Sharda Enterprises
Sharda Enterprises
Sharda Enterprises
Sharda enterprises
Travelling of Labour From Accommodation
to Site.
Sharda enterprises
Disinfectant Sprayer For
All Area
Sharda enterprises
1.This device is mainly designed for use in public
areas like, hospitals and big companies, where a
large number of workers are employed.
Sharda enterprises
Travelling of Staff & Labours In bus from gust
House to site with social Distance maintain
1. Only 30-40% of vehicle passenger capacity shall be used at
a time for staffs transportation.
2. Vehicle sanitization shall be done prior to pickup of staff
and after leaving staff at guest house & Site.
3. All legal documents of vehicle and approval letter from
Government authority shall to be carry along with vehicle.
4.Nose mask shall be used by driver and staff.
4.Proper ventilation shall to be maintained during transit.
Sharda enterprises
Work Permit, Check list Prior to
Start of Works.
1. Work permit shall be obtained only by single execution staff
2.No gathering shall be allowed at office area for work permit,
checklist and other document area.
3.Any execution/drawing and other site related discussion shall be
done at meeting room only by maintaining social distancing of 2mt
4.Temp of every manpower and staff to be check @ regular
interval of 3hrs and data to be maintained.
5.All documents / drawings/ tools shall be sanitized prior to use.
For drawings prefer soft copy to use.
Sharda enterprises
TBT-Site Inspection During Work Time.
1.Along with all mandatory PPE’s nose mask and hand gloves
to be wear during TBT and till completion of work.
2.No gathering to be done more than 7 peoples at a time
during TBT.
3.Conduct TBT in team wise to avoid mass gathering.
4.Circular arrangement with social distancing to be
maintained during TBT.
5.Pocket hand sanitizer shall be carried by each members and
use when required.
Sharda enterprises
Food Drinking Water
1.Rest room shall be identified and marked (Circle) where
worker can have lunch by maintaining social distancing.
2.Sharing of food shall not be allowed, proper health and
hygiene shall be maintained.
3.All waste shall be dumped in waste bin only, same shall be
disposed on daily basis by authorized agency.
4.In canteen social distancing shall be followed by all
workers/staff. Hand to be washed before and after lunch.
5.At all drinking water points social distance circles shall be
Sharda enterprises
Wash room Area
1.At workers/staff toilets social distancing circle shall be
marked and at a time only single person shall be allowed
inside the toilet.
2. Proper health and hygiene shall be maintained in toilet &
bathrooms. Hand wash/sanitizer to be kept in toilet & its
cleaning to be done twice a day.
3.Toilets shall be sanitized prior to start and close of site.
4.Every one should wash their hand thoroughly after using
toilet .
Sharda enterprises
Sharda Enterprises Views
1. Only pre-authorized people are allowed in the quarantine room.
2.All incoming fish are examined and, if necessary, treated for velvet disease.
3.All new fish are to be checked daily for two weeks for signs of illness. Remove any potentially sick fish.
4.Dead fish are transported in a plastic bag and flushed down the sink in the quarantine area with lots of water
5. No live adult fish are to be moved from the quarantine room unless they leave the building entirely.
6.Always wash hands (and arms) carefully in the local sink using antiseptic soap after working in the quarantine
7. When working in the quarantine area, assume that everything (including yourself) is contaminated.
Sharda Enterprises