How to Create
an AI Center
of Excellence
for Enterprise
According to Gartner, through 2022, bespoke data fabric designs will be deployed primarily as a static
infrastructure, forcing organizations into a new wave of cost to completely re-design for more dynamic
data mesh approaches.
What Is a Center of Excellence?
Some organizations have it, some are still getting around to building
it. It’s important to define a Center of Excellence.
The concept of a center of excellence (CoE) ■■ NTT Data has an AI center of excellence,
has been around for a while. This team manages geared toward developing “further expertise
resources, provides counsel, and offers best in AI and train[ing] engineers engaged
practices for any other team or individual that worldwide in the AI field.”
wishes to learn more about the CoE’s given
subject. Firms in many industries have already
Services organizations, such as Forrester and
developed their own centers of excellence,
McKinsey offer advice on how clients can
which can provide a blueprint for organizations
develop CoEs for any number of purposes.
that wish to develop their own centers.
Thomas Davenport, an MIT Digital Economy research fellow, professor at Babson College, and
senior adviser at Deloitte Analytics, and a senior adviser at Deloitte Analytics; and Shivaji Dasgupta,
Managing Director and Head of Data Architecture and Smart Analytics for Deutsche Bank’s Private
and Commercial Bank, provide, via Harvard Business Review, guidelines for establishing a CoE.
Figure Eight eBook | How to Create an AI Center of Excellence for Enterprise 4
Make the Case for AI
in your Organization
Identify the key business and customer use cases, the data you
have, the data you need, and establish the scope of your AI Center
of Excellence
To identify the first issue to tackle with your discovery process will change from organization
CoE, it’s better to think of the exercise as to organization. However, it’s important to
one of discovery. Discovery is a process best meet with product teams to understand their
approached through questioning and iterating. roadmaps; engineering teams to uncover their
The end goal is to best understand how the CoE efficiency issues; data science teams to uncover
can act as a go-to resource for any machine available data, and customer success teams, as
learning-related questions the company has. they’ll be attuned to what customers need and
want out of your products.
There will be many internal stakeholders
with whom to meet — such as: Data Science, With a strong grasp of various internal
Product, Engineering, Professional Services, roadmaps and who owns their direction, there’s
Customer Service, Success, and Business a much greater chance you’ll identify where your
Development leadership. The individuals company’s data challenges exist. Now it’s time
and teams whom you consult as part of the to think about executive buy-in.
Adobe gives everyone — from emerging artists to global brands — everything they need to design
and deliver exceptional digital experiences.
One of Adobe’s flagship offerings is Adobe Stock, a curated collection of high-quality stock imagery. The
library itself is staggeringly large: there are over 120,000,000 photos, diagrams, videos, and graphics with
roughly 150,000 uploaded each and every day. And every one of those images needs to be found.
Get Executive Buy-In for
the AI CoE
Team effort both operationally, and strategically, gets AI executed
at scale
Getting executive buy-in early is the key to In many cases, someone like the CTO or VP of
getting an AI initiative kicked off the ground. Engineering or Product is responsible for AI
Demonstrating your project’s effectiveness can initiatives, given that it usually leverages both
help you build the business case for a CoE and engineering and data resources, for training
also establish credibility for AI as a useful tool. and deployment. Part of securing buy-in will
Here, it’s important to remember that you’re not be affirming that the CTO or other technology
building a business case for just one specific leader is willing to lead the CoE team.
problem or problems.
If, rather than a product leader, line-of-business
You’re focused instead on showing how AI can owner, or technical practitioner, you are the
scale to positively impact many facets of your CTO or executive responsible for a CoE, then
business. The fact is, making the shift to an AI- it is imperative you prioritize this initiative, fuel
powered organization (which is the ostensible it with relevant and sufficient data, and build
goal of creating a CoE in the first place) requires the right team, and the right infrastructure, to
building an infrastructure that can support deliver on the AI goals.
interdisciplinary functions.
An AI CoE can significantly improve the likelihood of AI providing true value back to the business by
introducing standardization of tools, data architectures, processes, and knowledge sharing. It ensures
day 1 value focus by enforcing the identification of measurable KPIs and success criteria in early stage
PoCs. The CoE, combined with the best of breed tools, like the Figure Eight platform, enable different
business units to securing quick wins and create massive momentum across the organization for
AI programs.”
Build your CoE Team &
Under the CTO, most AI CoE teams will likely look similar to the
following composition
AI CoE Teams
Despite the fact data scientists and ML
engineers are up to date about the latest
Machine Learning industry trends and technologies, their primary
focus is on the data itself, rather than R&D-
type activities. Identifying the appropriate data
Machine learning teams are specialized
to use, ingesting that data, and cleaning and
and built to help improve the processes that
annotating it are crucial to building a successful
support the core of the business. Typically,
model, and our research suggests most data
data scientists and machine learning
scientists spend at least one-quarter of their
engineers make up the bulk of the team.
time managing, cleaning, and/or labeling data.
Data Analyst
ML engineers understand which type of
architecture they need to build and train the
Data Analyst teams use business intelligence
model or series of models. They should be well-
(BI) tools to understand data’s impact, unlike
versed in working with different data types,
data scientists, who focus on building and
testing and tuning the model, and figuring
explore algorithms. Both data scientists and
out how to get the model into production.
data analysts can be data mungers, who work
Furthermore, engineers help make sure the
with the data on their own to identify issues and
entire pipeline can support rapid development
devise strategies to fix them, either internally or
and iterative increments after launch.
with trusted vendors.
We believe that machine learning leaders have the opportunity and responsibility to leverage the latest
advancements in AI technology to deliver a step-change improvement in customer experience. Figure
Eight provides the required collaboration between technologists and business leaders to solve vexing
challenges and embrace ambitious opportunities. Through our partnership, we are striving to offer the
best selection to our customers with high-quality training data at the core of their initiatives.”
DevOps Project Management
DevOps teams ensure everything runs smoothly A technical project manager liaises between the
on the company’s infrastructure. Organizations product team and engineers, data scientists,
need DevOps support to launch a model and and DevOps teams. They manage the entire
manage the continuous delivery pipeline. process and evaluate and curate the tools the
DevOps also helps the team understand if team uses. This role should be filled by someone
the model is working as intended, as well as who is able to lead those conversations and
oversees and maintains the technology behind understand the requirements of the product
deploying the model. side to figure out feasibility and, just as
importantly, prevent the model creation from
getting too research-oriented or too costly.
AI CoE Architecture
With buy-in secured and a team in place, you can hone in on which problems the CoE will tackle
first. The goal is to create scalable practices, but it doesn’t make sense to try to apply AI to every
single process in one fell swoop. To build scalable practices, start small. Identify and prioritize an ML
opportunity that should be a relatively quick win, and build momentum from there.
In order to generate momentum, you’ll need the architecture necessary to scale an AI practice.
To manage this architecture successfully, organizations might turn to AIOps, DevOps’ artificial
intelligence-infused evolution. According to Andrew Lerner of Gartner, AIOps’ platforms “utilize big
data, modern machine learning and other advanced analytics technologies to directly and indirectly
enhance IT operations (monitoring, automation and service desk) functions with proactive, personal
and dynamic insight.”
In effect, AIOps leverages AI to keep product and operations infrastructure running smoothly. If
you’re building scalable AI, why not continue to leverage its benefits for your incident management
and other operations-related activities, like getting high-quality training data?
ve) rv
r e
Machine Learning
Big Data
to m t)
a t i o n ( Ac Training Data for
Machine Learning
Annotation Platform
Source: Gartner
Launch your Initiative
by Building a Flywheel
Scalable AI relies on strong training data practices, machine learning
algorithm selection, and business analytics
Once you uncover the projects best suited For example, organizations may want to
for an AI-enabled makeover, you can prioritize determine metrics that measure the business
which to look into first. This is where your impact they expect from AI, such as:
project manager on the CoE team will come in.
They will help you keep your AI initiative on task
and remind everyone it’s a marathon, despite
the fact development cycles are referred to as
The training data center of excellence is MONEY REVENUE
GumGum teaches machines to see in order to solve hard problems across the media industry.
Working with Figure Eight has made our model development process 10 times faster, allowing us
to get to the next step much faster, focus on research and think about new possibilities such as
audio and video analysis.”
These metrics will help guide the launch a smaller project and are now ready to elevate
process. They will help you determine they types AI-enabled technology into production as a core
of data needed to build the algorithm and what part of your business.
kind of partners/vendors you need to engage
with as part of the CoE workstreams. To turn AI into a core part of your business, you’ll
need to build a flywheel—a mechanism that
If launching an initiative, it’s likely that your allows you to scale your training data-creation
organization already has become comfortable and model-building processes across other
with a certain level of AI within its business facets of your business.
processes. You’ve probably tinkered with AI for
Digit analyzes spending and automatically saves the perfect amount every day.
Digit uses Figure Eight to constantly build and iterate on intelligent transaction models.
■■ Categorize transaction data
■■ Identify transaction synonyms
■■ Evaluate recurrence in transaction data
Regardless of which approach to model
building you select, you’ll need the appropriate Learn more about the
tools to guide you from data ingestion to model
Build vs Buy tradeoffs when
deployment. Figure Eight offers a combination
it comes to AI Data Labeling
of a global crowd of annotators for creating
high-quality training data and AI training data
solutions designed to accelerate customers’
artificial intelligence initiatives. While it’s possible
to build data-annotation tools in-house, it’s
often more efficient to think outside of the
organization for certain parts of a CoE.
Figure Eight eBook | How to Create an AI Center of Excellence for Enterprise 14
Critical Success Factors
for Enterprise AI
Build Healthy Data Work Streams within AI Center of Excellence
Even after you understand the process This type of tech stack, coupled with
necessary for building a center of excellence, professional services to guide the entire CoE-
you may find yourself asking, “How am I going to creation journey, is uniquely positioned to
do this by myself?” Finding the right people and deliver on the increasing volume, quality, and
technology partners to make these processes speed requirements for training data to support
more efficient and act as a guide along your business innovations and efficiencies which use
journey will be invaluable. ML and AI.
The Figure Eight platform is the most comprehensive
solution for collecting and labeling images, text, speech,
audio, and video. It combines Figure Eight’s machine
learning ML-enabled annotation tools and self-serve
client workspaces with Figure Eight’s global multilingual
crowd of skilled contractors, and a wide range of
managed services to ensure delivery of high-quality
training data at scale, with the speed and security
required by customers.