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JA Psychologist Prac. Court 2

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-versus- CIVIL CASE NO. 1111-11

I, CHRYSTAL ABELGAS, of legal age, Filipino, married andd

residing at 24 Baguio St. Filinvest Quezon City, after having been
duly sworn to in accordance with law, hereby attest that:


The person examining me is ATTY. PAULO CAMANIAN with

office address at Unit 436 Building U, Don Enrique Heights, Brgy.
Kaunlaran, Quezon City. The examination is being held in the same
address on August 29, 2006 at 1:00 p.m. I am answering his
questions fully conscious that I do so under oath and I may face
criminal liability for false testimony and perjury.

Q1: Please state your name and personal circumstances?

A: I am Chrystal Abelgas, of legal age, Filipino, married and a
resident of 24 Baguio St. Filinvest Quezon City

Q2: Madame witness, could you please tell this Honorable Court
your educational qualification?
A: I am a graduate of Bachelor of Science in Psychology at
Siliman University Dumaguete City. Master of Arts in Guidance
at University if San Carlos, Cebu City. (Candidate) PhD in
Clinical Psychology at Siliman University, Dumaguete City.

Q3: How long have been a psychologist, Madame Witness?

A: Since 1981.

Q4: Can you remember how many times have you handled
annulment cases, Madame witness?
A: I have handled more or less 90 annulment cases.

Q5: Of these number of annulment cases that you have handled,

how may were granted by the court based on your
A: I would say more than 80 cases were granted because the
others are still waiting for trail, others are still pending for court
decision and others are still in the assessment process.

Q6: In this particular case, have you personally met the petitioner?
A: Yes Sir.
Q7: When was that?
A: June 12, 2017.

Q8: Did the petitioner voluntarily submit himself to you for

psychological evaluation?
A: Yes, that is correct.

Q9: Please tell us about the nature of this evaluation, Madame

A: Psychological evaluation usually starts with preliminary
interview to assess the seriousness of the situation and check
any possibility of reconciliation of both parties so that court
intervention could be avoided. When the preliminary
assessment indicates a need for further probing then other
necessary steps will be taken.

Q10: In this case did you take other necessary steps?

A: Yes Sir, I did.

Q11: What were these steps that you had taken aside from the
preliminary interview?
A: I administered psychological tests and interpreted them

Q12: What is the purpose of administering these tests, Madame

A: I administered the battery of psychological tests to get a clear
perspective and holistice background of the individual including
his ways of relatin to and perceiving his environment.
Q13: What were the tests that you conducted, Madame witness?
A: Purdue non-laguage test, SRA verbal test, basic personality
inventory, survey of personal values and survey of interpersonal
values, Sach's sentenc completion test (SSCT)

Q14: So what do all these tests tell us about the petitioner, Madame
A: These tests helped provide the personality profile of the
petitioner to include his ways of behaving and dealing with
people and his environment.

Q15: Are these tests your onlt source of information for your
assessment, Madame witness?
A: No, I obtained corroborative information from others.

Q16: Who else did you gather information from, Madame witness?
A: Significant others like the son of both Petitioner and
Respondent and the Brother-in-law of the petitioner.

Q17: Were these information helpful informing your assessment of

the petitioner, Madame witness?
A: Yes because the information I gathered verified the story related by
the petitioner at the same time confirmed the results of the
psychological tests given.
Q18: So now, based on you interview with the petitioner and of the
other witnesses, and on the test results, what is your overall
assessment of the petitioner, Madame witness?
A: Overall assessment of the petitioner reflected that he is
psychologically healthy and capacitated to perform his marital

Q19: How about the respondent, Madame witness? Were you able to
conduct direct assessment?
A: Yes Sir.

Q20: So based on the information at hand, what is your assessment

of the respondent, Madame witness?
A: The respondent demonstrated behavioral manifestations of
Antisocial Personality Disorder with overlapping features of
Narcissistic Personality Disorder, aggravated by some features
of Pathological Gambling Disorder.

Q21: What arre the indications/manifestations of the Antisocial

Personality Disorder with overlapping features of Narcissistic
Personality Disorder?
A: Based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental
Disorder-5, Axis II, Cluster B, the wife's behavioral
manifestation met the diagnostic criteria for Antisocial
Personality Disorder with overlapping features of Narcissistic
Personality Disorder, aggravated by some features of
Pathological Gambling Disorder which is persistent and
recurrent maladaptive gambling behavior.
Her Antisocial Personality Disorder is typified by a chronic and
continuous history of a pervasive pattern behavior of disregard
for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15
years, as indicated by thre or more of the following:

1. Failure to conform to social norms with respect to

lawful behaviors as indicated by repeatedly
performing acts tht are grounds for arrest. (She
failed to see the possible effect of her engaging in
gambing including her living with another man which
could mar her moral reputation as a teacher.)
2. Deceitfulness as indicated by repeated lying, use of
aliases, or conning others for personal profit or
pleasure. (She has the tendency to lie to her
husband where she spent their resources in order to
finance her vice of gambling)
3. Impulsivity or failure to plan ahead. (She never took
time to plan with her husband about getting a
memorial plan for her parents: also, when her siblin
borrowed a huge amount of money from their
4. Irritability and aggressiveness, as indicated by
repeated physical fights or assaults.
5. Reckless disregard for safety of self or others. (Like
putting herself in danger when she would come
home in the wee hours of the night from gambling
and leaving her children at home while she
6. Consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated
failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor
financial obligations. (her gambling caused her
indebtedness which she consistently denied to her
husband but could not explain where she spent the
money she loaned)
7. Lack of remorse as indicated by being indifferent to
or rationalizing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen
from another person. ( She never showed
guilt/remorse about violating the rights of her partner
as a husband and a person)

The respondent's callous regard for her family exhibited by her

inability to provide mutual support and love as the foundation of
marriage are clear indications of her personality disorder. She
seemed to feel no guilty, even harming those closest to her. The
excitement of taking chances and manipulating others seems to
be her prime motivators. She either lacks the ability to foresee
consequences or she considers the consequences unimportant.

I have this written assessment or report sir to supplement my


Q22: I received a document entitled as “ A Clinical Psychological

Evaluation of Joseph Estrella (Petitioner) and Grace Estrella
(Respondent) of Civil Case 1111-11 for Declaration of Nullity of
Marriage”. How is this related to the written assessment that
you mentioned?
A: This is the one, Sir.
Q23: Do you have any bibliographic reference that further explains
the root of this incapacity?
A: I have sir. The classification is based on the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual for Mental Disorder -5 and explained in the
7th edition of Synopsis of Psychiatry by Harold Kaplan &
Benjamin Sadock. Also Stated in the Encyclopedia of mental

Q24: Do these Manifestations affect person's ability to comply with

her marital obligations?
A: Yes Sir. Respondent's personality disorder shows deeply
ingrained, inflexible and maladaptive patterns of relating to and
perceiving both the environment and himself. She finds solace
in participating schemes that involve easy ways to make money
(like gambling) which may eventually lead the unwary to
financial ruin or social embarrassment or both. She lacks the
ability to foresee consequences or she considers the
consequences or she considers the consequences as
unimportant. A notable finding is her lack of conscience or what
is termed as “moral insanity”, She has little self-control and no
concern for the rights of other. She sees the world as having
the problems, not her. Lying and illegal activities are typical
experiences that the respondent may have gone through
beginning in childhood.
Q25: Could these disorders have existed prior to the respondent's
marriage with the petitioenr, Madame Witness?
A: Yes Sir. Clinical diagnosis of the Respondent's antisocial
personality disorder showed a long history of impairment. The
onset of her disorder is in the early childhood with the
manifestations occuring in early adulthood. She is able to
impress others with her colorful and seductive aspect of her
personality. One of the predisposing factors for the
development of her antisocial personlaity and pathological
gambling disorder can be traced to her home environment that
showed a lack of consistent discipline, a lack of affection, and
an increased incidence of impulsiveness. These contributed to
failure to create a cohesive home environment with consistent
structure and behavioral boundaries. In this particular case the
respondent's family may have reinforced some impulsive acts
(gambling) of the respondent which has significant contribution
to the development of the Respondent's personality disorder.

Q26: Are these disorders curable, Madame witness?

A: Since this disorder is classifed under the AXIS II, Cluster B, this
disorder is considered permanent and lifetime disorder with no
periods of improvement. In other words, this disorder is

Q27: Given all theses, What is your recommendation unto this

Honorable Court, Madame Witness?
A: Inasmuch as the respondent is psychologically incapacitated to
perform her basic marital obligation, I recommend that her
marriage with the petitioner be nullified.
Chrystak Abelgas
Affiant/ Witness

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 4th day of May

2020 in Quezon City, Metro Manila. Affiant exhibited to me her
Passport No. XX123456 issued on June 18, 2019 at Manila,

Doc. No. ______; Commission Serial No. NP-2006-03
Notary Public for Quezon City
Page No. ______; Until December 31, 2006
Roll of Attorney No. 21235
Book No. ______; PTR No. 14256; 01-01-06; Quezon City
Series of 2006. IBP No. 24567; 01-01-06; Quezon City
MCLE No. V-13456
Rm. 107, Legaspi Building
Brgy. Kaunlaran, Quezon City


I, ATTY. Paulo Rommel Y. Camanian, with office address at

C7-256 Bonny Serrano Greenhills Garden Squar, Quezon City after
first being duly sworn, hereby attest that:
1. I personally conducted and supervised the examination of
witness Joseph Estrella in the foregoing Judicial Affidavit at
the above mentioned office address;
2. I faithfully recorded or caused to be recorded the questions I
asked of the witness and the corresponding answers that
the witness gave; and
3. Neither I nor any other person then present or assisting her
coached the witness regarding the latter’s answers.
Quezon City,May 4, 2020.

ATTY. Paulo Rommel Y. Camanian,


May, 2020, in the Quezon City, affiant exhibiting to me her Driver’s
License No. D02-19-022726 valid until December 17, 2020.

Doc. No. ___

Page No. ___ Commission Serial No. NP-2006-03
Notary Public for Quezon City
Book No. ___ Until December 31, 2006
Roll of Attorney No. 21235
Series of 2006. PTR No. 14256; 01-01-06; Quezon City
IBP No. 24567; 01-01-06; Quezon City
MCLE No. V-13456
Copy Furnished: Rm. 107, Legaspi Building
Brgy. Kaunlaran, Quezon City
ATTY. Joshua G. Maquiling
Counsel for the Respondent
Counsel for the Respondent
Unit 436 Building U, Don Enrique Heights,
Brgy. Kaunlaran, Quezon City

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