The Art and Science of Pricing, ET Retail
The Art and Science of Pricing, ET Retail
The Art and Science of Pricing, ET Retail
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Anurag Mathur
Partner & Leader - Retail & Consumer, PwC
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a) Infrastructure
b) Operations
c) Analytics Consumer, PwC
d) Strategy
Anurag Mathur has over
15 years of experience in
Infrastructure: It is critical to have excellent Consumer Goods &
systems which include pricing management tools, Retail Industry having
deals management software, and tools for business worked across advisory
services and industry
intelligence and analytics. Further, there is a need
roles with Accenture,
for data systems which can credibly hold PwC and Nestle. He has
transactional data (if possible some tertiary sales Show more..
data for CPG companies), detailed customer data
(a good direct-to-customer strategy can help gather More from Anurag
such data), and various market research data.
Delivering competitive
Lastly, a strong operating model, process and advantage and customer
governance around pricing will lay the foundation of loyalty in e-tail
Future of e- commerce in
Operations: Another important aspect of pricing is emerging markets like
having robust operations, which includes activities India
such as account planning, pricing reviews, contract Direct-to-Consumer: A
management, deal management, trade promotion key strategy for digital
management and strategy, profitability
management, and regulatory and tax effectiveness.
Needless to say, robust operations can help Other Authors
execute a good pricing strategy. 2/11
5/20/2020 The art and science of pricing - Re-Tales by Anurag Mathur | ET Retail
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Other Re-Tales
Why going
should be the
priority for retail
post Covid-19
Nitin Chhabra
CEO and Cofounder,
Ace Turtle
Based on the product life cycle, six pricing analytics
approaches can be used: price setting, pricing
Going digital: The
structure, cross-/up-sell, promotional pricing, profit only option for
leakage and markdown. A brief discussion of each Indian luxury
of these follows. Dr. Sheetal Jain
Founder & CEO, Luxe
Price setting: This approach can be implemented
by building pricing models that use competitive, Post Covid-19
cost and elasticity (and cross elasticity) levers to scenario for
establish optimal price ranges. The key Shriram Sanjeevi
applications of price setting are quote optimisation, Vice President, Levista
competitive indexing, market share modelling and
capacity modelling. Although price elasticity is a View More
good method, it needs to be applied in the proper
context or else it may not fetch the desired results. 3/11
5/20/2020 The art and science of pricing - Re-Tales by Anurag Mathur | ET Retail 4/11
5/20/2020 The art and science of pricing - Re-Tales by Anurag Mathur | ET Retail
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Nitin Chhabra
CEO and Cofounder, Ace Turtle 5/11
5/20/2020 The art and science of pricing - Re-Tales by Anurag Mathur | ET Retail
Shriram Sanjeevi
Vice President, Levista Coffee
The losses for the retail industry alone have crossed $30 billion in the fortnight,
and the number is only rising. Given the current scenario, the industry will take
at least 6 months to get back on track in terms of cash inflows; but how many
companies can actually survive this downfall for the next 6 months?
Sanjay Vakharia
CEO, Spykar Lifestyle 7/11
5/20/2020 The art and science of pricing - Re-Tales by Anurag Mathur | ET Retail
Shriram Sanjeevi
Vice President, Levista Coffee
Berry Singh
Co-founder & COO, Ace Turtle 8/11
5/20/2020 The art and science of pricing - Re-Tales by Anurag Mathur | ET Retail
Rohan Bhargava
Shriram Sanjeevi
Vice President, Levista Coffee
The FM’s acknowledgement in the budget of “data is the new oil” reiterates the
focus on the digital ecosystem which would be crucial for the retail sector which
is increasingly relying on digital platforms & tools to access rural & untapped
markets. The budget again provides for expansion of digital infrastructure
through “BharatNet” and is proposing a policy for private sector to develop
“data parks”.
Harsha Razdan
Partner and Head, Consumer Markets, KPMG India
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