Week 8 Outline
Week 8 Outline
Week 8 Outline
GE 209
History of the World Civilizations
GE 209
History of the World Civilizations
3. Ferdinand Magellan’s voyage across the Pacific confirmed Portugal’s claim to the
Molucca Islands and established the Spanish claim to the Philippines.
III. Encounters with Europe, 1450–1550
A. Western Africa
1. During the late fifteenth century, many Africans welcomed the Portuguese and profited
from their trade, in which they often held the upper hand. In return for their gold, Africans
received from the Portuguese merchants a variety of Asian, African, and European goods,
including firearms. Interaction between the Portuguese and African rulers varied from place to
2. The oba (king) of the powerful kingdom of Benin sent an ambassador to Portugal and
established a royal monopoly on trade with the Portuguese. Benin exported a number of goods,
including some slaves, and its rulers showed a mild interest in Christianity. After 1538, Benin
purposely limited its contact with the Portuguese, declining to receive missionaries and closing
the market in male slaves.
3. The kingdom of Kongo had fewer goods to export and consequently relied more on the
slave trade. When the Christian King Afonso I lost his monopoly over the slave trade, his power
was weakened and some of his subjects rose in revolt.
B. Eastern Africa
1. In Eastern Africa, some Muslim states were suspicious of the Portuguese, while others
welcomed the Portuguese as allies in their struggles against their neighbors. On the Swahili Coast,
Malindi befriended the Portuguese and was spared when the Portuguese attacked and looted
many of the other Swahili city-states in 1505.
2. Christian Ethiopia sought and gained Portuguese support in its war against the Muslim
forces of Adal. The Muslims were defeated, but Ethiopia was unable to make a long-term alliance
with the Portuguese because the Ethiopians refused to transfer their religious loyalty from the
patriarch of Alexandria to the Roman pope.
C. Indian Ocean States
1. When Vasco da Gama arrived in Calicut in 1498, he made a very poor impression with
his simple gifts. Nonetheless, the Portuguese were determined to control the Indian Ocean trade,
and their superior ships and firepower gave them the ability to do so.
2. To assert their control, the Portuguese bombarded the Swahili city-states in 1505,
captured the Indian port of Goa in 1510, and took Hormuz in 1515. Extending their reach
eastward, Portuguese forces captured Malacca in 1511 and set up a trading post at Macao in
southern China in 1557.
3. The Portuguese used their control over the major ports to require that all spices be
carried in Portuguese ships and that all other ships purchase Portuguese passports and pay
customs duties to the Portuguese.
4. Reactions to this Portuguese aggression varied. The Mughal emperors took no action,
while the Ottomans resisted and were able at least to maintain superiority in the Red Sea and the
GE 209
History of the World Civilizations
Persian Gulf. Some smaller states cooperated with the Portuguese; others tried evasion and
5. The Portuguese never gained complete control of the Indian Ocean trade, but they did
dominate it enough to bring themselves considerable profit and to break the Italian city-states’
monopoly on pepper.
D. The Americas
1. While the Portuguese built a maritime trading empire in Africa and Asia, the Spanish built
a territorial empire in the Americas. The reasons for the difference are to be found in the
isolation of Amerindian communities, their relative military weakness compared to Europeans
and their lack of resistance to Old World diseases.
2. The Arawak were an agricultural people who mined and worked gold but did not trade it
over long distances. Spanish wars killed tens of thousands of Arawak and undermined their
economy; by 1502, the remaining Arawak of Hispaniola were forced to serve as laborers for the
3. What the Spanish did in the Antilles was an extension of Spanish actions against the
Muslims in the previous centuries: defeating non-Christians and putting them and their land
under Christian control. The actions of conquistadors in other parts of the Caribbean followed
the same pattern.
4. On the mainland, Hernan Cortes relied on native allies, cavalry charges, steel swords, and
cannon to defeat the forces of the Aztec Empire and capture the Tenochtitlan. The conquest was
also aided by the spread of smallpox among the Aztecs. Similarly, Francisco Pizarro’s conquest of
the Inka Empire was made possible by the instability caused by a recent Inka civil war and by
Spanish cannon and steel swords.
IV. Conclusion
A. Voyages of exploration and trade
1. Before the sixteenth century many in Asia, Africa and the Americas had already
begun to expand networks of trade and communication. These groups included
Malays, Chinese, Polynesians, and Arabs, as well as Vikings and Amerindians.
2. These voyages helped to spur technological innovations, increased trade and
cultural interaction.
B. European expansion
1. Driven by an interest in profit and by state rivalry, Portugal and Spain launched major
expeditions to try to link Asia directly to European markets. In so doing, they integrated all parts
of the world in truly global trade networks, and created a new balance of power in the world.
2. The shape of European colonization in Asia and the Americas depended on conditions
which predated these European arrivals. In Asia the Portuguese wrested control of a
sophisticated, existing trade network, whereas in the Americas, the emphasis on natural resources
and the demographic impact of the Spanish conquest meant the establishment of a large
territorial empire.
GE 209
History of the World Civilizations
GE 209
History of the World Civilizations
4. At first, people brought from various parts of Africa retained their different cultural
identities; but with time, their various traditions blended and mixed with European and
Amerindian languages and beliefs to form distinctive local cultures. Slave resistance, including
rebellions, was always brought under control, but runaway slaves occasionally formed groups that
defended themselves for years.
5. Most slaves were engaged in agricultural labor and were forced to submit to harsh
discipline and brutal punishments. The overwhelming preponderance of males made it
impossible for slaves to preserve traditional African family and marriage patterns or to adopt
those of Europe.
6. In colonial Brazil, Portuguese immigrants controlled politics and the economy, but by the
early seventeenth century, Africans and their American-born descendants—both slave and free—
were the largest ethnic group.
7. The growing population of individuals of mixed European and Amerindian descent
(mestizos), European and African descent (mulattos), and mixed African and Amerindian descent
were known collectively as castas.
VII. English and French Colonies in North America
A. Early English Experiments
1. Attempts to establish colonies in the Americas in the late sixteenth century ended in
2. In the seventeenth century, hope that colonies would prove to be profitable investments,
combined with the successful colonization of Ireland, led to a new wave of interest in
establishing colonies in the New World.
B. The South
1. The Virginia Company established the colony of Jamestown on an unhealthy island in the
James River in 1606. After the English Crown took over management of the colony in 1624,
Virginia (Chesapeake Bay area) developed as a tobacco plantation economy with a dispersed
population and with no city of any significant size.
2. The plantations of the Chesapeake Bay area initially relied on English indentured servants
for labor. As life expectancy increased, planters came to prefer to invest in slaves; the slave
population of Virginia increased from 950 in 1660 to 120,000 in 1756.
3. Virginia was administered by a Crown-appointed governor and by representatives of
towns meeting together as the House of Burgesses. The House of Burgesses developed into a
form of democratic representation at the same time as slavery was growing.
4. Colonists in the Carolinas first prospered in the fur trade with Amerindian deer-hunters.
The consequences of the fur trade included environmental damage brought on by overhunting,
Amerindian dependency on European goods, ethnic conflicts among Amerindians fighting over
hunting grounds, and a series of unsuccessful Amerindian attacks on the English colonists in the
early 1700s.
GE 209
History of the World Civilizations
5. The southern part of the Carolinas was settled by planters from Barbados and developed
a slave-labor plantation economy, producing rice and indigo. Enslaved Africans and their
descendants formed the majority population and developed their own culture; a slave uprising
(the Stono Rebellion) in 1739 led to more repressive policies toward slaves throughout the
southern colonies.
6. Colonial South Carolina was the most hierarchical society in British North America. A
wealthy planter class dominated a population of small farmers, merchants, cattle ranchers,
artisans, and fur-traders who, in turn, stood above the people of mixed English-Amerindian or
English-African background and slaves.
C. New England
1. The Pilgrims, who wanted to break completely with the Church of England, established
the small Plymouth Colony in 1620. The Puritans, who wanted only to reform the Church of
England, formed a chartered joint-stock company (the Massachusetts Bay Company) and
established the Massachusetts Bay colony in 1630.
2. The Massachusetts Bay colony had a normal gender balance, saw a rapid increase in
population, and was more homogenous and less hierarchical than the southern colonies. The
political institutions of the colony were derived from the terms of its charter and included an
elected governor and, in 1650, a lower legislative house.
3. Without the soil or the climate to produce cash crops, the Massachusetts economy
evolved from dependence on fur, forest products, and fish to a dependence on commerce and
shipping. Massachusetts’s merchants engaged in a diversified trade across the Atlantic, which
made Boston the largest city in British North America in 1740.
D. The Middle Atlantic Region
1. Manhattan Island was first colonized by the Dutch and then taken by the English and
renamed New York. New York became a commercial and shipping center; it derived particular
benefit from its position as an outlet for the export of grain to the Caribbean and southern
2. Pennsylvania was first developed as a proprietary colony for Quakers but soon developed
into a wealthy grain-exporting colony with Philadelphia as its major commercial city. In contrast
to rice-exporting South Carolina’s slave agriculture, Pennsylvania’s grain was produced by free
family farmers.
E. French America
1. Patterns of French settlement closely resembled those of Spain and Portugal: the French
were committed to missionary work, and they emphasized the extraction of natural resources—
furs. French expansion was driven by the fur trade and resulted in depletion of beaver and deer
populations and made Amerindians dependent upon European goods.
2. The fur trade provided Amerindians with firearms, which increased the violence of the
wars that they fought over control of hunting grounds.
3. Catholic missionaries, including the Jesuits, attempted to convert the Amerindian
population of French America, but, meeting with indigenous resistance, they turned their
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History of the World Civilizations
attention to work in the French settlements. These settlements, dependent on the fur trade, were
small and grew slowly. This pattern of settlement allowed Amerindians in French America to
preserve a greater degree of independence than they could in the Spanish, Portuguese, or British
4. The French expanded aggressively to the west and south, establishing a second fur-
trading colony in Louisiana in 1699. This expansion led to war with England in which the
French, defeated in 1759, were forced to yield Canada to the English and to cede Louisiana to
VIII. Colonial Expansion and Conflict
A. Imperial Reform in Spanish America and Brazil
1. After 1713, Spain’s new Bourbon dynasty undertook a series of administrative reforms,
including expanded intercolonial trade, new commercial monopolies on certain goods, a stronger
navy, and better policing of the trade in contraband goods to the Spanish colonies. The
eighteenth century was one of remarkable economic expansion in the Spanish colonies.
2. Threatened by the independence and power of Jesuit influence, both Portuguese and
Spanish monarchies expelled them from their American colonies.
3. The Bourbon policies led to a growing sense of grievance among Spanish colonists. The
new monopolies aroused opposition from creole elites whose only gain from the reforms was
their role as leaders of militias that were intended to counter the threat of war with England.
4. The Bourbon policies were also a factor in the Amerindian uprisings, including the
uprising led by the Peruvian Amerindian leader José Gabriel Condorcanqui (Tupac Amaru II).
The rebellion was suppressed after more than two years and cost the Spanish colonies over
100,000 lives and enormous amounts of property damage.
5. Brazil also underwent a period of economic expansion and administrative reform in the
1700s. Economic expansion fueled by gold, diamonds, coffee, and cotton underwrote the
Pombal reforms, paid for the importation of nearly 2 million African slaves, and underwrote a
new wave of British imports.
B. Reform and Reorganization in British America
1. In the latter half of the seventeenth century, the British Crown tried to control colonial
trading (smuggling) and manufacture by passing a series of Navigation Acts and by suspending
the elected assemblies of the New England colonies. Colonists resisted by overthrowing the
governors of New York and Massachusetts and by removing the Catholic proprietor of
Maryland, thus setting the stage for future confrontational politics.
2. During the eighteenth century, economic growth and new immigration into the British
colonies was accompanied by increased urbanization and a more stratified social structure.
IX. Conclusion
1. Amerindians in the colonies of Spain, Portugal, France, and England all experienced
European subjugation, as well as the catastrophic effects of exposure to European diseases.
GE 209
History of the World Civilizations
2. Of the Catholic powers of Spain, Portugal, and France, Spain gained the most wealth and
developed the most centralized control.
3. British colonial governments were more likely to develop according to local interests than
the French, Spanish, and Portuguese colonial governments.
4. The Catholic nations forced more cultural uniformity on their colonies than Britain did in
the more religiously and ethnically diverse British colonies.
5. The British colonies welcomed a much larger influx of European migrants than did the
other New World colonies.
PS: Note that this is only an outline!!!! Do not forget to read the weekly
assigned pages and carefully examine the pictures and maps provided in
your course book!!!