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Directions For Questions 1-5: Read The Passage and Answer The Questions That Follow On The Basis of The Information Provided in The Passage

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Sarah begins to struggle with her vision and has trouble seeing the blackboard clearly in class. She is reluctant to admit she needs glasses at first.

Sarah has trouble seeing the blackboard in class and struggles to see street signs and the television clearly. She doesn't want others to know she is having problems with her vision.

Sarah is worried about what others will think of her if she wears glasses. She thinks the other kids will think she is a 'nerd' and doesn't want to wear them at first.

Infosys verbal ability

Directions for Questions 1-5: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis
of the information provided in the passage.

It all started at the beginning of fifth grade. At first, Sarah wasn’t really sure what was happening. In
class, she had to squint to see the blackboard clearly. She had to do the same thing when she read street
signs, or when she watched a movie. As the fuzziness got worse, she became more and more worried. It
was important for her to see the notes and homework assignments the teacher put on the board.

It wasn’t long before Sarah found herself squinting all the time, but she didn’t want anyone to know that
she was having a problem seeing. In class, she asked for a desk that was closer to the blackboard. One
day, her teacher said, “Sarah, are you all right? I’ve noticed you squinting a lot. Are you having trouble
seeing the board?”

Sarah shook her head. “I’m fine, Mrs.Cruz,” she said, but she knew she couldn’t pretend much longer.

At home, she had to sit closer and closer to the television in order to see the picture. Her mother noticed
her squinting as she watched her favourite shows, and she began to get suspicious.

“Tomorrow I’m calling the eye doctor to set up an appointment for you,” she said firmly. Sarah
protested, but her mother’s mind was made up.

Three days later, Sarah had new glasses and instructions from her doctor to wear them all the time.
Sarah frowned in the car the whole way home. “All of the kids at school will think I’m a nerd,” she said.
Her mother smiled and shook her head. “You look just as beautiful with those glasses on as you do
without them,” she said. But Sarah didn’t believe her. The next day, Sarah kept the glasses in her pocket
as she walked into the schoolyard. She avoided her friends and stood alone, feeling miserable. Suddenly,
she heard her friend Theresa shout. Sarah ran over to the other girls. “What’s wrong?” she asked. “My
silver ring is gone!” Theresa cried. “My sister sent it to me from California. It’s very special and I can’t
lose it!”

Sarah could tell that Theresa was very upset. They all looked for the ring in the grassy area of the

Sarah realized that she could search better if she could see better. She took the glasses out of her pocket
and put them on. The objects and people around her came into sharp focus. She caught her breath.
Everything looked so different! So clear! She looked down at the ground and a glimmer of silver caught
her eye. It was the ring. “Here it is,” she shouted. “I’ve found it!” She handed it to Theresa, and Theresa
slipped the ring back on her finger.

“Thanks Sarah,” she said. “I never thought we’d find it.” She paused. “Hey, I didn’t know you wore
glasses. They look great!” Sarah had forgotten that she was wearing the new glasses. “Thanks,” she
replied shyly. As they walked back toward the school building, two more girls from her class
complimented her glasses. Sarah smiled. “Maybe wearing glasses won’t be so bad after all,” she
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1. Before Sarah got glasses she

A) Thought having glasses wouldn’t be so bad.
B) Wasn’t able to see the blackboard clearly.  
C) Found Theresa’s missing ring.
D) Sat far away from the television

2. Based on the end of the story, what do you think Sarah will do next?
A) She won’t tell her friends that she needs to wear glasses.
B) She will keep her glasses in her pocket where no one can see them.
C) She will wear her glasses all the time.  
D) She will wear her glasses only when she is with her family.

3. Read this sentence from the story ‘Her mother noticed her squinting as she watched
her favourite shows, and she began to get suspicious’. What is an antonym for the word
A) Doubtful
B) Guilty
C) Innocent
D) Trusting 

4. Which statement does best describe Sarah?

A) She is willing to overcome her fears in order to help her friends.  
B) She doesn’t care how well she does in school.
C) She cares more about herself than her friends.
D) She doesn’t worry about what other people think of her.

5. Read this sentence from the story. ‘In class, she had to squint to see the blackboard clearly’.
What does squint mean?
A) to look with eyes partly closed
B) to move closer
C) to try hard
D) to concentrate 

Directions for Questions 6-10: Read the passage and answer the questions that follow on the basis
of the information provided in the passage.

Primitive man was probably more concerned with fire as a source of warmth and as a means of cooking
food than as a source of light. Before he discovered less laborious ways of making fire, he had to
preserve it, and whenever he went on a journey he carried a firebrand with him. His discovery that the
firebrand, from which the torch may very well have developed, could be used for illumination was
probably incidental to the primary purpose of preserving a flame.
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Lamps, too, probably developed by accident. Early man may have had his first conception of a lamp
while watching a twig or fibre burning in the molten fat dropped from a roasting carcass. All he had to
do was to fashion a vessel to contain fat and float a lighted reed in it. Such lamps, which are made of
hollowed stones or sea shells, have persisted in identical from up to quite recent times.

6. Primitive man’s most important use for five was

A) To provide warmth 
B) to cook food
C) to provide light
D) Both A and B.

7. The firebrand was used to

A) Prevent accidents
B) provide light 
C) scare animals
D) save labour

8. By ‘primary’ the author means

A) Primitive
B) fundamental
C) elemental
D) essential 

9. Lamps probably developed through mere

A) Hazard 
B) fate
C) chance
D) planning

10. Early lamps were made by

A) Using a reed as a wick in the fat

B) letting a reed soak the fat
C) putting the fat in a shell and lighting it  
D) floating a reed in the sea-shell

Infosys Verbal Questions | Sentence Completion

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Directions 1 – 17: Pick out the most effective word from the given words to fill in the blank to
make the sentence meaningfully complete.

1. These essays are intellectually …………… and represent various levels of complexity.

A) Revealing
B) Modern
C) persistent  
D) demanding
E) persistent

2. It was almost impossible for him to put out of his mind the …………… words which he heard
from his clever father-in-law

A) Inspiring
B) witty 
C) sarcastic
D) soothing
E) exhortative

3. The integrity of character, honesty, dependability and discipline…………… with a genuine

interest in your work will go a long way in the achievement of success in your professional life.

A) Coupled 
B) adjoined
C) fixed
D) attached
E) joined

4. The soldiers were instructed to………………restraint and handle the situation peacefully.

A) exercise 
B) control
C) prevent
D) enforce
E) remain

5. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar was one of the chief…………… of women’s rights.

A) Promoters
B) facilitators
C) instigators
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D) organizers
E) protagonists 

6. Her parents will never give their ………to such an unsuitable match.

A. willingness
B. agreement
C. consent 
D. acquiescence

7. He is ……… dancer

A) a skilled 
B) an adept
C) an adapt
D) an adopt

8. The degrees were awarded in the annual……………

A) conference
B) convention
C) Convolution
D) convocation  

9. They ____________TV ever since they came home.

A) watched
B) have watched
C) have been watching  
D) should watch

10. That is a moving story _______________.

A) that had survived the centuries.

B) that has survived the centuries.  
C) which is survived by the centuries.
D) that is a survival in the centuries.

11. The girl _____________ a defect in her nervous system.

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A) was unable in feeling pain because of

B) was disabled to feel pain in
C) was incapacitated to feel pain because of
D) was unable to feel pain because of 

12. As soon as the plane ___________ to a hospital.

A) landed, he was rushed 

B) was landing, he was rushed
C) was grounded, he was rushed
D) could be landed, he went rushing

13. The long, lone hours on the trail gave Doug a chance __________.

A) to get himself to know better.

B) for getting to know himself better.
C) to get to know himself better.  
D) in getting better to know himself.

14. He had ___________ his face grow larger than they should.

A) a unique disease that made the bones from

B) a rare disease that made the bones of 
C) an unnatural disease that will make the bones of
D) a special disease that made the bones in

15. When it comes to English grammar, she certainly ___________.

A) gets the wrong end of the stick.

B) rings a bell
C) knows her stuff  
D) carries the can

Infosys Verbal Questions | Spot the Errors

Direction 1 – 8: In each of the following questions, find out which part of the sentence has an
error. If there is no mistake the answer is ‘no error’.

1. (A) My father is / (B) in bad mood / (C) today. / (D) No error

Ans: B
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2. (A) Both the civilians/ (B) and army men / (C) joined the First World War today. / (D) No error
Ans: B

3. (A) The school is / (B) with in hundred yards / (C) from my house / (D) no error
Ans: B

4. (A) As soon as the teacher entered / (B) everyone fell / (C) in a silence / (D) no error
Ans: C

5. (A) He took to / (B) reading Times / (C) for better knowledge of the facts./ (D) no error
Ans: B

Infosys Verbal Questions | Sentence Correction

Directions 1 – 8: In each question, a part of sentence is printed in italics. Below each sentence,
some phrases are given which can substitute the italicized part of the sentence. If the sentence is
correct as it is, the answer is ‘No correction required’.

1. He did many mischiefs.

A) made many a mischiefs

B) made much mischief
C) Committed many mischiefs  
D) No Correction required

2. Rohit is as fast as or perhaps faster than Manish.

A) Equally fast
B) almost as fast
C) as fast  
D) No Correction required

3. All his family members are in Kanpur.

A) All of his family members

B) All the family members of his
C) All the members of his family 
D) No Correction required

4. I often see him dancing the top.

A) rotating
B) encircling
C) dodging
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D) No Correction required 

5. What is the time in your watch?

A) on
B) by
C) from  
D) No Correction required

Infosys Verbal Questions | One Word Substitution

1. An extremely deep crack or opening in the ground.

A) Chasm 
B) Aperture
C) Ditch
D) Pit

2. A person of good understanding of knowledge and reasoning power.

A) Snob
B) Intellectual 
C) Expert
D) Literate

3. Extreme old age when a man behaves like a fool.

A) Imbecility
B) Senility
C) Dotage 
D) Superannuation

4. A place that provides refuge

A) Sanatorium
B) Asylum 
C) Shelter
D) Orphanage

5. Parts of a country behind the coast or a river’s bank?

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A) Isthmus
B) Archipelago
C) Hinterland 
D) Swamps

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