Neuro-Fuzzy Systems: A Survey: WSEAS Transactions On Systems January 2004
Neuro-Fuzzy Systems: A Survey: WSEAS Transactions On Systems January 2004
Neuro-Fuzzy Systems: A Survey: WSEAS Transactions On Systems January 2004
55 4,220
3 authors:
Alexandre Mota
University of Aveiro
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All content following this page was uploaded by José Vieira on 07 January 2015.
Abstract: – The techniques of artificial intelligence based in fuzzy logic and neural networks are many times
applied together. The reasons to combine these two paradigms come out of the difficulties and inherent
limitations of each isolated paradigm. Generically, when they are used in a combined way, they are called
Neuro-Fuzzy Systems. This term, however, is many times used to assign a specific type of system that integrates
both techniques. This type of system is characterised for a fuzzy system where fuzzy sets and fuzzy rules are
adjusted using input output patterns. There are several different implementations of neuro-suzzy systems,
therefore each author defined its own model. This article summarizes a general vision of the area describing the
most known hybrid neuro-fuzzy techniques, its advantages and disadvantages.
Key Words – Hybrid Systems, Cooperative Systems, Concurrent Systems, Neuro-Fuzzy Architectures, Non-
Linear Modelling.