Law On Partnerships: General Provisions
Law On Partnerships: General Provisions
Law On Partnerships: General Provisions
Sources: ADMU bar ops 2005, de Leon, Lectures by Atty. Precious Pojas
5. The purpose or primary purpose must be to obtain profits and divide them among the
TRUSTS Ona vs CA: From the moment of partition of a co-owned property and when heirs allowed their
shares to be held in common with the intent of making profits, an unregistered partnership is
General provisions
Express Trusts Obillos vs CA: 3 sisters brought 4 pcs of property which they leased and derived rentals
Implied Trusts therefrom. This is not an unregistered partnership. Sharing of gross returns does not imply such
relationship. There must be clear intent.
(1) Except as provided by article 1825, persons who are not partners as to each other a. UNIVERSAL PARTNERSHIP - all the present property or to all the profits
are not partners as to third persons;
(2) Co-ownership or co-possession does not of itself establish a partnership, whether such-co- i. PARTNERSHIP OF ALL PRESENT PROPERTY constitutes:
owners or co-possessors do or do not share any profits made by the use of the 1. All which the partners contribute all the property which
property; actually belongs to them to a common fund, with the intention
(3) The sharing of gross returns does not of itself establish a partnership, whether or not the of dividing the same among themselves
persons sharing them have a joint or common right or interest in any property from which the 2. Profits which they may acquire therewith. (property which the
returns are derived; partners may acquire subsequently by inheritance, legacy, or
(4) The receipt by a person of a share of the profits of a business is prima facie donation cannot be included in such stipulation, except the
evidence that he is a partner in the business, BUT NO SUCH INFERENCE SHALL BE fruits thereof.)
a. As a debt by installments or otherwise; partners may acquire by their industry or work during the existence of
b. As wages of an employee or rent to a landlord; the partnership.
c. As an annuity to a widow or representative of a deceased partner;
d. As interest on a loan, though the amount of payment vary with the profits of the
Articles of universal partnership, entered into without specification of its
nature, only constitute a universal partnership of profits
e. As the consideration for the sale of a goodwill of a business or other property by
Persons who are prohibited from giving each other any donation or
installments or otherwise.
advantage cannot enter into universal partnership
Who are not allowed to donate?
1. Contract is void ab initio
a. Husband and wife, during the marriage, cannot give donations to
2. Profits shall be confiscated in favor of the State
each other
3. Instruments or tools and the proceeds of the crime will be forfeited
b. donations made between persons in a state of adultery or
4. Contributions of partners shall not be confiscated unless it falls under #3
concubinage are void
c. Those made between persons found guilty of the same criminal
offense, in consideration thereof;
d. Those made to a public officer or his wife, descendants and
GENERAL RULE: may be constituted in any form ascendants, by reason of his office.
1. Where IMMOVABLE PROPERTY OR REAL RIGHTS are contributed b. PARTICULAR PARTNERSHIP - has for its object determinate things, their
public instrument shall be necessary. use or fruits, or a specific undertaking, or the exercise of a profession
or vocation.
OTHER RIGHTS OF PARTNERS: Except when authorized by the other partners or unless they have
abandoned the business, one or more but less than all the partners have no
1. Every partner may associate another person with him in his share, but the associate shall authority to:
not be admitted into the partnership without the consent of all the other partners, even if a. Assign the partnership property in trust for creditors or on the assignee's
the partner having an associate should be a manager. promise to pay the debts of the partnership;
2. Every partner shall at any reasonable hour have access to and may inspect and copy any b. Dispose of the good-will of the business;
of The partnership books c. Do any other act which would make it impossible to carry on the ordinary
3. Right to a formal account as to partnership affairs if: business of a partnership;
a. If he is wrongfully excluded from the partnership business or possession of its d. Confess a judgment;
property by his co-partners; e. Enter into a compromise concerning a partnership claim or liability;
b. If the right exists under the terms of any agreement; f. Submit a partnership claim or liability to arbitration;
c. As provided by article 1807; g. Renounce a claim of the partnership.
d. Whenever other circumstances render it just and reasonable. h. No act of a partner in contravention of a restriction on authority shall bind the
4. True and full information of all things affecting the partnership (1807) partnership to persons having knowledge of the restriction.
5. Account to the partnership as a fiduciary
An admission or representation made by any partner concerning
PROPERTY RIGHTS OF A PARTNER partnership affairs within the scope of his authority in accordance with this Title is
evidence against the partnership.
Notice to any partner of any matter relating to partnership affairs
The property rights of a partner are:
operates as notice to the partnership except in case of fraud
1. His rights in specific partnership property;
1. knowledge of the partner acting in the particular matter, acquired while a
2. His interest in the partnership; and
3. His right to participate in the management
2. knowledge of the partner acting in the particular matter, then present to his
Nature of rights in SPECIFIC partnership property:
RIGHTS OF AN ASSIGNEE: (1813) DISSOLUTION The dissolution of a partnership is the change in the relation of the partners
caused by any partner ceasing to be associated in the carrying on as distinguished from the
A conveyance by a partner of his whole interest does not of itself dissolve the partnership, or, as winding up of the business. (1828)
against the other partners in the absence of agreement, entitle the assignee, during the o No new transactions are allowed after dissolution
continuance of the partnership,
to interfere in the management or administration of the partnership business or affairs, WINDING UP process of settling the business or partnership affairs after dissolution
to require any information or account of partnership transactions, or On dissolution the partnership is not terminated, but continues until the winding up of
to inspect the partnership books; partnership affairs is completed.
WHAT ARE HIS RIGHTS IN CASE OF DISSOLUTION? TERMINATION that point in time when partnership affairs are completely wound up and
1. Receive in accordance with his contract the profits to which the assigning finally settled (this signifies the end of partnership life)
partner would otherwise be entitled.
2. In case of fraud in the management of the partnership, the assignee may avail CAUSES OF DISSOLUTION (1830)
himself of the usual remedies.
3. Entitled to receive his assignor's interest and (1) Without violation of the agreement between the partners:
4. May require an account from the date only of the last account agreed to by all (a) By the termination of the definite term or particular undertaking in the
the partners. agreement;
(b) By the express will of any partner, in good faith, when no definite term or
particular is specified;
(c) By the express will of all the partners who have not assigned their interests
or suffered them to be charged for their separate debts, either before or
after the termination of any specified term or particular undertaking;
REMEDIES OF A JUDGMENT CREDITOR: (1814) (d) By the expulsion of any partner from the business in accordance with a
power conferred by the agreement between the partners;
Without prejudice to the preferred rights of partnership creditors, on due application to a
competent court by any judgment creditor of a partner: (2) In contravention of the agreement between partners, where the circumstances do
not permit a dissolution under any other provision of this article, by the express will of
The court may charge the interest of the debtor partner with payment of the any partner at any time;
unsatisfied amount of such judgment debt with interest thereon; (CHARGING ORDER)
May then or later appoint a receiver of his share of the profits, and of any other money (3) By any event which makes it unlawful for the business of the partnership to be
due or to fall due to him in respect of the partnership, and make all other orders, carried on or for the members to carry it on in partnership;
(1) With respect to the partners: (1) Where the partnership is dissolved because it is unlawful to carry on the
(a) When the dissolution is not by the act, insolvency or death of a partner; business, unless the act is appropriate for winding up partnership affairs; or
or (2) Where the partner has become insolvent; or
(b) When the dissolution is by such act, insolvency or death of a partner, in (3) Where the partner has no authority to wind up partnership affairs;
cases where article 1833 so requires; Except by a transaction with one who:
(2) With respect to persons not partners, as declared in article 1834. (a) Had extended credit to the partnership prior to dissolution and had no
knowledge or notice of his want of authority; or
QUALIFICATIONS: (b) Had not extended credit to the partnership prior to dissolution, and, having no
knowledge or notice of his want of authority, the fact of his want of authority has
WITH RESPECT TO THE PARTNERS (1833) not been advertised in the manner provided for advertising the fact of
dissolution in the first paragraph, No. 2 (b) (Though he had not so extended
1. If dissolution is not caused by the ACT, DEATH OR INSOLVENCY of a partner, the authority credit, had nevertheless known of the partnership prior to dissolution, and,
of partners to bind the partnership contract is immediately terminated having no knowledge or notice of dissolution, the fact of dissolution had not been
GR: The dissolution of the partnership does not of itself discharge the existing liability of any B. As To Partner Who Has Caused Dissolution Wrongfully
Exceptions: A partner is discharged from any existing liability upon dissolution of the (1) A partner who has caused the dissolution wrongfully shall have:
partnership by an agreement to that effect between:
1. Himself, (a) If the business is not continued by others - apply partnership property to
2. The partnership creditor and discharge liabilities of partnership and receive in cash his share of surplus less
3. The person or partnership continuing the business; damages caused by the wrongful dissolution.
and such agreement may be inferred from the course of dealing between the creditor having (b) If the business is continued by others- have the value of his interest in the
knowledge of the dissolution and the person or partnership continuing the business. partnership, less any damage caused to his co-partners by the dissolution,
ascertained and paid to him in cash, or the payment secured by a bond
The individual property of a deceased partner shall be liable for all obligations approved by the court, and to be released from all existing liabilities of the
of the partnership incurred while he was a partner, but subject to the prior partnership; but in ascertaining the value of the partner's interest the value of
payment of his separate debts. the good-will of the business shall not be considered.
The partners who have not wrongfully dissolved the partnership or the
legal representative of the last surviving partner, not insolvent, has the RIGHTS OF INJURED PARTY WHEN PARTNERSHIP CONTRACT IS RESCINDED ON THE
right to wind up the partnership affairs, PROVIDED, however, that any GROUND OF THE FRAUD OR MISREPRESENTATION
partner, his legal representative or his assignee, upon cause shown,
may obtain winding up by the court. The party entitled to rescind is, without prejudice to any other right, is entitled:
(1) To a lien on, or right of retention of, the surplus of the partnership property
TESTATE ESTATE OF LAZARO MOTA vs. SALVADOR SERRA [Feb 14, 1925]: The dissolution after satisfying the partnership liabilities;
of a firm does not relieve any of its members from liability for existing obligations, although it does (2) To stand, after all liabilities to third persons have been satisfied, in the place of
save them from new obligations to which they have not expressly or impliedly assented, and any the creditors of the partnership for any payments made by him in respect of
of them may be discharged from old obligations by novation or other form of release. It is often the partnership liabilities; and
said that a partnership continues, even after dissolution, for the purpose of winding up its affairs. (3) To be indemnified by the person guilty of the fraud or making the
representation against all debts and liabilities of the partnership.
WHEN BUSINESS OF THE DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP IS CONTINUED Personally liable for partnership Liability extend only to his capital
obligations contributions
When creditors of the dissolved partnership are also creditors of the person or When the manner of mgt is not
partnership continuing the business: agreed upon, all general partners
Management No participation in mgt
have equal rights in the mgt of the
(1) if the business is continued without liquidation of the partnership affairs; business
(2) Creditors have an equitable lien on the consideration paid to the retiring or Contributes cash, property or Contributes cash and property only
deceased partner by the purchaser when the retiring or deceased partner sold his Contribution
industry and NOT industry
interest without final settlement to creditors; Party in Proper party to proceedings against
(3) Rights of retiring/ deceased partner: Not the Proper party
proceedings partnership
a. Have the value of the interest ascertained as of the date of dissolution Assignment of Interest not assignable without
b. Receive as ordinary creditor the value of his share in the dissolved partnership with Interest is freely assignable
interest consent of partners
interest/profits attributable to use of his right at his option
Firm Name Name MAY appear in the firm name Name must appear in the firm name
Other business Prohibited from engaging in business No prohibition
The right to an account of his interest shall accrue to any partner, or
Retirement, Death, Insolvency,
his legal representative as against the winding up partners or the
insanity, civil interdiction of GP
surviving partners or the person or partnership continuing the Rights will just be transferred to the
dissolves partnership unless the
business, at the date of dissolution, in the absence of any agreement to Effect of legal representatives
business is continued by the
the contrary. Retirement,
remaining general partners:
Death, Estate of a deceased limited partner
PERSONA AUTHORIZED TO WIND UP: Insolvency, shall be liable for all his liabilities as
(1) Under a right so to do stated in
1. Partners designated by agreement insanity a limited partner.
the certificate, or
2. If no agreement, all partners who have not wrongfully dissolved the partnership
(2) With the consent of all members.
3. Legal representative of the last surviving partner
LIMITED PARTNERSHIP (a) The name of the partnership, adding thereto the word "Limited";
Where there are several limited partners The members may agree that one or more of the limited SUBSTITUTED LIMITED PARTNER is a person admitted to all the rights of a limited
partners shall have a priority over other limited partners as to: partner who has died or has assigned his interest in a partnership.
a. the return of their contributions, Has all the rights and powers, and is subject to all the restrictions and liabilities of his
b. as to their compensation by way of income, or assignor, except those liabilities of which he was ignorant at the time he became a limited
c. as to any other matter. partner and which could not be ascertained from the certificate.
If such an agreement is made it shall be stated in the certificate, and in the absence of such a Does not release the assignor from liability to the partnership under Articles 1847 and 1848.
statement all the limited partners shall stand upon equal footing.
1. All the members consent thereto or if the assignor, being thereunto empowered by the
Limited partner may rightfully demand the return of his contribution: certificate, gives the assignee that right.
2. Certificate is appropriately amended in accordance with Article 1865.
1. On the dissolution of a partnership; or 3. Amended certificate is registered with the SEC
2. When the date specified in the certificate for its return has arrived, or
3. After he has six months' notice in writing to all other members, if no time is specified in LIMITATIONS OF AN ASSIGNEE WHO DOES NOT BECOME A SUBSTITUTED LIMITED
the certificate, either for the return of the contribution or for the dissolution of the PARTNER:
partnership. No right to require any information or
A limited partner, irrespective of the nature of his contribution, has only the right
No right to account of the partnership transactions or
to demand and receive cash in return for his contribution.
No right to to inspect the partnership books;
LP MAY HAVE THE PARTNERSHIP DISSOLVED AND ITS AFFAIRS WOUND UP WHEN: Only entitled to receive the share of the profits or other compensation by way of income, or
1. He rightfully but unsuccessfully demands the return of his contribution, or The return of his contribution, to which his assignor would otherwise be entitled.
2. The other liabilities of the partnership have not been paid, or the partnership property is
insufficient for their payment, and the limited partner would otherwise be entitled to the PREFERENCE OF CREDITS: DISSOLUTION PF LIMITED PARTNERSHIPS (1863)
return of his contribution.
1) Those to creditors, in the order of priority as provided by law, except those to
LIABILITIES OF LP (1858) limited partners on account of their contributions, and to general partners;
A limited partner is liable to the partnership: 2) Those to limited partners in respect to their share of the profits and other
1. difference between his contribution actually made and that stated in the certificate as compensation by way of income on their contributions;
having been made; and 3) Those to limited partners in respect to the capital of their contributions;
2. unpaid contribution which he agreed in the certificate to make in the future at the time 4) Those to general partners other than for capital and profits;
and on the conditions stated in the certificate. 5) Those to general partners in respect to profits;
6) Those to general partners in respect to capital.
A limited partner holds as trustee for the partnership: The certificate shall be cancelled when the partnership is dissolved or all limited partners
1. Specific property stated in the certificate as contributed by him, but which was not cease to be such.
contributed or which has been wrongfully returned, and
2. Money or other property wrongfully paid or conveyed to him on account of his A CERTIFICATE SHALL BE AMENDED WHEN:
contribution. (1) Change in the name of the partnership or in the amount or character of the contribution
of any limited partner;
The liabilities of a limited partner can be waived or compromised only by the consent of (2) A person is substituted as a limited partner;
all members; but a waiver or compromise shall not affect the right of a creditor of a (3) An additional limited partner is admitted;
partnership. (4) A person is admitted as a general partner;
When a contributor has rightfully received the return of the capital of his contribution, (5) A general partner retires, dies, becomes insolvent or insane, or is sentenced to civil
he is liable to the partnership for any sum, not in excess of such return with interest, interdiction and the business is continued under Article 1860;
necessary to discharge its liabilities to all creditors who extended credit or whose (6) Change in the character of the business of the partnership;
claims arose before such return. (7) False or erroneous statement in the certificate;
The acts of the agent on behalf of the principal within the scope of his authority produce the same
legal and binding effects as if the principal personally did them. Agency v. Lease of Work or Service
Principal liable for torts committed by agent Employer not liable for torts committed by Art. 1872. Between persons who are absent, the acceptance of the agency cannot be
w/in scope of authority. independent contractor. implied from the silence of the agent, except:
1.) When the principal transmits his power of attorney to the agent, who receives it
without any objection;
Art. 1869. Agency must be express, or implied from the acts of the principal, from his 2.) When the principal entrusts to him by letter or telegram a power of attorney with
silence or lack of action, or his failure to repudiate the agency, knowing that another respect to the business in which he is habitually engaged as an agent, and he did
person is acting on his behalf without authority. not reply to the letter or telegram.
Agency may be oral, unless the law requires a specific form. Form of Acceptance by Agent:
1) Express - when it is oral or written;
Classifications of Agency: 2) Implied - when it can be inferred from the acts of the agent which carry out the agency,
11.) As to Manner of Creation: or from his silence or inaction according to the circumstances.
a.) Express: actually authorized, either orally or in writing. a. Between 2 persons who are present - acceptance is deemed implied when
b.) Implied: implied from acts of principal, from his silence or lack of action or his the agent receives a power of attorney from the principal himself personally
failure to repudiate the agency knowing that another person is acting on his without objection. (Is this presumption conclusive? NO, it can be rebutted by
behalf without authority. contrary proof.)
22.) As to Character: b. Between persons who are absent – acceptance not deemed implied from the
a.) Gratuitous: agent receives no compensation for his services. silence of the agent
b.) Onerous: agent does receive compensation.
33.) As to Extent of business covered: Power of attorney: An instrument in writing by which one person, as principal, appoints
a.) General: comprises all the business of the principal. another as his agent and confers upon him the authority to perform certain specified acts
11.) Universal agent: One employed to do all acts that the principal may personally do, and Examples of acts of mere administration:
which the principal can lawfully delegate to another the power of doing.
2 1.) To sue for collection of debts;
12.) General agent: One employed to transact all the business of his principal, or all business 2.) To employ workers or servants and employees needed for the conduct of business;
of a particular kind or in a particular place, or in other words, to do all acts connected with 3.) To engage counsel to preserve the ownership and possession of the principal’s property;
a particular trade, business, or employment. 4.) To lease real property to another person for 1 year or less, provided the lease is not
2 registered;
33.) Special/Particular agent: One authorized to act in one or more specific transactions, or 5.) To make customary gifts for charity or to employees in the business managed by the agent
to do one or more specific acts, or to act upon a particular occasion. e.g.: 6.) To borrow money if it be urgent and indispensable for the preservation of the things under
a.) Attorney at law: One whose business is to represent clients in legal
proceedings. How are contracts of agency construed?
b.) Auctioneer: One whose business is to sell property for others to the highest
bidder at a public sale. Contracts of agency as well as general powers of attorney must be interpreted in accordance with
c.) Broker: One whose business is to act as intermediary between 2 other parties. the language used by the parties. The real intention of the parties is primarily determined from the
d.) Factor: One whose business is to receive and sell goods for a commission, being language used and gathered from the whole instrument. In case of doubt, resort must be had to
entrusted with the possession of the goods involved in the transaction. the situation, surroundings and relations of the parties. The intention of the parties must be
Attorney-in-fact: One who is given authority by his principal to do a particular act not of a sustained rather than defeated. So if the contract be open to 2 constructions, one of which would
legal character. In strict legal sense: An agent having a special authority created by deed. uphold the intention while the other would overthrow it, the former is to be chosen.
General Agent v. Special Agent [SNETI] MEMORIZE THIS! [PNC-WIGLLS-PG-CARS]
As to… General agent Special agent
Art. 1878. Special powers of attorney are necessary in the following cases:
Only one or more specific acts in
1.) To make such payments as are not usually considered as acts of administration;
Scope of All acts connected w/ the pursuance of particular instructions or w/
2.) To effect novations which put an end to obligations already in existence at the time
business in which he is engaged. restrictions necessarily implied from the
the agency was constituted;
act to be done.
3.) To compromise, to submit questions to arbitration, to renounce the right to appeal
from a judgment, to waive objections to the venue of an action or to abandon a
Nature of Single transaction or a series of prescription already acquired;
Series a transactions involving a
service transactions not involving continuity of 4.) To waive any obligation gratuitously;
continuity of service.
authorized service. 5.) To enter into any contract by which the ownership of an immovable is transmitted
or acquired either gratuitously or for a valuable consideration;
By an act within the scope of his
Extent to which Cannot in a manner beyond or outside 6.) To make gifts, except customary ones for charity or those made to employees in
authority although it may be
agent may bind the specific acts w/c he is authorized to the business managed by the agent;
contrary to his special
principal perform. 7.) To loan or borrow money, unless the latter act be urgent and indispensable for the
preservation of the things which are under administration;
Apparent authority does not 8.) To lease any real property to another person for more than one year;
Termination effective as to 3rd party 9.) To bind the principal to render some service without compensation;
Termination of terminate by mere revocation of
unless agency was for purpose of 10.)To bind the principal in a contract of partnership;
authority authority w/o notice to 3rd
contracting w/ that 3rd party. 11.)To obligate the principal as a guarantor or surety;
12.)To create or convey real rights over immovable property;
Construction of 13.)To accept or repudiate an inheritance;
Strictly construed. Limits the authority of
instructions of Merely advisory. 14.)To ratify or recognize obligations contracted before the agency;
principal 15.)Any other act of strict dominion.
Art. 1877. An agency couched in general terms comprises only acts of administration, Scope of General Authority to Purchase
even if the principal should state that he withholds no power or that the agent may Where an agent’s power to purchase is general and unrestricted, he has implied authority to do
whatever is usual and necessary in the exercise of such power. He may:
But he has no special power to Authority: The power of the agent to affect the legal relations of the principal
7.) Settle a contest between the principal and a 3rd person regarding the ownership of by acts done in accordance with the principal’s manifestation of consent to him.
goods purchased, or The authority of the agent is the very essence – sine qua non – of the principal and agent
8.) Agree to an account stated, or relationship. This authority, unless it is otherwise agreed, includes only the authority to
9.) Do anything not usual or necessary to the exercise of such authority. act for the benefit of the principal, and the source of the authority is the principal and
never the agent.
Scope of Special Authority to Purchase
Kinds of Authority:
Where the agency is a special one, or is restricted to purchases upon certain terms and conditions, 1.) Actual: when it is actually granted, and it may be express or implied. It results
the agent has no authority to from what the principal indicates to the agent.
11.) Purchase upon different terms and conditions from those authorized, or 2.) Express: when it is directly conferred by words.
22.) Modify or rescind a contract of purchase made by the principal. 3.) Implied: when it is incidental to the transaction or reasonably necessary to
accomplish the purpose of the agency, and therefore, the principal is deemed to
Art. 1879. A special power to sell excludes the power to mortgage; and a special power have actually intended the agent to possess.
to mortgage does not include the power to sell. 4.) Apparent or Ostensible: when it is conferred by words, conduct or even by the
silence of the principal which causes a 3rd person reasonably to believe that a
The following are included in a Power to Sell: particular person, who may or may not be the principal’s agent, has actual
The power to: authority to act for the principal. Ostensible authority is another name for
11.) Find a purchaser or to sell directly; authority by estoppel.
22.) Deliver the property; 5.) General: when it refers to all the business of the principal.
33.) Make the usual representation and warranty; 6.) Special: when it is limited only to one or more specific transactions.
44.) Execute the necessary transfer documents; 7.) By necessity or by operation of law: when it is demanded by virtue of the
55.) Fix the terms of the sale unless there be set conditions stipulated by the principal; existence of an emergency; it terminates when the emergency has passed.
66.) Sell only for cash;
77.) Receive the price unless he was authorized only to solicit orders. Requisites for Principal to be Bound by Act of Agent:
Powers not included in a Power to Mortgage 21.) The agent must act in behalf of the principal;
1.) Sell; 32.) The agent must act within the scope of his authority.
2.) Execute a 2nd mortgage;
3.) Mortgage for the agent’s personal benefit or for the benefit of any 3 rd person, unless the When is a principal not bound by the act of his agent?
contrary has been clearly indicated. When the agent acts without or beyond the scope of his authority; or
When the agent acts within the scope of his authority but in his own name except when
Does the principal have the power to revoke a contract giving an agent exclusive the transaction involves things belonging to the principal.
authority to sell?
YES. But he may not have the right to use such power if he has agreed not to exercise such Authority? Whose behalf? Status of contract
power during a certain period. In case he fails to comply with this obligation-not-to-do, he will With authority Principal’s Valid
be liable for damages.
With authority Own Depends. [1883]
Without Principal’s Unenforceable
Art. 1880. A special power to compromise does not authorize submission to arbitration.
Without Own Valid
Rationale: A principal may authorize his agent to compromise because of absolute confidence
in the latter’s judgment and discretion to protect the former’s rights and obtain for him the Who to sue?
best bargain in the transaction. If the transaction would be left in the hands of an arbitrator, In case the agent acts in the name of the principal and within his scope of authority, you
said arbitrator may not enjoy the trust of the principal. must name the principal as the defendant.
Note: The authority to look for buyers does not carry with it the authority to sell.
Authority v. Instructions If the agent follows the principal’s instructions yet his acts still result in damage to 3 rd persons, who
is liable?
Authority Instructions General rule: The agent is NOT liable.
Except: if before acting that way, it is obvious that the act will result to damage,
Direct the manner of transacting the
Sum total of powers committed or then the agent is liable.
authorized business and contemplates
permitted to the agent by the
only a private rule of guidance to the
principal. Art. 1890. If the agent has been empowered to borrow money, he may himself be the
lender at the current rate of interest. If he has been authorized to lend money at
Relates to the subject with which the Refers to the manner or mode of his interest, he cannot borrow it without the consent of the principal.
agent is empowered to deal or the action with respect to matters which in Rationale: The agent can lend money to the principal using the agent’s own funds at the
kinds of business or transactions their substance are within the scope of current rate of interest and NOT at a higher interest rate because the agent is supposed to
upon which he is powered to act. permitted action. act for the principal’s benefit.
Limitations of authority are operative Without significance as against those If the agent is authorized to lend the principal’s money, with interest, to 3 rd persons, the
as against those who have or are dealing with the agent with neither agent can’t be the borrower without the consent of the principal because the agent may not
charged with knowledge of them. knowledge nor notice of them. be a good borrower or he may be insolvent or he may not be a good risk. There is a danger
here that the interest of the principal would be jeopardized.
Contemplated to be made known to Not expected to be made known to those
This would also seem to be the case if the agent is authorized to lend money w/o interest
the 3rd person dealing w/ the agent. w/ whom the agent deals.
because of the same reason.
Instructions pertain to the principal and agent Art. 1891. Every agent is bound to render an account of his transactions and to deliver
Authority pertains to the agent and 3rd persons. to the principal whatever he may have received by virtue of the agency, even though it
may not be owing to the principal.
Exceptions to the rule that the agent must not depart from the instructions of the Every stipulation exempting the agent from the obligation to render an account shall be
principal: [SAI] void.
A departure may be justified by:
1.) A sudden emergency; Rationale: Contrary to public policy as it would encourage fraud. It is in the nature of a
2.) If the instructions are ambiguous; or waiver of an action for future fraud w/c is void.
3.) If the departure is so insubstantial that it does not affect the result and the principal If the agent fails to deliver and instead converts or appropriates for his own use the
suffers no damage thereby. money or property belonging to his principal, with what can he be charged? ESTAFA.
When the Agent has a right to disobey the principal’s instructions: Art. 1892. The agent may appoint a substitute if the principal has not prohibited him
1.) When the instruction calls for the performance of illegal acts; or from doing so; but he shall be responsible for the acts of the substitute:
2.) Where he is privileged to do so to protect his security/interest in the subject matter of the 1.) When he was not given the power to appoint one;
agency. 2.) When he was given such power, but without designating the person, and the
person appointed was notoriously incompetent or insolvent.
Art. 1888. An agent shall not carry out an agency if its execution would manifestly
result in loss or damage to the principal. All acts of the substitute appointed against the prohibition of the principal shall be void.
Rationale: The duty of the agent who is merely an extension of the personality of the Sub-agent: A person to whom the agent delegates, as his agent, the
principal is to render service for the benefit of the principal and not to act to his performance of an act for the principal which the agent has been empowered to
detriment. Furthermore, the agent must exercise due diligence in carrying out the perform through his representative.
Relation among the principal, agent and sub-agent
Art. 1889. The agent shall be liable for damages if, its execution would manifestly In reality, the sub-agent is a stranger to the principal who originally gave life to the
result in loss or damage to the principal. agency. But if the agent is authorized to appoint a sub-agent, the relation of principal and
So long as there’s no prohibition. However, he shall be responsible for all the sub-agent’s acts. Art. 1897. The agent who acts as such is not personally liable to the party with whom
4 Instances where a Sub-agent is appointed and the Effects of each: he contracts, unless he expressly binds himself or exceeds the limits of his authority
without giving such party sufficient notice of his powers.
Instance Effect
No prohibition Agent responsible for all the acts of sub- Principal Agent 3rd Party (wrong party to complain if the principal doesn’t complain of the
agent. agent’s acts)
Prohibition Sub-agent’s acts are VOID as to the principal.
General rule: “an agent who acts as such is not personally liable to the party with whom
he contracts.”
Authority to appoint but not Agent liable for acts of sub-agent if the sub- Reason for general rule: Because an agent who acts as such within the scope of his
designated by principal agent is notoriously incompetent or insolvent. authority represents the principal so that his contract is really the principal’s.
1.) When the agent binds himself; or
2.) When he exceeds the limits of his authority without giving the third
Authority to appoint and Agent is released from any liability from the party sufficient notice of his powers.
designated by principal acts of the sub-agent
Reasons for exceptions:
1.) When the agent expressly binds himself, he thereby obligates himself personally and by
Art. 1893. In the cases mentioned in Nos. 1 and 2 of the preceding article, the principal his own act.
may furthermore bring an action against the substitute with respect to the obligations 2.) When the agent exceeds his authority, he really acts without authority and therefore, the
which the latter has contracted under the substitution. contract is unenforceable against the principal. The agent becomes personally liable
because y his wrong or omission, he deprives the 3rd party with whom he contracts of any
When can the principal sue the substitute? remedy against the principal.
Under the premises given in the previous provision, the principal can sue both the agent
and the substitute. Art. 1898. If the agent contracts in the name of the principal, exceeding the scope of
his authority, and the principal does not ratify the contract, it shall be void if the party
Art. 1894. The responsibility of two or more agents, even though they have been with whom the agent contracted is aware of the limits of the powers granted by the
appointed simultaneously, is not solidary, if solidarity has not been expressly principal. In this case, however, the agent is liable if he undertook to secure the
stipulated. principal’s ratification.
Art. 1899. If a duly authorized agent acts in accordance with the orders of the principal,
If solidarity is not stipulated, what is the liability to 2 or more agents? JOINT. the latter cannot set up the ignorance of the agent as to circumstances whereof he
Each is liable only for proportionate part of debt. himself was, or ought to have been aware.
This article refers to the liability of the principal towards 3 rd persons.
Art. 1895. If solidarity has been agreed upon, each of the agents is responsible for the
non-fulfillment of the agency, and for the fault or negligence of his fellow agents, What happens if the principal appoints an agent who is ignorant?
except in the latter case when the fellow agents acted beyond the scope of their Then the fault is the principal’s alone. Equity demands that the principal should be bound by
authority. the acts of the agent if the latter acts within the scope of his authority and in accordance with
the instructions of the former.
If solidarity has been agreed upon, each of the agents becomes solidarily liable for:
1.) The non-fulfillment of the agency; or Art. 1900. So far as third persons are concerned, an act is deemed to have been
2.) The fault or negligence of the fellow agent provided the latter acted within the performed within the scope of the agent’s authority, is such act is within the terms of
scope of his authority. the power of attorney, as written, even if the agent has in fact exceeded the limits of
But the innocent agent has a right later on to recover from the guilty or negligent agent. his authority according to an understanding between the principal and the agent.
Art. 1902. A third person with whom the agent wishes to contract on behalf of the Agent v. Depositary:
principal may require the presentation of the power of attorney, or the instructions as Agent Depositary
regards the agency. Private or secret orders and instructions of the principal do not Cannot commingle goods of the same Can commingle goods of the same
prejudice third persons who have relied upon the power of attorney or instructions kind. kind.
shown them.
Art. 1904. The commission agent who handles goods of the same kind and mark, which
Duty of a 3rd person who deals w/ an agent: belong to different owners, shall distinguish them by countermarks, and designate the
3rd person deals w/ an agent at his peril. He is bound to inquire as to the extent of the agent’s merchandise respectively belonging to each principal.
authority, and this is especially true where the act of the agent is of an unusual nature.
Ignorance of the agent’s authority is no excuse. It is his duty to require the agent to produce Purpose of this provision:
his power of attorney to ascertain the scope of his authority. He may also ask for the Prevent any possible confusion or deception.
instructions of the principal. Art. 1904 gives the general rule. Exceptions:
Do secret orders or private instructions prejudice 3rd persons? 11.) By custom;
No, he cannot be prejudiced by any secret understanding between the principal and the 22.) Collecting banks.
agent. Such secret orders cannot be invoked as against 3 rd parties if the agent had apparent
authority. Art. 1905. The commission agent cannot, without the express or implied consent of the
principal, sell on credit. Should he do so, the principal may demand from him payment
Art. 1903. The commission agent shall be responsible for the goods received by him in in cash, but the commission agent shall be entitled to any interest or benefit, which
the terms and conditions and as described in the consignment, unless upon receiving may result from such sale.
them he should make a written statement of the damage and deterioration suffered by
the same. Rule given in this article:
Commission agent can sell on credit only with the express or implied consent of the
Commission agent: One whose business is to receive and sell goods for a principal.
commission and who is entrusted by the principal with the possession of goods
to be sold, and usually selling in his own name. Right of the principal in case the commission agent sold goods on credit without
authority: [CR]
Ordinary agent v. Commission agent: 2 alternatives:
Ordinary agent Commission agent 1.) He may require payment in cash, in w/c case, any interest or benefit from the sale on
Acts for and behalf of his principal. May act in his own name or in that of his principal. credit shall belong to the agent since the principal cannot be allowed to enrich himself at
Need not have possession of the goods the agent’s expense; or
Must be in possession. 2.) He may ratify the sale on credit, in w/c case it will have all the risks and advantages to
of his principal.
Commission agent v. Broker:
Commission agent Broker Art. 1906. Should the commission agent, with authority of the principal, sell on credit,
Has a relation to principal, buyers or No relation w/ the thing w/c he purchases or sells. he shall so inform the principal, with a statement of the names of the buyers. Should he
sellers, and the property itself. Merely a go-between. fail to do so, the sale shall be deemed to have been made for cash insofar as the
principal is concerned.
Liability of commission agent as to goods received:
If the commission agent received goods consigned to him, he is responsible for any Obligation of the commission agent where a sale on credit was authorized:
damage or deterioration suffered by the same in the terms and conditions and as An authorized sale on credit shall be deemed to have been on a cash basis insofar as the
described in the consignment. principal is concerned if the agent fails to inform the principal of such sale on credit with a
statement of the names of the buyers.
Presumption established in this article: Reason for this article: Prevent the agent from stating that the same was on credit when
Damage in the merchandise were suffered while in the possession and custody of the in fact it was made for cash.
Art. 1907. Should the commission agent receive on a sale, in addition to the ordinary
commission, another called a guarantee commission, he shall bear the risk of collection
What the commission agent must do to avoid liability:
Apparent authority Authority by estoppel Art. 1915. If two or more persons have appointed an agent for a common transaction or
That which though not actually Arises in cases where the principal, by his negligence, undertaking, they shall be solidarily liable to the agent for all the consequences of the
granted, the principal knowingly permits his agent to exercise powers not granted to him, agency.
permits the agent to exercise or holds even though the principal may have no notice or
him out as possessing. knowledge of the conduct of the agent. Requisites for application of this article: [2C 2]
1 1.) There are 2 or more principals;
2 2.) The principals have all concurred in the appointment of the same agent;
3 3.) The agent is appointed for a common transaction or undertaking.
Basis of article 1911:
Principle of estoppel: Necessary for the protection of innocent 3 rd persons. Instance when Why is solidarity the rule?
solidarity is imposed by law.
May 2 persons contract with regard to the same thing, one with the agent and the
other with the principal? Yes.
If this situation arises, which of the contracts will be preferred?
Modes of Extinguishment of Agency
If the contracts are compatible, they will both be given effect. If they are incompatible,
then the contract of prior date shall be preferred.
Art. 1919. Agency is extinguished: [WR-DEAD]
Art. 1544: If the same thing should have been sold to different vendees, the ownership shall be 1.) By its revocation;
transferred to the person who may have 1st taken possession thereof in good faith if it should e 2.) By the withdrawal of the agent;
movable property. Should it be immovable property, the ownership shall belong to the person 3.) By the death, civil interdiction, insanity or insolvency of the principal or of the
acquiring it who in good faith 1st recorded it in the Registry of Property. Should there be no agent;
inscription, the ownership shall pertain to the person who in good faith was 1 st in possession; and 4.) By the dissolution of the firm or corporation which entrusted or accepted the
in the absence thereof, to the person who presents the oldest title, provided there is good faith. agency;
5.) By the accomplishment of the object or purpose of the agency;
6.) By the expiration of the period for which the agency was constituted.
Art. 1917. In the case referred to in the preceding article, if the agent has acted in
good faith, the principal shall be liable in damages to the third person whose contract
must be rejected. If the agent acted in bad faith, he alone shall be responsible. Meaning of Presumption of continuance of agency:
When once shown to have existed, an agency relation will be presumed to have
Is the principal always liable for damages caused by a 3 rd person or is it the agent who continued in the absence of anything to show its termination.
is liable?
Who has the burden of proving the revocation/termination of agency?
Whether the principal or the agent will be the one liable for damages to the 3 rd person
who has been prejudiced depends on whether the agent acted in bad faith or not. If the The burden of proving a revocation or other termination of agency is on the party
agent acted in good faith and within the scope of his authority, the principal incurs asserting it.
liability. If the agent acted in bad faith, he alone shall be responsible to such person. Note: Even if the reason for extinguishing the agency is not true, the agent can’t insist on
reinstatement. The agent can only demand damages.
What is the extent of liability covered under this article? Damages.
Modes of extinguishing an agency, generally: [ASO]
What is good faith referred to in this article? 1 1.) Agreement;
2 2.) Subsequent acts of the parties which may be either:
Good faith here means that the agent had no knowledge that the principal is dealing with
0 a.) By the act of both parties or by mutual consent;
a 3rd person.
1 b.) By the unilateral act of one of them.
Note: If the contract is one of sale, article 1544 governs and not arts. 1916 and 1917.
3 3.) By operation of law.
Art. 1918. The principal is not liable for the expenses incurred by the agent in the Modes of extinguishment, specifically: [WR-DEAD]
following cases: [F*CKS] 1.) Withdrawal of the agent;
1 1.) If the agent acted in contravention of the principal’s instructions, unless the 2.) Revocation;
latter should wish to avail himself of the benefits derived from the contract; 3.) Death, civil interdiction, insanity or insolvency of the principal or of the agent;
2 2.) When the expenses were due to the fault of the agent; 4.) Expiration of the period for which the agency was constituted;
3 3.) When the agent incurred them with knowledge that an unfavorable result 5.) Accomplishment of the object or purpose of the agency; and
would ensue, if the principal was not aware thereof; 6.) Dissolution of the firm/corp which entrusted or accepted the agency;
4 4.) When it was stipulated that the expenses would be borne by the agent, or
that the latter would be allowed only a certain sum. Necessary characteristics of the parties for the continuance of the agency: [PCS]
1 1.) Present;
Instances wherein the principal is not liable for expenses incurred by the agent? In the 2 2.) Capacitated;
instances enumerated under this article. 3 3.) Solvent.
Reasons why the principal is not liable for the agent’s expenses: Under…
General rule as to death of the principal or agent: Does legal impossibility terminate agency?
By reason of the very nature of the relationship between the principal and the agent Implied in every contract is the understanding that it shall be capable of being carried
(which is fiduciary – argh!), agency is distinguished ipso jure upon the death of the out legally at the time called for by the contract. An agency then terminates if a change
principal. in the law makes the purpose of the agency unlawful.
What happens if the principal’s authority terminates?
Exceptions: A position which flows from a trust relationship whether directly or indirectly, terminates
1.) If the agency is coupled with an interest; as a matter of law with the destruction of the trust. Consequently, a sub-agent’s
2.) If the act of the agent was executed without the knowledge of the death of the principal authority terminates with the termination of the principal’s authority.
and the 3rd person who contracted w/ the agent acted in good faith.
In case of loss of the subject matter, does the principal incur any liability?
Why does dissolution of a firm or corp extinguish the agency? It depends. If the loss was brought about by the principal as in the case where the
Dissolution of a corp extinguishes its juridical existence. principal sells the subject matter to another party notwithstanding that an agency had
been constituted in reference to it, then he may be liable for damages for his wrongful
What happens when the object or the purpose of the agency is accomplished? terminating act. But if the subject matter is lost without the fault of the principal, no
As between the parties, the principal and the agent, the fulfillment of the purpose for liability is assumed by him.
which the agency was created ipso facto terminates the agency.
Will a change of conditions affect the agency?
What happens when the term for which the agency was supposed to continue expires? General rule: When there is a basic change in the circumstances surrounding the
When an agency is created for a fixed period, the expiration of such period ends the transaction not contemplated by the parties which would reasonably lead the agent to
agency, even though the purpose for which the agency was created has not been believe that the principal would not desire him to act, authority of agent is terminated.
What happens if no time is specified? 1.) If the original circumstances are restored within a reasonable period of time, the
The agency terminates at the end of a reasonable period of time. agent’s authority may be revived.
2.) Where the agent has reasonable doubts as to whether the principal would desire
Can the period be implied? Yes, from… him to act, his authority will not be terminated if he acts reasonably. (But when
1 1.) The terms of the agreement; in doubt, agent could contract principal for instructions if possible).
2 2.) Purpose of the agency; and
3 3.) The circumstances of the parties.
Does it matter if the agency is gratuitous or with compensation when we speak of Form of renunciation:
revocation by the principal? No, art 1920 makes no distinction. It is not always necessary for the agent to renounce the agency expressly. He can do so
impliedly, as for example…
Reasons: 1.) Where he has conducted himself in a manner incompatible with his
1.) Since the authority of the agent emanates from the principal, if the principal wishes to duties as agent; or
terminate the agency the law must enable him to do so. 2.) When he abandons the object of his agency and acts for himself in
2.) Confidence being the cardinal basis of the relation, it stands to reason that it should committing a fraud upon his principal; or
cease when such confidence disappears. 3.) When he files a complaint against the principal and adopts an
3.) The principal-agent relationship is consensual and personal in nature. No one can nor antagonistic attitude towards him.
should be forced to retain another as his agent against his will.
Does a violation of the instructions of the principal amount to a renunciation?
In case a principal does revoke an agency, is there any way by which the agent can hold No. Mere fact that agent violates his instructions does not amount to renunciation, and
him liable for damages? Yes. For instance, although he may thus render himself liable to the principal, he does not cease to become
1.) If the agency was constituted for a fixed period, the principal shall be liable in damages an agent.
occasioned by the wrongful discharge of the agent before the expiration of the period
fixed. Art. 1921. If the agency has been entrusted for the purpose of contracting with
2.) If the agent can prove that the principal acted in bad faith by revoking the agency in specified persons, its revocation shall not prejudice the latter if they were not given
order to avoid payment of commission about to be earned, the principal can be held liable notice thereof.
for damages.
What is the effect of revocation in relation to 3rd persons if the agent was authorized to
Reason for requiring agent to return the document evidencing the agency: To prevent contract with specified persons?
the agent from making use of the power of attorney and thus avoid liability to 3 rd persons who may
subsequently deal with the agent on the faith of the instrument.
General rule: Special information needs special information of revocation. Art. 1927. An agency cannot be revoked if a bilateral contract depends upon it, or if it
Except: If you can prove that the 3rd person read the notice in the newspaper. is the means of fulfilling an obligation already contracted, or if a partner is appointed
manager of a partnership in the contract of partnership and his removal from the
management is unjustifiable.
Art. 1923. The appointment of a new agent for the same business or transaction
revokes the previous agency from the day on which notice thereof was given to the
former agent, without prejudice to the provisions of the two preceding articles. General rule: Principal may revoke an agency at will since the essence of agency is the agent’s
duty of obedience to the principal.
Exceptions: [BF=Partner]
What does this article mean?
1.) When a bilateral contract depends on the agency;
1.) There is implied revocation of the previous agency when the principal appoints a new
2.) When the agency is the means of fulfilling an obligation already contracted;
agent for the same business or transaction if there is incompatibility. But the revocation
3.) When a partner is appointed as manager of a partnership in the contract of partnership
does not become effective as between the principal and the agent unless it is in some
and his removal from the management is unjustifiable.
way communicated to the latter. Again, the rights of 3 rd persons who acted in good faith
and without knowledge of the revocation will not be prejudiced thereby.
Can an agency, coupled with an interest, be terminated by the sole will of the principal?
2.) There is no implied revocation where the appointment of another agent is not
incompatible with the continuation of like authority in the 1 st agent, or if the 1st agent is
not given notice of the appointment of the new agent.
Requisite for agency to be irrevocable for being coupled with a interest:
Art. 1924. The agency is revoked if the principal directly manages the business Interest of the agent must be in the subject matter of the power conferred and not merely an
entrusted to the agent, dealing directly with third persons. interest in the exercise of the power.
What does the above article provide? Instances of an agency coupled with an interest:
It provides for another case of implied revocation.
TRUSTS 1. Resulting A resulting trust is a trust raised by implication of law and presumed always
to have been contemplated by the parties, the intention of which is found in the nature of
GENERAL PROVISIONS the transaction, but not expressed in the deed or instrument of conveyance
2. Constructive a constructive trust is one not created by words either expressly or
TRUSTOR A person who establishes a trust impliedly, but by construction of equity in order to satisfy the demands of justice.
TRUSTEE one in whom confidence is reposed as regards property for the benefit of another
person TRUST FUND DOCTRINE considers this subscribed capital as a trust fund for the payment of
BENEFICIARY and the person for whose benefit the trust has been created the debts of the corporation, to which the creditors may look for satisfaction. Until the liquidation
of the corporation, no part of the subscribed capital may be returned or released to the
TYPES OF TRUST: stockholder (except in the redemption of redeemable shares) without violating this principle.
1. Express trusts - created by the intention of the trustor or of the parties. Thus, dividends must never impair the subscribed capital; subscription commitments cannot be
2. Implied trusts - come into being by operation of law condoned or remitted; nor can the corporation buy its own shares using the subscribed capital as
the consideration therefor. (NTC vs CA, July 28, 1999, 311 SCRA 508.)
1. Competent trustor and trustee There is an implied trust:
2. Ascertainable trust res
3. Sufficiently certain beneficiaries (1) Art. 1448. When property is sold, and the legal estate is granted to one party but
the price is paid by another for the purpose of having the beneficial interest of the
Nature: property. The former is the trustee, while the latter is the beneficiary. (RESULTING)
E: However, if the person to whom the title is conveyed is a child, legitimate or
a. No express trusts concerning an immovable or any interest therein may be proved by illegitimate, of the one paying the price of the sale, no trust is implied by law, it being
parol evidence. (1443) disputably presumed that there is a gift in favor of the child.
Must be in writing
Statute of frauds is applicable PURCHASE MONEY RESULTING TRUST The trust is created in order to
To affect 3rd persons, it must be in a public instrument and registered in the effectuate what the law presumes to have been the intention of the parties in the
Registry of Property circumstances that the person to whom the land was conveyed holds it as trustee for
b. No particular words are required for the creation of an express trust, it being sufficient the person who supplied the purchase money. (Rebuttable by proof of contrary
that a trust is clearly intended. (1444); No Specific form required. The only requirement intention)
is the direct and positive act of the trustor.
c. No trust shall fail because the trustee appointed declines the designation, unless the To give rise to a purchase money resulting trust, it is essential that there
contrary should appear in the instrument constituting the trust. (1445); Acceptance be:
generally necessary BUT such is not necessary for the validity of the trust. Why? The 1. an actual payment of money, property or services, or an equivalent, constituting
court may appoint a trustee in his place. valuable consideration;
(9) Art. 1456. If property is acquired through mistake or fraud, the person obtaining it is, by Express trusts: applies from the time the trustee openly denies or repudiates the trust
force of law, considered a trustee of an implied trust for the benefit of the person from and the beneficiary is notified thereof, or is otherwise plainly put on guard against the
whom the property comes. (CONSTRUCTIVE) trustee
Implied Trusts express repudiation is not required unless the trustee fraudulently and
successfully conceals that fact
Express Trust Implied Trust