Countries and Capital Cities Game
Countries and Capital Cities Game
Countries and Capital Cities Game
If the two cards match, the student makes a sentence using the
Preparation two cards, e.g. 'Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand'.
Make one copy of the
cards for each group The student then keeps the cards and has another turn.
of three and cut as
If the cards do not match, the student turns them back over,
indicated. Keep the
keeping the cards in the same place.
country cards and capital
city cards separate. The students continue to play until all the cards have been matched.
The student with the most cards at the end of the game is the winner.
Next, tell the students that they are going to play a game where
they race against each other to match capital cities to countries.
One student takes the country cards, shuffles them and places
Time them in a pile face down.
25 minutes
The other two students take the capital city cards, shuffle them
and spread them out face up on the table.
The student with the country cards picks up a card from the pile
and reads out the country on the card to the two students.
The two students then race to find the corresponding capital city
card and give it to the student, saying the name of the capital city
at the same time.
The first student to do this wins and keeps the two cards. This
continues until all the cards have been matched. The student with
the most cards at the end of the game wins.
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