Indonesian Legal System Online Session Assignment: Week 2
Indonesian Legal System Online Session Assignment: Week 2
Indonesian Legal System Online Session Assignment: Week 2
The Judiciary of Indonesia
There are six main courts in Indonesia; public courts, religious courts, administrative
courts, military courts, the Supreme Court, and the Constitution Court. As a Court of First
Instance, the Public Court has the duty to decide, decide and settle civil court cases for the
people. The jurisdiction of the Public Court covers the City or Regency area. A Religious Court
is a court of first instance that exercises judicial authority within the Religious Courts that is
domiciled in the district or city capital. The Religious Courts are formed by Presidential Decree.
Administrative court is one of the judicial bodies that exercises judicial power, an
independent power which is under the Supreme Court in the context of administering justice to
uphold law and justice. Military Court is a court whose duty is to examine and decide on the first
level of criminal cases and Military Administration disputes as stipulated in article 40 of the
Republic of Indonesia Law Number 31 of 1997, namely soldiers with the rank of Captain down.
The Supreme Court of the Republic of Indonesia is a high state institution in the
Indonesian constitutional system which is the holder of judicial power together with the
Constitutional Court and free from the influence of other branches of power. The Constitutional
Court is one of the state institutions that exercise independent judicial power to hold courts to
There are seven types of special courts in Indonesia; Industrial Courts, Commerce courts,
human rights courts, corruption courts, Fisheries courts, Juvenile Courts, and Tax Courts.
Industrial Relations Court is a special court established in the general court environment which
has the authority to examine, hear and give decisions on industrial relations disputes. Commerce
courts is a court that is authorized to hear cases of bankruptcy, suspension of payment and debt
payment. Also handle commercial disputes such as the dispute in the field of Intellectual
Property Rights and disputes in process of liquidation of the bank conducted by Lembaga
Penjamin Simpanan.
Human Rights Court is a Special Court for gross violations of human rights. Based on
Law No. 26 of 2000, human rights violations include crimes of genocide and crimes against
humanity. Corruption Court is a Special Court within the General Court. The Corruption Court is
the only court that has the authority to examine, hear, and decide on corruption cases. Fisheries
Court is a Special Court within the general court environment which has the authority to
examine, hear, and decide on criminal actions in the field of fisheries. The Fisheries Court was
Juvenile Court is a court that has the duty and authority to examine, decide upon and
settle child cases. The age limit for a child that can be submitted to the Juvenile Court is at least
8 (eight) years but has not reached the age of 18 (eighteen) years and has never been married. A
tax court is a judicial body that exercises judicial power in Indonesia for taxpayers or tax bearers
inside and outside the court whose jurisdiction operates throughout the territory of the
Republic of Indonesia. An advocate can be said as a legal expert who has the authority to
2. Judge. A judge is a public official appointed or elected to hear and decide legal matters in
3. Public Prosecutor. Public prosecutors are prosecutors who are given the authority to
prosecution, the Public Prosecutor according to the Criminal Procedure Code can carry
4. Clerk of Courts. Clerk of courts are a court official whose job is to assist the judge in
regarding all deeds, agreements, and provisions required by legislation and / or desired by
the interested parties to be stated in an authentic deed, guaranteeing the certainty of the
date of making the deed, keeping the deed, giving grosse , copies and quotations of the
deeds, all of them as long as the making of the deeds are also not assigned or excluded to
other officials or other people stipulated by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number
to find various possible solutions to the dispute without using a way to decide or force a
7. Arbiter. Arbiter is a person agreed by two parties to the dispute to provide a decision that