Methodology To Predict NPA in Indian Banking System: Gourav Vallabh, Digvijay Singh, Ruchir Prasoon, Abhimanyu Singh
Methodology To Predict NPA in Indian Banking System: Gourav Vallabh, Digvijay Singh, Ruchir Prasoon, Abhimanyu Singh
Methodology To Predict NPA in Indian Banking System: Gourav Vallabh, Digvijay Singh, Ruchir Prasoon, Abhimanyu Singh
Banking sector is the backbone of any economy and plays a pivotal role in the development of the
nation. With the ever increasing need of involvement of banks in the economic growth process, the
issue of non-Performing Assets (NPAs) has assumed mammoth proportions. Subsequently, as gov-
ernment in emerging countries pushes for financial inclusion, the risk associated with bank assets
increases. With this background, this paper analyses problem of non-Performing Assets (NPAs) in
Indian banking system. The authors have devised a unique way to forecast the NPAs in Indian
banking system in 2020. The focus was to devise a model which would play a pivotal role in fore-
casting future NPAs in the Indian banking sector. This was achieved by looking into various method-
ologies and zeroing in on a model, which could be implemented to help understand how NPAs
could be predicted.
Non-Performing Assets, Multiple Linear Regression, Holt-Winter, Asset Restructuring Companies
1. Introduction
Banking sector is one of the most crucial aspects of an economy and it is high time the Indian banking sector
starts to deliver the goods. Myriad schemes like Jan Dhan, Make in India, Direct benefit transfer require the In-
dian Banking sector to expand its spectrum of services and widen its capabilities to cater to larger masses. The
necessity of it can be understood by the fact that India’s vision is to provide banking services to even its remot-
est geographical area and to accommodate people belonging to both ends of the spectrum. However, the road
towards fulfilling the vision would not be easy as expansion of this scale attracts major roadblocks and chal-
lenges. The perennial problem of NPA will be the biggest issue to tackle as far as expansion is concerned.
How to cite this paper: Vallabh, G., Singh, D., Prasoon, R. and Singh, A. (2016) Methodology to Predict NPA in Indian Bank-
ing System. Theoretical Economics Letters, 6, 827-836.
G. Vallabh et al.
Stringent RBI guidelines have added to the woes as it has resulted in greater stress for banks, since it is now
asked banks to declare stressed assets. This has resulted in creation of provisions for bad loans, resulting in
transfer of NPAs in the bad loans category. This has diminished profits and has created a negative sentiment for
the banking sector.
The determination of NPA is very critical for a bank’s financial health and liquidity concerns. The health of
the assets of a bank is measured by its NPA ratio. Given that the public banks in India are under a lot of finan-
cial stress due to accumulated non-performing asset, it is essential that they are in a position to plan for the fu-
ture so that remedial steps can be taken.
It is crucial to understand what actually results in the rise of NPA before we delve into further details. Under-
standing the reasons for NPAs will provide a platform to better analyse the methodologies used to predict NPAs.
The causes for NPA can be attributed to many factors like bribery, corruption etc. One of the many causes is
the lack of effort from the service provider during the pre-sanction process. Ignoring the process of conducting a
due diligence process or conducting it in a haphazard manner leads to increasing cases of NPA. An excuse for
corporations is blaming the economic scenario for defaulting; however forensic audits paint a different picture.
In majority of the cases, borrowers have wilfully defaulted or transferred funds to other parties. The integrity of
the promoter also comes into question in some high profile cases like that of Kingfisher. Obtaining tangible col-
lateral security is also a big headache during credit enhancement as the loan amount outweighs the sales value of
the attached security by a considerable margin, thereby diluting the provision of SARFAESI Act (Securitisation
and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act). The after disbursement
monitoring process is also porous as in most of the cases there is no forensic audit after initial sanction of loan.
There is a lack of due diligence for loan disbursement of the sector, where interest of promoter lies and after
disbursement, monitoring is poor resulting in NPAs [1].
Corporate debt restricting scheme is another scheme which is misused by both corporations and banks. The
objective of the scheme was to help genuine debt ridden companies by offering them flexible repayment terms
and giving them time according to the economic scenario but the corporation often misused it to cajole the banks
to lower their interest rates, prolong the repayment dates and so on.
Sluggish Legal system, inappropriate technology, poor quality management, improper monitoring and follow
up processes, managerial deficiencies, and ineffective recoveries are other causes which results in rising NPAs
With this paper, the authors want to propose a methodology for forecasting NPAs, which can thereby be
used to forecast NPA of an Indian bank and gauge the crisis which Indian banking system is facing. We
intend to forecast the percentage of NPA which banks will have in 2020. The forecasted value can be used by
RBI to estimate whether the system will survive or collapse.
In order to develop a holistic model for forecasting NPAs, data from all Scheduled Commercial Banks (SCB)
were taken into the fray, and various forecasting models were tried. Iterations were performed so as to come up
with a model which was comprehensive and provided satisfactory results. Subsequently, the model was tried on
SBI so as to forecast their NPAs by 2020. Ideally, we can choose banks of different sizes and levels of exposure
to risks, in order to analyse the NPA. However, we have chosen SBI as a reference point as it is a credible public
sector bank. SBI is mammoth in size and its data are not affected by minor fluctuations.
2. Literature Review
Researchers in the past have tried countless number of times to forecast a bank’s performance based on certain
macro-economic factors. Roger et al. (2011) [3] focuses on forecasting recession based on a bank’s commercial
and industrial loan commitments. The paper emphasises on the fact that a bank’s commitment of loans depends
upon future interest rates hence can be used as an indicator for nation’s growth Tobback et al. (2014) [4] has
forecasted loss from bad loans on a country’s performance using linear regression models [4]. The magnitude of
NPA is comparatively higher in public sectors banks than private sector banks (Singh, 2013) [5]. A high level of
NPAs also suggests high probability of a large number of credit defaults that affect the profitability and liquidity
of banks. A study on trends of NPAs in India from various dimensions explains how mere recognition of the
problem and self-monitoring has been able to reduce it to a great extent (Meenakshi et al., 2010) [6]. On the
similar lines, it was found that public sector banks in India, which function to some extent with welfare motives,
have as good a record in reducing NPAs as their counterparts in the private sector (ibid). The literature suggests
G. Vallabh et al.
that the lending policies of various Banks were not proper due to having improper financing. Banks should pro-
vide detailed information to the customer about their lending policy (Jain and Sheikh, 2012) [7]. Moreover,
various Private Banks are not granting Loans outside India, so they could do so to expand their business. They
pointed out that instead of focusing on urban areas only, the Banks should set up branches in the rural regions
also which could improve their profitability (Beck Roland et al. 2013) [8]. study the macroeconomic determi-
nants of nonperforming loans (NPLs) across 75 countries during the past decade. According to their dynamic
panel estimates, the following variables are found to be significantly affecting NPL ratios: real GDP growth,
share prices, the exchange rate, and the lending interest rate. In the case of exchange rates, the direction of the
effect depends on the extent of foreign exchange lending to un-hedged borrowers which is particularly high in
countries with pegged or managed exchange rates. In the case of share prices, the impact is found to be larger in
countries which have a large stock market relative to GDP.
None of the models have tried to forecast NPA values itself using the macro-economic indicators and we have
made an attempt to do the same using both step wise regression as well as logarithmic regression.
3. Research Methodology
The main objective of this research is to propose a methodology for forecasting NPAs which can thereby be
used to forecast NPA of an Indian bank and gauge the crisis which Indian banking system is facing.
There are many forecasting methods which can be used to predict the variable of interest. They are broadly
divided into two categories:
1) Regression models: Simple Linear Regression (SLR), Multiple Linear Regression,
2) Time series based methods: Moving Average, Simple Exponential Smoothing, Holt, and Holt-winter
Regression models are used for prediction purposes. Based on the trend of independent variables, they predict
the trend for the dependent variable. Since we will be predicting the NPA’s in 2020 based on external factors,
regression models are the best fit in this particular situation. SLR could not be used because it gives the value of
dependent variable (Gross NPA’s) in terms of only one independent variable. NPA is often dependent on various
factors so this method will never give satisfactory results.
We finally conducted the analysis by MLR method.
G. Vallabh et al.
countries. Inflation rate in India is based upon the Indian Consumer Price Index. As inflation rises it becomes
cheap for borrowers to borrow money, because of inflation purchasing power of consumer’s fall resulting in a
drop in profits for the companies. Combination of both these factors results in rise in NPA’s [9].
Year Gross Advances CPI GDP REPO rate Gross NPAs NPA%
Source: Gross Advances and Gross NPAs data: Annual Publication, RBI (“04-” 15); GDP & CPI data:
G. Vallabh et al.
CPI CPI% GDP (in USD Billion) Repo rate Gross NPA (Rs crore) Loans and advances (Rs crore)
4. Results
4.1. MLR Analysis (Linear, Stepwise and Logarithmic) and Results for Overall Banking
In Multiple Linear Regression we have used a combination of independent variables (CPI, GDP, Repo Rate,
Loans and Advances) for finding out their relationship with the NPAs. It can be used to predict the NPA of a
given bank on the basis of the independent variables [10] [11]. The MLR model is:
Yi = β 0 + β1 X 1i + β 2 X 2i + β3 X 3i + + β k X ki + ε i
Yi = Gross NPA for the quarter “i” (dependent/response variable),
Xki = independent/explanatory variable taken for regression such as GDP,
β0 = Y intercept,
βk = slope of Y with respect to Xki, holding other variables X 1i , X 2i , X 3i , constant,
εi = random error in Y for observation “i”.
MLR models were developed using combination of all variables. The results are shown below:
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CPI, GDP and Gross advances and REPO rate 0.997 0.994 2430 5.50% 42.42
MLR Equation:
Y1 1534.992 − 9453.88 ∗ CPI − 1.88389 ∗ GDP + 0.089585 ∗ L&A + 23.49054 ∗ L&A.
There can be a case of multicollinearity in this kind of situation. For example, we can fairly guess here that
with GDP growth, loans and advances will grow. Hence rather than directly doing MLR analysis we do a step-
wise regression which gives us the model with only the significant independent variable and also it keeps in
check any issue which arises due to multicollinearity. As expected with stepwise regression we got only three
significant variables CPI%, GDP and Loans & Advances. The table below shows results from stepwise regres-
MLR Equation:
Y1 1410.268 − 9135.33 ∗ CPI − 1.7918 ∗ GDP + 0.091402 ∗ L&A.
For MLR we will choose the equation given by stepwise regression for the reasons mentioned above. While
performing Stepwise MLR all other assumptions (homoscedasticity etc.) were also checked. We also explored
the possibility of a nonlinear relationship between NPA and the variables identified from stepwise regression. A
logarithmic regression model was run between Ln (NPA) as dependent variable and Ln (CPI), Ln (GDP) & Ln
(Loan & Advances) to check if there exists a polynomial relationship between NPA and the mentioned inde-
pendent variables. The table below shows results from the logarithmic regression model.
MLR Equation:
ln ( Y1) = 2.23982 − 1.13435 ∗ ln ( CPI ) − 3.61072 ∗ ln ( GDP ) + 3.214642 ∗ ln ( L&A ) .
It can be clearly seen from above results that MAPE of logarithmic regression is very high and hence it cannot
be used. We would use stepwise regression equation as our final model [11].
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4.4. MLR Analysis (Linear, Stepwise and Logarithmic) and Results for SBI
As discussed above the same model was applied on data from SBI to check the accuracy of the model and pre-
dict NPA of SBI in 2020.
The Results are shown below:
CPI, GDP, Repo, Loan & Advances 0.86442521 0.834297478 42,201,679.083 10.4765% 4589.064658
MLR Equation:
Y1 =
−61850 + 2547 ∗ CPI − 13.21306 ∗ GDP + 2795 ∗ REPORATE + 0.09570 ∗ L&A.
For multi-collinearity we performed linear stepwise regression. As expected with stepwise regression we got
only two significant variables CPI% and Loans & Advances. The important point to notice here is that for doing
step wise regression and accurate prediction we first remove the seasonality component from raw data and then
run step wise regression. We then predict the values from the model and finally seasonalize the values to get fi-
nal output. In the entire process we have assumed multiplicative seasonality. The table below shows results from
stepwise regression.
MLR Equation:
Y1 =
−69720.095 + 0.096 ∗ L&A + 2994.97 ∗ CPI.
A logarithmic regression model was run between Ln (NPA) as dependent variable and Ln (CPI) and Ln
(Advances) to check if there exists a polynomial relationship between NPA and the mentioned independent va-
riables. The table below shows results from the logarithmic regression model.
It can be clearly seen from above results that stepwise regression and logarithmic regression give comparable
results and based on MAPE figures which are marginally better in case of linear stepwise regression we use the
same for prediction of NPA.
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t γ (Yt − at ) + (1 − γ ) St − p
α, β, γ are smoothing parameters at is the smoothed level at time t,
Bt is the change in the trend at time t,
St is the seasonal smooth at time t,
p is the number of seasons per year.
Holt Winter was used to forecast SBI NPA’s and results are given below and see if there is any effect of sea-
sonality in the data. The error indices are on the higher side which is indicative to the fact that NPA’s depend
mainly on external macro-economic factors.
Results of Holt-winter:
5. Remedies
The model proposed by us predicts 7.07% of the Average Loans and Advances of SBI will fall under the NPA
bracket. The sheer value of the figure, INR 147,921 crore, is enough to point towards a major situation in the
making. It is imperative to implement remedial measures so as to deflect the major repercussions of the same.
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6. Conclusion
The linear stepwise regression model was used to forecast NPAs for Indian Banking Sector and it was also used
to predict the same for SBI, as a special case. The model predicted that if the current path was treaded, the issue
of NPAs would snowball into a major problem with serious repercussions. As far as the Indian Banking Sector
is concerned, it was seen that bad loans would amount to INR 7808 billion which is 4.94% of the Average Loans
and Advances of all scheduled commercial banks. The forecasting for SBI showed a grim picture where the bad
debt would rise to INR 1479.21 billion, which would be 7.07% of the Average Loans and Advances of SBI. The
results point that the need of the hour is NPA control so as to avoid the serious consequences that the future
holds for us. We also covered various causes for NPAs and their possible solution which could prevent a loan
from converting it into an NPA.
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