TC 917 System
TC 917 System
TC 917 System
Wa r r a n t
and micro
incl. cables
TC 917 System
Two-way radio system for short range communication
TC 917 Headset
Compact Headset with built-in
two-way radio for short range
TC 917-Station
Desktop model (trans-
mitter and receiver)
• Manufacturing and general industry
• Engine test areas
• Power plants
• Crane operations
• Track laying, overhead line and pipe operations
• Construction and maintenance of electric fittings,
antenna systems, air conditioning and ventilation
• Building construction and civil engineering,
road construction and survey
• Sport arenas
Multi TC 917 • Motion picture production
Two-way radio, connectable to different • Whenever communication is necessary in high
communication systems noise environments
Microphone for level-
limited ambient sound
encapsulated in earmuff
TC 917 Headset
avai y
• Transmitter and receiver integrated into a high quality ear defender also insicall
in tr
• Clear, hands free, communication in high noise environments as io n
• 10 synthesized channels/16 channels (option) safe
Multi-TC 917
Transmitter and receiver module as part of a TC 917 communication
For the connection of different Ceotronics communication systems
• Lightweight Headset (for low-noise-areas)
• Speaker Mike SM 3
• Headset with built-in man-down alarm trigger
(for the monitoring of lone workers)
Technical Specifications (TC 917 Headset)
General Receiver
Frequency range: 433.05 - 434.79 MHz or Sensitivity: < 0.35 µV for 20/25 kHz
450 - 470 MHz according (CCITT weighted)
to country regulations Frequency response
Mode of operation: Simplex (on 1 frequency) +1/–3 dB: 300 … 3000 Hz
Semi-Duplex Max. signal-to-
(on 2 frequencies) noise ratio: > 40 dB (CCITT weighted)
Modulation: PM (G3E) Distortion: < 10 %
Channels: 10/optional 16 Squelch: internally adjustable from
Channel separation: 20/25 kHz according to 0 … 25 dB SINAD; basic
country regulations adjustment 20 dB SINAD
Temperature range: –10˚C … +55˚C (15˚ … 130˚F) Hysteresis: 1 … 3 dB
Power supply: 7.2 V NiCad rechargeable Audio output power: max. 120 mW at 50 Ω
battery/600 mAh (2 x 100 Ω parallel)
Time of operation: nom. 20 mW at 50 Ω
5 % transmit (average volume)
15 % receive > 8 hours Spurious radiations: < –57 dBm
80 % standby Intrinsically safe version: Protection class EEx ib IIB T4
Weight: approx. 550 g (19.4 oz.)
Output power: 50 mW at the
antenna/10 mW ERP
Range of transmission: depending on environmental
conditions, up to several
hundred meters (yards)
Frequency stability: max. +/–2.5 kHz
Max. deviation: +/– 4.0/5.0 kHz
Nom. deviation: +/–2.4/3.0 kHz Ceotronics products are built to high quality specifications
Frequency response
+1/–3 dB: 300 … 3000 Hz in accordance with their applications.
Modulation noise level: > 40 dB (CCITT weighted) We therefore reserve the right to make any changes
Frequency distortion: < 10 % in the products, subject to advancing technology.
Spurious emissions: < –36 dBm
Adjacent channel Convince yourself. Call us for additional information
power: < –37 dBm on options, custom solutions and pricing.
Germany and
International Sales Switzerland France
Ceotronics AG Ceotronics AG Ceotronics Sarl
Adam-Opel-Str. 6 Grundstr. 16 Z.A. des Arpents
63322 Rödermark 6343 Rotkreuz 16, Rue du Pré aux Aulnes
Tel. + 49- (0 ) 60 74/87 51-0 Tel. 0 41/7 90 58 38 77340 Pontault-Combault
Fax + 49- (0 ) 60 74/87 51 676 Fax 0 41/7 90 58 39 Tel. 01/60 18 33 00
E-Mail E-Mail Fax 01/60 28 60 60
TC/E 9/00
Additionally, Ceotronics is present with own sales personnel in the following countries:
Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Chile, Taiwan,
Singapore, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Iceland