Children's Thinking Styles, Play, and Academic Performance: Robyn M. Holmes, Sharon Liden, and Lisa Shin
Children's Thinking Styles, Play, and Academic Performance: Robyn M. Holmes, Sharon Liden, and Lisa Shin
Children's Thinking Styles, Play, and Academic Performance: Robyn M. Holmes, Sharon Liden, and Lisa Shin
Based on the study of seventy-four middle school children of mostly Filipino and
part Hawaiian heritages, this article explores the relationships of children’s think-
ing styles, play preferences, and school performance. Using the Group Embedded
Figures Test, the Articulation of the Body Scale, and written responses to three
questions, the authors found significant relationships between children’s field-
independent or field-dependent thinking styles and play preferences; play prefer-
ences and academic performance; thinking styles and academic performance; and
thinking styles and cultural setting. They also discovered that children’s preferences
for sports related, both positively and negatively, to their scores on state-mandated
tests for language and math; that children who preferred unstructured play activi-
ties tended to achieve academic success; and that cultural values were correlated to
thinking style. The authors argue that their study has applied value for educators
because it relates children’s play preferences to other aspects of their life experi-
ences, which can help school policy makers decide the extracurricular activities
and the types of play they should encourage. Key words: academic performance;
field dependent; field independent; middle-school children; play; thinking styles
Researchers define thinking styles as the mental frameworks that enable indi-
viduals to process information and solve problems in specific contexts (Saracho
1998; Zhang and Sternberg 2006, 2009). These styles operate much as culture
does in guiding individuals’ thoughts and perceptions. Researchers have identi-
fied field-dependence-independence (FDI) as a measurable component of think-
ing style, which consists of an antithetical pair of constructs—field dependence
(FD) and field independence (FI) (Witkin 1949; Witkin et al. 1962). Individuals
inclined to FD or FI process information differently, solve problems differently,
and, in general, simply behave differently, even in similar situations.
Several researchers (Liu and Chepyator-Thomson 2008; Saracho and
Spodek 1981; Zhang and Sternberg 2009) provide a thorough comparison of
how FD and FI individuals typically process situational information differ-
ently (see figure 1). As a group, field-dependent individuals gravitate towards
social situations and enjoy interacting with others. They use facial cues when
processing a situation. They are sensitive to others. They prefer to stand close
to others when interacting with them. They rely on authority to make deci-
sions, and they make use of the surrounding perceptual field when processing
a situation.
In contrast, as a group, field-independent individuals do not prefer social
contact, and other people consider them socially distant. Field-independent
individuals tend to divide a visual field into separate elements rather than per-
ceive it as a whole. They also set their own standards for thinking and behaving.
They are active and goal oriented. They possess excellent logical and analytical
reasoning skills. And they also include more anatomical and cosmetic details
when they draw the human the body than do FD individuals.
The European and American notion that play is linked to developmental out-
comes—including cognitive growth—frames many studies about play and
thinking styles. For example, Saracho (1995a, 1995b) looked at the relationship
of thinking styles, age, and play in preschool-aged children. She found differences
in the quantity of play: FI children were more likely to engage in play than FD
children. In a series of related studies, she concluded that FI children exhibited
C h i l d r e n ’s T h i n k i n g S t y l e s , P l a y, a n d A c a d e m i c P e r f o r m a n c e 221
Seek out social interactions Prefer to work alone rather than in groups
Technical analysis
Note: Extracted from Liu and Chepyator-Thomson (2008), Saracho and Spodek (1981), and
Zhang and Sternberg (2009).
more variety in their play than FD children and the FI style correlates positively
with age (Saracho 1996a, 1996b).
Other related studies have explored the relationship between FDI and chil-
dren’s engagement in different types of play. These include research by Steele
(1981), which posited a relationship between play (pretend play and playful-
ness) and thinking styles in kindergarten-aged children, and by Saracho who
conducted her work over two decades (e.g., 1989a, 198b, 1991, 1992, 1994).
These studies addressed the differences in the quantity, quality, and types of play
in which FD and FI children engage. General findings suggest that FI children
play more and in more diversified ways than FD children. In addition, neither
FD nor FI kindergartners much display the ability to communicate ideas even
though both FD and FI children frequently play cooperatively.
The relationship between FDI and playful activities also holds for older
children and their engagement in more structured activities. In older children,
FDI has been linked to children’s physical activity and their participation in
sports. For example, Liu and Chepyator-Thomson (2008) found, in their work
We framed our study using the literature about play (Saracho 1996a,
1996b) and thinking styles (Witkin et al. 1962; Zhang and Sternberg 2006,
2009). We accepted the notion that thinking styles are mental constructs that
guide the way individuals process their surroundings to solve a problem. We
also accepted that the differences between FD and FI children do not make
one superior to the other. FD children tend to solve problems with a sensitiv-
ity to others that leads them to acquire good social skills, and they rely on
such factors as their setting to do so. In contrast, FI children have the ability
to separate elements of a problem to solve it (Saracho 1998), and they are
affected by a variety of factors linked to their life experiences such as age,
cultural values, and academic achievement. The following research questions
informed this study.
In past studies, FDI thinking styles correlate with only one variable. Here
we explore the relationships of FDI to play, academic performance, and cultural
setting. To our knowledge, no other study has attempted to do so. Based on
existing literature, we hypothesize that the majority of children will be classified
as FD because they are members of a community that socializes its children to
internalize collectivist values. We assume children classified as FI will do bet-
ter academically than FD children. Finally, we think FD children will probably
prefer group play activities such as sports and socializing while the FI children
will prefer probably more autonomous play activities.
The seventy-four participants in our study—forty-five boys and twenty-nine
girls—were middle-school children enrolled in a Hawaiian public school for
grades K-12. Twenty-nine of them—seventeen boys and twelve girls were sixth
graders. Twenty more—ten boys and ten girls—attended seventh grade. The
remaining twenty-five—eighteen boys and seven girls—were in eighth grade.
The ages of the participants ranged from ten to fifteen years (with a mean age
of 12.55 years). The ethnic heritages of the majority of children were Filipino
and part Hawaiian. Figure 2 documents the participants by grade and gender.
6th 17 12
7th 10 10
8th 18 7
6th 8 4 5 4
7th 3 5 3 1
8th 6 3 4 1
The children came from an isolated island community consisting of Filipino
and part-Hawaiian residents. Many of them could trace their ancestry several
generations to the first wave of Filiino and Asian immigrants who arrived in
Hawaii to work on the island’s ranch and pineapple plantation. The commu-
nity taught its children to value family, respect their elders, recognize the needs
of others, and prefer face-to-face social interactions. The children are group
oriented, and they value educational achievement (Holmes 2011). The school
system takes great pride in its 100 percent graduation rate, which is a group
effort because the school and community work together to help their children
succeed in school. In essence, these children have a large network of support-
ers extending from intimate family circles to the larger community including
neighbors and school personnel.
In spring 2011, the children completed the GEFT (Witkin et al. 1971) and
the ABC (Witkin et al. 1962) and responded to three open-ended questions. One
of us, Sharon Liden, compiled a list of all children from whom we had received
consent and who were thus eligible to participate. These children gathered in
one of their usual classrooms to complete the GEFT and ABC during periods
that did not interfere with classwork. Two of us, Robyn Holmes and Liden, met
with the children, Holmes for the first time. We explained the nature of the task
to the children, asked if there were any questions, and required the children to
assent to complete the task.
We then distributed the test booklets and allowed the children to practice
with the sample figures in the first section of the GEFT. As they practiced, we
walked around the room checking to make sure each child understood the direc-
tions and how to solve the figure problem. Once we were sure that all children
had a working knowledge of the task, we reiterated the instructions and began
the actual test. The GEFT is a timed, nonverbal, written speed test so we used a
stopwatch to monitor the time periods of the three sections. After the children
completed the GEFT, we gave them a few minutes to relax.
Next, we asked the children to draw two full figures, one of a man and one
of a woman. We asked the children to place their names on the drawings as well
as an “M” or “W” so that the drawings could be distinguished if any ambiguities
arose. We asked them not to draw caricatures but rather full human figures. We
gave them ample time to complete each drawing (approximately fifteen minutes
for each figure). When they had completed the drawings, we gave them a few
minutes to relax. We spoke informally with the children during the break, then
we asked them to write their responses to the following questions on the back
of their last drawing.
1. What are your favorite things to do? (We had originally asked
“What are your favorite things to play?” but we abandoned that
phrasing because they narrowly construed play as formal school
sports and almost always responded: “I play on the volleyball
team.” When we rephrased the question substituting “favorite
things” for “play,” we found they responded with play activities
that included sports, electronic games, socializing, social media,
and other types of play. On rarer occasions, some children inter-
preted the new question literally and listed their play activities.
Because all the children supplied more than one activity, we
C h i l d r e n ’s T h i n k i n g S t y l e s , P l a y, a n d A c a d e m i c P e r f o r m a n c e 229
In this section of the article, we discuss the correlations of the children’s thinking
styles (as measured by the GEFT and ABC scale) to play activities and academic
performance. We report results here in terms of group frequencies.
The raw material in figure 5 represents the frequencies for children’s first
play choices and state-mandated language test scores. A Pearson r correlation
for play choice by language norms revealed a strong positive correlation, r =. 62,
p <.01 (see figure 6). Children who reported playing sports produced language
scores well below state norms. Sports accounted for 100 percent of language
well below
Sports Electronic Socialize Social Eat/sleep TV Creative Outdoor
play media arts activities
Play choice 1
Correlation Significance
Play Activities
Field dependence-independence
*p <.05
** p <.01
scores that fell below state norms and 40 percent of all responses. Less struc-
tured outdoor activities and socializing with peers led to language scores that
approached or met state norms. No play-choice response was related to language
scores that exceeded state norms.
Figure 7 documents frequencies for children’s second play choice and
state-mandated math scores. In general, children’s participation in play activi-
ties correlated with their state math scores, r=.42, p <.05. Only one response,
socializing with peers, related to math scores that fell below the state norm. All
other play activities such as sports participation (19 percent), electronic play,
and game play with and without toys seemed to connect with math scores that
approached or met state norms. Creative arts, watching television, and partici-
pating in unstructured outdoor activities (playing at the beach) correlated with
scores that exceeded state norms (11 percent).
Figure 8 records frequencies for the relationship between thinking styles
and the second play choice. A strong significant correlation emerged, r=.48, p
<.05. The majority of field-dependent thinkers (both boys and girls) partici-
pated in sports (19 percent), socialized with peers, and participated in creative
C h i l d r e n ’s T h i n k i n g S t y l e s , P l a y, a n d A c a d e m i c P e r f o r m a n c e 231
well below
3.5 exceeds
Sports Electronic Socialize Social School TV Creative Outdoor Play w/
media media arts activities games
& toys
Play choice 2
arts such as music and dance (19 percent). The majority of field-independent
thinkers also participated in creative arts (girls) and unstructured outdoor activi-
ties (boys). Play activities that appeared for both thinking styles included play-
ing music and dancing, both individually and in groups (traditional Tahitian
dances, for example), socializing with peers, and playing with games and toys.
Figure 9 lists the frequencies for thinking styles and academic grade point
average (GPA). The school employs a common GPA scale in which 1 equals a
D average and 4 represents an A average. Approximately 72 percent of the chil-
dren classified as field dependent earned GPAs that were categorized as low or
medium by school standards. Approximately 59 percent of field-independent
children were categorized as having high academic GPAs whereas approximately
18 percent of field-dependent children earned high GPAs. Boys slightly out-
numbered girls as field-independent thinkers in all GPA categories. The boys
were roughly equivalent to girls with respect to field-dependent thinking styles.
Outdoor activities
Social media
Outdoor activities
Girls Boys
Low 1.0-2.0 Med 2.1-3.0 High 3.1-4.0
GPA category
ball league. It may be that participation in team sports supports and encourages
community values (character building, attention to group needs, social skills)
rather than enhancing language skills.
Play choice also correlates with performance on the state-mandated math
tests. All play activities including sports, electronic play, and game play (with
and without toys) appeared connected to math scores that approached or met
state norms. Unstructured outdoor play and creative activities such as dance
correlated with scores that exceeded state norms.
Sports interestingly correlate with both lower language scores and
improved math scores. Individual children who preferred unstructured play
activities also appeared to score higher on state-mandated test scores than
children who listed other types of play. Playing sports such as baseball, vol-
leyball, and basketball, group activities that—as we have suggested—promote
social cohesion and build character also require players to have some grasp of
mathematically related knowledge, statistics, physics and angles, probability,
and field positions. This may partially explain the relationship between sports
and higher math scores. Electronic play and rule-governed game play also
requires players to have a working knowledge of probability, statistics, and
spatial dimensions.
Third, we found a relationship between thinking styles and school per-
formance as measured by GPA. Thus, our findings support other, empirical
research. According to Adelina Guisande and her coauthors (2007), field-inde-
pendent thinking connects to increased academic performance in all subjects.
In our sample, children with a field-independent thinking style achieved higher
GPAs whereas children with a field-dependent style had lower academic GPAs.
Finally, we were interested in exploring the relationship of cognitive-think-
ing styles to children’s socialization experiences and cultural values. If one applies
the individual-collectivism construct formulated by Triandis (1993, 1995) to
this setting, the children on the island are members of a decidedly collectiv-
ist, group-oriented community. These children are socialized to be sensitive
and attentive to the needs of others and to respect their elders. Their parents
emphasize group-oriented activities, and the children are prosocial and family
oriented (Holmes 2011). Based on the standardized tests the children completed,
the majority of them possess a field-dependent thinking style.
As Zhang and Sternberg (2006) noted, children in collectivist cultures (in
which children define the self by their relationship to others) tend to have a
field-dependent thinking style because it emphasizes social interaction, a reli-
C h i l d r e n ’s T h i n k i n g S t y l e s , P l a y, a n d A c a d e m i c P e r f o r m a n c e 235
ance on authority figures, and the taking of contextual cues into account when
solving problems. This thinking is characteristic of the Filipino and Hawaiian
ethnic groups that make up a large percentage of the community. Individual-
ism (where individual accomplishments define the self) is associated with FI,
but collectivist ideals seem more compatible with FD (Zhang 2002; Zhang and
Sternberg 2006; Hegdens 1993). This correlation appeared true of the children
in our group. Cultural setting clearly seems one factor that influences their
cognitive-thinking styles.
One of us, Robyn Holmes, has worked with the students’ community for
several years, and she has personally experienced the collective ideology pervad-
ing the island. She has worked with children in classroom settings and witnessed
how collectivist values shape their daily interactions. Thus, the example we now
present does not surprise her, nor would it surprise many community mem-
bers. Cultural values and socialization experiences guide the children’s everyday
behavior. A clear example emerged when we conducted the GEFT task, which,
as we have described, we administered to each student in a group setting. We
provided the children with standard directions and time to practice the prob-
lems of the test. What transpired during both the practice sessions and at the
beginning of the actual test is a testimony to how cultural factors contribute to
children’s cognitive-thinking styles.
On several occasions, one child helped a classmate nearby who appeared
to struggle with the task figure. In two cases, children rose from their seat to
help a classmate across the table. Children offered constant encouragement and
assistance throughout the practice session to other classmates and continued
to do so into the beginning of the first test section. We had to interrupt the
children in their helpfulness and remind them that we were delighted they
were concerned about each other’s successes but they each had to complete
the test individually with no assistance from another person. They did so,
but we noticed during the tasks that the children still attended to each other’s
facial cues to garner information regarding their classmates’ progress. This is
typical of the children in this community. Helping, sharing, and cooperating
are common, daily behaviors for them; and competition is rare, especially so
in some contexts.
For example, no child is ever denied a spot for an extracurricular activity
or sport, even those who lack the requisite skills and abilities. All children receive
encouragement to participate; they all receive the opportunity to do so; and they
all benefit from a support network at home, at school, and in their community.
The support system on the island presents difficulties for some of the children
when they transition to other settings away from home. Competition and the
desire to be the best are mainstream American values and ideals. On the island,
these ideals are entwined with collectivist values, specifically, with helping others
to become successful too.
There were some issues with this study we should address. First, the community
we cover is relatively homogenous in its ethnic heritage and socioeconomic
status. Thus, we caution the reader about extending these findings to broader
groups or larger populations. As Oyserman, Coon, and Kemmelmeier (2002)
noted, even collectivist cultures may vary widely in the degree and expression of
collectivist ideology to which they subscribe. Second, for the question regarding
leisure activities, we asked the children to report their three favorite activities.
We are not certain they listed these in order. For example, the children spend
a great deal of time engaged with social media, yet this appeared more as a
second-choice activity than a first choice. Also, we phrased the question in terms
of “your favorite things to do.” Perhaps a better phrasing would have been “your
three favorite play activities.”
Future Research
There is a resurgence in research about thinking styles (Zhang and Sternberg
2009). Thinking styles relate to how individuals solve problems in constrained
settings. Most researchers consider the ability to problem solve a cognitive skill
critical for children’s academic and social success. These styles also impact
other factors, such as play preferences, cultural setting, and academic achieve-
ment. These factors, in turn, relate to children’s social worlds, and they influ-
ence their life experiences and their successes as adults. Understanding how
children’s intellectual styles relate to their school success and playful pursuits
will inform school policy makers about which extracurricular activities they
should offer to develop particular academic and cognitive skills that their
students may need to improve. Forthcoming studies might pursue the exami-
nation of children’s thinking styles in diverse settings and in various formative
periods. These studies might use different approaches to assess play prefer-
ences and help broaden our understanding of how a child’s development is
influenced both by things external and internal.
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