Script For Ppe Video Welcome To This Personal Protectiv: e Equipment Training Video
Script For Ppe Video Welcome To This Personal Protectiv: e Equipment Training Video
Script For Ppe Video Welcome To This Personal Protectiv: e Equipment Training Video
The people most at risk of infection are those who are in close contact with a COVID-19 patient or who
care for COVID-19 patients.
Therefore, we made this video to demonstrate how you can best protect yourself as a healthcare worker
when coming into contact with a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patient.
This is a guide for healthcare workers involved in patient care activities in a health care setting.
It aims to show the type of personal protective equipment or PPE needed to correctly protect
oneself according to risk assessment, and the procedure to be carefully followed to put them
on and to remove them.
It will cover:
• How to put on PPE correctly
• How to remove PPE correctly and safely to avoid cross contamination to the healthcare
worker and the environment
PPE is part of a larger infection prevention and control approach and should be accompanied by
educational posters and training.
Only clinical staff who are trained and competent in the use of PPE should be allowed to enter
the patient’s care area.
Safe putting on and removal of PPE should be done outside of the patients room, ideally in a
dedicated area and either using a mirror or under the supervision
of a trained observer (colleague).
Clean your hands by rubbing them with an alcohol-based solution. It is the fastest, and most
effective method and better tolerated by your skin.
Follow the WHO technique that ensures all the surfaces of hands are carefully covered by the
product and will eliminate the microorganisms on your hands.
Follow these steps:
4. Finally, put on a pair of gloves; ensure they are placed over the cuff of the gown
and that no skin is exposed
You must check each piece of equipment at the end thoroughly and ensure that the equipment
is placed on correctly. It might be helpful to have a buddy, a colleague who is competent in this
procedure and could perform visual inspection
The removal of PPE poses the highest risk of transmission to health care workers.
Make sure to avoid any contact between potentially contaminated PPE and the clothes, skin,
or your face.
1. The first step is to remove gloves using the glove to glove and skin to skin
technique. This is the most soiled item which needs to be removed first and discarded
2. Next, remove the gown by undoing the ties and ensure the gown is pulled away from
the body ensuring there is no contamination of your clothes or the environment.
Turn the gown inside out and dispose of safely in the garbage or laundry hamper.
3. Next, perform hand hygiene with alcohol based handrub for 20 seconds before
touching your face to …
4. Remove the eye protection by leaning forward and pulling them away from
your face; whether that is the faceshield or goggles.
• Ensure you clean the goggles or the faceshield if they are reusable and place them in a
clean container.
5. Next, Remove the mask or N95/FFP2 / FFP3 by pulling it from the rear and dispose of
it in the disposal container or garbage.
• Ensure you are taking the mask off with the straps, avoid touching the mask.
6. Now as a final step perform hand hygiene with alcohol based handrub or with soap
and water if they are visibly soiled.