Tablas para Resolver Espectros IR PDF
Tablas para Resolver Espectros IR PDF
Tablas para Resolver Espectros IR PDF
Table 2.1. The Wavenumber Ranges for the C-H Stretches of Alkanes (/cm-I)
Vibration Wavenumber Range
CH3 Asymmetric 2962±IO
CH3 Symmetric
I -
~ CH2 Asymmetric
CH2 Symmetric 2855±10
Table 2.2. The C-H Bending Vibrations of Alkanes (all numbers in em")
Vibration Wavenumber Range
CH3 Asyrnjnetric bend 1460± 10
CH3 Symmetricberujxumbrella mode) 1375±IQ
CHi'S6ssors 1455±10
q-I2 Rock nO±lO
Table 2.3 C-H Bending and Stretching Bands for Branched Alkanes (all numbers in cm')
Vibration Wavenumber
Methine <;;-FI Stretch -2900 (weak)
Split umbrella mode of isopropyl and gem- 1385 - 1365 (2 bands)'
dimethyl groups ' Intensity ratio -I: 1
244 Group Wavenumber Tables
Table 2.4. Positions ofC-H Stretches for Saturated and Unsaturated Functional Groups -
'(all numbers in cm')
Functional Groups
Saturated eel-I], CH2, CI-I)
Unsaturated (C=C, C=.C, Aromatic Rings)
Vinyllvinylidine CI-I2 asymmetric stretch
C-H Stretch
< 3000 ern
> 3000 cm'l
~ -
Table 2.5 The C=C Stretching, C-H Stretching, and C-H Bending Bands of Alkenes
Substitution C-H Stretch C=C Stretch Out-of-Plane C-H
Pattern Bend
Vinyl 3090-3075 1660-1630 990±5,910±5 -1
Vinylidine 3090-3075 1660-1630 890±5
Cis 3050-3000 1660-1630 690±50
Trans 3050-3000 1680-1665 965±5 1
Trisu bstituted 3050~3000 1680-1665 815±25
Tetrasubstituted - 1680-1665 -
Table 2.6 Summary of Group Wavenumbers for Alkynes (all numbers in cm')
Substitution C=.C Stretch C-H Stretch C-H Wag
Monosubstituted : 2140-2100 3350-3250 700-600 I
Disu bstituted 2260-2190 - - .. I
Table 2.7 Bands for Mono- and Disubstituted Benzene Rings (all numbers in cm')
Substitution Pattern Out-of-Plane C-H Bending Ring Bend (690+10 c
Mono 770-710 Yes
Ortho 810-750 No
Meta 770-735 Yes
Para 860-790 No
Table 2.8 Bands for Methyl Groups Bonded to Benzene Rings (all numbers in cm"
Vibration Wavenumber
CH3 Symmetric stretch 2925±5
CH3 Bend overtone 2865±5
Table 3.1 The Diagnostic Infrared Bands for Alcohols (all numbers in CIll'I)
Subst. Pattern C-O Stretch O-H Stretch O-H Bends
All - 3350±50 1350±50,650±50
1° 1075-1000 " "
2° 1150-1075 " "
3° 1210-1100 " "
Phenols 1260-1200 " " .--'
Table 3.3 The C-H Stretches and Bends for Hydrocarbons Attached to Oxygen (all
. numbers in cm')
Vibration CHrO CHrO
Asymmetric C- H stretch 2970-2920 2955-2920
Symmetric C-H stretch 2830±10 2878-2835
Table 4.2 The Group Wavenumbers of the Aldehyde Functional Group (in crn')
Vibration Wavenumber Range
Saturated C=O Stretch 1730±10
Aromatic C=O Stretch 1710-168':;
C-H Bend 1390±10
Aldehydic C-H Stretch, general 2850-2700 (l or 2 bands)
Aldehydic C-H Stretch, unbranched a 2730-2715 (1 band)
Aldehydic C-H Stretch, branched a carbon 2715-2700 (I band)
Table 4.3 The Group Wavenumbers of Carboxylic Acids (all numbers in ern")
Vibration Wavenumber Range
Saturated C=O Stretch 1730- I700
Aromatic C=O Stretch
C-O Stretch _
---- 1710-1680
O-H Stretch 3500-2500 (broad and intense)
O-H In-plane bend 1440-1395
O-H Out-of-plane bend 960-900
Table 4.5 The Group Wavenumbcrs fOI' Noncyclic Acid Anhydrides (all numbers in CIll-I)
Vibration Wavenumber Range
Saturated Symmetric C=O stretch 1820±S (stronger)
Table 4.8 The Rule of Three Bands For Aromatic Esters (all numbers in em")
Range -
C-C-O Stretch 1310-1250 .
O-C-C Stretch 1130-1000
Table 4.9 Group Wavenumbers for Organic Carbonates (all numbers in em")
Vibration Saturated Mixed Carbonate Aromatic
Carbonate Carbonate
C-O Stretch 1740±10 1790-1760 1820-1775
O-C-O Stretch 1280-1240 1250-1210 1220-1205
Table 5.1 The Group Wavenumbers of Primary Amides (all numbers in cm')
Vibration Wavenumber Range
NH2 Stretches 3370-3170 (2 bands)
"""C-O Stretch 1680-1630
, NH2 Scissors
C-N Stretch
NH 2 ~ao>"
b i 750-600, (broad)
Table 5.2 T he Croup Wavenumbers of Secondary Amides (all numbers ill em-I).
Vibration Wavenumber Range
- N-H Stretch 3370-3170 (I band)
C=O Stretch 1680-1630
N -H In-plane bend 1570-1515 (strong)
- C-N Stretch 1310-1230
N- H out-of-plane bend 750-680 (broad)
Table 5.3 The Croup Wavenumbers of Tertiary Amides (all numbers in cm-').
Vibration Wavenumber Range
- C=O Stretch 1680-1630
C -N(CH3)2 Stretch ~ 1505
Tabl e 5.4 The Croup Wavenumbers of Imides (all numbers in ern").
Vibrat ion Straight Chain
- N-H Str etch 3200±50 3200±50
C=O Stret ch(es) 1740-1670 (I band) 1790-1735, 1750-1680 (2 bands)
N-H In-pia ne bend ~1505
- 1235-1165
C-N Str etch
- Table 5.5 The Group Wavenumbers or the Primary Amine <;;roup (all numbers in cm').
Vibra tion Saturated Aromatic
NH2 Asy mrnetric 3380-3350 3500-3420
stret ch :
NH2 Symme tric stretch 3310-3280 3420-3340
NH2 Sc issors 1650-1580 1650-1580
C-N St retch 1250-1020 1350-1250
NH2Out-of- plane bend 850-750 850-750
Table 5.6 The G roup Wavenumbers orthe Secondary Amine (;roup (all numbers in crn').
Vibrat ion Saturated Aromatic
- N-H Str etch 3320-3280 ~3400
C-N Str etch 1180-1130 1350-1250
N-H Wag 750-700 750-700
Table 5.9 The Group Wavenumbers of the Nitro Functional Group (all numbers in cm').
Vibration Aromatic
N02 Asymmetric stretch 1550-1500
NO] Symmetric stretch 1390-1330
NO] Scissors <. 890-835
Table 6.1 The Group Wavenumber for Thiols (all numbers in cm').
Vibration Wavenumber Range
S-H Stretch 2590-2560
Table 6.2 The Group Wavenumbers for Compounds with a Single S=O Bond
Functional Group S=O Stretch (ern )
Sulfoxide 1070-1030
Sulfite 1240-1180
Table 6.3 The Group Wavenumbers for S02 Containing Molecules (all numbers in cm')
Functional Group Asymm. S02 Stretch Sym. S02 Stretch
Sulfone 1340-1310 1165-1135
Sulfonate 1430-1330 pOO-I 150
Sulfate 1450- 1350 1230-1150
.--- ---
Table 7.5 The Group Wavenumbers of Phosphates
Vibration Wavenumber (em" )
P04 Stretch
"j 1100-1000 (broad and strong)
P04 Bend
---------------------------- --------