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Operation And Service Manual BELARUS SERIES 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82 Р Eighth edition, revised and enlarged Publication No. Number of copies pcs. Language - English Released for print

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BELARUS SERIES 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р

Eighth edition, revised and enlarged

Publication No.

Number of copies pcs.

Language – English

Released for print

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1. Make a thorough study of this Manual before operating a new tractor and follow the
instructions given therein.
2. Use season-specific diesel fuels as specified in this Manual.
3. DO NOT run the diesel-engine in idling for more than 15 minutes.
4. Keep in mind that diesel-start-up is only possible with the gearbox lever in the
extreme left-hand position (i.e. engagement position I or gear range position II).
5. When operating the tractor without using the rear P.T.O., set the driving pin of the
P.T.O. independent two-speed drive to position I (540 r.p.m.), the lever of the P.T.O.
independent synchromesh drive — to its neutral (midposition), and the control lever — to
its "P.T.O. Disengaged" position (refer to Section «Controls»).
6. Rear P.T.O. syncronized drive should be used at speeds not exceeding 8 km/h.
Otherwise, the tractor power train may suffer severe damages.
7. Run the tractor in 9th gear, with the higher gear range (range II) engaged, only.
8. A one-man seat is installed in the tractor’s cab; only operator should be in the cab.
An additional passenger seat (option) can be installed on request.
9. Remove sealing film or cut off bosses from polyethylene plugs on new storage
10. DO NOT run the tractor with the transmission clutch engaged in full or partially.
11. When starting to move the tractor, first see to it that the parking brake is
12. When operating the tractor without universal-joint shafts, set the FDA selector
handle to the «force-engaged» position.
13. DO NOT operate the tractor in closed spaces, with lack of sufficient ventilation
(interchange of air). Breathing the machine exhaust gases can harm or cause death.
14. NEVER tow tractors «Belarus» 82.1/82.2/82P with the front driving wheels raised
above the ground. Violation of this rule can result in breakdown of the FDA drive
and/or prevalence of emergency conditions.
15. DO NOT lift the tractor front end Запрещается поднимать переднюю часть
трактора за передний буксир, который используйте только для буксировки.
16. NEVER start the diesel-engine and/or work on the tractor without storage batteries
17. Tow or push start of the tractor diesel-engine may only be admitted as a last resort,
lest intensive wear of diesel-engine parts should result.
18. Since Manufacturer, Production Enterprise «Minsk Tractor Works», pursues a policy
of constant improvement of products, the design of, and/or operating instructions
for, certain tractor assembly units and parts may incorporate modifications which
have not been introduced in this Manual.

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Section 1. Introduction


The Operation and Service Manual is • P.T.O. — Power Take-off Shaft;

intended for operators and engineering (ВОМ)
and technical staff dealing with operation • HSCU — Hydrostatic Steering Control
and maintenance of tractors «Belarus»
Unit; (ГОРУ);
80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р. The Manual
contains general description and • HSB — Hydraulic Steering Booster;
specifications of tractors, operating and (ГУР);
maintenance rules. • SPTA — Spare Parts, Tools and
Long-term and reliable operation of the Accessories; — (ЗИП);
«Belarus» tractors can be ensured, • GB — (Speed) Gearbox; (КП);
subject to their correct handling and • FDA — Front Driving Axle; (ПВМ);
timely maintenance.
• SMS — Seasonal Maintenance
Before using the tractor for the first time, Service; (СТО)
read the present Manual through,
• HDC — Haul-and-Draw Coupler; …
understand and strictly follow the
recommendations given therein. (ТСУ)
• MP-1, MP-2 and MP-3 —Maintenance
Procedure No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3,
respectively; (ТО №1,№2, №3)
• HDC — Haul-and-Draw Coupler;
• SB — Storage Batteries; (АКБ);
• ADL — Rear Axle Automatic
Differential Lock; (АБД); • UC —Unitized Cab; …………… (УК);
• TDC — Top Dead Center; (ВМТ); • ETH— Electric Torch Pre-Heater
of Diesel-Engine; (ЭФП)
• RHL— Rear Hitch Linkage. (ЗНУ)

Tractor Component Nos.

Manufacturer’s nameplate with tractor
and diesel-engine serial Nos. indicated
Tractor No. Weight
Engine No. Year manufactured

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 1. Introduction

Tractor Serial No. is duplicated on the on

the front part of the right-hand
sidemember (or on the right-hand plate
of the front counterweights).

Diesel-engine Serial No. is duplicated on

the manufacturer’s nameplate attached
to the cylinder block, on the right-hand

Clutch No. (on the clutch housing, to the


Gearbox No. (on the GB housing, to the


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Section 1. Introduction

Transmission No. (on the rear axle

housing, in the rear).

Front driving axle (on the FDA right-hand

housing, at the front).

Cab serial number

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р —Operation and Service Manual Section 2.General Description and Technical Characteristics


Tractors Belarus are designed to perform Tractor Power Train incorporates a clutch,
a variety of farm jobs, in combination superreducer and speed gearbox, rear axle
with different mounted, semi-mounted with automatic differential lock-up, and rear
and trailer-type machinery and imple- P.T.O. shaft with two-speed independent
ments. and synchronized drives. Tractors with two
Besides, tractors can be assigned to ful- driving axles are equipped with a front driv-
fill heavy-duty works when ganged up ing axle (FDA) and drives — a transfer box,
with earthmoving, shovel dredging, load- intermediate and front universaljoint shafts,
ing, post-hole digging implements; also, and an intermediate bearing.
they can be used on transport missions The Tractor Steering Control can be of
and for driving various stationary farm hydromechanical type (with a HSB body)
outfits. or hydrostatic steering control type, with a
Tractor Belarus 82Р is designed for an all- metering pump (HSCU). The hydrome-
round mechanization of growing rice and chanical control outfit consists of a worm,
rotation of companion crops. quadrant and the hydraulic steering
All the technical facilities to be used in booster (HSB). The hydrostatic steering
combination with Belarus tractors should control unit (HSCU) incorporates a
be agreed with the Production Associa- gerotor-type metering pump which is in-
tion «Minsk Tractor Works» (PA MTW). stalled in the steering column on the front
cab wall, diesel-engine driven feed gear-
pump, a hydraulic cylinder located in the
2.1. TRACTOR DESIGN AND CON- steering trapezoid of the front driving axle
STRUCTION IN BRIEF (tractors Belarus 82.1/82.2) or tractor fore
Wheeled tractors Belarus 80.1 (see (non driving) axle (Belarus 80.1/80.2).
Fig. 1), Belarus 80.2, Belarus 82.1 The HSCU is fed with oil from the hydrau-
(рис. 2), and Belarus 82.2 are multi- lic hitch linkage system tank.
purpose agricultural machines, Class 1,4 Tractors with installed HSCU unit feature
tf (14 kN). These tractors differ from one a hydraulic drive of the rear-axle differen-
another by the type of running gear: Bel- tial lock-up unit, whose control cock is
arus 80.1/80.2 – with one driving axle, located under the slanted footboard of the
Belarus 82.1/82.2 – with two driving ax- cab. Locking action is effected by press-
les. The tractors are of a semi-frame ing the pedal located to the left of the
construction. Their skeleton consists of a service brake pedals.
semi-frame, housings of the clutch,
The FDA Drive is effected from the speed-
change-speed gearbox and rear axle.
The diesel-engine forepart is fastened on change GB to ensure synchronized rotation
the front beam, while its aft-part is rigidly of the front and rear wheels in any gear se-
lected. The front driving axle is pivoted to
connected to the transmission clutch
the fore beam, thus, ensuring its free rolling
motions. Provision is made for stepless ad-
Index .2 means a modernized version of justment of the front (for tractors equipped
the respective model, wherein one or with a HSB) and rear wheels track. To im-
several updated assemblies or units are plove tyre traction performance, as well as
installed, for example: tractor steerability, additional counter-
• the front driving axle with planet-and- weights can be mounted on the fore-beam
spur reducing gearboxes (on tractors totaling to 220 or 510 кг.
• bonnet, cab roof, cab mudguards of a
modified design (on tractors Belarus

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Section 2.General Description and Technical Characteristics Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

Fig. 1. Tractor «Belarus» 80.1

Fig. 2. Tractor «Belarus» 82.1

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 2. General description and technical characteristics

The tractor Belarus 82 P, intended for opened sunroof, rear and side windows.
work on rice-growing fields, features in- Provision is made for the change of angle of
creased ground clearance and, also, by the steering wheel column within 15 deg., as
a modified propulsion gear – wide cross- a matter of convenience when entering and
section low-pressure tyres, with well- leaving the cab or operating the tractor, as
developed (scalloped) lugs and low- well as for height adjustment within 100 mm.
profile tread pattern. An increased Also provided is a three-step sideboard and
ground clearance is achieved through handrails.
installation of an additional hub drive, as Installation of a unitized cab is paralleled
well as the use of tyres of larger diame- with installation of a small-size cab on cer-
ters. The rice-field tractor is equipped tain tractor batches, against a separate or-
with a FDA control and parking brake in- der.
terlocking mechanism.
The diesel-engine cover is attached to the
The Tractor Hitch Linkage System in- radiator grille facing frame by hinges; in its
corporates a hydraulic system and a rear open position it is fixed with an arresting
hitch linkage. The hydraulic system com- catch.
prises an oil pump, distributor, draft control,
On a separate order, the tractor may be
rear and external hydraulic cylinders. Trac- supplied with optional extras: a drive pul-
tor may be shipped as equipped with a ley, side P.T.O., rear P.T.O. shaft replace-
draft (position) control system or without
able tail-end (21 splines), reverse-reducer,
this system.
additional counterweights, P.T.O.-2 tail-end
The Rear Hitch Linkage is a four-link guard, wheels with 18,4L-30; 9,5-42 tyres,
mechanism, with length-adjustable drop starting pre-heater, automatic coupler СА-
links. 1, hydraulic pick-up hook (ТСУ-2), pneu-
A RHL fixing mechanism is provided to matic adapter, a cross-bar of the coupling
hold mounted implements at the extreme device (ТСУ-1-Ж), device ТСУ-З-К (haul-
upper position on transport missions. and-draw coupler arrangement), break-
When running with trailed machines, a away couplings with bracket, coupling hos-
cross-bar with a hitch yoke can be used, es, left-hand adjustable drop link, auxiliary
while on transport missions — install a spacer-ring piece for mounting rear
towing arrangement with a self coupling wheels, first aid kit, additional seat, and
device and a hydraulic pick-up hook. others. Besides, the tractor can be
Трактор оборудован пневматической equipped with a travel speed superreducer
системой управления тормозами при- which is purchased separately by the user,
цепов с пневматическим или гидрав- on his own. Also, the tractor should be
лическим приводом тормозов. equipped with a gearbox suitable for instal-
Electrical Equipment — d.c., 12 V rated lation of the speed superreducer.
voltage. The left-hand cab door can be locked. To
Tractor (Unitized) Cab is a safety sealed open the door-lock from the outside:
frame-and-panel structure, equipped with a • insert a provided key 1 (Fig. 2а) into
single torsion seat, adjustable to operator’s the slot in the barrel 2 of the handle;
height and weight. An additional seat (op-
tion) can be installed. Cab windows are
safety heat-absorbing monolithic glass. The
cab is furnished with a heating and air-

ventilation system, a dome light, windscreen A synchronized reverse-reducer is installed at
wipers, sun visor, rear-view mirror. Natural the Manufacturing Works (option), instead of a
downshift reducing gear box, and help quickly
ventilation of the cab is achieved through
reverse the tractor in any gear (ir = -1,07).

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Section 2. General description and technical characteristics Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

• turn the key to the «Open» position,
without depressing the barrel, and open
the door.

To close and latch the door, turn the key

to the «Closed» position, without de- Fig. 2а.
pressing the barrel.


Tractor Overall Dimensions

In Figure: Б = B; В = C; Г = D; Д = E; Е = F

Description 80.1 80.2 82.1 (с ГУР) 82.2 82 Р

A Length, mm:
Total 4120 4120 4120 4120 4120
w/o load 3840 3840 3930 3970 4020
over wheels 3650 3650 3740 3820 3810
B Width, mm 1970 1970 1970 1970 2370
C Height to cab top, mm 2780 2800 2800 2820 3030
D Wheelbase, mm 2390 2390 2450 2440 2450
E Rear wheeltrack, mm 1400/2100 1400/2100 1350/2050* 1500/2100 1900
F Front wheeltrack, mm 1450/1850 1450/1850 1430/1990 1420/2000 1900
G Ground clearance, mm 465 465 465 465 715

* 1410/1970 mm - for tractor Belarus 82.1 equipped with a hydrostatic steering control
Unit (HSCU).

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 2. General description and technical characteristics

Table 1
Unit of
Description meas- Value

Tractor type — Wheeled, universal, Class 1,4 tf
Tractor make — Belarus
Tractor model — Belarus 80.1/80.2 Belarus 82Р
Belarus 82.1/82.2
Rated speed with downshift reducing gear
disengaged, in:
1st gear km/h 2,50 2,71
2nd gear km/h 4,26 4,61
3rd gear km/h 7,25 7,84
4 gear km/h 8,90 9,63
5 gear km/h 10,54 11,41
6th gear km/h 12,34 13,34
7th gear km/h 15,16 16,40
8 gear km/h 17,95 19,40
9th gear km/h 33,39 —
Reverse I km/h 5,27 5,69
Reverse II km/h 8,97 9,71
Rated speed with downshift reducing gear
engaged, in:
1st gear km/h 1,89 2,05
2 gear km/h 3,22 3,49
3rd gear km/h 5,48 5,93
4th gear km/h 6,73 7,28
5 gear km/h 7,97 8,63
6 gear km/h 9,33 10,10
7th gear km/h 11,47 12,40
8th gear km/h 13,58 14,69
9 gear km/h 25,25 27,33
Reverse I km/h 3,98 4,31
Reverse II km/h 6,78 7,34
Least turning radius between kerbs, 1400 mm
wheeltrack, with the inner rear wheel braked
Belarus 80.1 m 3,8
Belarus 82.1/82.2 m 4,1
Belarus 82Р m 4,3

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Section 2. General description and technical characteristics Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

Table 1, continued
Unit of meas-
Description urement Value

Maximum weight of towed trailer (on paved

and unsurfaced roads of average quality) kg 12000
Weight of tractor:
Belarus 80.1 kg 3770
Belarus 80.2 kg 3770
Belarus 82.1 kg 4000
Belarus 82.2 kg 4100 ± 100
Belarus 82Р kg 4420 ± 120
as shipped ex-works:
Belarus 80.1 kg 3620 ± 100
Belarus 80.2 kg 3620 ± 100
Belarus 82.1 kg 3850 ± 100
Belarus 82.2 kg 3950 ± 100
Belarus 82Р kg 4395 ± 120
Angles of gradientа (downgrade) for tractor
on dry ground without turf cover:
w/o trailer deg. 20
w/trailer deg. 12
Belarus 80.1/82.1/82.2 m 0,85
Belarus 82Р m 1,0
Temperature limits permissible for tractor
operation °С ± 40

Type — Four-stroke, with (fuel) direct injection diesel-
Model designation — Д-243
Power rating h.p. 78+5
(kW) (57,4+3,7)
Crankshaft rated rotational speed
r.p.m. 2200
Fuel injection advance angle to diesel-
engine piston TDC (determined by meniscus deg. 20±1
Number of cylinders pcs 4
Cylinder diameter mm 110
Piston stroke mm 125
Compression ratio — 16
Cylinder swept volume l 4,75
Firing sequence — 1-3-4-2

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 2. General description and technical characteristics


Table 1, continued
Unit of
Description meas- Value
Cooling system — Fluid, closed, with coolant forced circulation
Lubrication system — Combination type, with oil radiator
Fuel pump насос
Type — Four-spool, in-line, with booster pump
Make — 4УТНИ
Speed governor — Mechanical, all-speed, with fuel charge corrector
Injector nozzle — 17.1112010-10, 171.1112010-01
Fuel injection pressure kgf/cm 2
220 – 228
(MPa) (21,6 – 22,4)
Air cleaner — Combination type, with dry centrifugal and iner-
tia-contact oil bath cleaning
Starting system Electric starter, electric torch pre-heater
Weight of dry diesel-engine, less clutch Kg 430
Fuels and Coolants To Be Used
Fuel grade:
Diesel fuel, main:
in summer – grade Л-0,2-40 or Л-0,2-62 GOST 305-82, of first and A quality;
in winter – grade З-0,2-35 or З-0,2-45 GOST 305-82, of first and A quality.
Diesel fuel, equivalent:
in summer – grade Л-0,5-40 or Л-0,5-62 GOST 305-82;
in winter – grade З-0,5-35 or З-0,5-45 GOST 305-82.
At -50°С:
main – grade А-0,2 GOST 305-82, of first and A quality;
equivalent – grade А-0,4 GOST 305-82.
main – ОЖ-40 или ОЖ-65 GOST 28084-89;
equivalent – Tosol А 40М or Tosol А 65М Std. Specs. ТУ 6-57-48-91.

Clutch — Friction, single dry plate, spring-loaded type
Downshift reducing gear — Two pairs of spur gears, doubling the number
of gears
Gearbox — Mechanical type, 9F+2R, multiple-speed slid-
ing gearbox

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Section 2. General description and technical characteristics Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

Table 1, continued
Unit of
Description meas- Value
Number of transmission gears:
Forward — 18
Reverse — 4
Belarus 82Р
Forward — 17
Reverse — 4
Main drive — A pair of spiral bevel gears
Rear axle differential — Bevel, with four pinions
Rear axle differential lock-up mechanism — Friction clutch, sensor controlled
Final drives — Spur gears
Auxiliary hub transmission reducing gearbox
on rear axle:
Belarus 82Р — Three spur gears
Brakes — Dry disk-type
Parking brake — Dry disk-type, independent


Tractor framework — Semi-frame type
Propulsion gear type
Belarus 80. — Wheels on pneumatic tyres; rear driving wheels,
front directive wheels
Belarus 82.1, Belarus 82.2, — Wheels on pneumatic tyres; rear driving wheels,
Belarus 82Р front driving and directive wheels
Tyres standard sizes:
Front wheels:
Belarus 80.1 inch 9-20
Belarus 82.1 inch 11,2-20
Belarus 82.2 inch 360/70R24
Belarus 82Р inch 16,0-20
Rear wheels колес:
Belarus 80.1 inch 15,5R38
Belarus 82.1 inch 15,5R38
Belarus 82.2 inch 18,4R34 (Ф-11)
Belarus 82Р inch 18,4R34 (Ф-44)

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 2. General description and technical characteristics


Table 1, continued
Unit of
Description meas- Value
Inflation pressure in tyres (depending on load)
Front wheels:
Belarus 80.1/80.2 kgf/cm2 1,2 – 2,6
(MPa) (0,12 – 0,26)
Belarus 82.1 kgf/cm2 1,0 – 2,1
(MPa) (0,10 – 0,21)
Belarus 82.2 kgf/cm2 0,8-1,6
(MPa) (0,08-0,16)
Belarus 82Р kgf/cm2 0,8 – 1,7
(MPa) (0,08 – 0,17)
Rear wheels kgf/cm2 1,0 – 1,8
(MPa) (0,10 – 0,18)
Rear Wheels, tractor Belarus 82Р kgf/cm2 1,0 – 1,4
(MPa) (0,10 – 0,14)


Hydraulic booster type — Hydromechanical
Steering control mechanism — Worm, spiral gear quadrant and HSB
Pump type — Gear-type НШ10-В-3-Л
Pump output l/min 21
Maximum working pressure in the system:
Belarus 80.1/82.1 kgf/cm2 90–0,5
(MPa) (9,0–0,05)
Belarus 82Р kgf/cm2 100 ± 5,0
(MPa) (10 ± 0,5)


Metering pump — Gerotor, with delivery constant 100 cm3/rev. (160
Safety valve working pressure, to be tuned to kgf/cm2 140+15
(MPa) (14+1,5)
Impact valve working pressure, to be tuned to kgf/cm2 200+20
(MPa) (20+2,0)
Feed pump — Pump deliver 21 l/min (28 l/min)*
Turn mechanism — Double-acting hydraulic cylinder
Cylinder diameter mm 50 (63)*
Rod diameter mm 25 (30)*
Rod distance mm 200
Rear axle differential lock-up cock — Spool-type
Working pressure of reducing valve, to be tuned kgf/cm2 11,0 ± 2,0
to (MPa) (1,10 ± 0,20)
* With FDA equipped with planet-and-spur reducing gearboxes.

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Section 2. General description and technical characteristics Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

Table 1, continued
Unit of
Description meas- Value
Type of hydraulic system — Universal, sectionalized-modular system
Давление срабатывания предохрани- kgс/см2 200–20
тельного клапана (МПа) (20–2,0)
Номинальное рабочее давление в систе- kgс/см 2
ме (МПа) (16)
Pump — Gear-type НШ32А-3 or НШ32М-3, clockwise
Pump drive — From diesel-engine through P.T.O. drive pinions
Pump delivery, not less than l/min 45
Distributor — Золотниково-клапанный, Р80-3/4-222/111
для тракторов с силовым регулятором, Р80-
3/1-222 для тракторов без силового регуля-
Cylinder — Double-action Ц100х200-3
Rear lift system capacity at 610 mm from
the hitch axis, with drop links at additional kN(kgf) 18 (1800)
holes, not less than
Draft (position) control — Automatic, with movable operable sleeve and
follow-up spool (sliding valve)
Система проводки — Single-wire, supply source negative terminal is
connected to “frame”
Circuit rated voltage В 12
Current source — 1150 W a.c. alternator, with a built-in integrat-
ed rectifier-regulator, two 12-V, 88 A•h storage
batteries, connected in parallel.
Lightening and light warning system — Two headlights of a “European Beam” type,
with passing and driving beams; working flood-
lights (two front and two rear) to illuminate the
work area; front two-section lights to indicate
overall dimensions and turn; tail three-section
lights to indicate the direction of turning, to sig-
nal braking (stop) and overall dimensions; a
number-plate light, light-reflectors; warning
light clusters signaling direction indicators are
ON, hand parking brake is applied; cab dome
light is ON; tractor-and-trailer lights (three

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 2. General description and technical characteristics


Table 1, continued
Unit of
Description meas- Value
System of emergency audible signaling (for Buzzer (when oil pressure drops below the
tractors equipped with an instrument cluster) permissible limit or coolant temperature rises
above the permissible limit)/
Control and measuring instruments Oil pressure gauge in the diesel-engine lubri-
cation system;
Air pressure gauge in the pneumatic system;
Diesel-engine coolant gauge;
Voltage indicator;
Fuel level indicator;
Electric tachospeedometer with a built-in die-
sel-engine motometer in astronomic time units.
It is possible to install an instrument cluster.
Warning lights: air-cleaner blocking, emergency
drop in oil pressure in diesel-engine, HSCU, air-
pressure in the pneumatic system, emergency
coolant temperature in diesel-engine, glower
plugs operation control.
Horn Without funnel
Plug-in socket to connect trailer’s electrical Combination type
equipment and inspection lamp
Heater fan electric motor Power 90 W
Electric wipers
frontshield Pantographic, single-brush
rear screen Single-arm, singlebrush
Frontshield washer Single spray-nozzle


Drive — Independent I, independent II, synchronized
P.T.O. shaft rotational speed, with the drive
independent I r.p.m. 540
independent II r.p.m. 1000
Belarus 80.1
Belarus 82.1/82.2 rev./m 3,5
Belarus 82Р rev./m 3,6
Replaceable tail-end, number of splines — 8 and 21

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Section 2. General description and technical characteristics Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

Table 1, continued
Unit of
Description meas- Value
Type — Mechanical


Type — Pneumatic, single-line, interlocked with tractor
Pneumatic system pressure maintained by a kgf/cm2 from 6,5 to 8,0
regulator (MPa) (from 0,65 to 0,80)
Pressure in the pneumatic system limited by a kgf/cm2 8,5 – 10,0
relief valve (MPa) (0,85 – 1,00)


Drive pulley:
• pulley mechanism — Bevel reduction gearbox
• diameter mm 300
• width mm 200
• drive — From rear P.T.O. shaft
Pulley rotational speed, with control levers posi-
independent I r.p.m. 859
independent II r.p.m. 1590
Side power take-off shaft:
• drive — Dependent on the gearbox
Rotational speed at rated diesel-engine duty:
• w/o downshift reducing gearing r.p.m. 754
• with downshift reducing gearing r.p.m. 570
Wheels with tyres:
tyre type – rear — Pneumatic, low-pressure
Purpose — 18,4R30 or 18,4L–30 (18,4/78-30) for road-building
and other specialized operations.
9,5–42 for row-crop jobs in narrow row spacing;
16,9R38 for row-crop jobs, larger-section
Haul-and-draw arrangement ТСУ-3К
hook jaw width mm 48
Position of towing hook relative ground:
• position I mm 775
• положение II mm 950
Haul-and-draw arrangement ТСУ-1Ж — To gang up with trailer-type machinery
Vertical load on hitch yoke, not more than kgf (кN) 650 (6,5)
Possible displacement of hitch point
in horizontal plane, to either side from midposition mm up to 160 mm, at 80-mm intervals
in vertical plane from ground mm 200 – 500 (steplessly)
For tractor Belarus 82Р mm 455 – 755 (steplessly)

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Section 2. General description and technical characteristics Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

Table 1, continued
Unit of
Description meas- Value
Hydraulic hook (device ТСУ-2)
Type — Rigid, with mechanical fixing in transport posi-
tion, controlled by the tractor hydraulic system
Vertical trailer-induced load on the hook, not
more than kgf (kN) 1400 (14)
Nominal distance when in transport position,
from hook axis:
• to P.T.O. shaft axis mm 217
• to P.T.O. shaft end-face mm 160
Hook jaw mm 55
Trailer pole loop inner diameter mm 70
Automatic coupler
Type — СА-1
Break-away couplings in assy with bracket — To protect hoses rupture under axial forces
(purpose) applied.
Coupling hoses (purpose) — To couple hydraulic system of the tractor and
that of agricultural machines.
Travel speed superreducer — Mechanical type МХУ-0,5; hydromechanical type
ГХУ-0,5 (to be provided by the user)
Starting pre-heater — Steam-liquid type ПЖБ-200Г
Additional counterweights, front-mounted pcs 10
• weight of one counterweight kg 20 or 45
Pneumoadaptor — For driving trailer hydraulic brakes.
Rear P.T.O. shaft replaceable tail-end
Rear P.T.O. taol-enf guard
Auxiliary spacer-ring piece for rear wheel twin-
Drive — From transfer box, by two propeller shaft
through an intermediate bearing.
Main drive — A pair of bevel gears, with spiral teeth
Differential — Bevel gearing, self-locking, with a differential
spider and friction clutches.
Final drives — Wheel-hub transmission with two bevel gear
pairs *)
Propeller shafts — Universal joints, splined to the intermediate
Transfer box — Reducing gearing with spur gears and a free-
wheeling clutch.
Freewheeling clutch lock-up and clutch dis- — Movable clutch gear
engagement mechanism
Intermediate bearing — With two sliding flanges and a safety clutch.
*) Epicyclic spur reducing gearboxes of wheel-hub transmissions – for tractors Belarus 82.2.

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Section 3. Safety Requirements Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual
3.1. GENERAL PROVISIONS 3.3.3. DO NOT allow dismantling of
design-stipulated protective en-
3.1.1. Close observance of safety re- closures and/or safeguards from
quirements ensures longer use- the tractor, as well as other parts
ful life and safe operation of the and/or assembly units which af-
tractor. fect its safe operation (the lock-
3.1.2. Only persons not younger than ing mechanism of the GB 9th
17, holders of a tractor driving li- gear, rear P.T.O. enclosure, and
cense, who have been briefed on others).
accident and fire prevention, may 3.3.4. The technical condition of the
be admitted to run the tractor. braking system, steering controls
and running gear should conform
ATTENTION! to safety requirements of rele-
3.1.3. The shift time utilization factor vant standards and the present
should not exceed 0,7. It means Manual.
that the shift time consists of the 3.3.5. Tractor controls should demon-
time of tractor operation proper strate positive locking in their
plus the time for daily (intershift) operative positions.
maintenance, preparation and 3.3.6. No leaks of electrolyte, water,
termination of works, tunning-up fuel and/or oil can be admitted.
and adjustment, removing trou-
bles detected, idle trips to opera- 3.4. SAFETY REGULATIONS WHEN
tion sites, and time for rest. RUNNING THE TRACTOR
3.4.1. DO NOT carry passengers.
3.2. INSTRUCTIONS FOR TRANS- (When the tractor is equipped
PORTATION AND DE-PRESERVATION with an unitized cab, a passen-
ger in the machine is admissible,
3.2.1. During tractor transportation and
if an additional seat is installed).
handling, be sure to follow the
requirements specified under 3.4.2. NEVER work on a tractor with
subsection 6.9.14. defective measuring and/or con-
trol devices and gauges.
3.2.2. On depreservation of the tractor
an/or auxiliary equipment, follow 3.4.3. DO NOT admit smoking of the
fire prevention instructions, as well diesel-engine or substantial drop
as sanitary requirements when in r.p.m. due to overload.
dealing with chemical agents and 3.4.4. On emergency and/or excessive
goods, cleaning cloth, rag wastes increase in diesel-engine crank-
and oiled paper. shaft r.p.m., cut off fuel feed im-
mediately and pull the diesel-
engine emergency stop knob to-
OPERABLE CONDITION wards yourself.
3.3.1. The tractor should be run in 3.4.5. Independent drive of the rear
properly, in accordance with the P.T.O. should be engaged only
instructions under 5.3. on an out-of-operation diesel-
3.3.2. The tractor should have no miss- engine; while the synchronous
drive — when the transmission
ing parts and serviceable.
clutch is disengaged.

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 3. Safety Requirements
3.4.6. When operating the tractor with 3.4.14. If a fault is detected, stop the
the rear P.T.O. shaft not in use, tractor immediately and remove
set the drive stem and the con- the fault.
trol lever in the neutral and the 3.4.15. With the tractor combined with
disengaged positions, respec- farm machines and implements,
tively be sure to comply, in addition,
3.4.7. With a hauling device installed, with the safety requirements for
DO NOT use the rear hitch link- using these machines/ imple-
age outfit. Lock the СА-1А auto- ments.
matic coupler dog by means of a 3.4.16. When moving to another field
spring split cotter. with the implements raised in
3.4.8. With a P.T.O.-driven machine transport position, make use of
detached from the tractor, re- the rear hitch linkage locking
move the universal-joint shaft mechanism.
and close the P.T.O. tail-piece 3.4.17. A mounted machine/implement
with the hood. shall only be lowered to the
3.4.9. Under no circumstances drop working position after the aggre-
implements by setting the dis- gate has completed the turn, and
tributor lever or the draft control raised before the turn is made.
arm into the position "Forced
3.4.10. Before starting the diesel engine, CAUTION!
throw the GB shift lever to its ex- To avoid damage or breakage of the
treme left-hand position. Check rear hitch linkage system, DO NOT
to see that the tractor, under it, turn the tractor aggregate if the tools of
as well as between the tractor the attached implement are buried into
and the implement attached and the soil.
the area around it are clear of
people during the start-up.
3.4.11. Before getting the tractor mov- 3.4.18. When tractor-mounted aggregates
ing, make sure that the reserve are running in a column, intervals
parking brake is disengaged, ap- between them must be as least 30
ply an audible signal and start m.
moving smoothly. When on haul- 3.4.19. When operating a tractor Belarus
ing jobs, be sure to use the sear 82Р, before entering a check plot
belts (to be supplied on request). flooded with water, first shift the
3.4.12. Whist coupling to the tractor or transfer box control rod rest to
mounting an farm ma- the «P.T.O. Forced Engage-
chines/implements, the coupler ment» position, to ensure safe
should be at a safe distance, un- descent across the slope.
til a complete standstill of the 3.4.20. When running the tractor in the
tractor. Coupling (mounting) pro- dark, make use of operable and
cedure shall be initiated only by switched ON illumination devic-
the operator’s signal. es.
3.4.13. Shift gears with the clutch fully 3.4.21. Cleaning, lubrication and repair
disengaged and at a low rota- jobs on the tractor should only be
tional speed of the diesel-engine initiated with the diesel-engine
crankshaft, only. completely stopped and the
P.T.O fully disengaged.

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Section 3. Safety Requirements Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual
3.4.22. If you need to leave operator’s 3.5.3. Trailers to be combined with the
seat, stop the tractor, throw the tractor should have a braking
gearbox lever to the neutral, ap- system which is able to ensure:
ply the reserve parking brake, а) braking the trailer on the run;
with the brake pedals b) applying the brake when the
trailer disconnects from the trac-
3.4.23. Running the tractor across tor;
slopes of up to 9° steep should c) keeping the trailer when
be admitted only in day-time, at a
parked on a slope;
road speed of up to 10 km/h, and
with the wheeltrack of at least г) preventing the trailer from
1800 mm. pushing actions against the trac-
tor in cases of abrupt changes in
3.4.24. On operation and/or running the
speed; the trailer should be con-
tractor in close proximity to elec-
nected to the tractor with a safety
tric power lines, the distance chain.
from the highest point of the ag-
gregate to wires should be not 3.5.4. Carrying people in trailers must
less than: be barred under any circum-
Power line 3.5.5. On a tractor equipped with hy-
voltage, 11 20-25 110 154-220 330-500 draulic pick-up hook, lock the
up to … kW hook axle by means of a me-
Distance in chanical grip, lest the trailer re-
plane, m 1,5 2 4 6 9
lease from the tractor or break-
Distance in age occur.
vertical 3.5.6. Before operating the tractor, turn
plane, m 1 2 3 4 6 on the compressor, check the
condition of the brake pneumatic
3.4.25. DO NOT operate the tractor drive, air pressure in the pneu-
without front-mounted counter- matic system. Remove detected
weights, when running with faults. Connect the pneumatic
heavy-type machinery attached. coupling head of the trailer to
3.4.26. With the P.T.O. shaft synchro- that of the tractor, whilst the re-
nous drive engaged, tractor road serve parking brake is applied.
speed should not exceed 8 km/h. 3.5.7. Tractor and trailer should be in a
3.5. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR serviceable condition. The brake
TRANSPORT AND HAULING WORKS pedals should be interlocked.
3.5.8. On turns the road speed should
3.5.1. When on transport missions, no exceed 5 km/h, while on a
obey traffic regulations adopted slippery road – 3 km/h. Go down-
for the territory of the country. hill in 1st or 2nd gear. Road
3.5.2. For transport jobs may be admit- speed on access ways and in
ted only operators with tractor passageways should be no more
driving experience of not less than 10 km/h; tractor Belarus-82Р
than two years, who have taken road speed in this case should
and passed examination on traf- not exceed 27 km/h.
fic regulations. 3.5.9. The tractor wheeltrack should be
1800 mm.

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 3. Safety Requirements
3.5.10. On loading (unloading) the trail- 3.6.6. The use of a pressure gauge to
er, brake the tractor by means of control tyre inflation is a must.
the reserve parking brake. 3.6.7. When servicing storage batter-
3.5.11. Towing of a tractor with the hy- ies:
draulic steering booster inopera- а) keep electrolyte away from
tive may be admitted at a road skin;
speed of 10 km/h, max. and for a
b) clean the storage batteries
distance of up to 5 km.
with rags moistened in an am-
3.5.12. A tractor-and-trailer combination monium hydrate solution (liquid
employed on public roads ammonia);
should, in conformity with the
c) to attain correct level of elec-
traffic regulations, have an illu- trolyte, add only distilled water;
minated identification sign.
d) NEVER try to check the state
3.5.13. When on a slippery road, carry
of storage battery charge by
out transport jobs, with the ADL
short-circuiting the terminals;
mechanism in gear, at a road
speed of 10 km/h, max. e) DO NOT connect the storage
battery in opposite polarity.
3.6. SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR 3.6.8. To avoid burns, take care when
MAINTENANCE SERVICE opening the water radiator filler
SCHEDULES plug and draining hot water from
the cooling system and/or oil
3.6.1. Perform maintenance servicing from the diesel-engine
operations on a stopped diesel- crankcase, power train housings,
engine and with the P.T.O. dis- P.T.O. and the hydraulic system
engaged. Attached machines tank.
and implements should be low- 3.6.9. Mount and dismantle the diesel-
ered, the tractor braked. engine by means of a rope at-
3.6.2. To raise the tractor, make use of tached to the eye-bolts provided
jacks; then, place supports, on the diesel-engine.
props under the front axle, rear 3.6.10. When dismantling the rear
wheels axle-shafts or location P.T.O. control mechanism, re-
parts of the tractor framework. lease the mechanism from the
3.6.3. If using a hoisting gear, be sure action of the servo-unit spring by
to closely follow relevant safety driving out the lever stop bolt.
instructions. 3.6.11. Repairs jobs which require weld-
3.6.4. On examining parts and units ing immediately on the tractor
subject to close control and ad- should be performed with the
justment, make use of a portable «frame ground» switch in the
lamp with voltage requirement no OFF position.
more than 36 V. The lamp 3.6.12. DO NOT check the alternator by
should be protected with a wire closing the leads to «frame
screen. ground».
3.6.5. Tools and appliances intended 3.6.13. Before dismantling the clutch as-
for maintenance schedule opera- sembly from the diesel-engine
tions should be in good working flywheel, it is essential that the
order, match their designation pressure and thrust disks be
and afford safety in execution of connected with special coupling
jobs. bolts provided for the purpose,

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Section 3. Safety Requirements Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual
lest the compression springs ex-

of flushing fluid vapors when

3.7. FIRE PREVENTION washing/cleansing parts and/or
REQUIREMENTS assembly units.
3.7.1. The tractor should be equipped 3.7.8. NEVER operate the tractor in
with fire-fighting equipment—a fire-hazardous locations, with its
spade and a fire extinguisher. hood and other protective devic-
NEVER operate the tractor with- es removed from hot parts of the
out fire-fighting equipment. diesel-engine.
3.7.2. The tractor parking lots, and fuel 3.7.9. NEVER use naked flame to heat
and lubricant depots should be oil in the Diesel-engine oil sump,
plowed around to make a strip 3 as well as when refueling the fuel
m wide and equipped with fire- tanks or burning out the core of
fighting equipment. the radiator.
3.7.3. Refill the tractor with fuels and 3.7.10. Whenever a place of spontane-
lubricants using mechanized ous ignition is detected, cover it
means, with diesel-engine fully with tarpaulin, sacking or any
stopped. At night, make use of a other dense, thick material. Use
light-up facility. DO NOT refill the a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher
fuel tanks using a bucket. for the purpose. NEVER attempt
3.7.4. Clean parts and assembly units to put out burning fuel with water
from vegetable leftovers when 3.7.11. Keep an eye that easy inflam-
carrying out repair jobs under mable materials are well away
field conditions, using electric arc from the exhaust manifold and
and gas welding. the silencer.
3.7.5. Keep the manifold and silencer 3.7.12. When making hay and straw, in
clean from dust, fuel and/or areas with higher fire-hazard,
straw, etc. use spark quenchers in the ex-
3.7.6. DO NOT allow straw to be taken haust system, complete with a si-
up by rotating parts of the ma- lencer, or as a separate facility.
chines ganged with the tractor.
3.7.7. Take adequate measures that
eliminate possible inflammation

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 3. Safety Requirements
3.9.1. Fill in the thermos daily with
3.8.1. When putting tractors for stor- fresh clear water.
age, carry out appropriate pre- 3.9.2. The medicine chest should be
and post-storage maintenance
completed with bandages, a bot-
services in accordance with the
tle of tincture of iodine, liquid
requirements of this Section and ammonia, borated petrolatum, a
safety precautions as per GOST
jar of household soda, menthol
valerate, and dipyrone.
3.8.2. When in storage, always support 3.9.3. Make use of natural ventilation of
the tractor on axle stands,
the cab or the air heating/cooling
bench, or trestle to preclude its
unit, as required by operating
possible roll-off or spontaneous
3.9.4. If the duration of continuous op-
eration of the tractor exceeds 2.5
hours within the working shift, it
is necessary to use individual
protective means as per GOST
(State Standard) 124.051-87, to
muffle the noise (such as ear
muffs, antiphones).

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Section 4. Controls and Instruments Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р —Operation and Service Manual


Figs. 3a, 3b indicate the cab layout and
location of tractor controls.

Fig. 3а

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р —Operation and Service Manual Section 4. Controls and Instruments

1 — stoppage and diesel-engine 7 — windshield washer switch.

emerge stop knob. Pulling the 8 — light switch. It has two positions:
knob towards yourself cuts off I — instrument illumination,
fuel supply to the cylinders, and marker light ON; II — in addition
the diesel-engine fades. On re- to position I headlights are ener-
leasing the knob regains its initial gized.
position. 9 — light alarm signaling push-button.
2 — cab heater control cock control 17 — direction indicator, passing and
knob (if installed). driving lights switch.
3 — differential lock-up control handle 19 — autoradio (to order).
(on tractors equipped with a
20 — steering wheel height adjustment
HSB); it has three positions:
mechanism cover. To change
I "Lock Engaged", the wheel height, back off the
II "Automatic Lock-up",
wing-nut some 3-5 turns and set
III "Forced Lock-up". the wheel to the desired height.
4 — cooling system radiator blind
shutter hand-wheel. On rotation 21 — windshield wiper switch.
the hand-wheel clockwise, the 22 — cab heater fan switch.
shutter is raised, while on rota- 23 — rear floodlight switch.
tion it anticlockwise it is lowered. 24 — front floodlight switch.
With lowering the shutter diesel-
24а— «Tractor&Trailer Train» sign light
engine temperature drops.
5 — rear axle differential interlocking
pedal. When the pedal de- 25 — cab dome light and switch as-
pressed up to the stop, interlock sembly.
is engaged; when the foot is off 26 — cab ventilation and heating
the pedal, interlocked is disen- blower outlets.
6 — engine start-up assisting aids
lever (ETS).

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Section 4. Controls and Instruments Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р —Operation and Service Manual

Fig. 3b.

IMPORTANT! Make a thorough study of the purpose of controls and instruments, as

well as their functions, before operating the tractor!

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р —Operation and Service Manual Section 4. Controls and Instruments

27, 28, 29 — hydraulic system distributor

handles: 27 — left-hand side out-
lets; 28 — right-hand side out-
lets; 29 — rear outlets. If the
tractor is not equipped with a
draft (position) control, then lever
29 controls lift linkage cylinder,
and lever 27 — left-hand side
and rear, interlocked therewith,
outlets. The hydraulic system
connection diagram can be
found on the instruction plate in
the tractor cab (see Fig. 4.1).
Each handle has 4 positions:
"Floating", "Forced Drop", "Neu-
tral", "Lift". With the diesel-
engine running and when in the
"Forced Lowering" position, the
lever should be held by hand. Fig. 4.1
30 — tachospeedometer programming
panel (see Fig. 9.2).
31 — starter and instruments switch. It
has three positions (to be moved
from its neutral): I — instruments
supply; II — starter ON; the posi-
tion to move counterclockwise
from the neutral — autoradio
32 — downshift reduction gear control
lever. It has two positions: for-
ward — "Reducer Engaged"
(tractor slowed down travel) and
backward — "Reducer Disen-
gaged" (tractor speeded up trav-

In tractors equipped with a downshift

synchronized reduction gear control
lever 32 has two position, as follows:
backward — "Reducer Engaged" (tractor
slowed down travel) and forward — "Re-
ducer Disengaged" (tractor speeded-up

Fig. 4.1.1

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Section 4. Controls and Instruments Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р —Operation and Service Manual

On a tractor equipped with a synchro- 42 — parking brake control lever.

nized reverse-reducer, control lever 32а 43 — draft control handle latch.
(see Fig. 4.1.1) (as distinguished from 44 — fuel feed control handle. Extreme
the lever (32), is bent leftward, if viewed forward position – maximum fuel
in the direction of the tractor running feed; extreme backward – mini-
straight ahead). The lever has two posi- mum feed, which corresponds to
tions: backward — "Reverse Engaged" minimum idling r.p.m.
and forward — "Reverse Disengaged"
(forward running). 45 — draft control handle. The extreme
backward position of the handle
33 — the interlocking strap of brake ped-
— "Tool Lift" (the handle is to be
als intended for simultaneous ap-
retained by hand when lifting);
plication of the right- and left-hand when released, the handle
moves forward and locks in the
34 — fuel feed (accelerator) control pe- position "transport neutral” The
dal. intermediate position forward
35, 36 — brake pedals. When depressed from "transport neutral” — "ad-
with the foot, the tractor is braked; justment zone". The extreme
at the same time, the braking valve forward position of the handle —
of the trailer brake pneumodrive "Forced Drop" (the handle
operates (35). should be retained by hand).
37 — steering column tilt lock handle. When released, the handle
38 — педаль управления муфтой moves backwards and locks at
сцепления. the front end of the adjustment
39 — gear shift lever. On shifting the zone.
lever forward, to its extreme left- 46 — rear P.T.O. control lever управле-
hand position, range II (upshift) of ния задним ВОМ. Имеет два
speeds is engaged; when pushed положения: переднее — "ВОМ
backwards — range I (downshift). выключен", заднее — "ВОМ
Shifting is to be done in accord- включен".
ance with the diagram (see Fig.
40 — hitch linkage locking control han-
dle. Extreme leftward position of
the handle — “Linkage Locked”;
extreme rightward position —
"Locking Relieved". As a prelimi-
nary, it is necessary to lift the
linkage to its upper position. Fig. 4.2
41 — transfer box control lever of the
FDA drive. Midposition of the lever 47 — SB & "frame ground" switch.
— "FDA AUTO", bottom position 48 — seat squab tilt lock.
(push) — "FDA OFF"; top position 49 — safety belt attachment bolt
(pull) — " FDA Forced Engaged ".

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р —Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance

50 — operator’s seat lock handle, arrow on the handle is directed

lengthwise. On lifting the handle forward) — "Compressor OFF",
upwards to a stop, the seat is free right (the arrow on the handle is
to slide forwards or backwards. directed backward) — "Compres-
51 — operator’s weight seat adjustment sor ON". Turn the compressor
handle. Rotation of the handle ON when the diesel-engine is not
clockwise adjusts the seat to suit ruuning or at minimum idling
greater weight; counterclockwise r.p.m.
rotation, adjusts the seat suspen-
sion to lower weight.

Seat adjustment to height is carried out:

а) to increase seat cushion height – by
gradually lifting the seat cushion up-
wards; b) to decrease seat cushion
height – by lifting abruptly the seat
cushion upwards to a stop, with further
lowering (by push downwards, to its ex-
treme bottom position; then, lifted to the
required, lesser, height.

52 — draft (position) control selector

arm. It has three positions: right- Fig. 5. In Figure: OFF ON
hand — "Position Control"; left-
hand — "Draft Control"; middle —
53 — draft correction rate adjustment
hand-wheel. When driving it in
clockwise, correction rate decreas-
es; rotating counterclockwise in-
creases the rate.
54 — handle to control hydraulic pick-up
hook catches. Bottom position of
the handle means — "Catches Un- Fig. 6. In Figure: OFF ON
der Load"; top position — "Catches
Released". 57 — hydraulic system pump engage-
55 — rear P.T.O. independ- ment lever (see Fig. 6). The lever
ent/synchronous drive changeo- has two positions: upper —
ver handle. When moving the "Pump ON", lower — "Pump OFF
handle to the leftmost position (if ". To shift the lever, it should be
viewed in the direction of tractor unlocked by drawing off the han-
head-on movement), the syn- dle B.
chronized drive is initiated; mov- 58 — rear independent P.T.O. rotational
ing to the rightmost position — speed stem (see Fig. 7). When
independent; and to the midposi- turned to position I the 1st stage
tion — neutral. is ON (540 r.p.m.), to position II
56 — compressor control handle. The — 2nd (1000 r.p.m.). Back bolt
handle has two positions: left (the “A” one turn before changing
over; then drive it back full home.

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р —Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance


Tractors may feature instruments panels

with individual gauges and devices (see
Fig. 8.1) or an instrument cluster (see
Fig. 8.1а) installed; also, the panels, or
dashboards, house in-line blocks of
warning lights (see Fig. 8.2), with three
boxes of safety fuses to protect electric
circuits located inside (see Fig. 9).

4.2.1. Individual Instruments

10 — voltage indicator. For interpreta-

tion of its colour-coded readings,
Fig. 7
refer to Table 2.
11 — fuel-level indicator for fuel tanks.
Zones 0 – 0,5 – П (F= Full).
12 — coolant temperature gauge for the
diesel-engine cooling system,
with an emergency lamp to warn
of excessively low temperature;
the scale is divided in three zones
— working zone: 80-100 °С; non-
working zones 40-80 °С and 100-
120 °C.

Fig. 8.1

Fig. 8.1а

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р —Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance

13 — oil pressure gauge in the diesel- 15 — air pressure gauge for the pneu-
engine lubrication system, with an matic system. The scale with three
emergency lamp of excessive zones: working zone 5 – 8 kgf/cm2,
pressure; the scale has three non-working zones 0 – 5 and 8 –
zones: working zone 1 – 4 kgf/cm2, 10 kgf/cm2.
non-working 0 – 1 and 4 – 6 16 — blind plug.
kgf/cm2. 18 — tachospeedometer (see Fig. 9.1).
14 — warning lamp in-line blocks. For 30 — tachospeedometer control panel
identification of warning lamps in (see Fig. 9.2).
blocks, refer to Fig. 8.2.
Table 2
Voltage indicator zone, Interpretation of readings
colour-coded Diesel-engine not running On running diesel-engine
10-12 Red SB is discharged Не работает генератор
12-13,2 Yellow SB is normally charged No-charging condition of SB (too
low charging voltage)
13,2-15,2 Green Normal charging regime of SB
Working zone
15,2-16 Red SB recharge
12,7-12 Yellow Commencement of SB discharge
White mark in yellow zone Rated EMF of SB -12,7 V

Fig. 8.2. Warning lamp in-line blocks:

1 and 14 — Push-buttons to control operability of warning lamp in-line blocks. When these buttons
are depressed, all warning lamps should alight; 2 — Air filter clocked. The warning lamp (amber) lights
up when max. permissible level of filter bridging is exceeded, and it requires cleaning; 3 — Reserved for
future use; 4 — Start-up control lamp. This lamp (amber) lights up on turning the starter switch to «I»
position, thus, indicating that the diesel-engine starting system operation is normal. If flicking at 1.5 Hz –
the GB gear-shift lever is not in neutral or a fault in the diesel-engine start-up interlock circuit. If flashing at
3.0 Hz – a fault is in the alternator phase winding. Remove faults and restart the diesel-engine; 5 — Pre-
heater control unit (PHCU): This lamp (amber) will light up on pressing the ETH push-button. In 30 sec-
onds the lamp start flashing, thus, indicating that the starting system is ready for operation on cold engine; 6
— Emergency oil pressure in HSCU. The lamp (red); lights up when the oil pressure in the HSCU is
lower than that permissible; 7 — Reserved for future use; 8 — Driving headlight indicator: The warn-
ing lamp (bleu) lights up when the front headlights are turned to driving beam; 9 — Rear axle differential
lock-up warning lamp (not used); 10 — Reserved for future use; 11 — Tractor turn indicator
(green); 12 — Trailer turn indicator (green); 13 — Parking brake indicator (red).

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р —Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance

4.2.2. Instrument Cluster

The dashboard face may have an instru-
ment cluster 18b (see Fig. 9.3) (installed
instead of individual gauges and indicators
10, 11, 12, 13, and 15), and an electric
tachospeedometer 18а, with a control
panel 18c.
Tachospeedometer (18а)
An electrical tachospeedometer, installed
on the dashboard, functions as follows:
 With the tractor stopped, following set-
ting the starter and instruments switch
to its «I» position, the display (7) indi-
cates reading (5) of diesel-engine op-
eration in hours;
 When on the go, the display enters Fig. 9.1. Electrical tachospeedometer
read-out (6) of tractor road speed 1. Diesel-engine crankshaft rotational speed
scale, r.p.m.
(km/h); read-out (5) fades away.
2. P.T.O. II rotational speed scale - 1000 rpm.
Speed electric signals are fed by 3. P.T.O. I rotational speed scale - 540 rpm.
speed-sensing devices installed in the 4. Display (LED) to indicate the rear P.T.O. rota-
rear-axle half shaft housings; tional speed.
5. Diesel-engine operating time readout, h.
 With the diesel-engine running, indica- 6. Tractor road speed readout, km/h.
tor pointer (8) moves around the circu- 7. Display (LCD) to indicate diesel-engine oper-
lar scale (1) to indicate the diesel- ating time and tractor road speed.
engine crankshaft revolutions per mi- 8. Pointer indicator to show diesel-engine crank-
nute. At the same time, the P.T.O. ro- shaft rotational speed (r.p.m.).
tational speed (r.p.m.) enters display
(4). Scale (3) is for P.T.O. I and scale
(2) for P.T.O. II. A rotational speed
electric signal is fed from the alterna-
tor phase winding.
Tachospeedometer (18a) Control Pan-
el (18c)
The control panel is installed on the dash-
board, below the tachoxpeedometer. It
serves to program the tachospeedometer
by tractor models of different series, rear
wheel rolling radii, and makes and models
of diesel-engines.
ATTENTION! The tachospeedometer Fig. 9.2. Tachospeedometer control panel
installed has been specifically pro- 1. Push-button for tachospeedometer paramet-
grammed for your tractor model back ric codes readout on display (7).
at the at the manufacturing works. Re- 2. Push-button for tachospeedometer coded
values readout on display (7) when program-
programming will be required when ming by tractor models, rear-wheel rolling radii,
changing tyre type, only. Unnecessari- and diesel-engine make or model.
ly interference with tachospeedometer
programming should be discouraged.

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р —Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance

Instrument Cluster Dial (18b) (Fig. 10)

Cross-hatched dial zones, mean:
— red

— yellow

— green

— amber

1. Diesel-Engine Coolant Temperature

Gauge with its temperature emergency NEVER consume fuel to a «dry tank»
lamp (red). condition
The indicator scale has three zones:
— working — 80…100 OC — green;
— non-working zones
— 40 – 80 °С — yellow;
— 100-120°С — red.
2. Diesel-Engine Oil Pressure Gauge
with pressure emergency lamp (red).
The indicator scale has three zones:
— working — 1…5 kgf/cm2 — green;
— non-operating zones — 0…1 kgf/cm2
and 5…6 kgf/cm2 — red.
When starting up a cold diesel-engine,
up to 6 kgf/cm2 pressure is possible. If
the emergency oil pressure light keeps
glowing on a running diesel-engine, kill
the diesel-engine immediately and re-
move the fault.
Fig. 10. Instrument cluster dial
3. Pneumatic System Air Pressure
Gauge with its pressure drop emergency
lamp (red).
The indicator scale has three zones:
— working— 5-8 кгс/см2;
— non-working zones — 0-5 и 8-10
4. Tank Fuel Level Gauge with a re-
serve level warning lamp (amber) 5. Voltage gauge with its SB charge
The gauge has scale graduating marks, emergency lamp (red).
as follows: 0 – 1/4 – 1/2 – 3/4 – 1. For interpretation of colour-coded read-
ings displayed, refer to Table 2 (see
Sheet 32).

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Section 5. Final Assembly and Running-In Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual
g) remove the heater boiler (10) togeth-
To install the heater (see Figs. 13, 14),
er with the delivery pipe (2); locate
follow the sequence, as follows:
the upper part of the pipe (2) between
а) install enclosure (5) on the diesel- the girder and the diesel-engine
engine oil casing and fasten it with block;
four М8х16 bolts with washers;
h) couple the water discharge tube (4) to
b) assemble heater boiler (10), together the boiler (10) branch-pipe, as shown
with brackets (18) and (6), with two in Fig.;
clamps (14), connect them with four
i) connect boiler and electromagnetic
М8х14 bolts, nuts and washers; mount
valve (22) to fuel pipeline 20;
a branch pipe in assy with hoses onto
the boiler, insert the boiler exhaust j) connect the tap (26) of the fuel con-
branch pipe into the enclosure (5) throat tainer to the electromagnetic valve
and fasten the unit with two М10х20 (22) through hose 25;
bolts through washers to the semi- k) couple fan (13) to boiler air branch-
frame girder and with three М8х16 pipe (11) through a hose; fasten the
bolts, through washers, to the clutch latter with a coupling clamp;
housing (М8х16 bolts attach the bottom l) on the cab front wall, on the left-hand
hatch of the clutch housing; М10х16 side, control panel (29), fasten it with
bolt with a clamp on the left-hand side two М6х12 bolts, nuts and washers.
— a differential lock-up pipe); Not to adversely affect the tractor ex-
c) fit fan (13) on bracket (16) in assy terior, nuts and washers should be
with electric motor (15) and fasten placed from the inside of the cab. In-
through a clamp with two М6х30 bolts, sert a protection rubber sleeve into a
washers and nuts; 20 hole provided in the cab side
d) install bracket (23) and clamps on the column and thread cable bundle 28 to
left-hand side of the clutch housing the preheater control panel. Connect
and fasten them with two М16х32 electric cable in accordance with the
bolts with washers; attach electro- diagram (see Fig. 14). Secure the ca-
magnetic valve (22) by means of a bles in place with collars (to connect
clamp and М6х30 bolt, with nut and the cable to a starter terminal of the
washer; starting engine, it is necessary to re-
e) install fuel tank (24) in assy with a tap move the left-hand side panel of the
and O-ring, through two rubber gas- dashboard skirt).
kets onto the bracket (23), and fasten
with four М8х16 bolts, with nuts and
washers; NOTE: Tighten finally the coupling
f) remove plugs from the left- and right- and fastening clamps, and, also, bolts
hand sides of the diesel-engine Д-243 with all the preheater units fitted and
cylinder block and fit instead a wa- mated. No water leaks through con-
terdelivery (2) and water discharge nections can be admitted.
(4) branch-pipes, by first fitting gas-
kets and the branch-pipes; connect
them with hoses;

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 5. Final Assembly and Running-In

Figs. 13, 14. Starting pre-

1 — plugпробка; 2 — water-
delivery pipe (to be installed on
the r-h side of the diesel-
engine); 3 — water jacket; 4 —
water discharge pipe; 5 — oil
casing enclosure; 6, 23 —
brackets; 7 — hot-gas supply
branch-pipe; 8 — glower plug
cable; 9 — glower plug; 10—
boiler ; 11 — air-supply branch-
pipe: 12 — fan flap; 13 — fan;
14 — clamps; 15 — electric
motor; 16 — electric motor
bracket; 17 — drain tap; 18 —
boiler bracket; 19 — electric
motor cable: 20 — fuel supply
pipe to burner; 21 — electro-
magnetic valve cable; 22 —
electromagnetic valve; 24 —
fuel tank; 25 — fuel feed pipe;
26 — shut-off cock; 27 — filler
throat cap; 28 — bundle of ca-
bles; 29 — control panel; 30 —
glower plug switch: 31 — check
glowing spiral; 32 — switch con- Рис.13.
trol knob; 33 — external jacket;
34 — coolant supply manifold;
35 — inner water jacket; 36 —
unburned fuel drain pipe; 37 —
baffle: 38 — combustor; 39 —
swirler; 40 — fan impeller: 41 —
hot water discharge branch-
pipe; 42 — electromagnetic
valve body; 43 — gland nut; 44
— adjusting needle; 45 — valve
saddle; 46 — valve; 47 — mov-
ing core; 48 — stationary core;
49 — coil; 50 — filler throat filter.

Рис. 14

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Section 5. Final Assembly and Running-In Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual


A new tractor should be run in during the

first hours, not less than 30 hr. Running-
in is a mandatory procedure to be fol-
lowed before putting the tractor into ser-
vice. In the process of running-in tractor
parts bed in and, thus, contribute to their
long-term service. Insufficient, or incor-
rect, running-in results in a considerably
shortened service life of the tractor.

DO NOT attempt tow starting of a new,
not run-in diesel-engine, lest untimely
and excessive wear of diesel-engine
parts results.

Before proceeding with the running-in, be

sure to perform all recommendations on
maintenance operations listed under 7.1.
Thereafter, proceed with running the die-
sel-engine under idling for 15 min.: 5 min.
at minimum r.p.m. and 10 min. with gradu-
al inc rease in engine speed up to maxi-
mum. Running-in should be performed us-
ing the tractor on light-duty field jobs (sow-
ing, cultivation, haying, haulage jobs) us-
ing the hydraulic system. Load the diesel-
engine to not more than 50 percent of its
rated power. DO NOT overload the diesel-
engine. See that the diesel-engine shows
no smoky exhaust or crankshaft r.p.m.
drop. During the running-in period keep
watch over the operation of all tractor
mechanisms, listen, from time to time, to
the diesel-engine and transmission run in
all duties, watch over instrument readings.
Upon completion of the tractor running-un
under load, service the tractor in accord-
ance with the requirement under 7.1. Be-
ing convinced that the tractor is in good
repair, proceed with putting it to routine
service. The first 50 hours of tractor opera-
tion under service condition should be su-
pervised by a mechanical engineer from
the dealer office.

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Section 6. Operating and Adjusting Regulations Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

Before starting a new tractor, proceed with j) check inflation pressure in tyres;
operations as follows: k) when in transport operations, increase the
а) clean and wash the tractor; tractor wheeltrack. at least, to 1800 mm;
b) check the storage batteries, and make l) make sure that coolant is circulating
them serviceable following instructions through the cab heater. Top up coolant in
given in Subsection 7.6.12; the water radiator, if required;
c) remove protective polyvinylchloride co- m) remove the front mudguards when work-
vers; ing with the front axle wheeltrack of 1350-
d) fit the radiator and cylinder block drain 1450 mm.
cocks back in place; the cocks are sup-
plied with the machine and enclosed in a 6.2. A LIST OF PREPARATORY PROCE-
separate packing case; DURES BEFORE STARTING UP THE DIE-
e) unpack the silencer which is stored in the SEL-ENGINE
tractor cab, and fit it on the exhaust mani-
fold, so that the tube exit section is di-
Before starting a new tractor, or that which
rected forward, in the direction tractor
has been out of use for a long time, proceed
travel. Place the screw clamp 8…10 mm
with operation as follows:
away from the silencer branch butt-end.
Screw up the clamp nuts to a torque of а) carry out servicing as specified under in-
44…56 N•m; tershift maintenance service schedule;
f) check the grade and level of oil in the die- b) see that the cocks of the fuel tanks are
sel-engine crankcase, air-cleaner oil pan, open;
power train housings, FDA housing and c) fill in the diesel-engine fuel system with
intermediate bearing, starting engine re- fuel; to do this, undo a scavenging bolt on
ducing gear, as well as in the hitch link- the fine fuel filter casing some 2-3 turns,
age and HSCU tank, the hydraulic steer- pump through the system with a hand
ing booster housing; top up or change oil, booster pump, until a stream of fuel free
as required; from are bubbles spear from under the
g) lubricate mechanisms and assembly units bolt head; then, tighten the scavenging
of the tractor in accordance with the Lu- bolt down;
brication Chart; d) check to see if the diesel-engine cooling
h) fill in the fuel tank with settled (for not less system is full;
than 48 hours) with summer- or winter- e) close the shutter of the water radiator;
grade diesel fuel; f) set the GB lever into position I or II of
i) prime the cooling system with coolant (re- speed range engagement, disengage the
fer to sheet 11) to a level of 50-60 mm be- rear and side P.T.O.;
low the top edge of the filler. g) at a temperature of +5 °С and below,
prime the electric torch pre-heater reser-
IMPORTANT! When in operation, voir with winter-grade diesel fuel (refer to
NEVER allow the coolant level drop be- Section 2.2 «Fuel and Coolants Used»,
low 100 mm away from the top filler sheet 11).

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 6. Operating and Adjusting Regulations


Start-Up Under Normal Conditions:

Check the oil level in the diesel-engine
crankcase and the coolant level in the
radiator, as well as the presence of fuel
in the fuel tank.
IMPORTANT! DO NOT start up the die-
sel-engine if the cooling system is not
filled up.

IMPORTANT! Starting up the diesel-

engine and instrument control procedure
should only be initiated with the driver
being on the operator’s seat.

CAUTION: NEVER operate the tractor in

closed spaces.
ATTENTION! If the starter would not
1. Apply the parking brake on the tractor; switch on and the starter control unit
2. Set the gear shift lever (2) to the neu- warning lamp blinks at a low frequency
tral, and the step-down reducing gear (about 1,5 Hz), it means that the GB shift
lever (9) into its extreme position (either lever is not in the neutral or there is a
backward or forward); break in the start-up interlock circuit. If
3. Set the P.T.O. control lever (3) to the the lamp flickers at higher frequency
position «Engaged»; (about 3 Hz), the trouble is in the alterna-
tor circuit (terminal «W» or «~»).
4. Set the "frame" switch (4) ON;
5. Set the fuel feed lever (5) into its mid-
position; 8. Release the clutch pedal (6). When
the diesel-engine is running, check
6. Push down hard on the clutch pedal
operation of all the warning lights and
instrument readings (coolant tempera-
7. Turn the starter key (7) into position II ture, oil pressure in diesel-engine,
(«Start») and hold it in this position un- storage batteries charging).
til the diesel-engine picks up, but not
Let the diesel-engine run at 1000
in excess of 15 s. Therewith, a start-
r.p.m. until oil level stabilizes within
up warning lamp alights in the warning
the operating range.
light in-line panel (8) (refer to Sheet
32, Ref. 4). Once the diesel-engine
has started, the lamp should go off.
Should the diesel-engine fail to start,
repeat the starting procedure not ear-
lier than in 30…40 seс.

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Section 6. Operating and Adjusting Regulations Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual
Starting the Tractor at Low Tempera-
tures (+4°С and below)

IMPORTANT! To ensure against the

damage in the power train, NEVER push
or pull the tractor to achieve tow starting.

WARNING: Your tractor is equipped with

an electric torch pre-heater or glower
plugs as an additional aid to assist the
diesel-engine start-up at lower tempera-
With an electric torch pre-heater in-
stalled, DO NOT use ether-based fluids
to assist cold starting. Using ether or
such fluids may result in explosion in the
induction manifold causing possible se-
vere personal injury or mutilation. When With low temperatures standing, be sure
ether means for easy starting are to be to use winter-grade oils in the diesel-
employed, disconnect and insulate wire engine crankcase, gear box and the hy-
leads of the electric torch pre-heater lo- draulic system, in accordance with the
cated on the diesel-engine induction recommendations of the present Manual.
manifold. Keep the storage batteries at full charge.
Use clean water-free winter-grade fuels,
The electric torch pre-heater is effective only.
within the ambient temperatures range To avoid troubles, drain residue and
from +4 °С to -20 °С. It consists of a res- sludge from the fine fuel filter and the
ervoir (1) filled with diesel fuel and a fuel tanks.
heating element (2) (a glower plug, sole-
noid valve and nozzle).
IMPORTANT! Fill the fuel tank at the end
When the pre-heater is actuated, the red-
of each work period, to exclude formation
hot plug ignites fuel in the suction mani-
of condensate in the tanks.
fold and heats the air drawn in into the
The «S2» diesel-engines employ NOTE: When starting the diesel-engine
glower plugs installed in the cylinder at low temperatures, a circulation pre-
heads. heater may be used on a cooling system
filled in with antifreeze. Mounting parts of
the pre-heater may be ordered from your
dealer (distributor).

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 6. Operating and Adjusting Regulations

Starting the Diesel-Engine at Low

1. Fill in the electric torch pre-heater res- 12. With the diesel-engine started and
ervoir with diesel fuel or kerosene; running stable, set 1000 r.p.m. to
2. Turn the hydraulic system oil pump stabilize oil pressure within the oper-
drive OFF, to reduce resistance to ating range. Release the clutch pe-
cranking the crankshaft; dal. Let the diesel-engine warm up
3. Raise (close) the water radiator shut- for a while.
ter to ensure quick warming-up of the Check that the instruments are in work-
diesel-engine; ing order; adjust the position of the water
4. Check oil level in the diesel-engine radiator shutter, so as to maintain a nor-
sump and that of coolant in the radia- mal thermal regime.
5. Brake the tractor with the parking
6. Place the gear and speed range shift
lever to the neutral in the gearbox;
7. Set the P.T.O. control lever into the
«Disengaged» position;
8. Turn the «frame ground» switch OFF;
9. Shift the fuel feed control lever to its
10. Push down hard on the clutch pedal;
11. Turn the starter key into its «I» posi-
tion and press the ETH switch push-
button. In so doing, an ETH control
lamp alights on the warning light in-
line panel, thus, signaling that the
ETH spiral is on and being heated. As
soon as the warning lamp starts blink-
ing, the ETH is ready for start-up (i.e.,
the spiral is red-hot and game for
heating the air to be drawn into the
cylinders). Change the position of the
starter key to «II», still retaining the
push-button depressed. A start control
lamp lights up. Start up the diesel-
engine as described under 6.2.7
above. Release the starter key and
the ETH push-button as soon as the
diesel-engine starts and runs smooth-

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Section 6. Operating and Adjusting Regulations Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual
To move off the tractor, proceed as de-
scribed below:
а) set minimum r.p.m. of the diesel-
engine crankshaft;
b) press down the clutch pedal, allow
some instants to elapse for the clutch
rotating parts to stop, and, smoothly
and without kicks, upshift to a required
gear according to the shift pattern dia-
gram located on the right-hand wall of
the cab;
c) release the parking brake; release
smoothly the clutch pedal, with a sim-
ultaneous increase in diesel-engine
rotational speed by a gradual push- Fig. 15. Reverse-reducing gear controls
down on the accelerator pedal.
IMPORTANT! When changing from for- 6.5. HINTS ON REVERSE-REDUCING
ward to reverse, change gears only with GEAR CONTROL
the tractor completely stopped. DO NOT The reverse-reducing gear change-over
use the clutch pedal as a footrest, since it lever (32а), see Fig. 15, has the following
will cause slipping of the clutch, its over- positions:
heating and premature wear or possible «Reverse (running)» (the reverser en-
failure. gaged) — its extreme backward position;
Enter tight turns at low speeds, without «Forward (running)» (the reverser disen-
load, only. When in a sharp turn, light brak- gaged) — its extreme forward position.
ing of a respective wheel is admissible. To change the direction of tractor move-
Before operation, depending on condi- ment to the reverse, proceed as follows:
tions for the work to be done, shift the 1. Press down the clutch pedal;
transfer box control lever 41 (see Fig. 3b) 2. Without disengagement of the select-
(tractors with front driving axles) to its ed speed and of the reverse-reducing
middle position — i.e. «Automatic Front gear, stop the tractor; apply brakes, if
Driving Axle Engagement»; or in its ex- necessary, for the purpose;
treme forward position, i.e. «Front Driv- 3. Keeping the clutch pedal pushed
ing Axle Disengaged» — when on trans- down, change the reverse-reducing
portation missions, on hard-surface lever from the «Forward» to «Re-
roads; or to its extreme backward posi- verse», or vice versa;
tion — i.e. «Front Driving Axle Forced 4. Smoothly release the clutch pedal.
Engagement» — for continuous opera-
tions on light and moist soils, for a short Important! Shift the reverse-reducer
time to overcome a high traction force, lever with the depressed clutch pedal
when clearing road obstacles, taking off and the tractor at standstill, only.
in forward and backward. ATTENTION! DO NOT leave the re-
verse-reducer lever in a position in-
between the «Forward» and «Re-

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 6. Operating and Adjusting Regulations

6.6. STOPPING THE TRACTOR ricultural tools, transport and other ma-
chinery), which, in accordance with opera-
To bring the tractor to a standstill, pro-
tion manuals for those vehicles are de-
ceed with operations, as follows:
signed for aggregation with «Belarus»
а) reduce the rotational speed of the die-
tractors, Class 1.4 tf; also, follow recom-
sel-engine crankshaft;
mendations of operating instructions for
b) press down the clutch pedal;
working and transport speeds, wheeltrack
c) set the GB gear shift lever to the neu-
widths, tyre inflation pressures, and so on.
d) apply the parking brake. In case of 6.8.2. Tractor Wheeltrack Adjustment
emergency, stop the tractor by simul-
taneous pressing down the clutch pe- Without a Hydraulic Cylinder
dal to a stop and pedals of both service Installed in the Steering Trapezoid
brakes. (tractors equipped with HSB)
NEVER try to bring the tractor to a stop by
The front directive driving wheeltrack of
means of brakes, with the clutch operative.
«Belarus» 80.1/80.2 tractors is adjusta-
ble within 1350 mm to 1850 mm; that of
6.7. DIESEL-ENGINE STOPPAGE the rear driving wheels – from 1400 mm
To stop the diesel-engine, proceed as to 1600 mm and from 1800 mm to 2100
follows: mm.
а) with the diesel-engine released from The «Belarus» 80.1/80.2 Front Wheel
load, allow it to run at low r.p.m. of the Track is adjustable in 100-mm intervals
crankshaft for a while, to have the for symmetric positioning and 50-mm in-
temperature (of water and oil) re- tervals for asymmetric positioning of
duced. It is considered poor practice wheels. To set a required track of directive
to stop the diesel-engine at high tem- wheels, proceed with operations as follows
perature; (see Fig. 16):
b) set minimum idling r.p.m. using the а) jack up the tractor’s front end until the
fuel feed handle (the extreme back- wheels lose contact with the ground;
ward position) for the purpose; б) ease up bolts (1), pull out pins (2) of
c) stop the diesel-engine by pulling the the telescopic knuckle assembly at-
diesel-engine stop knob as far as it tachment in the front axle tube;
d) turn the «frame» switch OFF. в) first shift one and, then, the other tele-
scopic knuckle (with a simultaneous
NEVER stop the diesel-engine: change of the steering rods length by
а) by closing the fuel tank cock, since turning their tubes (3) in the end tips (5)
this may lead to air inleakage into the accordingly), with preliminary screwing
fuel feed system and impair the next the locknuts (4) out to the amount cor-
start-up of the diesel-engine; responding to the wheeltrack to be ob-
b) by the diesel-engine emergency stop tained; then, fasten the knuckles in the
cable knob, except for accidents. front axle tube;
г) lower the tractor. Check and, if neces-
sary, adjust the toe-in of the front
6.8.1. Preparing the Tractor for Works
Depending on Agricultural Machinery
to be Attached
Depending on job type, combine the trac-
tor with those technical facilities which (ag-

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Section 6. Operating and Adjusting Regulations Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual
Front Wheeltrack of Tractors «Bela-
rus» 82.1, Equipped with Hypoid Bev-
el Reducing Gears, is steplessly adjust-
able by a screw mechanism incorporated
in the front axle housings (see Fig. 17)
within the three intervals (see Fig. 18), as
follows: 1350-1500 mm, 1500-1600 mm,
1600-1800 mm.
To change to the required wheeltrack width,
set the position of the wheel rim relative to
the disk, as shown in Fig.18.
On wheels with a constant disk offset,
the wheeltrack is steplessly adjustable Fig.16.
within the 1400...1700 mm interval.
To change the wheeltrack, jack up the trac-
tor front end (or the front wheels one by
one) until there is a clearance between the
wheels and the ground; the rear wheels
should be held braked; then (see Fig. 17):
а) undo bolts and remove the cover (2);
б) release wedges (3) of the axle shaft
housings by loosening nuts, so that
the bevel gearing pair housing could
be shifted freely.
By turning the adjusting screw (1) with
a wrench, shift the hub drive reducing
gear assemblies within the front axle
housings to obtain the required wheel-
track within the above-mentioned in-
tervals. Rotation of the adjusting
screw should be accompanied by a
change in the steering rod length. Af-
ter a change of the wheeltrack, always
adjust the front wheel toe-in.

Fig. 18. Diagram of positioning tractor front wheels with hypoid reducing gears to different wheeltracks
(except for Belarus 82Р). In Figure: 1350-1500 mm; Over 1500 to 1600 mm; Over 1600 to 1800 mm.

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Section 6. Operating and Adjusting Regulations Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual
43 With a Hydraulic Cylinder in
the Steering Trapezoid
Re-Installation of the Hydraulic Cylin-
der tithe the Wheeltrack Changed
To ensure equal angles of left-and-right On insertion of the hydraulic cylinder pins
turn, a correlation should be maintained into respective holes, wheel toe-in ad-
between the insertion of the hydraulic cylin- justment should be made. Refer to rec-
der pin into the bracket holes and the ommendations given below.
amount of offset of the directive wheel re-
ducing gears.

А. Installation of the Steering Hydrau-

lic Cylinder on the Front Nondriving
Axle (see Fig. 18а)

Extension of steering knuckles and re-

installation of the hydraulic cylinder are
achieved in a stepwise manner, at 50-
mm intervals.
With the cylinder tapered pin inserted in-
to hole I, dimension Аlh (the distance
from the beam butt-face to the knuckle)
should be 105 mm; with the pin inserted
into hole II, dimension Аrh = 155 mm,
when inserted into hole III, dimension Аlh =
205 mm, and when inserted into hole IV,
dimension Аlh = 255 mm.

In Figure: Аrh = Alh Alh
Alh, mm = 105; 155; 205; 255
Wheeltrack obtained, mm 1450; 1550; 1650; 1750
With wheels interchanged from side to side, mm = 1500; 1600; 1700; 1800

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Section 6. Operating and Adjusting Regulations Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual
Procedure to Adjust Front Wheeltrack

1. Pull the parking brake fully up. Put

blocks at the front and rear of the
rear wheels.
2. Place a jack under one side of the
front axle. Raise the wheel until it is
clear off the ground.
3. Slacken the nuts (1) of clamping
bolts, pull out the telescopic knuckle
location pin (2), back up locknuts (4)
on the tube end-tips (5) of the steer-
ing rod.
4. Disconnect the cylinder (8) from the
bracket (7).
5. Push into, or pull out of, the telescop-
ic knuckle (3) the front axle housing.
6. Insert the location pin (2) and tighten
the bolts (1) well home.
7. Insert and fix the cylinder pin (6) in
corresponding hole of the bracket
8. Repeat the procedure on the oppo-
site side.
9. Adjust the front wheel toe-in.
10. Tighten the locknuts (4) on the steer-
ing rod tube.

Front wheel- Hole No. in Position of tele-

track bracket scopic knuckle
1440 1500* I А (Аn=105 mm)
1540 1600* II B (Аn=155mm)
1640 1700* III В (Аn=205 mm)
1740 1800* IV D (Аn=255 mm)

* With side-to-side switching of wheels.

A=A, Б=B, B=C, Г=D

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Section 6. Operating and Adjusting Regulations Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual
B. Installation of the Steering Hydrau-
lic Cylinder on the Front Driving Axle

HSCU with a One-Piece Steering Rod

(tractors equipped with a UC) (see Fig.

With the cylinder tapered pin inserted in-

to hole I, dimension Аlh (the distance
from the locating boss flat to the FDA
left-hand cover flange) should be 273
mm; with the pin inserted into hole II, di-
mension Аlh = 313 mm; when inserted into
hole III, dimension Аlh = 358 mm.
Set extension distance of the right-hand
reducing gear (dimension Аrh) equal to
that of the left-hand reducing gear (di-
mension Аlh).

Fig. 18b
In Figure: Machined surface of the FDA cover
Machined flat of the boss
Аrh = Alh Alh
Alh, mm = 105; 155; 205; 255
Wheeltrack obtained, mm 1450; 1550; 1650; 1750
With wheels interchanged from side to side, mm = 1500; 1600; 1700; 1800

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Section 6. Operating and Adjusting Regulations Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual
Setting Wheeltrack of the Belarus 82.1
Tractor, Equipped with a FDA Fitted with
Hypoid Reducing Gears

The front wheel track on the tractor

equipped with a hydrostatic steering con-
trol unit is adjusted in a stepwise man-
ner: by extending the upper bevel gear
pair assemblies, repositioning of the cyl-
inder in bracket holes and wheels turn-
round with simultaneous switching from
side to side.

IMPORTANT! When switching the

wheels, pay special attention to that the
direction of wheel rotation agree with the
direction of the arrow on the tyre

In the course of adjustment by extension

of the hypoid gear pair assemblies check
to see that the left-hand and right-hand
bodies be extended to the same amount.
The distance between the hole in the
bracket to receive the cylinder collar pin
is 55 mm, thus, providing for a wheel-
track change to either side (decreasing
or increasing) from its middle position, at
a 110 mm interval.

ATTENTION! Following changes in

wheeltrack, it is imperative that front
wheel toe-in be adjusted. Tighten up the
wheel-to-hub fastening nut at a torque of
200…250 N•m, the nuts of disks-to-rim
bracket at a torque of 180…240 N•m.

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Section 6. Operating and Adjusting Regulations Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual
Setting Wheeltrack of the Tractor,
Equipped with a FDA Fitted with Hub
Drive Planetary-and Spur Reducing

Tractor track over the front wheels is ad-

justable within 1420...1970 mm by rear-
rangement of wheels interchange from side
to side and change in the position of disks
relative to the wheel rims.

To adjust the wheeltrack, follow the pro-

cedure below:
• Apply the parking brake. Put blocks
at the front and rear of the rear
Place a jack under one side of the front
axle. Jack up the wheel until it is clear off
the ground. Chock the rear wheels on
the front and the rear.
• Jack up the front end of the tractor (or
the front wheels one by one until it is
clear off the ground);
• Remove the front wheels;
• Turn the disk-to-rim fastening nuts off.

Depending on the wheeltrack required,

set the relative position of the rim and the
disk, as shown in diagram on the right.
In doing so, pay special attention to that
the direction of wheel rotation be the
same as the direction of the arrow on the
tyre sidewall.
When interchanging wheel positions,
tighten the disk-to-flange fastening nuts
at a torque of 200...250 N•m, while the
disk-to-rim fastening nuts to 180...230

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Section 6. Operating and Adjusting Regulations Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual
Front Wheel Toe-In Adjustment (trac-
tors equipped with HSCU)
FDA equipped with hypoid reducing
Following changes in the wheeltrack gears (tractor «Belarus» 82.1)
width, be sure to adjust the front wheel
toe-in by changing the length of the
steering rod (see Fig. 18d).
1. Set the required inflation pressure in
tyres (refer to instructions under
2. Run the tractor straight forward at
least 3 m and stop.
Apply the parking brake.
3. Check to see that the hub reducing
gear bodies (on tractors equipped with
a FDA) or the steering knuckles (on
tractors «Belarus» 80.1/80.2 (2х4)) be w/o FDA (tractors «Belarus» 80.1/80.2)
advanced to the same amount "B"
from the FDA housing or the front axle
tube, respectively.
4. Measure the distance "C" between
two opposite points on the rim edge,
behind the front axle, at the height of
wheel axle.
5. Run the tractor forward, so that the
front wheels turned through approx.
180°, then, measure the distance "А"
in front of the front axle, between the
same points as in case of taking di-
mension "В". The toe-in is correct, if FDA equipped with planetary-and-spur
the measured dimension "А" is 0-8 reducing gears (tractor «Belarus» 82.2)
mm less than the dimension "В".
If the toe-in measurements are incon-
sistent with these values, proceed as
6. Loosen the locknuts (1), (3) on the ad-
justing tube (2) of the steering rod.
7. Turning the tube, set the required
amount of toe-in.
8. Tighten up the locknuts (1), (3).

Fig. 18d

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Section 6. Operating and Adjusting Regulations Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual
To Change the Rear Wheeltrack, pro-
ceed as follows (see Fig. 19):
а) jack up the rear end of the tractor until
the wheels are clear off the ground.
Turn off nuts (1) which fasten the disk
to the hub and remove the wheel;
б) turn the hub so that insertion piece (3)
is at the bottom;
в) Undo four bolts (2) fastening the inser-
tion piece to the hub to the extent that
prongs of the insertion piece disen-
gage the axle shaft prongs; clean
them from dirt;
г) move the hub to the required wheel-
Fig. 19
track, then, tighten the insertion piece
fastening bolts (2) to a torque of A wheeltrack of up to 1600 mm is ob-
28…30 kgf•m; mount the wheel, tight- tained without wheel switching. To obtain
en the wheel attachment nuts (1) to a a wheeltrack of more than 1600 mm, re-
torque of 30…35 kgf•m. arrange the wheels as shown below.
д) set the second wheel to the position
required. Tractors «Belarus» 82Р have a non-
adjustable wheeltrack of 1900 mm over
the front and rear wheels.

Setting Rear Wheeltrack (except кроме tractor «Belarus» 82Р)

(for tyres 15,5R38)
Table 3

Rear wheeltrack, mm 1350* 1400 1500 1600 1800 1900 2000 2100
Dimension "а" from the Step-wise, with wheels switching
axle shaft butt-face to that from side to side
of the rear wheel hub, mm 125 100 50 0 164 114 64 14

* Tyres 9,5-42 and 11,2-42.

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Belarus МТЗ-80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплу- Раздел 6. Правила эксплуатации и регулировки МТЗ-
атации и регулировки 80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплуатации
6.8.3. Pneumatic Tyres Use and Care nations of front and rear tyres for trac-
Keep to the basic rules of pneumatic tyres tors equipped with a FDA (see Tables
handling and servicing, namely:-- 5а, 5b);
а) follow carefully recommendations on c) in case of irregular wear of tyre tread,
inflation pressures in tyres (refer to Ta- switch tyres regularly from the right- to
ble 4); left-hand side, and vice versa;
b) avoid operation with substantial slip- d) observe the instructions for tyre
page of the driving wheels; strictly fol- mounting and dismantling;
low instructions on admissible combi-
Permissible loads on tractor tyres
Table 4
Amount Permissible load per tyre, kgf (N) at inflation pressure, MPa
of liquid
Tyre size sym-
to be 0,08 0,1 0,12 0,14 0,16 0,18 0,2 0,22 0,24 0,26 0,28
filled, l
7,50-20 A6 580 625 670 715 760 800 835 875
9,00-20 A6 640 715 780 840 900 960 1020 1070 1120
11,2-20 A6 765 850 930 1000 1080 1145 1180
13,6-20 A6 1010 1100 1210 1300 1395 1450
11,2R24 A8 785 895 995 1090 1180
360/70R24 A8 1000 1180 1285 1400 1500
260 16,9R30 A8 1535 1745 1945 2125 2300
18,4/78-30 A6 2005 2225 2430 2092 2252
18,4R30 A8 1750 1945 2200 2425 2650 2800
374 18,4R34 A8 2020 2200 2410 2610 2800
15,5R38 A8 1420 1620 1810 1945 2120
313 16,9R38 A8 1700 1920 2140 2355 2575
9,5-42 A6 552 636 712 776 832 896 944
11,2R42 A6 1035 1100 1200 1290 1390 1480 1570 1640 1700

For tyres marked with А6 speed symbol, the loads given above are for a speed of 30 km/h.
For tyres marked with А8 speed symbol, the loads given above are for a speed of 40 km/h.

Permissible loads for tyres of directive and driving wheels vs speeds

Table 5
Speed, km/h Change in load, %,
for tyres of directive wheel marked with speed symbol
А6 (30 km/h ) А8 (40 km/h)
10‫٭‬ +50 +67
15 +43 +50
20 +35 +39
25 +15 +28
30 0 +11
35 -10 +4
40 -20 0
45 - -7
‫ ٭‬For tyres with ply rating 6 and above, the inflation pressure of tyre should be increased by 25%.
When employing tyres with ply ratings 6 and above on front-end loaders, an increase in load per tyre
of up to 100% is a normal practice when working in the loading duty, only.

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Section 6. Operating and Adjusting Regulations Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

Table 5а

Speed, km/h Change in load, %,

for tyres of directive wheels, marked with speed symbol
А6 (30 km/h ) А8 (40 km/h)
10‫٭‬ +40 +50
15 +30 +34
20 +20 +23
25 +7 +11

Variants of front and rear tyres combinations

for tractors«Belarus-82.2» (with FDA of tubular type)
Table 5b
Rear tyres Front tyres
360/70 13,6-20 11,2R2
R24 4
18,4R34  — —
mod. Ф11
15,5R38  — —
16,9R30 —  —
9,5-42 — — 

 good combination — improper combination

Variants of front and rear tyres combinations

for tractors«Belarus-82.1» (with FDA of portal type)
Table 5c
Rear tyres Front tyres
8,3-20 11,2-20 13,6-20 360/70R20 13,6R20 16,0-20 16,0-20
(11,2R20) «rice-
18,4L-30   — — — — —
18,4R34 — —     
18,4R34 —  — — — — —
15,5R38   — — — — —
16,9R38 — —    — —
9,5-42   — — — — —
11,2R42   — — — — —

 good combination — improper combination

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Section 6. Operating and Adjusting Regulations Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

e) keep tyres away from fuel, oil, and • disconnect the hose from the
other petroleum products; tyre valve and the bleeder valve
f) make it a good habit to inspect the coupling union;
tyres daily, clean them from foreign • switch the compressor off, and
objects stuck in the treads; screw on the butterfly nut onto
g) DO NOT allow operation and/or the bleeder valve coupling un-
parking the tractor on damaged or ion.
flat tyres;
h) comply with the rules of tractor
i) on long-term outages, place the
tractor on rests, so that the tyres
are clear off the ground.
к) inflate tyres through a pressure
regulator (1) air bleeder valve (see
Fig. 20), by completing operations
as follows:
• bleed air from pneumatic system
bottle (3) through a condensate
drain valve;
• screw out butterfly nut (2) of the
bleeder valve coupling union;
Fig. 20
• connect tyre inflating hose to the
bleeder valve coupling union Liquid Ballast
and tyre valve;
Filling tyres with liquid ballast shall be
• switch the compressor on and
used only in cases of inadequate
inflate the tyre to the required
road-holding capacity of wheels, or
pressure against tyre pressure
tyre ground grip, under adverse con-
ditions (such as water-logged soils,
and the like).
IMPORTANT! At pressure in-
crease in the bottle up to 7.7 NOTE: Front tyre ballasting is dis-
kgf/cm2, the compressor is couraged, since it deteriorates tractor
switched over by the pressure steerability and handling.
regulator to idling and tyre inflation
operation stops automatically. When it is cold, it is recommended to
Hence, the pressure should be use a mixture of calcium chloride and
regularly checked against the read- water at a rate of:
ing of the gauge located on the
dashboard and, if required, bled Environment tempera- Amount of calcium
through the condensate drainage ture, °С chloride, g/l water
up to -15°С 200
up to -25°С 300
up to -35°С 435

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Belarus МТЗ-80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплу- Раздел 6. Правила эксплуатации и регулировки МТЗ-
атации и регулировки 80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплуатации

Such a mixture ensures low freezing

point, an higher density of the solu-
tion, and provides safe and economy-
IMPORTANT! Radial tyres shall be
effective ballast material. Proper han-
filled with liquid ballast up to 40...50
dling of this solution would never re-
percent, max., of their volume. If this
sult in tyre, tube and/or rim damage.
figure is exceeded, the residual air
When filling tyres with solution of cal- left is insufficient to cushion the
cium chloride in water, the inner-tube bumps, thus, resulting in possible
valve should be at its uppermost point damage to the tyre. This is due to a
on the wheel. lower inflation pressure required for
Table below lists volumes of solution the radial tyres. The cross-ply tyres
to be poured into the rear tyres: can be filled up to 75 percent of their
Tyre size Amount of solu-
tion to be filled in,
litre per tyre
16.9R38 315 CAUTION: When mixing the solution,
15.5R38 235 add flakes of calcium chloride to wa-
18,4/78-30; 18,4L-30; 330 ter and thoroughly stir until CaCl2 is
18,4R30 completely dissolved. NEVER add
18,4R34 374 water to calcium chloride. Some
16.9R30 260
form of protective goggles should be
worn when preparing the solution.
Should the solution affect your eyes,
wash them immediately through with
abundant clean cold water for 5
minutes. See a doctor as soon as
possible. Weight Restrictions

To attain optimal reliability of the power Maximum load on the front axle (front
train and effective towing performance, driving axle) should not exceed the tyre
the maximum tractor weight with ballast capacity and should stay within 1750 kgf.
(i.e., the configuration of a standard trac- With the wheeltrack to over 1800 mm,
tor design + attached implement) should axle loads should be reduced on the ba-
not exceed 7000 kgf, when the front and sis of 5% per each 100 mm of wheeltrack
rear wheeltrack is 1600 mm. increase.
Maximum permissible load on the rear In the case of wheel twinning, their total
axle (inclusive ballast and attached im- capacity figure should be reduced by 20
plement) should not exceed 5000 kgf, percent.

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Belarus МТЗ-80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплу- Раздел 6. Правила эксплуатации и регулировки МТЗ-
атации и регулировки 80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплуатации
6.8.4. Mounting Agricultural Machines
on Tractor. Adjustment of the Rear
Hitch Linkage for Operating and
Transport Positions
Attach mounted machines to the tractor by
means of an automatic coupling device
СА-1 to be fastened to the tractor hitch
linkage at three points (two aft joints of the
lower (draft) links and the aft joint of the
top (control) link).
To prevent spontaneous detachment of
the machine from the tractor, secure the
automatic coupler dog with a spring cot-
ter pin. In so doing, make sure that there
is a distance of at least 70 mm between
the proper shaft and the cross-bar when Fig. 21
the machine is lifted to a position for
transport. When combining the tractor with wide-
Semi-mounted machines (potato harvest- span or wide-cut machines, connect
ers type ККУ-2, ККУ-2А, potato digger- forks (5) and (23) (see Fig. 22) of the
windrower type УКВ-2) are to be attached tractor drop links to the lower links slots,
to the tractor by means of a special cross- thus, ensuring better accommodation of
bar, provided with the machine and con- work tools to the soil relief along the
nected to the lower link joints. Also, check span. For operation with the draft (posi-
to see that there is a gap of at least 70 mm tion) control not used, connect the top
in-between the propeller shaft and the link to the lower hole in yoke (30).
crossbar. It should be seen that the lock-nuts of the
Lift height is limited by a slide stop 1 (see drop links, check chains and the top links
Fig. 21). When the linkage is lifted, the are reliably tightened: loose lock-nuts can
stop acts upon the hydromechanical disturb the adjustment of the hitch linkage
valve stem (2), and the latter, in its turn, and thread stripping.
blocks the cylinder rod-end. On preparation of the tractor with imple-
When attached, place the machine level ments attached for long-distance trips,
by changing the length of the left-hand shorten the top link (24) to improve the
drop link and the control link. DO NOT passing ability of the aggregate.
adjust the left-hand drop link when
Adjusting bolts (8) are screwed into the
running with a mounted implement, its
brackets (6). These ensure tightening of
length should always be 475 mm. Final
the chains when the implement is raised
adjustment is to be carried in the field (on
to a transport position and, thus, lock it
ploughing – when running the third fur-
against transverse swaying.
row, on other jobs – on the first run).

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Section 6. Operating and Adjusting Regulations Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

Fig. 22. Rear hitch linkage

1, 26 — lower (draft) links; 2 — eye-ring; 3 — turnbuckle; 4, 28 — lower link fore-ends, 5 — left-hand

drop link yoke; 6 — bracket; 7 — lower links axle; 8 — adjusting bolt; 9 — drop link turnbuckle; 10 — drop
link top screw; 11, 16 — external levers; 12 — turn shaft bracket; 13 — turn shaft; 14 — turn lever; 15 —
top link bracket spring; 17 — right-hand drop link assembly; 18 — axle; 19 — drop link driven gear; 20 —
drop link driving pinion; 21 — drop link handle; 22 — tube; 23 — right-hand drop-link fork; 24 — top (con-
trol) link; 25 — handle; 27 — linkage check chain: 29 — nut: 30 — yoke: 31 — pin: 32 — crossbar: 33 —
coupling pin: 34 — hitch clevis; 35 — pins.

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Belarus МТЗ-80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплу- Раздел 6. Правила эксплуатации и регулировки МТЗ-
атации и регулировки 80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплуатации
To adjust the bolts (8), proceed in the Violation of the procedure described
sequence as follows: above may result in check chain break-
а) couple the implement with the lower age or other break-downs. To avoid
and top link joints. Screw in the ad- spontaneous drop, interlock the hitch
justing bolts (8) as far as they go; linkage with the attached ma-
chine/implement in the position for
b) raise the implement a bit, so that its
transport. To do this:
tools lose contact with the ground;
In case of the tractor with a small-
c) adjust the length of check chains by
scale cab (see Fig. 23):
rotating the turn-buckles, so that the
lower link joints are free to sway in а) open the tractor rear screen;
accordance with the instructions giv- b) raise the hitch linkage to its top posi-
en in the user’s guide to this imple- tion be setting the distributor handle
ment. For mounted ploughs the to the «Lift» position".
sway in the horizontal plane should
be 125 mm to either side from their
d) adjust the length of the right-hand
drop link to the prescribe tilling depth
(when working with ploughs);
e) raise the implement to a transport
position; screwing the bolts (8) out of
the brackets, tighten the chains until
they sag slightly and limit implement
sway within 20 mm to either side
f) secure reliably the bolts (8) with the
Рис. 23. Hitch linkage locking mechanism of the
Each time changing the length of the
tractor equipped with a small-scale cab: 1 —
right-hand drop link should be followed catch; 2, 3 — rods; 4 — hydraulic cylinder brack-
by the adjustment of the right-hand et; 5 — pin; 6, 7 — levers; 8 — bracket; 9 —
bracket bolt to ensure self-locking of the spring; 10 — rest; 11 — control rod: 12 — turning
check chains. lever; 13 — control handle.
In the case of inter-row cultivation, sow-
ing, or seeding, as well as when running The rest (10) of the cylinder hydrome-
with a haul-and-draw coupling device chanical valve should be in its extreme
ТСУ-1Ж involved, lock the lower links in position on the hydraulic cylinder rod;
full from transverse movements, lest the c) push the control handle (13), and
implement sway and plants be damaged. with it the locking mechanism, into
Link adjustment is made by way of the bottom position;
shortening the chain length as much as d) place the distributor handle to the
possible, within the limits they have been «Float» position. Under the action of
set before. In this case, drive the adjust- the implement the turning lever (12)
ing bolts fully home into the brackets. will turn; now, the cog should enter
into contact with the catch (1).

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Section 6. Operating and Adjusting Regulations Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual
To unlock the hitch linkage, proceed as 6.8.6. Control of the Tractor Hydraulic
follows: System and Hitch Linkage Equipped with
а) raise the hitch linkage to the extreme a Draft (Position) Control
top position be setting the distributor
Draft Control
handle to the «Lift» position;
The draft control ensures maximum per-
b) pull the handle (13) to the top posi- formance in power-intensive agricultural
tion. operations, such as ploughing, hoeing in
For Tractors with a Unitized Cab hitch depth, cultivation when in combination
linkage locking and unlocking procedures with mounted farm machines.
are performed in a similar manner; in do- When ploughing with ploughs Type ПНЗ-
ing so, the hitch linkage is raised and 35Б, ПЛН-3-35, raise the plough ground-
dropped by the draft control lever (the engaging wheel to its extreme upper po-
right-hand distributor handle on tractors sition.
where the draft control is not installed), Ploughing to a shallow depth (less than
while the locking mechanism is raised 20…23 cm) when the density of soil var-
and lowered by shifting the lever (40) ies significantly along the bout (sand-
(see Fig. 3b) into the extreme left- or clay), be sure to drop the plough ground-
right-hand position, respectively. engaging wheel as a precautionary
6.8.5. Control of the Tractor Hydraulic measure to limit maximum depth on plots
System and Hitch Linkage Using a of low density.
Distributor In case of general cultivation and/or deep
On tractors without draft (position) con- hoeing, with the tractor ganged up with
trol facility installed the hitch linkage con- agricultural machines equipped with two
trol is achieved by means of the last ground-engaging wheels within the
right-hand handle of the distributor. broad-gang width, set the ground-
engaging wheels to a desired height,
When running with tractor-mounted im-
thus obviating possible cross skewness
plements/machines, use only the «Lift»
of the agricultural machine, erratic loads
and «Float» positions of the handle.
on the tools farthest to the left and right.
When operating with mounted tilling In preparation of an aggregate for draft
machines/implements, NEVER set the control operation duty, proceed with ad-
handle to the «Drop» position! justments, as follows:
The «Drop» position shall only be used 1. Set the hitch compression control link
to control remote-operation cylinders in- to the upper hole in the yoke (30) (see
stalled on the machine and intended for Fig. 22).
the adjustment of tools (reels, headers, 2. Couple the mounted imple-
and the like) of harvesting, sowing and ment/machine to the tractor hitch link-
other machines. If, on completion of the age.
cylinder stroke, the handle fails to auto-
matically regain its neutral position, do it
by hand. On the contrary, in case of
premature return of the handle, hold it
back to complete this or that operation.

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Belarus МТЗ-80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплу- Раздел 6. Правила эксплуатации и регулировки МТЗ-
атации и регулировки 80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплуатации

3. Select the draft control mode; to do

this, raise the attached ma-
chine/implement above the soil sur-
face and push selector arm (1) (see
Fig. 24) into the slot of draft control
lever (3) by turning the selector arm to
the left (if viewed in the direction of
tractor head-on travel). To facilitate
engagement, before introducing it into
the slot, swing the selector arm for-
ward (if viewed in the direction of trac-
tor head-on travel) until it registers
Fig. 24. Changing-over of draft (position) con-
with the slot in the control lever (3). trols:
4. On broad-gang implements, perform 1 — control method selector-arm; 2 — adjusting
adjustments of the ground-engaging valve hand-wheel; 3 — draft control lever; 4 —
wheels and tools to height. When position control lever.
ganged up with ploughs, raise the Selector-arm positions: N — neutral; I — position
ground-engaging wheel to its upper control; II — draft control

Rules and Practical Expedients

Drop the trailed implement/machine at

the beginning of the bout by pushing the
handle (1) (see Fig. 25) forward, along
the sector (3). The farther the handle ad-
vance, the greater the soil operating
When pulling the handle (1) backwards,
along the sector (3), the depth decreas-
es. With the depth adjustment complet-
ed, bring the stop (2) over the slot in the
panel to rest against the handle and lock
it in this position.
At the close of the bout, to shallow the
tools up, set the handle (1) into the «Lift»
position — pull backward, up to a stop.
On completion of lifting, the handle
should return into the neutral position
«Neutral transport» (with the roller 4
against the sector 3) on its own.
At the beginning of each subsequent Fig. 25. Draft (position) control (for tractors
bout lower the tool by shifting the handle equipped with a unitized cab):
(1) forward until it rests against the limit- 1 — handle; 2 — limiting rest; 3 — sector; 4 —
ing rest (2). roller; 5 — spring; 6 — rod.

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Belarus МТЗ-80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплу- Раздел 6. Правила эксплуатации и регулировки МТЗ-
атации и регулировки 80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплуатации
Hints on Draft Control Operation
While ploughing, in cases when the
depth attained is insufficient, reset the
compression link (1) of the hitch linkage
to the middle hole II of the hitch point
yoke (2) (see Fig. 26).
When in general cultivation and deep
loosening on soils of variable density
over the bout length or the working width,
in cases wherein the work is accompa-
nied by increased number of automatic Fig. 26
corrections of cultivator position, also, I, II, III — upper, middle, and lower holes, respec-
reset the compression link to the middle tively.
hole to reduce the number of corrections
When in the draft control mode, both in
Position Control
ploughing and cultivation, adjust the
speed correction rate valve hand-wheel
When in the position control mode, the
(2) (see Fig. 24). Turning the hand-wheel
draft (position) control mechanism of the
clockwise reduces the correction rate,
hydraulic system attains placing of the
while rotating it counterclockwise in-
agricultural implements/machines to a
creases the rate.
desired position with respect to the trac-
Hand-wheel adjustment should be car- tor framing and automatic maintaining of
ried out following the plough (cultivator) the same, by settings of the handle (1)
adjustment. In doing so, when rotating (see Fig. 25).
the rate valve hand-wheel, try to achieve
It is recommended to employ the position
smooth automatic adjustment of change
control in soil treatment, running with
in depth while still on the run.
ploughs, cultivators for general and inter-
DO NOT push the hand-wheel against row cultivation, as well as for hoeing in
the stop, since this will result in exces- depth, on fields with even profile.
sively slow lifting of the agricultural im-
As for broad-gang machines ganged-up
plement/machine and give rise to in-
with the tractor, when operating in the
creased spin-out of the tractor driving
position control mode, it is necessary to
use ground-engaging wheels to eliminate
Correction rate hand-wheel adjustment and
possible cross-scewness of the farm im-
the choice of holes in the hitch height
plements, to improve straightness of
bracket for attachment of the compression
running the aggregate, as well as to es-
link should be performed taking account of
tablish better field contour-following in
the actual soil conditions and for each type
the lateral (with respect to tractor move-
of the agricultural machinery attached. In
ment) direction.
operation, readjustment is not necessary.

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Belarus МТЗ-80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплу- Раздел 6. Правила эксплуатации и регулировки МТЗ-
атации и регулировки 80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплуатации

To prepare the aggregate for operation in

the position control mode, proceed as fol-
1. Couple the mounted machine with the
tractor hitch linkage.
2. Raise the mounted machine to its top
(transport) position.
3. Set the changeover arm to the posi-
tion control; to do this, enter the selec-
tor-arm (1) (see Fig. 27) into the slot of
the position control lever (4) by turning
it to the right (relative tractor forward
Fig. 27
4. Turn the correction rate hand-wheel Height Control
(2) counterclockwise to a stop, thus,
setting maximum lifting speed under Height control can be applied to aggrega-
automatic position correction condi- tion of the tractor with mounted machines
tions. fitted with ground-engaging wheels. Its
chief advantage lies in the fact that the as-
signed depth of cut is provided by setting
Rules and Practical Expedients
the support wheels of the ganged-up farm
Place the mounted implement/ machine to machine to a certain height.
a required position. Lower it by pushing the
handle (1) (see Fig. 25) forward, along the In the height control mode, set the selector-
sector (3). The farther the handle is arm (1) (see Fig. 27) to its midposition (N).
pushed, the lower the implement will go, To lift the machine, pull up the handle (2)
and vice versa, the more the lever is pulled (see Fig. 25) to the stop and hold it so until
to oneself, the higher goes the implement. the implement is raised. Then, the handle
should return to the neutral position «Neutral
With the implement position set at height
transport» spontaneously (with roller (4)
as required, bring the limiter stop (2) to
resting against the sector (3)). Dropping
rest against the handle and lock it in this
the implement is achieved by pushing the
handle (1) forward, into the adjustment zone
At the end of the bout, to raise the im- (the roller (4) rolls on the sector (3)), before
plement/machine to transport position, the commencement of actual lowering.
pull the handle (1) as far as it goes. On
completion of lifting, the handle should When in operation with mounted ma-
return into the neutral position «Neutral chines/implements, NEVER set the
transport» on its own (with the roller (4) handle (1) to the «Force Drop» posi-
resting against the sector (3)). tion (forward to a stop)!
Use the «Force Drop» position only
when the machine is connected to the
tractor hitch linkage mechanism. To ef-
fect the force drop, push the handle (1)
to its extreme forward position. On re-
leasing, the handle should return, under
the action of spring (5), into the adjust-
ment zone, and lowering of the mounted
implement should stop.

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Section 6. Operating and Adjusting Regulations Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual
6.8.7. Draft (Position) Control System Adjustment of the Position Rod should
Adjustment be made as follows:
а) set the selector-arm (1)into the mid-
Draft (Position) Control System Adjust- position;
ment should be made as follows:
b) raise the hitch linkage to its extreme
1. Remove the side console cover. upper position;
2. Adjust the length of rod 16 (see Fig. c) adjust the length of rod 4, so that the
28), so that shifting backward (if arm (1) is free to enter the slot of the
viewed in the direction of the tractor position control lever (2). Then
travel) of the selector-arm results in a shorten the rod (4) by 1 turn of ad-
18-24 mm gap between the rubber justing nuts (7);
roller located on the arm and the sector
edge (see Fig. 25).

Fig. 28

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Belarus МТЗ-80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплу- Раздел 6. Правила эксплуатации и регулировки МТЗ-
атации и регулировки 80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплуатации
Proceed with Draft Control Sensor Ad- additional lever to adjust the draft tie-rod.
justment, as follows: In this case it is enough to raise the im-
а) set arm 1 (see Fig. 28) in the midpo- plement over the ground the tractor is on;
sition; then, the weight of the implement will im-
pose sufficient tension on the draft sen-
b) remove the compression link (10) of
sor through the central link. Keep in mind
the hitch linkage mechanism, insert
that while doing so, the central link
compression link pin (11) into the top
hole of bracket-shackle (9); should be in the upper hole of the rear
hitch leverage shackle. Raise the imple-
c) by means of auxiliary lever (8) turn ment just to be off the ground.
the shackle on pin (13) in the direc-
tion of arrow "А", until spring (15) is
fully compressed. With the lever re- 6.8.8. Hints of Tractor Operation with
leased, the shackle should regain its Rear P.T.O.-Driven Implements
initial position. In this case, the sen- General Recommendations:
sor travel distance, measured as the а) before connecting the machine to the
displacement of draft rod (5) should tractor, check to see that the rear
be at least 11 mm; P.T.O. control is correctly adjusted (re-
г) made certain that the sensor is op- fer to 7.6.7);
erative, uncotter crown nut (12), b) install and lock a required P.T.O. tail-
draw it up to the point of sensor piece (8- or 24-spline) tail-piece and
spring compression commencement. lock reliably the required tail-piece, set
then, turn it down additional 1/2 - 1/3 a corresponding speed drive; set 540
turn, to register slots in the nut with rpm for a 8-spline tail-piece, and 1000
the coyer-pin hole, and cotter the rpm for a 21-spline tail-piece
Following the draft sensor redjust-
ment, proceed with the adjustment of
draft tie-rod:
а) set the arm (1) in its midposition (see
Fig. 28);
b) using an additional lever (tube) for
the purpose, establish a force that
ensures the turn of the shackle to its
extreme position (in the direction of Fig. 29
arrow «А»);
c) retaining the lever in the forced out
position (along arrow стрелке «А»),
check for possible inserting of the
arm (1) prong into the slot in the
draft lever (3). If otherwise, adjust
the length of the tie-rod (5), so that
the arm (1) prong can enter freely in-
to the slot of the draft lever (3);
d) shorten the rod (5) by 1 turn of the
adjusting nuts (6).
With an agricultural implement attached
to the tractor, there is no need to use an

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Belarus МТЗ-80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплу- Раздел 6. Правила эксплуатации и регулировки МТЗ-
атации и регулировки 80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплуатации
To replace the P.T.O. tail-piece, proceed c) smear the shaft and the telescopic
as follows: undo two bolts, remove the joint of the universal-joint shaft with
hood and plate; turn out six bolts which solid oil. Install the universal joint onto
fasten holding plate (1) and take out the the P.T.O. shaft tail-end, fasten it reli-
tail-piece (2). Install another tail-piece ably in the slot. Make sure that the
into the splined hole, and fix it with the lugs (2) of the joint yokes (1) (see Fig.
holding plate (1); tighten the six bolts, 30) are in one and the same plane.
place back the plate and the jacket, fas- Failing to observe this requirement
ten them with nuts. causes overloads of the universal-joint
Engage the P.T.O. independent drive at drive and the P.T.O.;
diesel-engine minimum r.p.m. or with the d) replace the protective jacket on the
diesel-engine stopped. universe-joint shaftу of the agricultural
Engagement of the synchronized P.T.O. machine;
drive is to be performed on a running e) with the universal-joint drive installed,
diesel-engine, through smooth applica- check to see that the components of the
tion of the clutch. shaft telescopic joint do not rest rigidly
Operating the tractor with the P.T.O. dis- in extreme positions of the machine rel-
engaged, be sure to place the P.T.O. ative to the tractor; the minimum over-
control lever to the «P.T.O. Disenged» lap of the telescopic portion of the uni-
position, set the P.T.O. two-speed drive versal-joint drive should not be less
changeover clutch to position 1 (540 than 110-120 mm, since at a lesser
r.p.m.), and the independent-to- overlap the drive may disjoin.
synchronous P.T.O. drive changeover
lever — into its midpostion (neutral);

Fig. 30
In Figure: Tractor P.T.O. tail-end 110-12- mm

The length of spring (1) of the farm ma-

chine safety coupling (see Fig. 31) should
be adjusted so that, at overloads, the claw
couplings 2 and 3 are free to turn relative
to each other. Excessive tightening of the
spring renders the coupling inoperative
and, as a result, causes overloads on the
universal-joint drive and the P.T.O.;
Fig. 31

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Belarus МТЗ-80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплу- Раздел 6. Правила эксплуатации и регулировки МТЗ-
атации и регулировки 80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплуатации
f) P.T.O. shaft engagement and disen- 6.8.9. Operation of Tractors with Trail-
gagement should be made smoothly, ers and Trailed Machines
without jerks, with the diesel-engine
crankshaft at a low speed; Single-axle trailers are to be attached to
g) preparatory to starting moving, check the tractor by means of a ТСУ-2 coupler
operation of the machine at low and (hydraulically-operated pick-up hook),
maximum r.p.m. of the diesel-engine while trailed machines — through a ТСУ-
crankshaft; ЗК outfit (towing device fitted with an au-
tomatic coupler). Towing of farm machines
With the P.T.O. synchronous drive en-
be means of a ТСУ-1Ж hitch (crossbar)
gaged, tractor travel speed should not ex-
ceed 8 km/h, max.; can only be permitted at a speed of 15
km/h, max., and in field works; it is not
h) disengage the P.T.O. when making a recommended to enter public roads.
turn (in case of aggregation with trailed
machines) or when raising the imple-
ment into the transport position (in case
of mounted and semi-mounted imple- ATTENTION! When coupling trailer’s
ments); pneumatic system to the tractor, brake
i) after detachment of the implement from the tractor with the parking brake to re-
the tractor, NEVER leave the universal- lease pressure in the connecting pipe-
drive joint on the P.T.O. tail-piece; line.
з) with a driving pulley, as well as reduc-
tion gear outfit of special-purpose vehi-
cles (such as cotton-growing machin- To run with single-axle trailed machines,
ery, power shovels, and so on) installed hang on additional counterweights to load
on the rear P.T.O. cover, take good the tractor front axle.
care that they are properly centered Double-axle trailers are coupled with the
about the tail-piece (seated in a 162- tractor through ТСУ-ЗК or ТСУ-3В cou-
mm dia. recess in the rear cover), and plers (coupling with ТСУ-1Ж hitch clevis in
their nuts reliably tightened. this case cannot be admitted). After com-
When in operation with rotary tillage-and- pletion of coupling, make sure that the de-
cultivating machinery, take care: tent is fully withdrawn from the housing
а) to keep protection gear in functioning and connect the trailer to the tractor with a
condition, check it for normal operation; check chain (cable).
b) not to engage the P.T.O. when the With a towing device installed on the tractor,
working tool is lowered onto the ground; DO NOT couple semi-trailers (single-axle
c) to smoothly lower the machine with ro- trailers), as well as double-axle trailers which
tating tools when the tractor is on the have non-standard trailer tongues.
d) not to engage the P.T.O., with one of
the joints pivoted at an angle exceeding
35 deg.;
e) to first till cross strips to enter the plot
for treatment when running on hard
soils, and only then to work the field

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Belarus МТЗ-80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплу- Раздел 6. Правила эксплуатации и регулировки МТЗ-
атации и регулировки 80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплуатации
NEVER make use of the rear hitch 6.8.10. Use of Tractor’s Optional Ex-
linkage, with a haul-and-draw coupler tras
installed on the tractor!
Tractors may carry a rear drive pulley,
When running with trailers tractor speeds side P.T.O., additional weights to aug-
are subject to road conditions. With 20 ment the load on the fore axle, a super-
and 45 cu. m body trailers 2ПТС-4-887А reducer, an automatic hitch coupler СА-
attached, it is permissible to run at 1, a spacer to install twinned rear
speeds of up to 15 km/h, as they pos- wheels, and other equipment used as
sess poor stability. Avoid sharp turns optinal extras.
when running with these trailers and a The rear drive pulley is installed on the
1РМГ-4 tractor-mounted broadcaster lest back of the P.T.O. reduction gear cover
the rear wheel mudguards should be and driven by the P.T.O. splined tail-
damaged. piece. To avoid P.T.O. tail-piece defor-
Trailers’ (2ПТС-4-785А and others) loop mation, it is mandatory to install the re-
should be locked to avoid its jamming. duction gear body through four studs,
In operation, the ТСУ-1Ж hitch clevis and to center the flange on 122 mm in
should be secured to the crossbar by two the P.T.O. cover. The pulley is turned
pins. It is forbidden to use the clevis se- ON/OFF by means of the P.T.O. control
cured by only one pin. lever.
Before operation make sure that the pins A side P.T.O. is to be installed in place of
and pivot of the hitch clevis are reliably the gearbox left-hand cover, with controls
cottered. All signaling lights of the trailers brought out through to the cab. It can be
(stop light, turn indicators, number plate used as an additional drive for front- and
light) should be connected through a side-mounted mechanisms and working
plug socket on the tractor. tools.
Trailers’ brakes with pneumatic or hy- Additional counterweights with total mass
draulic drives are to be controlled by the of 220 kg or 510 kg are to be installed on
tractor counterpart system. a special bracket attached to the tractor
front toolbar.
To extend the versatility of tractors and
adapt them for farm machines operating
at greatly reduced ground speeds, the
tractor may be equipped with a superre-
ducer. With the aid of a superreducer
tractor speeds in I and II forward and re-
verse gears are additionally reduced. For
the range of tractor travel reduced
speeds on tractors Belarus-80.1/80.2,
82.1/82.2, refer to Table 6.
Types of superreducers:
 mechanical (MSR);
 hydromechanical (HSR).
The hydromechanical type of reducers
provides for continuously variable gear

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атации и регулировки 80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплуатации
Table 6

Superreducer ranges
Travel Gearbox Reducing I II
direction gear gear Superreducer gear
1 2 1 2
Eng’d. 0...0,44 0,80...1,3 1,83 5,45
Diseng’d 0,12...0,58 1,2...1,75 2,42 7,21
Eng’d. 0,31...0,75 1,67...2,22 3,12 9,28
Diseng’d 0,54...0,99 2,34...2,94 4,13 12,28
Eng’d. 0...0,92 1,69...2,75 3,86 11,48
I reverse.
Eng’d.выкл. 0,29...1,22 2,14...3,64 5,11 15,2
Eng’d. 0,64...1,58 3,5...4,69 6,58 19,55
II reverse
Diseng’d 1,14...2,09 4,92...6,21 8,71 25,87*

* For safety purposes, DO NOT engaged this gear.

Fig. 32. Superreducer location on the gearbox (GB):

1 — speed I and reverse shaft; 2 — cover gasket; 3 — left-hand side hatch cover; 4 — spring ring; 5 —
superreducer engagement driven gear; 6 — first and reverse driven gear; 7 — I speed and reverse sliding

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GБеларус 80.1/82.1/82.2/82Р — Руководство по эксплуатации Раздел 6. Правила эксплуатации и регулировки
To install a superreducer on the tractor, With a superreducer installed, to get the
proceed as follows: tractor moving, disengage the clutch,
1. Drain oil from the power train hous- throw into required gear, then, engage
ings. the superreducer by pushing the control
rod down, release the clutch pedal and
2. Remove the servo unit and clutch
se the desired travel speed by rotating
control rod.
the throttle knob. To shift gears, return
3. Remove the GB left-hand hatch cov- the throttle control to its initial position,
er. then, back off four turns, depress the
4. Unmesh gear 5 (see Fig. 32), by clutch pedal, shift into gear, release the
having shifted the spring ring (4) clutch pedal and set the required speed
backwards until it thrusts against the by the throttle and fuel feed.
shaft shoulder 1. Beside the above-given information,
5. Place a gasket and the superreducer make use of a user’s guide enclosed with
(SR) on the GB left hatch. In doing every SR piece to be shipped to the us-
this, pay special attention to the fork er.
entering the SR engagement gear Tractors Belarus 80.1/82.1/82.2 are
slot; then, tighten with bolts. Place shipped with gearboxes not equipped
copper washers, instead of spring with installed superreducer drive. When
washers under the bolts which pass ordering a tractor equipped with a super-
through the superreducer oil cham- reducer drive in the GB from the Manu-
ber. facturing Works (MTZ), indicate the fol-
6. Set oil intake. lowing:
7. Install the SR control rod, first pass- "Tractor Belarus 80.1 (or Belarus
ing it through the hole for the side 82.1/82.2) equipped with a superre-
P.T.O. control rod in the cab floor. ducer drive." A conventional designa-
8. Install the throttle control rod by tion of such a tractor is: "Belarus
bringing it through a hole in the cab 80.1.25" or "Belarus 82.1.25".
floor (the hole is to be pre-drilled in a Superreducers are options to be pur-
fitting place). chased separately from the tractor.
9. Install and adjust the servo unit and
clutch control rod.
10. Fill in oil up to the level of inspection
hole plug, and add 10 l more.

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Belarus МТЗ-80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплу- Раздел 6. Правила эксплуатации и регулировки МТЗ-
атации и регулировки 80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплуатации
6.8.11. Rear Wheel Twinning

To improve the off-road capability, trac-

tors may be fitted with twinned rear
wheels, standard sizes 9,5-42 and
11.2R42, through auxiliary spacer-ring
pieces. To install an additional wheel,
remove the main wheel (see Fig. 33),
squeeze short-sized bolts out of hub (2)
and press in instead long-sized bolts (1)
to be found in a delivery set. Mount the
main wheel onto the bolts (1) and fasten
it with nuts (3). Then, place onto the
same bolts a spacer-ring piece (4) and
fix it with nuts (5). Thereafter, install an
additional wheel on bolts (6) of the spac-
er ring piece (4) and fasten it home with
nuts (7). Torque the rear wheels nuts to
300…350 N•m (30…35 kgf/cm2).
Fig. 33

CAUTION! NEVER use twinned In Figure: Main wheel / Additional wheel

wheels to augment the towing force at 2700-2900 mm; overall dimension with
the hook. wheels 15.5R38 installed 430 mm
Axle shaft

6.8.12. Hints on Aggregation of trac- 6.8.13. Hints on Tractor Control Dur-

tors «Belarus» 82Р ing Operation

Tractors intended for rice-growing can While running the tractor be sure:
aggregate with the majority of argricul- а) to watch instrument readings. DO
tural machinery designed for tractor NOT operate the tractor, if instru-
standard model. To work on check plots ments are faulty, including the buzz-
of rice fields, flooded with water, tractors er;
МТZ-82Р are to be ganged up with the b) if diesel-engine crankshaft r.p.m. get
following machines and implements: excessively high (i.e. the diesel-
Plough ПЛН-3-35; stubble breaking engine is racing), immediately cut
plough ППЛ-5-25; disc harrow БДН-3,0; out the fuel feed and, at the same
high-speed spiked tooth harrow БЗТС-1; time, pull out the diesel-engine
smoothing harrow ШБ-2,5; mounted emergency stop knob;
cultibator КПС-4; presowing land leveller c) DO NOT allow diesel-engine smok-
(central section) ВП-8; blade-grader ГН- ing and a substantial drop in engine
2,8. r.p.m. due to overload;
d) DO NOT operate the tractor with the
clutch slipping;
e) DO NOT jerk the tractor in motion
under increased load condition;
f) clear or pass an obstruction with 2st
or 2nd gear engaged, with the die-

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GБеларус 80.1/82.1/82.2/82Р — Руководство по эксплуатации Раздел 6. Правила эксплуатации и регулировки
sel-engine crankshaft running at low

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Belarus МТЗ-80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплу- Раздел 6. Правила эксплуатации и регулировки МТЗ-
атации и регулировки 80.1/82.1/82Р — Руководство по эксплуатации
g) watch closely the performance of
mounted and trailed agricultural im-
plements and tools;
h) when handling the tractor, be sure to
follow instructions given in this sec-
i) check the inflation pressure in tyres.
Make sure there is no leaks of water,
oil, fuel, and/or electrolyte; remove
leaks, if detected;
j) with the diesel-engine running, keep
watch on brakes performance and
the amount of the steering wheel
play. Make a habit of taking timely
remedial actions on all the faults and
defects detected, using relevant sec-
tions of this Manual as a guide. Fig. 34. Tractor cable hoisting diagram
k) clean the tractor regularly from dust
and dirt, check all the external
When handling the tractor for loading/
mechanisms and units of the tractor
unloading, make use of facilities with lift-
for completeness and reliable fas-
ing capacity of at least 5 tf. Hoist the
tening. Pay special attention to tight-
rope at the front and rear wheel ring-
ening of tractor power units attach-
bolts (see Fig. 34). Towing a tractor with
ment hardware.
a disconnected hydraustatic steering unit
During intervals between shifts, check (HSCU) is admissible over the distance
the levels of oil in the diesel-engine of up to 5 km, at a speed of up to 10
crankcase, and that of coolant in the ra- km/h, max.

6.8.14. Tractor Transportation and CAUTION! When hoisted at the ring-

Towing nuts, the tractor can swing forward or
backward up to 1.5 m.
Tractors can be transported by rail-road,
on motor vehicles and/or trailers. Also,
tractors may be delivered to destination To connect a towing rope, there provided
by towing and under its own power. a tow device on the front beam.
When preparing tractors for transport, When towing the tractor, be sure to strict-
proceed as follows: set the transmission ly observe relevant traffic regulations.
gearbox levers to 1st gear; apply the
parking brake; fasten the tractor to the DO NOT use the towing shackle for
platform with 3.5-mm wire bracings, or hoisting the tractor.
use chains or guy ropes.

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Section 7. Maintenance Procedures Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

Servicing of the tractor is a scheduled
maintenance that implies the fulfillment ATTENTION!
of operations which ensure operative In the course of servicing the hitch
condition and efficient operation of the linkage hydraulic system and steering
machine within the limits of specified controls of the tractor, close ob-
service life. servance of oil change and filter (ele-
Carry out maintenance works in time and ments) replacement intervals is a
in the scope recommended in this Manu- must. Filling (refilling) of oils which are
al. Depending on tractor operating condi- not recommended by the Tractor Op-
tions, departure from the prescribed in- eration and Service Manual is imper-
tervals in-between maintenance sched- missible.
ules is permissible within ±10 percent. Before filling in the system and/or re-
The tractor service log-book should con- placement of filter elements, clean fill-
tain all the records to be entered after er plugs, throats, filter caps and adjoin-
each maintenance service schedule car- ing surfaces from dust and dirt. When
ried out on the machine. replacing filter elements, be sure to
flush the inner surfaces of filter bodies
and caps.
When the tractor is ganged-up with ag-
ricultural hydraulically-controlled ma-
chines or implements, clean thoroughly
clutches, connection unions, adapters
and other standard fittings of farm ma-
chines and the tractor.
In the case of hydraulic hitch linkage
system operating under heavy loads,
as well as in combination with hydrau-
lically controlled agricultural machines,
whose systems are filled with oil of un-
known origin, it is strongly recom-
mended to cut the intervals between
filter elements replacement.

Keep firmly in mind that pure and

clean oil in the hydraulic system
guarantees its trouble-free operation.

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures
Table 7

Maintenance intervals and terms of servicing ex

Type of maintenance procedures fuel to be consumed,
in tractor operating hours
Pre-operation servicing
Pre-running-in MS Prior to tractor running-in
MS in process of running-in MS during running-in
Post-running-in maintenance service After 30 operating hours
Schedule maintenance:
Inter-shift maintenance servicing (ISM) 8-10
Maintenance service schedule No. 1 (MS-1) 125 1050
Maintenance service schedule No. 2 (MS-2) 500 4200
Maintenance service schedule No. 3 (MS-3) 1000 8400
Seasonal maintenance procedures (MS-SS and In preparation for Autumn-
MS-AW) Winter (MS-AW) operation
and Spring-Summer (MS-
SS) driving period
MS under special service conditions In preparation for operation
under special service condi-
Maintenance service procedures when in storage


d) check the storage battery, dress ter-
7.1.1. Maintenance Service in Prepara- minals from oxide films, and smear
tion of Tractor for Running-In them with petroleum jelly; clean the
а) clean the tractor from dust and dirt, vent holes of plugs; check the degree
remove protective grease (if applied of discharge;
on the tractor); e) check and adjust, if required, the fol-
b) check the level of oil and top up, if re- lowing: tensioning of the fan driving
quired, in: the diesel-engine crank- belt; tractor steering and control mech-
case; air cleaner oil pan; hydraulic anisms; inflation pressure in tyres; front
system tank; hydraulic steering boost- wheel toe-in;
er body; housing of power transmis- f) check and tighten up, if required, ex-
sion; FDA housing; FDA wheel-hub ternal threaded joints;
reducing gear housings; intermediate
g) fill in the radiator with coolant;
bearing; rear axle hub reducing gears
for tractor Belarus-82P; h) listen to the running diesel-engine and
check to see that instruments and
c) lubricate the clutch release bearing,
gauges read within the prescribed
steering knuckle bearings; right-hand
drop link pinion; rear hitch linkage
shaft bushings; HSCU hydraulic cylin-
der joints (if installed);

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Section 7. Maintenance Procedures Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

7.1.2. Maintenance Service During f) lubricate clutch release bearings;
Running-In: g) clean the centrifugal oil filter;
h) flush the tractor hydraulic system
а) check the level of, and top up as re- gauze filter (tractors equipped with a
quired, the following: oil in the diesel- small-scale cab); replace the hydraulic
engine crankcase, coolant in the radi- system filter element (tractors
ator, water in the cab heating tank (on equipped with a unitized cab);
tractors equipped with small-scale i) clean the diesel-engine oil primary fil-
cab; ter by flushing;
b) drain condensate from the pneumatic j) heck and tighten, if required, the fol-
system bottle; lowing: external attachments of tractor
c) check to see if the air cleaner is components, including diesel-engine
plugged by the warning lamp; cylinder block bolts and fixing bolts of
d) check to see that the diesel-engine, the universal-joint shaft intermediate
controls, lighting and signaling sys- bearing support on the transmission
tems, windshield wiper and brakes are clutch housing (for tractors equipped
in serviceable condition. with a FDA); power drive housing
bolts, rear wheel hub bolts, rear hitch
linkage turn shaft bracket bolts, nuts
7.1.3. Post-Running-In Maintenance on front and rear wheels;
Service (after 30 tractor operating
hours): k) check and adjust diesel-engine valve-
to-rocker arm clearances;
а) inspect and wash the tractor; l) check and top up, as required: the
level of coolant in the radiator, water in
b) start the diesel-engine and listen to all
the air heating and cooling unit for a
the mechanisms and units of the trac-
small-scale cab (with the unit running
tor in running;
in the cooling mode);
c) check and adjust, if necessary, the fol-
m)drain: sludge from the fuel coarse filter
lowing: tensioning of the fan driving
and condensate from the pneumatic
belt, free play of the clutch pedal,
system air receiver;
brake pedal and the pneumatic sys-
tem; n) check the diesel-engine air cleaner
and intake manifolds for air tightness;
d) check storage batteries; clean the bat-
tery surface, terminals, cable clamping o) check to see that the diesel-engine,
leads, vent holes in plugs; controls, lighting and signaling sys-
tems, windshield wiper are in service-
e) change oil in the diesel-engine crank-
able condition.
case, air cleaner oil pan, power
transmission housings, FDA and in-
termediate support, hub reducing
gears for tractor Belarus-82P;

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures

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Section 7. Maintenance Procedures Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

Table 8
Item No. in

Maintenance intervals,

Scope of operations performed hr Technical requirements

10 125 500 1000
Check and adjust, if required:
1 fan driving belt tension Х Belt sagging on «alternator pulley
-crankcase pulley» leg — 15-22
mm, at 40 N (4 kgf) applied
2 inflation pressure of tyres and х Inflation pressure in tyres accord-
tyre condition ing to values specified in Table 4.
3 clutch pedal free travel х 40...50 mm against pedal pad
4 overall travel of service brake х 70-90 mm (110-120 mm for trac-
pedals tors with unitized cab, at 125 N
(12,5 кгс)
5 parking brake lever throw х Under 200 N (20 kgf) applied to
lever, the cog should move and
lock in 3rd or 4th tooth space of the
6 steering wheel backlash х Up to 25°, max., with the diesel-
engine running
7 air pressure and pressure drop in х 6,5-8,0 kgf/cm2 (0,65-0,80 MPa);
the pneumatic system pressure drop not more than 2,0
кг/см2 (0,2 MPa) in 30 min.
8 front wheel toe-in Х 0-8 mm;
9 valve-to-rock arm clearances х 0,25+0,05 mm on a cold diesel-
engine, for впускных и выпуск-
ных клапанов
10 cylinder head bolts tightening, х Tightening torque of 19 to 21
with further adjustment of valve- kgf•m (190-210 N•m). Tightening
to-rock arm clearances pattern, refer to Fig. 36.

11 rear P.T.O. shaft planetary re- х When shifting, the effort at the
ducing gear control mechanism control lever should be 12-15 kgf
(120-150 N); shifting from disen-
gaged to engaged position should
be positive.
12 steering rod joints Х No gaps can be admitted in joints.
13 FDA planetary-and-spur reduc- х Knuckle turning effort as applied
ing gear bearings to wheel attachment bracket
should be within 6...8 kgf.
14 tightening of intermediate bear- х Clutch should transfer a torque of
ing safety clutch nut 40-80 kgf•m (400-800 N•m).

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures
Table 8, continued

Item No. in Maintenance intervals,

diagram Scope of operations performed hr Technical requirements
10 125 500 1000
16 FDA planetary-and-spur reduc- Х Tighten adjusting nut to a torque of
ing gear flange bearings 18...20 kgf•m, then, back it off
through 15 to 20°. Prick-punch the
nut in two slots of the flange.
19 Operation of diesel-engine start- Х DO NOT start the diesel-engine
up interlock switch with engaged gear.
Check the level and top up, as re-
20 coolant in the radiator х 50-60 mm below the top edge of
the filler throat.
Check the oil level and top up, as
21 in diesel-engine crankcase х Up to top mark on the oil dipstick.
22 in transmission housings х Up to top mark on the oil gauge.
23 in the hydraulic steering booster х Up to top mark on the oil gauge.
24 in FDA housing, FDA wheel-hub х Up to the level of inspection
reducing gear casings holes.
in upper bevel pairs (FDA with х Up to the level of inspection filler
bevel wheel reducing gearings) holes.
in the intermediate bearing sup- х Up to the level of inspection hole.
port housing
in rear axle wheel-hub reducing х Up to the level of inspection
gearings (tractor Belarus-82Р) holes.
26 in the hydraulic hitch linkage tank х Up to mark “П” (Full) on oil
measuring rule
27 Change oil in diesel-engine crank- х Drain oil from a warmed-up die-
case, drain oil from the fuel pump sel-engine, fill in fresh oil up to
body the top mark on the oil dipstick.
29 Replace filtering element in the fuel Х As a preliminary, drain sediment
fine filter from the filter bowl.
30 Replace filtering element in the hy- х
draulic system oil tank (tractors
equipped with a unitized cab)
31 clutch release bearing х 4-6 jerks of the grease gun
нагнетаний шприцем
32 fore axle steering knuckle bush- х 10-12 jerks of the grease gun
33 HSCU hydraulic cylinder joints х Until lubricant is squeezed out
from gaps.
34 RHL right-hand drop link pinion Х 3-4 jerks of the grease gun
35 rear hitch linkage shat bushings Until lubricant is squeezed out
from gaps.

Every other MS-1.

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Section 7. Maintenance Procedures Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

Table 8, continued
Item No. in
diagram Maintenance intervals,
Scope of operations performed hr Technical requirements
10 125 500 1000
35а steering tie-rod joints х 0,015 kg
36 FDA planetary-and-spur reduc- Х 4-6 jerks of the oil gun
ing gears bearings
37 check the level and condition of Х Up to the level of an annular band
oil in the air-cleaner oil sump, top on the sump; no mechanical ad-
up or change, as required. mixtures in oil can be admitted.
38 clean the inner surface of the air х Until fully clean.
coarse filter
39 dismantle and flush the body, fil- х Until all contaminants are re-
ter elements and central tube moved.
40 check air tightness of all joints of х Air inleakage can not be tolerated.
the air cleaner and inlet pipeline The diesel-engine running at inter-
mediate r.p.m. should stall, if the air
cleaner central tube is closed (with
the coarse filter removed).
42 Carry out servicing of the ventila- Х Clean the filter by vigorous shak-
tion and heating system filter (for ing and blow-through with com-
tractors with a unitized cab in- pressed air.
43 condensate from the receiver х Until condensate is completely re-
44 sludge and residue from the fuel х Until clear fuel appears.
coarse filter
66 sludge and residue from the fuel х Until clear fuel appears.
fine filter
67 sludge and residue from fuel х Until clear fuel appears.
45 diesel-engine, steering controls, х The diesel-engine should run stable
brakes, lighting and signaling at any crankshaft r.p.m. Steering con-
systems, and windshield wiper trols, lighting and signaling sys-
for serviceability tems, windshield wiper and
brakes should be in good working
Check and tighten up, if required,
outer joints and fixtures of various
units and components, as follows:
46 tightening of nuts of the steering х
knuckle levers
No slackening of threaded and
46а HSB drop arm nut (if installed) х
other joints and connections can
47 frame girders to front beam and х be tolerated.
to the clutch housing connec-

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures
Table 8, continued

Item No. in Maintenance intervals,

diagram Scope of operations performed hr Technical requirements
10 125 500 1000
48 GB housing to rear axle and х
clutch housing
49 attachment bolts of the RHL turn х
shaft bracket
50 fastening wheel nuts and hub at- х
tachment bolts
On tractors Belarus 82.1/82.2/82Р,
in addition:
51 pivot tube flange bolts, front driv- Х
ing axle wedge nuts, intermedi-
ate bearing support bolts propel-
ler shaft flange bolts
52 wheel-hub reducing gear casings х
(tractor Belarus-82Р) to the rear
axle housing
Carry out servicing of storage bat-
53 check the condition and clean, if х Battery poles should be clean
required, storage battery outer sur- from oxides, vent hole should be
face, or dress terminals and wire free
leads, vent holes in plugs, smear
terminals and wire leads
54 check the level of electrolyte and х Electrolyte level should be 12-15
add distilled water, if required mm above the guard grid
55 check the battery state of charge х Storage batteries discharge in
by assessing electrolyte density; excess of 50% or 25% in summer
recharge the battery or replace and winter, respectively, is intol-
them with charged ones, if re- erable.
Clean and wash:
56 centrifugal oil filter of the diesel- х Deposit layer is subject to com-
engine plete removal. Rotor should run
out for 30-60 seconds after the
diesel-engine stops.
57 filter element of the pneumatic х Wash until all contaminants are
system pressure regulator (when removed.
the pneumatic system is in con-
stant use)
58 diesel-engine oil preliminary filter Х Clean and wash to remove con-

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Section 7. Maintenance Procedures Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

Table 8, continued
Item No. in
diagram Maintenance intervals,
Scope of operations performed hr Technical requirements
10 125 500 1000
Flush or wash:
59 fuel coarse filter х Until contaminants are removed.
60 hydraulic hitch system overflow х Until contaminants are removed.
filters (on tractors with a small-
scale cab) and hydraulic steering
61 breather and strainer of the die- х Until contaminants are removed.
sel-engine oil filler
62 fuel tank lid and filters х Until contaminants are removed.
 Dismantle the fuel pump and have Fuel injection advance angle de-
sent to workshop for tests and ad- termined by meniscus method
justment. When reinstalling the pump with a ignition tester with respect
of diesel-engine, check and adjust to piston TDC 19…21°
the fuel injection advance angle
65* Check and adjust the nozzles under Injection pressure of 220+8
injection pressure, as well as fuel kgf/cm2 (21,6+0,8 MPa). Atomiza-
atomization quality tion quality — without solid jets
and thickening. No atomizer drips
are intolerable.
66** Remove the starter and have it sent
it to workshop for repair

* Every 2000 vehicles•hours.

** Every 3000 vehicles•hours.

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures
7.2.1. Seasonal Maintenance Services (MS-SS and MS-03)
Overlap operations of Seasonal Maintenance Services with those of Maintenance Ser-
vice Schedule next in turn (refer to Table 9).
Table 9
Scope of operations performed
When preparing for autumn-winter operation (at When preparing for sprin-summer operation (at
standing average daily temperature of below + 5° С) standing average daily temperature of above, or
equal to, + 5° С)
Change oil summer-grades for winter-grades (refer Change oil winter -grades for summer -grades
to Table on Lubricants and lubrication Chart):
in diesel-engine crankcase; in diesel-engine crankcase;
in hydraulic unit housings; in hydraulic unit housings;
in hydraulic steering booster руля; in hydraulic steering booster руля;
in transmission housings; in transmission housings;
in FDA housing; in FDA housing;
in FDA wheel-hub reducing gears; in FDA wheel-hub reducing gears;
in intermediate bearing support; in intermediate bearing support;
in hub reducing gears of tractors Belarus-82Р. in hub reducing gears of tractors Belarus-82Р.
Drive in the seasonal voltage adjustment screw on the Set the seasonal adjustment screw on the alterna-
alternator to a stop (position «Z» — winter)*. tor into position «L» — summer*.
Change lubricant in front wheel hubs on tractors
Adjust clearance in wheel bearings.
Fill in the diesel-engine cooling system with anti-
freeze for low temperatures, first flushing the cooling
Clean calibrated hole in coupling bolt of the electrical
torch pre-heater.
Remove propeller shafts, check flanges for tightness in
axial direction on the transfer box shafts, intermediate
bearing support and main drive pinion (for tractors
equipped with a FDA). Take up axial backlashes by
retightening nuts.
*) If the adjusting screw available on the alternator.

7.2.2. Oil and Fuel Holding Capacities, l

Diesel-engine lubrication system (incl. oil radiator) 13.3
Diesel-engine cooling system (incl. radiator) 17
Transmission housing 40
FDA housing with bevel reducing gearings (tractor Belarus-82.1) 1.6
FDA housing with planetary-and spur reducing gears (tractor Belarus-82.2) 3.7
FDA reduction gear housing with bevel reducing gearings (each) 1.8
Upper bevel gear pair in FDA reduction bevel gearbox (each) 0.3
Planetary-and spur reducing gearbox housing (each) 2.0
Hydraulic system and HSCU oil tank 21.5
Fuel tanks (2 pcs) 130
FDA universal-joint drive in the intermediate bearing support housing 0.15
HSB casing 6.0
Wheel-hub drive housing, tractor Belarus-82 Р (each) 3.7

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Раздел 7. Техническое обслуживание Беларус 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Руководство по эксплуатации
VICING UNDER SPECIAL CONDI- When running the tractor on a rocky
TIONS ground, as well as under high-altitude
When operating the tractor under special Check the running gear and other tractor
conditions (at low temperatures, in de- components for damage by external in-
sert, running on sandy and marshy soils, spection and every shift. Also, check tight-
rocky grounds), the same adopted ness of plugs on the diesel-engine crank-
maintenance intervals and scopes are case, rear axle and FDA, driving wheel at-
observed. tachment. Check the radiator plugs in the
Besides, the works listed below are ei- diesel-engine cooling system for leak-
ther introduced in addition or carried out tightness.
more frequently.
Operation under high-altitude condi-
When in operation in a desert, on tions, to ensure against deterioration of
sandy soils, at elevated temperatures normal operation processes in the diesel-
and/or heavily dust-laden atmosphere. engine, carry out adjustment of the duel
pump with the intent of reducing its out-
Fill in the diesel-engine with oil and fuel put within the limits as follows:
by a «closed» method. Every three shifts • At 1500-2000 m above the sea level –
change oil in the air cleaner pan. reduce the pump delivery by 10%;
When carrying out MS Schedule-1, be • at 2000-2500 m — by 15%;
sure to check: • at 2500-3000 m — by 20 %;
• oil in the diesel-engine; no mechanical • operation at heights exceeding 3000
and/or other impurities in oil can be ad- m should be discourage.
mitted. Change oil, as necessary;
• the central air cleaner tube (the tube 7.4. Technical servicing of the tractor
should be clean). Wash and service the during preparation for storage, in
air cleaner every 20 hours; storage and after storage
• flush with a jet of water or blow through
with compressed air the coolant radiator Technical servicing of the tractor in the
core. The radiator should be clean, with listed cases should be carried out in ac-
no traces of oil on its surface. In the pro- cordance with the rules and norms speci-
cess of MS Schedule-2 wash the fuel fied under Section 9. «Storage Regula-
tank cap. tions for the Tractor»).

When running the tractor at low tem-

peratures, be sure to warm up the
diesel-engine to 20-30 °С before start-
ing the engine. At the end of a shift, refill
the tanks with fuel in full (at minus 30°С
use arctic fuel), and drain condensate
from the pneumatic system bottles. The
cooling system should be filled with anti-
freezing solution.

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures
Table 10
Ref. No. as per MS


Number of lube
Name, grade and standards on lubricants and liquids
intervals, v•hr

Lube points
In-service lubrication at temperatures Lubrication
In-service Equiv-
storage (up main
from –40°С до +5°С from +5°С to +50°С charge, l alents
to 6
21 Diesel-engine Engine oil:
crankcase Main
М-8ДМ М-10ДМ 12,0 12,0 1 500
GOST 8581-78 GOST 8581-78
М-8Г2К М-10Г2К 250
GOST 8581-78 GOST 8581-78,
М-10Г2 modified 500
Specs. 401-58-169-
27 Fuel pump Engine oil, same as in diesel-engine 0,25 –//– 1 When new or
pump is in-
37 Air cleaner sump Preliminary settled and filtered used en- 1,5 1,5 1 500
gine oil
22 Power train Main
housing Transmission oil ТАп-15В; 40 40 1 During seasonal
ТСп-10; ТСп-15К GOST23652-79 maintenance
Transmission oil ТАД-17 and GOST
11 FDA wheel Ditto Ditto 3,7 3,7 2 Ditto Ditto
reduction gear
(Belarus 82P)
24 FDA wheel Ditto Ditto 1,8 (2,0) 1,8 (2,0) 2 Ditto Ditto
reduction gear
24 FDA housing Ditto Ditto 1,6 (3,7) 1,6 (3,7) 1 Ditto Ditto
24 FDA upper bevel Ditto Ditto 0,25 0,25 2 Ditto Ditto
pair housing
(Belarus 82.1)
24 FDA drive inter- Ditto Ditto 0,15 0,15 1 Ditto
mediate support
Drive pulley Ditto Ditto 0,50 0,50 1 Ditto

* At temperatures from –15°С to –20°С, dilute with spindle oil АУ ГОСТ 1642-75 or Industrial oil И-12А
ГОСТ 20799-75 up to 30% charge volume. At –55°С, dilute up to 15% of volume of charge with winter
diesel fuel.
** In brackets: holding capacities for FDA with planetary-and-spur reducer gear.

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Раздел 7. Техническое обслуживание Беларус 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Руководство по эксплуатации
Table 10, continued
Ref. No. as per MS

Number of lube
Name, grade and standards on lubricants and liquids

intervals, v•hr

Lube points In-service lubrication at temperatures Lubrication
In-service equiva-
storage (up main
from –40°С до +5°С from +5°С to +50°С charge, l lents
to 6
26 Hydraulic unit Main
and HSCU hous- Engine oil М-10Г modified Specs. ТУ
М-8Г2К М-10Г2К
GOST 8581-78 GOST 8581-78
Industrial oil “Hessol Hydraulikoil ”; 21,5 (УК) 21,5 (УК) 1 Ditto
“Bechem Staroel №32”, HLP 32, И-3А 17,5 17,5
GOST 20799-88 (м/г каб.) (м/г каб.)
23 HSB housing Ditto Ditto 6,0 6,0 1 Ditto
31 Clutch release Main grease: 4-6 gun 4-6 gun 1 125
bearing “Lithol-24” GOST 21150-75 jerks jerks
Equivalent grease: (0,02) (0,02)
“Beсhem” LCP-GM multipurpose, semi-
Front wheels Ditto 0,4 Ditto 2 During seasonal
hub bearings maintenance
32 Fore axle steer- Ditto 10-12 gun Ditto 2 500
ing knuckle jerks
34 Adjustable drop- Ditto 1 1000
link gear
35 Ditto Until Ditto 2 1000
Rear hitch link- grease is
age turn shaft squeezed
bushings out of gaps
35а Steering tie-rod Ditto 0,015 Ditto 4 500
HSCU ram (if Ditto Ditto Ditto 250
36 Bearings of Ditto 0,03 0,03 4 125
steering axis of
FDA with plane-
reduction gears

Note: If engine oils of required grade are not available in winter time, summer-grade oils may be used,
with addition of 15% (by weight) of winter-grade diesel fuel.

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures

7.6.1. Diesel-Engine

When changing oil in the diesel-engine а) remove the hood of the cylinder head
crankcase, follow the directions as fol- cover;
lows: b) check the rocker arm shaft support
а) use in the oil sump only oil recom- attachment for tightening;
mended in this Manual, correspond- c) set the first cylinder piston to the
ing to the season of operation; TDC (both valve should be closed);
b) fill in oil up to the top mark on the oil г) loosen lock-nut (2) of the screw on
dipstick. DO NOT run the diesel-engine the rocker arm of the valve to be ad-
when oil level is below the lower mark justed and, driving screw (1) in or
or above the upper mark on the dip- out, set the required clearance be-
stick; check the level not earlier than in tween the rocker arm face and the
3-5 min. after the diesel-engine has valve stem against feeler gauge (3).
been stopped; When the clearance is set, tighten
c) change oil in the diesel-engine the lock-nut and again check the
crankcase every 500 hours (during clearance with the feeler gauge, ro-
scheduled MS-2). tating the shaft. The valves should
To drain oil from the lower part of the be adjusted in a sequence which
diesel-engine crankcase, there is a hole agrees with the cylinder firing order
stopped with a plug. of the diesel-engine (1-3-4-2), rotate
the crankshaft 1/2 turn more, in the
clockwise direction.

After running-in a new tractor and every

500 hours, as well as when removing the
cylinder heads, tightening up attaching
bolts of the cylinder head and in case of
valve knocks, check and adjust valve-
and-rocker arm clearances (during
scheduled MS-2).
The clearance between the rocker-arm
face and the valve stem butt-end on a
cold diesel-engine is to be adjusted with-
in 0.25...0.30 mm for exhaust and intake
To adjust, proceed as follows (see Fig.
Fig. 35. Adjustment of diesel-engine valve

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Section 7. Maintenance Procedures Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

It is possible to adjust the valves by still
another method, namely:--
а) remove the hood of the cylinder head
b) check the rocker arm shaft support
attachment for tightening;
в) turn the crankshaft to a position
wherein the valves in the first cylin-
der are closed (No. 1 cylinder intake
valve just starts to open, while No. 1
cylinder exhaust valve is near the
bottom of its stroke) and adjust
clearances in Nos. 4, 6, 7 and 8
valves (count the valves starting
from the fan);
г) rotate the crankshaft one complete
turn more to close the valves in No.
4 cylinder and adjust clearances in
Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 5 valves.
On completion of the clearance adjust-
ment, refit the cover hood back in place.
When running a re-check on a cold die-
sel-engine, clearances of 0.20...0.35 mm
for intake and exhaust valves are per-



Check of the cylinder head bolts tighten- Reinstall the cylinder head and the
ing is to be carried out immediately after cover hood back in place.
the running-in of a new tractor and, then,
every 1000 hours (during scheduled MS-
3) on a warmed-up diesel-engine, in the
sequence as follows:
а) remove the hood and the cylinder
б) remove the shaft with the rocker-arm
and support assemblies;
в) use a torque wrench to check tight-
ening of all the cylinder head bolts in
the order illustrated in Fig. 36. Tight-
en to 19-21 kgf•m (190-210 N•m)
г) on completion of the cylinder head
bolt tightening check, reinstall the Fig. 36
assembled rocker-arm shaft and
make adjustment of a valve lash.

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures

Cleaning of the centrifugal oil filter rotor

is to be carried out simultaneously with
changing oil in the diesel-engine crank-
Clean the rotor in a sequence, as fol-
а) unscrew cap nut (1) (see Fig. 37) at-
taching bowl (2) of the centrifugal oil
filter and remove the bowl;
б) insert a screw-driver (a small diame-
ter rod) between the rotor bottom
and the filter body and fix rotor to
prevent it from turning (see Fig. 38).
Using a S = 36 mm spanner and ro-
tating nut (4) which fixes the rotor
cup, pull off cup 3 from the rotor
в) using a wooden scraper, remove a
sludge layer from the inner walls of
the rotor cup;
Fig. 37
г) clean the jet openings in the upper
part of the rotor shaft, if required;
д) reassemble the rotor in the reverse
order to that of dismantling opera-
tions; be sure to make the marks on
the rotor and the rotor cup coinci-
dent. Before fitting the rotor cup in
place, cover the packing ring with
engine oil. Tighten the cup nut with a
light effort, until the cup is driven
home onto the rotor; tighten the nut
1 of the bowl 2 to 3,5-5,0 kgf•m (35-
50 N•m) torque;
е) check operation of the centrifugal oil
After the diesel-engine is stopped, there
should be hear a slight noise of the spin-
ning rotor under the rotor bowl for some
30-60 seconds.
Fig. 38

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Section 7. Maintenance Procedures Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual


After running-in and every 1000 hours of

operation wash the oil preliminary filter 1
(see Fig. 39) and blow through with
compressed air until all contaminants are
removed. To do this, first disconnect the
filter from the diesel-engine oil pipeline.
When reinstalling the filter in the oil pipe-
line, see to that that oil enters the pipe-
line in the same direction, as before filter


MEDIUM Fig. 39

Wash the breather filter medium in diesel

fuel every 1000 hours of diesel-engine
operation (during scheduled MS-3). To
do this, remove the breather body from
the tractor, take out the breather, wash
and blow through with compressed air.
Pour some motor oil into the breather
and refit it in place, by first allowing the
oil to run off.
Simultaneously with washing the breath-
er, wash the screen installed between
the oil filler neck and the cylinder block.

Fig. 40
With the diesel-engine running at rated COOLING SYSTEM
r.p.m. and water temperature of 95 °С,
oil pressure should be 2.5-3.5 kgf/cm2 When performing scheduled mainte-
(0.25-0.35 MPa). If the oil pressure (un- nance services on the cooling system,
der the conditions specified above) is be- follow the recommendations below:
low 1.0 kgf/cm2 (0.1 MPa), stop the die- а) keep the coolant level in the upper
sel-engine, locate and remove the cause tank some 50…60 mm below the top
of oil pressure drop. Readjust oil pres- end plane of the radiator filler neck
sure by tightening the drain valve spring (at the same time, the coolant level
in the centrifugal oil filter (see Fig. 40), should not be lower than 100 mm
with the threaded plug previously re- from the filler throat end-plane);
moved. b) keep an eye on the coolant tempera-
ture. Should the temperature rise,
check the level of coolant in the tank
and tension of the fan belt;

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures
c) keep the radiator clean, cleanse it at c) fill the pan (7) with oil up to the ring
regular intervals; shoulder and refit it back in place;
d) check the fan drive belt for proper d) check all the connection and joints of
tension every 125 hours of diesel- the air cleaner and air inlet pipeline;
engine operation (during scheduled to do this, with the monocyclon re-
maintenance service MS-1). Tension moved and the diesel-engine run-
of belt sections between the pulleys ning at intermediate r.p.m., shut off
of the crankshaft and the alternator the central tube of the air cleaner; as
should be such as to sag 15-22 mm, this takes place, the diesel-engine
when a 40 N pressure is applied to should quickly stall. Otherwise, iden-
the belt. Tension is adjusted by relo- tify and remove the leakages
cating the alternator body by turning; through joints;
e) when required, and at intervals of e) after washing, reassemble the filter
not more than 2000 hour of diesel- elements (2, 3 and 4) in the following
engine operation, clean the cooling order: first, element (2) (black), with
system from scale. To do this, fill it the smallest diameter of thread (0.2
up with a solution of 50-60 g soda mm); then — filter element (3), with
ash and 1 l water; start the diesel- an intermediate diameter (0.24 mm),
engine and let it run for 8…10 hours. and at last — filter element (4), with
Then, stop the diesel-engine, drain the largest diameter (0.4 mm) of
the solution from the system, and thread. Thereafter, install the cage
flush it through with fresh water; (5) and detent (6).
f) the water pump of the cooling sys-
tem houses bearings and end pack-
ing, which do not require servicing
throughout the tractor service life.



Service the air cleaner every 1000 hours

of diesel-engine operation, as well as
when the air filter clogged warning lamp
alights – indicating its extreme blocking
To service the air cleaner, proceed as
follows (see Fig. 41):
а) remove the air cleaner from the die-
sel-engine, dismantle it (separate the
pan and remove filter elements from
the housing);
b) clean and wash the pan (7), housing Fig. 41
(1) and central pipe in diesel fuel;
wash the filter elements. Let the die-
sel fuel run off, blow the details
through with compressed air, and
reassemble the air cleaner. Refit it
on the diesel-engine;

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Section 7. Maintenance Procedures Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

If a cleaner extreme clogging warning
lamp is not fitted or out of order, proceed
with servicing the air cleaner in the order
as follows: under normal conditions, re-
move the pan every 125 hours (every 20
hours under heavy dust-laden condi-
tions), and check oil level and condition
of oil. Wash the pan and fill it with fresh
oil up to the level of ring shoulder.
When operating under conditions of air
contaminated with large particles, put on
a protection in the form of a gauze jack-
Service the air cleaner every 1000 hours,
as directed under items «a», «b», «c»,
«d» and «e».
Fig. 42
Draining the Sludge and Washing the
Fuel Course Filter

Drain sediment every 125 hours of die-

sel-engine operation (during scheduled
MS-1) from the fuel course filter. To do
this, unscrew the drain plug (2) (see Fig.
42) in the lower part of the cup and drain
sediment until clear fuel runs off.
In 1000 hours of diesel-engine operation
(scheduled MS-3) wash the fuel course
filter, to do this (see Fig. 43):
а) close the fuel tank cock;
b) remove bolts 1 attaching cup 3;
c) remove the cup 3; Fig. 43
d) with the help of a spanner, unscrew
the deflector and grid assembly 2;
e) remove the disperser;
f) Wash the deflector in assy with grid,
wash the disperser, and the filter
barrel (3) in diesel fuel and refit them
back in place.
After filter reassembly, fill up the fuel sys-
tem with fuel.

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures
Draining Sediment and Replacing Fil-
ter Elements in the Fuel Fine Filter
Every 500 hours of diesel-engine opera-
tion (scheduled MS-2) drain sediment
from the fuel fine filter. To do this, un-
screw a plug (see Fig. 44) in the filter
housing and run the sediment until clear
fuel appears.
The filter element should be replaced
every 1000 hours of diesel-engine opera-
tion (scheduled MS-3). For this purpose
(see Fig. 45):
а) close the fuel tank cock;
b) drain fuel from the filter , отвернув
пробку (4);
Fig. 44
c) unscrew nuts, remove lid (1) of the
filter, remove the filter element (2);
d) wash the lid and the inner space of
the filter;
e) install a new filter element and reas-
semble the filter;
е) open the fuel tank cock, fill up the
system with fuel, bleed air from the
duel system.


Open the fuel tank cock. Back off plug (3)
(see Fig. 46) on the fuel pump body and
the scavenging valve nipple (1) on the fuel Fig. 45
fine filter 1-2 turns. Using hand priming
pump (2), pump the system through, clos-
ing successively – until fuel free of air bub-
bles runs out – the plug on the fuel pump
body and the nipple on the fuel fine filter.
When air is driven out, screw in the hand
priming pump handle tightly.


Every 2000 hours of diesel-engine op-
eration (scheduled MS-3) remove noz-
zles from the diesel-engine and have
them sent to a workshop for bench-
Fig. 46

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Section 7. Maintenance Procedures Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

In case of hard starting of the diesel-
engine, smoky exhaust, irregularities, as
well as replacing and installing the fuel
pump after MS-3 or repair, be sure to
check the point of commencement of fuel
injection on the pump.
For checking the point of fuel injection,
proceed as follows:
а) set the fuel feed control lever to a
position which corresponds to maxi-
mum fuel supply;
b) disconnect the high-pressure tube
from No. 1 cylinder pump element
and connect an ignition tester in-
stead (a union nut with a short tube
to which a 1…2-mm inner diameter
glass tube is connected by means of
a rubber tube);
c) turn the diesel-engine crankshaft us-
ing a wrench until fuel flows from the
glass tube in a stream that contains
no air bubbles;
d) remove a portion of fuel from the
tube and, while shaking it and slowly
Fig. 47
turning the diesel-engine crankshaft
clockwise, observe the fuel level in
the tube. At the instant the fuel start to
rise, stop cranking the shaft;
e) unscrew the set bolt (1) (see Fig. 47)
out of the threaded hole in the rear
plate and insert it with its plain end
into the same hole till it comes to
abut against the flywheel. Now, the
set bolt should register with a hole in
the flywheel (in this position the No,
1 cylinder piston is just 24° before
TDC). In case of misalignment of the
set bolt and the hole, call a qualified
specialist to carry out the adjust-

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures
Clutch Pedal Free-Travel Adjustment
When the tractor is in operation, the clutch
pedal free travel is gradually diminishes
due to the wear of friction linings; the clutch
free travel should be checked every 125
hours of diesel-engine operation. The
stroke of lever (5), as measured on the ra-
dius of pin (6) location should be 6…7 mm;
this corresponds to the clutch pedal (1) free
travel of 40…50 mm. To adjust the clutch
linkage, proceed as follows:
1) disconnect rod (8) from lever (5) by
taking out the pin (6);
2) turning out adjusting bolt (2), return
the pedal (1) to its initial position until
it rests against the slanted footboard;
3) turn the lever 5 counterclockwise, to
bring the clutch release bearing to a
stop against the clutch release lev-
ers; now, turning fork 7 of the tie-rod
8, bring the holes in the lever and
fork into coincidence. Then, shorten
the tie-rod 8 approximately by 5
turns of the fork 7 and connect it with
the lever by means of the pin. Check
the free play at the clutch pedal pad;
4) check the clutch pedal for return to
its initial position when pushed
through the entire range of its travel.
In case of pedal hang-up, it is neces-
sary to loosen bolts (4) and shift
bracket (3) counterclockwise or drive
the adjusting bolt (2) in to the extent as
would ensure the return of the pedal to
the initial position. If changing the
length of tie-rod (8) fails to adjust the Fig. 48
clutch pedal free travel, and the lever
(5) stroke when measured on the radi-
us of pin (6) location of less than 4
mm, adjust the position of the release
levers in accordance with the direc-
tions found below.
When the adjustment of the clutch con-
trol mechanism has been completed,
tighten the locknut and cotter the pin.

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Section 7. Maintenance Procedures Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual




With the transmission clutch installed on

the flywheel and mounting bolts re-
moved, adjust the position of clutch re-
lease levers (3) (see Fig. 50) with the
help of a special arbor (4) based on the
inner diameter of the bearing disk (5)
hub splines and abutting the hub end-
face. The arbor is provided with a con-
tact surface for the release levers to rest
against. For the arbor dimensions, see
Fig. 50. Using the adjusting nuts (2),
bring the release levers into contact with
the arbor surface and fit the lock wash-
ers (1).
In doing so, a distance of А = 13±0.5
mm between the surface whereat the
levers (3) contact the throw-out bearing
to the bearing disk (5) end-face is pro-
vided. The difference in this dimension
for the individual clutch release levers
Fig. 50 should not exceed 0.3 mm.

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Section 7. Maintenance Procedures Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual


To ensure normal operation of the differ-

ential lock-up controls, make proper ad-
justment of the relative position of the
handle (4) (see Fig. 51) and the lock-up
sensor valve (1). To do this:
Fig. 52

Fig. 51
Fig. 53
а) fix the free end of cable (2) in the b) screw bolts (2) into the adjusting
clamp by means of screw (3), the forks or screw them out to the extent
cable end should be 5-10 mm, max., where the full travel of the right-hand
beyond the clamp; brake pedal on tractors equipped
б) set the handle (4) to position I (see with small-size cabs to be 70…90
item 3 in Fig. 3а). Tighten the cable mm; on tractors equipped with a
before the valve turn is started and unitized cab — 110…120 mm at a
fix the coupling with the screws (3); force of 12 kgf applied, with the brak-
bring the second clamp against the ing distance not more than 9.0 m at
coupling and lock it with the screw. a road speed of 25 km/h and a force
As a check on correctness of adjustment, at the interlocked pedals of 600 N.
set the handle to position II. Now, the Also, non-coincidence of wheel brak-
mark on the screen (1) should be level ing commencement should be no
with the mark «Engaged» on the locking more than 1 m (by a tyre tread im-
sensor cover. The handle and the valve print). The left-hand brake pedal
should return from positions II and III to travel should be 5…20 mm shorter,
position I under the force of the spring. to ensure simultaneous operation of
the brakes when interlocked pedals
are activated. A pedal travel of less
than the above-stated values should
be inadmissible, since it results in a
premature wear of the linings and
To adjust the brake controls, proceed as
brake overheating
c) fasten down the lock-nuts (1).
а) unscrew locknuts (1) (see Fig. 52) of
bolts (2);

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures
Oil ingress into the brake causes greas-
ing of disks, reduced friction between
their brake friction areas; the brakes
«fade». In this case, dismantle the brake,
eliminate oil leaks, and wash the greased
disks in petroleum, then, let them dry for
5-8 min. Following brake reassembling,
re-adjust brake controls.


To adjust the parking brake, proceed as
follows (see Fig. 54):
а) set the parking brake control lever to
its forward position (push away from
Fig. 54
b) loosen tightening of the adjusting
bolt (1) lock-nut, as well as lock-nut brake bands), the P.T.O. control mecha-
(7), and take out pin (5); nism should be adjusted in the following
c) turn lever 4 and register the upper order of operations:
edge of slot В1 in lever 2 with the 1. Set the eccentric axle (15) (see Fig.
upper edge of slot В2 in lever 3 of 56) to the initial position, so that flat
the right-hand brake pedal. Then, ro- «В» is to the right, in vertical posi-
tating fork 6, register holes in the tion; lock it with lock plate 17 and
lever (4) and fork (6); insert pin (5); bolt 16;
d) turn the bolt 1 in or out, so that, 2. Disconnect tie-rod (4) (see Fig. 55);
when pulling the control lever at a 3. Screw out bolt 9 to release spring
force of 400 N, the catch is retained 6;
in the space between the third and To ensure safety when dismantling the
fourth teeth of the sector, and the unit, see to it that the upper cup (7) is in
tractor is held good at a 18-percent constant contact with the bolt (9) when
steep grade. With the adjustment the latter is being screwed out, until the
completed, tighten up all the lock- spring is fully released.
nuts which have been slackened be-
4. Remove the rear axle hatch lid to
gain access to screws (13);
7.6.7. ADJUSTING THE REAR P.T.O. 5. Lock the lever 11 in the neutral po-
CONTROL MECHANISM sition, by inserting a М10Х60 bolt,
or 8-mm rod, 10 into the hole in the
When assembled at the factory and after lever and a corresponding hole in
repair (e.g. after replacement of the the rear axle housing;

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures

Fig. 55. Rear P.T.O. control:

1 — control lever; 2 — adjusting fork; 3, 8 — locknut; 4 — rod; 6 — springs; 7 — outer cup; 9 — stop bolt;
10 — setting screw (for adjustment only); 11 — control axle lever; 12 — control axle; 13 — adjusting
screws; 14 — inner cup; 15 — rod. Version "I" — for tractors equipped with unitized cab.

Fig. 56. Rear P.T.O. planetary reduction gear:

1 — drive changeover clutch; 2 — shaft of crown gear; 3 — nut; 4 — pinion carrier; 5 — differential gear;
6 — satellite gear; 7 — crown gear; 8 — satellite gear axle; 9 — brake drum; 10 — P.T.O. shaft; 11,13 —
brake band; 12 — engagement barrel; 14 — rear cover; 15 — eccentric axle; 16 — lock plate fixing bolt;
17 — lock plate; 18 — replaceable tail-end; 19 — replaceable tail-end lock plate; 20 — replaceable tail-
end fixing bolt; 21 — adjusting screws; 22, 24 — lever; 23 — spring-loaded mechanism; 25 — control
axle; 26 — adjusting screws lock plate.

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Section 7. Maintenance Procedures Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

6. Remove lock plate (26) (see Fig. 2. Screw bolt (16) out (see Fig. 56),
56), screw down screws (21) as far remove plate (17) from the splined
as they will go, to a 10 kgf force at tail-end of axle (15);
the spanner or pliers 100-mm long 3. Using a S = 13 mm spanner, turn
(a 1 кгс•м torque), and then back off the eccentric axle (15) clockwise to
each screw 2-2.5 turn; take up the clearance between the
7. Remove the bolt (rod) (10) (see Fig. brake band and the P.T.O. drum (to
55), which holds the lever (11) in be determined by the fact that it is
the initial position ready for adjust- impossible to turn the P.T.O. tail-
ment; end by hand);
8. Screw in the bolt (9), with its nose 4. Refit the plate (17) на место и за-
directed into a recess in the cup верните болт 16;
cover (7) to attain dimension «А» = 5. Pull a stop bolt or rod from the lever
26...29 mm; (11) (see Fig. 55).
9. Shift the lever (11) back to the As a result of several external adjust-
«Enged» position; ments, the eccentric axle (15) (see Fig.
10. Install tie-rod (4); then, set the zone 56) can take the extreme left-hand posi-
of lever 1 movement within the tion (the flat «В» will be vertical, at the
middle part of the slot in the control left), thus, indicating that the potentiali-
panel, by adjusting tie-rods (4) and ties of external adjustment have been
(15). When the adjustment is com- exhausted. In this case, set the eccentric
pleted, refit the lock plate (26), rear axle to its initial position by turning it
axle hatch lid back in place; cotter- counterclockwise (the flat is vertical, at
pin the tie-rods (4) and (15) (see the right), then proceed with the above-
Fig. 55), as well as the bolt 9. When said adjustment operations (for P.T.O.
in field, if: assembly at the Manufacturing Works or
а) the P.T.O. slips; after repair).
b) the control lever 1 when shifted When properly adjusted, the lever (1)
abuts the front or rear edges of (see Fig. 55) – in the «Engaged» or
the control panel slot; «Disengaged» position – should be at
least 30 mm away from the edge of the
c) the effort at the lever 1 exceeds
slot in the control panel and smoothly
12-15 kgf (120-150 N); or
pass over the neutral position when
d) the lever 1 does not fix properly shifted.
in the extreme positions or une-
Tractors in several batches may have no
qual stroke of the engaged or
mechanism of P.T.O. external adjustment
disengaged lever results, adjust
(items 15, 16, 17, see Fig. 56). In this
the band brake by means of the
case, adjustment should be carried out as
external adjustment mechanism.
specified above for adjusting the P.T.O.
To do this:
controls after repair or when assembling it
1. Set the lever (11) (see Fig. 55) into at the Manufacturing Works. On tractors
its neutral position, fix it in this posi- equipped with a small-size cab dimension
tion by inserting a 8-mm dia. «Б» is 50-60 mm. The efficiency of P.T.O.
М10Х60 bolt (rod) (10) into the hole brakes and freedom from spin-out depend
in the lever (11) and a correspond- only on the spring-loaded mechanism,
ing opening in the rear axle hous- primarily, on the availability of free zones
ing; for operation of the mechanism and lev-
ers related thereto. P.T.O. slippage
means that the spring-loaded mechanism

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures
and/or the levers encounter additional re-
sistance when moving or being shifted,
due to the lack of lubrication in the joints,
severe fouling and/or butting-up (contact)
against adjacent parts (units) of the trac-
tor, etc.



The maintenance of the universal-joint

drive consists in adjusting the safety
coupling in the intermediate support and
checking the side play in the universal- Fig. 57
joint bearings.
The safety coupling should be adjusted
to transfer a torque within 40…80 kgf•m Adjusting the Steering Tie-Rod
(400…800 N•m). Coupling adjustment is Articulated Joints
achieved by tightening nut (2) (see Fig.
57) of the rear tail-end of the intermedi- Every 125 hours of operation check the
ate support shaft, until the transfer of a articulated joints by rocking the articulat-
required torque is attained. ed joints by hand or turning the steering
Check regularly the universal-joint trun-
nion bearings for side play. If side play is
detected, dismantle the joint and check
the condition of bearings and trunnions;
replace worn-out parts, if any. When in-
stalling the stuffing box, press glands
down until they rest against the bearing.
The universal-joint shaft is dynamically
balanced. Dismantle the universal-joint
shaft only in case the occasion requires.
On replacing parts when in service — Fig. 58
tubes together with joint forks and flange
— the shaft in assembly with both joints To adjust the steering tie-rod articulated
should be dynamically balanced, with joint, proceed as follows:
plates welded at both ends of the tube.
The imbalance should not exceed 55 а) disconnect locking wire (2) (see Fig.
g•cm. DO NOT rotate universal-joint 58) from the rod end (3);
shafts using tyre levers, wrenches and/or b) turn down plug (1) be means of a
other accessories, to avoid damage to wrench so that to take up the gap in
their packings, grease fittings and/or the joint;
breakdown of universal-joint trunnions. c) lock the plug with locking wire.

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Section 7. Maintenance Procedures Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

Adjusting Tapered Roller Bearings of
the Directive Wheels in Tractors Bela-
rus 80.1/80.2

When adjusting the directive wheel bear-

ings, set an end play within 0.08…0.20
mm. Every 1000 hours of tractor opera-
tion check the clearance. To do this, jack
the wheel up and shake it in the direction
normal to the rotation plane and deter-
mine bearing clearance.
Should the end play be excessive, make
adjustment, with due observation of the
Fig. 59
order, as follows:
а) unscrew the bolts and remove cap (2)
(see Fig. 59);
b) uncotter castellated nut (1) and, while
turning the wheel by hand, tighten the
nut (1) until rotation of the wheel be-
comes rather tight. Then, back the nut
to an extent that would permit the
nearest slot in the nut to register with
the cotter-pin hole in the axle shaft;
c) check the wheel for easy rotation;
d) cotter the nut, refit the cap in place,
first packed up with grease.

Adjusting the Front Wheels Toe-in

(tractors equipped with HSB)
Front wheel toe-in is set within 0…8 mm Fig. 60
at the Manufacturing Works.
For checking the wheel toe-in, proceed as
At regular intervals, every 500 hours of follows (see Fig. 60):
tractor operation, and also each time the
front wheeltrack is changed, check and, а) position the tractor on a level hard-
paved ground;
if necessary, adjust the wheel toe-in. Pri-
or to checking, be sure to adjust clear- b) bring the pitman arm (10) into the
ances in the wheel bearings and the middle position; to attain this, turning
steering tie-rod joints. the steering wheel, set it to a position,
wherein feeler (14) (see Fig. 62) sinks
to maximum depth;
c) check to see that the bevel gear pair
housings (for tractors equipped with
FDA) or steering knuckles (tractors
Belarus 80.1) are advanced the same
length Б (see Fig. 60) from out of the
front axle housing and the fore axle
tube, respectively.

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures
d) adjust the left-hand and right-hand • remove the snap-on cover (5) (see
steering tie-rods by lengthening or Fig. 61);
shortening them the same amount; to • loosen the clamp (4) and remove the
do this, loosen the locknuts (3, 5, 6, steering wheel (6);
8) and, turning the left- and right-
• back off the locknut (3);
hand tubes (7, 4), set the required
length. • screw on the nut (2) down to the con-
tact with sleeve (1), so that clearances
e) ascertain the wheel toe-in, for which
in connections have been taken up;
purpose measure the distance
(measure Г) between the inner rim • back off the nut (2) 1.5 turns and lock
beads of the wheels at the front (ap- it with locknut (3).
proximately at the height of wheel • reinstall the steering wheel (6) and
centres) and mark the points of adjust its position as to height.
measurement with chalk. Then move
the tractor forward so that these
marks come rearwards to the same
height and measure the distance be-
tween the marked points (measure
В). The second measurement should
be greater than the first one; the dif-
ference between the second, B, and
the first, Г, measurements is equal to
the wheel toe-in and should be with-
in 0…8 mm.
If required, adjust the toe-in by
changing the length of the steering Fig. 61
tie-rods. In doing so, lengthen or
shorten the left-hand and right-hand Flushing the HSB Overflow Oil Filter
tie-rods by an equal amount;
f) check again the pitman arm for being
in the midposition (using a feeler) and
the difference in measurements В
and Г;
g) having completed the adjustment of
wheel toe-in, securely fix the steering
tie-rod tubes with locknuts.


Maintenance Servicing of the Steering
Mechanism Drive
Servicing of the steering mechanism drive
consists in checking the tightness of
threaded joints at regular intervals.
To ensure a minimum level of vibration at
the steering wheel, carry out adjustment
operations on the steering column, as fol-
Fig. 62

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Section 7. Maintenance Procedures Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

To flush the oil filter, proceed as follows ricultural machines, set the oil level in-
(see Fig. 62): between marks «O» and «П».
а) open the facing linings; On running the tractor with machines
b) disconnect the oil pipelines (7, 13 equipped with one-way cylinders, check-
and 15), unscrew bolts (5) which at- ing the oil level and filling with oil should
tach the cover (6) to the filter body; be carried out with fully drawn-in rods.
using two stripper-bolts, remove the
cover; Flushing the Oil Filter and the Breather
c) screw out the reduction valve (11) of a Tractor Equipped with a Small-
and remove the overflow filter (9); Size Cab
d) wash the filter in a cleansing solution;
Perform these operations every 500
e) tighten up the nut (8) of the turn hours of tractor operation.
f) install the filter and perform all the
above-stated operations in the order
reverse to dismantling;
g) at the same time, adjust the steering
wheel axial play. To do this:
slacken the locknut (1) and screw in the
adjusting screw (2) up to the stop against
the shaft end-face; thereafter, back it off
1/8…1/10 turn and stop it with the locknut

Filling, Checking the Level and

Changing Oil
Check the level, top up oil in accordance
with the instructions in the Lubrication
Fig. 63
NEVER operate a tractor with the level oil in
the falling below the lower mark on the dip-
stick (4) (see Fig. 62). To wash the filter (see Fig. 63):
When changing oil, wash the filler filter. а) lift the diesel-engine linings forward;
Then, start the diesel-engine up and turn b) remove dust and dirt from the cover
the steering wheel lock-to-lock several (2);
times; check again the oil level and, if re- c) unscrew bolts (1) attaching the filter
quired, top up oil to the upper mark on the cover (2);
dipstick. d) disconnect the drain hose from the
cover union tube, if required, first
7.6.11 THE HYDRAULIC SYSTEM AND loosening the clamping bolt;
e) take out the filter in assy with the
When running with hay-stackers or dump- body (5) to prevent dirt inside from
ing trailers, top up oil into hydraulic unit getting into the oil tank;
housings up to the level between the f) remove the wire détent (4), take the
marks «П» (full) and «C» (middle) on the filter out of the body (5), wash thor-
dipstick. When in operation with other ag- oughly the filter elements (3) in petro-
leum or diesel fuel.

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures
g) re-assemble the filter in the sequence
reverse to that of dismantling and in-
stall is back in place;
h) simultaneously with washing the fil-
ter, unscrew the breather plug (6),
take the foam plastics filter pad,
wash, wring it out and place back in

Servicing the Oil-Tank Filter on Tractor

Equipped with Unitized Cab
Replace filter element every 500 hours of
tractor operation (scheduled MS-2). To do
this, proceed with operations as follows Fig. 64
(see Fig. 64):
а) unscrew bolts (2) attaching the filter
cover (1);
b) remove the cover (1) and take out the
filter assembly while holding it by the
limiter (4);
c) unscrew nuts (3), remove the limiter (4)
and pull out the filter element (5);
d) wash through the body (6) in cleansing
e) install a new filter element (5) and re- Fig. 65
assemble the filter in the reverse order;
f) refit the filter with new element as a Adjusting Engagement of the Hydrau-
unit in the oil tank; lic Pump Drive Gear
g) reset the cover (1) and tighten the bolts On partial engagement of the gear (3)
(2). (see Fig. 65) of the hydraulic pump drive
Simultaneously with the replacement of (4) or replacement of the same, the ne-
the filter element, wash the foam plastics cessity arises to adjust gear meshing. To
filter pad of the oil tank breather. adjust, proceed as follows:
а) set the pump engagement handle (1)
into the lower notch on the plate (2)
(the pump disengaged position);
б) loosen the bolts attaching the plate to
the tank and start up the diesel-
в) at a minimum r.p.m. of the diesel-
engine turn the handle together with
the plate up, to a perceptible meshing
of the gears; then, shift the handle
and the plate slightly downward and
fasten the plate attachment bolts.

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Section 7. Maintenance Procedures Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

7.6.12 TRACTOR ELECTRICAL See to that the filler holes in the battery
EQUIPMENT cell covers are closed tight with plugs and
the vent holes in the plugs are not
Maintenance or repair jobs on the tractor clogged. Regularly clean oxidized termi-
electrical equipment sometimes necessi- nals of the storage battery and the cable
tates dismantling of respective units from leads; cover them with a fine coat of petro-
the tractor or their temporary disconnec- latum. The storage batteries on tractors
tion from the wiring. In such cases always should be kept in an almost fully charged
turn the frame-ground switch OFF. state; they should not be allowed to dis-
Connection or disconnection of cable charge by more than 50 percent in sum-
connector assemblies should be made on mer and 25 percent in winter. Be sure that
a de-energized tractor, only. the level of electrolyte in all the storage
battery cells is within the marks on the bat-
Relationship between electrolyte tery craddle or 10-15 mm above the sepa-
density at 25 °С and the state of rators. The degree of storage battery dis-
storage battery charging charge is determined by the density of
Table 11
electrolyte or the amount of electrical en-
ergy (voltage). Checks of storage battery
Discharge of storage state is carried out in specialized work-
Fully charged battery
storage battery shops.
25% discharged 50% discharged
1.30 1.26 1.22
1.28 1.24 1.21
Maintenance of the Alternator
1.26 1.22 1.18 Since the alternator has no ribbing sur-
1.24 1.20 1.16 faces and its enclosed ball bearings re-
1.22 1.18 1.14 quire no additional lubrication, the alter-
nator will need but very little attention in
Maintenance and Checks of the Stor- service.
age Battery Before starting to work on a daily mission,
check the alternator for good repair as
Keep the storage battery clean and in an shown by the voltage indicator; meaning
almost fully charged state at all times. of the indicator readings are given in Sec-
Electrolyte density of a fully charged stor- tion 4, «Drive Controls, Switches and In-
age battery should be: struments».
• for cold and temperate climate — Before servicing the alternator, clean it
1,28 0,02 3
0,01 g/cm at 25 °С; from dust and dirt. Check the condition
and reliable fastening of cable connec-
• for tropical climate — 1,23 0,02
0,01 g/cm
tions to the alternator, attachment of the
at 25 °С. alternator to the diesel-engine, the ball
Be sure that the electrolyte density differ- bearing for excessive axial and radial
ence in the battery cells does not exceed plays (by increased noise of the alterna-
0.02 g/cm3. tor).
Regularly wipe off any accidentally spilled When servicing the tractor electrical
electrolyte, dirt and dust from the storage equipment, it is essential to keep to the
battery surfaces with the use of a clean cloth recommendations below, lest the alterna-
wetted in a 10% solution of ammonia spirit tor components be made inoperative.
or soda ash.

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures
• NEVER carry out works on the tractor THE ELECTRIC TORCH PRE-HEATER
electrical circuits with the diesel-engine
The electric torch pre-heater does not re-
quire special attention in maintenance.
• DO NOT check electrical circuits and Just check attachment of the pre-heater,
components of the electrical equipment its wiring and fuel feed tube while in ser-
for operational readiness by «spark- vice; clean the jet-hole in the fuel-supply
ing» (by short-circuiting). connection bolt.
• Whenever the alternator is to be installed The instance of energizing of the pre-
on, or removed from, the machine, dis- heater and the clearance between the
connect the storage battery from the core and the union connector are adjust-
«frame ground».observe the correct po- ed at the manufacturing works and do not
larity when connecting the tractor storage require additional adjustment in the field.
battery or when using an external battery
to start-up the diesel-engine. Connect
plus to plus and minus to minus.
Adjustment of an alternator equipped with
a seasonal voltage regulation is to be
done by means of adjusting screw 1 (see
Fig. 66), by setting it to the «Л» (summer)
position when it is warm or to the «3»
(winter) position — in cold season.

Check of Assembly Units of the Diesel-

Engine Д-243 Starting Arrangement

The Starter. When the tractor is in ser- Fig. 66

vice, keep the starter clean, regularly
check the reliability of its attachment, the
condition of terminals; dirt and loose fix-
ing cannot be tolerated. Also, check the
starter blush assembly; to do this, un-
screw screws (1) (see Fig. 67) and re-
move protective shroud (2) of the starter.
Check the condition of commutator, brush
fittings, brushes in brush-holders (3) for
easy movement and the pressure of
springs (4) upon the brushes (5) of the
starter. The commutator working surface
should be clean.
The brush pressure: 750-1000 gf.
After 2000 hours of tractor operation, as
well as in case of substantial wear or
commutator burns, have the starter sent
to a specialized workshop.

Fig. 67

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Section 7. Maintenance Procedures Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

Adjustment of the Diesel-Engine Start- headlights on the screen at a dis-
Up Interlock Device tance «h», equal to the height of the
headlights centres above the floor,
While in service and when carrying out
and lines ВВ1 and ГГ1 at a distance
maintenance MS-3, check the interlock
Д (the headlight centre-to-centre di-
device switch for proper operation, using
mension in horizontal).
a control lamp or an electric measuring
device (the switch is located on the gear-
box cover, below the cab). To do this, set
the GB lever to its extreme left-hand posi-
tion (i.e., the position of the reduction
gear engagement). In this case, the
switch contacts should be closed (the
control lamp alights or the measuring de-
vice shows readings).

Servicing the Lighting and Light Sig-

naling Devices

Maintenance of lighting and signaling de-

vices is reduced to regular checks of their Fig. 68
serviceability, reliable attachment and
Should any device of outer or inner trac- Measure the headlight centre-to-centre
tor lightning or signaling fails to operate, distance directly on the tractor. When do-
first, check the lamp and wiring, make ing so, the tyre inflation pressure should
sure that the wire terminal connections conform to the recommended values.
are tight, and see that the safety fuse in
the circuit of the given device is not blown b) place the tractor onto a level flat
out. For the feed circuits of devices pro- ground strictly at right angle to the
tected by safety fuses, refer to Section 4 screen, at a distance of 10 м from the
«Drive Controls, Switches and Instru- screen to the headlight lenses. Be sure
ments». that the tractor centre line intersects
the screen at the line 0-01;
When replacing a burnt lamp, see that no
dust gets into the headlight- or signal light c) turn on the headlights on low beam
enclosure. To this end, immediately re- and first adjust the position of one
place damage lenses. headlamp beam (the other headlamp
being covered with a piece of dark
cloth), and then, of the second head-
Adjustment of Headlights lamp, after prior loosening the attach-
For normal illumination if the carriageway ment to the brackets.
and safety in tractor driving on public roads, The headlight is considered to be well ad-
adjust the headlight beams direction. To ad- justed, if the centre of the light spot on the
just the headlights, proceed as follows: screen is 150 mm below the А-А line, and
а) mark out a screen, as shown in Fig. the light spots from both headlights are at
68; draw the centre line AA of the the same height.

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures
Servicing the Windshield Washer

At air temperature of +5 °С and above, fill

up the windshield washer jar with diltered
water. At temperatures below 0 °С, make
use of a mixture of fluid НИИСС-4 with
water in the ratio, as follows:
— at temperatures down to – 10 °С
— 33% НИИСС-4 and 67% wa-
— at temperatures down to –20 °С
— 62% НИИСС-4 and 38% wa-
— at temperatures below –20 °С —
НИИСС-4 without water.
Any other fluid may be used which is rec-
ommended for windshield washers. The di-
rection of fluid jet in the upper part of the
sector described by the blade is adjusted by
turning the ball spray cone, using a steel
needle for the purpose.
The duration of windshield washer opera-
tion should not exceed 20 sec.

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Section 7. Maintenance Procedures Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

The ventilation and heating system includes
a fan in assy with an electric motor and ra-
diator, installed on the unitized cab roof. To
attain effective operation of the ventilation
and heating, be sure to fulfill the following
1. With the cooling system filled up with
water, as a coolant, start up the diesel-
engine and run it at intermediate r.p.m.
for some time to warm up the water to
50-60 °С. Then, open cock (1) (see Fig.
70а), accelerate the diesel-engine and let
it run for 1-2 minutes, to fill the heater ra-
diator with fluid. Check to see that water
is circulating through the heater by open- b)
ing the right-hand drain plug (2) (see Fig.
70b). The heater radiator should start to
warm up. The level of coolant in the radi-
ator system should drop now.
2. Top up coolant in the radiator of the
cooling system, as required (50-60 mm
below the upper edge of the filler plug).
3. To achieve fast heating of the cab, turn
the heater fan ON and open the warm
air recirculation outlets.
4. To drain coolant from the heater and
the cooling system of the diesel-
engine, drive the tractor on a level
ground, open the heater cock (1), re-
move the diesel-engine radiator cap, Fig. 70 а, b
screw out the left- and right-hand drain
plugs (2), open drain cocks of the radi-
ator and the diesel-engine cylinder

ATTENTION! When using water as a

coolant in cold weather periods, blow
the heater system through with com-
pressed air to avoid the formation of ice Fig. 71
plugs, by, first, closing the radiator and
diesel-engine cylinder block water drain
cocks and refitting the radiator plug. 5. In warm weather the cock 1 should
be closed, while the system runs in
the ventilation mode.
6. Clean filter 3 (see Fig. 71), when re-
quired, but not less than once every
125 hrs of tractor operation. For di-
rections on cleaning the filter, refer
to a table on the filter bowl.

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures
7.6.15. THE PNEUMATIC SYSTEM IF c) after washing, blow it with compressed
TRAILER BRAKE DRIVE air and let it dry;
1. Check the Pneumatic System for Air d) at the same time, check the condition
Tightness of the working surface of the rubber ring
Make a regular habit to check the pneumat- of the air bleed-off valve (5);
ic system tightness after the tractor diesel- e) refit the parts previously removed in
engine stops or compressor turned off due the order reverse to that of dismantling.
to the rate of air pressure drop in the
pneumatic system. For about 30 min. pres- 4. Draining Condensate From the Res-
sure should not exceed 2.0 kgf/cm2 (0.20 ervoir
MPa), as read on the pressure gauge on
Every day on completion of work, when
the dashboard, from the lower limit that is
air in the reservoir is under pressure,
determined by pressure regulator settings. drain condensate; for this purpose, pull
If the pressure drop rate exceeds the aside the ring of the drain valve located in
permissible value, be sure to locate leaks the bottom part of the reservoir.
by hissing sound of escaping air or by If no pressure is maintained during the
successive application of soap emulsion
process, draining would be incomplete,
onto connections of the pneumatic sys-
thus, giving rise to possible corrosion of
tem. Remove detected leaks. its inner surfaces. Check regularly the
When doing jobs which do not require drainage valve and all the connections of
use of the pneumatic system, turn the the reservoir for tightness. Also, tighten
compressor off. In 125 hours of tractor up its fastening fixtures.
operation (if the pneumatic system has
not being used during this period), turn
the compressor on and check the condi-
tion of the pneumatic system (function of
the compressor, pressure regulator,
brake valve, pneumoadapter, and its

2. Servicing and Checking the Com-

Every 2000 hours of tractor operation
(every other MS-3), remove the compres-
sor and have it sent to a workshop for
servicing or repair.

3. Washing the Pressure Regulator Fil- Fig. 72

In 500 hrs of operation (when carrying out
scheduled MS-2), flush through the filter
element of the pressure regulator. To do
а) unscrew bolts (1) (see Fig. 72) of the
side cover (2); remove gasket (3), air
bleed-off valve (5), spring (6 ) and gasket;
b) take out filter element (4) and wash it
in a solution of a cleansing agent;

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Section 7. Maintenance Procedures Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

5. Checking, Adjusting the Pressure
Regulator in the Pneumatic System
Every 1000 hours of tractor operation
(MS-3), or improper operation of the
pressure regulator, as well as following its
dismantling and washing, or replacing
worn-out parts, proceed with adjustment
in the following sequence (see Fig. 73):
• connect a pressure gauge to the reser-
voir for the period of checking and reg-
ulating, with the least graduation of 0.1
...0.2 kgf/cm2 and a scale-plate of at least
16 kgf/cm2;
• remove the cap (1);
• screw the cover (2) into the body right to
a stop;
• start up the diesel-engine. Turn on the
compressor and full the reservoir with
compressed air until the relief valve (6)
operates at a pressure of 8.5...10
kgf/cm2. Should the valve operate at a
pressure beyond these limits, adjust it
by screw (8), first loosening and, then,
tightening the locknut (7);
• gradually screwing the lid (2) out, ad-
just the compressive force of springs
(3, 4), so that the air pressure in the res-
ervoir required to open the relief valve (5)
is 7.7...8.0 kgf/cm2; secure the cover (2)
in this position with paint applied onto the
threaded part of the body, and put on the
cap (1);
• slightly open the valve for condensate
drain in the reservoir and bleed pres-
sure down to 6.5...7.0 kgf/cm2. At
these pressure values the valve (5)
should close and switch the compres- Fig. 73
sor over to filling the reservoir with
compressed air;
• disconnect the test pressure gauge
from the reservoir.

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures
6. Adjustment of the Brake Valve
With the service brake controls adjust-
ment, as well as that of the brake valve
proper, completed, the adjustment of the
brake valve drive may be necessary (tie-
rod 1 and the preliminary compression
force of the spring 3, see Fig. 74).
The length of the tie-rod 1 should be ad-
justed in such a way, so that with the
brake controls released the clearance be-
tween the upper edges of slots "а" in lev-
ers 6 and 7 and pin 5 be 1...2 mm.
A preliminary compression of the spring 3
down to a size 37 mm can be adjusted by
turning nuts 2 so that on stepping on the
clutch, first, the brake valve rod moves to
a stop, and only then the spring 3 is com-
pressed. Fig. 74
Pressure in the pneumatic main-line of
trailer brake control Is adjusted by rota-
tion of a nut kept under rubber boot 8.
To adjust, remove the boot 8, disconnect
the tie-rod 1 from eye-lug 9, screw the lug
out through 2...3 turns and adjust the air
pressure to at least 7,7 kgf/cm2. Then
screw the lug in as far as it goes and cot-
ter-pin it. Put on the boot and reconnect
the tie-rod 1.

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Section 7. Maintenance Procedures Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

SUPPORT (during scheduled MS-SS
and SMS-AW)
Change oil immediately after completion
of tractor work, when oil is warmed up.
а) FDA with bevel reduction gears
(Belarus 82.1) (see Figs. 75, 75а)
1. Place the tractor on a level ground,
apply the parking brake. Stop the
2. Unscrew drain plugs (1) and pour oil
out into prepared containers from
the axle housings, lower bevel pairs
and the intermediate support. Refit
the plugs (1) back in place.
3. Drain oil from the upper bevel pair
housings; to do this, proceed as fol-
• unscrew the plug of an oil filler
hole (6);
• remove as much oil as possible
through the opening (6), by
means of a drawn off syringe; Fig. 75
• unscrew bolts (4), remove cover
(3) and remove remaining oil from
the upper bevel pair housings,
using the same drawing-off sy-
• refit the cover (3) back in place;
• fill in fresh oil into the upper bevel
pair housings, up to the level of
the filler hole (6); refit the plug;
• unscrew plugs (2) of inspection
filler holes and fill in oil into the
housings of the axle, lower bevel
pairs and the intermediate sup-
port. Refit the plugs (2).

Fig. 75а

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures
б) FDA with planetary-and-spur reduc-
tion gears(Belarus 82.2) (see Figs.
76а, 76b, 76c)
1. Place the tractor on a level ground.
Stop the diesel-engine. Apply the
parking brake and wedge the
wheels with chocks at both sides.
2. Screw inspection-filler (shown by ar-
rows) and drain plugs (1, 2, 3) out of
the wheel reduction gear housings,
main drive and the intermediate sup-
port; drain oil into a special container
for used oil. Be sure to dispose the Fig. 76a
used oil correctly.
3. Refit the drain plugs back in place
and tighten them.
4. Fill in the housings with fresh trans-
mission oil up to the lower edges of
the inspection holes.
5. Refit the inspection-and-filler plugs
back in place and tighten them.

Fig. 76b

Fig. 76c

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Section 7. Maintenance Procedures Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

7.6.17. Adjustment of Bevel Roller-
Bearings in the FDA Planetary-and-
Spur Reductions Gears (Belarus 82.2)
(see Fig. 77)

Check and adjust, if required, the bevel

roller-bearings (3, 5), proceeding with op-
erations as follows:
1. Screw out bolts and remove cover (2);
2. Tighten nut (1) to a torque of 180...200
N•m(18...20 kgf•cm), and, then, back it
off some 15-20°;
3. Prick-punch the nut at two slots in
flange (4). Refit the cover (2) back in

Fig. 77

7.6.18. Adjustment of Kingpin Bear-

ings in the FDA Equipped with Plane-
tary-and-Spur Reduction Gears (see
Fig. 78)

Check and adjust, if required, bearing

• The preload in bearings should be
such that the turn force of the steering
knuckle applied to flange (5) is within
60...80 N (6...8 kgf). If it is necessary,
proceed with the adjustment, as follows:
• Unscrew four bolts (2) and screw in
two dismantling bolts (1) into the pro-
cess holes provided;
• Remove, as required, a number of ad-
justing shims (4) from under the flange
of the upper axle of kingpin (3);
• Screw out dismantling bolts and uni-
formly tighten the bolts (2) to a torque of
120...140 N•m (12...14 kgf•m).
Fig. 78

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 7. Maintenance Procedures
Table 13
Unit of Materials consumption
meas- On Inter-
Material description ure- In stor-
run- shift MS-1 MS-2 MS-3 SMS age
ment ning-in MS
Technical-grade kerosene l 8 — 1,0 5,0 5,0 6,0 20,0
Engine oil l 23,0 1,2 1,7 21,0 25,0 88,0 3,0
Transmission oil l 41/48 — — 4,0/4,5 4,0/4,5 80/94 7,0
Grease kg 0,15 — 0,02 0,06 0,10 1,0 0,8
Lubricant No. 158; ТАп-15В kg 0,04 — — — 0,05 — —
Benzine l — — — — 1,0 1,5 —
Antifreezing agent l — — — — — 20 —
Distilled water l 0,2 — 0,05 0,10 0,15 0,15 1,0
Insulation tape kg — — — 0,01 0,06 — —
Wiping waste kg 1,0 0,2 — 1,0 1,5 3,0 4,0
Inhibition paper kg — — — — — — 0,2
Twine kg — — — — — — 0,8
Polyvinylchloride film kg — — — — — — 1,5
Enamel kg — — — — — — 0,5
White spirit l — — — — — — 2,0
Lubricant ПВК GOST 9537-74 kg — — — — — — 2,0
Aluminum powder kg — — — — — — 0,2
Purified chalk kg — — — — — — 9,0
Soda ashh kg — — — — — — 3,0
Additive АКОР-1 l — — — — — — 2,0
Protective lubricant ЗВВД-13 kg — — — — — — 1,0

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Раздел 8. Инструмент и принадлежности Беларус 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Руководство по эксплуатации



Each tractor to be delivered is completed
with an individual kit of spare parts, tools
and accessories (SPTA) packed in a
separate crate and shipped together with
the tractor.
Keep in mind that other assembly units
and/or components may be stored in the
crater, not part of the SPTA Kit, but those
which have been dismantled from the
tractor for safekeeping while in transit.
A list of parts and assembly units of the
SPTA Kit can be found in the manufac-
turer’s Packing List.

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 9. Storage Rules for Tractors


Tractors in the economies are subject to 9.3. SHORT-TERM STORAGE REGU-
storing in autumn-winter periods, as well LATIONS (from 10 days to 2 months)
as during field operation as per GOST
ГОСТ 7751-85 and GOST 9.014-78.
9.3.1. Preparation for storage is carried
out in accordance with recommendations
9.1. GENERAL PROVISIONS in 9.4., except items 9.4.1.c — 9.4.1.i.
9.3.2. The tractor is placed complete, in
9.1.1 The tractor can be placed for: operating order, without any unit or as-
• inter-seasonal storage — up to 10 sembly dismantled; with no need for
day of downtime; covering the tyres and rubber hoses with
light-protective compounds. Wrap the
• short-term storage — downtime
exhaust pipe and thee monocyclon in
from 10 days to two months;
polyethylene film.
• long-term storage — more than two
months of downtime. 9.3.3. Disconnect the storage batteries.
The electrolyte level and density should
9.1.2. During the autumn-winter period conform with the recommendations spec-
keep the tractor indoors or under a shed. ified in subsection "Servicing and Check-
Tractors can be stored outdoors, on a ing Storage Batteries".
specially prepared storage yard, subject When storing the tractor at low tempera-
to mandatory preservation, sealing and tures or for a period exceeding one
stripping of components and assembly month, remove the storage batteries and
units which require warehousing, in keep them in a warehouse.
compliance with the requirements of
GOST ГОСТ 7751-85.
9.1.3. Maintenance servicing of tractors
intended for storing shall be carried out LATIONS (more than 2 months)
according to the current practice ap-
proved in the economy. 9.4.1. Before placing the tractor for stor-
9.1.4. For an inter-shift or short-term age, proceed with the operations as fol-
storage the tractor should be placed im- lows:
mediately on completion of works, and а) clean and wash the tractor, restore
for a long-term storage — not later than disturbed or damaged patches of
10 days after termination of employment. paintwork;
b) drain coolant from the diesel-engine
9.2. INTER-SEASONAL STORAGE cooling system, drain water from the
REGULATIONS (up to 10 days) small-scale cab heating/cooling unit
water container (if installed); drain
sediment from the coarse and fine
9.2.1. Place the tractor complete in a fuel filter bowls;
storage area.
c) drain oil from the diesel-engine
9.2.2. All the openings which are likely to crankcase, fuel pump body, clean
serve as inlets to tractor inner spaces for the centrifugal oil filter rotor;
atmospheric precipitation, should be
d) fill the diesel-engine crankcase, fuel
tightly stopped with caps, plugs or tar-
pump body with slushing oil with 5 %
paulin jackets.
additive АКОР-1 GOST 15171-78.
9.2.3. The storage batteries should be When additive АКОР-1 is used, pre-

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Section 9. Storage Rules for Tractors Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

pare the preservation mixture by way 9.4.2. Jack up the tractor some 8…10 cm
of thorough mixing of motor oil and off the ground. Place supports/blocks
the additive to obtain a homogene- under the fore-axle or FDA final drive
ous mix. Pouring additive АКОР-1 housings (see Fig. 79).
directly into the diesel-engine crank-
case, without preliminary mixing, is
e) start the diesel-engine and let it run
for 15...30 seconds at low r.p.m. Then,
stop the diesel-engine, drain the slush-
ing oil mixture from the crankcase and
the fuel pump;
f) drain oil from the hydraulic system
and HSCU tank, HSB (if installed on
the tractor), from FDA capacities (trac-
tors Belarus 82.1/82.2, Belarus 82Р),
and refill them with fresh oil. When
storing for more than 6 months, add 5-
10 percent of additive АКОР-1 to the Fig. 79. Locations of tractor jack-up points
oils to be filled in to obtain the required (indicated by arrows)
g) drain fuel from tanks and slush their
9.4.3. Bleed pressure in tyres down to
inner surfaces with lubricant НГ-204
70% of the normal. Cover tyre surfaces
or НГ-204У;
with light-protective composition (a mix-
h) shot-lubricate all the grease-cups ture of aluminum powder with light oil
and grease-nipples; lacquer or white spirit in a 1:4 or 1:5 ra-
i) remove the alternator, starter, head- tio).
and floodlights, storage batteries 9.4.4. Lock the cab door and seal it.
from the tractor and place them in a
9.4.5. When stored indoors, check tractor
warehouse. Slacken alternator belt
condition every two months. When
stored outdoors — on open storage
j) slush exposed screw and thread yards or under shed — every month.
joints of the hitch linkage, steering
Off-the schedule inspections and checks
trapezoid, P.T.O. tail-end splines,
should be initiated immediately following
worm mechanisms to adjust front
an exposure to strong (storm) wind,
and rear wheeltracks, exposed por-
heavy rain, snowstorm or snow drifts.
tions of cylinder and shock-absorber
rods. Preservation lubricants: ПВК, 9.4.6. All errors or departures from the
К-17 or Lithol-24. established storage rules revealed during
such inspections and checks are to be
k) seal filler necks of fuel tanks, diesel-
eliminated; pay special attention to the
engine breathers, transmission and
state of external slushing coatings and
the hydraulic system, the exhaust
availability of oil in reservoirs up to pre-
pipe and diesel-engine monocylon,
scribed levels.
openings left from removed assem-
bly units, as well as other holes and Storage batteries kept in warehouse are
hollows from ingress of atmospheric subject to monthly inspections and
precipitation by stopping them tight charging, if required.
with caps, blind-plugs, polyethylene
covers, jackets, and adhesive tapes.

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 9. Storage Rules for Tractors

Hand-crank the diesel-engine crankshaft preparation for storage. Bring inflation

through several revolutions at least once pressure in tyres to its normal value.
a month. 9.5.5. Fill up fuel tanks with fuel and the
diesel-engine cooling system with cool-
9.5. TRACTOR PREPARATION FOR De-slushing of the fuel system, diesel-
WORK AFTER LONG-TERM STORING engine cylinders is to be carried during
their activation and operation for the first
time after storage.
9.5.1. Remove slushing compound from
9.5.6. De-slush the fuel system, diesel-
preserved external surfaces.
engine cylinders during their activation
9.5.2. Remove all the installed protective and operation for the first time after stor-
caps and stoppers, polyethylene bags, ing.
adhesive tapes, etc.; refit the previously
removed parts and units, first, having 9.5.7. Crank the diesel-engine crankshaft
several revolutions, using the starter for
removed slushing agent and dust there-
from. the purpose, but with no fuel supply.
When satisfied that its rotation is normal,
9.5.3. Drain residue from all oil tanks, top start up the diesel-engine for 5…10
up oil to a prescribed level, if required. minutes and gradually bring the crank-
9.5.4. Perform operations according to shaft speed from minimum to maximum.
MS Schedule-2 on the tractor, with the 9.5.8. Run the tractor for 15-20 min., then,
exception of oil changing in the diesel- remove faults, if detected.
engine crankcase and cleaning the cen-
trifuge, since both these operations are
scheduled and have been done during

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Section 10. Common troubles and their remedies Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р —Operation and Service Manual



Table 14

Trouble, External Symptoms Remedy

Diesel-Engine Fails to Start Up
Air in fuel supply system. Pump the system through with a hand-operated boost
pump refer to Section 7.6.1). Remove air in-leaks in
the fuel system, if required.
Fuel pump faulty. Dismantle the fuel pump from the diesel-engine and
have it sent to the workshop for repair.
Diesel-Engine Fails to Develop Full Power
No sufficient fuel feed due to fuel pump control Adjust the fuel pump control tie-rods.
tie-rods maladjustment.
Fine fuel filter filtering element clogged. Replace the filtering element.
Nozzles faulty. Locate faulty nozzles, flush and adjust them.
Fuel injection advance angle setting incorrect. Set the fuel injection advance angle as recommended.
Diesel-engine air cleaner clogged. Service the air-cleaner.
Diesel-Engine Unstable in Idle-Running
Air in the fuel system. Bleed air from the fuel system
Idle run spring in the fuel pump maladjusted. Adjust the idle-run spring.
Fuel pump faulty. Dismantle the fuel pump from the diesel-engine and
have it sent to the workshop for repair.
Diesel-Engine Smoky Exhaust in All Modes of Operation
A. Black smoke from the exhaust pipe
Diesel-engine air-cleaner clogged. Service the air-cleaner.
Atomizer needle stuck in the nozzle. Locate a faulty nozzle, flush or replace the atomizer,
adjust the nozzle, if required.
Poor fuel quality. Refill with recommended fuel grade.
Fuel pump faulty. Dismantle the fuel pump from the diesel-engine and
have it sent to the workshop for repair.
B. White smoke from the exhaust pipe
Diesel engine needs to be warmed up. Warm the diesel-engine up; when at work, maintain
coolant temperature within 70…95 OC.
Valve-to-rock arm clearance maladjusted. Adjust the valve-to-rock arm clearances.
Water in fuel. Change the fuel.
Fuel injection advance angle disturbed. Set recommended fuel injection advance angle

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р —Operation and Service Manual Section 10. Common troubles and their remedies

Table 14, continued

Trouble, External Symptoms Remedy

C. Blue smoke from the exhaust pipe

Oil in the combustion chambers due to wear in the Replace worn-out parts of the sleeve assembly.
sleeve assembly.
Excess of oil in diesel-engine crankcase. Drain excessive oil and bring oil level to top mark of
the dipstick.
Diesel Engine Overheated
Coolant in the cooling system boiling. Clean the radiator from dust and dirt. Clean the
cooling system from scale, if needed, and readjust
the fan belt tension, if required.
Poor fuel atomization by nozzles. Identify faulty nozzles; clean, flush and adjust them.
Oil Pressure in Warmed-Up Diesel-Engine Lower Than That Admissible
Pressure gauge faulty. Replace the pressure gauge.
Oil pump faulty in the diesel-engine lubrication sys- Locate and remedy the fault or replace the pump.
Oil level in the diesel-engine crankcase lower than Top up oil to the upper mark on the dipstick.
the admissible one.
Safety valve jammed in the centrifugal oil filter Flush the valve through and adjust pressure.
Maximum wear-out of crankshaft journal-to-bearing Have the diesel-engine sent to workshop for repair.
10.2.1. CLUTCH
Clutch Fails to Transmit Torque in Full
No free travel of the clutch pedal. Adjust the pedal free travel.
Driven disk linings worn-out. Replace the linings or the driven disk assembly.
Clutch Fails to Disengage in Full
Clutch free travel excessive. Adjust the clutch pedal free travel.
Oil in Dry Section of the Clutch Housing
Crankshaft seal collar worn-out. Replace the collar.
Flexing of the P.T.O. driven shaft beating cover Install a new cover or straighten the old one.
when joining the tractor after repair
Износ манжеты кронштейна отводки Замените манжету
GB Gears Shift with Gritting
Incomplete engagement of the clutch; the clutch Adjust the pedal free play.
10.2.3. MAIN DRIVE
Increased Noise in the Bevel Gears Pair
Adjustment of main drive bevel gearing and differ- Adjust gear meshing and bearing clearances.
ential bearings disturbed.

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Section 10. Common troubles and their remedies Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р —Operation and Service Manual


Table 14, continued

Trouble, External Symptoms Remedy


Automatic Differential Lock-Up Fails to Operate
Lock-up sensor spool valve stuck. Remove the sensor; wash in diesel fuel or replace it.
Low oil pressure applied to the lock-up actuating
mechanism (ADL clutch).  Replace the pressure-reducing valve spring.
(a) pressure-reducing valve setting disturbed; Caulk the valve seat
(b) excessive oil leaks in lock-up sensir.  Replace lock-up sensor.
ADL clutch disks soiled and fouled. Wash the clutch disks in gasoline; stop oil leaks.
Clutch disk friction linings worn-out. Replace the friction linings or disks in assembly.
10.2.5. BRAKES
Unsatisfactory Operation of Brakes (brakes fade)
Brake control setting disturbed. Adjust brake controls (refer to Subsection 7.6.4).
Brake disk linings fouled or worn-out. Stop oil leaks. Wash the linings. Replace the disks, if
10.2.6. REAR P.T.O. SHAFT
Rear PTO Shaft Fails to Transfer Torque in Full (the shaft slips)
Control setting disturbed due to excessive wear of
Adjust the P.T.O. control mechanism (refer to Sub-
brake band friction linings or to any other reason.
section 7.6.4).
Sluggish shifting of the P.T.O. control lever (due
Locate and remove causes of malfunction which hin-
to jamming, butts and/or dirt in joints). der free motion of the control mechanism compo-
nents. The control lever should lock positively in
«P.T.O. Engaged»–«P.T.O. Disengaged» positions.
When in Forward Run and with the Rear Wheels Slipping, the Front Driving Axle Would Not
Engage Automatically
Worn-out parts of the transfer case overrunning Replace the overrunning clutch.
Wedged slots in the overrunning clutch outer cage Remove the clutch and wash clutch parts.
fouled with oil oxidation and parts wear products.
Roller tightening mechanism springs distorted. Replace the springs.
Safety clutch in the intermediate bearing would Adjust the clutch to transfer torque of 40…80 kgf •m
not transfer torque. (400…800 N•m).
Worn-out driven and driving disks of the safety Replace worn-out disks.
Disk springs lost elasticity or broken. Replace the springs.
FDA drive transfer case control tie-rod maladjust- Adjust tie-rod length, to do this:
ed. 1. Place the control lever to its upper position («FDA
Force Engaged».
2. Disconnect the tie-rod from transfer case lever and
slacken the fork locknut.
3. Turn the transfer case lever clockwise to the stop.
4. Register holes in the lever and the screw by rotat-
ing the fork, then, insert a pin.
5. Tighten down the locknut and cotter the pin.

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р —Operation and Service Manual Section 10. Common troubles and their remedies

Table 14, continued

Trouble, External Symptoms Remedy

With the Hitch in Operation, Oil Leaks through "Sleeve-King Pin Tube" Joining
Worn-out rubber O-springs. Replace the O-rings.
Wheel toe-in settings disturbed. Adjust the front wheel toe-in.
Enhanced Wear and Ply Separation of Front Wheel Tyres
Air pressure in front and rear tyres disagree with To ensure against malfunctions, maintain front and
recommended norms. rear tyre pressure within recommended norms.
Wheel toe-in adjustment disturbed. Re-adjust toe-in.
Front axle is in constant forced engagement due Check FDA forced engagement. Remove faults, if
to break or jamming in the transfer case con- any. Re-adjust the transfer case control mecha-
trols. nism.
Enhanced Steering Wheel Effort («Heavy» Steering) with HSB
Oil foam formation in the booster system due to:
(a) insufficient oil level in the HSB tank; Check oil level, top up as necessary, if required;
(b) air ingress into the system. Check the suction pipeline and restore leakproof-
Safety valve adjustment disturbed. Adjust the valve.
Enhanced oil leakage in the HSB pump. Replace the pump.
Sticking in «worm-sector» meshing. Adjust worm-gear meshing.
Enhanced vibration of the steering. Adjust the steering wheel.

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Section 10. Common troubles and their remedies Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р —Operation and Service Manual


Table 14, continued

Trouble, External Symptoms Remedy

Enhanced Instability of Front Wheels

Warm tightening nut slackened. Tighten up the nut to 2 kgf•m, back it off 1/6 turn, and
secure with a cotter-pin.
Increased play in front wheel bevel bearings or Adjust, as required.
steering rod joints.
Slackened nuts attaching the pitman arm, sector, Tighten up the nuts.
and steering knuckle tie-rods.
Increased axial displacement of the turn shaft Adjust the fault.
Enhanced Play of the Steering Wheel
Enhanced clearance in the «worm-sector» mesh- Adjust, as required.
Enhanced play in universal-joint connections in Replace worn-out parts.
the steering wheel drive.
Worm nut slackened Tighten up the nut.
Enhanced Steering Wheel Effort
Lack of, or insufficient, oil pressure in the steering Have it repaired or replace the pump.
wheel hydraulic system. Delivery pump faulty.
Insufficient oil level in the oil tank. Fill up the tank to the required level.
Wedging-up of the steering-wheel cardan splined Locate wedging-up and remove.
tail-piece in the metering pump driving shaft
Substantial friction in mechanical components of Remove friction.
the steering column or FDA reduction gear.
Steering Wheel Rotates Without Stop
Lack of oil in oil tank. Fill up the tank to the required level and pump the
system through.
Worn-out seals of the turn cylinder. Replace with new ones.
Steering Wheel Spontaneous Rotation 2 («Motoring») With Operator’s Hands Removed
Metering pump spool would not return to
«Neutral» position:
(a) Wedging-up of the steering-wheel cardan Locate wedging-up and remove.
splined tail-piece in the metering pump driv-
ing shaft.
(b) Substantial friction in mechanical compo- Remove the cause.
nents of the steering column.
Conflict Between the Steering Wheel Turning Direction and That of Wheels
Incorrect connections of metering pump cylinder Change over connections, as appropriate.
outlets to the turn cylinder.

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р —Operation and Service Manual Section 10. Common troubles and their remedies

Table 14, continued

Trouble, External Symptoms Remedy


Linkage would not rise or its lifting capacity 1. Oil level low in the tank; top up to the level re-
sharply drops. With one of the distributor han- quired.
dles set to «Lift», the pump «squeals». As a 2. Air inleakage in the pump suction line: locate and
rule, oil is overheated. remove.
3. Distributor bypass valve sticky; wash the valve.
Drop in linkage lifting capacity as oil is heated. It Wear-and-tear of the oil pump – replace the pump.
restores as oil is cooled.
Draft-controlled mounted plough jumps up from, Draft sensor spring broken – replace the spring.
or works deeper into, the soil with a slight move-
ment if the handle.
Excessive oscillations in the hydraulic system 1. Broken or slacken spring – replace the spring.
when lowering the tool. 2. Broken stop – change the stop.
Storage Battery Low Charge Level
Low level of controlled voltage. Replace the alternator voltage regulator.
Alternator drive belt slipping. Adjust tension of the alternator driving belt.
Increased contact impedance between SB termi- Dress the terminals, tighten and smear non-contact
nals and wire clamps due to slackening or oxida- parts with petrolatum. Tighten up the SB switch con-
tion. nections and «frame» jumpers.
Alternator faulty (no voltage on terminals “+” and Dismantle the alternator and send it to workshop for
“Д”). repair.
Storage battery defective. Replace the storage battery.
Storage Battery «Gasses» Excessively and Requires Frequent Refill with Distilled Water
High level of controlled voltage. Replace the alternator voltage regulator.
Storage battery defective. Replace the storage battery.
Starter Would Not Switch ON and Fails to Crank the Diesel-Engine Crankshaft
One of cable lugs to the storage battery discon- Tighten the terminal clamp reliably on the storage
nected. battery.
Excessive oxidation of wire lugs and storage bat- Dress storage battery terminals and wire lugs; smear
tery terminals. non-contact parts with petrolatum.
Diesel-engine start-up interlock operates or one of Shift the GB lever to extreme left-hand position or
its switches faulty. replace the faulty switch.
Starting torque too low due to storage battery run- Charge the storage battery, as required.
Diesel-engine is not ready for start at a tempera- Prepare the diesel-engine for start-up.
ture below + 5 OC
Starter faulty Remove the starter and send it to repair shop.

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Section 10. Common troubles and their remedies Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р —Operation and Service Manual


Table 14, continued

Trouble, External Symptoms Remedy

Alternator Would Not Develop Full Power
Slipping of the alternator driving belt. Adjust belt tension.
Alternator faulty. Remove the alternator and have is sent to the work-
shop for repair.
Alternator Noise
Slipping or excessive tension of the fan belt. Adjust belt tension.
Bearings outworn. Remove the alternator and have it sent to the work-
Electric Torch Pre-Heater Control Lamp Would Not Light Up
Electric torch pre-heater circuit open. Locate and remove the fault.
Faulty components in ETH circuit. Replace faulty components, if any.
No Warm Air Inflow Into the Cab
No circulation of fluid (water) through the heating The cock is shut down – open the same. Clogged
block. hoses – remove clogging. Air and/or ice plugs in the
pre-heater hoses – remove the plugs. Fan inopera-
tive – take expert advice.
High Humidity Warm Air Inflow to the Cab
Fluid leaks in the heater radiator and through pre- Eliminate leaks and/or replace damaged hoses.
heater system connections. Damaged hoses.
Insufficient Pressure In the Air Bottle, Pressure Slowly Rises But
Quickly Drops When Diesel-Engine Stops
Air leaks from the pneumatic system. Eliminate leaks, if any.
Compressor faulty. Remove the faulty compressor and have it sent to a
repair workshop.
Coupling head faulty. Replace seals or the head.
Bottle Pressure Quickly Decreases When Brake Pedals are Actuated
Brake cock damaged. Remove the faulty cock and have it sent to a repair
Elevated Throw-Out of Oil Into the Pneumatic System
Compressor faulty. Remove the faulty compressor and have it sent to a
repair workshop.
No Air-Bleeding to Inflate Tyres
Insufficient sinking of the air-bleed valve rod in the Screw fully the nut of connecting hose on the union.
pressure regulator.
Pressure regulator switched the compressor over Reduce pressure in the bottle by 1.5…2.0 kgf/cm2.
to idle.
Trailer Brakes Ineffective or Slow In Release
Brake valve drive adjustment disturbed. Re-adjust the valve.
Brake valve adjustment disturbed. Remove and have it sent to a repair workshop.
Trailer brake system faulty. Remove the fault.

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 11. Specifications to be Adjusted
Table 16
Unit of
Description Value
Oil pressure in lubrication system on a warmed-up diesel-
engine, at rated crankshaft r.p.m. kgf/cm2 (MPa) 2,5-3,5 (0,25-0,35)
Fan leg (located in-between alternator and crankshaft pulleys)
sagging, at a 4 kgf (40 N) applied force mm 15-20
Recommended coolant temperature (temperature condition) °С 75-95
Clearance in-between rocker-arm head and valve stem end-
face on cold engine mm 0,25-0,30
Fuel injection commencement pressure at nozzle (atomizer
needle rise pressure) kgf/cm2 (MPa) 220+10 (21,6+0,9)
Fuel injection advance angle setting to TDC:
with fuel pump 4УТНИ deg. 19…21
Tightening torque: kgf•m (N•m)
main bearing bolts 20-22 (200-220)
cylinder head attachment bolts 19-21 (190-210)
connecting-rod bearing nuts 18-20(180-200)
flywheel attachment bolts 18-20 (180-200)
crankcase pulley bolt 24-28 (240-280)
crankshaft weight bolted attachment 12-14 (120-140)
nozzle bolted attachment 2-2,5 (20-25)
centrifugal oil filter hood nuts 3,5-5,0 (35-50)
FUEL PUMP (test-bench check)
Pump shaft rated speed r.p.m. 1100±5 1100±5
Rotational speed under governor control r.p.m. 1115–1125 1115–1125
Rotational speed corresponding to diesel-engine idling r.p.m. 116010

Rotational speed under adjuster control r.p.m. 1040 – 1030 –

1100 1090
Rotational speed corresponding to maximum torque r.p.m. 850 850
Rotational speed at automatic cut-off of fuel through nozzles,
not over r.p.m. 1210 1250
Cyclic fuel feed at 40 – 50 r.p.m. of the camshaft,
not less than mm3/cycle 140 140
Cyclic fuel feed at rated r.p.m. mm3/cycle 72,3±1,4 70±1,4
Cyclic fuel feed at maximum idling r.p.m., no more than mm3/cycle 22,5 22,5
Pressure in fuel pump head at rated r.p.m. of the camshaft kgf/cm2 (MPa) 0,7 – 1,2 0,7 – 1,3
(0,07–0,12) (0,07–0,13)
Fuel feed irregularity at rated r.p.m. of the crankshaft,
no more than % 6 6
Fuel feed irregularity in-between sections at maximum idling
r.p.m., no more than % 30 35
Fuel feed by section as determined by meniscus method to
valve lifter TDC (over cam profile) deg. 57 ± 1 57 ± 1

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Section 11.Specifications to be Adjusted Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual
Table 16, continued
Unit of
Description Value
Front wheel toe-in mm 0–8
Steering wheel free play on running diesel-engine,
no more than deg. 25
Oil pressure in the hydraulic steering booster limited by a relief 90 ± 5 (9,0 ± 0,5)
valve kgf/cm2 (MPa) 100 ± 5 (10 ± 0,5) for
Clearance between the rest and end-face of the hydraulic
booster rack (shim-adjusted) mm 0,1 – 0,3
Axial bearing clearance of directive wheels mm 0,08 – 0,2
rear wheel attachment nuts 56-62 (560-620)
Hydraulic booster worm spherical nut (it is permissible to
back up the nut following tightening by 1/12 – 1/10 turn)
kgf•m (N•m) 2 (20)
steering wheel hydraulic booster Pitman arm nut 28 – 32 (280 – 320)
clamping bolts for HSB cylinder lid and body attachment 6 (60)
front wheel nuts 20-25 (200-250)
front wheel disk-to-rim attachment nuts 18-24 (180-240)
Clearance between the ends of throw-out levers and clutch
release bearing mm 3
Difference in clearances of separate clutch levers,
not more than mm 0,3
Clutch pedal free travel mm 40 – 50 as measured at
pedal pad
Distance from levers-to-release bearing contact point to clutch
back plate hub end-face mm 13 ± 0,5
Distance from rear GB housing plane to outer end-face of the
main drive gear mm 58 + 0,15
Permissible increase in axial clearance in GB secondary shaft
bevel bearings, not more than (during checks) mm 0,3
GB secondary shaft drag to rotation in bevel bearings, less
gear meshing (to be provided for during adjustment) kgf•m (N•m) 0,6 – 0,7 (6 – 7)
Differential bevel bearing drag as applied to the outer end of
main driven gear kgf•m (N•m) 3 – 5 (30 – 50)
Pitch play in rear axle final drive gearing mm 0,25 – 0,55
Brake pedal stroke mm 70 – 90
110 – 120 (for tractors
equipped with unitized
Hydraulic system pressure limited by a relief valve kgf/cm2 (MPa) 180 – 200 (18,0 – 20,0)
Automatic return of distributor spools to neutral kgf/cm2 (MPa) 160 – 175 (16,0 – 17,5)
Hitch mechanism left-hand drop link mm 475
Limits of hitch mechanism right-hand drop link adjustment mm 430 – 515
Limits of hitch mechanism compression (control) link
adjustment mm 520 – 800
Hitch linkage sway as measured at ends of lower links, in
transport position, not more than (to each side) mm 20

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual Section 11. Specifications to be Adjusted
Table 16, continued
Unit of
Description Value
Hitch linkage sway as measured at the lower link ends, when
running with a mounted plough, not more than (to each side) mm 125
turn shaft bracket attachment bolts 25 – 30 (250 – 300)
Kgf•m (N•m)
cylinder bracket attachment bolts 25 – 30 (250 – 300)
Adjustable voltage (at ambient temperature of 20 °С, current load
10 А, rated alternator rotor speed of 3600 r.p.m., with connected
storage battery), when equipped with a seasonal adjustment
“summer” V 13,2 – 14,1
“winter” V 14,3 – 15,2
Trailer brake drive pneumatic system pressure: kgf/cm2 (MPa)
as maintained by a regulator 6,5 – 8,0 (0,65 – 0,80)
as limited by a relief valve 8,5 – 10,0 (0,85 – 1,00)
Transfer box intermediate gear bevel bearing axial clearance,
not more than mm 0,05
Main drive gear bevel bearing pre-load mm 0,02 – 0,05
Differential bevel bearing pre-load mm 0,01 – 0,10
Axle shaft and vertical shaft bevel bearing pre-load (FDA
equipped with bevel reduction gearings) mm 0,05 – 0,15
Final drive reducing driven gear bevel bearing pre-load,
not more than (FDA equipped with bevel reduction gearings) mm 0,1
Pitch play in top bevel gear pair (FDA equipped with bevel re-
duction gearings) mm 0,10 – 0,55
Pitch play in bottom bevel gear pair (FDA equipped with bevel
reduction gearings) mm 0,26 – 0,65
Axial clearance in bevel bearings of the planetary-and-spur
reduction gearbox (FDA equipped with planetary-and-spur mm 0,05
reduction gearings)
Bevel roller bearing pre-load in the planetary-and-spur reduc-
tion gearing flange (FDA equipped with planetary-and-spur mm 0,01 – 0,10
reduction gearings)
Knuckle pivot bevel bearing in the planetary-and-spur reduc-
tion gearbox (FDA equipped with planetary-and-spur reduction mm 0,01 – 0,10
Pitch play in main drive gear meshing mm 0,18 – 0,46
Main drive gear drag to turning kgf•m (N•m) 0,12 – 0,18 (1,2 – 1,8)
Tightening torque of front wheel disk attachment Kgf•m (N•m) 20 – 25 (200 – 250)
Transmitted torque of the intermediate bearing safety coupling kgf•m (N•m) 40 – 80 (400 – 800)
Intermediate bearing support attachment bolts Kgf•m (N•m) 12 – 15 (120 – 150)
bearing 2310К1 bolts attaching the same to the final drive
flange (FDA equipped with bevel reduction gearing) kgf•m (N•m) 6 – 7,5 (60 – 75)
main drive gear nuts for attachment in sleeve kgf•m (N•m) 12 – 15 (120 – 150)
wedge attachment nuts Kgf•m (N•m) 12 – 15 (120 – 150)

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Section 11.Specifications to be Adjusted Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р — Operation and Service Manual

Electric Connection Diagram

1. Front light, left-hand 45. Tail stop-light, right-hand

2. Starter 46, 56. Sensor (tractor speed range switch)
3. Electric torch pre-heater (ETH) 47. Windshield washer
4. Diesel-engine coolant temperature gauge sen- 48. Starter and instrument switch
sor 49. Fuel level gauge sensor
4а. Diesel-engine oil pressure gauge sensor 50. Diesel-engine disable interlock switch
5. Air-pressure filter blocked warning light 51. Steering column-mounted switch (multifunc-
6. Headlight, left-hand tional)
7. Horn 52. Switch
8. Coolant temperature emergency indicator sen- 53. Combination socket
sor 54. Rear window electric wiper
9. Alternator 55. Number plate light
10. Diesel-engine oil pressure emergency gauge 57. Master switch
11. Front right-hand stop-light 58. Windshield washer switch
12. Windshield wiper change-over switch 59, 61. Storage batteries
13. Windshield wiper 60. Main light switch
14. Combined radio-tape recorder safety fuse 62. Emergency light signaling switch
15. Stereo autoradio-and-cassette player 63. Tail left-hand stop-light
16. Right-hand headlight 65. Cab heater locking relay
17. Loudspeaker 66. Electric torch pre-heater (ETH) control unit
18. Antenna 67. Electrical torch pre-heater relay
19. Cab heater switch 68. Starter locking relay
20. Additional resistance 69. Starter relay
21, 26. Front work floodlights 70. Direction signal indicator interrupt relay
22. Cab heater electric motor 71. Safety fuse box
23. «Tractor & Trailer Train» lights
24. Rear work floodlights switch Connection circuit diagram for individual indica-
25. Front work floodlights switch tors instead of a combined instrument cluster
27. «Tractor&Trailer Train» light switch (38):
28. Parking brake warning light interrupter
29. Terminal block 72. Diesel-engine oil pressure gauge
30. Warning light in-line panel 73. Pneumatic system air pressure
31. HSCU oil pressure emergency gauge 74. Diesel-engine coolant temperature gauge
32. Air pressure emergency light 75. Fuel level gauge
33. Cab dome light 76. Voltage indicator
34. Air pressure gauge sensor
35. Tachospeedometer programming console Combination socket "53" terminal assignment:
36. Electric tachospeedometer
37. Audible signaling relay. 1 — left-hand turn
38. Instrument cluster 2 — audible signaling
39. Warning light in-line panel 3 — "frame ground"
40. Terminal block 4 — right-hand turn
41. Terminal block 5 — right-hand clearance light
42. Braking signal switch 6 — stop-signal
43. Parking brake light switch 7 — left-hand clearance light
44, 64. Rear work floodlights 8, 9 — portable inspection lamp

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Contents Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р —Operation and Service Manual



1. Introduction ...................................................................................................... 2
2. General description and technical characteristics of tractors ........................... 5
2.1. Brief account of tractor design and composition .............................................. 5
2.2. Basic Specifications ........................................................................................ 8
3. Safety requirements ........................................................................................ 18
4. Controls and instruments ................................................................................. 24
4.1. Controls of a tractor equipped with a unitized cab ........................................... 24
4.2. Instruments of a tractor equipped with a unitized cab ...................................... 31
4.3. Controls and instruments of a tractor equipped with a small-size cab ............. 37
5. Tractor on-site assembly and running-in ......................................................... 40
5.1. Installation of a pre-heater on the tractor ......................................................... 40
5.2. Tractor running-in ............................................................................................ 42
6. Operation instructions and adjustments .......................................................... 43
6.1. Preparing the tractor for operation ................................................................... 43
6.2. List of preparatory procedures before diesel-engine start-up .......................... 43
6.3. Д-243 diesel-engine start-up ........................................................................... 44
6.4. Starting pre-heater and diesel-engine heating.................................................. 45
6.5. Getting the tractor moving and straight travel .................................................. 46
6.6. Instruction on the reverse-reducer control ....................................................... 46
6.7. Stopping the tractor ......................................................................................... 47
6.8. Diesel-engine stoppage ................................................................................... 47
6.9. Tractor handling with attached agricultural machinery .................................... 47
7. Maintenance .................................................................................................... 74
7.1. Maintenance service when preparing the tractor for operation ........................ 75
7.2. Maintenance service schedules when in field .................................................. 78
7.3. Servicing in special conditions ......................................................................... 84
7.4. Technical servicing for storage, storage conditions and removal from storage 84
7.5. Lubrication chart .............................................................................................. 85
7.6. Scope and sequence of basic maintenance service and adjustment
operations ........................................................................................................ 87
7.7. Approximate consumption of materials for maintenance services and when
in storage ......................................................................................................... 117
8. Tools and Accessories .................................................................................... 118

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Belarus 80.1/80.2/82.1/82.2/82Р —Operation and Service Manual Contents

9. Storage regulations for the tractor ................................................................... 119
9.1. Generals ......................................................................................................... 119
9.2. Inter-seasonal storage regulations .................................................................. 119
9.3. Short-term storage instructions ....................................................................... 119
9.4. Long-term storage instructions ........................................................................ 119
9.5. Tractor preparation for service after long-term storing .................................... 121
10. Common troubles and their remedies ............................................................. 122
10.1. Diesel-engine .................................................................................................. 122
10.2. Power train ...................................................................................................... 123
10.3. Steering controls with HSB .............................................................................. 125
10.3.1. Hydrostatic steering control ......................................................................... 126
10.4. Hydraulic hitch system .................................................................................... 127
10.5. Electrical equipment ........................................................................................ 127
10.6. Cab heating and ventilation unit ...................................................................... 128
10.7. Trailer’s brake drive pneumatic system ........................................................... 128
11. Specifications to be maintained by adjustment ............................................... 129
12. Tractor connection diagram ............................................................................. 132

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