Course Code Course Title Credit Hours EDUC1113 Teaching of Social Studies 2 (2+0)
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours EDUC1113 Teaching of Social Studies 2 (2+0)
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours EDUC1113 Teaching of Social Studies 2 (2+0)
EDUC1113 Teaching of Social Studies 2(2+0)
After completion of the course, the students will:
Develop analytical, critical and argumentative approaches in order to draw
Borden students horizons in rich their vision and expand their outlooks
Give modern trends in Social Studies and scenario rapidly changing socio
political life on global level
Learn how to think plan and work independently, critically, analytically and
Teaching Strategies
Lecture method followed by discussion Cooperative learning
Assignments and presentation Preparing course portfolios
Suggested Readings
Wilma R. Melendex, V. B. & Melba Fletcher. (2000). Teaching Social Studies in Early
Education. Africa, xvii, 299p.
Wilma Robles de Melendez, Vesna Beck and Melba Fletcher. (2000). Teaching Social
Studies in Early Education. United Kingdom: Delmar
Kelly, N. (2004) The history and culture of Pakistan, London, Peak Publishing