Taking care of a client who is going to have surgery or who recently had
surgery can be two of the most important responsibilities you will have as a
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA). Even for relatively young and healthy
the stress does not end after the operation is completed. Surgery may be a cure
for an illness, but being cured is not the end of the story. In the hours and days
after a surgical procedure, clients are often in pain and they often feel weak, and
nauseous, and the recovery period can be prolonged. There are also many
possible complications that can happen after surgery. These can delay the
client's recovery and they can be dangerous. If the client is elderly or has many
medical problems, both the operation and the post-operative period can be risky.
This module will provide CNAs with the information they need to provide
period, and the period of time after surgery is called the post-operative period.
Patients must be prepared for both because surgery and the hours and days
after an operation can be very stressful. Good preparation before surgery will
make the post-operative period more comfortable for the patients and it will help
post-operative complications.
and support.
Surgery and the post-operative period typically receive a lot of attention, but
the pre-operative period is very important as well. Preparing a patient for surgery
will help the patient recover physically and psychologically and prevent post-
operative complications, and many of the pre-operative tasks are essential for
Informed Consent
One of the basic rights of all patients is the right to accept or refuse medical
Of course, simply obtaining consent is not sufficient. It would not be enough for
a surgeon to ask permission to remove a gall bladder and for the patient to
Informed consent indicates that prior to surgery the patient has been informed
1) His/her diagnosis
7) What the post-operative period and the recovery period will be like.
All of this should be discussed with the patient and the patient will then sign a
surgical consent form. The surgical consent form is basically an agreement that
is signed by the physician and the patient or by the patient and a witness. The
surgical consent form indicates that the information outlined in the numbered list
above has been discussed with the patient and that the patient understands what
was discussed.
consent form or a surgical consent form is not needed. Children, minors, and
The surgical consent form is signed by the patient. Sometimes the surgeon will
sign the form, but many times a nurse will sign the form after she/he has
witnessed the patient signing it. When someone signs a surgical consent form or
an informed consent form as a witness that simply indicates that that person has
correctly identified the patient and he/she witnessed the patient signing the form.
It does not mean that the witness explained the procedure, the risks and benefits,
etc. That information is documented in the patient’s chart by the physician. The
witness is only agreeing that he/she saw the patient signing the form, and the
This concept is a bit difficult to understand and the issue could be avoided by
having the physician witness the signing after informing the patient, but in many
busy health care facilities this does not happen. The important issue is not the
signing or the witnessing; the important issue is the patient being informed and
Learning Break: What should you do if you are asked to witness an informed
consent form? This situation is extremely unlikely to happen but if it does it would
be sensible for you to decline or discuss the situation with your supervisor.
The pre-operative check list is the final document that must be completed
before the patient is transferred to the operating room. It indicates that all the
necessary preparations for surgery have been completed, and this document
must accompany the patient when he/he leaves for surgery. Figure 1 provides an
example of a typical pre-operative checklist. Most of these items are standard for
a pre-operative checklist but the form can be varied to meet the patient’s needs.
For example, some patients will need to have bowel preparation prior to surgery
and if so, this should be documented in the chart and on the pre-operative
Patient name
Date of birth
Positive identification of the patient by two witnesses
Verification of an identity band that correctly identifies the patient
Name of the surgery
Vital signs
Last time of voiding
Contact lenses, dentures, and hearing aids removed (if applicable)
Jewelry removed
Drug allergies
Pre-operative medications, eg, names, doses, times administered
Verification that the patient has been NPO for the length of time ordered by the
Laboratory test results
X-ray test results
reviews the chart to make sure that all of the required information is in the chart
and all of the required tasks (eg, vitals signs taken and recorded) have been
should make sure that the pre-operative checklist is on the chart and it has been
completed. The day of a surgery can be hectic and rushed and mistakes are
The letters NPO are abbreviation for a Latin phrase, nil per os - nothing by
Patients who will be having surgery are required to refrain from eating or
drinking for a specified period of time before the operation surgery, unless the
surgery is very minor and/or only a local anesthesia will be used. General
anesthesia can cause vomiting, and vomiting during surgery or in the first few
hours after surgery can cause aspiration of stomach contents into the lungs. This
The traditional phrase applied to these situations was NPO after midnight.
That may still be true in some cases, but the hour at which NPO begins is not as
important as the amount of time the patient is NPO before the surgery. In most
cases surgeons and anesthesiologists prefer that the patient has no solid food for
eight hours before an operation and no liquid for four hours but these time limits
medications an hour or two before surgery if they only use a small sip if water
patient NPO unless you have been specifically told by a nurse, PA, or MD that it
Skin Preparation
An intact skin is the body’s first line of defense against infection. However,
surgery involves breaking that line of defense with an incision. In addition, the
normal flora of the skin, and these bacteria are the source of most surgical
wound infections. So although surgery involves sterile technique, even the most
cleaning before surgery is often performed to decrease the risk of infection and it
There are far too many pre-operative skin preparation techniques to discuss
them here in detail. However, the basic procedure involves cleaning the skin on
and around the surgical area and removing hair from the area that will be incised
during surgery. Cleaning the surgical area is done so that the incision will not
become infected and hair is removed because it can interfere with procedure. In
addition body hair harbors bacteria and that bacteria cannot be removed if the
hair is not removed. Removing body hair and removing it by shaving was once
depilatory creams can also be used for areas that are difficult to shave. Shaving
can damage the skin by creating small cuts and this increases the chances that
The surgeon will write orders that will specify what part of the body is to be
cleaned, how it should be cleaned, what should be used, and when and where it
should be done. Do not clean any other area and only use the method(s) that
Learning Break: The definition of the term sterile is “the absence of all living
not possible. Sterilizing skin would require extremely harsh chemicals or the
application of intense heat that would cause burns. Sterile technique should be
used when preparing the skin for surgery, but skin cannot be made sterile it can
only be cleaned.
Pre-Operative Teaching
Pre-operative teaching prepares the patient for all parts of surgery, and it can
speed recovery and help prevent complications. The most important areas to
1) The surgical procedure: The patient should know what type of operation is
being performed and why it is being done. The first person to give this
being done and why, so you can provide the patients with some basic
is permissible for you to discuss with the patients. If a patient asks you
has questions you should not address, tell your immediate supervisor;
he/she will notify the surgeon. Do not discuss details such as the risks of
the procedure, how the procedure is done, or how long before the patient
can go home.
2) Operative day: The patient should be educated about what will happen the
day of the surgery. Check the chart to see what has been ordered. An IV
line will often be inserted and the patient may be given some medication
that will prepare them for the operation: these medications frequently
cause drowsiness and may even put the patient to sleep. The informed
checklist should be completed, and you will be asked to help with some of
the items on the checklist, eg, checking vitals signs, making sure the
expect during the post-operative period. Check the chart to see what has
been ordered. Each case is different, but it is very common for patients to
informed of this. Patients will want to know how long the drowsiness, pain,
and nausea will last. They will want to know when they can get out of bed,
when they can have food and water, how long they will be in the hospital,
and when they can go home. They may ask you if the operation was
successful. After speaking with your supervisor and checking the post-
operative orders on the chart, you can give the patient some basic
Post-Operative Exercises
they can also speed the recovery process. Teaching post-operative exercises
before surgery gives the patient a stress-free and pain-free time to practice these
patient how important post-operative exercises can be. Commonly used post-
operative exercises are discussed. If the patient has a history of lung disease or
pulmonary complications.
many cases they have been they have been on bed rest before the
operation. Because the client has not been moving for a long time,
secretions can pool in the lungs, bacteria can grow and a pulmonary
surgery will be less likely to cough normal as a forceful cough can be quite
expand the lungs and bring up secretions, and coughing exercises are
simple to teach and easy to do. The patient should be sitting upright and it
surgical incision; this can be done by a CNA or by the patient. Instruct the
patient to take a deep breath, hold the breath for a second or two and then
give a forceful cough. Cough from the belly, not the throat. Press down on
the towel that is covering the incision during the cough. This is called
splinting. It will stabilize the area, help prevent pain, and allow the patient
plan will be to have the patient perform 5-10 cough and 5-10 deep breaths
every two hours, but the specifics of the routine will be ordered by the
physician. Let the patient know that he/she will be asked to do coughing
after the surgery and explain why the exercise is important. Also inform
them that coughing exercises can be painful but that the pain can be
done along with the coughing exercise and like coughing, it expands the
breath, hold the breath for a second or two and then slowly exhale.
for the patient to perform deep breathing. As with the coughing exercise,
tell the patient that he/she will probably be asked to do deep breathing
exercises after surgery and explain why the exercise is important. Deep
mouthpiece at the end of the hose. The tube has gradations and a plastic
ball inside the tube. To use the incentive spirometer the patient inhales as
exhales through the flexible tube. As the patient exhales the movement of
air will cause the plastic ball inside the incentive spirometer tube to rise,
and the level of the ball is compared to the gradations. Deep breathing
caring for them with an objective way of measuring how well a patient is
Incentive Spirometer
3. Turning: Patients will benefit from being turned from side to side every two
but some patients will need assistance. Turning from side to side prevents
painful so take your time and don't rush the patient. As with coughing and
deep breathing, splinting while turning may be helpful and at times it will
be necessary.
be taught how to walk. But they should be informed that the surgeon may
Preparing the patient for this is far preferable to surprising someone, and if
the patient understands the need for this exercise before the surgery it can
Example: Someone who has had a total knee replacement will be asked
tightening, and these will often be started a few hours after the surgery.
having surgery because he/she has a serious illness. Surgery involves risks,
complications, and pain and discomfort before and after the operation. There is
the possibility that the patient's life will be drastically changed, and not all
psychologically prepare someone for surgery and how to provide that person
What does the patient want to know? Some patients will want a lot of
recovery period, and what life will be like after the surgery. Some patients
want to know very little, and they feel most comfortable when all the
how much they know about their surgery. However, even for people who
prefer to know almost nothing they should be informed about what type of
surgery they are having, when it is being done, and why. Remember, the
surgeon is the first source of these facts, but if the surgeon has told the
patient this information you can review it with the patient as needed.
What are the patient's fears? Fear is a normal feeling associated with
surgery. Patients should be allowed to talk about their fears to the extent
that they want to. The best approach is simply to let the patient know that
there are people who will listen and can provide support if they want to
talk. After that, the patient can decide who he/she wants to confide in and
just been through a very stressful experience, serious complications are possible,
and pain, vomiting, and discomfort are common. Knowing what to look for and
Vitals signs
Mental status
Surgical dressing
Urinary retention
Nausea and vomiting
Vital Signs
write an order that specifies how often the vital signs should be checked.
Measuring the pulse and blood pressure every 15 minutes in the first hour after
the operation is not unusual. You should always let someone know about a fever
for a post-operative client. Slight deviations of pulse and blood pressure may be
normal after surgery, but these should still be reported. Do not assume that a
pulse > 100 or a systolic blood pressure that is low are of no concern.
Mental Status
not normal and a nurse or physician should be informed if you feel that that the
skin and the swelling and bleeding at the incision increase pressure on nerve
Some patients will tell you about their pain and request medications but others
will not. You should always ask the post-operative patient if she/he is having
pain, but you should also be observant. A patient may decide to “work through
the pain” or the patient may be wary of accepting pain medications. So aside
from asking the patient about pain you should look for objective information and
non-verbal cues that indicate the presence of pain. Does the patient grimace
when asked to move? Is the patient hesitant about performing coughing and
deep breathing exercises? Is his/her blood pressure and heart rate elevated?
The level of pain a patient has will depend in part on what operation was
performed. The pain associated with a minor procedure should be mild but if the
patient has had a major orthopedic surgery such as hip surgery the pain can be
severe. There is no “normal” level of pain and each person has a level of
tolerance. But if the procedure was as simple one and the patient is significantly
informed. Also, if the patient is requesting pain medication more frequently than it
Learning Break: Many health care facilities use pain scales to assess patients’
level of pain. A typical pain scale is the 1-10 scale. The patient is asked to
patient is then asked to remember a painful experience that was very minor and
consider that a 1. After that the patient is asked to assign his/her current level of
pain a number on the 1-10 scale. Example: “If the worst pain you have ever had
was a 10 and a very minor pain you’ve experienced was a 1, what would you
Surgical Dressing
A surgical dressing is a sterile cover applied over the incision. A dressing can
be a small bandage, but it may be a large, complicated affair with gauze pads
and tape. The surgeon will write orders that specify how to care for the dressing.
It is very important to follow these orders exactly. Do not change or adjust the
dressing in any way that has not been ordered. Check the dressing frequently to
make sure it is intact and there are no loose edges. Look for bleeding or unusual
most cases the bleeding will be under the dressing and will not be seen until it
has been changed. Bleeding that stains through the dressing is much less
Urinary Retention
volume of > 600 mL. Urinary retention is a common postoperative problem and
depending on the nature of the surgery it can affect up to 25% of all patients.
trying to void while in a supine position can contribute to the problem. Urinary
The last time the patient voided should be documented on the chart. The
surgeon or the anesthesiologist may indicate when he/she expects the patient to
void. If voiding has not occurred by that time or if the patient is uncomfortable a
determine the volume of urine in the bladder and if urinary retention is present, a
Nausea and vomiting are very common post-operative problems. In the great
majority of cases they are mild and temporary and can be easily treated with an
and/or are causing the patient pain a nurse or a physician should be notified.
infection and for some patients the risk is high. Examples are provided below.
Even if the surgical site was carefully prepared and the surgical procedure
secretions in the lungs begin to pool and bacteria can multiply. The
bladder is not emptied and bacteria can grow in the urine. Blood stagnates
and may become infected in the extremities, and intact skin is disrupted by
Post-operative infections can happen in the lungs, the surgical incision, and
the bladder, and blood pooling in the legs can cause blood clots to form which
complications: wind, wound, water, and walk. Wind is associated with pulmonary
extremity complications.
Peripheral edema
Productive cough
Purulent drainage at the incision site
Redness at the incision site
If the patient is young and healthy and the surgery is a routine procedure the
nausea and vomiting and mild pain but no serious complications will occur. If the
patient has certain risk factors and/or undergoes a major procedure the post-
operative period may be more difficult and these patients will need careful
Advanced age
Alcohol abuse
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Cigarette smoking
Heart disease
Liver disease
Sedentary life style
The following situations that can occur in the post-operative period are
site and do not touch the area. Call for help immediately and if possible,
put on sterile gloves and cover the incision site wound with a moist, sterile
pressure, it can be dangerous for someone who has cardiac disease, and
it can affect the integrity of the surgical incision site. There is no clear-cut
considered prolonged.
stain on the surgical dressing is not serious. However, anything more than