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Appendix 2

Group Wavenumber Tables

You will find listed here all the group wavenumber tables contained in the body of this book.
These tables are the best summaries of the information contained herein. You do not need to
commit these numbers to memory, but keep these tables handy whenever 'you need to interpret
a spectrum. All numbers in the tables are in cm'. /

Table 1.1 Functional Groups Easily Spotted in a Spectrum

Band Position in em" Functional Group
3500-3200 O-H or N-H
3200-2800 C-H
2250-2000 C=N,C=C
180Q-1600 C=O;
<1000 C=C, Benzene Rings

Table 2.1. The Wavenumber Ranges for the C-H Stretches of Alkanes (/cm-I)
Vibration Wavenumber Range
CH3 Asymmetric 2962±IO
CH3 Symmetric
I -
~ CH2 Asymmetric
CH2 Symmetric 2855±10

Table 2.2. The C-H Bending Vibrations of Alkanes (all numbers in em")
Vibration Wavenumber Range
CH3 Asyrnjnetric bend 1460± 10
CH3 Symmetricberujxumbrella mode) 1375±IQ
CHi'S6ssors 1455±10
q-I2 Rock nO±lO

Table 2.3 C-H Bending and Stretching Bands for Branched Alkanes (all numbers in cm')
Vibration Wavenumber
Methine <;;-FI Stretch -2900 (weak)
Split umbrella mode of isopropyl and gem- 1385 - 1365 (2 bands)'
dimethyl groups ' Intensity ratio -I: 1

-- ~mbrella mode of isobutyl and t-

butyl groups
Methine C-H bend
1395 - 1365 (2 bands)
Intensity ratio -1:2
-1350 (weak)

244 Group Wavenumber Tables

Table 2.4. Positions ofC-H Stretches for Saturated and Unsaturated Functional Groups -
'(all numbers in cm')
Functional Groups
Saturated eel-I], CH2, CI-I)
Unsaturated (C=C, C=.C, Aromatic Rings)
Vinyllvinylidine CI-I2 asymmetric stretch
C-H Stretch
< 3000 ern
> 3000 cm'l

~ -
Table 2.5 The C=C Stretching, C-H Stretching, and C-H Bending Bands of Alkenes
Substitution C-H Stretch C=C Stretch Out-of-Plane C-H
Pattern Bend
Vinyl 3090-3075 1660-1630 990±5,910±5 -1
Vinylidine 3090-3075 1660-1630 890±5
Cis 3050-3000 1660-1630 690±50
Trans 3050-3000 1680-1665 965±5 1
Trisu bstituted 3050~3000 1680-1665 815±25
Tetrasubstituted - 1680-1665 -

Table 2.6 Summary of Group Wavenumbers for Alkynes (all numbers in cm')
Substitution C=.C Stretch C-H Stretch C-H Wag
Monosubstituted : 2140-2100 3350-3250 700-600 I
Disu bstituted 2260-2190 - - .. I

Table 2.7 Bands for Mono- and Disubstituted Benzene Rings (all numbers in cm')
Substitution Pattern Out-of-Plane C-H Bending Ring Bend (690+10 c
Mono 770-710 Yes
Ortho 810-750 No
Meta 770-735 Yes
Para 860-790 No

Table 2.8 Bands for Methyl Groups Bonded to Benzene Rings (all numbers in cm"
Vibration Wavenumber
CH3 Symmetric stretch 2925±5
CH3 Bend overtone 2865±5

Table 3.1 The Diagnostic Infrared Bands for Alcohols (all numbers in CIll'I)
Subst. Pattern C-O Stretch O-H Stretch O-H Bends
All - 3350±50 1350±50,650±50
1° 1075-1000 " "
2° 1150-1075 " "
3° 1210-1100 " "
Phenols 1260-1200 " " .--'


Table 3.2 Group Wavenumbers for Ethers (all numbers in cm')

Ether Type Asym metric C-O-C Symmetric C-O-C
Saturated, Unbranched I 140-1070 (I band) 890-820
Saturated, Branched 1210-1 Q70 (2 or more bands) 890-820
Alkyl/Aryl (mixed) 1300-1200 and 1050-10 I0 -
Aryl 1300-1200 -

Table 3.3 The C-H Stretches and Bends for Hydrocarbons Attached to Oxygen (all
. numbers in cm')
Vibration CHrO CHrO
Asymmetric C- H stretch 2970-2920 2955-2920
Symmetric C-H stretch 2830±10 2878-2835

- CH3 Umbrella mode 1470-1440 -

Table 4.1 The Group Wavenumbers of Ketones (all numbers in ern")

Vibration I Wavenumber Range
Saturated C=O stretch
Aromatic C=O stretch 1700-1640
Saturated C-C-C stretch 1230-1100
Aryl/Alkyl and Diaryl C-C-C stretch 1300-1230

Table 4.2 The Group Wavenumbers of the Aldehyde Functional Group (in crn')
Vibration Wavenumber Range
Saturated C=O Stretch 1730±10
Aromatic C=O Stretch 1710-168':;
C-H Bend 1390±10
Aldehydic C-H Stretch, general 2850-2700 (l or 2 bands)
Aldehydic C-H Stretch, unbranched a 2730-2715 (1 band)
Aldehydic C-H Stretch, branched a carbon 2715-2700 (I band)

Table 4.3 The Group Wavenumbers of Carboxylic Acids (all numbers in ern")
Vibration Wavenumber Range
Saturated C=O Stretch 1730- I700
Aromatic C=O Stretch
C-O Stretch _
---- 1710-1680
O-H Stretch 3500-2500 (broad and intense)
O-H In-plane bend 1440-1395
O-H Out-of-plane bend 960-900

Table 4.4 The Group Wavenumbers ofCarboxylates (all numbers in ern")

Vibration Wavenumber Range
I Asymmetric CO2 stretch 1650- I 540
I Symmetric CO2 stretch 1450-1360
246 Group Wavenumber Tables

Table 4.5 The Group Wavenumbcrs fOI' Noncyclic Acid Anhydrides (all numbers in CIll-I)
Vibration Wavenumber Range
Saturated Symmetric C=O stretch 1820±S (stronger)

! " ~\., I ';''''-\

Saturated Asymmetric C=O stretch ~' 1750±5 (weaker) " ,

• , J j...' ~.

Unsaturated Symmetric C=O stretch I775±5 (stronger)

Unsaturated Asymmetric C=O stretch I720±5 (weaker)
c-o Stretch 1060-1035

Table 4.6 The Group Wavenumbers

f~r Cyclic Acid Anhydrides (all numbers in
Wavenumber Range
CI11- ) -
Saturated Symmetric C=O stretch 1870-1845 (weaker)
Saturated Asymmetric C=O stretch 1800-1775 (stronger)
Unsaturated Symmetric C=O stretch 1860-1840 (weaker)
Unsaturated Asymmetric C=O stretch
c-o and C-C Stretches
1760-1780 (stronger)
960-880, 1300-1000 -
Table 4.7' The Rule of Three Bands For Saturated Esters (all numbers in cm')
Vibration Wavenumber Range
C=O Stretch 1750-1735
C-C-O Stretch 1210-1160
Acetate C-C-O Stretch -1240
O-C-C Stretch 1100-1030

Table 4.8 The Rule of Three Bands For Aromatic Esters (all numbers in em")
Range -
C-C-O Stretch 1310-1250 .
O-C-C Stretch 1130-1000

Table 4.9 Group Wavenumbers for Organic Carbonates (all numbers in em")
Vibration Saturated Mixed Carbonate Aromatic
Carbonate Carbonate
C-O Stretch 1740±10 1790-1760 1820-1775
O-C-O Stretch 1280-1240 1250-1210 1220-1205

Table 5.1 The Group Wavenumbers of Primary Amides (all numbers in cm')
Vibration Wavenumber Range
NH2 Stretches 3370-3170 (2 bands)
"""C-O Stretch 1680-1630
, NH2 Scissors
C-N Stretch
NH 2 ~ao>"
b i 750-600, (broad)

Table 5.2 T he Croup Wavenumbers of Secondary Amides (all numbers ill em-I).
Vibration Wavenumber Range
- N-H Stretch 3370-3170 (I band)
C=O Stretch 1680-1630
N -H In-plane bend 1570-1515 (strong)
- C-N Stretch 1310-1230
N- H out-of-plane bend 750-680 (broad)

Table 5.3 The Croup Wavenumbers of Tertiary Amides (all numbers in cm-').
Vibration Wavenumber Range
- C=O Stretch 1680-1630
C -N(CH3)2 Stretch ~ 1505

Tabl e 5.4 The Croup Wavenumbers of Imides (all numbers in ern").
Vibrat ion Straight Chain
- N-H Str etch 3200±50 3200±50
C=O Stret ch(es) 1740-1670 (I band) 1790-1735, 1750-1680 (2 bands)
N-H In-pia ne bend ~1505
- 1235-1165
C-N Str etch

- Table 5.5 The Group Wavenumbers or the Primary Amine <;;roup (all numbers in cm').
Vibra tion Saturated Aromatic
NH2 Asy mrnetric 3380-3350 3500-3420
stret ch :
NH2 Symme tric stretch 3310-3280 3420-3340
NH2 Sc issors 1650-1580 1650-1580
C-N St retch 1250-1020 1350-1250
NH2Out-of- plane bend 850-750 850-750

Table 5.6 The G roup Wavenumbers orthe Secondary Amine (;roup (all numbers in crn').
Vibrat ion Saturated Aromatic
- N-H Str etch 3320-3280 ~3400
C-N Str etch 1180-1130 1350-1250
N-H Wag 750-700 750-700

T able 5.7 N-Methyl Symmetric Stretches (all numbers in cm').

I Groupi ng Saturated Aromatic
I N-CH 3 2805-2780 . 2820-2810
N-(CH3 )2 2825-2810,2775-2765 2810-2790
- --
T able 5.8 The C=N Stretches of Nitriles (all numbers in cm').
Vibrati on Saturated Aromatic
C=N Str etch 2260-2240 2240-2220
248 Group Wavenumber Tables

Table 5.9 The Group Wavenumbers of the Nitro Functional Group (all numbers in cm').
Vibration Aromatic
N02 Asymmetric stretch 1550-1500
NO] Symmetric stretch 1390-1330
NO] Scissors <. 890-835

Table 6.1 The Group Wavenumber for Thiols (all numbers in cm').
Vibration Wavenumber Range
S-H Stretch 2590-2560

Table 6.2 The Group Wavenumbers for Compounds with a Single S=O Bond
Functional Group S=O Stretch (ern )
Sulfoxide 1070-1030
Sulfite 1240-1180

Table 6.3 The Group Wavenumbers for S02 Containing Molecules (all numbers in cm')
Functional Group Asymm. S02 Stretch Sym. S02 Stretch
Sulfone 1340-1310 1165-1135
Sulfonate 1430-1330 pOO-I 150
Sulfate 1450- 1350 1230-1150

Table 6.4 The Group Wavenumbers of Siloxanes (all numbers in cm')

Functional Group CH3 Umbrella Mode CH3 Rock CH2 Wag and Rock
Si-CH3 1260± 5 - -
Si(CH3)2 1260± 5 800±10 -
Si(CH3)3 1260± 5 -840,-760 -
Si-CH2 - - 1250-1200,760-670

Table 6.S The C-X Stretches for Halogenated Organic Molecules

Bond C-X Stretch
C-F 1300-1000
C-CI 800-600
C-Br 650-550
C-I 570-500

Table 7.1 The Group Wavenumbers of Inorganic Sulfates

Vibration Wavenumber Range (ern )
S-O Stretch 1]40-1080
S-O Bends 680-610

Table 7.2 The Group Wavenumbers of Silica

Vibration Wavenumber Range (crn')
Silanol SiO-J-I Stretch 3700-3200
Si-O-Si Asymmetric stretch 1200-1000
Silanol Si-O Stretch -940
Si-O-Si Symmetric stretch -805
Si-O-Si Bend -450

Table 7.3 The Group Wavenumbers for Inorganic Carbonates

Vibration Wavenumber Range (ern' )
C-O Stretch 1510-1410
C-O Out-of-plane bend 880-860
C-O In-plane bend -740

Table 7.4 The Group Wavenumbers for Nitrates

Vibration Wavenumber Range (em")
N-O Stretch 1400-1340
N-O Out-of-plane bend 840-810
N-O In-plane bend -720

.--- ---
Table 7.5 The Group Wavenumbers of Phosphates
Vibration Wavenumber (em" )
P04 Stretch
"j 1100-1000 (broad and strong)
P04 Bend

Table 8.1 Group Wavenumbers for Diisocyanates and Urethanes

Vibration Wavenumber (ern )
Isocyanate asymmetric N=C=O stretch 2280-2240
Secondary Urethane N-H Stretch 3340-3250
Secondary Urethane C=O 1725-1705
Tertiary Urethane C=O 1690-1680
Secondary Urethane N-H Bend 1540-1520
Urethane C-O Stretch -1250

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