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Complete Denture Fabrication For Old Denture Wearer in One Day

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S Srinivasa Murthy et al

Complete Denture Fabrication for Old Denture

Wearer in One Day
S Srinivasa Murthy, M Bharath Prabhu, Mayur Hegde, Gargi S Murthy

ABSTRACT delivery, with all the steps verified and confirmed.12 Many
Complete dentures fabrication conventionally requires 4 to 5 a times age and health of the patient precludes change in
visits to the clinic. It will be sometimes very demanding for aged the conventional appointment schedules, compelling for
patients and also for the dentist. Here, in this article, technique lesser number of visits. Any attempt to reduce the number
of complete denture construction in one day for an old denture
of dental visits for the fabrication of dentures is appreciated
wearer is described. Wherein the old denture is used as special
tray and also as record base. Secondary impression with border by both the patient and the dentist,8 without compromising
moulding and jaw relation is completed in one visit with old on the denture quality and patient satisfaction.6 This article
dentures. Teeth arrangement try-in is not given and finished in illustrates clinical and laboratory procedures for making one
one day.
stage definitive impression combined with the recording
Keywords: One day denture, One visit denture, Worn denture, maxillomandibular relations in the same visit for old denture
All in one day denture, Old worn denture. patient.
How to cite this article: Murthy SS, Prabhu MB, Hegde M, When an existing set of complete dentures exhibits
Murthy GS. Complete Denture Fabrication for Old Denture extreme wear of the occlusal surfaces, loss of occlusal
Wearer in One Day. World J Dent 2012;3(1):112-114.
vertical dimension is often present. In this circumstance,
Source of support: Nil the anterior teeth often begin to fracture or become dislodged
Conflict of interest: None declared from the denture base due to increased vertical overbite,
laterotrusive as well as protrusive forces.12 When the new
INTRODUCTION dentures are planned for such cases, the dentist may choose
Advances in oral disease prevention and increased concern a different occlusal scheme in order to perfect the patient’s
for dental care over the past several decades have resulted evident wear pattern by selection of a different arrangement,
in recent generations of people with healthy mouths and such as a lingualized occlusion.
teeth. However, there is still many people who lose some
or all of their natural teeth. This is usually due to a lack of TECHNIQUE
interest on their behalf, time restraints or for various
There is no evidence that a more complex fabrication
financial reasons.2 For these people partial dentures or
technique including facebow registration results in a better
complete dentures will restore their lost teeth, allowing them
clinical outcome. Balanced occlusion/articulation is not
to eat and speak properly and have a natural appearance.
necessary for successful complete denture function.
The prevalence of total edentulism has been estimated to
Variations in materials and techniques appear to have only
be about one-tenth to one-fifth of the general population, in
half of the population over age 65. This does represent a minor influence, if any, on the clinical end result. Creating
considerable change from the high prevalence of edentulism a good relationship between the dentist and the patient is
found only a few decades ago.1,3 The loss of natural teeth is more important than the prosthodontic factors for a
associated largely with low socioeconomic status. successful outcome of a complete denture treatment.5 In
Loss of natural teeth and subsequent alveolar resorption another study, it was found simplified method is the more
has a significant impact on appearance and function. cost-efficient method and that there are no negative
Complete denture fabrication techniques, while not consequences that detract from the cost savings.7,10
universally standardized have resulted in a high degree of The existing dentures were analyzed for loss of vertical
success. 11 Many dental courses on complete denture dimension, change in centric relation and also the fit of
prosthodontics advocates that five or six appointments are dentures. Due to the excessive wearing out of denture teeth
necessary in fabrication of complete dentures. The typical patient will be habituated to the position anterior to the true
appointment sequence progresses from preliminary centric relation leading to the prognathic mandible. Taking
impressions (for custom tray fabrication), final impressions into consideration of health of underlying tissue condition,
(for master cast and record base construction), jaw relation ability of the patient to retrude the mandible to the true
appointment, trial denture appointment insertion and centric and most importantly psychological factors


Complete Denture Fabrication for Old Denture Wearer in One Day

especially, the good relationship between the dentist and

the patient, case will be selected for one day denture
The existing denture is checked for border extensions
and if required it is altered to make sure 2 mm short of
functional depth of the sulcus. The dentures were used as
special tray and border molding carried out with putty
material to extend or otherwise improve the fit of the Fig. 1A: Old denture with border molding
denture9 (Fig. 1A).
Using these stabilized maxillary and mandibular
modular dentures vertical jaw relation is carried out, with
the maxillary modular denture, check for desired esthetic
position of anterior teeth, any alteration can be done with
the help of modeling wax, then check for:
• Parallelism of the occlusal plane to ala-tragus line and
the interpupillary line.
• Midline
• Lip line Fig. 1B: Secondary impressions
• Lip support.
In the same way, mandibular modular denture is altered
according to the esthetic and functional requirement of the
jaw relation.16
Place both the dentures and guide the mandible into
centric relation and have the patient close. Verify that the
vertical dimension of occlusion is correct and also other
parameters, make a index in both the dentures in centric
relation and remove the dentures (Fig. 2).
The impression material of choice is placed onto the
tissue surface of the dentures and a wash type impression
made of both maxilla and mandibular arches in centric
relation position in closed mouth technique. Carefully Fig. 2: Jaw relation record
remove both the upper and lower dentures from patient’s
mouth. Inspect and with a sharp scalpel blade, trim away
all excess material which flowed onto the external surface
of the denture. If excess material is retained assessment of
esthetics will be difficult. With an indelible transfer stick,
mark the posterior limit on the patient’s maxillary tissues
(vibrating line). Reinsert the maxillary denture and transfer
the mark to the denture (Fig. 1B).
Again the dentures are inserted in the mouth and using
zinc oxide eugenol impression paste centric relation is
recorded. Carefully, the impressions are removed from the
mouth and the impression/dentures are then boxed and
poured with dental stone. Fig. 3: Articulated dentures
The master casts are trimmed, indexed and mounted on
the mean value articulator (Fig. 3). Note that the master the technician has better understanding of the technique and
casts and dentures are not yet separated from the impression experienced in making new trial denture base with planned
media. A record may be made of mold and shade, or new position of the anteriors, arch form and occlusal plane, the
selections may be made. plaster index may not be required. The arrangement of teeth
Occlusal index is obtained by closing the mounted completed for trial (Fig. 4), dentist may decide to skip the
maxillary denture into the plaster on the remount jig. Or if trial denture appointment at his or her discretion,15 if there
World Journal of Dentistry, January-March 2012;3(1):112-114 113
S Srinivasa Murthy et al

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CONCLUSION complete denture in one visit using triad visible light cured
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the denture can be delivered within a day and number of
visits to the clinic will be reduced. This not only reduces
strain and apprehension to the aged patients but also the
cost-effective. The only drawback could be try-in of denture S Srinivasa Murthy (Corresponding Author)
is not carried out, if the technician is available in the clinic Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, AJ Institute of Dental Sciences
this can also be carried out within an hour after completion Mangalore, Karnataka, India, e-mail: drsrinivas30@gmail.com
of impression and jaw relation. Availability of good
chairside assistant and technician will make the process error M Bharath Prabhu
proof by participating in tooth selection, separating cast, Assistant Professor, Department of Prosthodontics, AJ Institute of
trimming, indexing and mounting the dentures and also Dental Sciences, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
talking with the patient about esthetic or any other
expectations, further contributing for successful complete Mayur Hegde
dentures. Reader, Department of Prosthodontics, AJ Institute of Dental Sciences
Mangalore, Karnataka, India
1. Ainamo A, Osterberg T. Changing demographic and oral disease Gargi S Murthy
patterns and treatment needs in Scandinavian populations of Assistant Professor, Department of Pedodontics, DSDC, Bengaluru
old people. Int Dent J 1992;42:311-22. Karnataka, India


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