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Soc U2 2009 PDF

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1. Popu lationsrudy can U. gf ST describbd as ' 4. In calculating the pcpulation growth rares in-
the snrdy of . Tofiola for 200T,Ianesubtracted.the number
of deaths from the number of birttrs. What
(A ) international migration and unter additionalsteps should she have taken?
(B) rnortality and its iruplications for l. ' Computed the netrnigution rate
development ' .
fI. Computed lhe change in birrh rEre .

(C) the prarention ofoverpopulation in a UI. Added the net nafiiral increase to net
, society migration
(D) the Ieralsandrends inpspulation size fY. Added the net ferrility rate to the
and irs components death ratc I
-t T:f ^-I-. ,"/

To which of he following does the term (B) I and III only

*narural increase'
refer? (C) II and fV cFr'ly
{D) JII and T\l aaly
(A) The deficit of births oyer deaths in a
gryen country for aparticular yenr
(B) The suqplus of births over deaths in Item 5 refers to the diagram belsw.
a given country for a particular
{C) The number of deaths per one
. thousandpopulation tnagivcrr ve:rr
tD) The-uumber ofdeathsofinfartsunder
one yett of age pq orle.thousand
Iives in a given yer

3. lVhich ofthe following would MOST directly

influerce population glrcwth?

f. Fertility -
. . 3, The PYrarnid above ctrn BEST repr€sent the
IL Depeudeacy ratio populatign in ryhich set of countries?
III. Mortaliry
fV. - Interuational *igtution (A) G uyaaa, Bfrz:.l, Mexic o, Argentina
(B) Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago,
($.) I and II only Bahamas, United States .t
(B) II and IV only (c) IIaiti, Russia, Denmarlq Spain
(C) trI and IV only (Dl IEIy, Canada, Australia Germany
(D) I, III and IY only


6. Which of the following statertrBnts about E.. Which of rhe following ganerahzations are
frIarx'stheoryofpopulationgowthisTRuE? MOST suitable for describing population
ooqrth in caribbean socicty?
(A) Iv{isery and suffering .ri io*ituuj.
(B) Industrialization cFeates social and largelydueromigrarioE
ecoDornic problerns. II. Popularion increase takes place in
(C) A.rcorgadzation of sociely.will l{qiti'which is ranked low on t}ie
eliminate poverry and other social IIDI.
ills- III. Fertility'increase takes place in
(D) Undesirable rabes should not be countries which raEI( high on the
allowed to breed. Hnt'
fy. FetilitydecrEase in Barba4os is
MOST likely due to migratierl
7 . Which of the followingare theMOST likely
conseguences of largc scale outward (A) I and II only
migration frorn the Caribbean? (B) II and fV only
(C) I, III and [V only
f. Brain drain (D) I, II, III and IY
tr. Improved standard ofliving
rII. Less strain on rcsources
ry. Iacreased'dependency radg 9. ffi*.:f*follou,ingareTRtiEof.,\ilaltbus'
(A) I aod IYoaly
(B) I, Ilaad Iil only I. Maa is a paterial beiag.
(C) L Itrasd fV ouly. ll- Populatiou increases exponentiaily.
tp) t, f, iifaatiTy' m. girrhi tante limited by abstinence.
ff. Only one elhnic group should be
allowed to reProduce raPidlY'

(A) I an{ II
(B) I and rV .
tC) II and III
(D) III and fV


Items L0 -.I2 refer to the followiog able,

Popul*lrFigures For rn Caribbean

I r

l EAR_I i I

Ciry A I 8e 031 I tsas6 : ro5liz

City B 50 oss s3 632i 6s 789

Town C 36 532 3s426 | 378s2

Village D 3 632 zstr I rBSz

10. We can conclude from the tablc that there has becn

,. iacreasingpopulationgrowthinvillages
tr. fluchraiousiupopul*imgmwhintowns
ru. dccreaiingpopplationgrowttrinvillages
ry. incrcasingpo,pulationgrowttriucities

(A) I aadll only

<gi II aud Itr orly
(C) E trIaodfVonly
(D) I, tr, III md rV

1I . Wtrat are the MOST challeuges that citiesAand B would face based on the t'eads seen io the
tut42 4"r,

I- Crime I

tr. Flooding
Itr. Pollrtion
IY. Racism
(A) IaudII only t


I aud III *tv

(C) tr audltr only I

(D) Itr andf .V onlyi \

12- Wtat istheftfOStUtilyfactorcausiugpeople.EomVillageD totakeupresidence in CityA?


(A) Access to entetrairment

(B) Health care
(C) Higher wages i
(D) fmprovedhousins


| .e

Tterq 13 refers to the followiagtable whigh shows budgetary allocations for Couoqy X.

' BudgEtary Allocations for Couqtryx (Percentage)

Yearc Educatign Ifeafth NationaI. Other Itfin istries

Sesr rity Combined
tt o/ lot .lo
/a "/o
2ffi3 40 IO 15 35
2ffi4 42 1r i i6 ' 3l
?ffi5 43 I 20 78
zffi6 45 I IJ
^rl 24 I

2W7 6A 7 l. 2s I

13. What is aLIKELY outcome of the parem ofbudgetaryallocations in


- L Littlemoneywillbeleftforinfrastructuraldcvelopment-
U. Fullemploymentwillbeechievcd.
ru- Citizenswillcxpcriepcecnhauccdsccuriry.
fV. The.qualifcd and suilicd will coarinue toimigrare.

(A) I and II only

(B) I and III only
(C) I, EI atrd fY only

14. lVhich of the following shows the correct --

I). Aecordiog to the world system theory which
order for Rostow's stages of ecouomic of the follcwing ateTRIJE of cxploitation?
f- It has led to economic asd social
1. Take-off retardation in the periphery.
II. TraditioffiI II. It lias resulted in dcpendencry and
III. HighmaSs ioniuurption under development in the
n'- Pre takt-off periphery.
t V Drive tomatrrity ilI. has led to the rxetroqtole feeding

-\' I, II, Ul ry,v fV. The world has beeorne a global

(B) II, ry I,V, III frlagc. '

(c) [L rv, v, I, I
(D) V, ru, r, II, W (A) I and II onl-v
(B) I, U and IV ouly
(C) I; ilI abd fV oaly
-lp) U, ilI ernd fV only
16. Deviance is viewed as relatiye in nafirre- 2A. lvhich of the following staremenrs supporr the
Which srarernenr BEST explainq this? conflict theory on cdme?

(A) Pu',istr rrenr is encouraged to curb f. Crime reduces surplus Iabour by

filrther delingueur ae fs. creatin g emplolalent for criminals
CB) Socie9's Effibers mayuot cqtrforrn and law ofEcers
to ttre collcctive norr:rrs- , .'
(c) criminal II. By defining people ai criminal, the
- beh aviour provides ruling class has more control over
ernp I oyrnent oppornrni fi es, &e working class.
. rrl
Behaviour in one sociefy maynot be The offe.nsive nahre of crime tends
read,ly accepted iu another societv- to create a sfronger bond among

1,7. which theory posrurates that ryithour

ry ':;:,ffi;:',*Lil:::#,:l'
people in sociefy.

ro norrns and values life would .'

becorne chaotic? (A) I, U and fV oaly
(B) I, III and fV only
(+) Coufli*rheo4y (C) II, Itr and IV only
(B) Subcutturzl theory
tD) I, il, III and IV
(C) Feminist theory
(D) Functionalist th.coqy
-t. Millcr i.deatified. a uumber of lower-class
18. --According concsrns that ledd youtrg people to comr-rit
ro H. Bccks; thc effect ofldbelling
results-itr the prrson ri+ing our rhar label. dclinqustrt acE- AII of the follow trrg are
reasons fu delinguency EXCEPT
which term BEsr describes this concept?

(A) Crirfnal ilfnrlurre

f. a searctrfor cheap thrjlls

(B) ReEeatist subculture

II- a diqplay of torrghncss

(c) SElf-fu Ifi llingpropheclr

ru. a rejecrion ofviolence
p) Master status
IV. a setrse of destiny

(A) I, U aud II only

79. which of the following theories claim that (B) I, Uand IV only
devjauceand crime are found in all socieries?
(C) L Ul and.tV onty
(D) tr, III and fV onlv
f, Conflicr theory
II. Funcrionalisrtheory
Irf- Social control theory 22. The family acts as an agent of social control
fV. Diffleatial Association rheory for all its members, which of the following
is NOT ari example of social control?
(A) I and Ii only
(B) L II aud III only (A) are eucouraged ro pursue
(C) I ard IV outy lort
(D) II, UlandlVonty (B) Domestic activities keep women
(C) Both parenrc are presenr in rhe
(D) Girls are monitored more closcly rhan
\, t,


t, I

23. social order is Mosr necess sty for social 26. It is MOST likely tbat praedial larceny will
be corurrittedinAreaB bccause of the
(A) . ldevelopment

(B) interaction (A) ecotromil acdYities

(C) stability (B) leisure activities
(D) urovdmdnt' (C) available faeilities
. (D) policc presence'

24. Whicl of the followingstatements is TRUE

about wornen and crime in the Caribb dafi3 27 . lttichofthe folloring areas are MOST Iikely
to record a higher crime rate?
(A) Prostitution and shoplffi n1areoften
not reported to the police, .
' ff. Mllage
(B) Wornen haye an increased chance Ciry
ofbeing arrested for soliciting. ru- Town
(c) It is generally assurned that men ry- Ghctto
influence women Io corrnit criure.
(D) Women areless Wlytobe convicted
(A) I and II only''
of c:ime. (B) I aad Itr ouly
{C} U, I[ and IV onty
(D) I, IL III and fV
Iteas 15 - 27 refer to the following

Two Eroups of youqg merr resids in fwo

s€pamte locations. AreaA is diffcreut from
Area B because of a variety of economic L Societal perceptiors of urale
activities, facilities aud opportunities for srryeriDriry
leisuirsl 'The jrouiiB -Eiir frour Area B are U- Greater oppqrtunity of fcmale
oftcn arrestcd for praedial larceny and petty upwardmobility
theft. Meacwhilc thmi &omAreaAare often
il. Continuiug pamem of abuse over
arrcsted for armed robhe4y, drug offences and generations .

burglary. IV- Iucrease in sexual harassrnetrI in the

25. Area B MOST ofteu rclxesents a
(A) I and II only
(A) city tB) I and'Itr only
tB) bwn (C) III and IV ouly
(C) Yiilagp
(D) II, III and IV only
tD) ghetto
29. Which of the following arre examples of
corporate crimes?

(A) Thx evasion and embra,Iement

(B) Unsafe worlctrllaces aud defective
(c) Civil bribery audpnce fixing
(D) Envirormental terrorism atd luoney
t t r"
t, f.
ar, '.

30. Tlre BEST defiaition for thp term 'whitc- 33. The table below shows rhe developfiIenr
coJlar crime' is crimc cornnined by indicators which are used to describe freuds
and evaluate progress in various counfries.
(A) any person in the course of his or
her occupatiou Yzrtzble I fndicator
(B) persons who are aboye the statutory
Educatiou I Adult Lireracy Rare
(C) "gglimit
adults of hig! social srarus in the
- t.

course of rheir occupations Social seryices I X

(D) drug bosses cooperating with each
Health I Persons living with
31. The term 'underdevelopment' is usually
associated yrith In the table aboye, X represents the number
of persons
(A) a lack of natural resources in
develspins cor:ntries (A) withoutacademic $Elifications
tB) dependensy ongoventrmertrevenue (B) who have access to essential dmgs
(C) insufficieot use of the resources in (C) without access to safe water
-TbirdWorld countries (D) who zrrc victims of crime
(D) depcodcucy otr foreign goods aud

-ttryi:o 34. Which ofthe following theofi# cxplaiosthc

diffcrcnt rrrtes st which countrigs dcvelop?-'.
-Jt 3t. Sociologists cf a MOST accurately estirnatc
the standard ofliving in a parlicularrcgion (A) Early evoluribnarist theory
w CB) Cycltcal theory
(C) fusctionalisttheory
(A) ,nAyriog thc Gross National Prodrrct. (D) Modenisatioatheory
(B) assessing the availabiliry of arable
(c) ascertaining' the quantity of 35- Which ofthe following stateurents is TRUE
corsumer goods peopls import ofglobalization?
(D) assessing the number ofpeople with +

dnrg-relatedproblems (A) - It grres grater power to groups.

(B) It do-"r- not affect Caribbean
(C) n incrert:d internarioual
(Dl It'promoteri equal exchanges of
r'rl, ,' r

' a
oi-i.r -r-
y €


- 9r-
36. Tlhich of the following BEST describes the 39. Absolure pov e$yrefcrs to a sin:ation where
role and function of the Internarional the poor
Monetar,'fund flMf)?

(A) {A} are unable to obtain food necess ary

luvcstigates internatisnai crime forsrrrvival
(B) Provides'rnilitary and technical (B) food andnon-food
are rruable to attain
assistance to I.atin America and items necessary for srrnrival
the Caribbean (q rernain perulansntly in nced
(C) Addresses the issue of global fD) make social comparisons berween
tsrorim themselves and orhers
(D) Provides financial and techu ical
assistaoce to the developing world
40. Which of the following social groups are
MGST rnrlnerabte to pov erty?
Which ofthe following areIvfAIOR issues in
Caribbean devclo p,Eent? f. The clderly and lourer class.
ff. The disabled and indigenous people
f. Violent crimes III, The proletariat and lhe Iumpen
If.' Domestic violeuce proletariat
IIL Teerrage pregnancy fV, The uoemployed and single-pareat
IV, HIY/AIDS farrilies

(A) I and II only (A) Iandtronly

(B) Iaudwonly CB) I and III only'
(C) I, III and IV only (C) - f, II and tV only :
(D) tr, III and iV onty (D) U, [I audlYonly

38. -'Whichof the following problems . do

41' Bps.eetqhefs contpnd th+t. the .beha:risur of
thepoor is not culturally ingrained, but rather
Cadbbean govemments face as a result of
globelisation? is detcrrrined by'siuntional consraints' .

I. Increase in motrey laundering

IVhich of the following factbrs can be
described as a sinratioual constraint?
f[. Global te,rorisrn
IIf. Uneqrral distribution ofwealth (A) CuIHral deprivation
fV. Depletion ofuatrrral resources
tB) Matsialdeprivation
(C) Seasonal emplqrmefi
(A) I, ani tr only tD) Uudercrytlment
(B) II and III only
(C) L U?'dIYonly'
(D) I,II,III aud tV 42: \ilbich of the following starcrnents ii MOST
likell to be the view o{" codflicttheorist?
(A) A eulrure of poveffy 'm,courages'
(B) Po'rerty is tlre result of iudividual
(C) The snte has dorie mtrch to eliminete
(D) The state must allocate resources
from the wealthy to the Poor
t tr 'a '
.,*. .l f .-



43. Which of the following is an approach to 45. Ia whatway has tha srudy ofpoveny in thi
Wverty alleviatiwt? Ca#bean helped b promore darelopment in
the region?
'.(A) Demographic approach'
(B) Laboru education approach 1, It has bf to increased qpcading on
(C) Rigbts approach ' edtrcatiolr.
(D) Political lobbying approach Il It has led to the provision of bener
health care-
IfI. It has promoted ttre dcveloprnent of
44. Women may be uneqnlly disad'*rana,ged by Iaws to prote ct citizeas.
the e.rperiencb ofbeigg in pover{y. Wllich fV. It has resulted in 'safer5r-nets' for
siaration BEST explains this? those with limited incomes.

(A) They are more like iy, to be (A) - I, II and III only
memployed {B) I, I.I and IV only.
(B) Hlsbands uzually control the hmily (C) L UI and IV only
lngome. ,Ol il, III aud rV only
(q) Wgmen are einotionally burdened as
they hav-e to care for their
children. '

(D) ,t:11:Y15:y*tionagainst
women !n soctefjl.

IF :rou Eli{rsrr BEroirr rrME rs cALLED, cHEcK youR'woRx oN THrs rEsr.

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