The Influence of The Catalyst On The Kinetics of Ethyl Metacrylate Synthesis
The Influence of The Catalyst On The Kinetics of Ethyl Metacrylate Synthesis
The Influence of The Catalyst On The Kinetics of Ethyl Metacrylate Synthesis
No. 1, 2007 7 The influence of the catalyst on the kinetics of ethyl
metacrylate synthesis
Miros3aw Grzesik1, Teresa Witczak2
Institute of Chemical Engineering, Polish Academy of Sciences, ul. Ba3tycka 5, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland,, fax (+48 12) 662 47 61 2 Faculty of Food Technology, University of Agriculture, ul. Balicka 122, 30-149
Kraków, Poland
The synthesis of ethyl metacrylate in the liquid phase was studied. Tungstophosphoric and molybdophosphoric
acids, which belong to heteropolyacids group, were used as a catalyst. The chemical compounds from this group are
often utilized in the catalysis with regard to their activity and selectivity. The rate equations, reaction rate constants
and equilibrium constants have been determined. The reaction order and the kinetic parameters of the kinetic
relations were determined by the integral method. All rate equations are formulated with activities taking the non
ideal effects of the compounds into consideration. It was found that the kinetics of the esterification of the presented
reactions was non-elementary.
Keywords: esterification, heteropoliacids, kinetics.
This work has been dedicated to Professor Fryderyk Strêk on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of his birthday.
The ethyl methacrylate is an ester of methacrylic acid and ethyl alcohol. It is used in numerous organic synthe- ses
to obtain various polymers and copolymers. With regard to its properties it has found a wide application in the
production of resins, synthetic rubber and paints1.
The direct esterification of acid with an alcohol can be described by the following stoichiometric equation: CH-
COOC2 = C(CH2H5 + 3 ) - HCOOH 2 O
+ C2H5OH ⇔ CH2 = C(CH3)
The important problem in the esterification of methacrylic acid are the side reactions of polymerization
(polymerization of methacrylic acid, polymerization of ester). In order to avoid them, the polymerization inhibi- tors
are added to the reaction mixture.
The most common catalysts, used in industrial synthe- sis of ethyl methacrylate, are strong mineral acids (hydro-
chloric, sulphuric). Despite the fact that they act very well as catalysts, their toxicity, corrosivity, and problems con-
nected with the creation of side-products dangerous for natural environment forced scientists to search for other
compounds that would be free of the mentioned above drawbacks.
Since the eighties of the last century, in industrial proc- esses based on acid catalysis (e.g. hydration of alkenes), new
compounds – that are part of the heteropolyacids group – have found an application. The highest activity and
selectivity in acid catalysis and in catalytic oxidation was demonstrated by heteropolyacids with a Keggin struc-
ture, and mainly they were subjected to an in-depth re- search2. The research has shown that they could be used in
both: the homogenic and in the heterogenic systems3 – 7. In the works of Izumi3 and Kozhevnikov7 the authors made
an attempt to describe the mechanism of a homogenic reaction catalyzed with a heteropolyacid. They found that in
addition to a participating proton, a heteropoly anion also participates in the process, which, in turn, additively
increases the reaction rate in comparison to the reactions conducted in the presence of traditionally-used acidic
catalysts. Because of that, heteropolyacids are interesting compounds that can find application in novel technolo-
This work examines the kinetics of ethyl methacrylate synthesis in the presence of tungstophosphoric acid and
molybdophosphoric acid. The influence of temperature, catalyst concentration and the molar ratio of reagents on the
reaction rate, were evaluated.
The experiments were carried out in an isothermal batch reactor (100 ml) equipped with a thermometer (±0.1 K), a
sampling cock and an azeotropic head with a reflux condenser. A magnetic stirrer (1000 rpm) was used to ensure the
homogeneity of the reaction mixture. The re- actor was placed in a heating jacket fed in a closed cycle with a liquid
from an ultrathermostat.
The experiment began with placing the weighted amounts of alcohol, hydroquinone and catalyst in the reactor. Then
the mixture was heated to the temperature at which the reaction was to be conducted and methacrylic acid was
added. Immediately after the temperature restabilised, the first sample for the analysis was collected. The time inter-
vals at which the concentration of the reaction mixture was measured were appropriately extended with the de-
creasing reaction rate. The part of studies intended to obtain the equilibrium data was carried out until the minimum
changes in the reagent concentrations were observed. Moreover, basing on the chromatographic analy- ses of the
randomly selected samples, only minimal amounts of reaction by-products were discovered. Such way of treatment
unequivocally allowed to conclude, that only the esterification reaction took place in the system, and the determined
change of acid concentration (by KOH titration and calculating acid number) depicted the real reaction progress.
In the experiments the following parameters were exam- ined: reaction temperature, the molar ratios of the rea-
gents and catalyst concentration in order to determine their influence on the degree of the conversion of the
methacrylic acid. The temperature was changed in a range from 338 to 358K for the tungstophosphoric acid and
from 343 to 353K for molybdophosphoric acid, the molar ratio of acid to ethyl alcohol from 1:3 to 1:10; the catalyst
concentration in the range from 4.92 to 14.76 wt% for the
8 Pol. J. Chem. Tech., Vol. 9, No. 1, 2007
tungstophosphoric acid, and from 3.12 to 12.48 wt % for molybdophosphoric acid.
Using the values of acid numbers, the degree of conver- sion for methacrylic acid was calculated from the for- mula:
where macid 0 is number the n0K total is the after mass initial the of reagents mole time number t of methacrylic acid,
in the reactor, LK(t) is the and 56000 is an analytical factor. establish The gained kinetic set equations of results by
αthe K =f(t), integral was method.
employed to
A preliminary analysis of the experimental results indi- cated that the reaction rate did not depend on the concen-
tration of the reagents in a simple manner. As the chemi-
Figure 1. Comparison of computer results (solid lines) with the experimental data (symbols) for the esterifica- tion reaction of
methacrylic acid with ethanol in the presence of wt%, T=348K 1:5 H3PW8.94 12Owt%, 40 (♦ T=348K 1:5 4.92 T=348K 1:5 14.76
cal process under study took place in the liquid phase and the mixtures were multicomponent and contained polar
substances, it was supposed that the reaction rate would be proportional not to the concentration, but to the activ- ity
of the reagents. Therefore, activity coefficients were determined by using the UNIFAC (Universal Functional Group
Activity Coefficients) method. From the results it was found that the activity of the reagents did not corre- spond
with their concentration. Accordingly, the kinetic models developed were based on concentration activities. For both
the tungstophosphoric and molybdophosphoric acid, the same, non-elementary, form of the kinetic equa- tion was
where reaction Ka rate is alcohol, ester thermodynamic equilibrium constant, k is
constant, and water, aKrespectively.
, aA, aE, aW are
activities of acid,
Thermodynamic equilibrium constant was also reagents activity dependent. Its change as a function of temperature
is described by the relationship below:
Using reaction rate constants at different temperatures the the Figure 2. Comparison of computer results (solid lines) with
the experimental data (symbols) for the esterifica- tion reaction of methacrylic acid with ethanol in the presence of wt%, T=348K
H1:3 3PMo6.24 12wt%, O40 ( ♦ T=348K 1:3 3.12 T=348K 1:3 12.48 wt%)
frequency investigated coefficient reaction (k0) were and activation calculated energy from (E) the of
Arrhenius equation by means of linear regression. Their values are shown in Table 1.
Based on the derived model equations, the degree of conversion of methacrylic acid, was established and com- pared
with the values obtained experimentally. The re- sults of fitting the calculated results to the experimental
Figure 3. The effect of catalyst concentration on the reac-
tion rate constant
data are shown in Figs 1, and 2. Only selected results are given.
The tungstophosphoric and molybdophosphoric acids turned out to be active catalysts of the reaction of esteri-
fication of methacrylic acid using ethanol. Under the Table 1. Kinetic parameters
conditions of the process, it was possible to obtain a rela- tively high reaction rate. The relationship between the
reaction rate constant and catalyst concentration is shown in Fig. 3.
Pol. J. Chem. Tech., Vol. 9, No. 1, 2007 9