Experiment No.2: Measurement of Kinematic and Dynamic Viscosity''
Experiment No.2: Measurement of Kinematic and Dynamic Viscosity''
Experiment No.2: Measurement of Kinematic and Dynamic Viscosity''
College of Engineering
Petroleum Engineering Department
‘’Measurement of Kinematic
and Dynamic Viscosity’’
Experiment No.2
Measurement of Kinematic and Dynamic Viscosity
1. To know the flow of oil at different temperatures.
2. Classification of oils by their viscosity.
3. Identification of changes in oil due to usage.
4. To determine the kinematic viscosity (ѵ ) of a transparent petroleum product.
5. To calculate the dynamic viscosity using kinematic viscosity.
The viscosity of a fluid is a measure of resistance to flow. It is a useful property petroleum
production, refining and transportation. It is used calculation of power required in mixers
or to transfer a fluid, the amount of pressure drop in a pipe or column. Kinematic viscosity
is the resistance of a substance to gravity driven flow and measured in Stokes (St) or
cm3/sec. the common unit used the centistokes 10-2 Stokes. Dynamic viscosity is the shear
stress divided by the shear rate and is typically measured in either centipoise (cp) or
millipascal. Second (mPa.s). The dynamic viscosity can be obtained by multiplying the
kinematic viscosity by the density of the fluid in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3). It is
of interest that the common expression of viscosity for light crude oils has been kinematic
that is measured by kinematic techniques, while for heavy crude oils and bitumen’s
viscosity is commonly expressed as dynamic. This is reflection of the fact that the
viscosity of light crude oils easily measured by kinematic techniques, while heavy crude
oils frequently require the use of a dynamic viscometer.
Kinematic viscosity is the absolute viscosity of a fluid divided by its density at the same
temperature of measurement. It is the measure of a fluids resistance to flow under
Determine kinematic viscosity, a fixed volume of the test fluid is allowed to flow through
a calibrated capillary tube (viscometer) that is held at a controlled temperature. The
kinematic viscosity, in centistokes (cSt), is the product of the measured flow time in
seconds and calibration constant of the viscometer. The unit of K dimensions’ centimeter-
squirt usually express in centistoke, cSt (mm2 /s), so that 1 st = 100 cSt. Kinematic
viscosity of many petroleum fuels is important for their proper.
U-tube viscometer -1
.Viscometer thermostat and bath -2
.A rubber bung -3
4-A stop watch
Calculate the kinematic viscosity V from the measured flow time t and the instrument
constant by means of the following equation.
v=C . t
calculate the viscosity from the calculated kinematic viscosity V and the density ρ
μ= ρv
viscosity . diesel=0.02417 cSt viscosity . Water=1.04 cSt
μ . diesel=0.832∗0.02417=0.02011 cP
μ . water=1∗1.04=1.04 cP
In this experiment we learned how to measure the dynamic viscosity and kinematic
viscosity for varies liquid and viscosity of a fluid is a measure of its resistance to flow and
also law viscosity indicate a low resistance to flow and the high viscosity indicate high
First of all we take two U-tube viscometer, one for measuring viscosity of water and the
other for measuring viscosity of diesel then we taken both into bath water and let them in
the bath water until the temperature get 40C, then we waited during ten minute, and after
that we bring rubber bung and we pushed it at the top of U-tube viscometer, then we
vacuumed water and diesel from U-tube viscometer by rubber bung. At the end we get
viscosity of water (1.04cp) at (11.53min) and viscosity of diesel (0.02011cp) at (13.6s to
18.63s) by μ= ρv at 40c . It could be there have error because of the bubble inside U-tube
viscometer, so we should be careful that there have no bubble when we full the sample
inside the U-tube viscometer.