PVCMS-BMV-HSE-JSA-001 Insulation
PVCMS-BMV-HSE-JSA-001 Insulation
PVCMS-BMV-HSE-JSA-001 Insulation
2.3 - Unauthorized work. 2.3.1 - Permit application prior to work & work BMV Permt
2 3 M certificated as cold/ vehicle entry (Hot work), Green 1 3 L Requester/
Card, CSE , LOTO Cert/ JSA Checklist. Supervisor
2.4 - Present of 2.4.1 – Carry out gas test for safe working area by BMV Permt
Flammable/ Toxic Vapors LSP/PVCMS authorized gas tester before move into Requester/
the work area. Supervisor/
3 5 L 2 2 L NSRP
3.1 - Fire, Explosion, Toxic 3.1.1 - Identify the nearest Muster Point.
Selecting Closer & gas leak, Slips, trips, Falls, 3.1.2 - Ensure all personnel are aware of Safe &
Safe Muster Point/ Unsafe selection of muster nearest Muster Point.
Emergency point 3.1.3 - Emergency Contact No.
3 2 5 H 1 5 M Supervisor/
Response 3.1.4 - Plant Telephone:
/Evacuation Route 3.1.5 - Wind direction to be monitored from the
nearest visible wind sock
4 Unloading and 4.1 - Ergonomic problem. 4.1.1 - START briefing to workers on the safe manual BMV
shifting of handling of material Supervisor/
3 2 M 2 2 L
insulation materials HSE/
by manual Worker
handling. (Storage 4.2 - Pinch point and 3 3 M 4.2.1 - Don’t place fingers in pinch point 1 3 L BMV
of equipment and obstruction. Supervisor/
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4.3 - Physical Injury 4.3.1 - Follow LSP/PVCMS manual handling
procedures. BMV
4.3.2 - Follow safe manual handling Technique. Supervisor/
3 3 M 1 3 L
4.3.3 - Ensure workers wear glove while working or HSE/
handling materials at all time Worker
4.4 - Slip, trips, fall 4.4.1 - Ensure access & egress are clear from BMV
hazards and improper obstruction. Supervisor/
3 3 M 1 3 L
handling of load. HSE/
4.5 - Inhalation of Dust 4.5.1 - Protective clothing and gloves should be worn
material) to protect the skin. BMV
4.5.1 – N95 Mask should be worn Supervisor/
3 3 M 1 3 L
4.5.1 - Insulation materials are carefully placed in the HSE/
bags. Worker
4.6 – Skin contact to fiber 4.6.1 – Ensure the insulation materials are properly
glass placed in the bags before handling.
4.6.2 – Ensure personnel wear appropriate protective BMV
clothing such as long-sleeved shirts, long pants and Supervisor/
3 3 M 1 3 L
safety gloves. HSE/
4.6.3 - Rub baby powder on exposed area such as the Worker
neck and wrists to avoid itchiness
4.6.4 – Take shower thoroughly after each shift.
5.1 - Slip, Trip & Fall 5.1.1 – Check the working area along the passages for
cause by movement and work.
5 Area inspection 3 2 M 5.1.2 –Ensure the work area are free from obstruction. 1 2 L
5.1.3 - Personal Protective equipment to be used.
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6.1 – Cut by tools 6.1.1 – Only trained and experienced personnel shall
inspect the equipment
6.1.2 – To check all pneumatic and electrical tool BMV
6 Tools inspection 2 2 M Supervisor/
before use. 1 2 L
6.1.3 – Replace tools immediately if any damages are HSE/
found. Worker
6.1.4 – Ensure safety gloves are worn.
7.1 – Trip & Fall from 7.1.1 – Plan way up and down before inclining the
height scaffolds.
7.1.2 – Ensure personnel are feeling well before start BMV
work. Supervisor/
3 5 E 1 5 M
7.1.3 – All personnel working at height shall complete HSE/
WAH course. Worker
Working at height
7.1.4 – Wear safety harness and ensure 100% tie-off
7 (on scaffolds/ ME
7.1.5 – Ensure present of sufficient lightings.
7.2 – Falling Object 7.2.1 – Ensure PTW application were duly approved
7.2.2 – Lay of canvas around work area/ tied of tools
when required.
7.2.3 – Barricade within the work area on the ground
and display the signage.
8 Removing & 8.1 - Inhalation of Dust 8.1.1 – Ensure the working area is well ventilated.
Reinstall insulation 8.1.2 – Limit the time of exposure of working in dusty
8.1.3 – Keep work area clean and free from scrap
3 3 M 8.1.4 – Avoid unnecessary handling of waste 1 3 L
insulation materials by placing them in waste disposal
containers or bags.
8.1.5 – While working workers must wear proper PPE
(safety helmet, safety goggles, safety gloves) and N95
Mask or appropriate respirator.
8.2– Skin contact to 3 3 M 8.2.1 - Brief to all workers prior to work 1 3 L BMV
fiberglass commencement. Supervisor/
8.2.2 – Ensure personnel wear appropriate protective HSE/
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clothing such as long-sleeved shirts, long pants and
safety gloves.
8.2.3 – Rub baby powder on exposed area such as the Worker
neck and wrists to avoid itchiness.
8.2.4 – Take shower thoroughly after each shift.
8.3 – Cut by tools 8.3.1 – Only trained and experienced personnel shall
perform the work. BMV
8.3.2 – All tools to be checked and only good Supervisor/
2 2 L 1 2 L
condition tools to be use. HSE/
8.3.3 – Ensure specific PPE to be use (long sleeves t- Worker
shirts, long trousers and safety gloves)
8.4 –Working on the high 8.3.1 – Ensure workers are well aware of the risk of
temperature pipeline/ burns. BMV
equipment 8.3.2 – Don’t place finger or body to high temperature Supervisor/
2 2 M 1 2 L
equipment or pipeline. HSE/
8.3.2 – Ensure specific PPE to be use (long sleeves, Worker
long trousers and safety gloves, etc.)
9.1 - Weather 9.1.1 - Drinking Water will be provided as required. BMV
9.1.2 - Workers to have frequent break. Supervisor/
Heat Stress, Rain
9.1.3 - Follow heat stress chart. HSE/
9.1.4 - Closely monitor the Heat Index and follow the Worker
Working In
9 Adverse Weather 3 3 M 1 3 L
9.1.5 - Suspend Work if Rains Heavily.
9.1.6 - Monitor weather condition and forecast
9.1.7 - All work at height and/or lifting activities shall
be stopped or as advised by the client.
10 Work completion & 10.1. Trip & Fall 2 3 H 10.1.1 - Keep work place clean & dry at all times. 1 3 BMV
Housekeeping 10.1.2 - No loose scaffold pipes, planks are allowed to L Supervisor/
be scattered on the floor. HSE/
10.1.3 - No loose scaffold pipes, planks are allowed to Worker
be scattered on the floor.
10.1.4 - All tools are kept properly.
10.1.5 - All waste materials are properly disposed of.
10.1.6 - All materials to be stack in a proper racks.
10.1.7 - Materials should not obstruct exit and
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10.1.6 – Ensure proper to be used (Safety Boots)
10.2 - Non-compliance of 10.2.1 - After each shift task supervisor shall close BMV PTW
LSP/PVCMS PTW the CSE PTW and submit the permit to permit office Requester/
2 2 L 1 2 L
Procedure on daily basis, in order to obtain new PTW. Task
Signature Name Time & date Remark: “L” = Likely hood, “S” = Severity,
Prepared By : “R” = Risk
Confirmed By :
(PTW issuer/ approver)
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