe aid
aid of
of aa measurement
measurement device. device. The
(design/manufacturing flaws flaws
and hardness
and hardness problems)
problems) usually
usually require
require anan instrument
instrument for fortheir
Fracture defects appear as uneven crevices on the die surfaces and
Fracture defects appear as uneven crevices on the die surfaces are caused
and are caused byby the
the large
thermo-mechanical stresses combined with stress concentration locations in
thermo-mechanical stresses combined with stress concentration locations in the profile. [15,17,28]. the profile. [15,17,28].
Rib cracks
Rib cracks can
can lead
lead to
to some
some minor
minor deflections
deflections in in the
the mandrel
mandrel which
which are
are correctable
correctable in in nature.
nature. Initiated
cracks may propagate under fatigue loading over multiple extrusion cycles. The crack propagation
mostly leads to ultimate brittle failure in the form of fracture of any feature of the die. Fracture is also
to the die. Cracks are usually seen on bearing, mandrel, and ribs (Figure 5) that take load from the
flowing metal. To prevent fracture defects, proper die hardness levels should be maintained by
routine nitriding; mandrels should be designed so that they are free from high unbalanced mass
variations and sharp edges, and ribs must be designed for minimum temperature increase and
Metals flow.
2018, 8, 380 6 of 18
Wear defects refer to the wear and tear of critical surfaces during service (such as the die bearing)
and are typically of two types. Erosion is the deterioration or degradation of the surface, whereas
washout may propagate
(Figure underasfatigue
5) appears cratersloading over
or linear multiple extrusion
depressions accumulated cycles. The crack
in certain propagation
regions [8,29]. If
mostly leads to ultimate brittle failure in the form of fracture of any feature
the bearing washout is severe, the dimensions of the profile can change and lead the profile of the die. Fracture
to go offis
also caused
geometry andby beyond
the grain boundary
the toleranceseverity of carbides
limits. The causes ofinthe
steel defects
die, by reducing
include hardthe ductility
inclusions andin
the billet, improper setup parameters, loss of hardness, and high temperature rise due to friction.die
to temperature variations. Gradually, the inhomogeneity and segregation increase in the To
reduce theIt wear
also occurs as a the
problems, consequence
die surfacesof can
coatedselection, resulting in insufficient
with a wear-resistant metal. Thissupport
canthe die. Cracks
reduce are usually
the uptake of hardseen on bearing,
inclusions, mandrel,
adhesion, and fatigue,
thermal ribs (Figure
and 5) that take
friction. loadbenefits
Other from the of
coating metal.
higher fracture
oxidationdefects, proper die
temperature uphardness
to 750 °C levels
andshould be maintained
high corrosion by routine
resistance. The
polishing mandrels should
of dies before be cycle
each designed so that they
can facilitate the are free from
smooth metalhigh
over the ribsmassandvariations
and sharp edges, and ribs must be designed for minimum temperature increase and
Wear can also be minimized by ensuring the hardness levels of critical regions of the die and mandrel. smoother flow.

Figure 5. Some fracture and wear defects: bearing crack leading to fracture (top left); crack on rib and
Figure 5. Some fracture and wear defects: bearing crack leading to fracture (top left); crack on rib
mandrel leading to deflection (top right); rib crack (bottom left); severe bearing washout (bottom
and mandrel leading to deflection (top right); rib crack (bottom left); severe bearing washout (bottom

Deflection defects are caused by the plastic deformation of the die or its features due to thermal
Wear defects
or mechanical refer to
stresses or the wear and tear
a combination of of critical
both [30].surfaces
Deflectionduring service
in the mandrel (such as happen
can the die bearing)
for two
and are typically of two types. Erosion is the deterioration or degradation
reasons. First, a plastic deformation can happen because of thermo-mechanical stresses occurring onof the surface, whereas
washout (Figure
the ribs and 5) appears
mandrel as craters
[17]. Second, or linear
when depressions
a crack or fractureaccumulated
occurs on thein certain
rib, theregions
mandrel [8,29].
bearing washout
to an angle is severe,
from the centralthe dimensions
axis. of theinprofile
This will result can change
flow-related anddefects
product lead thedueprofile
to thetobend
go off
geometry and beyond the tolerance limits. The causes of the wear defects include
the cavity. The mandrel deflection can also lead to a dimensional change (angle and wall thickness) hard inclusions in the
of the improper
profile. Asetup parameters,
feature deflectionlosscanofalter
hardness, and high temperature
the dimensions of features in rise
thedue to friction.
extruded To reduce
product, and
the wear problems, the die surfaces can be coated with a wear-resistant metal.
sometimes this dimensional change (linear or angular) may exceed the designated tolerance limit, This coating can reduce
anduptake of hard
the product inclusions,
will have to be adhesion,
scrapped. thermal fatigue,
To reduce and friction.
deflection Other
defects, benefits
enough of coating
support include
and rigidity
higherbeoxidation temperature up to 750 ◦ C and high corrosion resistance. The polishing of dies before
provided to the mandrel section through a proper selection of tooling. The rib regions
each cycle can facilitate
should be polished for athe smooth
smooth metal
metal flow
flow. Toover the ribs
prevent and deflection,
feature bearing. Wear can alsotooling
additional be minimized
may be
by ensuring the hardness levels of critical regions of the die and mandrel.
Deflection defects are caused by the plastic deformation of the die or its features due to thermal
or mechanical stresses or a combination of both [30]. Deflection in the mandrel can happen for two
reasons. First, a plastic deformation can happen because of thermo-mechanical stresses occurring on
the ribs and mandrel [17]. Second, when a crack or fracture occurs on the rib, the mandrel gets bent
to an angle from the central axis. This will result in flow-related product defects due to the bend in
the cavity. The mandrel deflection can also lead to a dimensional change (angle and wall thickness)
of the profile. A feature deflection can alter the dimensions of features in the extruded product,
through the cavities of dies. The ribs may have excessive material (distended), and this will cause
obstruction to the metal flow in the cavities. Once the flow is obstructed, the pressure will rise and
may cause flashing defects (the metal passes over the die) or blocked metal flow. Distended ribs can
be easily corrected by machining off the excess material. This will reduce the pressure build-up.
MetalsThe2018,two types of hardness-related die problems are low-hardness and high-hardness (Figure
8, 380 7 of6).
Low hardness makes the die softer than specified, resulting in dimensional and other errors in the
extruded product. High hardness makes the die over-hard and brittle, increasing the chances of chip-
off andsometimes this dimensional
other types of breakages. change
Routine (linear or angular)
grinding may exceed
and polishing the designated
procedures may chip tolerance
off thelimit,
and the product will have to be scrapped. To reduce deflection defects,
bearing as tiny fragments because of its high brittleness. Once the bearing is chipped, it is usually enough support and rigidity
correctable.be provided
Common to causes
the mandrel
of thesesection through
defects a proper
are either selection of
over-usage or tooling.
improper The rib regions
should be polished for a smooth metal flow. To prevent feature deflection,
operations during die corrections [32–34]. In such cases, a recalculation of the time required additional tooling mayfor be
included, such as an insert-bolster attached to an insert-holder to match
periodic nitriding of the dies may be needed. The orientation of the dies while they are placed in the the aperture of the die backer.
carbonitridingmeasure is to use
chamber an alternative
must be checkedcustom backer, heat
for a uniform suitable for the die
distribution. backer
The aperture.
preheating time of the
Some die defects
dies should not be too long. are due to flaws or miscalculations in designing the die geometry, to die material
issues, or to manufacturing
Defects that cannot beerrors. These into
categorized problems
any ofarethetherefore
above types categorized
are namedas design/manufacturing
other defects. These
defects. Sometimes, they cannot be detected until after at least
could be a combination of the major defects or defects due to setup errors or inefficient a few trial or actual extrusioncorrection
runs [31].
operations during die maintenance (Figure 6). If the die is not corrected properly, this can result
angles can result in metal flow variations in different regions of the profile and may cause
in concave/convex product defects. The ribs control the flow of metal
various flow-related problems, a temperature rise, and pressure build-ups at the die–billet interface. through the cavities of dies.
The ribs may have excessive material (distended), and this will cause
Correction beyond the tolerance limits can result in scrapping the die. The supervision of correctionobstruction to the metal flow in
the cavities. Once the flow is obstructed, the pressure will rise and
works by a co-worker or supervisor is usually practiced. Training workshops can be held from time may cause flashing defects (the
to timepasses over the
to instruct the die) or blocked
workers metal flow.
and improve theirDistended
die correction ribs knowledge
can be easilyand corrected
practical byexperience.
off the excess material. This will reduce the pressure build-up.
The die inspection tools (discussed later) must be checked periodically for errors and recalibration
The two types
requirements. One of ofthe
most commondie setup problems
errors isare
malfunctioning andofhigh-hardness
the die preheating (Figure oven6).
Low hardness makes the die softer than specified, resulting in dimensional
(also called die furnace). Usually, the dies are preheated at 450–500 °C for a time period of two hours. and other errors in the
If any of theseproduct. High hardness
parameters makes thesatisfactorily,
are not maintained die over-hard and brittle, increasing
thermo-mechanical the chances
stress variations mayof
occur. Billetand other types is
preheating of another
breakages. Routine
factor whichgrinding
is done and polishing
at 420–450 °C.procedures
The die furnace may chip andoff the
die bearing as tiny fragments because of its high brittleness. Once
furnace should be monitored and controlled appropriately. Another setup error is related to the the bearing is chipped, it is usually
of the right Common causes of
type of bolster, theseplate,
feeder defects
backer, over-usage
which areor improper
essential forre-hardening
ensuring the
rigidity of the die during extrusion and avoid cracks or fracture defects. A proper and required
during die corrections [32–34]. In such cases, a recalculation of the time rigid setting for
periodic nitriding of the dies may be needed. The orientation of the
of the tool-stack should be ensured in the die slide. The performance of selected die sets and tool-dies while they are placed in the
stacks should be chamber
monitored must be checked
from time to time,for a uniform
evaluating heatthedistribution.
appearance The preheating
of crack defects time
on the of die.
dies should not be too long.
A classification of the defects into common sub-categories is given in Table 1.

Figure 6. Peeling caused by hardness defect (left); correction error of excess chiseling (right).
Figure 6. Peeling caused by hardness defect (left); correction error of excess chiseling (right).

Table 1. Major types of die defects and their common sub-categories.

Defects that cannot be categorized into any of the above types are named other defects. These
could be Die/Tooling Defects
a combination of the major defects or defectsSub-Categories
due to setup errors or inefficient correction
operations during die maintenance (Figure 6). If the die is not corrected properly, this can cause
various flow-related problems, a temperature rise, and pressure build-ups at the die–billet interface.
Correction beyond the tolerance limits can result in scrapping the die. The supervision of correction
works by a co-worker or supervisor is usually practiced. Training workshops can be held from time
to time to instruct the workers and improve their die correction knowledge and practical experience.
The die inspection tools (discussed later) must be checked periodically for errors and recalibration
requirements. One of the most common setup errors is the malfunctioning of the die preheating oven
(also called die furnace). Usually, the dies are preheated at 450–500 ◦ C for a time period of two hours.
If any of these parameters are not maintained satisfactorily, thermo-mechanical stress variations may
occur. Billet preheating is another factor which is done at 420–450 ◦ C. The die furnace and billet furnace
should be monitored and controlled appropriately. Another setup error is related to the choice of the
Metals 2018, 8, 380 8 of 18

right type of bolster, feeder plate, and die backer, which are essential for ensuring the rigidity of the
die during extrusion and avoid cracks or fracture defects. A proper and rigid setting of the tool-stack
should be ensured in the die slide. The performance of selected die sets and tool-stacks should be
monitored from time to time, evaluating the appearance of crack defects on the die. A classification of
the defects into common sub-categories is given in Table 1.

Table 1. Major types of die defects and their common sub-categories.

Die/Tooling Defects Sub-Categories

Fracture Bearing crack; Mandrel crack; Rib crack; Fracture/breakage
Wear Erosion; Bearing washout
Deflection Feature deflection; Mandrel/cavity deflection
Design/manufacturing Improper choke/relief; Distended rib; Improper clearance/undercut
Hardness Soft die bearing; Peeling; Chipping
Other Correction defects; Mixed mode; Setup damages

There are three ways by which a need for die corrections is identified. First, the new dies go
through trial runs before being used for the actual production. If there are problems during these
trial runs or if the extruded product from these trial runs is defective, die corrections may be needed.
Second, the dies are inspected after every production run. Routine correction operations, such as
die cleaning etc., are always required. Some other die corrections are done periodically, such as
die re-hardening. Third, a poor product quality during actual production runs may suggest certain
die corrections.

2.2. Die Corrections

As mentioned earlier, a proper condition of dies and tooling is crucial for good product quality
and plant productivity. Die failures leading to rejection result in production interruptions (down-time
and up-time), and the replacement of the scrapped dies further adds to the cost and time. Hence, die
corrections play a crucial role in maintaining productivity and profitability by making defective dies
re-usable and avoiding (or delaying) a final rejection.
A die shop is the station where the dies are routinely inspected and repaired. Broadly speaking,
die corrections are of two types: pre-service corrections and post-service corrections [35]. Pre-service
corrections are the ones carried out on new dies after the initial trial runs, before putting them in
regular service. These corrections are mainly focused on adjusting the geometry or feed design, in case
minor adjustments are needed. In some extrusion plants, it is customary to nitride (surface hardening)
all the new dies before regular use. Post-service corrections are done every time the die is dismounted
after being used for extrusion. They are mainly focused on correcting the flow, damage and wear,
fractures, deflections, and loss of hardness. From another perspective, die correction operations can
also be categorized into common corrections and task-specific corrections, described in detail below.

2.3. Die Corrector Skills

The die-shop technicians who perform die correction operations are called die correctors.
They manage the die resources and are usually responsible for preparing the die assembly, performing
trial runs, repairing, and maintaining the dies and related tooling [36]. These workers must possess
a high level of technical skills and knowledge. One die defect may be corrected in more than one
way. Some corrections can be costly and time-consuming, while improperly selected corrections can
reduce the die life [37]. Another issue is that several die corrections may be required to rectify a single
problem. Thus, a proper selection and execution of optimum corrective operations are very important.
Some of the more critical skills that die correctors (die-shop workers) must have are listed in Table 2.
Metals 2018, 8, 380 9 of 18

Table 2. Some of the important skills and knowledge required for a die corrector.

Skill Areas Description/Details

Types of dies; supporting components; die material behavior; die manufacturing and
Die technology nitriding processes; die geometry parameters and their effect; die defects; extrusion
process parameters
Die support Compatibility of bolsters and backers; typical faults due to poor compatibility;
technology softening of components; tolerance matching between feeder plates and die bearing
Variations in run-out lengths; misalignment of die slides; flow speed difference;
Common faults and
container geometry; bearing performance; surface defects; nitrided layer flaking off;
their causes
blockages; breakdowns
Die performance monitoring; recording and comparing performance and correction
data; balancing speed, tonnage, and recovery rates against die corrections; identifying
the need for a new die or major repairs by the manufacturer; detecting and suggesting
alterations in design; documentation of changes in drawings

2.4. Principles of Die Correction

Some major principles should be generally followed in carrying out any die correction operation.
Corrections should be usually carried out at the back end of the die. Working at the front end can
reduce the die life. A particular die should be corrected by one specific corrector, as he/she is familiar
with the die and leaves a kind of mark or handwriting. All corrections must leave sufficient room
for corrections in the future. Most of the corrections are done by removing some die material, so the
selection and the extent of the operation should be determined appropriately to avoid a permanent
damage of the die. Even though corrections are done, it should be kept in mind that problems can
recur later. All correction details and design changes must be properly documented.

2.5. Die Inspection Tools

A die correction operation or procedure is decided only after the die is inspected in detail, using
the appropriate tools. Dies are continuously inspected, after being in-service and after each correction,
for deviations from specified geometric and other parameters. These tolerances are generally of three
types: geometric tolerances for the dimensions of all critical features (such as die bearing, ribs, ports,
cavities, etc.), surface finish tolerances for the cap and mandrel areas, and die hardness requirements.
The correction procedures are selected so as to attain the required specifications within the tolerance
limits. The new dies are usually manufactured at bottom tolerances to ensure maximum output and to
allow the correctors more space to work with. Some inspection tools (Figure 7) commonly used in the
die shop are described below.
Some tools are used to check the perpendicularity of certain features. They can also act as a
reference support tool while performing chiseling or choking operations. Three typical instruments
are the die maker’s square, try-square set, and right-angle gauge. Protractors and bevel protractors
are used to measure the angles of certain features and regions. The straight edge is used for checking
the straightness of the edges, bearing land, clearances, etc. The measurement of linear dimensions
includes measurements of the length, width, or thickness of the die features. Typical instruments
are Vernier calipers and micrometers for the measurement of both external and internal dimensions.
For some specific inner dimensions, for which the above instruments cannot be used, special sets of
gauges are more appropriate. Some typical gauges are the feeler gauge, go–no/go gauge, diameter
gauge, pin gauge, and height gauge. A portable hardness tester is generally used, as it can measure
the hardness of all accessible regions of the die [23].
generally of three types: geometric tolerances for the dimensions of all critical features (such as die
bearing, ribs, ports, cavities, etc.), surface finish tolerances for the cap and mandrel areas, and die
hardness requirements. The correction procedures are selected so as to attain the required
specifications within the tolerance limits. The new dies are usually manufactured at bottom
Metals 2018, 8,to ensure maximum output and to allow the correctors more space to work with. 10
380 Some
of 18
inspection tools (Figure 7) commonly used in the die shop are described below.

Figure 7. Common inspection tools: right-angle gauge (top left); try-square set (top right); various
Figure 7. Common inspection tools: right-angle gauge (top left); try-square set (top right); various
types of straight edges (bottom left); pin gauge set (bottom right).
types of straight edges (bottom left); pin gauge set (bottom right).

Some tools are used to check the perpendicularity of certain features. They can also act as a
2.6. Common Die Correction Operations
reference support tool while performing chiseling or choking operations. Three typical instruments
are the
the maker’s square, common
name suggests, try-squaredieset, and right-angle
corrections are thegauge. Protractors
operations done on and
all bevel protractors
dies on a routine
are used
basis. Thetofirst
in thisthe angles of
category certain features
is cleaning and regions.
and polishing of theThe straight
dies. edge is dies
For instance, usedinfor checking
extrusion are prone to aluminum oxide build-ups on the undercuts or clearances near the bearing.
Sometimes, these oxides can be found sticking inside the welding chambers and ports, or even on
the die face. These build-ups are blockages that can also cause product defects like die lines and
pickups, so they should be eliminated after every production run. After being used, the dies are cooled
sufficiently and then immersed in a tank of caustic soda solution at 60–80 ◦ C for about eight hours.
Without proper cooling, the hot dies might crack when put in the caustic tank. Caustic soda reacts
with the oxide build-ups on the die and dissolves them. These dissolved residues are then removed by
thorough washing. Care must be taken to ensure the complete removal of the residues, as they can
cause product defects [33,34].
After washing, a gel is applied on the die and it is polished with an emery cloth of 600–320 grade.
While polishing, the emery cloth and file are aligned perfectly square with the bearing surface. If this is
not done carefully, rolling or tipping may occur, and the bearing edges may get rounded off, resulting
in an undesired choke or relief.
Another routine die correction is nitriding or carbo-nitriding, a type of surface-hardening or
case-hardening operation [38]. This is required for new dies if they are not fully hardened by the
manufacturers. The dies are also carbo-nitrided after cleaning and polishing. This hardening is also
performed after a pre-specified amount of extrusion through the die, to ensure proper hardness levels.
Once the dies are cleaned, polished, and nitrided, the bearing surfaces and other critical portions are
protected before storing the die, using lubricating compounds such as spray paint, medium-weight oil,
graphite spray, etc.

2.7. Specific Die Correction Operations

These die corrections need to be carried out for specific problems observed by the quality control
or die-shop personnel. Problems in the extruded product could be due to die-related issues, wear
Metals 2018, 8, 380 11 of 18

and tear etc. of the die and tooling itself. Described below are all the major die correction operations
generally carried out. Table 3 lists the die defects and product defects for which each corrective
operation is carried out [1,2,35,39,40]. Later, a brief frequency-based statistical analysis of die defects
is also presented, based on three-year defect data from an actual medium-to-large size commercial
extrusion plant. It should be pointed out here that die corrections can be performed only a finite
number of times. After repeated die corrections of the same type, the die has to be scrapped because of
issues regarding its strength, dimensions, etc.

Table 3. Major die correction operations and related die and product defects.

Die Correction Operations Related Die/Tooling and Product Defects

Die defects—design/manufacturing defects, correction defects
Shortening of bearings;
Product defects—concavity/convexity, twists, off angle, speed difference,
Die defects—fracture defects, deflection defects
Heating and realigning
Product defects—off dimension, twists and bends
Die defects—erosion, rib design defects, correction defects
Product defects—die lines, rough surface, flashing, weld defects
Die defects—deflection defects, fracture defects, wear defects
Product defects—die lines, off angle, off dimensions
Die defects—design/manufacturing defects, correction defects
Undercutting; Increasing
Product defects—weld defects, concavity/convexity, cracks, speed difference,
depth; Increasing clearance
flashing, ripping
Die defects—erosion/damage, fracture defects, chipping, feature deflections
Product defects—pick-up defect, die lines, roughness, streaks, surface cracks, etc.
Grinding; Machining and Die defects—wear defects, fracture defects, design and correction defects
skimming Product defects—die lines, streaks, pick-up defect, rough surface
Cleaning and polishing; Die defects—wear defects, hardness defects
Nitriding; Carbo-nitriding Product defects—pick-up defect, die lines, streaks, blisters/blowholes

The bearings of dies and mandrels need to be shortened when there is a requirement to increase
the flow at certain regions of the profile. This “shortening of the bearings” is done by milling and
grinding for corrections and hand/machine polishing for small corrections, resulting in a decrease of
the frictional area of the bearing land. Product defects such as speed difference, concavity/convexity,
angle-out, etc. can be rectified using this operation. An increased metal flow can also require a further
fine tuning by filing the choke or relief [41].
The operation of “choking” is performed when there is a requirement to reduce the metal flow
at certain portions and is mostly done on hollow dies. It is the process of giving an angle to the
bearing or increasing the angle of the bearing on the inner web, to decrease the metal flow. Angle
openings are very minute, and so this operation is usually done by hand-filing and not by grinding.
Once the cap-bearing is choked, the same choke angle should be given to the mandrel bearing. Since it
is meticulous, this operation is avoided whenever possible and is performed only by highly skilled
workers when necessary. However, it is the most appropriate measure to take when mismatch occurs
after shortening. Hence, choking is usually employed when there is incorrect shortening, or shortening
can no longer be done.
The ridges in hollow dies may become blunt because of die wash, mostly resulting from over-usage
or out-of-limit service. These ridges can be sharpened by “chiseling” the edges. This is a temporary
method of fixing and cannot be generally repeated. Also, once it is done, the corrected feature will not
be maintained for a long time. Die problems such as erosion, rib design defects, and correction defects
can be rectified with this operation.
“Undercutting” is mostly employed for the correction of mandrels in hollow dies. Apart from
blockages etc. due to usage, there may not be sufficient metal flow because of a design or manufacturing
Metals 2018, 8, 380 12 of 18

error. The flow speed and volume will increase when blockages are relieved and chambers are
widened, as shown in Figure 8. Undercutting can help prevent the product defects known as ripping
and flashing, in addition to speed difference and other flow-related problems. Shallow grooves are
Metals 2017, 7,created on the
x FOR PEER die face by grinding to further control the metal flow.
REVIEW 12 of 18

Figure 8. Some die correction operations: undercutting (top left); milling (top right); welding (bottom
Figure 8. Some die correction operations: undercutting (top left); milling (top right); welding (bottom
left); grinding (bottom right).
left); grinding (bottom right).

Pockets in the die can be carved out to increase the metal flow. This “increasing of the clearance”
will be done afterin theeach
die can be carved
carving, out to
allowing increase
more metalthe metalThis
to flow. flow.isThis “increasing
usually done when of the
will be done
is not sufficient.after each carving, allowing more metal to flow. This is usually done when the undercut
is notThesufficient.
depth of the chamber near the bridge can be increased by milling or other machining
The depth
techniques, as and of where
the chamber
required near the bridge
to regulate can be
the flow. increased
This “increasingby milling
of depth” orisother
usually machining
done on
techniques, as and where required
the mandrels of dies for hollow profiles. to regulate the flow. This “increasing of depth” is usually done on
the mandrels of dies for hollow
“Machining/skimming” is profiles.
mostly employed on the bearings, port-holes, and ribs, for all kinds
of wear and washouts and dimensional is mostly employed on the
inaccuracies. bearings, port-holes,
Sometimes, this is doneand ribs, for allto
intentionally kinds
wear and washouts and dimensional inaccuracies. Sometimes, this is done
the metal flow in porthole dies, to improve the product quality (Figure 8). Because of the high intentionally to adjust the
hardnessflowofinH13porthole dies, to
or similar improve
steels, the product
diamond quality
tip tools (Figureused.
are mostly 8). Because
The dieof corrector’s
the high hardness
skills areof
H13 or similar steels, diamond tip tools are mostly used. The die corrector’s skills
critical in doing a good machining. After this operation, the die will have a unique design, slightly are critical in doing
good machining. After this operation,
from the manufactured one. the die will have a unique design, slightly different from the
manufactured one.
The ribs and mandrels are always prone to plastic deformations after excessive use or large
The especially
stresses, ribs and mandrels are always prone
at high temperatures. Thesetodeflections
plastic deformations
are usuallyafter excessive use
not correctable butorcan
stresses, especially at high temperatures. These deflections are usually
repaired through “heating and realigning” in some cases. These corrections do not guarantee not correctable but can be
perfection through “heatingfunctioning
and efficient and realigning” but in somethe
make cases.
die These
usablecorrections do not guarantee
to some extent. perfection
Feature deflections
and efficient functioning but make the die usable to some extent. Feature deflections
related to profiles such as projections and cavities are also corrected (realigned) using this operation. related to profiles
such Also
as projections
known asand cavities “peening”
punching, are also corrected
involves (realigned)
the use ofusing this operation.
a punch and a hammer or peen. It is
Also known as punching, “peening” involves the
usually employed in the case of minor wear or deflection at the bearing use of a punch and a edges
hammer of or peen.dies,
hollow It is
mandrels, employed
and dieinsurfaces.
the case of minor
These wearand
edges or deflection
corners areat the bearing
peened edges
with of hollowand
a hammer dies,a mandrels,
punch to
and die surfaces. These edges and corners are peened with a hammer and
impart slight adjustments. The dies can be heated (250–300 °C) and peened to prevent minute cracks,a punch to impart slight
adjustments. The dies can be heated (250–300 ◦ C) and peened to prevent minute cracks, possible
possible in cold working. However, this is generally avoided, as wrong punching pressures may
in cold working.
destroy the design.However, this is generally avoided, as wrong punching pressures may destroy
the design.
The die surface or edges may gradually develop cracks or tiny fissures during service. These
The die
defective surface
regions or edges
or spots can bemay gradually
repaired develop cracks
by “welding” or tiny fissures
and machining during
(Figure 8). Gasservice.
defective regions or spots can be repaired by “welding” and machining
welding (GTAW) is the method commonly used. Welding should preferably be done after annealing (Figure 8). Gas tungsten arc
the die (550–650 °C) to minimize cracks from thermal stresses. Another application is to weld a feature
(such as tongue) back on the die when the feature is broken off or deflected. The new feature is made
of the same material as the die and machined as per the drawings. Then, it is grafted on the die by
Metals 2018, 8, 380 13 of 18

welding (GTAW) is the method commonly used. Welding should preferably be done after annealing
the die (550–650 ◦ C) to minimize cracks from thermal stresses. Another application is to weld a feature
(such as tongue) back on the die when the feature is broken off or deflected. The new feature is made
of the same material as the die and machined as per the drawings. Then, it is grafted on the die
by welding.
Surface “grinding” can be used to rectify wear and geometrical deflections of the cavities (Figure 8).
It can also be used to modify undercuts and clearances, etc. It can also be a secondary correction
operation after other procedures (such as welding).
Routine “nitriding” (or carbo-nitriding) has been described above. Here, it is discussed as a
task-specific corrective operation. As a consequence of certain working conditions or after repeated
usage, some damage or degrading of the top nitrided layer may occur. Low hardness (softening) may
also be reported resulting from the thermo-mechanical conditions, especially in the bearing region.
Such dies are re-nitrided to ensure sufficient hardness at critical regions. The Rockwell hardness of H13
steel dies after carbo-nitriding should be around 63–64 HRC. In addition to resolving low hardness
problems, this process can protect and strengthen the newly welded portions after correcting deflection
and fracture defects.

3. Results and Discussion

Die and product defects and related die corrections have been explained in the previous section.
To achieve higher productivity and reduced rework and rejection, it is important to identify more
frequent die-related problems and reduce and eliminate their occurrence. This section presents a
brief frequency-based statistical analysis of actual correctable die defects. The data were collected
from a regional aluminum extrusion facility, representing a typical medium-to-large size plant.
This information is based on the number of dies sent for correction over a period of three years.
All dies were made from H13 tool steel, and the aluminum alloy billets used were either Al-6061 or
Al-6063. Major correctable die defects and die correction operations needed to rectify them are given
in Table 4.

Table 4. Major correctable die defects and related correction operations.

Die Defects Related Correction Operations

• Heating and realigning

• Machining/skimming
• Peening
Fracture defects • Cleaning/polishing
• Welding
• Nitriding
• Grinding

• Chiseling • Machining/skimming
Wear defects • Welding • Cleaning/polishing
• Grinding • Nitriding

• Heating and realigning

Deflection defects • Peening

• Shortening of bearings • Increasing depth

• Choking • Increasing clearance
Design/Manufacturing defects • Chiseling • Grinding
• Undercutting • Machining/skimming

• Welding
Hardness defects • Nitriding

• Shortening of bearings • Increasing clearance

Correction defects • Choking • Grinding
• Increasing depth • Machining/skimming
Metals 2018, 8, 380 14 of 18

3.1. Overall Analysis

It should be restressed here that this data regard die corrections and not die failures. This analysis
was conducted for the full three-year period, on an annual basis. The major die defect classification
is the same as described above: fracture (Fr), wear (Wr), deflection (Def), design/manufacturing
(D/M), hardness (Hd), and other (Oth). Figure 9 presents the data in the form of a pie chart. For the
combined three-year dataset, the majority of the die corrections (around 80%) were due to the defect
types of fracture, wear, and other. The most frequent single category (32%) was other defects (defects
Metals 2017, 7,during correction
x FOR PEER REVIEWoperations, mixed-mode defects, and setup damages), followed by14wear of 18
(28%), fracture (19%), problems related to design or manufacturing (14%), and hardness and deflection
(7%). and annual
hardness and of
trend deflection (7%).
die defects wasThealmost
trend of die
same defects
as that wasthree-year
for the almost theperiod,
same aswith
for thedifferences.
minor three-year period, with minor differences.

Figure 9.
9. Overall
Overall breakdown
breakdown of
of correctable
correctable die
die defects during three
defects during three years
years (total
(total and
and annual).

In the case of failed dies, the most frequent defect categories were fracture, wear, and plastic
In the case of failed dies, the most frequent defect categories were fracture, wear, and plastic
deformation (deflection). However, as observed above, the most common correctable die defects
deformation (deflection). However, as observed above, the most common correctable die defects were
were other, wear, and fracture. The dies were brought to the die repair shop after every set of
other, wear,
extrusion and either
cycles, fracture. The diesorwere
for routine brought
specific repair.toSmall
the die repair or
mistakes shop after every
inaccuracies set of correction
in these extrusion
cycles, either for routine or specific repair. Small mistakes or inaccuracies in these correction operations
operations led to further repair requirements, making “other repairs” the most common category.
led to further
Fractures wererepair requirements,
not always repairablemaking “other
and led repairs”die
to complete thefailure
most common
in many category. Fractures
cases, so their were
not always repairable and led to complete die failure in many cases, so their frequency was less than
was less than that of wear corrections. Loss of hardness, leading to plastic deformation (deflection),
was of wear very
usually corrections.
difficultLoss of hardness,
to correct, leadingonly
constituting to plastic
7% of deformation (deflection),
the correctable was
defects. The usually
dies with
very difficult to correct, constituting only 7% of the correctable defects. The dies with
significant deflection defects were usually scrapped (rather than repaired), as correction attempts significant
deflection defects
using heating andwere usually
realigning scrapped mostly
techniques (rather do
than notrepaired),
work. as correction attempts using heating
and realigning techniques mostly do not work.
3.2. Category-Wise Breakdown
3.2. Category-Wise Breakdown
The above analysis indicates that the major defect categories were other, wear, fracture, and
The above analysis indicates that the major defect categories were other, wear, fracture,
design/manufacturing. A further break-down of each of these defects into their component categories
and design/manufacturing. A further break-down of each of these defects into their component
is presented in Figure 10 for a three-year period. For other defects (Figure 10a), the major contributor
categories is presented in Figure 10 for a three-year period. For other defects (Figure 10a), the major
was errors during die correction operations (CD-65%), followed by setup damages (SD-20%), and
contributor was errors during die correction operations (CD-65%), followed by setup damages
combination of multiple defects (MM-15%). Correctable wear defects (Figure 10b) were due to two
problems: bearing washout (BW-87%) and erosion (E-13%). In the fracture category (Figure 10c), 75%
of the defects were bearing cracks (BC), 23% rib cracks (RC), and 2% mandrel cracks (MC).
Design/manufacturing errors (Figure 10d) were mostly (>40%) caused by insufficient or excessive
choke/relief (IC/R), improper clearance/undercut (IC/U-35%), and distended ribs (DR-24%). The
distribution of these die defects and corrections on an annual basis was almost the same as that for
Metals 2018, 8, 380 15 of 18

(SD-20%), and combination of multiple defects (MM-15%). Correctable wear defects (Figure 10b)
were due to two problems: bearing washout (BW-87%) and erosion (E-13%). In the fracture category
(Figure 10c), 75% of the defects were bearing cracks (BC), 23% rib cracks (RC), and 2% mandrel
cracks (MC). Design/manufacturing errors (Figure 10d) were mostly (>40%) caused by insufficient or
excessive choke/relief (IC/R), improper clearance/undercut (IC/U-35%), and distended ribs (DR-24%).
The distribution of these die defects and corrections on an annual basis was almost the same as that for
the three-year
Metals period.
2017, 7, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 18

Figure 10.Breakdown

As explained in the previous section, errors during die repair are the most common cause of
As explained in the previous section, errors during die repair are the most common cause of
correctable die defects. The die bearing surface is obviously less strong than the ribs or ports. Severe
correctable die defects. The die bearing surface is obviously less strong than the ribs or ports. Severe
wear on the bearing (washout) is therefore a bigger source of die defects than the wear of the ribs,
wear on the bearing (washout) is therefore a bigger source of die defects than the wear of the ribs,
ports, and other surfaces (erosion). The most common fracture category is “bearing cracks”, because
ports, and other surfaces (erosion). The most common fracture category is “bearing cracks”, because of
of the lower strength of the bearing compared to other die features. Most of the thermal and
the lower strength of the bearing compared to other die features. Most of the thermal and mechanical
mechanical fatigue occurs in the bearing and rib regions. As for the design/manufacturing defects,
fatigue occurs in the bearing and rib regions. As for the design/manufacturing defects, features such
features such as choke, relief, clearance, and undercuts are important in maintaining proper metal
as choke, relief, clearance, and undercuts are important in maintaining proper metal flow through the
flow through the die cavities and in generating the correct shape and dimensions of the extruded
die cavities and in generating the correct shape and dimensions of the extruded product. Distended
product. Distended ribs are very critical to prevent blockages and flashing defects in extrusion.
ribs are very critical to prevent blockages and flashing defects in extrusion.
Looking at both the annual and the three-year defects distribution, it can be clearly seen that
Looking at both the annual and the three-year defects distribution, it can be clearly seen that
correction defects, bearing washouts, and bearing cracks were the most prevalent three die defects.
correction defects, bearing washouts, and bearing cracks were the most prevalent three die defects.
If quality control, operations, and die-shop engineers and operators in commercial extrusion plants
If quality control, operations, and die-shop engineers and operators in commercial extrusion plants
focus on eliminating or reducing the causes of these three defects, then a large portion of repair or
focus on eliminating or reducing the causes of these three defects, then a large portion of repair or
rejection of dies and tools can be avoided.
rejection of dies and tools can be avoided.
A notable, and perhaps surprising, finding is that the highest number of die-related problems is
A notable, and perhaps surprising, finding is that the highest number of die-related problems is
caused by errors in the die shop during correction operations. This finding needs to be corroborated
caused by errors in the die shop during correction operations. This finding needs to be corroborated
with repair data from other medium-to-large size extrusion facilities. The regional extrusion plant
with repair data from other medium-to-large size extrusion facilities. The regional extrusion plant
from where this data were collected should exercise more care in hiring die-shop technicians and
from where this data were collected should exercise more care in hiring die-shop technicians and
must initiate periodic re-training programs to increase the technical know-how and skills of the hired
must initiate periodic re-training programs to increase the technical know-how and skills of the hired
personnel. More attention should also be paid during routine inspection and repair of tools and
equipment used in the die shop.

4. Conclusions
A large number of products are manufactured through the bulk deformation process of
extrusion. Detection and mitigation of product defects re very important in maintaining the
productivity and profitability of an extrusion plant. Die and tooling defects are one of the major
Metals 2018, 8, 380 16 of 18

personnel. More attention should also be paid during routine inspection and repair of tools and
equipment used in the die shop.

4. Conclusions
A large number of products are manufactured through the bulk deformation process of extrusion.
Detection and mitigation of product defects re very important in maintaining the productivity and
profitability of an extrusion plant. Die and tooling defects are one of the major sources of product
defects. Corrective maintenance operations of extrusion dies are carried out on a regular basis, due to
the occurrence of repairable defects. No published work presents a detailed discussion of correctable
die defects and related die correction operations. The current work defines all major die defects that
are correctable and discusses their causes, preventive measures (wherever possible), and required die
correction operations. Also, described are inspection and correction tools, correction skills, and details
of each individual correction operation. A frequency-based statistical study of correctable die defects
is also presented, with the idea of identifying the most frequent problems. This work can serve
as a detailed single-source reference for repairable die defects and associated corrective operations.
It is useful for plant engineers and operators, students, researchers, and academics in the field of
metal extrusion.

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.Z.Q.; Formal analysis, S.Z.Q.; Investigation, S.Z.Q., T.P., J.C.C.;
Methodology, S.Z.Q., T.P., J.C.C.; Writing—original draft, S.Z.Q., T.P., J.C.C.; Writing—review & editing,
S.Z.Q., J.C.C.
Acknowledgments: Authors acknowledge the support of Sultan Qaboos University and National Aluminum
Products Company (NAPCO) in conducting this investigation.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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