CT5 CS Final
CT5 CS Final
CT5 CS Final
How many characters per second (7 bits + 1 parity) can be transmitted over a
2400 bps line if the transfer is synchronous (1 start and 1 stop bit)?
(a) 300 (b) 240 (c) 250 (d) 275
2. The probability that a number selected at random between 100 and 999 (both
included) will not contain the digit 8 is
17 83 18 7
(a) (b) (c) (d)
25 100 25 43
3. Let A and B be two sets. ~A and ~B denote the complements of the sets A and B.
If BA, the set a b a b b a a is equal to
(a) ~ A B (b) A B (c) ~ A ~B (d) A - B
(c) x y 7x y (d) x y 7x 7y
5. Which of the following compiler modules normally does the Type Checking?
(a) Syntax directed translation (b) lexical analysis
(c) Syntax analysis (d) code optimization
6. f x is a
(a) Partial recursive function (b) Recursive function
(c) Projection function (d) None
q0 q z0 z 0
(a) a b
n n
n0 (b) ww w is in a, b *
(c) a b
n 2n
n0 (d) a b ab n 0
n n n
12. A hash function randomly distributes records one by one in a space that can hold
x number of records. The probability that the mth record is the first record to
result in collision is
(a) (x-1) (x-2) ….. (x-(m-2)) (m-1) /xm-1
(b) (x-1) (x-2) ….. (x-(m-1)) (m-1) /xm-1
(c) (x-1) (x-2) ….. (x-(m-2)) (m-1) /xm
(d) (x-1) (x-2) ….. (x-(m-1)) (m-1) /xm
13. In application layer, the directory service, which helps us to locate people,
resources, services or objects, is
(a) Domain Name System
(b) Light Weight Directory Access Protocol
(c) Simple Object Access Protocol
(d) Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
14. f(x) and g(x) are two functions differentiable in [0,1], such that f(0)=2;
g(0)=0; f(1) = 6; g(1)=2. Then
(a) there must exist a constant C in (0,1), such that f’ (c) = 2g’ (c)
(b) there must exist a constant C in [0,1], such that f’ (c) = 2g’ (c)
(c) there must exist a constant C in (0,1), such that 2f’ (c) = g’ (c)
(d) there must exist a constant C in [0,1], such that 2f’ (c) = g’ (c)
15. The term used to represent the phenomenon that a computer is more likely to
communicate with the same computer repeatedly than to communicate with a
new computer each time is
(a) Spatial locality of reference (b) DMA
(c) Polling (d) Temporal locality of reference
16. In which of the following cases, linked list implementation of sparse matrices
consumes the same memory space as the conventional way of storing the entire
array(or matrix)
(Assume all data-types need the same amount of storage)
(a) 5x6 matrix with 9 non-zero entries
(b) 5x6 matrix with 8 non-zero entries
(c) 6x5 matrix with 8 non-zero entries
(d) 6x5 matrix with 9 non-zero entries
17. If there are ‘n’ elements to be sorted with ‘m’ different key values using bin sort,
the time taken is
(a) O(mlog n) (b) O(nm) (c) O(m+n) (d) (n+m)
18. Let n is a positive integer, and the solution for lim is
x ex
n n 1
(a) e 2 (b) (c) 0 (d)
19. Memory protection is of no use in a
(a) single user system (b) non-multiprogramming system
(c) non-multitasking system (d) none of the above
22. Assume there are two problems K1, K2 are in P. Every problem in P is logspace
reducible to K1 and K2. Then, the problems K1,K2 are in
(a) NP-complete (b) P-complete but not P-hard
(c) P-hard and P-complete (d) None of the above
26. A shift-reduce parser causes out the actions specified within traces after
performing the rule.
S xxW {print “0”}
S y {print “1”}
W sz {print “2”}
What is the translation of “xxxxxxyzzz” using the syntax directed translation
scheme described by the above rules?
(a) 1110202 (b) 0201021 (c) 1202020 (d) 1222021
Question No.31 to 80 will carry 2 marks each for every correct answer and there will
be a negative mark of 0.5 for every wrong answer. Marks will not be reduced if the
question is not attempted.
31. What is the average turn around time of the following problem?
32. Which of the following scheduling policy is well suited for a time-shared OS
(a) Shortest job first (b) Round Robin
(c) First-come-first-serve (d) Elevator
33. Consider a system using unspanned blocking and 100 byte blocks. A file contains
records of size 20, 50, 35, 70, 40, and 20 bytes. What is the total percent of
space that will be wasted, in the blocks allocated for the file?
(a) 52% (b) 39% (c) 41.25% (d) 65.4%
Files Extension
P. Archive p. PS
Q. Batch q. sh
r. tar
S. Print s. rrf
(a) P – r, Q – s, R – p, S - q (b) P – q, Q – s, R – p, S - r
(c) P – s, Q – q, R – p, S - r (d) P – r, Q – q, R – s, S - p
38. If we move or delete a record to which another record contains a pointer , then
that pointer is called as
(a) pinned pointer (b) dangling pointer
(c) pointless pointer (d) meaningless pointer
40. With respect to the properties of continuous function, which of the following is
I. Let f, g are two continuous functions at ‘a’, then is continuous at the point
‘a’ irrespective of the value of g(a).
II. If f is a continuous function defined on closed interval [a,b] such that f(a)
and f(b) are of opposite signs, then there exists at least one solution of the
equation f(x) = 0 in the open interval (a,b).
(a) II only (b) I and II
(c) I only (d) Both I and II are false
41. Consider the schema R = (S,T,U,V) and the dependencies S T, T U, U V
and V S, let R = (R1 and R2) be a decomposition such that R1 R2 = , the
decomposition is in
(a) 2 NF but not in 3NF (b) 3 NF
(c) BCNF (d) 4NF
42. A text is made up of the characters 1111,0,110,1110 and 10 denoted by
a,b,c,d,e each occurring with the probability 0.12, 0.4, 0.15 , 0.08, and 0.25 .
The optimal coding technique will have the average length of
(a) 2.15 (b) 3.01 (c) 2.3 (d) 1.78
43. Translate the following tuple relational calculus expression into English language
{t/S student (t[s_name] = s[s_name] u course (u[s_no] = s[s_no]
u[course_name] = “CS”))}
(a) set of all tuples of student name
(b) set of all tuples of student name studying “CS” course.
(c) set of all tuples of student name with same course number and student
number who are studying “CS” course
(d) None of these
44. Select distinct E.name from employee as E, project as P where E.s-no = P.s-no
and P.dept= “Computer” order by E.name.
The above query yields which of the following result?
(a) a list of Employee names working in “Computer” department in ascending
(b) a list of Employee names working in “Computer” department in descending
(c) a list of Employee names working in “Computer” department and have
different roll numbers in descending order.
(d) a list of Employee names working in “Computer” department having more
than one roll number in ascending order.
48. Using Best first search for a shortest path from A to Z, the order in which nodes
are considered best for the path is
10 15
1 7
A 3 D Z
7 2
6 4
(a) A – C – F – D – E (b) A – C – F - E
(c) A – C – F – E – B (d) A – C – F - D
49. 6 files F1, F2 ,F3, F4, F5, F6 have 100, 200, 50, 80, 120 , 150 number of records
respectively. In what order should they be stored so as to optimize access time.
Assume each file is accessed with the same frequency
(a) F3 F4 F1 F5 F6 F2
(b) F2 F6 F5 F1 F4 F3
(c) F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6
(d) ordering is immaterial as all files are accessed with the same frequency
50. _______tour (cycle) that includes all the vertices is used to find the minimum
sum of edge weights in an undirected graph.
(a) Kruskal’s (b) Hamiltonian
(c) Back tracking (d) None of these
52. Consider a, b are unsigned integer variables, a=06DB7. The result of this
expression b = a >> 6 is
(a) 001AB (b) 00AD2 (c) 00AB2 (d) 001B6
53. Determine the correctness or otherwise of the following Assertion [s] and the
Reason [r]
Assertion (s): The principal advantage of using piggy backing is a better use of
the available channel bandwidth.
Reason (r): Acknowledgements are temporarily delayed and attached to the
next outgoing data frame as a field.
(a) Both [s] and [r] are true and [r] is the correct reason for [s]
(b) Both [s] and [r] are true but [r] is not the correct reason for [s]
(c) Both [s] and [r] are false
(d) [s] is true but [r] is false
55. Determine the correctness or otherwise of the following Assertion [s] and the
Reason [r]
Assertion (s): The state of a composite object is directly affected by the
presence or absence of one or more of its component objects.
Reason(r): The component objects can be directly referenced via the public
interface of their corresponding composite object.
(a) Both [s] and [r] are true and [r] is the correct reason for [s]
(b) Both [s] and [r] are true but [r] is not the correct reason for [s]
(c) Both [s] and [r] are false
(d) [s] is true but [r] is false
56. Let a function f:RR satisfy the equation f(x+y) = f(x)+ f(y), for all x,yR. If f is
continuous at x=0, then
(a) f is continuous for all x R.
(b) the number of points of discontinuity of f greater than 10.
(c) the number of points of discontinuity of f must be infinite
(d) none of the above
58. To delete the minimum element in a d-heap, which has N nodes the time taken is
(a) O (d log d) (b) O (log d) (c) O (d logd N) (d) (N)
59. The number of comparisons required by Binary insertion sort to sort ‘n’ elements
(a) O (log n) (b) O (n2)
(c) O (n log n) (d) O (n)
60. A. In Big-endian, the most significant byte is assigned the highest address and
the least significant byte is assigned the lowest address.
B. In little-endian, the most significant byte is assigned the lowest address and
the least significant byte is assigned the highest address.
C. Motorola 6800 series uses big-endian method.
D. Intel 8086 series uses little-endian method.
(a) Only A and B are true (b) Only C and D true
(c) A and C are true (d) A, B, C and D are true
61. Determine the correctness or otherwise of the following Assertion [s] and the
Reason [r]
Assertion (s): An AVL tree is called a height–balanced 1–tree (HB (1) tree).
Reason (r): The maximum amount of difference allowed between the heights of
any two sub-trees sharing a common root is 1.
(a) Both [s] and [r] are true and [r] is the correct reason for [s]
(b) Both [s] and [r] are true but [r] is not the correct reason for [s]
(c) Both [s] and [r] are false
(d) [s] is true but [r] is false
63. The interrupt at which the external device supplies the address to restart the
execution is
(a) Vectored interrupt (b) non-maskable interrupt
(c) maskable interrupt (d) non-vectored interrupt
The following information pertains to Questions 64 and 65:
Consider a complete Balanced binary tree having 200000 keys. The binary tree is
divided into pages of size 4 Kilobytes, each page is capable of holding 63 keys/reference
field pairs.
64. The number of seeks required for a worst-case search of the completely full
binary tree before it was divided into pages is (approximately)
(a) 27 (b) 16 (c) 18 (d) 21
65. The number of seeks required for the paged versions of the binary tree is
(a) 4 (b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 2
(b) Function 2 n
has lesser growth rate than that of any polynomial
(c) Function nn has a growth rate greater than 22
(a) P 7P P Q (b) P 7P P Q
(c) P 7P P Q (d) P 7P P Q
(c) P 7P 7Q Q
(d) P R Q R P Q R
72. If A and B are mutually exclusive and P A B P A P B then P is
(a) (b) (c) (d)
73. Determine the correctness or otherwise of the following Assertion [s] and the
Reason [r]
Assertion (s): Whenever the CPU is multiplexed, two pairs of context switches
Reason (r): Context switching part requires load and store operations to save
the register contents.
(a) Both [s] and [r] are true and [r] is the correct reason for [s]
(b) Both [s] and [r] are true but [r] is not the correct reason for [s]
(c) Both [s] and [r] are false
(d) [s] is true but [r] is false
74. A farmer buys 4 cows, 3 pigs, 2 hens from a man who has 6 cows, 5 pigs, 5
hens. How many choices are there for the farmer?
(a) 2,500 (b) 3,000 (c) 1,500 (d) 1,000
75. The solution for the recurrence relation T n 6T n 1 9T n 2 given T(0) =1,
T(1) = 6 is
(a) 3n n3n (b) 2n 3n (c) 5n
(d) 3 6n3
76. Determine the correctness or otherwise of the following Assertion [s] and the
Reason [r]
Assertion (s): The height of a complete binary tree is O(log N).
Reason (r): The complete binary tree of height ‘n’ has nodes between 2n and
2n+1 – 1.
(a) Both [s] and [r] are true and [r] is the correct reason for [s]
(b) Both [s] and [r] are true but [r] is not the correct reason for [s]
(c) Both [s] and [r] are false
(d) [s] is true but [r] is false
77. Suppose A and B are two nn square matrices, the time required to compute
multiplication of A and B is
(a) O(N3) (b) (N2)
(c) O(N2) (d) (N2)
78. How long does a station, s, have to wait in the worst case before it can start
transmitting its frame over a LAN that uses Basic Bit Map protocol?
(a) (N-1)d bit times (b) (N-1)/d bit times
(c) N+(N-1)d bit times (d) (N-1)d+N*log d bit times.
79. Assume a High load in the network, that is all the stations have something to
send all the time, then the efficiency is
(a) d/(N+d) (b) d/(d+1) (c) N/(N+d) (d) N/(d+1)