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Answer all questions. For each assignment question, you are required to write NOT more
than 5 pages.
Global production strategy, outsourcing and logistics can provide an edge in international business
Competitiveness. Please elaborate.
(20 marks)
For example, Japan has developed a competitive global economic presence beyond the country's
inherent resources, in part by producing a very high number of engineers that have helped drive
technological innovation by Japanese industries. (Investopedia)
“In an era of globalization, firms build cross-border alliances or international strategic alliances
(ISAs) to achieve certain strategic objectives, such as knowledge creation, with the help of
overseas partners. Working with partners complicates the operation of such alliances, however,
particularly when the partner firms come from countries with very different cultures, institutions,
and levels of economic development.
Do you agree with this statement? If yes, what would you propose to make international
strategic alliances more effective/successful?
(20 marks)
There are various types of Entry Modes for international business (i.e. Exporting, Franchising,
Joint ventures, Wholly Owned Subsidiaries, etc.) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of (a)
Exporting, and (b) Joint Ventures
The following are the advantages and disadvantage of exporting
Advantages of Exporting:
• Increased sales volume resulting in improved market share as well the generation of profit
margins that are often more favorable than the domestic market,
• Increased economies of scale through the reduction of unit cost of manufacturing as the sales
volumes rise
• Minimized risk and maximized flexibility compared to other entry strategies as the firm can
easily and quickly withdraw from an export market.
• Lower cost of foreign market entry as the firm does not have to invest in the target market or
maintain physical presence especially through the use of agencies or franchises. The firm can
therefore test the new market before committing greater resources through foreign direct
• It helps stabilize fluctuations in sales associated with economic cycles or seasonality of
demand e.g. a firm can offset declining demand at home.
Disadvantages of Exporting:
• Because exporting does not require the presence of the firm in the country it is exporting its
goods or services, the firm usually does not meet with its customers as a result it does not get
to learn about the interests of its clients, the competitors and the market.
• It does not allow the firm to benefit from the location advantages of the host national.
• The exporting firm has limited opportunities to gain knowledge of local markets and
competitors as it does not dwell in the target market’s countries, hence posing a business risk.
• There is serious exchange risks involved as the firm deals in foreign currency due to
fluctuations in exchange rates. Without proper hedging, the organization may encounter
1 – New insights and expertise: Starting a joint venture provides the opportunity to gain new
insights and expertise. Think about it; the market is now way easier for you to understand given
the short-term partnership that you have forged.
2 – Better resources: Forming a joint venture will give you access to better resources, such as
specialized staff and technology. All the equipment and capital that you needed for your project
can now be used.
3 – Both parties share the risks and costs: In case the joint-group project fails, you are not alone
when bearing the costs of its failure. Because you two had volunteered to share the expenses, you
both will also support the losses. You are not alone! When forming a joint venture you will share
the costs and responsibilities.
5– Your potential will virtually be limitless: Despite having little to no money at your disposal,
you can create more venture deals in the process. You will create momentum and have partners
with you. Take advantage of it!
6 – You get to save money by sharing advertising and marketing costs: And that works for a lot
of other types of costs. Starting a joint venture is a great way to save money and/or split costs.
7- International joint venture eradicates the risk of discrimination: International joint ventures are
very common nowadays. This is a great opportunity to cooperate with people from different
countries and combine our strengths!
1 – Vague objectives: The objectives of a joint venture are not 100 percent clear and rarely
communicated clearly to all people involved.
3 – There is no such thing as an equal involvement: An equal pay may be possible, but it is
extremely unlikely for all the companies working together to share the same involvement and
4 – Great imbalance: Because different companies are working together, there is a great
imbalance of expertise, assets, and investment. This can have a negative impact on the
effectiveness of the joint venture.
5- Limited outside opportunities: You need to understand what you are getting into as a joint
venture could restrict the activities of your whole business.
It is very common for joint venture contracts to restrict outside activities of participant companies
while working on a venture project. You need to make sure you understand what you are getting
into if you don’t want to negatively impact your entire business.
7 – You might be tempted to leave the joint venture: You will get enough leadership and support
in the early stages of a joint venture and might be tempted to leave.
8 – Lack of clear communication: As a joint venture involves different companies from different
horizons with different goals, there is often a severe lack of communication between partners.
9 – Unclear and unrealistic objectives: Unrealistic and unclear objectives may be set up. To avoid
this, it is necessary that you and your partners do a lot of research before starting your joint
venture. (advantages-and-disadvantages-of-a-joint-venture/business town)
(20 marks)
Essays, UK. (November 2018). Analysis Of The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Exporting
Marketing Essay. Retrieved from
Porter, M.E. 1990a. The Competitive Advantage of Nations. New York: Free Press,
Linder, S.B. 1961. An Essay on Trade and Transformation. Stockholm: Almquist &
Krugman, P.R. & Obstfeld, M. 2003. International Economics: Theory and Policy, 4th
New York: HarperCollins.
Porter, M.E. 1998b. ‘Clusters and the new economics of competition’, Harvard
Review, 76(6): 77–90.
Porter, M.E. 1998c. The Competitive Advantage of Nations. New York: Free Press,
Porter, M.E. 1997a. ‘New strategies for inner-city economic development’, Economic
Development Quarterly, 11(1): 11–28.