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Newborn Screening: New Developments, New Dilemmas: Genetics

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J Med Ethics: first published as 10.1136/jme.2004.008219 on 30 June 2005. Downloaded from http://jme.bmj.com/ on November 7, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Newborn screening: new developments, new dilemmas
N J Kerruish, S P Robertson

J Med Ethics 2005;31:393–398. doi: 10.1136/jme.2004.008219

Scientific and technological advances are lending pressure for PKU and hypothyroidism is universal in the
developed world.
to expand the scope of newborn screening. Whereas this Blood samples are collected between 2 and
has great potential for improving child health, it also 5 days of age, analysed at central laboratories
challenges our current perception of such programmes. and results released within a few days. For
positive results, confirmatory tests are necessary,
Standard newborn screening programmes are clearly but treatment is usually instituted within 10–14
justified by the fact that early detection and treatment of days of birth. For PKU this usually means the
affected individuals avoids significant morbidity and baby avoids any of the sequelae of the untreated
conditions, such as seizures and severe develop-
mortality. However, proposals to expand the scope and mental delay. Most countries report coverage
complexity of such testing are not all supported by a similar rates of 95–100% of the population for this type
level of evidence for unequivocal benefit. We argue that of screening.3
screening for genetic susceptibility to complex disorders is
inherently different from standard screening and, while of PROGRAMMES APPRAISED?
potential value, must be considered separately from The basic premise underlying newborn screening
conventional testing. is that it should do significantly more good than
harm. To ensure that this is the case, standard
........................................................................... criteria are used for determining which disorders
are appropriate to screen for. The criteria devel-

ecent scientific and technological advances oped for the World Health Organization (WHO)
are lending pressure to expand the scope of (box 1) have been the gold standard for many
newborn screening programmes. The ability years. These criteria cover aspects of the disease,
to examine DNA in the Guthrie specimen has its treatment, the scientific validity of the tests,
opened up opportunities to screen for many dis- and the organisational infrastructure associated
orders that previously were difficult to identify in with the screening programme. Although ethical
the newborn, among them susceptibility to type 1 issues related to screening programmes are
diabetes, severe combined immunodeficiency, peripheral to these guidelines, their explicit
fragile X syndrome, hereditary haemochromato- purpose is to ensure that benefits of screening
sis, and lymphoblastic leukaemia.1 Inherently, outweigh harms, and consequently they cannot
there is great potential to improve child health, be ignored in any ethical analysis. Ethical,
but these proposals also challenge our current scientific, and practical issues in newborn
perception of newborn screening programmes. screening are closely intertwined and it is not
There are major differences among many of possible to discuss each set of issues in complete
isolation. The following analysis therefore draws
the disorders currently being considered for
on some of the screening criteria as well as
inclusion in newborn screening programmes.
employing four standard moral principles5 to
Here we will focus on one illustrative exam-
highlight other ethical issues.
ple—whether newborns should be screened for
genetic susceptibility to type 1 diabetes. We begin
by examining conventional newborn screening ETHICS OF STANDARD NEWBORN
using a standard ethical framework to judge how SCREENING
current practice reflects recommended, estab- The aim of this section is not to analyse standard
See end of article for lished screening criteria. Using the same frame- newborn screening exhaustively but to highlight
authors’ affiliations work, we then consider the ethical issues some of the most important ethical issues and
....................... demonstrate that standard newborn screening is
involved in expanding newborn screening to
include genetic susceptibility testing. at least ethically acceptable, if not ethically
Correspondence to:
Dr N J Kerruish, mandatory. The discussion will concentrate on
Department of Paediatrics screening for PKU as this has been described as
and Child Health, Dunedin A BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF STANDARD the ‘‘gold standard’’ against which screening for
School of Medicine, NEWBORN SCREENING other disorders should be reviewed.6
University of Otago, PO
Box 913, Dunedin, New
Newborn screening is one of, if not the, most
Zealand; nikki.kerruish@ efficient and effective of all screening pro- Benefits and harms of standard newborn
stonebow.otago.ac.nz grammes. It originated with the development of screening
the ‘‘Guthrie test’’ for detecting the metabolic Knowledge of PKU
Received 2 February 2004 disorder, phenylketonuria (PKU).2 Subsequently, Although application of some of the WHO
In revised form 7 June 2004
Accepted for publication other disorders have been added to screening criteria is subjective, PKU is undeniably an
2 August 2004 programmes. Although the exact list differs important health problem. Despite its relative
....................... among, and sometimes within countries, testing rarity (approximately 1 in 10–15 000), it causes

394 Kerruish, Robertson

screening programmes. The issue of informed consent for

Box 1: WHO Wilson–Jungner criteria for newborn screening has been controversial, as is reflected in

J Med Ethics: first published as 10.1136/jme.2004.008219 on 30 June 2005. Downloaded from http://jme.bmj.com/ on November 7, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
appraising the validity of a screening the considerable variation at both policy level and in the
programme 4 practical delivery of programmes. For instance, the WHO
guidelines11 consider newborn screening to be sufficiently
Knowledge of the disease important to override parental refusal, stating that ‘‘newborn
screening should be mandatory and free of charge if early
N The condition must be an important health problem diagnosis and treatment will benefit the newborn’’. This
N There should be a recognisable latent or early sentiment is reflected broadly in state guidelines in the USA,
symptomatic stage with screening being mandatory in some instances,9 but not
N The natural history of the condition, including devel- in other countries, including the UK, Ireland, Australia, and
New Zealand.
opment from latent to declared disease, should be
adequately understood Consent practices are poorly described and probably vary
markedly within and among different jurisdictions. Most
Knowledge of the test newborn screening programmes provide information sheets
for parents and it is likely that many consent processes
N There should be a suitable test or examination operate on an opt-out basis, whereby parental consent is
N The test should be acceptable to the population assumed if no objections are voiced.
N Case finding should be a continuing process and not a Despite this lack of consensus and practice variation it is
probable that in most cases screening occurs without serious
‘‘once and for all’’ project
breach of parental autonomy and the best interests of the
Treatment for the disease baby are protected. Many newborn screening programmes
have developed strategies to deal with the few cases where
N There should be an accepted treatment for patients with these values do appear to conflict.
recognised disease
N Facilities for diagnosis and treatment should be Distributive justice and standard newborn screening
The WHO screening criteria clearly state that the cost of case
N There should be an agreed policy concerning whom to finding (including diagnosis and treatment of patients
diagnosed as having PKU) should be economically balanced
treat as patients
in relation to possible expenditure on medical care as a
Cost considerations whole. A recent economic analysis of standard newborn
screening in the UK has demonstrated that the practice is
N Costs of case finding (including diagnosis and treat- clearly cost effective.6 12
ment of patients diagnosed) should be economically
balanced in relation to possible expenditure on Ethics of standard newborn screening: summary
medical care as a whole The WHO criteria continue to be useful in considering the
harms and benefits of screening for PKU. Although adverse
effects of screening exist, they are not severe and accrue in a
limited number of people. When these, and other ethical
significant morbidity. Additionally, the natural history of the
concerns relating to consent practices, are balanced against
disease is well described and a clear latent period exists
the significant benefits of preventing serious and permanent
during which diagnosis and initiation of treatment allow
neurological impairment newborn screening programmes are
near complete avoidance of symptoms.
clearly justified. The overall ethical acceptability of newborn
Testing for PKU screening is beyond doubt, and its provision, in the light of
The harms associated with screening are addressed less the above evidence, should be mandatory.
directly in the WHO criteria but largely relate to the testing
process. Newborn blood collection does incur minimal, short NEW DEVELOPMENTS, NEW DILEMMAS
lived pain for the baby but long term complications are very Advances in molecular genetic diagnostics now mean that it
uncommon. Laboratory testing for PKU is cheap, simple, and is feasible to test whole populations of newborns for genetic
reliable.7 The incidence of false negative results (a missed susceptibility to common disorders, such as diabetes and
diagnosis of PKU) through screening is negligible, but a small asthma. Some claim comprehensive genetic screens of this
(,1%) risk of false positive diagnosis on the first sample does nature soon after birth will fundamentally change the way
exist.6 Most parents are reassured by the subsequent negative health care is delivered.13 Others question the veracity of this
test result but there is some evidence that parental anxiety statement,14 15 and the ethical consequences of integrating
can persist and result in longstanding disturbance of parent– genetic susceptibility testing into clinical practices such as
child interaction.8 9 Clearly minimising the number and newborn screening need evaluating.
impact of false positive results must be a key component of Our illustrative example (box 2), although hypothetical, is
a good newborn screening programme. presently implemented within research programmes in
Finland, Norway, and the USA.16–20 We will apply the same
Treatment for PKU ethical appraisal previously applied to standard newborn
Without screening it is difficult to diagnose PKU early and screening, and highlight differences between these new
untreated children have progressive and severe neurological programmes and current practice, drawing firm conclusions
damage. Early diagnosis, facilitated by screening and prompt about the ethical acceptability of new proposals.
institution of appropriate treatment, results in growth and
development within the normal range.10 Benefits and harms of screening newborns for genetic
susceptibility to diabetes
Autonomy and standard newborn screening Knowledge of diabetes
Consent for newborn screening Returning again to the WHO screening criteria, type 1
Issues relating to consent are not specifically addressed in the diabetes is one of the commonest chronic childhood diseases,
WHO criteria but are clearly central to any ethical analysis of with a rising incidence (3–4% per year in most developed

Newborn screening: new developments, new dilemmas 395

debilitating symptoms. Similarly, the principal justification

Box 2: Newborn screening for genetic for screening to detect those at risk of type 1 diabetes is that

J Med Ethics: first published as 10.1136/jme.2004.008219 on 30 June 2005. Downloaded from http://jme.bmj.com/ on November 7, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
susceptibility to diabetes they will be able to modify this risk and prevent the onset of
clinical disease. Although prevention trials are under way,
In the maternity ward, Jackie and Richard are offered a new this is not possible at present.25 Some benefits for children
test that can determine whether their newborn daughter like Chloe may exist, in that childhood type 1 diabetes
Chloe has a genetic predisposition to type 1 diabetes. The diagnosed through a screening and follow up programme has
test detects genetic variants (polymorphisms) that confer a less severe onset and a milder clinical course in the first
either a high risk (8%) or moderate risk (1.7–2.6%) of year after diagnosis.17 Nevertheless, lifelong insulin therapy is
developing diabetes (compared with a national average risk still required for these children, a fact not changed by
of approximately 0.7%).21 Jackie and Richard think the test is susceptibility testing. Perhaps most tellingly, the majority of
a good idea but are a little surprised when they are told some children identified as genetically susceptible will not develop
weeks later that Chloe does have the high risk genes. As a diabetes and will consequently not benefit at all from
result Chloe needs to be monitored throughout childhood for screening or surveillance.
the appearance of antibodies in her blood—the earliest sign
of diabetes, often occurring years before any symptoms. Potential preventive measures
The next year, although Chloe remains well and her Identification of preventive measures for diabetes would
antibody tests have all been negative, Jackie and Richard do clearly shift the balance of benefits and harms in a favourable
frequently think about the possibility of her developing direction and fulfil the WHO screening criterion that
diabetes. While searching the internet they find information treatment should be available. However, serious questions
indicating that standard cows’ milk can trigger diabetes in remain concerning the likely compliance of at risk indivi-
children whereas a new type of milk, containing a different duals, or in this case parents, with recommended lifestyle
protein, does not.22 Although their family doctor informs them modifications or medications. Experience with adults and
that this effect is scientifically unproved Jackie and Richard children in other contexts has shown very variable success
are keen to try to help their daughter and therefore change rates,26–28 with some studies originating in the newborn
Chloe’s milk, despite the additional expense and lack of period even reporting increases in ‘‘risky’’ behaviour.29
Who is the patient?
Although the availability of a preventive measure is desirable
and fulfils one WHO criterion, it presents difficulties with
countries), particularly in the 0–4 year age group. A long another. Having a clear policy on who to treat as a patient
prodromal phase precedes the onset of clinical disease may be difficult in the context of genetic susceptibility
providing an opportunity to institute preventive measures. testing. Up to 15% of the whole population of newborn babies
At present a diagnosis of type 1 diabetes means lifelong possess diabetes susceptibility genes21 and could potentially
treatment with injected insulin, a regimen that is challen- be targets for education programmes aimed at modifying
ging, particularly for very young children. Undoubtedly, lifestyle risk factors.30 Alternatively, if an agent that prevents
diabetes is a significant health problem and preventing or onset of clinical diabetes is developed it is unlikely to be
delaying its onset is highly desirable.23 Although type 1 administered to all genetically susceptible children, necessi-
diabetes seems an attractive option for a newborn screening tating immunological surveillance (blood tests measuring
programme there are important features of the genetic levels of autoantibodies that predict the onset of clinical
susceptibility test itself that present the potential for diabetes) throughout childhood to determine who to treat.
significant harm. This is scientifically and practically complex, expensive and
potentially distressing for the children involved.
What is genetic susceptibility testing? Both of these hypothetical prevention strategies rely upon
Development of common multifactorial diseases such as clearly identifying a large group of genetically susceptible
diabetes and asthma is determined jointly by genes and children and continuing to do so throughout childhood.
environment.24 Testing for common genetic variations (poly- Although not obviously patients, they could perhaps be
morphisms) that confer predisposition to disease is termed viewed as a new class of ‘‘pre-patients’’. Only a minority of
genetic susceptibility testing, and is increasingly feasible on a these children will develop diabetes and benefit, but all are at
large scale as laboratory techniques improve. This type of risk from harmful effects, some of which may be physical and
testing is different from that traditionally used in newborn some psychosocial. In adults, for instance, studies addressing
screening programmes as the information provided contains screening for hypertension (a risk factor for heart disease)
a much greater component of uncertainty. Whereas a positive suggest that asymptomatic risk identification can create a
newborn screening test for PKU means that the biochemical type of social identity in which people are neither well nor ill,
disorder is already present and the disease will develop but ‘‘at risk’’.31 As screening programmes proliferate, there
rapidly without treatment, a positive susceptibility test gives are concerns that the ‘‘worried well’’ will represent an
an individual information about their personal risk of increasingly large sector of society, creating psychological
developing a disease sometime in the future. This type of morbidity and straining medical resources.32
information is derived from population genetic studies and is
usually presented in terms of a probability estimate or odds Forewarned is forearmed?
ratio. For individuals, considerable uncertainty remains as to How important are these psychosocial effects when testing is
whether they will develop the condition and, if so, when. In performed in the newborn period? Some studies indicate that
this respect, genetic susceptibility tests do not necessarily it may be psychologically beneficial to know one’s child’s
adequately fulfil the WHO screening criteria for a suitable medical diagnosis when the disorder is presymptomatic.
and acceptable test and may present significant potential for Parents may prefer early diagnosis through screening, even
harm. for untreatable diseases such as Duchenne muscular dys-
trophy, and there is little evidence that early diagnosis
Preventive treatment for diabetes? produces greater distress than diagnosis by conventional
Newborn screening for PKU facilitates early diagnosis and methods.33 The declared advantage of this is that parents can
treatment of affected children, resulting in avoidance of prepare themselves emotionally and practically.34 Other

396 Kerruish, Robertson

commentators argue that early knowledge of a serious reactions could be remediated by educative measures but
disorder, such as cystic fibrosis, is likely to cause more harm this would require considerable resource allocation, and

J Med Ethics: first published as 10.1136/jme.2004.008219 on 30 June 2005. Downloaded from http://jme.bmj.com/ on November 7, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
than good if there is no effective remedy.35 This argument is may still be only partially effective. Even with optimal
plausible if, for example, the interaction between parents and counselling services concepts of risk are difficult to convey,
child was somehow affected by the news that the baby had and reactions depend upon a complex interplay of individual
an ultimately fatal disease.36 characteristics.39
How does this discussion relate to testing newborns for Finally, it is not only the children who test positive for the
genetic susceptibility to diabetes? It is true that Chloe’s increased risk genotype who may be harmed. Having a low
parents are now primed to pre-empt her potential illness in risk genotype for a multifactorial disease does not eliminate
many ways. However, there are critical differences between the possibility of the condition developing. For the currently
susceptibility tests and tests for fully penetrant monogenic used susceptibility tests for diabetes it simply means that the
diseases, such as cystic fibrosis and Duchenne muscular risk is low (less than 1 in 1500). It is imperative that parents
dystrophy. Measures of disease susceptibility do not provide of these children are not falsely reassured, and they still
the ‘‘benefit of certainty’’ that is associated with tests for recognise the symptoms of developing illness were these to
monogenic disease.37 Rather they highlight a specific level of develop.
uncertainty. Any physical, emotional, or practical preparation Overall, the frequency and severity of adverse psychosocial
that Chloe’s parents make will have been pointless if Chloe reactions to newborn screening for genetic susceptibilities is
never develops diabetes, as most children with increased risk currently difficult to predict, and there is an urgent need for
genotypes will not. It would be bad enough if Chloe’s parents’ further research in this area.
preparation for her developing diabetes had been unneces-
sary. It would be worse if it were actually harmful. Autonomy and genetic susceptibility testing
Informed consent
Vulnerable children? The uncertainty inherent in susceptibility testing and the lack
The psychosocial effects of this period of parental preparation of evidence for an unequivocal benefit to harm ratio also
or surveillance are difficult to predict and study but one impacts upon consent issues. Although it may be acceptable
recent report has suggested that some subgroups of women to use an ‘‘opt-out’’ parental consent scheme for standard
remain significantly anxious at least a year after their baby’s newborn screening with its clear and major benefits, this
diabetes genetic susceptibility test.38 Anxiety and ‘‘over- would not be reasonable for susceptibility tests. Guidelines
reaction’’ is distressing for parents, but may also have far concerning best practice in genetic testing advise for the
reaching consequences for children themselves. If parents provision of clear and simple information and time for
view their ‘‘at risk’’ child as actually being ill or ‘‘uniquely consideration before embarking on testing.44 Offering new-
vulnerable’’ they may over-attribute symptoms to the born susceptibility tests at an emotional time and when the
perceived risk status.39 For instance, additional fluid intake blood sample had already been obtained for standard
may be misconstrued as symptomatic of incipient diabetes newborn screening is not optimal and may lead to unusually
rather than indicative of the typical fluctuations in fluid high uptake rates.44 Similarly the communication of positive
intake during childhood, resulting in unnecessary worry and test results to a potentially large number of individuals and
medical intervention. the provision of ongoing support would require a significant
It is also well recognised that parents can interact departure from established newborn screening practice45 if
differently with a child if they misinterpret their risk of some of the potential harms discussed above are to be
illness, potentially contributing to childhood behavioural avoided. Even so, individual differences in attitude to risk,
problems and even disordered illness behaviour later in life.40 family functioning, and social support mean that reaction to
This is particularly pertinent in the newborn period when the testing is likely to vary markedly.39 Introducing new
bond between parents and child is developing and when counselling measures to address these issues would seriously
external influences can have a profound and permanent challenge traditional practices surrounding newborn screen-
effect on child development.41 ing and stretch the limited resources currently applied to it.45
Later in childhood, children identified as being at genetic
risk of disease may feel stigmatised or different from their Childhood and autonomy
peers, which may also significantly affect their social Results from genetic susceptibility tests are not only
development. This has been clearly described in relation to probabilistic but they are also predictive. They do not
healthy carriers of monogenic conditions42: we simply do not demonstrate a disorder (such as PKU) is present but that it
know if it will occur with genetic susceptibility to multi- may occur some time later in childhood. Most official policies
factorial conditions. concerning predictive genetic testing strongly advise against
testing children for a disease in which surveillance, pre-
Testing in the absence of preventive treatment emptive, or definitive medical treatment is not available in
In the absence of definitive therapy there may be increased childhood.37 46 47 This approach protects the child’s future
potential for harm. As in Chloe’s case the natural parental autonomy to self determine whether or not to be tested and
urge to protect one’s child may drive a search for preventive does not violate the future adult’s right not to know.
or therapeutic strategies. Chloe’s parents’ choice to alter her Alternative arguments that children’s best interests should
milk intake is unlikely to be harmful, but other similar not be considered in narrow, medical terms but according to
interventions may not be so innocuous. Studies on screening a broader definition including biological, social, and psycho-
for hypercholesterolaemia have reported that some parents social elements, have challenged the prohibition on predictive
restrict their child’s diet to the extent that they become genetic testing in childhood. Self knowledge (including
malnourished.43 Similarly, identification of a genetic predis- genetic test results), it is argued, can promote more autono-
position to haemachromatosis in a child could lead to mous decision making and allow better psychosocial adjust-
unnecessary restriction of iron intake with adverse neuro- ment.48 Knowledge of one’s risk of developing diabetes
developmental effects. In the case of susceptibility testing throughout childhood could be viewed as enhancing a child’s
these negative effects may accrue in large numbers of developing autonomy. Although convincing when consider-
children who were never destined to develop the condition ing fully penetrant, monogenic disorders this argument does
to which they are ‘‘susceptible’’. One might argue that these not necessarily follow for susceptibility tests. It would be

Newborn screening: new developments, new dilemmas 397

difficult, and potentially harmful, for Chloe or her parents to as knowledge of disease pathogenesis, as well as harms and
try to plan their family life on the basis of such a poorly benefits of testing grows, new strategies for prevention are

J Med Ethics: first published as 10.1136/jme.2004.008219 on 30 June 2005. Downloaded from http://jme.bmj.com/ on November 7, 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
predictive test. developed, and costs change. Decision making that integrates
Finally, predictive genetic testing could possibly lead to all of these factors is an ethical imperative. If sufficient
discrimination in later life by insurance companies or attention is not paid to these issues then two outcomes are
potential employers.47 How the type of information generated likely. Firstly, iatrogenic harms may reach a level whereby the
from genetic susceptibility testing for common multifactorial net benefit of expanded screening becomes questionable.
diseases fits into this picture is currently unclear and difficult Secondly, and perhaps less obviously, public confidence in
to predict. the whole newborn screening process may waver and uptake
rates of even standard newborn screening may decline. The
Distributive justice and susceptibility testing resultant rise in mortality and morbidity would represent the
It is currently not feasible to perform an accurate economic ultimate harm; the technological imperative to expand and
analysis of screening programmes for conditions like type 1 diversify newborn screening, if ill-considered, could subvert
diabetes. Even if a preventive measure were developed a large and defeat what is at present an undeniable public health
number of genetically susceptible children would require good.
monitoring throughout childhood for there to be a significant
reduction in the incidence or severity of type 1 diabetes. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
Effects such as altered illness behaviour in people who were We thank Dr Lynn Gillam for helpful comments on earlier versions of
‘‘perceived as vulnerable or sickly’’ during childhood are this paper.
difficult to study and quantify but could represent a
significant burden to the health system. Any evaluation of
the cost effectiveness of genetic susceptibility screening Authors’ affiliations
N J Kerruish, S P Robertson, Department of Paediatrics and Child
programmes will need to carefully consider these complex
Health, Dunedin School of Medicine, University of Otago, Dunedin, New
issues. Zealand

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