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Countries and Capital Cities Game

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ESL / EFL RESOURCES Countries and Capital Cities Game

Activity Type Introduction

Reading, matching and Here are two fun card games that students can play to learn the
speaking activity, group names of countries and their capital cities.
Language Focus Tell the students that they are going to play a pelmanism game
where they match countries and capital cities together.
Countries and capital
cities Divide the students into groups of three. Give each group a set of
country cards and capital city cards.
Aim Tell the students to shuffle each set of cards separately and then
To learn the names spread them out on the table face down in two sets.
of countries and their
Students then take it in turns to turn over a country card and a
capital cities.
capital city card.

If the two cards match, the student makes a sentence using the
Preparation two cards, e.g. 'Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand'.
Make one copy of the
cards for each group The student then keeps the cards and has another turn.
of three and cut as
If the cards do not match, the student turns them back over,
indicated. Keep the
keeping the cards in the same place.
country cards and capital
city cards separate. The students continue to play until all the cards have been matched.

The student with the most cards at the end of the game is the winner.
Next, tell the students that they are going to play a game where
they race against each other to match capital cities to countries.

One student takes the country cards, shuffles them and places
Time them in a pile face down.
25 minutes
The other two students take the capital city cards, shuffle them
and spread them out face up on the table.

The student with the country cards picks up a card from the pile
and reads out the country on the card to the two students.

The two students then race to find the corresponding capital city
card and give it to the student, saying the name of the capital city
at the same time.

The first student to do this wins and keeps the two cards. This
continues until all the cards have been matched. The student with
the most cards at the end of the game wins.

Afterwards, students swap roles and play again.

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Teach-This.com © 2018 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.


ESL / EFL RESOURCES Countries and Capital Cities Game

Egypt Greece Cairo Athens

North Korea Ethiopia Pyongyang Addis Ababa

Mexico Iran Mexico City Tehran

Malaysia Argentina Kuala Lumpur Buenos Aires

New Zealand Belgium Wellington Brussels

Cuba Denmark Havana Copenhagen

Chile Libya Santiago Tripoli

Indonesia Brazil Jakarta Brasilia

Nepal Iceland Kathmandu Reykjavik

Pakistan Taiwan Islamabad Taipei

India Afghanistan New Delhi Kabul

Australia Cambodia Canberra Phnom Penh

Japan China Tokyo Beijing

Russia Zimbabwe Moscow Harare

Thailand Vietnam Bangkok Hanoi

Teach-This.com © 2018 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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