Jurnal Scoliosis PDF
Jurnal Scoliosis PDF
Jurnal Scoliosis PDF
Introduction: Scoliosis is the backbone curved to the side, forming a S or C-
shaped curve and may cause the hips and shoulders to tilt. Scoliosis is a
common condition in early childhood and adolescence, as they grow rapidly.
Scoliosis can be caused by birth defects, muscle spasms, inflammation or have
different leg lengths. This condition can be permanent or temporary. The
Schroth method is a physiotherapeutic processing system that uses isometric
and other exercises to strengthen or lengthen the asymmetric muscle in the
body of scoliosis
Methods: Subjects in this study have been found 12 research subjects who are
students of the State Elementary School 01 Jambi aged 10-12 years. Data
retrieval is done by forward forward bending test. Each subject followed a
pre test with forward bending test and measured using a skoliometer tool
performed before treatment for 4 weeks, then each subject will follow post test
with forward bending test and measured using a scoliometer after 4 weeks
treatment. In the treatment will be given schroth practice training methods for
4 weeks with the frequency of exercise done every 3 times a week.
Result: Based on the results of research with the theory on the discussion can
be concluded that there is Influence Giving Schroth Method Exercise Therapy
on Scoliosis at Age 10-12 Years at Primary School 01 Jambi
Conclusion: Exercise Therapy Schroth method with regular frequency is an
effective therapy for the management of scoliosis in children aged 10-12 years
in order to prevent more severe scoliosis
Key words: exercise, scoliosis, Metode Schroth
Jurnal Akademika Baiturrahim Renni Hidayati Zein
Vol.6 No.2, September 2017
Jurnal Akademika Baiturrahim Renni Hidayati Zein
Vol.6 No.2, September 2017
Jurnal Akademika Baiturrahim Renni Hidayati Zein
Vol.6 No.2, September 2017
Jurnal Akademika Baiturrahim Renni Hidayati Zein
Vol.6 No.2, September 2017
Jurnal Akademika Baiturrahim Renni Hidayati Zein
Vol.6 No.2, September 2017
Jurnal Akademika Baiturrahim Renni Hidayati Zein
Vol.6 No.2, September 2017