Soc U2 2009 PDF
Soc U2 2009 PDF
Soc U2 2009 PDF
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1. Popu lationsrudy can U. gf ST describbd as ' 4. In calculating the pcpulation growth rares in-
the snrdy of . Tofiola for 200T,Ianesubtracted.the number
of deaths from the number of birttrs. What
(A ) international migration and unter additionalsteps should she have taken?
(B) rnortality and its iruplications for l. ' Computed the netrnigution rate
development ' .
fI. Computed lhe change in birrh rEre .
(C) the prarention ofoverpopulation in a UI. Added the net nafiiral increase to net
, society migration
(D) the Ieralsandrends inpspulation size fY. Added the net ferrility rate to the
and irs components death ratc I
-t T:f ^-I-. ,"/
f. Fertility -
. . 3, The PYrarnid above ctrn BEST repr€sent the
IL Depeudeacy ratio populatign in ryhich set of countries?
III. Mortaliry
fV. - Interuational *igtution (A) G uyaaa, Bfrz:.l, Mexic o, Argentina
(B) Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago,
($.) I and II only Bahamas, United States .t
(B) II and IV only (c) IIaiti, Russia, Denmarlq Spain
(C) trI and IV only (Dl IEIy, Canada, Australia Germany
(D) I, III and IY only
6. Which of the following statertrBnts about E.. Which of rhe following ganerahzations are
frIarx'stheoryofpopulationgowthisTRuE? MOST suitable for describing population
ooqrth in caribbean socicty?
(A) Iv{isery and suffering .ri io*ituuj.
(B) Industrialization cFeates social and largelydueromigrarioE
ecoDornic problerns. II. Popularion increase takes place in
(C) A.rcorgadzation of sociely.will l{qiti'which is ranked low on t}ie
eliminate poverry and other social IIDI.
ills- III. Fertility'increase takes place in
(D) Undesirable rabes should not be countries which raEI( high on the
allowed to breed. Hnt'
fy. FetilitydecrEase in Barba4os is
MOST likely due to migratierl
7 . Which of the followingare theMOST likely
conseguences of largc scale outward (A) I and II only
migration frorn the Caribbean? (B) II and fV only
(C) I, III and [V only
f. Brain drain (D) I, II, III and IY
tr. Improved standard ofliving
rII. Less strain on rcsources
ry. Iacreased'dependency radg 9. ffi*.:f*follou,ingareTRtiEof.,\ilaltbus'
(A) I aod IYoaly
(B) I, Ilaad Iil only I. Maa is a paterial beiag.
(C) L Itrasd fV ouly. ll- Populatiou increases exponentiaily.
tp) t, f, iifaatiTy' m. girrhi tante limited by abstinence.
ff. Only one elhnic group should be
allowed to reProduce raPidlY'
(A) I an{ II
(B) I and rV .
tC) II and III
(D) III and fV
l EAR_I i I
10. We can conclude from the tablc that there has becn
,. iacreasingpopulationgrowthinvillages
tr. fluchraiousiupopul*imgmwhintowns
ru. dccreaiingpopplationgrowttrinvillages
ry. incrcasingpo,pulationgrowttriucities
1I . Wtrat are the MOST challeuges that citiesAand B would face based on the t'eads seen io the
tut42 4"r,
I- Crime I
tr. Flooding
Itr. Pollrtion
IY. Racism
(A) IaudII only t
| .e
Tterq 13 refers to the followiagtable whigh shows budgetary allocations for Couoqy X.
2W7 6A 7 l. 2s I
- L Littlemoneywillbeleftforinfrastructuraldcvelopment-
U. Fullemploymentwillbeechievcd.
ru- Citizenswillcxpcriepcecnhauccdsccuriry.
fV. The.qualifcd and suilicd will coarinue toimigrare.
(c) [L rv, v, I, I
(D) V, ru, r, II, W (A) I and II onl-v
(B) I, U and IV ouly
(C) I; ilI abd fV oaly
-lp) U, ilI ernd fV only
16. Deviance is viewed as relatiye in nafirre- 2A. lvhich of the following staremenrs supporr the
Which srarernenr BEST explainq this? conflict theory on cdme?
t, I
23. social order is Mosr necess sty for social 26. It is MOST likely tbat praedial larceny will
be corurrittedinAreaB bccause of the
(A) . ldevelopment
30. Tlre BEST defiaition for thp term 'whitc- 33. The table below shows rhe developfiIenr
coJlar crime' is crimc cornnined by indicators which are used to describe freuds
and evaluate progress in various counfries.
(A) any person in the course of his or
her occupatiou Yzrtzble I fndicator
(B) persons who are aboye the statutory
Educatiou I Adult Lireracy Rare
(C) "gglimit
adults of hig! social srarus in the
- t.
' a
oi-i.r -r-
y €
- 9r-
36. Tlhich of the following BEST describes the 39. Absolure pov e$yrefcrs to a sin:ation where
role and function of the Internarional the poor
Monetar,'fund flMf)?
43. Which of the following is an approach to 45. Ia whatway has tha srudy ofpoveny in thi
Wverty alleviatiwt? Ca#bean helped b promore darelopment in
the region?
'.(A) Demographic approach'
(B) Laboru education approach 1, It has bf to increased qpcading on
(C) Rigbts approach ' edtrcatiolr.
(D) Political lobbying approach Il It has led to the provision of bener
health care-
IfI. It has promoted ttre dcveloprnent of
44. Women may be uneqnlly disad'*rana,ged by Iaws to prote ct citizeas.
the e.rperiencb ofbeigg in pover{y. Wllich fV. It has resulted in 'safer5r-nets' for
siaration BEST explains this? those with limited incomes.
(A) They are more like iy, to be (A) - I, II and III only
memployed {B) I, I.I and IV only.
(B) Hlsbands uzually control the hmily (C) L UI and IV only
lngome. ,Ol il, III aud rV only
(q) Wgmen are einotionally burdened as
they hav-e to care for their
children. '
(D) ,t:11:Y15:y*tionagainst
women !n soctefjl.