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Vertical Layers of Atmosphere

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Meteorology is a science of atmosphere. The atmosphere is a homogenous a

mixture of many gases of which nitrogen and oxygen account for about 99%. The
percentage composition of dry air (by volume) is as follows:-

(1) Nitrogen - 78%

(2) Oxygen - 21%
(3) Argon - 0.93%
(4) Carbondioxide - 0.03%

The other gases found in negligible amount are:-

Neon, Nitrous oxide, Ozone, Sulphurdioxide, Krypton, Ammonia. Helium, Xenon,
Iodine, Hydrogen, Methane etc.,
Watervapour is always present in varying amounts. Watervapour also behaves like
a gas. The maximum amount of watervapour that can be present in the atmosphere in
relation to other gases is about 4%.
The percentage composition by weight of Nitrogen: Oxygen = 3:1

Vertical Layers of Atmosphere

1. The vertical layers of atmosphere are as follows:

(a) Troposhere : Up to 8 – 10 km from earth at poles and upto 16 - 18 km

from earth at equator.
(b) Stratosphere : Up to 50 km from earth and above troposphere (11-50 km)

(c) Mesosphere : 50 to 85 km
(d) Thermosphere : From 85 km upwards.

2. Troposphere

This is the region nearest to the earth. Generally, all the weather phenomena occur
in this region only. The temperature decreases with height. The rate of fall of
temperature with height is called lapse rate. In this layer, the lapse rate is 6.5 o-
C/KM or 2oC/1000 Ft or 3.5oF/1000 ft. If the temperature increases with height it is
called Inversion. If the temperature remains same or steady with height, it is called
Isothermal layer. The upper boundary of the troposphere is called Tropopause.
About 75% of the atmosphere lies within Troposphere.

Near the equator Tropopause is highest. (i.e) 16 to 18 km. Near the poles
Tropopause is lowest (i.e) 8 to 9 km.

The height of the tropopause varies from season to season. In winter, the
tropopause comes down. In summer, it goes up. The tropopause is not continuous.
Sometimes, breaks occur in middle latitudes with over lapping tropopauses. In the
breaks, high velocity winds called “Jet Streams” occur. Jet Stream means more
than 60 kts wind speed.

The temperature at the tropopause over the equator is less than that over the poles.
That is, the equatorial tropopause is colder than polar tropopause, because
equatorial tropopause’s height is nearly twice the height of polar tropopause.

3. Stratosphere

The Stratosphere extends from 11 to 50 Km. The temperature remains steady from
11 to 20 km and thereafter increases with height. The upper boundary of the
stratosphere is called stratospause, where the temperature is of the order of 0 oC.
There is concentration of ozone molecules at about 25km and ozone absorbs the
ultra violet radiation of sun which causes the increase of temperature in this layer.

Stratosphere is a stable region with very low humidity and no weather occurs.
However, very rarely, a type of cloud called “nacreous” (mother of pearl) cloud
between 20 to 30 km occurs in winter.

4. Mesosphere

In mesosphere, temperature decreases with height. The upper boundary of
mesosphere is mesopause which is situated at about 85 km. At that level, at
mesopause, the temperature is of the order of about – 90oC.

5. Thermosphere

Above the Mesopause is the Thermosphere. The upper limit of the thermosphere is
not well defined. In this layer, temperature increases rapidly with height.

6. The area of interest especially for mariners is the lowest layer that is troposphere
where all the weather changes occur.


Ozone is prevalent in the upper atmosphere that is in stratosphere. Its concentration

is maximum between 25 – 35 km. Ozone which is oxygen in 3 atoms (i.e) O 3 is very much
beneficial to mankind in filtering the harmful ultra-violet radiation of the sun, which can
create many hardships to mankind like skin cancer, hereditary disorders and crop failure in

Ozone gets depleted by polluting gases like CFC (Chloro Fluoro Carbon) which
are produced from the liquids in refrigerator, deodorants, perfume, spray, aerosol etc
Carbon monoxide also destroys the ozone. CO is produced by vehicles, factories, railways,
waterways and airways. The exhaust fumes containing nitrous oxide from fast moving
aero- planes, in upper troposphere also cause the depletion of the ozone.

These chemicals and CFC can remain in the atmosphere for many years and
chlorine can disintegrate O3 atoms and decrease the ozone concentration. To protect the
ozone layer, organisations like “Green Peace” and “Friends of Earth” have been formed
which create public awareness for cutting down CFC. In Sept. 1987, in the Montreal
Protocol, many countries have signed an agreement to minimize CFC production and go in
for alternative gases.

It is a fact that a large hole has been created in the ozone layer in the upper
atmosphere at Antarctic area, which extends over millions of Sq.Km, which means ozone
layer has considerably thinned. Indiscriminate use of CFC products has to be contained if
life on this planet is to survive.

Atmospheric Pollution: It means dirty, unclean and foul air. The produced in
nature like atmosphere is degradated by Pollution produced in nature like volcanoes, sea
spray, forest- fires, pollen of flowers, viruses and bacteria.

The manmade pollutions are of various types. The primary pollutions are those,
which directly come from the sources. The secondary pollutions are those which interact
and react among the primary ones. The major pollutants are sulphur compound, Nitrogen
compound, CO2, Halogens and Mercury which are dangerous. Mercuric oxide causes
Minamata disease. Volcanic, Organic compound like derpines, Methane, photo-chemical
oxidants, DDT (Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloro Ethane), PCB (Poly Chlorinated Biphenyl)
etc., produce very intense pollution in the environment. The stable atmosphere increases
the state of pollution, and the unstable atmosphere produces turbulent atmospheric
conditions, which can flush out the pollution.

Inversion of temperature

Inversion means increase of temperature with increase of height instead of normal fall of
temperature. Such a situation occurs in the atmosphere during winter when the nights are long,
with clear sky, dry condition and calm winds. There are three kinds of inversions namely:

(i) Surface Inversion (ii) Dynamic Inversion (iii) Drainage Inversion

i) Surface Inversion: Due to excessive cooling near the earth's surface, inversion occurs
on account of large scale terrestrial radiation, going out into space.
ii) Dynamic Inversion: Due to very cold advection of transport of cold air mass
horizontally from elsewhere near the ground super imposed with the warm air mass aloft,
low temperature occurs on the ground with higher temperature aloft.
iii) Drainage Inversion: This occurs in a valley, bottom of a hill or at the foot hills of the
mountain due to Katabatic wind effect during night, when the cold air rolls down along
the sides of the mountain to the bottom of the valley because of which the air on the
surface is much colder than the air above.

Significance of Inversion

i) At the Eiffel Tower at Paris in France, temperature is warmer in the morning in winter
than at the bottom of the tower.
ii) Orchards, Coffee plantations, Mulberry trees and holiday resorts are found in the upper
part of the slope because of its warmth ness due to inversion.
iii) Inversion prevents convection currents and on the other hand due to stable atmospheric
conditions fog or mist are likely within inversion layer. Smog is possible during winter
nights as it happens in Kolkata.

Temperature Zones of the world

Torrid zone: Torrid zones lies between Tropic of Cancer [Lat 23½ oN] and Tropic of
Capricorn [Lat 23½oS] across the equator where the rays of the sun fall directly throughout the

Temperate Zone

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