The Buddha in The Attic Unit Plan
The Buddha in The Attic Unit Plan
The Buddha in The Attic Unit Plan
Central Focus: Students will focus on the cultural perspective of Japanese immigrants in the era of WWII and analyze how Julie Otsuka uses literary
devices to convey the racial divisions between Japanese immigrants and dominant culture. Students will explain how the historical events of WWII impact
the progression of the novel and explain cultural bias from the perspective of the oppressed peoples.
Analyze the impact of the author’s choices regarding how to develop and relate elements of a story or drama (e.g. where a story is set, how the action is
ordered, how the characters are introduced and developed).
Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining
where the text leaves matters uncertain.
Determine two or more central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one
another to provide a complex analysis; provide an objective summary of the text.
Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text in which the rhetoric is particularly effective, analyzing how style and content contribute to the
power, persuasiveness or beauty of the text.
Summative Assessment: Students will create an artistic drawing that depicts the experience of Japanese immigrants to the experience of the dominant culture
whose perspective ends the novel. In addition, students will compose a short essay of 3 pages discussing Otsuka’s presentation of Japanese “Picture Brides” and
their experience in America before WWII to the start of Japanese internment.
Syntax Organizing structures of the Note taking; verbal Note taking; verbal Verbal discussion; Writing responses; Note taking; verbal
discipline. Sentence, paragraph; outline; discussion discussion; prompt categorizing verbal discussion; discussion;
bibliography writing examples; note taking; sentences and bullet
summarizing points
Discourse mechanics; usage; grammar; Note taking in Note taking in Grammar; syntax; Students need to Note taking; verbal
writing process; genres; textual forms reading journals, reading journals, respond to a prompt discussion;
writing a short writing a short using textual summary; historical
response to a response to a evidence. This is political orders
prompt, verbally prompt, verbally done through
respond in coherent, respond in coherent, analysis responses
clear sentences to clear sentences to and literary
oral questions oral questions discussion.
Activity 1 At the start of class, Students will The first activity will Students will Students will begin
students will be respond to the be a grammar lesson respond to a writing this lesson with
asked what it means writing prompt on focusing on prompt in their writing down briefly
to “other” a group the board based on anaphora. The writing journals as what they remember
of people. Students a section of “Come, activity will begin they start class. The about the Japanese
should be allowed Japanese!” – “How with students prompt will ask internment from the
time to think and does Julie Otsuka having to sort “How do your views previous lessons and
respond and make depict the cultural examples into differ from the the novel. They will
sure to maintain a differences between categories of “what views of your use bullet points and
respectful and safe Japan and America? is anaphora” and parents? How are try to list all that
classroom culture. What are your “what is not you like the children they can in 5
Afterwards, reactions to the anaphora”. This is in these sections of minutes. After they
students will begin “Picture Brides”’ based off the The Buddha in the are done, they
class with a journal first impressions of student inquiry Attic?” should share with
prompt: “When America?” model so the topic Students will be their shoulder
have you ever felt Students will have 5 will not be revealed given around 5 partner and come up
othered by a minutes to respond prior to the activity. minutes to complete with any conflicting
community of to this prompt in Examples will the writing prompt points or questions
people?” This their reading include two short and they should try that the class should
prompt should be journals after which sentences that to find textual address. Once
written in their they will break off either begin with evidence to relate to students have had a
writing journals and into groups of the same phrase or themselves, chance to go through
students will have threes to discuss do not. Students will although it is not their lists, the
about 10 minutes to their findings and be asked which necessary. teacher should bring
write about this. collectively come up category each the class back
*Important: Inform with one interesting examples falls under together and open
the students that difference that and the teacher will up the floor to
the writing journals Otsuka includes. correct as needed. questions/conflicting
are completely Students will have 3 facts. This is a time
confidential and if or so minutes to do to make sure that
they do not want this. After this, the students have a solid
me to read the class will come foundational
content of the together to discuss knowledge in the
writing prompt, their findings and causes of the
write “DO NOT open up a general Japanese
READ” at the top of discussion about internment.
the page so when I this section and
do journal checks, initial thoughts and
they know I will not reactions.
read it.
Informal assessment: Before starting the Students will be As the examples Students will be Students will be
Checks for understanding writing prompt, checked based on progress, students informally assessed informally assessed
students should be their answers given will demonstrate based on their by their ability to
asked what it means orally in class during understanding by journal responses. write about the
to “other” someone the discussion. sorting the Japanese internment
and what that may examples into their and discuss their
look like. The respected knowledge with a
answers will show categories. partner.
Activity 2 The teacher will go The teacher will Students will then Students will get Students will receive
into a presentation project the section use their knowledge into groups of four a document that
on the culture of from “Come, of anaphora to and look at an contains the text to
Japanese “Picture Japanese!” where analyze a section of assigned section of the Executive Order
Brides” and what the character the reading. the section. They 9066 which was used
immigration and life Charles talks about Students will will compare the to relocate people
for Japanese people what America is like. analyze the section italics with the rest with Japanese
looked like in the Students will be for instances of of the narration and connections to
early 20th century. asked to make anaphora and what make observations military centers.
This will include observations about Otsuka is doing by about generational Students will read
reasons why they what Charles said in using anaphora. This differences between the document with a
immigrated, the reference to what should take about mothers and partner, making note
food, clothing, the “Picture Brides” 10 minutes at most children. Students of any details in the
housing situations, believe America is and then the class will write down executive order that
working like and what the should come back textual evidence are also
environment, and students know to be together to discuss and notes about communicated in the
family dynamics. true about America the implications of their observations novel. Students will
Students are in this time. This will the content of the for reference in their take notes and
expected to take be a class discussion reading and how the summative discuss the
notes in their with the teacher and syntax of the section assessments. connections
reading journal. students making impacts the between the
notes on the meaning. executive order and
whiteboard so that the experience of
the notes can then the Japanese people.
be posted on Google
Informal assessment: Students will be Students will be Students will be Students will be Students will be
Checks for understanding checked for assessed on their assessed based on informally assessed assessed based on
understanding contributions to the their contributions on their their discussion with
throughout the class annotation and to group discussion participation in their their partner about
presentation by the analysis of and class discussion. groups and the the text and the
responding to different depth of analysis connections that
critical thinking perspectives. that they achieve in they are able to
questions such as their observations. make.
“How might their
influence where
they lived?”
Formal Assessment: At the end of class, Students will Students will write Students will turn in Students will be
Record of student’s demonstrated students will compose an entry in one example of an exit ticket with a asked at the end of
achievement of learning objectives. Can complete an exit their writing journal anaphora on a half brief one or two the lesson to record
be homework. ticket with 3 things about cultural sheet of paper sentence summary one quote from the
they learned, 2 differences thus far (make reference to of what they novel that strikes the
things they are in The Buddha in the paragraphs and observed of the student and make
interested in Attic. page numbers) and writing style and any notes about how
learning more make a brief how it impacted the that quote impacts
about, and 1 comment as to the text. their understanding
question that they implications of the of the Japanese
still have about content with respect immigrant
what we talked to the syntax. experience during
about in class. the Japanese
Readings/Homework Students will finish Students will read Students will read Students will read Students will read
any classwork not pages 23 - 55 and pages 55 – 81 pages 81 – 105 pages 105 to the end
finished in class as take notes in (“Babies” and (“Traitors”) and take of the novel (“Last
well as read pages 3 reading journal of “Children”) and take notes in their Day” and “A
– 23 stopping at interesting points. notes in their reading journals, Disappearance”) and
“Whites” – take reading journals. particularly paying write a reflection on
notes in reading attention to any the ending of the
journal of connection this novel. How does the
interesting points or section has with the ending impact the
sections they would information we reader?
like to discuss. discussed on day 1.
Materials The teacher will Students will need Students will need Students will need Students will need
need the their copy of The their reading their reading and their reading and
PowerPoint that has Buddha in the Attic, journals, their copy writing journals, and writing journals,
the writing prompt their reading of The Buddha in their copy of The their copy of The
and all the journals, and writing the Attic, and Buddha in the Attic. Buddha in the Attic,
instructional utensils. writing utensils. The teacher will and their
materials. Students will be Teacher will be need to have a Chromebooks. The
provided a copy of using printed out PowerPoint with teacher will need a
the two sections examples with writing prompt and laptop.
discussed in class in category title cards directions.
order that students for the first activity.
may annotate the
sections in a way
where they can then
keep the
Integrated technology Students will not be The teacher will be There is no Only PowerPoint Students will be
-students using using technology in using the interactive technology used in will be used in this using their
-teacher using this lesson, but the white board to this lesson. lesson. Chromebooks to
teacher will be using project the writing access the
a PowerPoint prompt and the document. The
presentation. sections of the teacher will be using
reading that the a laptop to make
class will annotate. sure that the
Students will use the documents are
marker to mark up accessible.
the passages on the
interactive white
Must create and include summative assessment