Comparison AND Effectiveness OF Mivan Formwork Over THE Conventional Formwork
Comparison AND Effectiveness OF Mivan Formwork Over THE Conventional Formwork
Comparison AND Effectiveness OF Mivan Formwork Over THE Conventional Formwork
Abstract— The formwork is temporary structure to support the building structure and it is the main factor for successful of completion of
project with respect to speed,quality,economic and safety. In building construction most effective way is the speed of the work early as
possible that depend on selection type of formwork. Such type of formwork is Mivan formwork. Mivan formwork is one of the most
method for concrete pouring in single operation of wall with roof so that less consume time and it is on light in weight than conventional
so that easily handle. This paper represent comparison of Mivan over the conventional formwork.
Mivan is basically Aluminum formwork system. Mivan system was invention by Construction Company from Europe. In 1990, Mivan
company from Malaysia start manufacturing formwork, then after give name MIVAN. This technology is extensively used in Europe, Gulf
country and Asia. Formwork is defined as the temporary structure whose purpose to support the building structure. The progress of the
formwork equidistant with the progress of concrete construction through the 20thcentury. Modern technology must be required in this time
because of increasing the population and land available for constructing houses in limitation. For mass housing project, it is essential to know
the new technology for completion of project in fast rate, stand to good quality and able to withstand wear. Mivan technology is capable to
constructing a huge no. of houses within short period. Mivan formwork is easily removed. All the activity can arrange in simple manner and
get result more accurate, well regulate and high quality production at economically with less period.
Using this unique system building elements such as wall,floor, balconies, door, and window opening cast in place in single site
operation. The Resulting building strong accuracy in shape and size of the building element.
The main component of Mivan is panel which is excluded from rail section may get result of light weight of formwork.
Light weight panel gives the good stiffness to weight ratio, minor deflection under concrete loading.
Panel is made of aluminum composite with 4mm thick skin plate and 6mm thick ribbing.
Speed of construction : The wall and floor are cast together in one continuous operation and easily removal with less time
Aesthetic: Room size wall and roof element of building cast against steel plates have very smooth surface so that get the smooth
wall and no requirement of plastering.
Efficiency: 87.5% of plinth area as per useful carpet area.
Conventional formwork has normal quality
Speed of construction is slow because of step by step completion of building element like Column,Beam,Slab so that lines on
surface is visible may be due to plastering must be required.
In conventional formwork wood so it is not eco-friendly.
Various type of conventional formwork such as steel formwork,woodenformwork.It is not easily carried because of heavy in weight.
May be small size finishing line so that line seen on the concrete surface.
In Mivan formwork changes are not possible.
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December 2017, Volume 4, Issue 12 JETIR (ISSN-2349-5162)
Box type formwork may cause compression cracks are visible on concrete surface.
Shear wall may cause higher heat of hydration generate.
Danish Sabruddin Ansari(2016) [1] estimated that construction cost with Mivan formwork is raised by 25-30% as compared to
conventional formwork and also concluded that time required by Mivan Formwork is less than conventional by almost 25% and 534
day. Cost of construction per sq. m in Mivan formwork is high as 33% as compared to the conventional formwork. Mivan
formwork require a no. of spacer, these spacer is put @2 feet c/c and create problem such as leakage ,seepage at monsoon time.
GanarA.S (2015)[2] said that cost of Mivan formwork is 14.04% economical than the conventional formwork building can be done
in half duration of construction of conventional building of 12 floor. Wastage of formwork in mivan formwork is very less than
conventional. Difference of duration between Mivan formwork & conventional formwork is 50%.
D.M.Wijesekara (2012)[3]is concluded if worth of construction project can be controlled when building has less than 10 typical no.
of storey. Also say that when construction activity can be represent material is unique which depend on the design of structure but
the labor requirement and duration of the project are wholly depend on the modern technology and also represent that the both
formwork is modeled for G+3, G+6, G+9 is analysis and design as per IS code. Linear and Non-Linear consequence compared to
gravity loading and inelastic seismic loading with soil flexible support. The result is remarked that Mivan structure gives better
earthquake performance than the conventional structure.
Tejas D. Aradhye(20160 [4] studied on advance tunnel formwork in high rise building and conclude that initial investment and per
day operation in tunnel in tunnel formwork is more than the Mivan formwork. Slab cycle can be achieve 1-3 day by Tunnel
formwork and 7-10 day by aluminum formwork. He compare aluminum formwork and Tunnel formwork then concluded that initial
investment and per day operation cost in Tunnel formwork is more than aluminumformwork. Formwork cost itself around 20-25%
of total project cost.
MayankPatel (2015) [5] represent that Mivan formwork is save cost and time is more compare to conventional formwork. Surface
finishing of Mivan gives better result over the conventional, so do not require plaster, we apply directly putty or paint.Mivan
formwork give the finishing,eleiminate the internal& external plaster and wall can be directly apply minimal skim coat, all these
resulting in cost saving.
Sandip.P.Pawar (2014) [6] said when formwork system used in project floor cycle will be become 6-10 day hence project period will
be reduce. At the same time a smooth concrete surface can be obtained as the system can be assembled without any discontinuous in
the surface hence less finishing work will be there and hence the cost for finish as will be reduced.There will be less waste disposal
and less machinery usage. Not only direct benefit, there are many indirect benefits of using aluminum panel system formwork in the
high rise building construction project.
Pawan M. walvekaar(2017)[7] studied that Mivan structural system general decrease the natural period and increase base shear while
the conventional structural system decrease the base shear and increase the natural period .Conventional structure system has lower
base shear compared with Mivan structural system. Mivan formwork has base shear 40% more than conventional formwork.
Structural stiffness of Mivan has high so that the attract more base shear.
Pawan M. walvekaar(2017)[7] studied that Mivan structural system general decrease the natural period and increase base shear while
the conventional structural system decrease the base shear and increase the natural period .Conventional structure system has lower
base shear compared with Mivan structural system. Mivan formwork has base shear 40% more than conventional formwork.
Structural stiffness of Mivan has high so that the attract more base shear.
Aniket S Kadam(2016)[8] concluded that the mivan formwork resist its own weight with live load due to moving labor , vibration ,
wet concrete. The capacity of mivan formwork to bear live load 370 kg/m2. They also said that main component of mivan formwork
is board which is excluded from the rail section and weld with aluminum thin sheet may should formwork become light
weight.This light weight formwork has good surface so that get uniform finishing surface of concrete. Mivan formwork is takeoff
one place to another place and easily remove from the concrete surface. They evaluate that mivan is not only give the better quality
but also give the speed of construction speed.
Naveen V.Chikkaveerayanavar(2017)[9] concluded that Mivan is costlier than the conventional formwork but it has capable of
reduce to cost and time of the project. They said Mivan has restrict repair and rehabilitation of building structure and produce good
quality of construction with high durability with minimum cost. They evaluated that Mivan formwork easily dismantled by air
curing process. Good grade of the cement used in construction gave high quality, strength more seismic resistance.
Pradeep B(2016)[10] reported that RC wall building has less displacement than the conventional at same soil zone so that RC wall
building has more effective resistance than conventional building. They also said that RC wall building has much lesser value of
storey drift compare to conventional so it is proved that RC wall building is safe against to drift caused by earthquake. Mivan
building has lesser value of base shear.
Conventional formwork system is mostly adopted in the world but it has more consume time and costly in construction project.
Conventional formwork not suitable where population is large, less land available and construction project work required in speedy. This all
condition satisfy in MIVAN formwork system. Mivan technology give the better result in Cost effectiveness, Speed of the construction with
higher durability of building structure. In Mivan formwork, speed of construction can be achieved by 4 day cycle per floor. Removing of
floor slab forms without removing prop is possible, while in conventional not possible. Displacement of the conventional system is 86%
more than that of Mivan structural system.
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