The document is a table listing the daily prayer times of Subuh, Duha, and Zuhur from May 1st to May 31st. It shows that the times for Subuh and Duha remain mostly constant each day between 04:13-04:14 and 05:55-06:00 respectively, while the time for Zuhur prayer varies slightly earlier each day from 11:29 to 11:30. The source of the prayer timetable is listed as the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs website.
The document is a table listing the daily prayer times of Subuh, Duha, and Zuhur from May 1st to May 31st. It shows that the times for Subuh and Duha remain mostly constant each day between 04:13-04:14 and 05:55-06:00 respectively, while the time for Zuhur prayer varies slightly earlier each day from 11:29 to 11:30. The source of the prayer timetable is listed as the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs website.
Original Description:
waktu ramadhan waktu yang sangat tepat untuk diisi dengan kebaikan dan hal -hal yang bermanfaat
The document is a table listing the daily prayer times of Subuh, Duha, and Zuhur from May 1st to May 31st. It shows that the times for Subuh and Duha remain mostly constant each day between 04:13-04:14 and 05:55-06:00 respectively, while the time for Zuhur prayer varies slightly earlier each day from 11:29 to 11:30. The source of the prayer timetable is listed as the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs website.
The document is a table listing the daily prayer times of Subuh, Duha, and Zuhur from May 1st to May 31st. It shows that the times for Subuh and Duha remain mostly constant each day between 04:13-04:14 and 05:55-06:00 respectively, while the time for Zuhur prayer varies slightly earlier each day from 11:29 to 11:30. The source of the prayer timetable is listed as the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs website.