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Performance of Hybrid Wind-Microturbine Generation System in Isolated Mode

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International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical, Electronics and Sustainable Energy Systems (ICETEESES–16)

Performance of Hybrid Wind-Microturbine

Generation System in Isolated Mode
Alok Jain1, Bhanu Pratap Singh2, Suman Bhullar3 and M.K. Verma4

Abstract—The energy demands increment, perishing improves the operating performance for the wind farm in
resources of fossil fuels and growing pollution levels the grid-connected operation and in islanding mode [1].In
encourage more electricity generation using renewable Iran, a hybrid generation system for stand-alone
energy sources such as wind, solar, geothermal, tidal etc. application have been proposed which considers Wind-
Generation of electricity using high speed wind seems a Turbine Generators (WTG), Photovoltaic (PV) systems,
viable and environment friendly solution to meet energy
battery banks and diesel generator as power sources [2].
crisis. However, due to variable nature of wind speed, it is
difficult to supply constant power demands. In this paper, a The hybrid operation of fuel cell with other conventional
hybrid energy generation using combination of wind turbine DG system in utility interconnected mode and a linear
driven generator and Permanent Magnet Synchronous state modelling of a diesel generator have been proposed
Generator (PMSG) driven bymicroturbine has been [3,4]. A PSCAD simulation model of the isolated micro-
proposed, which is quite effective in supplying constant grid with wind-solar-diesel-battery hybrid power
power loads. The two generation systems have been generation have been proposed based on the operating
interfaced by power electronic interface. A simulation model mode [5]. Optimization through linear programming ahead
of the hybrid generation system has been designed using generation scheduling of the wind-photovoltaic-battery
MATLAB/SIMULINK and its various characteristics have hybrid power system have been considered [6]. The
been observed. PIcontroller based frequency regulation of hybrid
Keywords: Hybrid Generating System, Micro Turbine, distributed generation system for sudden variation in load
PMSG, Wind Energy1 demand and windhave also been proposed [7].A hybrid
renewable energy system consisting of solar photovoltaic
I. INTRODUCTION and fuel cell for continuous power supply to the load have
Today’s power system mostly depends upon thermal been proposed [8]. The simulation and design models of
generations which causes lots of carbon emissions leading the hybrid systems have also been developed [9].The
to pollution of atmosphere. This has posed the danger of modeling and simulation of Ramea hybrid power system
global warming and climate changes. Therefore, present that consists of mathematical models of diesel generators,
world energy scenario is shifting towards the renewable wind turbines, electrolyzer, hydrogen generator and
resources of energy. These resources are environment storage are also proposed [10]. An interval optimization is
friendly and free of pollution. However, renewable integrated with the Markovian approach which divides the
resources may depend on the natural factors which are out generation level of a conventional unit into a Markovian
of human control. As in case of Wind Energy conversion component and depends on the local state [11].A
plant, power generation is possible until there is sufficient heuristicdynamic programming based controller is
wind speed available to operate the wind turbine. So, to developed for the doubly-fed induction generator based
improve the reliability of the system, renewable resources wind farm to improve the system transient stability under
have to be clubbed with the conventional resources. fault conditions[12].An optimization technique based on a
For the above purpose, a Hybrid Generation System is Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (MOGA) have been
presented which generally consists of renewable sources proposed that employs a techno-economic approach to
such as Wind Power, Solar Power etc. and traditional determine the system design optimized by considering
energy sources. The high-performance control strategies multiple criteria including size, cost, and availability [13].
for a novel Current Source Converter (CSC)-based wind The methods for mitigating sub-synchronous interaction
turbine-Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage between Doubly Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) based
(SMES) hybrid system have been proposed which wind farms and series capacitor compensated transmission
systems have been presented [14]. The capability of
Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC) in attenuating
1,4Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of sub-synchronous reactance in wind farm integrations is
Technology (BHU), Varanasi, India also proposed [15]. A Remote Area Power Supply (RAPS)
2,3Department of EIED, Thapar University, Patiala, India
system consisting of a Permanent Magnet Synchronous
E-mail: 1alok.rs.eee14@itbhu.ac.in, Generator (PMSG), a hybrid energy storage, a dump load
2bhanupratap.warrior@gmail.com, 3suman.bhullar@gmail.com,
and a mains load is also considered [16]. A wind

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Performance of Hybrid Wind-Microturbine Generation System in Isolated Mode ‹ 65

generation is also modeled as a discreteMarkov process While using distributed generation source like Wind
based on historical data, to minimize the total commitment (considered renewable energy source in the system) there
cost of conventional generators and their total dispatch are two main problems for electric power generation:
cost [17]. Analysis approach is done based on both 1. The unpredictable nature of the wind which
trajectory and frequency domain information integrated disturbs the continuity of supply and hence raises
with evolutionary algorithm to achieve the optimal control the requirement of standby supply system.
of doubly-fed induction generators based wind generation 2. The use of asynchronous generator as an electric
[18]. A methodology for evaluating the reliability, generator.
considering demand side management and reliability These machines have merits that they can be driven
information system for a grid constrained composite on variable speeds that are well suited for random wind
power system including wind turbine generatorshave been speeds, but have demerits that they need support of
proposed [19]. Integration of wind farm energy storage reactive power from utility or to the network from which
systems within microgrids where voltage and frequency they are connected. So, the continuity of supply depends
control of the microgrid is shared by the wind generators on successful incorporation ofrenewable sources with
through droop characteristics have been considered [20]. conventional sources of energy.
A modeling and control strategy for a sustainable In case of insufficient wind energy to meet the
microgrid powered by wind and solar energy have also requirement, a backup supply system is required to be
been proposed [21]. An analytical stability study have developed. In this paper, a combination of wind energy
been done, where speed is directly driven permanently, generation system and microturbine generation system is
excited by 2MW wind generator connected to ac grids of proposed. In this hybrid generation system, both the
widely varying strength and very weak grids [22].Analysis systems are complementary to each other. Such system act
of sub synchronous resonance phenomena in doubly fed as virtual grid and could be operated either in isolated
induction generator based wind farms interconnected with (stand-alone) mode or grid connected mode. While using
series compensated networks have also been proposed to hybrid systems, a power electronics interface is required to
analyze the induction generator effect and torsional keep their voltage and frequency within prescribed limits.
interaction in system [23]. The effectiveness of the Hybrid Wind-Microturbine generation systems shown
commercial relay functioning in a local passive anti- in Fig. 1 have four main components:
islanding process for a permanent-magnet synchronous 1. Wind Energy Conversion System
generator (PMSG)-based wind farm which is interfaced 2. Microturbine generation System
with a radial distribution network is also proposed [24]. 3. Power Electronics Interface
Impact of renewable power resources such as wind and 4. Energy Storage System
photo-voltaic with storage systems in microgrid has been
introduced [25-27].
Out of various renewable resources, wind energy
generation seems to be a major solution due to availability
of high speed winds near seashore. However, wind speed
is quite fluctuating in nature. In case of low speed wind,
power generation may be affected and it may not be
possible to provide uninterrupted power supply to
consumers. Hybrid energy generation may be the solution
for such problem. This paper proposes a hybrid energy
Fig. 1: A Hybrid Wind-Microturbine Generation System
generation where wind energy generator is synchronized
to PMSG driven by microturbine, through power III. SIMULATION MODEL OF THE MICROTURBINE SYSTEM
electronic interface. Proposed scheme is able to supply
almost constant power to consumers. The block diagram of the Microturbine generation
system is shown in the Fig. 2.
Various advancements in the field of Wind Energy
lead us to the design of a Hybrid Generation System
comprising Wind Energy conversion system and
Fig. 2: Block Diagram of Microturbine Generation System
Microturbine generation system. The major concern is to
present the concept of hybrid generation system for The simulation model of the Microturbine with its
increasing the usage of Wind Energy and further whole system representation, along with its control system
improving its reliability and efficiency. interconnections is shown in Fig. 3.

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66 ‹ International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical, Electronics and Sustainable Energy Systems (ICETEESES–16)

Radiation Shield Time Constant T3 15

Thermocouple time constant T4 2.5
Temp. controller integration rate T 1 450
Temp. controller time constant T5 3.3
Ref. Temp.TR 950

B. Modeling of Hybrid Generation System

The hybrid generation system is modeled using a
Microturbine generation system and wind generation
system. Both the generation systems are connected to the
load with a Power Electronics interface on Microturbine
Simulation model of the hybrid generation System is
shown in Fig. 4. This system contains three subsystems
Fig. 3: Simulation Model of a Micro-turbine Microturbine, Power Electronics Interface, and Wind
Energy Conversion System. The simulation models of
A. Modeling of Microturbine Generation System power electronic interface and wind energy conversion
system have been shown in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively.
The Microturbine generation system has the following The Wind Energy Conversion System and
main components required for its simulation in MATLAB Microturbine Generation System are connected to the load
environment: through their respective buses. The current and voltage
1. Microturbine system measurements from these buses are fed to the power
2. Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator computation block to calculate their respective powers.
3. Power Electronics interface The Power Electronics Interface is used to convert
4. Variable Load high frequency output from the Microturbine generation
Parameters of the various components of system to 50 Hz. This system uses uncontrolled diode
Microturbine generation system are given in the following rectifier to convert AC to DC. This DC is filtered with the
tables. help of inductor and capacitor and fed to the Insulated
Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) inverter. IGBT inverter is
controlled using a Pulse width Modulated (PWM)
Stator Phase Resistance Rs Ohms 0.0125 generator and Voltage regulator as shown in Fig. 5.
Armature Inductance H 165*10^-6 Voltage regulator is supplied with three phase voltage
Flux Linkage Wb 0.2388
Number of Poles 4
(in p.u) from voltage measurement block and this voltage
Inertia kg-m2 0.011 is compared with a reference voltage of 1 p.u on a base
voltage of 380V. The supplied per unit voltage is
TABLE 2: PARAMETERS USED FOR THE SIMULATION OF converted to their respective d-q quantities (using abc to d-
q transformation block) with a 50 Hz reference phase
Voltage Regulator Kp 0.4 angle from Phase Lock Loop (PLL). Then PI controller
Kd 500 performs the voltage regulation and the d-q to abc
PWM Generator Carrier frequency Hz 2000 transformation is done. Finally, this signal is fed to the
Sampling Time sec. 2*10^-6 sec PWM generator which generates the switching pulses for
TABLE 3: PARAMETERS OF MICROTURBINE SYSTEM the IGBT inverter at a carrier frequency of 2 KHz. This
interface is very important to match the system frequency
Speed Controller Controller gain K 25
Parameters Governor Lead time constant T1 0.4
and voltage with the other system with which interfacing
Governor Lag time constant T2 1 has to be done.
Constant representing governor mode Z 3
Fuel System Valve positioner gain Kv 1
Parameters Fuel system actuator Kf 1
Valve positioner gain time constant Tv 0.05
Fuel System Actuator time constant Tf 0.04
Constant C 1
Gain K3 0.77
Gain K6 0.23
Compressor Turbine Combustion Delay TCR 0.01
Parameters Combustion discharge delay T CD 0.2
Turbine Exhaust System Delay TTD 0.04
Coefficient KHHV 1.2
Temperature Control Radiation Shield Constant K4 0.8
Parameters Radiation Shield Constant K5 0.2 Fig. 4: Simulation Model of the Hybrid Generation System

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Performance of Hybrid Wind-Microturbine Generation System in Isolated Mode ‹ 67

The other subsystem of the hybrid generation system system runs under variable wind conditions, and
is wind energy conversion system. This is the renewable characteristics of both the generation systems are studied.
system used as the main generation source in the hybrid The system is run for 10 seconds under variable wind
system. This system runs on the variable wind inputs to data as shown in Fig. 7. At t=0 seconds wind speed is 25
the wind turbine producing useful torque required for m/sec and varying at t=3, 4, 6, 8 seconds. The system is
running asynchronous generator. Feedback of the operating under constant pitch angle of 10ᵒ.
generator speed is given back to the wind turbine. The output voltage of the asynchronous generator
Wind turbine runs on the constant pitch angle of 10ᵒ. operating by the torque supplied from the wind turbine is
A capacitor is connected after the asynchronous generator shown in the Fig. 8. The output voltage of microturbine
to improve the power factor of the system. The simulation generation system has been shown in Fig. 9.
model of the wind energy conversion system is shown in Figure 8 and 9 shows that the output voltage and
Fig. 6. frequency of both the generation systems is equal for full
simulation time.

Fig. 7: Wind Speed Input to the Wind Turbine

Fig. 5: Simulation of the Power Electronic Interface

Fig. 8: Output Voltage of the Wind Energy Conversion System

Fig. 6: Simulation Model of the Wind Energy Conversion System

Fig. 9: Output Voltage of the Microturbine Generation System
The parameters for asynchronous generator of Wind The output voltage of the Microturbine generation
energy conversion system is shown in Table 4. system is obtained by using a rectifier inverter circuit.
TABLE 4: SHOWS PARAMETERS FOR SIMULATION OF Inverter is controlled by voltage regulator and PWM
ASYNCHRONOUS GENERATOR control circuit. The waveforms of the system are shown in
Asynchronous Nominal Power (kVA) 275 Fig. 10, 11 and 12.
Generator Nominal Voltage Vrms (Volts) 380
Frquency (Hz) 50
Stator resistance Rs (p.u.) 0.0016
Stator Inductance Ls (p.u.) 0.06
Rotor resistance Rr (p.u.) 0.015
Rotor Inductance Lr (p.u.) 0.06
Mutual Inductance Lm (p.u.) 3.5

Simulation of hybrid Wind-Microturbine generation Fig. 10: Stator Terminals Voltage of PMSG
system is performed using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The

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68 ‹ International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical, Electronics and Sustainable Energy Systems (ICETEESES–16)

Figure 10 shows the high frequency voltage output of time, the Microturbine starts producing the deficient
the permanent magnet synchronous generator. Due to such power. In the same way the Microturbine increases or
a high frequency of the order of 1600 Hz, the system is decreases its output power according to the output of the
provided with the rectifier-inverter circuit. Inverter is wind power.
controlled by the voltage regulator converting this output
voltage to 380V and 50 Hz.

Fig. 15: Power Extracted from the Microturbine Generation System

Figure 17 represents the rotor speed of the permanent

Fig. 11: DC Link Voltage of the Power Electronics Interface magnet synchronous generator. In this Figure, the rotor
rotates at rated speed at no load and speed of generator
decreases as the load increases. This rotor speed is
converted to per unit and sent to Microturbine system to
control its fuel demand.

Fig. 12: Inverter Output Voltage of Power Electronics Interface

Figures 10, 11 and 12 shows the stepwise conversion of

high voltage i.e. 8000V, and high frequency 1600 Hz.
Figs. 13 and 14 shows the variation of power supplied by Fig. 16: Power Consumed by the Load
the wind energy conversion system with the speed of the
asynchronous generator. The system power decreases with
the decrease in generator rotor speed.

Fig. 17: Rotor Speed of the PMSG

Figure 18 shows load demand of microturbine system.

Fig. 13: Rotor Speed of the Asynchronous Generator
It is seen from Fig. 18 that the system requires fuel little
more than rated value for the purpose of starting and after
that fuel demand varies with the rotor speed input. As the
speed of the rotor decreases the fuel demand increases and
vice versa.
The asynchronous generator also requires the reactive
power supply for excitation purpose during starting. This
reactive power is supplied by the micro-turbine.
Fig. 14: Power Extracted from the Wind Energy Conversion System

Figure 15 shows power extracted from microturbine

system. Power consumed by the load has been shown in
Fig. 16. Figs. 14, 15 and 16 shows that both the generation
systems are unstable till t=0.4 seconds. At t=0.4 seconds
the Wind Turbine is supplying the major portion of power
and Microturbinepower share is about 30 kW. But, as the
wind speed is reduced to 20 m/sec at t=1 second, wind
power is not sufficient to fulfill the load demand. At this Fig. 18: Fuel Demand of the Microturbine System

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