Towards Implemnting The Vectorial Dimewnsioning and Tolerancing Scheme For The Inspection of Free Form Surfaces
Towards Implemnting The Vectorial Dimewnsioning and Tolerancing Scheme For The Inspection of Free Form Surfaces
Towards Implemnting The Vectorial Dimewnsioning and Tolerancing Scheme For The Inspection of Free Form Surfaces
Dr. Mohamed Gadalla, Cairo University (On leave), Kean University, Department of Technology,
where T̂ is the direction vector of the calculated from the assessed points
? using algorithms based on
centerline of the straightness zone, A Is a Gaussian method.
position vector locating the centerline of the ?? A system of co-ordinates is to be
straightness zone, P is any measured point. allocated to localize the substitute
GD&T standards also introduce the elements.
conformance principle. A feature conforms ?? Separate and independent vectors
to a straightness tolerance width t 0 if all determine the location and
points of the feature lie within some orientation of the substitute
straightness zone as defined above. elements.
?? The size of some substitute
elements may be described by
t A
scalar measures.
In-spec part boundary Direction Vector
Position Vector
of the sampling plan, and sampling of free tolerance FFS as an initial experimental
form surfaces. Therefore, the objective of attempt. According to the principles of the
work in this area would be as follows: vectorial tolerance, there are a position
vector, orientation vector and form error
?? Examine the effect of different tolerance zone (as shown in Figure 3).
sampling strategies on the accuracy Figure 6 shows a surface patch that have
of free form surfaces. been inspected based on the vectorial
? ? Develop a set of criteria to determine tolerancing principles i.e the measured
the optimum number of sampling surface error has been divided into location
points. error, orientation error and form error.
? ? Develop algorithms to automate the Figure 7 shows the calculated and measured
sampling of free form surfaces. errors. It can be seen that they are in very
good agreement which is a promising results
for further investigation.
Fig. 5 NURBS Surface Sampled using
equiparamteric and Mean Curvature Sampling 0.2
Methods [1] 0
Fig. 7 Result of Initial Experiments to Define
Free Form Surface Errors
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